@Chicago Bulls

NBA Trade Deadline LIVE: Will the Chicago Bulls move DeMar, Caruso or Drummond? | CHGO Bulls Podcast

NBA Trade Deadline LIVE: Will the Chicago Bulls move DeMar, Caruso or Drummond? | CHGO Bulls Podcast

N What’s going on bulls Nation welcome in to CH Bulls coming you live for our headquarters here in West Loop downtown Chicago I am pek you can follow me on Twitter at busek join by my guys big day B bwl Sports will the go Godly will score goly our P producer Joy Baus on

The controls he’s at Joyce Baus we are here NBA trade deadline day it is 30 minutes away 29 minutes away NBA trade deadline and so far stop me if you’ve heard this before okay I will the Bulls have not made any traits notice I didn’t

Stop you I did not stop you how is everybody doing let’s just get that first one out of the way get that out of the way what did I say not n a couple of shows ago what I wasn’t looking forward to on this day cuz none of us felt like

They were going to do anything I said I’m not looking forward to coming in here and sitting next to this tall white handsome gentleman right here because I know what he’s going to do he’s going to be angry he’s going to throw hats he’s going to yell he’s going to run the

Gamut on the entire front office and organization because they did nothing I knew this was coming and here it is thanks a lot we knew that me running the gamut of emotions was coming we didn’t know is that the Gams were also coming cuz it is 50 something degrees y’all yes

It is baby Gams are out look at them love them they are well oiled and looking beautiful baby the univ gave us this today at Chicago sports fans most things are Bleak Bulls fans things are probably going to be bleak a half an hour from now on and it was like hey you

Know what let’s give you 54° yeah my Burks boom my my emotional safety blanket boom Burks are out man look at them let’s go the Burks are out even wheel’s got the ankles showing he’s going all out in here man this is something now that’s the exciting part

Uh will and that’s about it will how are you doing man I’m never better never better as Darnell likes to say every time we see him in the media room I mean we got 27 more minutes here look I kind of got to this point I think um

Yesterday when we were doing our pod with Mark at the very end I asked him predictions for the trade deadline and he said he thinks Andre Drummond might get traded and when I turned that question back on myself I said you know I just I don’t think they’re going to do

Anything and I don’t think they’re going to do anything because I think what they’re looking for in return for any of these trades is just not going to be available to them I think whatever they’re looking for is not going to be enough and so when you’re in that

Position why why would you do anything speaking of what they’re looking for um a uh Adrien wowski has been dropping little like 20-minute W pods each day leading up to the deadline this week uh he had another one with Bobby marks this morning and they had a little bit of

Bulls talk in there including the latest on both Demar Rosen and Alex Caruso um when it comes to what they’re looking for uh W said this about Demar de rozan he said quote Demar D rozan is a player that they the Sixers have talked about maybe not so much today but

In previous days I think it’s harder for Chicago to do some of these deals with contending teams because they want players back they’re not looking to get draft assets and expiring expiring contracts they want to reboot this on the Fly they want to stay competitive

End quote um and uh so I tweeted out that quote from our team account today and Bulls fans were understandably upset by it because I think a lot of bulls fans see that as the Bulls front office looking for the wrong things in trades that they may have been calling other

Teams about making leading up to this mid-season trade deadline well it’s just that they don’t have realistic expectations because they don’t have a realistic Viewpoint of themselves they think that they can remain competitive see whatever that means the fact that the the way that W said it is remain

Competitive and if that’s the way the Bulls front office sees it then I call [ __ ] to remain competitive you must be currently competitive this team is under 500 keep going what remain competitive come on man what the hell is that you’re not competitive oh we beat the Timberwolves on Tuesday good for you

This is a joke all of this is a sick joke and we Bulls fans are the butt of it God I hate this that’s about a two I’m we gonna get up don’t worry it’s gonna it’s gonna get worse it’s gonna get worse on this I was

On bulls gold uh yesterday that’s Flex shout out out oh stupid and they asked me the same thing just talked about they were like what do you they asked what do you want them to do and what do you expect them to do I told them what I wanted them to do and

They were like what do you expect them to do I was like nothing I I expect them to do absolutely nothing I I didn’t expect anything to change I just expected them to go in like you said I don’t the way they view themselves is just much different than how we and the

Rest of the world not even the league but the world kind of view themselves so I I wanted them for me competitive means what they are right now which is a playing team that’s the competitive I’m talking about I don’t know what competitive they mean if I don’t that

That’s a different mindset of we’re going to be in a top six seed that’s what I think they can be or that’s what they think they think they can be I don’t believe that at all I believe you’re a playin team and you’re going to

Be one with the team you have now and if you made these trades you are still going to be a playin team regardless you can still be competitive that kind of way it’s a thing so to think that you can still be competitive and make this incredible push towards the playoffs

Especially when you’re missing one of your best players is going to be out for the rest of the year especially that you’re dealing with injuries from several of these players that you have and watching your record as Matt just mentioned being a 24 and 27 team so that’s not competitive in itself right

There how can you continue to sit there and tell yourself no we going to be this right here you got to be in some kind of reality even if you have some kind of hope there has to be that there has to be yes I believe we can be competitive I

Believe we can beat these teams I believe we can match up against anybody that’s fine but to sit there and make these moves and think that you’re going to be in this top rung with these teams that you can’t beat we’ve seen it Celtics uh Cavs Knicks who have just

Been killing it and I hate saying that [ __ ] cuz I don’t like the Knicks so all these other and all the of course all these other Philly you know all these other making these moves they’re not going anywhere no those are going to be your top five that six you got to battle

Is teams like the Pacers oh they’re also making moves to get better and and to shut the door behind them and then you got the heat with with those teams up there you what are we doing you’re still can be competitive and and remain where you are but keeping this team together

You’re still going to be exactly where you are but then your future is now screwed and that’s the part that’s frustrating yeah and you look at some of these other teams what they’re doing obviously you’ve got your teams that are loading up your Knicks obviously had a

Great day today get had a busy day today out um but then you also have teams like the Raptors who I think have been sort of an analog for the Bulls for the past couple years they obviously picked a different direction trading away OG and

Se yakum but then today they come in and they trade a first- round pick for Kelly o Lin yeah and to me that’s like and they were talking like all of the you know competitive playoff bound teams were going to be throwing offers at Utah

For o Lin he was like one of the big hottest names the last few days we see Toronto jump in there because they wanted to bring in guys that could help their young players develop so it’s possible to make trades that redefine the direction of your team while also

Bringing in players that can help on the road to that and like to me I mean this is kind of tipping the article that I have coming out here in a bit so here’s a little sneak preview but like all these teams that people are talking about as building through the middle

You’ve got the Pacers you’ve got the Raptors you got the Jazz all these teams first of all like the Bulls are not in that same category cuz those teams all kicked off a rebuild whether or not they went to the very bottom they they they made Monumental changes of Direction

Trading Donan Mitchell and Rudy goar trading Damon Sab sabonis who was a two-time Allstar and then you get back tyres hton which is just like the exception to the rule with these kind of Trades the Bulls are not doing that they’re not building at all they’re not building anything in order to build

Through the middle you have to be building something that’s an active activity I’ve heard you are involved in building your roster you are adding players you are trading things you are getting assets the Bulls want to make these trades for like maybe if they’re willing to listen

On Caruso but you know whatever price is like not available to them it’s because what they want is to remain competitive and also get picks so if you’re a team that’s trying to trade a valuable asset what do you have to do you have to get

Back picks for that you don’t trade good players for good players and also picks it’s just it doesn’t work that way and so when you set yourself up to be in a position where because you want to remain competitive no other move makes sense because those moves don’t exist no team

In the league is making those kind of moves where they’re giving up talent and picks to get talent and so of course they’re not going to do anything speaking of uh Caruso and uh building and picking a direction that was uh the other tidbit that W and Bobby marks were

Talking about on the W pod this morning saying uh did w if the Bulls were just looking for picks Alice Caruso would be they would get at least two first round picks for him and quote if the Bulls were looking for picks that part they would get two firsts for Caruso if I

Think that pissed Bulls fans off even more than the quote about dear and what they’re looking for in returns it’s so dumb it’s so dumb it’s just frustrating man like you have all this stuff that these teams are willing to give you and and these aren’t just crap things like

When I saw what they gave up for buddy heeld I was like yeah I would have took that like that’s exactly what I had in my head I’m like okay you got you a couple players that are pretty solid that that can keep you competitive honestly those guys can keep you

Competitive and you’re getting what three second round picks with that yeah okay great wonderful like that that sounds fine to me like that doesn’t sound like I’m getting you’re getting over on me that sounds like you’re giving me [ __ ] the fact that that up for Buddy Hil just let you know that they

Had that deal already ready to go and they just wanted a player they wanted theor they said no they wanted fine give us buddy Hill we’ll take it here take this [ __ ] and we’ll go on about our business you would have been good with

That trade yes I would have did it yes I would have said yes yes why wouldn’t I say it yes to that yes absolutely give me that that’s fine because you’re still the team I think you are which is a playing Team you’re still that with with

Making that move but then moving well I don’t have to go into what moving dear out what me for the team and you know how it how things are run all off of that but yes bottom line yes I would have done that uh shout out all 300 of

You in Bulls Nation hanging out with us live in the middle of a weekday uh if you are watching this while you are you know pretending to do work at the office good for you or maybe it’s easier for you to pretend to be working because you’re working from home today and

You’re like you know what it’s deadline day I think uh I saw I think it was our buddy s who said that uh again today should be a national NBA trade deadline day and I mean like I know a lot of fans of of the various you know major sports

Feel that way about the trade deadline day and in their respective sport but I do feel like it should be a holiday is this what it’s like you know working because then it would be more socially acceptable to be drinking at 2 p.m. because I’m coping with the fact that

The Bulls are going to disappoint us yet again if it were a national holiday afternoon drinking is more widely accepted we’re Bulls fans like I think that’s what you do when you go in your office they’re like are you drinking so so early I’m a bulls fan

Like those trending like Tik Tok or Instagram reals when somebody’s like a I’m a blank or we’re a blank then they you know explain to you what that means we’re Bulls fans we drink during the day a lot it’s how it goes man we got to

Have a sip shout out to some people throwing on some super chats John Davis with a $5 Super Chat thank you saying y’all ready to see nothing for the third straight year no you’re G to get what Renee is talking about right there when he said Joe Harris anyone when I saw Joe

Harris got cut I was like that’s exactly going to be their move they’re going to sign Joe Harris and they’re going to bring Joe Harris in here and then Joe Harris is going to get injured the bulls the bulls do currently have an available roster yes yes I know they have no money

They’re at the tax they are are they’re 1.7 under I I think that number reflects um Kobe’s number before his incentives which are likely to hit yeah so I don’t think they’re actually that close they they probably they probably could make something happen I don’t know the exact

Specific details but it’s not like they can go out and I mean like kilan Hayes just got dropped uh I I don’t not saying he’s like a great solution but like if you’re talking about taking a swing on some young Talent at the guard position who may need a different space uh to

Start to develop maybe that could be a move that you take but like they’re not going to be able to get him I don’t think it’s not continuity it’s constipation John in his Super Chat saying all Jerry cares about is butts and seats he doesn’t want to win it

Obviously shows Carl J Ferguson also threws a Super Chat saying not trading Caruso dear and Drummond is a fire ball offense for every organization except this [ __ ] show I assume you me meant fireable maybe it is the offense that is a fireball offense if they make no

Trades between now and 15 minutes from now we we force AK and eversley to take a bunch of shots of Fireball say or maybe want be taking shots of Fireball that that is legitimate punishment you’re especially for people whose job security like I I know Bulls fans are

Yelling about if they go through another transaction window today without do doing a damn thing and tell us once again continuity or maybe they choose a different word because they know we’re sick of hearing that crap and they just wrap the turd in a different you know wrapping paper that

Like this one was red now this one was black this one has birthday candles on it I mean still a turd yeah it’s it’s still a turd um but they like I Bulls fans calling for their jobs it’s not happening it’s not happening and I saw

Uh shout out to our guy Ricky odonnell of ESP Nation long time wonderful scorcher of bulls incompetence mismanagement and poor ownership he quote tweeted one of of my uh you know Cho Bulls account quotes from the wot today saying you know uh something about how he wanted to break a chair uh but

That also AK is the perfect executive for what the rhin dorfs want which is remaining competitive generous in the word competitive and keeping butts and seats that’s what they’re looking for and that’s what AK has been delivering we were all there Tuesday can’t deny it we were all there that place was rocking

During that Bulls comeback against the Timberwolves the only reason I go against that is because keeping butts and seats is something the Bulls are going to do all the freaking time whether they’re ass or whether they’re okay which is why those butts would be in the seats which is why

Like I I get that people don’t like to do a rebuild and get that that was a hit for the franchise but you have a built-in fan base that is never going away so like you have a little bit more flexibility to get away with I’m if then

A small Market team who’s fighting tooth and nail for for fans every game like this this stadium is going to be sold out yeah I don’t understand why that’s an excuse yeah uh it’s none of my reasoning but you’re abolutely right the additional sick twisted Twist of the

Knife uh as our Fred C pointed out in the comments Listen to As we’ve seen so many former Bulls players get traded from whichever team they were on earlier today to a new team that they are heading towards count them out uh quick here W just tweeted officially I’m

Guessing if it’s w tweeting it the Hawks are not trading dejonte Murray they will keep him that was a big name going around this week meanwhile as UK pointed as c r UK pointed out another Form bow just got traded uh the Pacers are trading Marcus Morris a second round

Pick and cash to the Spurs for douge mcbuckets joining joining let’s see campaign and Pat Bev who got traded for each other yes uh just like an hour ago yes and AO Porter Jr got traded today Archie got traded and is sadly expected to be you traded yep he was in that

Knicks uh trade when the Knicks got uh boy on banovich and Burks oh to Detroit yeah oh that makesense Archie was in that trade yeah he deserves to be there um yeah so so Bulls Legends on the move today no actual current Bulls on the move today cuz that would make too much

Freaking sense toss it Matt uh oh I’m down to my last hat yo oh get the hats please we need a hat retrieval please get Matt’s hats cuz we has more to throw we have more anger to give uh French Bulls TV shout out in the comments

Saying Gafford also got yeah I mean we touched on that briefly love what Dallas has been doing today yeah they’re making big moves and the maths were one of the teams speaking of piling on bulls fans frustration Mavs were mentioned as one of the many teams who might be

Interested in Drummond adding some depth to their front court and instead of Drummond Mavs went out and got themselves Daniel Gafford yeah thanks Sarah um did it make you happy to see Gafford uh escaping that awful team in DC and going what it’s what I knew his listen I predicted this man’s career

When he got here I was like he’s going to be a journeyman who plays like 10 plus years I knew this wasn’t his final stop I knew he would get to a team that would give him a chance to actually be good again I’m happy of course I’m happy

For him he’s going to a team where you know they can use him and he can actually start and continue doing what he’s doing and he’s obviously better with he has a point guard he showed you that with Russell Westbrook now he’s getting Luca dantri and Kyrie Irving yeah oops

Galore sampo in the comments pointing out they also added PJ Washington like an hour ago damn it they got PJ washingt too yep yep damn mhm shout out Dallas traded away uh Seth Curry and who else did they move uh in that the in that trade yeah the greatest

Shooter oh wow uh this is Grant Williams so it was a failed they got Grant Williams failed experiment of Grant Williams in Dallas already over they sent Grant Williams Seth and a protected lightly protected 2027 first round pick to Charlotte for PJ Washington I I really respect that right there they

Were like okay this clearly is not working and not who we thought you were we’ll take we’ll bite we’ll take the the uh the hit on your contract but you got to get off our team I love ownership that does [ __ ] like that like dude okay

Not working get out get away from here because Dallas has been devoid of talent for a minute like I don’t guess why I’m get mad me and me and uh I got John saine we always argue about Jason kid because I’m always telling him dude look

Who he got Maxi Cleaver you know what I’m saying like to get mad at dere Jones Jr starting he’s like this the third best player on your team is dererk Jones Jr like so yeah this is a great decision getting PJ Washington is awesome for them but getting Daniel Gafford is even

More awesome giving them the rim protection that they want and also giving them another offensive score cuz those Aly are coming I was going to say those Gafford Rim runs for Luca uh guys we just got another former Bulls Legend traded oh hit me wo just now the Bucks

Are trading Robin Lopez to the Kings uh Lopez expected to be waved and become a free agent I mean wait who doesn’t want Roo who doesn’t I would take Roo back he will remain in the league another 10 years just for the Just For the Good

Vibes yes he he is uh what’s my the tall guy on Houston that I’m thinking about always does B yes he is Ban he is another version of ban man you keep that guy on the squad uh as y’all can see our wonderful producer and Pal Joey has a

Countdown going we are 8 minutes away from that NBA trade deadline and as we’ve seen in recent years you will sometimes see W Shams whoever it is with those last second deals that go through that actually happened just minutes past the deadline so we could still see a

Handful of Trades happen in the next not even you know 8 minutes but in the next 20 minutes as we pass that trade deadline but again most consensus uh and based on information we have is that the plls will not be involved in any trades that may happen between now in the

Deadline you suck you suck you suck at what you do you truly suck at what you do it has been over almost 400 Days since you’ve made a trade almost 400 Days since you’ve made a trade you made one trade in almost 400 Days one that’s it how coming into this deadline

Do you not tell yourself man dude we need to do something because we’re obviously not good enough we’re just okay maybe we should do something right here because just being okay fine you can be okay with less Talent on your team but building for your future you

Can still be okay with that you can still be who we think you are and that we know you are but no no let’s just stay with this crap and keep running this [ __ ] out here and lying to people about what they’re getting and what they’re seeing this is

Trash man this is incompetence you know Matt you know the two things I can’t stand and you know it it’s miscommunication and incompetence I hate it to my core and I don’t say that word hate a lot but I mean it when I say it I

Hate it I hate incompetence and I hate communication say it again how do you feel about being gas lit I don’t care about that that’s the part that bugs me yeah that’s Matt that don’t bother me at all G as Michael Scott would say and there’s our

Like I I cannot wait which by the way AK will be addressing the Bulls beat via Zoom uh at uh 300 p.m. central today will after the deadline passes correct so you and your fellow beat members are going to get the chance to ask a some

Questions and hear what he has to say but again you don’t believe that Jake like we we heard AK say when he was getting some very deserved questions thrown his way last offseason just wait until we see what we do with for agency before you jump down my back oh my god

Do you remember when he said that like the Jesus if if he comes out on that Zoom press conference and is like hey why why why why why yall upset bull fans are upset because we we’ve been watching the same sub mediocre crap for two and a half Seasons

Now and you have continued to do basically nothing not a damn thing about it you know what makes it worse this time for me Matt is because team are literally trying to give you [ __ ] yeah that’s what makes it worse for me we’re trying to give you stuff and he’s

Saying’s saying I don’t the most trusted NBA reporter on the planet said this morning the Bulls could get two first round picks for Caruso and that’s a thing that is like crazy to me because it’s like you’ve seen so many of these reports the Bulls would need to be blown

Away for to to trade cruso like in what world is two first round picks not being blown away yeah yeah exactly it’s like well no we we would would want that and some good young players like what what who are you talking to who are you talking to what

What galaxy do you live in saddle saddle saddle saddle saddle I don’t want a saddle DW in the arms of another man seven yeah whatever God it’s it’s so maddening it is maddening maddening you’re doing nothing Bulls fans can only do so much when it comes to holding people who run this

Team accountable we have we have no firing power right we can be on this podcast and yell with y’all our phow Bulls fans about how frustrating it is but again the people who are setting the expectations for AK and eversley the chief basketball decision makers in this organization are

Fine with what they’re seeing they’re fine with it so we’re not going to see anything different you know what and and tell something drastic changes and that drastic thing changing being that the people who are bosses to the Bulls basketball Ops people aren’t satisfied with what they’re getting correct and

The the thing to me that’s crazy is like I mean they’re doing this under the guise of remaining competitive right like they think that they are competing for something whatever that is I mean we can all agree or disagree on the specifics of that are but they’re saying

That they want to be competitive so if you believe that like if you really believe in this group why not try to add something yes it’s been three trade deadlines and they haven’t done anything good or bad they haven’t even explored the opport to make themselves better at

The deadline and like I I think that would be a bad idea I personally would disagree with that but I personally disagree with what they’re doing now and like just I don’t know the idea of like literally not doing anything while other teams build is just crazy to me that’s

Insane that is correct dude like you do something for what three years we have been asking for three-point shooting for 3 years it’s been an issue right has it not it’s still an issue and you still won’t add to it to improve it or do something about it something we continue

To say even the most redyed Bulls fan knows that you need three-point shooting you got to have it in this league and the Bulls just keep we’ll give a little bit on it we to a little bit and it won’t do anything that’s the maddening part about it you see the problem you

See what’s there you know you can do something to fix it and you refuse to fix it because you want everything it’s that analogy I’ve said all the time how Bulls fans when they make trades they they want to hold all their toys and just give you a little bit they’re doing

This [ __ ] in real life this is real they’re literally doing this Joey I’m sorry I know you want to say something no I’m just saying we’re under two minutes here on the continuity countdown so we are and Shout out we got over 500 of y’all Bulls fans out there watching

Along with us 89 is that 89 hit that like button 89 likes get these likes up man hit the like button to maybe manifest if you if you want a last second trade here at the buzzer hit the like maybe 8 is watching maybe we get to

150 200 likes maybe pulls a trigger give a like cuz we’re all upset yeah if we get to 200 likes I’ll throw something other than a half how about that it’ll be will in the meantime uh shout out to Danny uton with with the Super Chat saying Management quintuples on

Continuity AK Ring of Honor question mark I don’t think we need that yet Derek an meanwhile with a super chat saying is a realist I’m not even mad at them doing nothing I am however amused at the audacity of them doing it again realist to do with get cooked in

That presser realist ain’t got [ __ ] to do with that I’m mad you be The Optimist or realist you should be pissed that they doing nothing I knew they were doing nothing I said I just told you I went on the show and said it yesterday and I’m still mad I’m still pissed about

It that’s the thing I I was expecting this for a month they’re not going to do as soon as they started winning some more games and got back in into the plane picture I was like they’re not making any trades and that’s like they could have lost everything and I still

Would have told you they were doing nothing honestly go ahead I’m sorry it’s just that’s the part that’s kind of crazy I know we all kind of have different feelings on this as far as you know should they be should we be advocating for them to win games or lose

Games because what does that say about their plans I’ll try it Adrian I’ll try it you know I uh bloggable wrote a good blog on this yesterday about just like how messed up a dynamic this franchise has put its fans in by basically conditioning people to believe

That if they win a game it means that they aren’t going to try to improve their team mhm and like that’s that’s fans should not have to decide between rooting for their team and rooting for their team’s potential and future which is why when everyone was just jumping up

Out of their seats during that comeback Tuesday night against Minnesota I was sitting in my seat rolling the eyes out the back of my head he was it was hilarious uh and it’s and it I shouldn’t have to feel that way he shouldn’t it you shouldn’t have to root for losses in

The present because you know that what the team needs to focus on is more pressing in the future it’s deranged but it’s like those losses would change nothing that’s what I believe Matt that’s my feeling wish you guys a Happy continuity you know what I don’t even

Want to argue with that today but go ahead go ahead what it does change is that it more it further validates me or any other Bulls fan out there giving the front office and ownership [ __ ] for doing a bad job yeah because you watch the failure play out corre they can’t

They can’t even say competitive the more games they lose it removes right and that way they look more and more foolish which they deserve to be exposed about I I don’t disagree with that because it removes uh things they can hide behind right exactly it shines more light oh

You know so proud of that win over Minnesota on Tuesday I get and it makes me freaking sick I get it I completely get it but I am not ever going to be against development and growth of guys like Kobe white doing what he did you know and having [ __ ] like that because

That I still want my team to be good on that my thing is they are going to be [ __ ] regardless they’re are going to do bull crap regardless Matt they are 2427 they’re doing the same thing we watch them do all the time it doesn’t matter

If they did if they lost 10 straight they still would have been like I don’t want to trade Caruso I don’t think that’s going to change anything they were going going to trade Kus they weren’t going to do it they didn’t want to do dear they didn’t want to do these

Things because m if they lost 10 in a row then why would they care about being competitive it wouldn’t matter them so they wouldn’t they still wouldn’t do it they still would we still be here and we still be yelling and we still be upset

About it and Joey did you hit the sound did that what you hit the party sound when you hit that yeah that was the that was the end of the countown was that was the end of the countdown well done by the way uh Chris Haynes just tweeted

Shout out Chris uh and I guess this you can make it official the Chicago Bulls are keeping Andre Drummond League sources tell uh NBA TNT and Bacher you couldn’t even trade a [ __ ] player because you of what you wanted you know especially a bench player who on Tuesday

Got a rare start and went out there and showed the world hey here’s 16 and 16 and that’s why everybody say oh man we kind of want that okay give us LeBron James what what oh my God DG that’s the that’s what’s frustrating you’re asking for more than what you have and you

Think it’s slick yeah and you think it’s oh man they gonna see this coming man Aaron in the comments with Super Chat saying didn’t we Fire Guard packs why does it feel the same I mean even guard packs were not on their hands correct absolutely right they cash considerations they still was

Making some damn trades go ahead Jo if you’re watching on YouTube you could see now the uh we’re Focus to the bingo card for ak’s upcoming press conference so expecting to it see a lot on there more consistency uh focus on our guys remain competitive we’ll see what goes

There he wants to go to bed oh my God this is so frustrating when Lonzo went you’re doing absolutely nothing there’s there never be a time where you do absolutely nothing whether your team is here or whether your team is here you should never do absolutely nothing you know who did [ __ ] the

Celtics yep Celtics best scene right make a move Celtics made another trade just a second ago oh please tell me about it Matt so I can be further upset at this [ __ ] it was lowkey um but what was it uh they traded for Jaden Springer uh Springer yeah Jaden Springer

Sixers trading Jaden Springer to the Celtics for a second round pick um Raptors officially keeping Bruce Brown according to w a couple minutes ago uh you know he was another name that might get mov wow interesting he stay interesting day for the Raptors that’s very inter interesting uh also Celtics

Trading Delano Banton to the Blazers for a protected second round pick you Celtics making moves on moves on moves Sixers moves on moves on moves and like again those are teams towards the top of the East wanting to fortify their position as they get ready for the the

Final stretch in a playoff run but Toronto which is in basically the same situation as the Bulls stuck in the middle and trying to find a way out of it they are active today yep multiple times over the Raptors have been active today and already well before the deadline we’re the most important

Version of active which is our key pieces Pascal and anobi let’s find some return for you let’s find you a new home and let’s work with the stuff that we’re going to get back in those returns I ridiculous man do nothing trade deadline day for Bulls fans is just the shittiest version of Groundhog Day the movie like I know it only comes around once a year but it feels the same it feels like the same [ __ ] every year and again like

You were saying Dave and I agree I was fully prepared for the Bulls to do nothing today it’s what I expected to happen because why expect something other than what you have been taught to expect yeah we are like Pavlov’s dog what watering mouths like make a train

Make a train they’re not going to do it not going to do it they’re not going to do it but our mouths still water because we want that freaking treat we’re never going to get it let me read something to you let me read something all you right quick okay these are these

Are the top teams in the East just tell me if they did something or not this deadline all right Celtics yep Cavs yep bucks yep Nicks yep 76ers yep Pacers yep heat Y what does he do Ros R oh Rosier yep okay yeah that’s these top seven

Teams in in the East they all did something and you said we good don’t only team ahead of them that didn’t the Orlando Magic the only one how the magic looking to you they doing anything uh bad and falling uh-huh uh-huh what he said God damn it

Like yo you can’t tell me you’re interested in moving up and getting better when the teams ahead of you are doing things to get better and you say we’re good with what we got guys I’ll stay yeah yeah a AKA is Austin Powers at the Blackjack I suggest you hit sir five

I also like to live dangerous dramatic music okay I’ll stay 20 [Laughter] beat my god dog doing nothing is wild it’s so wild and I knew it was coming but it’s still wild to me okay it’s still super duper wild that you do absolutely nothing and now this press

Conference is coming and you all can follow along on the bingo card cuz I guarantee you what Joey put up some of the things are definitely going to be said and you will be throwing hats like my main man Matt peek but my God it’s insulting to Bulls fans out here to

Continue to think that what you have in front of you is okay to do it’s all right guys we’re fine 2427 is never fine you’re not 500 dog you you need to make a move to get beyond that this is a front office that repeatedly stated and

Stated out of the gate we will not accept mediocrity however what we meant by that was we embrace the [ __ ] out of mediocrity we strive for it strive for it um speaking of what AK may or may not say some more Super chats that rolled in super duper danco saying in the Super

Chat yo goat can your first question be so obviously uh what we all want to ask is uh you got to be kidding me right I I think I think will might phrase it a bit more professionally and courteously than that now will will say what would you

Say you do here uh shout out to our guy AK our guy AK not the Bulls AK uh AC me can say that quote Zach’s season ending surgery had us reevaluate the moves we were going to make it made more sense to stay Pat and explore the buyout Market

God I’m telling you they they’re going to end up with someone in the buyout Market I just think that’s going to be the move because they got to do something to throw they got have their they got to have their this season version of Pat Pat B corre got an open

Roster spot correct d he just got waved he did then W he did just get waved uh more guards Archie is expected to get waved it’s like more thumbs for young troll joey yes more guards yes I’m sorry what did you say m I was just saying Archie is about to get waved

So oh God bring him home he also uh you guys see he has his record going for the consecutive games where he’s been active and played at least a minute and scored zero points in 20 straight games he’s so bad but shout out to him for continuing to be in this

League I hope it continues on for him man but my God my God man what are we watching out here man again I’ll be a different person tomorrow because then my Bulls like okay fine I want to see Kobe white go actually do something but

We got a deal in the present and what is going on right now and this is not acceptable continuing to do the same thing over and when you’re not a winning team yeah continuing to do the same thing over and over again is not acceptable please quit telling me that

You’re going to build a championship team when you won’t build it’s like constru they are literally like Construction in Chicago they’ll start it and then we won’t see anything for about a month and a half yeah you know what I mean and then they’ll do here’s the

Here’s the brick right there all right guys all right we’re done let’s get out of here for a couple weeks and go on vacation they are taking their time doing nothing man doing nothing and then like well we started it right well we we tore the things down so we started stuff

Right God you got people out here making I don’t like the fact you can make a logical argument argument for guard packs right now but you can that’s what you’re doing when you don’t do these things you can sit there and listen to people and say well at least they did

This at least they did that at least they did this look what you have done look what you have brought to us how dare you how dare you how dare you this is trash dog how do you find this acceptable doing nothing you you got to

Explain that to me how doing nothing is acceptable but you’re trying to build a championship team you can’t say I’m trying to build and don’t build that doesn’t make any damn sense and then what you try to build is just some average [ __ ] yeah and especially considering that it

Was what a year ago or even two years ago now when AK got asked the luxury tax question and he said back then well we’ll pay the luxury tax once we’re we’re sure that this is the group we feel confident that this is the group

Then we can take that next step and pay the luxury tax guess what it’s still the same group and you’re still running this nickel and dime [ __ ] operation with the same group yeah and again that’s not entirely on AK but his bosses cuz they’re who make the call on whether or

Not they let him go into luxury tax and operate that way but the continuous gaslighting and moving of goalposts and saying things that Bulls fans want to hear and then absolutely not refusing to follow through on stated goals and what the plan is yeah it’s insulting it is

Genuinely insulting and and po fans don’t like to be insulted no no we do not that’s the thing do uh Andy in the comments asking why do you dummies want another guard we were being sarcastic none of us want another guard yeah that was literally sarcasm Joey was saying

About Spencer dewitty it’s not sometimes it’s hard to read sarcasm in tweets show them the troll Joey you know you can read our faces Joey show them the troll I got to get the troll from the post game hold on God you got got a few

Minutes yeah I just want people to see the troll because that’s what we were equating it too like the want to collect guards like Joy’s Joey troll Joey wants to collect thumbs there he is look at him that guy that guy wants to collect these thumbs out give that adorable

Troll your thumbs look at that there’s a will got leave Thumb in there we throw a couple guards in the in the Box yeah there’s a couple of them in there couple guards Javon Carter IO you know I want to ask troll Joe you have to answer this

Though but what’s his top what’s his most prized possession thumb out there what’s a thumb that he just really enjoys having out there that has to be I have to think about it yeah I know that’s why I said I’m not gonna get on you now cuz we’re too busy yelling about

This crap that we’re looking at but uh did is he the one who ended up with James Pierre Paul stom or oh wow don’t play with fireworks kids oh wow man oh and quick bear stuff shout out Devon Hester shout out these guys it’s what was reported yes I’m just going off of

What was reported Yesterday by to Chicago sometimes I’m just going off of that they’re saying that he’s in the hall I’m just waiting for to be super duper official yet but I’m just going to say shout out to him for for them even putting that out yeah like that’s I hope

It goes down I hope it happens I’m sure chgo Bears who have been killing it over there in Vegas they have been amazing all week they were talking to Trey Wingo earlier today yeah I mean just one amazing guest after another they were talking to swo will goly AKA Co kette

Out there man it wasn’t a one-on-one interview it was like during one of the big scrums where one player is up at a Podium there’s a crew of around but our Guy Greg BRS asked Patrick Mahomes about Caleb Williams versus Justin field he did man so damn proud of him shout out

BRS man BRS is a star man shout out to brags doing his thing man you know who’s not a star anyone who works for the Bulls front office you failed opposite of stardom you failed that’s an f f f is what you got F stands for failure it’s a

Failure not doing nothing according so we have a I according to I I haven’t seen the Tweet but according to Cy serious debate in-house and folks wanted to make moves but AK said nah I can’t source that but that is what fried rise is saying here in the comments which

Would only I think add to the anger yeah that’s all anything imagine if you were a a a like a player Personnel staff in the in the in the front office that wanted to make trades and is just sitting there with his hands tied watching it watching them do absolutely nothing

Just you know okay I found the cie tweet this was from 9 minutes ago expected a possible Drummond move but not much else this was pretty much as sources said it would go there was some serious in-house debate but AK is fixated on staying the course

For some reason and had the final say uh which uh I see RA in the comments saying don’t let uh them off the hook blls media no softball questions uh I saw emelo asking about in the comments also yes AK will will address uh the Bulls

Beat media via Zoom at 3 p.m. central Time so in about 45 minutes our guy that go will be on that Zoom call with AK and other members of bulls media and I’m guessing that he will not be getting softball questions yeah yeah cuz everyone wants to

Know what would you say you do here and and follow along with will because I’m sure he’ll be giving updates on on what AK is saying and and how those things are going so definitely follow along uh John Denny uh said uh Marcus Morris buyout honestly that’s all the Bulls can

Really do right now it’s all about the buyout market for them and and those kind of guys they can get so him uh Joe Harris as will mentioned it’s still a possibility they can get him in the bu that’s all you can really do the fact is

It shouldn’t be at this point that’s what we’re pissed about it shouldn’t be at this point you should actually make a move to get better and be like we need to improve we need to go forward you can’t do that doing the same [ __ ] how

Can you look at it and say doing the same [ __ ] if you’re a winning team fine do it over again yeah fine do it do it one more time do as many times as you want you’re not a winning team right now uh you’re playing ball baby Mike Diaz in

The comments asking who has the link to the press conference and that’s the other thing and correct me if I’m wrong will or please confirm if you can they’re not even going to post this AK press conference on like the Bulls YouTube channel Bulls social media uh it’s not getting shared anywhere it’s

Just a zoom not in person availability to AK of AK to the credential Bulls beat reporters is that correct um I’m not sure what the what the situation will be as far as uh public being able to watch but that is the correct situation as far as the

Media’s availability will be uh virtual sometimes they share on the Bulls YouTube the Bulls Instagram the Bulls Twitter when AK is having a press conference um but on Zoom I don’t know that they’ve done that when it’s a zoom availability part of the problem is that

The Bulls PR kind of had to jump through some hoops here because AK was supposed to be here for the deadline stuff the team is obviously in Memphis Memphis the traveling beat is in Memphis they were going to do availability here and obviously that was not really going to

Work with the beat being uh not here and so they kind of had to uh change some stuff around but uh I think they’re just they’re kind of doing the best they can and I’m not sure what the the public broadcasting will be of it but

Um that’s why I say a follow along with Will got from my seat and I’m not putting any of this on you goat from my seat it seems pretty ducky bullet bullet ducking stuff because they know that this season has been one PR [ __ ] storm after another for an organization that disappoints their

Fans continuously yeah I’m going to keep using different variations of that word cuz we have to we have to reclaim that word it’s not his you can’t just continu no cuz it’s it’s frustrating I’m and I’m not expecting to get any satisfying answers I’m not going to expect I’m not

Expecting to get any answers in this uh media availability from AK coming up in 45 minutes that will make me feel any better nothing will than the [ __ ] that I feel right now because again it’s been long enough now we’re coming up on four years of AK being in charge of basketball officers

This organization and every press conference is the same he doesn’t like talking to the media he’s not good at it and he never says anything of substance and when he does try to say something of substance it’s usually the opposite of what Bulls fans want to hear yeah so why expect it

To go any differently this time around yeah like and I don’t care that he doesn’t like talking to the media you don’t want to I don’t fine don’t talk to me just do your job job that’s it part that that’s it we don’t have to talk we don’t have to be

Friends I don’t care that’s fine do your job cuz that’s the only time I’m going to want to hear from you is when you’re not doing it if you did everything I’ll be like I would be here defending you hey bro he don’t like to talk it’s fine

He don’t have to talk he don’t have to say anything like that why look at all the stuff he’s done that’s how he talk he’s talking through his actual moves right there well you ain’t saying nothing because you’re doing nothing that’s the problem right here and it

Speaks volumes that Big Dave is saying I don’t we don’t have to be friends we don’t like whatever just do your job because this man wants to be friends with everybody no I don’t want to be friends I just Haven are friends with everybody correct that part don’t care I

You don’t need I saw somebody else in the comments earlier like asking like Hey Big Dave can you call your your friend Michael rinor and figure out what the hell’s going on yeah I told him earlier I was like I tried I said it on

The air like I tried I tried I tried money mik you know what I mean I don’t I don’t know what’s going on there you know was busy and uh Jeff Crook saying wait till you see the moves we make on the buyout Market before you judge a

Jokey somewhat different that’s why like even a Drummond move if they could have gotten a first- round pick for Drummond that would have been great that’s still not a meaningful roster change correct and as I’ve been saying now for two years for two full years this team needs

Some major roster changes it just does he has said it for two years um also they’ve done nothing again and I and I can’t I can’t confirm this or Source this but I did see shout out to uh preacher Abe who’s been a bulls fan

Twitter friend of mine wow uh I saw this from him this morning ran into a bulls exec at Starbucks this morning I said busy day you guys going to make a trade or what his answer quote you won’t be disappointed I remember that some something is brewing at least at

Starbucks that was Abe uh shout out to pre like if if that’s real if he ran into AK or everle today it was a exact it was it was know but go ahead go ahead I mean but like the if if that is a true quote you won’t be disappoint it made me

I was like that sounds like AK it sounds like what AK told Bulls fans when he was basically saying hey chill out and wait till we see what we do in free agency I agree with you Johnny I agree but is my like when he said that I said now did he

Say that so he get ahead of you in line I was like where were you in line like this look they’ve done nothing we’re going to hear from them before I’m I want to move on the good stuff because Cory Crawford is about to be on the chgo

Blackhawks podcast and I can’t wait that is awesomeness right there man get in yeah I don’t know if you guys even saw this but there’s a new item I think couple new items out on the chg locker uh come on Cho branded torches and pitchforks oh

Man I need branded torch and Pitchfork W Studios and yeah we’ll have that for you I love it all right um yes as Big Dave just mentioned we got Blackhawks coming up right here at uh 2:30 Central their guest today the one and only Corey Crawford Stanley Cup champion

Goenda I wore my blackhaw hat today or one of my Blackhawks hats today CU I was so stoked about Crawford interview and screw you Bulls you get none of my love today none of it you got to earn that and you haven’t earned it at all shout out Kev who’s just been

Getting bombarded with Hats while he’s trying to ped by hat we got to go we will be back uh bulls have a game tonight so this was show one of three today we’ll be back we’ll do pregame at 6:30 we’ll do postgame after Bulls Grizz

As uh Dave said follow will will _ gotle for all of his reporting and to hear what AK had to say in this press conference coming up in a half hour thank you for tuning in hit the like on your way out Gra the Subzero shirt from

The C merch Locker uh and we’ll talk to you later today so you’re got be good hang in there Bulls Nation See we all sitting like the mayor

The CHGO Bulls crew are LIVE for the final minutes leading up to and following the NBA Trade Deadline passing at 2pm Central Time! Will Arturas Karnisovas and Marc Eversley find any last minute trades for DeMar DeRozan, Alex Caruso or Andre Drummond? If they don’t, what does it signify for the future of the franchise? Plus, the guys react to other trades around the NBA over the past few hours. Matt, Big Dave and Will have Bulls fans covered on Deadline Day!

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  1. I rather this front office don't make a trade until they establish the identity or direction of the team. Bring in a new VP who has a vision for this team. This front office can make things worse.

  2. They are always 2-3 years late with everything they do. Lavine should have been traded 2 years ago. Derozan will be traded next year after he loses more value

  3. Ownership only cares about ticket sales, not committed to winning a championship. Reinsdorfs need to sell the team before I exit this lifetime please.

  4. As long as Reinsdorf owns the Bulls, we will never see another playoff dynasty in Chicago. He made his billions and has full houses at the UC with a losing team.

  5. Why trade good pieces for bad pieces. That would be foolish. True bulls fans want to win now and don't make no foolish mistakes

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