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Inside the NBA discuss Trades around the NBA

Inside the NBA discuss Trades around the NBA

Just the chuckster’s got a good team they got a good team but they bought them little skinny dudes down there and we just mauled them all right well better than against LSU Us in the tiger doome CarMax one-onone boys and girls trade deadline day today at it came at 3:00 this

Afternoon Dallas and the Knicks two teams you’re going to see in the first game of our double header pretty active as the Mavs get PJ Washington Daniel Gafford and the Knicks getting Buon bogdanovich and Alec Burks from the Detroit distance so um you know the guy

We need to talk to about uh all the deals that went down and and who won the deadline would be Chris Haynes who is joining us tonight from New York Chris uh where is it in a dungeon somewhere no he’s not in a dungeon he’s in a studio

Somewhere that is not a studio that’s a tell them you’re in a studio will you got one SE Wall come on man one cement wall and one other come on Chris you’re in New York City man where’ you find out at Chris cheap ass

Hey hy you’re in a studio right GE no he’s not in Plus Studio here in New York Plus Studio there you go I think you mean BS but hey let’s talk trade deadline what you say talk trade deadline Chris I’ll I’ll do my best to control what’s going on

Here I’ll do that um you brought up New York and Dallas you know if you look at this trade deadline it wasn’t much star power feat featured but you look at what the Knicks did um you know being able to get Alec ber getting over get ban you

Know they gave up literally nobody from their core and were able to add two rotational pieces and these are actually starting quality players um that other teams were trying to um get as well so this definitely moves them up a bit in the Eastern Conference standings they’re

They’re one of the deepest teams in the conference now and I mean I don’t know how you can dismiss the fact that they might even be a title contendent team now and when you get OG back who just had um surgery on his elbow he’s featured to come back in about three

Three weeks to a month um this is a whole team in New York Knicks in the Dallas Mavericks being able to get you know Gafford and PJ Washington uh I spoke to people over there they believe they’re a much more versatile team um you know they they feel like this takes

Some over the hump and they’re waiting to get whole as well when they get their big man back and so uh you know I think those two teams are the teams that probably one trade deadline day but I know a lot of fans probably wanted to

See a a little bit more star power featured today but ultimately it wasn’t that case and you probably have to wait for the off season for star names to get off the board so maybe not huge names but some impact guys to be sure meantime let’s talk about teams that didn’t do

Anything we heard about the Lakers you know for week now hey can the Lakers will they make a deal with the Hawks is De Jon Murray going to all that nothing happened there how come well the Atlanta Hawks they went into this trade deadline feeling like

They weren’t in need of any urgency they felt like if there wasn’t a deal out there that blew them away they were comfortable in bringing dejonte back into the fold and reassessing in the off season believing that there will be teams that will have more first round

Picks available so they can get a better deal but the Lakers were in play the New Orleans Pelicans were in play um something happened over the last 24 hours that kind of kill the momentum of the Pelicans uh not sure what that was but you know they pulled out last minute

And for the Lakers you know I was told that the Hawks wanted Austin Reeves in return um D’Angelo Russell would have been a part of a package as well um the Lakers did not want to um include Austin Reed so that basically killed that situation and so you know you look at

Somebody like LeBron James who you know I’ve been covering for a decade now and you know you know he wants to win and win now so the Lakers feel like um they stood Pat and they felt like going into the off season where they would have up

To three first round picks to offer a potential star that might request a trade from another team they feel like they’ll be in a position to snag another star to add a third star to the equation so they wanted to be patient they would have moved if the right opportunity

Presented itself But ultimately they believe Austin Reeds is a future star and they want to keep him into the fold so the Lakers are going to have to prove they are going to have to improve within to get this uh to get this right yeah I

Mean a year ago all we were talking about at trade deadline time was how active the Lakers were but nothing this time around meantime the Bucks and the Sixers uh swing a deal which is intriguing because here they are jockeying for position in the Eastern Conference and and now Philadelphia

Sends Pat Beverly to Milwaukee what’ you make of that well it was interesting you know Milwaukee they were definitely scouring the market trying to find defensive help defense is where they’ve struggled for most of this season and particularly a point of attack defense and so you add

Patrick Beverly into the fold you know a guy who relishes playing that role guy who relishes getting all up in um getting all up on the player and trying to cause havoc and so uh you know they’re hoping that’s going to work in their favor where they can climb their

Defense up the um up the standings now with that being said there you know there’s history between Pat Bev and Damen Lillard you know there’s you know documented history um those two have spoke you know spoke to each other in unflattering flattering terms during games during post games and during pream

And so you know there’s an extended history there and so I had to I had to you know call my guy Dame and and get his uh you know see what he thought about the move and you know he said first and foremost he wanted to give a

Shout out there’s Pat B right there he said first of all he wanted to give a shout out to campaign who who had to be sent to Philadelphia he said that was a guy who he grew fond of but as far as Pat he said Pat is exactly what they

Need point of attack Defender somebody who’s relentless on that side of the ball and you know he’s going to bring that edge and he said whatever issues they had in the past he’s putting it to the side because the ultimate goal is to win a championship so it’ll be very interesting and

Uh people are looking forward to seeing how that Dynamic is going to play out between Pat Bev and Damen L nobody expected that Chris Haynes uh from the palacial BR plus studios in tell water and you can get out now appreciate you very much gez Louise water you out on good

Behavior sh sh Redemption to he be better in prison Chris get out of solitary confin so hey hey Kenny how much better are your Nicks well they’re not my Nicks however or you called them your Nicks I grew up ack man ken and why no question I I

Think the interesting thing is those two guys Burks and banovich they were everyone was trying to get them individually like we want Burks we want bogy like everyone was TR and so the Knicks got both of them um they’re obviously a lot deeper the the the the always the big question still

Is are you do you have two guys that can play at the level of Tatum and brown when it comes down to it do you have two guys that can play the way donov and Mitchell can possibly play or do you have two guys on a consistent in a seven

Game series can you match jool embiid and Maxi that’s those are the questions that’s gonna either happen if if Joel and B comes back because the Knicks are right there but are they able to go over the top with really on paper just on paper Ernie they don’t have always the

Best player no matter how great Brun Brunson is great but sometimes they if you look at him be you look at Tatum you’re going to say those guys have proven that they have done it and done it for more than one year that’s the question well how good

Has that guy been lately Dante djo been lightened up by committee can they you know the other thing Chuck before it’s going to be can they be the those those Detroit Piston teams yes can they be that and be the Laker team I want I want

To say a couple things number one I think the Knicks did get better yes because I watched them play the lickers the other night and all the lickers did was take the ball out of Bron’s hand and nobody else could make a shot they went like seven minutes in that game because

I want to see them but obvious they not hold without OG and Randle but I’m going to take the other side I love what the Mavs did uh to me they had to the second best trade deadline today I’m glad you mentioned that I don’t know if you did

That intentional because we had the Mavs on tonight but getting PJ and Gafford I think the Mavs I think the Mavs had the second best day today uh my sons I think they did good with Roy O’Neal I think that’s a nice pickup but for me I

Thought the Mavs had the second best day today no gafford’s a big pickup this is a team that struggles on the boards their rebounding differential is really bad he will he will certainly regard and PJ can but see concerning one thing I don’t think people understand look at OG

Since he came to the Knicks what people don’t understand is OG’s been a heck of a player for a long time but they didn’t have a lot up there in Toronto all of a sudden now he come to the Nick they’re like man he can really play I think PJ

And Gafford playing yeah just because it didn’t happen today people forget OG and seak were the biggest trades yes why they’re over there blab blab blabber mouthing did it help the get better yes but did it help win the championship no so it don’t matter we don’t know they yet season not over

Don’t matter season ain’t got so who who are they I mean who did they get they Boston can they be that’s what I’m asking can they beat Boston me and you we talk Championship we don’t talk can they beat Boston no they cannot well we don’t know that yet can they beat Boston

Keny no can they can they beat Cleveland right now no can they beat with Milwaukee no why do we know that I like what Milwaukee did because I know for a fact when you play with a guy that loves to play defense makes everyone else play

And again I talk about timely stops and Dame said it this guy likes to agitate people with the ball so when he’s out there doing that everybody’s going to want to kick in they get a couple of stops like like you know in important situations everything will be all right

They’re struggling out but I think you know you bring this guy who’s a leader who’s a vocal leader he’s going to demand that everybody plays like he plays and Doc will make his Milwaukee debut tonight out of the gates one and four the All-Star coach is going head-to-head in Milwaukee and Minnesota

Chris K and Doc Rivers Kenny um your beard look nice no you you wait you’re B beard was lighter last week it was a little grayer let’s see the test do you have some white you have something on I don’t have Myard man just for no play for Mr gr a picture last week posted nextow h


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  1. Kenny's and other commentator's point about those "two guys" is pure BS, it's a team sport, with a starting roster of five guys and a bench. If the Knicks are here to win they will do it in a Detroit Pistons fashion, Jalen being their Chauncey Billups.

  2. Im leaving this comment here so i can come back when the playoffs start and talk about how the Knicks knocked out Cleveland or the 76rs or Milwaukee we'll see Boston in the conference finals 🤞

  3. Yes we aren’t your Knicks Kenny . We don’t claim fake Knick fans like you and Stephen A Smith. Go be a lakers fan

  4. Pat Bev has been going on reconciliation tours man. Westbrook, Embiid and now Lillard. Dayum he retiring?

  5. I don't think the knicks will beat boston, but they can. I wouldn't count out miami either. Miami got to the finals with pure hustle. They lacked scoring talent, but they have herro, and added rozier, and those 2 can score. Knicks getting Bojan, and OG, also added to ther scoring talent from 3. OG and Hart really good perimiter defenders. It'll all comes down to their rim protection, since Mitchell been injury prone sadly for his whole career.

  6. Shaq and Kenny just forgetting the Knicks pretty easily beat the Cavs last season and are now an even better team? The disrespect is crazy. Say they can't beat Boston all you want but to saying the Cavs and Mitchell are above them after last year is just crazy.

  7. Lmfao, Shaq doesn't even make sense like he just started winning championships, lmfao… it takes steps to be championship contenders, Knicks are taking those steps.

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