@Phoenix Suns

One year removed from acquiring Kevin Durant, what moves await the Phoenix Suns?

One year removed from acquiring Kevin Durant, what moves await the Phoenix Suns?

I guess we don’t get uh any intro music until the last minute huh uh welcome to uh outside shots presented to you as always by the good folks over at OG’s I’m in the middle of Las Vegas so you can see the the weird ass curtains

Behind me Eddie’s uh back home so uh EJ how we doing today I’m doing good uh waiting for the boring trade deadline yeah there’s already a lot of uh things happening uh you know buddy heel getting traded this morning to Philadelphia 76ers uh the Suns we’ll we’ll wait to

See if they make any moves here in the last uh minutes of of the trade deadline as we wait I think it’s one o’clock Arizona time is when the trade deadline wraps up so Hey listen uh one thing is for certain miles Bridges will not be

Coming to the Phoenix Sun so those of you who are a little anxious about that uh good or bad uh that will not be happening because he is told the Charlotte Hornets that he is not going going to uh he does not want to get traded and he has the trade restriction

So he has the option to stay or go and that’s that so we can put that to bed but there’s still other rumors about Royce O’Neal out there and we’ll see if that comes to fruition and I’m sure there’s some other things that are being discussed at the last minute as well so

You know desperate times call for desperate measures for some teams and I don’t know if the suns are really in that position because they’re starting to groove uh EJ and you know we saw that the other night against Milwaukee Bucks yeah look it’s it’s not a shock is

It I think we all talked about once these guys can get some reps and play on a consistent basis they’ll get better I mean their their history is proven that to us based on what they’ve done as individuals and so you know my whole thing was let’s get these three on the

Floor let’s keep Eric Gordon and grayon Allen healthy on the floor with them and let these other guys get reps gain confidence not only in themselves but also confidence come from the big three and the coaching staff that would Elevate them even more uh for example bo

B who sat over there most of the year I was one of them ones that was like why aren’t we playing them lo and behold you know you can see the benefit that this young man can have if he’s on the floor so all those things are great uh still

The turnovers is always going to be in issue uh and it’s because obviously we don’t have a true point guard in that sense yeah so those guys are going have to continue to make sure they’re just careful with the basketball because if they take care of the ball most kns

They’re going to win and I think that’s the key right now you know I was talking to uh Vic Lombardi out out in Denver he does a a local uh broadcast in Denver uh Sports cast and uh I you know we were just kind of chopping it up last night

And he said you know there’s only one team I’m really worried about right now and that is the Phoenix Suns he’s like because I don’t think we’ve seen them at their Max potential yet and they’re still working on things and you know the the concern for the Suns is always you

Know the things that they can control really you know as you pointed out the turnovers uh rebounding things of that nature but the other thing is just the chemistry and that takes a little bit of time and I think you know even I you know I’ll even admit that I at a certain

Point that I even was just like you know I don’t I don’t know if this is really going to work this season you know because I I felt like they still needed you know sometimes when you when you look at the Nuggets they’ve been together for a while and they got that

You know they know where everybody’s going to be at at any given time and so there’s just kind of this connectedness that they have and the suns are still trying to find that but um the identity between the big three was also a huge part of that and I think you’re starting

To see that now you know KD feeling a little bit more comfortable in the system with book and with Beal Beal being a little bit more aggressive and not being as passive as he as he had been um you know we saw that the other night in Washington I think that kind of

Spur him forward to really be who he really is and that’s like one of the best guards in the league so I I’m excited for the future I I am wondering what it lays ahead especially today uh I know Roy sneil has been talked about but there are other players that could

Possibly be moved and I think the the rumor right now is that what’s being floated around is na or little and a couple of of picks uh but we’ll see if he’s on the roster or not today and and whoever else might be on the roster at the end of the day I

Don’t know if there’s really a move on the fringes and I would say Royce O’Neal is one of those guys that he’s a good player but I don’t know if he really moves you into a different category alog together um and I don’t know if there’s

Really a move out there Eddie that that will Shore up any of the sun’s weaknesses that they really do have right now well I think the the the one area obviously uh the fallback is to find a veteran point guard it’s obvious that you know Goodwin and Lee aren’t you know

Aren’t getting the Reps uh just to have that security blanket of when teams press presses uh when they try to extend their defense that you have a guy that can just get the ball up quickly uh get it up get into the offense give the ball

Up to one of the big three and then get out of the way go spot up I mean that guy might be available in trade or he might be available on the buyout Market yeah and I think it’s just a patient you know it’s a patience game now that has

To happen uh with this obviously the suns are still going to be aggressive all the way up until 1 pm see if they can get something done uh and so yeah since the miles Bridge situation is gone and I have no issue with that with Miles

Bridges would he had been from a player standpoint a tremendous pickup yes you see what he’s doing the last two games yeah yeah he out SP uh and he’s about six foot six but he plays like a power forward and he can flat out shoot the

Ball so I mean now I think people can understand why teams were trying to get him uh he just left something out there on the table I’m I’m still a little shocked that he decided to stay in that regard on a team that’s definitely reshuffling uh a team that probably

Still has a question mark on whether they’re going to extend them uh you know sign him to a New Deal uh so to me the easiest way is to get to a winning team and have a ton of success on that winning team and increase your value

It’s hard to increase your value when you’re on a losing team because people just say oh he’s just putting up numbers yeah can do that on a winning in a winning environment uh and if he goes to a team he’s not going to be a onea like so he’s gonna have to be

Subservient on whatever team he goes to and so how is he G to play in that role because yeah on this team Charlotte right now he’s becoming a onea but that onea is leading to losses every night so that’s what I would tell him but uh

That’s fine uh you know signs have to move on uh and again we don’t know how terribly interested they were in him because I guarantee you if they would have thrown a good package at charlot they they he they would have tried to push the issue and I don’t think they

Did yeah I I don’t think they did either and listen they’re they’re limited with in the first place they’re limited with you know they have four second round picks and and some and some players that um are not highly regarded around the league but they have some salary space

That to be able to acquire other individuals cap wise and uh you got to maximize that to the best of your abilities and I don’t know if a package that was presented to Charlotte if there was one uh would have been worth it in their eyes for for a tremendous

Basketball player and know the other stuff we can we’ve already talked about and discussed so um but moving along I I I do want to say this one year ago today at the trade deadline we got one of the best players in NBA history and Kevin

Durant what one year moved uh from the trade uh what has been your total assessment of Kevin Durant at this point uh you know in in terms of just you know his contributions to the Phoenix Suns what he’s meant to the valley and what he’s meant to this team and the

Aspirations that they have to win a championship look anytime you can go trade for one of the greatest players and that’s what he’ll be uh when he retires in the history of this game uh probably you know could be at the top in regards to Pure score uh you know I

Always say Michael Jordan is the greatest scorer that we’ve had this game his Relentless his relentlessness puts him up there but Kevin Durant might arguably be the most efficient uh player other than a center right uh that we’ve had in the history of this game so why don’t you go after

Him you know he’s a guy that doesn’t create a lot of issues around the team he’s very unselfish so everybody tried to get him uh but but he wanted to come to Phoenix and that’s that’s why the deal worked uh that’s the place he wanted to be and other teams backed off

Because of that knowledge and so great to have them yeah unfortunate you got to give up stuff Mel and cam Johnson without a doubt but in order to get something you got to give something oh yeah right you knew that you knew that when you got marri you know you got her

You gave up the wallet you gave hold you gave up the wallet yeah you couldn’t go out late no more you were more conscious of how you dressed you couldn’t go two days without taking a shower gota give up oh yeah good things is you got your

Woman good you get a good plate of food every night you got somebody that loves you so have the tradeoff yeah yeah yeah absolutely well and listen EJ I am the cook in the household not her I well I could expand to some other things

But oh you know I I think when I when I think about Kevin Durant’s uh contributions to the Phoenix Suns I think first of all just another great player in franchise history obviously but more importantly I think I think it’s this has been an experience for

Booker too because he got to play with Chris Paul now he’s playing with Kevin Durant and I think there’s something to be said about you know I I don’t think I don’t know if Kevin Durant was books you know Idol if you will but I do know that

He he reveres he revered him uh from a basketball perspective and and just as a person and so when that guy walks through the door I’m sure there was a little bit of you know it felt a little surreal to book and now you’re playing with him and not only that but you’re

Also coaching each other up about the things that you like and you don’t like and I think that’s something that people Overlook in terms of the chemistry issue right like it’s not just it’s not just basketball in in a in an ex’s and O sense it’s feel it’s it’s the uh you

Know the intangibles and and the small little things that go into uh every every game and I I just I’ve been really excited uh probably for the first time since Kevin Durant got here in this in this last stretch of games where it feels like you can start to see things

Clicking and and I it feels like okay this is what everybody expected at the beginning of the season now we’re starting to see the glimpses of that and that’s kind of scary because they haven’t maximized that at all and I think Kevin Durant would even tell you

Like he’s still filling out the process because there’s been games where he’s only shot you know 10 11 12 times uh and I know in his history he’s he’s usually shooting somewhere between 15 18 times a game so he’s not a he’s not a volume shooter um but he’s so efficient that

He’s still going to drop 30 on 10 shots you know what I mean and so I think he’s even been picking and choosing his spots as to when to step up and when when to just kind of defer to everybody else but I think his feel for the game was

Something that I did not expect to see at this level I didn’t expect him to facilitate at the level that he has been facilitating uh from time to time and I’ve been very impressed by that you know I’ve watched Kevin Durant a lot I didn’t watch him every game when he was

At the Nets uh you know we just we have our own team to worry about that’s that’s been a pleasant surprise to see him adjust from game to game to find out you know what’s really going to benefit the team you know he’s just he’s just a

Basketball player you know and as he said I’ll quote him I’m a Hooper yeah that’s it man like you know people when when somebody says that people don’t understand like I’m a Hooper like and they and they and they look at it like what does he mean by

That they all are hoopers no not really not really no a Hooper is a guy that he just plays the game the right way like he just plays it it is nothing in the game when he plays it that reeks of selfishness that reeks of anything being

Higher and more important than the W yeah a Hooper is a guy that gets up every day and the first thing he thinks about is basketball a Hooper is a guy that every day pays attention to his body a Hooper is a guy that wants to see his teammates

Do well and not just himself yeah a Hooper is a guy that just shares the wealth of his knowledge and and leads and and and really encourages and and all for the good of what the w a lot of guys aren’t like that yeah a lot of guys

They just all about themselves they all about what they’re getting you know and I I won’t I hate to single out a guy but I I there’s a number of guys I could single out but I’m only going to single him out because people have said this

About him and he’s had numerous coaches over the last couple of years and that’s Trey young like Trey young can play the game of basketball and it might look like he’s very unselfish cuz he’s going to pile up eight to nine to 10 assists a

Game but he just picked up a guy Deontay Murray who everybody thought was probably could Elevate to one of the best defenders in the game you know he’s a tremendous scorer and for some reason this bond has not worked yeah so why is this Bond not working you know because you look over

Here at Phoenix uh same scenario Kevin Durant comes over and the bond works with he and Devon unfortunately for Kevin it never got a chance to work in Brooklyn because of the injury history to Kyrie Irving and then I think the not so subtle relationship between Harden and uh Kyrie

At the end so you know no mean this guy was the perfect trade chip I think it’s paid dividends unfortunately got injur when he first showed up last year I thought they cost the Suns uh I really do uh in regards to their to their exit

From the playoffs but you know uh it’s G to pay dividends uh this year it’s gon to be tough man it’s gonna be tough there’s no clear runaway team in the west it’s just not we you saw that last night when the Pelicans went into LA and

And beat the Clippers and pretty much led the game from start to finish okay led the game start finish pretty much I think the Clippers caught them one time in the 20s and they went up one or two and after that the Pelicans just controlled the game and so it just shows

You how good the western conference is well speaking of the Western Conference that the Oklahoma City Thunder just got better um because they have just closed in they’re closing in on a trade for Gordon Hayward uh for from Charlotte so um they’re they’re trying to bolster their roster to get ready for the

Playoffs KC is going to be a tough out for a lot of people and I said that at the beginning of the season I said you know they were they were kind of uh they were the team that I kind of had my eye on and uh sure enough they’re they’re

One of the better teams in the in the Western Conference and they’re a young team and but they play they play at a high level and uh they’ll continue to for the rest of the season I’m sure uh there’s also more trade news just in case you were wondering uh this is

Another one the 76ers are trading Daniel house and a 2024 second round pick to the Knicks uh via the Pistons or I’m via the Knicks to the Pistons so Gordon Hayward Gordon Haywood I I love this game I I tell I you know argue with my

Co-host from NBA Today serus XM 4 to7 eastern time every day check it out today uh I argue with Justin terman all the time about Gordon haey I said he should have never left Utah like sometimes you know you are in the perfect place for you just put it where

It is Utah’s a perfect place for him like he would own that City own it but he had a desire to go play with his ex- college coach right and you know he’s been gone so long what’s his name again uh man Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens

St Brad Stevens Brad Stevens who I think was a good coach very good coach but you can tell tell he actually didn’t have the the heart to coach long term you know cuz he ran from his coaching job and I tell people that people don’t like

That I say it but hey that’s exactly what he did and he had the Good Fortune to have a relationship to go to the front office most coaches don’t have that if you’re not coaching you’re done uh and that’s what you know what Haywood wanted to do and I said man stay

In Utah man they’re G to I know he was mad they didn’t pay him initially what he wanted but he would eventually have gotten it and he’d have been in a great environment uh him on those teams with Rudy go bear uh I thought you know in the way

They developed over the years with the teams that they had I thought would have been really good so what I’m saying is if he’s healthy he pick up Oklahoma City yeah I mean he fits what they do tremendously well he can rebound the ball he can pass the ball he’s unselfish

Uh uh he is a problem if he’s healthy the problem for him is he’s never healthy yeah yeah yeah he’s got that uh that itis at some point so uh I I I do think that uh Lowry marinan has taken that role very very well and uh you see

What he’s doing kind of reinfor your point and they and and the trade room was out on him I’m like are you crazy Utah Danny a look H don’t you dare that dude is ridiculous man yeah yeah we got to deal with him tonight yeah yeah trade him yeah trade him trade

Tonight yeah Lowry’s been uh he’s been phenomenal this season one of the best players in the NBA and and that nobody’s really talking enough about to be honest with you he’s uh now of course I’m I’m you know of course I’m biased because you know he went to the

University of Arizona but you know one thing I’m also biased about is OG’s so you can get yourself one of the the the lovely edibles at OG’s by going to ogs find the closest expens to you go get yourself a little happy balance in your life go get a little RSO

To chill out uh maybe some indica or sativa uh Lord knows uh being out here in Vegas it has been uh it’s been an experience and you know Eddie I think two or three days in Vegas is about good enough for me unfortunately for me I I’m

G to be here for six days and uh that wallet’s looking a little light uh so uh oh You’ been gambling well actually I’m Eddie I’m up $200 so what you playing what T I mean list I go to these budget tables over here man $10 Blackjack hands man I’m not

I’m not a high roller like you I I don’t look look I don’t play Blackjack I’m telling you man I I retired from Blackjack uh probably about 20 years 25 years ago I sat at a table with my good friend Mike Woodson couple other NBA guys was sitting at this table it’s $50

Table okay I am telling you they’re winning I’m not it’s like nine people at the table eight winning I’m not like I’m like so I started count I started keeping count and I’m I kid you I’m not I’m not jabing anybody on this story I am serious 25 St

Hands I lost damn hold it but here’s the kicker here’s the kicker I never got one blackjack in 25 hands now come on man like I like I’d get I get an ace turn over it was another Ace so I double down split them three and a two

Or okay like I’m like are you kidding me it became a running joke like people were watching us play and I was literally totally embarrassed after the 25th hand I freaking got up and I said I’ll never play this game again seriously and the only time I’ve ever

Played it since then is when the other half wants to play it I’ll sit down and I’ll play $10 I won’t play it man yeah so good for you that you wony some of you guys need to come out maybe we’ll have a a special little

Event in the offseason where maybe we do like a show live or something like that I’ll have EJ tell you guys about uh his Carson City uh gambling uh stuff because that is uh I mean you talk about high rollers hey hey Carson City there’s some high rollers in those casinos for sure

So really but like I said you can you can you won’t be a high roller but you can have a nice little little high on the the on ogs by going to ogs remember you must be 21 or older to enjoy you must be 21 and older

As well to enjoy Four Peaks and Four Peaks is one of our great sponsors we love Four Peaks uh they got that new crossover ale with bad birdie check it out go to uh for Peaks uh to find the closest uh you know available uh store to purchase Four Peaks uh they

Got a lot of great beers the peach Al’s coming back into the season you they got the kill lifters they got the Staples you know what they are uh before Peaks is a pH Al and Eddie they got a barbecue spot they got a barbecue event coming up

Here in about a month or two uh that I’m pretty excited about uh so uh you you know you might want to get your bib ready because we’re gonna go eat some ribs together at some point uh anyway uh so book you know EJ we talked about

Shoes before and you kind of like we were like well I don’t get it I don’t understand the shoe the shoe game whatever but you know it’s it’s a big deal to a lot of people and the way this whole book Shoe release release has happened has been pretty awful uh

Because the the original release was in Miami it was only 500 shoes and they try to make this like this selective thing uh even to the point where Devon Booker wasn’t really happy with the how this has all been laid out and Nike controls everything obviously Nike has a has a

Particular you know release idea but this one just completely missed the mark well fortunately now things are going to change because on February 17th you you’re self can now get the book chapter one actually the the book ones and it’s it’ll be the Mirage and here’s a here’s

An image of the Mirage um EJ when you look at these shoes uh these are supposed to be a crossover between um hoop and shoes but also a lifestyle shoe and we’ve seen Devon Booker wear wear these on the court uh have you seen them

Up close do you have a pair what do you think about the book uh book released uh shoes I don’t I don’t have a pair uh but I’m sure if I ask him for a pair he’d gladly give me a pair uh so I I will get

A pair I will have you know one equipment manager grab me a pair of you mean two pairs right Eddie two pairs well I don’t you don’t do you wear 15 no I don’t oh I mean so if I tell him give me a 15 and a and and a three I see

Feet listen man size 12 man 12 is a normal size shoe man come on now and Jacob I don’t know if you’re still on your phone but you can pull the graphic down it’s been up for like two damn minutes you go say Eddie you got you get

You got I didn’t know you had a little kid yeah come on man come on man anyway yeah I’ve never been into shoes why not I don’t know man you had listen you played basketball with Gary Peyton who had one of my favorite shoes of all time

Uh you’ve played with Charles Barkley in the in in the era where like his his shoe was like iconic it was like right up there with the Jordans in that era like I wish if I knew that I would have collected them but I just I I was just

Never in this shoes I just have to be honest like I mean I would wear the same pair of shoes to be quite honest when I first started playing the NBA I’m more I was more comfortable in warn shoes like I hated the feel of new

Shoes and the shoes they make today are a little bit different like they they almost get them to warn status when you get them now yeah back in the day they were brand new Rigid and I just didn’t like them I had to break them in so honestly I would probably change my

Shoes once every 15 games these guys change their shoes every game like they’ll wear a new pair of shoes every game yeah I couldn’t do that woodston used to do that and like I’m like dude and that’s why that’s why I think N I think he was Nike or convers

That’s why they let his butt go like foret you man you know so yeah I just I had to wear shoes that were worn so on the court my shoes didn’t look that pretty like I had stuff marks on them and all that and that’s fine you

Paying attention to my shoe game and not paying attention to my jumper game that’s what I want baby yeah you know so there you go no I mean like I listen if you’re if you’re playing ball man you’re gonna get stepped on your shoes are

Going to get scuffed like I I feel like I I’m the same way I will say that when I when I go to play basketball um or in the past when I played basketball it wasn’t like I was trying to switch my shoes out like once a month or anything

Like that like I know I had the same pair of shoes for just about a damn year and then I would switch them out because they got two worn out and that was it so uh you know I I to I completely agree with you but there is a lifestyle and

There’s a you know there’s a culture of basketball afficianados basketball shoes shoe afficianados that that really do love these shoes and um there’s been mixed reviews on some of the the colorways but uh I do think this latest commercial that that book and Nike dropped um kind of put it all in

Perspective Ive it was about family it was about the the culture of basketball how Devon was raised um and all the little intricacies into his life um and what basketball has meant to him over the course of his life uh that have been tried to to be encapsulated into each

Shoe uh and I think there’s some there’s some some nods to Kobe in some of the colorways that he had um you know obviously he has the orange shoe that’s a Sun’s shoe and I just I just really like like the the thoughtful process that book had into trying to make this

As close to a crossover shoe as possible there’s not a lot of crossover shoes Eddie if you don’t know I’m I’m GNA educate you a little bit EJ because I know you’re not into the shoe game but like the Jordan brand by itself is a good crossover shoe because you can wear

It out you can wear it on the court like and and it’s going to be respectable people will look at your shoes and be like oh okay he’s put together and now and nowadays too in especially in the last 5 to 10 years it’s become a little

Bit more uh acceptable to wear a suit with some sneakers and go to go to work and people will look at you and they won’t scoff and be like why you wearing tennis shoes or you know Air Force Ones with your you know your suit because

It’s it’s kind of a normal thing now so I do like that um but there hasn’t been very many other crossover shoes that have been able to accomplish that the the first one that I could ever remember are the Chucks and I know you wore the

Chucks because I I know you wore the Chucks because you were I mean you’re not guy I mean I you know I was first I was a pony guy oh Pony oh yeah I was like M of fact I was making almost the same amount of money well a little bit

Less wearing ponies on didn’t my contract wow ponies I could about that brand yeah ponies was nice I like that you know and it almost looked like a Nike Swoosh but the swoosh finished right it went like this yeah but I I really love them but my favorite shoe be

Quite honest that I love to play in that I couldn’t always play because you know sometimes you got to take the little money right so was Adidas and at that point in time when I was playing the league Adidas they didn’t have contracts with guys in the NBA they were making

All their money over in Europe they didn’t care about being in the NBA obviously now they play a huge role in the NBA but they they didn’t want to be in the NBA and but I would just wear the shoes I didn’t care it’s like I want to

Wear these shoes you know they’re comfortable I play well in them and uh you know I shunn the little money that they were paying back then uh just to wear ad Adidas shoe yeah I I don’t disagree the Adidas made a shoe it was a

Black and white shoe and it was it was kind of a a replica of uh the Larry Bird Converse shoe um and I I wore those between my freshman and sophomore year the summer of my freshman and sophomore year Eddie I don’t think I had a better

Summer of basketball than that summer of basketball because those shoes every time I put them on they just felt amazing I felt like I could do whatever I needed to do on the court they were soft they were cushiony but I also had a little bit of Bounce they didn’t give

Away when I when I tried to cut like it was just it was my favorite shoe of all time I can’t I couldn’t even tell you what they look like anymore I can’t find them anywhere um so it’s just it is what

It is but I I I love I love that kind of thing I I love the thought that goes into these shoes especially from these athletes that have been waiting their whole life to get their own shoe like that’s a dream that’s like a a checkbox

Uh a checklist that’s been checked so I I love it I love it you can’t m one thing you can’t do is you can’t like like it’s certain dress shoes you can’t wear you remember earth shoes first came out earth shoes like was on an angle they goodl looking

Shoes but everybody’s feet did not fit in those right and so guys would be wearing them things man it be it messed their feet up and so for me it’s like you know a lot of these guys trade their soul you know to and wear a shoe that

Actually does not feel good on their foot and on their feet and so why would you do that because your feet is the most important asset for you as a basketball player so why would you wear something something that’s uncomfortable well I I’ll can I can I answer that real

Quick because because it looks good but also Michael Jordan did the same thing in the last allstar game in the garden he wanted to to pay homage to I guess himself by wearing the original Jordan Ones well he get away with yeah but at halftime he had to switch those bad boys

Out because he was bleeding in his shoes because they don’t they’re not the same as they used to be it’s not the same but it’s also even even like shoes today like some guys feet this doesn’t fit well in Nikes like I’ll be honest I love the way Nikes look I think they’ve

Changed it a little bit over the years but I every time I play I never sprain my ankle playing basketball other than the Nikes Nikes every time you know why because I’m flat-footed a little bit I have to wear Orthotics and the Nikes at the time had like a little lift in the

Heel where the foot goes down like this and you know I’m a little you know slew footed and it just didn’t it didn’t mix with me and I would turn my ankle you know and so now what am I goingon to do wear them just to for the glory of a

Nike it looks good or it pay me well I’m GNA wear a shoe that actually feels good on my foot and I’m not worried about it when I’m playing the game yeah so I think a lot of guys you know they trying to you know they trade their soul to

Wear a shoe like the guys that do the deals over in you know in Asia and stuff like that I’m not knocking shoes I’ve never worn them but I know for a fact they’re getting paid a ton of money to wear these shoes and I just wonder how

Comfortable those shoes are for them you know and so to me it’s it’s a dangerous game you can play with them as well yeah the one of the shoes that has that slanted back in like you were talking about is the Air Maxes they still have

That um I have a couple pairs of of the Air Maxes and and and I’m just like that like I I don’t really like to wear them very much because I don’t like that feeling of my heel being higher than the rest of my foot and I just it’s

Uncomfortable so I totally get coming from um all right Eddie before we wrap this up obviously Super Bowl Sunday coming up wanted to see uh who are you taken who who who do you uh if you had to put your money on something who do you think you’re putting your money on

Look I’ve always been an underdog you know and I’m not talking about batting lines because they might not be an underdog I haven’t been paying attention to it I don’t you know I don’t I’m not on them bet apps man I I tried them things man just to test them out a

Little bit never basketball but just like different things like you know uh Sports over in Europe and just see how it works and no no no you know football I’ve done some like some simple football stuff H I’m not good at that I don’t

Mess with it I’m not good at it uh but what I’m looking at both teams uh am I a little tired of Kansas City yeah did I spent five years of my life in Kansas City yeah so I do have sort of like an allegiance to them sort of way but not

Totally but no I’m going with San Francisco man like I’m you know I’m tired of I’m not tired of it but the fun part is to see the look on Taylor Swift’s face when they lose why T why is Taylor Swift always catching Strays by people man why do

People hate her so much on these Tel I don’t her I’m not saying you hate her but I’m just saying what she’s done is tremendous she seems like a very nice young lady uh she’s she’s definitely blessed uh a lot of people in the music industry but they tend to you

Know she’s a magnet and and so good for her no I I think she’s tremendous I just like the root for the underdog and I just don’t want to see some love Cinderella Story come to fruition with whereas the my boy uh Kelsey drops to a knee in the middle

Of theot oh no and says baby I just won the Super Bowl so now let me win the World Bowl because if I get you yeah I got he need to talk to me I can hook him up and get him right but I can see that

Happen oh I can see that happening without man I can man I the internet would break the problem for for Kelsey and and I I met him at a party believe it or not the crazy story seriously is uh my buddy used to give football Super Bowl parties all the time at his

House and it’s just all our friends and stuff and you’ve met some of them and so we would always get together and you know we traded party houses over the years our my house used to be the party house until I moved to a smaller house

Uh but he had a big house Giants screen television I mean just nice movie room you can put 50 people in there I mean just watching the game all the food you can eat everything right so what we would do is we get there early before

The game you know and I’m DJing so you just know that see I’m the invisible DJ all my music’s right here and no one knows that I’m jamming so I’ll bring two Bluetooth giant speakers and boom I’m Dam and I’m just sitting over there I’m on the damn floor

And they don’t know who’s doing who’s changing the music who DJing and they didn’t know it for the first couple of times I did it and oh trust me I Jam trust me I Jam I got I got about two million songs on this thing I jam and uh

So next thing I know I look over to my left and it’s this this tall dude like you know I’m saying white guy black guy mix right so you know he mixed in with the crowd come on man look we in a party man it’s like 98% African-American in

There okay but he comes into the house and he in the middle of the floor and he about 6 eight 69 I’m like okayy hello and then I look again I’m like like that’s freaking [Laughter] Kelsey and it blew me Bo everybody away once I told everybody you know who it

Was and he came because he was dating a girl MH and she knew my buddy and she brought him to the party but he fit right in I mean like he knew everybody fit right in had a great time right yeah so ever since then I was a fan I’ve been a

Fan of his so it’s hard for me to roote against them but man I just like to see you know I like to see them go ahead and just get head everybody telling me the Bears made a mistake on not drafting the quarterback that they had what’s his name

Momes listen the Cardinals were in the same boat so they could have traded up to get them they didn’t they held back and then you know the rest is history but listen I’m I’m actually going I’m going for the Chiefs because I can’t stand the 49ers I don’t like the 49ers

And listen the Brock pretty story is cool good for him local kid Perry High School right down the street from my house like I I get it I get why people really like him that’s fine it’s it’s a cute story but I can’t have Patrick Mahomes losing to Brock py in the Super

Bowl I just can’t have that in my why because man Patrick Mahomes needs to dominate quarterbacks like that man go win he’s going to go win then that’s that’s the beauty of me watching it it’s like I know that this man is unreal I know Patrick Mahomes is unre real I know

That so I’m I used to root against Tom Brady now when he won I’m like there you go man’s unreal right but I would root and because I was I’ve always been the underdog like I’ve never been on a team that was like you know they’re supposed

To win the title yeah you know and and people don’t understand that’s all 95% of the guys that play in sports they’re never on that team team where it’s like we’re supposed to win we walk into a building we are that team right now if these guys were younger the team of Lan

Charles Barkley and Clyde Drexler right if we were all in our Prime and we were all on the same team then I would have had that feeling but at the end of my career we were all on the same team but they all they always telling us we’re

Old so it was it was a little bit different right so that’s why I’m R for San Francisco a little bit I’m just tired of this whole dynamic of Kansas City plus I got some co-workers that are Chiefs fan so I want to see the sad look

On their face no I feel you I feel you all right well hey uh sad look on everybody else’s faces in the chat because we’re about to wrap this up so uh you know that’s another episode of outside shots uh shout out only because he hey people let me let you all you

Know I’m not gonna let him the only reason I can’t hear him the music is playing so I can’t even hear youj I hear you tired he’s tired he wants to go to bed he was up to 34 this morning I gotta go to work

Right now man I gotta go to Radio row right now I gotta shower change and go to Radio row I got up for you I got up so I didn’t have to cancel on you do an abbreviated show today because of you well I mean 40 minutes is a pretty good

Show I think so go to storage right now and dig out stuff all right Freddy Johnson you can follow him at jump shot 8 on Twitter and Instagram you can follow me at saulor Bookman on Twitter and Instagram as well and follow the show at phn xor Suns

Follow the PHX Suns show today because they’re gonna have a trade deadline uh show talking about any of the moves that the Suns may or may not have uh made and what the update will be and uh then obviously you can follow their pre uh pregame and postgame show tonight we

Appreciate y’all love see y’all [Applause] we all sitting like the mayor

The trade deadline is here and the Phoenix Suns are in a last ditch effort to bolster their roster, but with limited assets can they make a move significant enough to improve? Join EJ and Saul for the latest!

0:00 Intro
2:00 Miles Bridges not coming to Phoenix
9:00 Trading for Kevin Durant
26:00 The Book 1s
36:00 Who are you taking in the Super Bowl?

An ALLCITY Network Production

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  1. Suns have just sat like sitting ducks this whole trade deadline.. holy hell, 2nd round exit here we come 🎉

  2. Ever since Ja Morant said he is fine in the West…. The West is so competitive right now it's crazy!! Things move quickly in the NBA

  3. Even though Brooklyn’s big 3 would have got it done in that same season with harden, Kai and Kd, this big 3 will need at least 1 whole season and training camp just given the circumstances. Looks like Harden, Pg, russ and Kawhi might not need a full year. Beal, Book and Durant please prove me wrong

  4. To me if we need a passing point guard as back up and a wing defender and can shoot, get Royce O’Neal and Ben Simmons and that’s helps all our needs, rebounders and defenders and Ben Simmons passes first not looking to shoot!

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