@Detroit Pistons

The Detroit Pistons Are Trading EVERYONE

The Detroit Pistons Are Trading EVERYONE

Big the energy Thursday Thursday here dmac lindsy Hunter kg Spen Mo rxs the crew breaking it down we just talking trade deadline uh till 3 uh p.m. Pistons are pretty much adding a lot of guys but nobody worth talking about except for maybe fedini Alfredo fedini Alfredo and

Grimes are solid and then and then it was brought up to me we just made a trade for a guy who set a record for not scoring Point yeah uh Richie Archie dako first player in NBA history 20 straight games no points at all so we got that

Going for us yep what a time yeah what a time but so Lindsay La last thing on this though is it the splash is it that player whether it’s drafted or free agency or whatever that that makes that difference or is there is there another

Way out of it like we just s you just sitting back and waiting just sitting back and waiting till something is done something’s made because how as a pisses fan when when when does it get better when do you tell me it gets better I I don’t know man we

Sit here and we we talk about I read in the chat someone’s like um is Weaver really all that bad if he got all these talented players on the draft but they are too young to win games yet yes um look I I’m I’m not here to criticize

What Weaver does or what the front office does I’m just saying I I want to see a clear-cut plan that’s that’s all I’m asking I I want to see a clear-cut plan of attack like what is our plan yeah do we have a plan to how we’re going about doing whatever we

Decide to do is there a plan at all like or are we just throwing darts in the dark like I don’t like that feeling so right now can you can you honestly say let’s look at the four the four teams right where as far as seeing their plan

Right seeing their plan I’m going to put the Lions on the top then I’m going to put the Red Wings and then I’m going to put the Tigers and then I’m going to put the Pistons because the one thing that I don’t know and even with you know uh

Scott Harris and we talk about it not spending and stuff like this but there is sort of a direction that they’re that they’re going um inside the organization draft and you know different stuff like that bringing different pitching guys mechan all this different stuff you can see that okay they’re going to do

Something we’ll know more here what in a week pitchers and catchers report so that’s on there’s no direction right there’s no Direction so it’s until so until that how do you know and that’s the most frustrating thing right and even as a fan and not just as a former player

Right I can get frustrated in the pace of the progress but if there’s progress being made I have to sit back and allow my GM to do it exactly exactly and I think that’s the most frustrating part is you know we we we we had the season

We had last year thinking that we were going to be in the sweep Stakes for wiim B Yama right nope everybody thought we had the worst record we had the highest percentage chance to get the number one pick and we got fleeced right y NBA don’t like us like that we got fleeced

So now we go into this year thinking okay assur is a good piece talented young guy back you know MH we and this is from my perspective I thought we would be what the Houston Rockets are in the west I thought we would be comparable to the Houston Rockets they’re not lighting

The world on fire but they’re hovering around right under 500 maybe they get back to 500 every now and then but that’s where I figur we would be and we’ve regressed so to me that that’s the frustrating part you know now here’s one of the things this I I just remembered it

Because earlier in the season Monty Williams came out and said this team cannot handle adversity have you seen them get better at that because that’s the maturity right when things go bad they expect it sort of to go bad have you seen Improvement do you see Direction out or honestly no you’re

Just you know you what do you got this team what they got seven wins now yeah I it’s hard for me to see Improvement when we’re the worst team in the league and like last night right with j and you came out and said that that’s more of a

Misnomer that’s that’s not something that you’re going to see consistent it’s great that he did it but yeah I mean until you see it I was arguing with someone and I and I think Jaden Ivy is a a good player I think he’s talented I

Think he’s good he’s got a lot more to learn but I think he’s good um but he’s not johnar no of course not you know what I’m saying yeah oh yeah like there are there’s levels to this like and people sit around and think that you know oh a

Guy’s going to and guys do get better even even I mean John Morant was the Rookie of the Year you know what I’m saying so we and John Mor’s a freakish athlete so that’s just a different level of player um and I don’t think it’s fair

To to even put a label on him oh he’s like John Mor no he’s good at who he is and he has some ability and he can be a viable player in this league I I like him um but we’re just like watching us every night continue

To just be broken every night like we I watched one one I think it was last week and it was a tight game we were playing playing I can’t remember I think maybe with the Clippers we were playing the Clippers and it was a tight game and the

Clippers hit a three boom and it kind of pushed the lead up to like eight or nine and you can see our guys do this when the ball went through the net everybody did like this here we go again you know what I’m saying oh no absolutely and that’s you

Know a lot of time when you talk about last segment like the youth but the experience but that’s where to me they don’t have the guy on the bench to go you know you got to fight through it I mean how many times that happened back

In the day and it would just Galvanize right you to get better I think Alex H brings it up the best think about this yeah they won two games in like a week and a half they’re better right yeah which which is technically correct but that’s sort of

How bad it is so and I know it’s frustrating for fans too because you know we don’t know what’s going on inside the organization we don’t know what’s being said we we don’t know what what and and I mean I’m sure they I would assume they

Have a plan but we don’t know so watching what transpires makes us feel makes me at least feel a certain type of way like damn what are we doing like what’s our plan can I can I see our plan right you know what I’m saying and when you don’t

Know you know you you speculate on and and normally when you’re losing you speculate the negative that’s just the nature of the business well that’s it’s it’s the whole thing too and and you know this uh from when you have there’s a there’s a teaching and a learning of

How to win and how to win consistently how to win properly but also how to win right right right you don’t just they don’t just give away Championship they don’t just give away wins it’s it’s a tough thing but you have to learn and you have to learn as a

Team and and I I know basetball could be an individual sport but right but it it is so teen it is it it is so I I guess I guess the bottom line out of all of this right is when when are we out of this or when when are we

Progressing that’s a good question cuz right now right now Lindsay just talking to you is that all these moves and stuff like this they use the analogy of both chairs of Titanic but it’s just we’re just spinning our tires in the mud we’re not moving anywhere Neil and I use the

Analogy of 75 where’s everybody moving on 75 stuff like that like lions just cross the bridge right it’s like spinning tires in the mud yeah so please let us know uh when uh when we can have some Hope

Darren McCarty and Lindsey Hunter breakdown why the Detroit Pistons are making as many trades as they’ve been making and whether or not the Pistons will target a star. Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. It gets better when the young talented guys actually get to the high end in terms of NBA skill. That’s it. That’s the only way it was ever going to get better.

  2. “He’s not ja morant” no duh he’s Jaden mf Ivey, let dude develop. As long as he’s given consistent opportunities moving forward I think the recipes for success

  3. I guess we can call this the Weaver Clown Show volume 2. Really, in waiving his 1st draft pick, and trading away half the team, 4 years after this cretin started in his attempted rebuild, we are really starting over. So many of Weaver’s hair-brained player combinations have failed, it is amazing anyone has faith in him. At this point, until Gores sells, we’ll be a bottom 5 team in the NBA.

  4. I feel like everyone is over playing the doom. I’m usually as critical as everyone but it’s clear Weaver is trying to build correctly around our core. Getting actual 3&D players and players that don’t need the ball in their hands to impact the game. Opens up the floor to Ivey and Cade to take over.

  5. It's a funny situation because we have seen them all grow individually in terms of sample size. The sample size we are missing, is out core group of young guys playing together. They have barely played a full season as a unit. I want to see this young group healthy.

  6. Gotta laugh at Bill Simmons’ take: “Not sure the Pistons should be able to made trades, sign free agents, or hire coaches”. It’s a fair point – maybe it’s time for Adam Silver to step in and take control of this franchise. Move it, or just force Gores to cede power to the NBA. It really isn’t fair to the other East contenders to let the Knicks fleece a buffoon like Weaver to get two solid vet scorers for next to nothing. Here’s hoping…

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