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BREAKING: Sixers Trade For Buddy Hield | WIP Midday Show

BREAKING: Sixers Trade For Buddy Hield | WIP Midday Show

Elliott uh so what are the terms of the deal as we went to break there we found out the Sixers are nearing a deal for Buddy heel the guard from the Pacers yeah so buddy heeld comes to Philadelphia from the Indiana Pacers uh in exchange the Sixers are sending

Marcus Morris feron corkas and three second round draft pick so not a cheap deal that is quite a bit to give up for a rental buddy hild is in the F final year of his contract but a move and a move that should help them both when

Embiid is back and right now with embiid out I agree with that uh look I this is not a deal that’s going to move the needle extreme to extreme level it’s also not one like you said ell it’s not cheap it’s not like they just gave up

The expiring contracts it was a swap there they they gave up three picks that could have been used down the line for something else so this is a signal to me ell they’re going to try they’re trying today and well it it accomplishes a few things one and one thing you’ve heard a

Lot uh from the Sixers is the cap space plan they want to have cap SPAC this off season you talked about it in the first segment it does not change that buddy is an expiring contract I don’t think you gave up enough where you have to resign

Him you didn’t give up any of the first round picks but he also is helpful again a 39% uh shooter from three on almost seven attempts a game he can space the floor for Joel when he’s back but he’s also somebody that scored that’s averaged close to 20 points a few

Seasons uh in his career I think he helps Maxi in taking some of the scoring uh on the perimeter off of his plate and I think he can be the ball handler if you need him to so a good trade right now but also keeps their flexibility open here what’s your reaction budy

Healed for a couple expiring contracts and three second round picks you know didn’t they just give Marcus Mor a key to the city the Sixers or the or the city city the city he can take it with him come back can you use that I’m I’m I’m more curious about can you use

Actually use the key after you’ve been traded work yeah no but I think they they went out and they did what they could like this is what we’re we’re wearing this against whether or not what what we’re going to get from Joel embiid and how much are we fact in him in to

This playoff run and I and it’s kind of hard to say with this move cuz this is not an all-in move this is this is a good move no question about it but it wasn’t I don’t think it was one that that gets the fan base real real excited

No it’s a thread the needle move it helps a little bit now certainly I mean he will help them in the short term but like Elliot said it doesn’t impact the cap in the future the picks I mean they gave three second round picks they could have been using other deals but those

Aren’t you know huge picks there 215 592 9494 are we’re going to get to uh huge Clues coming up in a few we have a tries to give away giv away priz but Hugh you brought up something interesting there about Joel embiid um and the Sixers and their responsibility here to factor him

Into all of this whether it be what they’re getting for this year what they’re getting for the future and how much should they I mean the guy always hurt but we know he’s a great player and he’s for now this team’s sun and the moon and the stars right he’s the no

Question about everything revolves around so should should these moves today should they think about embiid when they do I think so I think so I think it’s important I think because he is still the Catalyst for this team I know a lot of people don’t want to hear

That because he’s been off H in all these these playoffs scenarios that we’re talking about but you still have to give him a chance man and I think that with the budding star that we have in Tyreek Maxi you also have to worry about H stun his growth by not getting

Somebody to help him become a better player it’s a whole lot of stuff going on it’s it’s so many irons in the fire when it comes to all of this it’s hard to just punt on the season in my opinion yeah so a play the six have been rumored

To be involved with Kelly olick the Utah Jazz are trading uh him to the Toronto Raptor so no Kelly oen in uh in Philadelphia all right he would have been a similar kind of buddy heeld right he’s like a center buddy heeld a guy that’s on an expire stretch the floor

Yeah they rumored to have interest in him uh they’re also rumored to be on Andre Drummond so if o Len’s not coming here maybe Drummond becomes a possibility Drummond makes a lot of sense he was here before he can you know they need another big guy I mean that’s

Obvious without embiid they’re not going to find anyone that’s like like and be but they just need a center because Paul Reed can only do so much yeah and and you excuse me if you’re trying to Savage this season when you got this tough stress coming up you’re going to have to

Get some big guy in there that’s going to help out somewhat give you some kind of help of course and and I think Drummond makes a lot of sense so no o Lin all right 215 592 9494 your reaction to the Buddy heel trade and should the

Sixers do more here at the deadline Ellie what’s your perspective on the uh the embiid factor in all this because he hovers over everything right like he had the surgery the the news and the reporting is there’s a chance he comes back maybe a pretty good chance they we

Don’t seem to think they haven’t reported he had the major surgery so I think he’s still got a real chance to come back how much should Joel factor into what they do I don’t think Joel should really factor into what they do um Joel is obviously the best player on

The team he’s arguably the best player in the NBA but he’s not around enough he’s going to be out probably the rest of this regular season if not the majority of it he might not play in the playoffs um and the the issue that Sixers have run in into time and time

Again is they build a team around Joel and then when the important games come in the playoffs he’s not around like he’s not there so they’re not used to playing uh without him they don’t have a roster that’s set up to to play without him this is why I like a player like

Murray I’m not saying you go and build around Murray but if you build around Maxi and Murray and now you have buddy healed and you become a guard oriented team with shooting that’s something that can translate into the postseason so when I’m making trades today or when I’m

Making trades this offseason Joel is no longer top of my for me it is about acquiring the best player and getting the best players you can to Philly not worrying about building around somebody that frankly has not been here in the biggest moments yeah it’s a thread the

Needle thing Hugh it’s hard I’m with more with you on this Hugh I think that they as long as he’s here as long as Joel is here it he has to be the centerpiece yeah he’s the son of mood and the Stars when you talk about how

Many games have they won since he’s been gone well they’re four and 12 without him yeah so it it’s one of those things where that’s how our team is built right now and I know that in like in order to make it better we need that third guy

But we still need Joel embiid In the Mix man cuz he takes a lot of pressure off of everybody and I’m also looking to try to make Tyrese Maxi grow as a as a a player I don’t I don’t know how good he can be but I think he could be really

Good if given opportunity well the Maxi element to this is I mean he over the next six weeks Maxi’s got to play really well I mean I don’t think there’s anything they do today that’s going to change that element of it the Maxi has to play really well to to prove that

He’s as good as we they might give him a Max contract they probably will la at this offseason he’s got to earn that the next six weeks yeah and he’s been mostly a disaster without Joel and and and forget the with without Joel thing there’s been times where Joel hasn’t had

Good games and Maxi hasn’t been able to step up Maxi has had good games year he is an All-Star I mean obviously he he’s probably exceeded expectations to an extent this year but if you’re going to give him a Max contract and he’s going to be an actual Allstar then he’s got to

Play like that when Joelle is not here what other number two in the NBA do we just excuse away failure when the number one’s not we wouldn’t do this for Jaylen Brown we wouldn’t do this for Damen Lillard like you you don’t do it for actual numbers two for for number two

Guys Maxi has been really bad without Joel and that’s a major concern you know what that was the thing I was thinking about last night watching the game and I know that there was rumors that he wasn’t going to play because he was sick oh yeah and then when he went out there

And you know like everybody else you think Jordan flu gang and and I was thinking like well you know everybody can have one of those games but the bottom line is this when you got that Allstar by your name regardless if you’re 19 or 28 you have to go out there

You have to play like an allar it’s it’s it’s a cold world to be in but that’s the that’s the cold honest truth about the situation you have to play better well the other part is maybe Maxi is actually a number three that’s masquerading around as a two because we

Like him and he’s an All-Star I mean like I mean he doesn’t look like a number two to me right now he looks like a three that is being asked to be a one and that’s what happens let’s go to the phone lines here and then we’ll set you

Up for Hughes Clues Jackson is in Phoenixville what’s up Jackson so you guys keep talking about trading Maxi but yet he’s like the fan favorite he loves it here in Philadelphia Jackson I don’t know if anyone said those words trade Maxi we’re just discussing Maxi’s playing I don’t

Recall saying that pretty much OT short Parks like five minutes ago before the break said that they would trade Maxi I would definitely consider trading Maxi why wouldn’t you we’re waiting on you to retort Jackson that this the floor is yours I why would you trade the best

Asset you have besides embiid he’s the best asset you have besides emid I’m not saying I would trade him for nothing but if if you’re telling me and I don’t know where you fall in this but if if Joe and Hugh want to build around embiid and you

And Maxi is showing that without embiid he can’t do it and even with him be in the playoffs he has been shut down from the perimeter like there is no proof Maxi in my opinion when it comes down to it can be the number one guy on the perimeter he’s too

Small we didn’t I’m not talking about the perimeter he the guy drives the net so let me just he doesn’t get to the free throw line I I just don’t understand that that concept you have a homegrown talent in Max you d drafted him and now you’re going to go out and

Trade him look what happened with Mel Bridges look what I mean I just don’t understand like you you you can’t have it both ways you’re talking out of both sides of your mouth but Jackson Hold on here’s the Jackson here’s the problem and I I like Maxi I think we all like

Maxi I like Maxi too I’m not saying I would trade him for nothing but we talk about trading Joel all the time the issue I have Jackson with the Maxi situation is the timeline for Maxi’s growth and embiid’s reality do not match up to me Tyres Maxi’s probably going to

If he graduates to being a guy that you could win a title with as your number two guy that’s probably two or three years from now and Joelle two or three years from now might be cooked like that that’s been my problem with this whole setup for for the whole last year is

They don’t match like your stars they got they got to match assets that are not homegrown that you have a fan favorite who loves being here and I you know what here we go you know instead of arguing about it why don’t you bet me

Bet bet me how much you want to bet he’s not going to get traded I don’t think any of us think he’s going to get his whole whatever what’s the time what’s the time I don’t care just get me think he just mad hang on I’ll hang on you can

Bet me all right so so the bet is that put your money where your mouth is he’s not going anywhere ever ever ever hold on you think he’s gonna play his entire career as a sixer yes I do all right I’ll bet you $100 for charity how many players in the

NBA ever play their entire career in one city like 1% okay let’s say you walk allar career like Michael Jordan went to the went to the Wizards Wizards I mean come on that doesn’t count all right you know Jackson we’ll we’ll we’ll figure this whole thing out I’ll yeah I’ll bet you money

For charity cool uh look I I don’t think the premise today in our at least our discussion was to trade Maxi but Elliot brings up an interesting point which is how Daryl M’s got a lot of of things he’s trying to juggle here between this year the future Joel but the Maxi thing

Is part of this because they have to pay him a Max this summer that’s what he’s going to want he’s made the All-Star team he’s probably going to get it and not trying to put words in and in uh you know esp’s mouth because he can do that

For him damn self but he said he would listen to right he never said he would trade he said but you I I think that if you’re a GM of a professional sports team if somebody calls with a trade offer you could you you can listen to it

Don’t mean you could have to entertain it but it’s okay to listen to it yeah of course

The WIP Midday Show reacts live to the Sixers trading Marcus Morris and Furkan Korkmaz to the Indiana Pacers in exchange for Buddy Hield.

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