@Brooklyn Nets

Sean Marks on Nets’ trade deadline moves, trading for Dennis Schröder

Sean Marks on Nets’ trade deadline moves, trading for Dennis Schröder

Sean after you’ve now gotten through the day how would you describe and assess how everything played out and went for you and your team yeah Megan first and foremost um you know these days are are never easy right the trade deadline is one of those days that uh it has an

Opportunity to acquire new players tweak the team a little bit and so forth so I look forward to those opportunities but at the same time you know it comes with people leaving your nits family and that’s never the easiest um for anybody you I’ve been there myself through it so

I I tottally get it um so I would like to thank those guys first and foremost because you their fingerprints are all over the Nets of the time that they’ve been here so from from you know everything they’ve done on the court off the court in the community

You name it so uh it’s been really special to have Royce and Harry and spener here um for the times they were here and they’re fine young Gentlemen We wish them nothing but the best with the moves and the additions that you did make what were some of the main

Priorities that you and your team focus on yeah I think we go into these uh days always thinking about about future flexibility try trying to have maintain some some level of sustainability when we’re looking at you know how’s the team look this year how’s it going to look in

6 months time from now how’s it going to look in 3 4 years so we’re looking way down the road here for us and you know what’s fitting with our timetable fitting with the uh the group that we are thinking or envisioning that we’ll come back this this this next offseason

And we’ll bring back for nit in a year or two from here um so hopefully we accomplish some of those goals I think we feel pretty good about it by by adding um you know the the the players that we that we obviously added and and

And bringing those guys in but at the same time um you know keeping some of those draft assets as well and and and again that future flexibility obviously uh you know when you’re talking about a guy like Spencer that’s been here for so long uh could

You touch on a what you’re getting in Dennis and be with Spencer outgoing was this kind of laid in motion once you you know you guys couldn’t come to an agreement I guess on an extension or did not come to an agreement yeah look I I don’t really I never really comment on

The extension part of it that’s always behind the scenes and so forth and um you know I’ll just kind of leave it at that I I think the focus now is is on Dennis and uh you know he he’s a he’s a player that we’ve you know focused on

And followed for years now and I was fortunate enough to be over and watch FEA this offseason and saw him there as well so it’s it’s great to see um you know how he tried how he led Germany and what he did he would did for that team

So you know he brings a level of toughness a compete a grit the things that we’re looking for um you know and it’s it’s going to be fun to get him amongst this locker room and have these guys compete and get out there there’s currently One open roster

Spot uh with the Jordan Goodwin news is there any hint at what that might become could it be a Jaylen Wilson standard conversion or are we not there yet you know I think that’s part of just making sure we maintain that flexibility right and we’ll we’ll see how these guys um

Come in over the next couple weeks couple months and and how they compete for the these spots and I like normal we’ll canvas the league and see who’s else is out there but um you know we’ve going to keep our options open for now for sure how have you just been in what

Have your you been made of this season so far obviously not the way you expected Ben being hurt just kind of how would you assess where things are as you’re trying to plan plan ahead you know I mean look I think we look at our rickle and we say look would’ love to

Have a bit of rled than we have right now and and I can sit up here and say well you know the continuity of the team hasn’t been there there’s been injuries players in and out and so forth um you know again we know what fits with our

Timetable right now what we’re looking for and what we’re judging these guys on and and and part of that is the moves we made you know at at this deadline the moves will be making at the draft and then into into free agency like you know

Who fits and uh you know who can be a net long long term here in Royce’s case with u with three second rounders is that more a case of you picking say future flexibility as you mentioned rather than potentially more immediate help you know I think it’s a little bit

Of both right you know we know we’re getting some immediate help with Dennis you know um we obviously like kada Bates so we’re excited about bringing ker in here we’ve followed him since Ohio State so so we know the player well um but again you know when you’re when you’re

Getting you know three future draft assets here you know I couldn’t tell you how they’re going to be used but but that’s the opportunity for me that’s exciting piece for our group like you know you saw many of these picks being uh thrown around and floated all over

The place you know over the course of the last uh you know 24 hours and 72 hours here so that just gives us more you know more in our cab to to use down down the road here now having said that you know we’re going to miss a player

Like Royce immensely so uh you know I think uh Phoenix knows exactly what the getting with him you know again he’s he’s leaving a lasting impression you know on our players on the locker my coaching staff everybody so um you know I thank him immensely for what he’s done

Over the over the course of his time here you mention making moves that fit your your timetable obviously it’s only been a year since trading two superstars and obviously not not the thing you set out to do kind of just had to do but in trying to sort through that over the

Course of the last year what is the timetable for kind of like turning the corner and building back up again yeah well I think when when we first came in here I think it was almost eight years ago you know we had one idea of what our

Timetable would look like right and and all of a sudden that gets sped up when you know you have uh you know credit to our coaches they’ve developed guys and you know obviously we’re playing against a couple of those guys tonight out there so you know they develop they speed up

Your time table a little bit that doesn’t mean you have to go all in you know when you go all in but at the same time you know we we had the opportunity to acquire you know the players of Kevin and Kai James’s stature you know we’re

Going to we’re going to want to do that and I would do it all over again but at the same time you know this time time it’s you know how we developing these young guys and and who fits our timetable you know you look at the age

Group of um the guys that we have here and you know when you’re sort of in that 22 to 25 27 year old you know you know you’ve got three or four years to sit there and go okay it’s gonna be fun to see what Mel looks like when he gets to

His prime fun to see what cam looks like when he gets to his prime so you know Nick lexton the list list sort of goes on there so you know I don’t want to say hey we’re on a three-year timetable fouryear timetable you could be far

Faster than that you know we’ve seen it move quicker than that in the past you mention you mentioned just the timetable part of it then what what are your expectations for this group when you look at the next 30 games you know wrapping up the regular season yeah I

Think it’s really important that we go out there and compete I mean that’s that’s the number one thing I mean our goal here is is to plan the postseason I mean that’s for sure and I’m not going to walk in that locker room and and tell that group anything different I think

They’re they’re a competitive young group and and they want to prove to people they can do it so hopefully you know there’s continuity within the roster and and and you know health is is a number one priority I think for every team but I think over the next 30 32

Games you know that’s what we’d love to see is competing at a high level night in and night out and seeing who Rises to the occasion Sean you’re assessing kind of you know the core and who’s going to be a part of this team going forward just curious what you thought of Cam

Thomas’s growth this year and and his game so far through about 50 games look you know great question Mike I mean cam has been I I need to tell you you know how how he’s played for us I mean offensively everybody talks about his ability to go out there and get a bucket

And and so forth and you know I’ve seen all the Emojis and slogans and everything all over over the internet but at the same time I’m really proud of the young man that that cam is becoming and and and growing into and you see that you know both on and off the court

And I think jacqu mentioned the off Court part of it but you know I’ll talk a little bit about on the court I mean you see him involving his teammates you see him making the right reads and and and really trying to play you know with his teammates out there and I think

That’s that’s some growth there that we’re seeing so that’s exciting to see where where Cam can take this game Sean what would your message be to fans who say that they’re unclear about the direction or the timetable of the franchise just one year out from the

Ktie and Kyrie trades well you know I would hope those fans you again seven or eight years ago was sitting here going they probably didn’t really know what the direction was then I have utmost faith faith in this group this group of players and and and this the staff to to

Go out there and put a uh sustainable product on the floor I mean that’s going to be a goal here that we can compete night in and night out something that the fans can get behind and play the right brand of basketball um you know we’ve talked about you know the quote

Unquote Brooklyn git all the time right that’s what it takes to sort of survive in this burrow and and that’s the brand that we’re going to have to play out there and that’s behind some of the Acquisitions and some of the trades that we’ve made over the course of you know

The these this last 24 hours I know it’s a small sample of games but what do you make of what you’ve seen from Ben in terms of on the court how he came back from the injury and just sort of where he fits with this team yeah I mean look

We we talk about the pace that Ben plays with you know and I think it’s pretty clear to see how his uh his teammates enjoy playing with him right and and the big thing for him is going to be health and as we as we build up his minutes and

And take off minute restrictions and so forth um you know I hope again for the next 32 games you know you see a b that can go out there and really contribute at a high level and get back to back to form but it’s it’s been really promising

What we’ve seen so far what are your thoughts on what are your thoughts on the job Jack has done this year like you said injuries absences hasn’t always been easy out there no it it hasn’t absolutely and I and I think that’s uh it’s pot of coaching right when you

Never quite know who your who your roster is going to be but you know I look at how he’s connecting with these guys both on and off the court you know and I and I see the The Sweat Equity from not only jacqu but from his from

His coaching staff on a on a daily basis and that’s absolutely to be respected beyond belief and then uh you know he’s giving it all he’s giving it everything he can and you know he never knows who who who’s he got for tonight’s game little alone you know we we just took a

Couple players from him tonight so um he knows what’s at stake I think we all do here you know our jobs are here to go and put a sustainable product on the floor and give the fan base uh something to cheer and root for

Brooklyn Nets GM Sean Marks meets with the media and discusses the Nets trade deadline moves, future flexibility, trading for Dennis Schröder, the open roster spot, and so much more. Subscribe for daily sports videos!

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  1. If there is going to be another rebuild then Sean Marks should not be the one doing the job. Just like with Billy King he's run his course

  2. The team Needs a BIG MAN!!! Play Claxton at the 4. 7 foot stretch 5 to play with Nic. Never gonna go far playing undersized against the real teams. Team is not as far away as you think. Also need a experienced coach.
    Every time I hear rumors of them getting a player it’s yet another wing player. You have enough wings! You could open up a Dam chicken store already. They look like a JV team against the better teams just look at the Phoenix game for example. Any decent 7 footer can have a career game, the just pull Claxton away and have there way. This is why they have trouble scoring at the end of games by the 4th quarter there worn out from bangin with much bigger body’s Can’t watch anymore.

  3. Knicks easily better run organization now ima go watch them better coach serious contender nets going into lottery with no lottery pick.

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