@San Antonio Spurs

Jeremy Sochans IG story after the Doug trade.

The team is feeling the pain too 🥲

by radicalcamel


  1. LOL but it’s true I love Douglas too, he was the embodiment of what being a Spur is

  2. Thunderhorse74

    Pacers also picked up CoJo for a 2nd tour, so I guess that’s who I’m going to root for in the playoffs.

  3. Thunderhorse74

    I know Doug said a few days ago he was happy here and didn’t want to leave, but I expect the Pacers called the Spurs up and inquired.

    Put the question to Doug – I know you want to stay but…the Pacers want you back…you want to babysit or go to the playoffs?

    I don’t think the Spurs were really trying to get anything out of this deal, rather, doing Doug a solid. Its not the first time they have done something like that for a player, be it trading them or buying out so they can sign else where. We are getting a 2nd out of it.

    I’d absolutely consider someday hiring Doug as a coach in the future, once his playing days are done.

    Of taking him back in a year or three and we are good…

  4. DirtyWizardsBrew

    He will…


    …be a Spur in my heart.

  5. spiderseth

    Best thing about this trade is we get Marcus Morris as well, I hope we just sit him on the bench all season for what he pulled in 2019.
    Yes I’m still bitter we lost Bertans bc of Morris.

  6. That’s about sharing the PF position with Marcus Morris /s

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