@Toronto Raptors

What did Scottie do to this man

What did Scottie do to this man

by DontCheeseMeBro


  1. CazOnReddit

    He’s mad he can’t write a column about Fred VanVleet after his latest concert show splits

  2. Scottie’s gonna get more criticism now that he’s an all star. raptors fans been shitting on him in game threads the past couple weeks too

  3. It-sOkBro

    no really tho as the leader of the team scottie has to stop which this no close out shit

  4. GuessableSevens

    Doug is a straight hater but that play pissed me off too. Scottie has terrible body language and attitude sometimes, man.

  5. can we trade Dougie for Caitlin Cooper before the trade deadline?

  6. BeNiceMan99

    I don’t know how Scottie’s biggest hater is allowed to talk to the team and inject his opinion on a daily basis. How does Doug Smith have a media pass?

  7. Tbf that play annoyed me too and even Matt Devlin called it out during the broadcast

  8. klobucharzard

    1. no ones closed out in an all star game since 1996
    2. doug smith is a terrible writer
    3. some of you defend scottie to the point where it feels like youve never cheered for a team w/ a star on it before

  9. Barnicus57

    Doug wrote this in his last mailbag and I don’t really see anything worth being outraged about. Sometimes the way he gets his message across seems pretty boomer-ish, but this seems like a pretty reasonable way to feel about Scottie in general.

    I’m not his biggest fan, but the pile-on is pretty lame when people in this very sub have said much worse things.

  10. He’s right, he just watched Miller put up a 3 and didn’t even try to close the gap. Even the play-by-play was questioning the effort. Scottie has a bad habit of waving guys off. Of all things you could question Doug on, this ain’t it.

    I really don’t understand these hate boner posts. If you don’t like a journalist, stop reading their tweets and articles. It’s not like you’re going to miss some breaking news by un-following them, since every major move in the NBA is leaked by the same 2-3 people and then just repeated by everyone else.

  11. littlepino34

    It’s amazing Doug can keep his job for so long when there are so many great basketball writers who would do a way better job. Sports media is the one of the least meritorious jobs available

  12. raps14ever

    Scottie is a weird guy. The effort isn’t always there. Some plays it looks like this guy can be the best player in the league and other times his effort is worse than Zion’s diet. I think Masai and Darko need to consider hiring an assistant coach that will get on his ass when he doesn’t try. Cause it looks like the team and staff are all nice guys who believe in positive reinforcement. You need an Oakley type of person to challenge him. Maybe Smitch wants to be an assistant coach and slam Scottie into a table for an attitude adjustment. Last thing we want is a Carter 2.0, who just coasts on talent, eventually leaves and then just bounces around from team to team.

  13. In this case it’s deserved. Scottie’s defence angers me so much sometimes, he’s a great help defender but he gets blown by so easy and our team doesn’t have a good track record of always having a help defender in the paint. Just layup lines against us, 80 something points in the paint and shit, the boy gotta stop being a pylon in man on man d.

  14. If I’m being honest, watching this game I was like “damn this is embarrassing that our ‘all-star’ be performing like this”. Like we were losing allll game to the Hornets without Lamelo.. Straight gahbaj, this season prob been the least interested I’ve been in watching every game. It’s just not a great on-court product we as the consumers are being provided.

  15. slicksonslick

    Scottie has played like ass for a while now

  16. Doug loved DeMar. Doug loves to talk about going for dinner with him. Im guessing Scottie doesn’t give him the time of day. Scottie does deserve criticism but Doug seems to have a vendetta.

  17. bonjovi0308

    Problem is general fans thought if you are an all star then u must be a perfect basketball player?

  18. imamistake420

    You know those fans in this sub that only love to spew hate at our players and team? Well, that’s always been Doug Smith. He needs to retire… ten years ago.

  19. On the play he’s talking about RJ fell asleep and his man (Nick Smith Jr. 40% 3pt) was wide open at the top. Scottie took a couple steps towards RJ’s man, who immediately swung it to an even more wide open Miller. By that point it was way too late for Scottie to affect the shot, but he could have at least put a hand up so the casuals like Doug Smith don’t complain. Miller made a smart read and when he saw Scottie helping to the top, he spaced even further down the wing so there was no chance to recover.

    The real issue here was RJ being in the middle of the key while an elite shooter was catching the ball, and then more importantly was the lack of communication once the breakdown started. RJ was so out of position that he should have trusted/told Scottie to take his man, and then he could rotate onto Miller. Instead he wildly closes out, while Scottie half commits to helping because he doesn’t want to leave either of these knockdown shooters open.

    Edit: This is the best clip of it I could find, but if you seriously think Scottie is the one to blame here please explain why RJ is in the middle of the key when the video clip starts. [](

  20. Maya-Inca-Boy

    Lmao I wonder Scottie did in his second year, bro had issues with media guys, Nurse, Fred, Thad, Masai had to talk to him. He must’ve been a real asshole.

  21. National-Stretch3979

    It was a shit closeout. My pet peeve with SB is that his motor is stalled half the game.

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