@Toronto Raptors

Bobby Webster Speaks Post-Trade Deadline | Raptors Show Clips

Bobby Webster Speaks Post-Trade Deadline | Raptors Show Clips

Welcome back to the Raptor show on the sports C radio network I’m your H Lou uh nobody at the podium just quite yet so we might have we might have cut grin off early but uh I’m entering what hour three we’ve already we’re already in hour three with uh with Blake Murphy

Blake how you feeling man uh I mean I’m trying to like answer people’s questions and stuff like that on Twitter during our breaks and stuff I’ll write up all the cap ramifications and stuff but I I can sense some frustration that like you know you tweet out a detail or whatever

And people are upset because they don’t don’t like what’s going we do have to zoom out and take a look at this as a whole and I agree with the general sentiment that it’s going to take some understanding and some questions in this press conference uh to understand but um

Yeah anyway I just I need a little bit of time to to sit with this thing and go over my g-league like top guards list because the r this is honestly probably the most exciting thing I’ll turn my attention to after I get the the cap

Update and the summer Outlook up is the rap have two open roster spots and obvious need a guard and maybe even for an extra depth developing set C you convert Jon I mean there’s no really there’s not really a need to and you can make the argument sometimes that it’s

It’s better not to like so he can’t max out his days you could convert him because it’s a reward for him and stuff like that but if you do that now you can only um employees is a good sign of Health cure but you can only sign him

For this year and next if you convert him now because all of your midlevel exceptions used up if you were to wait until the off season and he’s a restricted free agent you could sign him to a longer term deal um so look I’m always going to be in favor of

Especially with these two-way guys the g- league guys who’ve been grinding get them their money get them get them their um their payday and stuff but from a purely like roster flexibility standpoint if you want to be cold and calculated about it it would it would probably make more sense to just wait

Until the offseason because then you can sign jonte to a longer deal um but maybe they’re not thinking that way maybe they think like I think they want to reward these guys um there are i’ I’ve gotten a couple questions as well so just while we wait for Bobby sure um Maris no’s

Hurt still he he strained his hamstring pretty bad a couple weeks ago his status for for the All-Star game next weekend he made the g-league All-Star game uh that status is still uh in question so in terms of the immediate point guard depth for this Raptor team it’s Garrett

Temple it’s Javon Freeman Liberty who is much more a combo guard than a than a point guard and uh then it’s you know the the Bruce Brown Scotty Barnes RJ taking on more responsibility types um when we eventually zero in on like we did when yaka plle got heard hey who are

Some g-league um potential fillings I’m obviously going to focus that more on the point guard position there are some cool names out there I still haven’t given up the the Hope on shf Cooper uh who’s been been balling out with Cleveland’s team there are a couple

Other guys uh Santa Cruz has has a really spicy guard uh who who’s really improved a lot as The Season’s gone on as well I got to sit down and uh and come up with a list like that but first we got to do the cap updates which is uh

Which is post show here oh you’re about to I I know you’re about to cook I know you’re about to cook I mean there’s not that much it’s like they could have all the cap flexibility in the world but that would mean declining Bruce Brown’s option trading renouncing the rights to

Kelly all this I’d be so upset yeah it would be and this is the thing like like we talked about it maybe I didn’t do the best job of wording it but I got some questions like this on Twitter so hopefully people are listening to the

Show as well is like yeah there is like when w says that there’s a lot of flexibility with Bruce Brown it’s true but that flexibility diminishes as each decision Point like the flexibility of we could do five different things at three different points in time changes

When now it’s well we could do three different things at two different points in time it’s the same thing we went through with the Pascal where it’s like well you could trade him Mark sendum Etc um there is still that flexibility that is true but it is less tomorrow than it

Was today this team loves acquiring flexibility so number one it’s the number one thing they love acquiring um yeah okay so you know there are the open roster spots I think now that the roster is finally set um I I suppose for everybody it’s a bit of a relief just because go

Through the trade rumors and of course there’s always things that are rumored and whether or not they actually come to fruition it doesn’t really happen and then you end up in the situation where you feel like it’s a little disappointing I’m certainly relating to that feeling right now um but at least

It’s over and now you can look just at the roster as is and sort of how they want to move forward I mean I don’t get the sense after this deadline that they’re just looking to not be competitive the rest of the season I think they still want to

Compete but most importantly that’s secondary to how those young guys continue to grow I just hope that they continue to find minutes for those young guys not just for Scotty quickle and and RJ but also for the other young guys as well on the roster Grady aaji who you

Need to see more of now yep I think I I want to see more war as well you know I feel like War gets left out of these is it because he’s a is he is he unrestricted afterwards too he is unrestricted you have you have rights on

Him so that’s that’s important but he I think the reason that he comes up a little less o on top of which just like as soon as they got healthy he stopped playing he’s also 25 and we have four years of him being like like I said this at the time when

When he was acquired and like he’s had a couple nice games for the Raptors but like we know who Jordan war is to a pretty good degree it’s like making the why they get him then because you need to make the salary math work in the

Pascal deal like I I think it was one of those things like you got to take two players back in addition to Bruce Brown and Indiana wasn’t giving you their prospects so you took Jordan wara because like I mean he’s a competent NBA player we’ve obviously seen that we’ve

Seen that like Milwaukee and Indiana weren’t bad teams but in terms of like hey which young guys do you need to see more of like it’s the same as the case of like of playing Gary Moore I like you can make the case of play Gary Moore

Because he’s balling out lately and he’s shooting the three really well he’s 25 he’s been in the league five years like we know who six years for Gary four for war but we know who these guys are they’ve been in NBA rotations on on competitive teams and like yes they’re

Not finished products yet but like we know who those guys are more and they’ve had more developmental opportunities than say a Grady dick or an O abaji again aaji is a little older for a prospect and came through a major program so not to the same extent but

Like yeah Grady dick should should be getting more of those uh reps and things like that I I guess I would just hope that they’re not competing with each other cuz again like the only thing I they are competing with each other okay the thing I’m going to push back on is

Who war was for the Pacers who war was for uh Milwaukee before that those are all context dependent I was hoping that i’ Chang the scener for him and we we saw a couple good games for him and all of a sudden now we have no minutes for

Him we hoped that the treade deadline was going to clear some other contracts around so maybe there’s some more clarity for him doesn’t seem like that’s affected his situation if anything there’s another guy that’s jumped ahead of him in the rotation m in in

Aaji like we we I guess we don’t get to see it you know what I mean other than a couple flashes which were good so I I understand why you’re pushing back in that way but again like they have six wings slash forwards or 25 and under and

Like you have to draw you can’t play all of them there’s not enough they’re not all going to get enough minutes so like like Jordan War why they could have triy to trade Bruce Brown for example right and like and they’re not going to just like sit Bruce Brown down for the season

I’m sorry that’s not it’s not going to happen you would have a very unhappy Bruce Brown on your hands and you would be maybe you know to whatever extent he still has value You’ be diminishing that for um for for next year but like RJ Barrett Gary Trent Jr Grady dick o aaji

Scotty Barnes Jordan War those guys are all 25 and under and there’s probably like four rotation spots there may maybe you can expand it to six if you’re going to play with like some non-point guard minutes and some Scotty Center minutes still to see um and then you’ve all like

McDaniels is under contract for next year and I mean just turned 26 he he is he should be at the bottom of those on him into that Brooklyn trade yeah and then like and then Bruce Brown is still around so that’s eight guys for like at most like six maybe seven rotation spots

And that’s if you’re spreading the minutes around so there are going to be odd guys out every night and and I think you know of those eight we can safely put McDaniels at the bottom but like War might be next at the bottom versus the other six guys given where the Raptors

Are and what they have invested in these other pieces do like would you would you put War above you know aaji dick Trent Barrett Barnes minutes no but I again I think that if you had move Bruce Brown which obviously I didn’t mention him in there specifically because like because yes

You because the other guys you can actually finesse and at least give him a chance that’s the thing whatever I guess yeah I I’m well look for me personally I’m hoping for whatever we get from the Pascal trade to be maximized so a maximiz version would be you give War a

Shot and he turns into something you may be able to resign him all of a sudden that looks like you got a piece out of that right you got the picks one of those picks became aaji hopefully you give aaji a shot then hopefully becomes out of that so then the trade looks

Better and better you know what I mean but otherwise like the Bruce part was a big part of it was you know you know that you know was supposed to be a big part of that but uh we’ll see I guess if the Raptors uh flip him

At the draft but in the meantime we have Bobby Webster going to the podium and let’s just take you there I I I saw the pat Haven SE I’ve never seen the patties out there before it looks like a craft beer yep so guess about when decided that after back to early

December um did you kind of are you sort OFW you talk um based on the moves and to that it’s a good question I think I’d characterize you know this trade deadline um you know we did our heavy lifting about a month ago and so I I

Feel like this trade deadline we cleaned up a lot of things and we you know addressed some of the things we talked about after the OG and Pascal trades um you know we’re able to turn one of the picks into a good young player in oai

You know it’s kind of a steady in presidence in Kelly uh financially we were able to you know gain some more flexibility the Summer with the dentist trade um but yeah I think the heavy lifting was done this you know December January and this kind of like deadline

Continued on kind of that path that makes sense specul about Bruce we were like toble to yeah I think that’s it’s fair um had we gotten the offers we wanted for Bruce you know if kind of hit our threshold we would have done something at the same

Time I think Bruce is is 27 he has a really interesting contract you know he provides a professionalism and toughness I think we’re all seeing on the court so we value that um and there’s options with Bruce this summer I also think if you look around the league today there

Weren’t a ton of major moves and so I think that you know maybe some larger macro elements in the NBA are contributing to um you know teams going forward and making big deals um but no we’re we’re we’re happy with Bruce we’re you know we’re happy to continue on with

Him you mentioned getting the heavy lifting done early what I guess was was the thinking behind making those moves as early as you guys did as opposed to taking it up closer to the deadline for Pascal and OG and in the end was it beneficial I guess to

Have this time the last few weeks to gauge the market on some of the other guys after doing the heavy lifting early yeah so a couple parts there I think you know to be honest the the start of the Season didn’t kind of you

Know get off how we wanted to and so I think we were you know in some ways forced to address you know those those two situations I also think the value for those players you know a lot of the conversations we had around those two players were the teams wanted to acquire

Them as early as possible so they had a a longer you know runway for the rest of the season um so I think a couple of factors contributed to those deals happening early um I think it lessened the load right of you know imagine trying to do all those

Deals this week that wasn’t necessarily the intention of it but it did give us a stretch you know we’ve had some injuries and whatnot but at least we’ve had a little bit of time or more time than normal you know had to be done those deals with the trade deadline we’d be

Looking at you know 25 to 30 games with that group whereas now we’re going to have you know hopefully 45 to 50 looking at that young group so uh doing it doing it early I think was advantageous for us was advantageous for the teams that have acquired them um and allows us to

Approach this deadline understanding who the core of this team is this is the third straight year you requireing preent I’m wrong with know somewhat of an intention of keeping them around for a bit uh obviously that comes with bird rights um it’s not something you see a

Ton around the league so why are why are you guys why do you guys like this well I think you know you could probably even date back to the surge trade right I mean I think it allows you to you know bring that person inh house get a feel

For them um understand how they fit with your culture how they fit basketball-wise um and then make that decision in the summer from a bit more of an informed um point of view so I think that’s just generally the the thinking behind it um I think I guess specifically you’re asking with respect

To Kelly yeah so I think Kelly listen we everyone in here has followed him for a long time we’ve been big fans of Kelly um I think the way we view him specifically is you he’s kind of like a steady hand and I think we’ve seen it

With the bench units um especially with the bigs he’s going to provide a skill set a veteran presence a voice um that you know we think that that unit could you know use some help with and so we’re excited to have Kelly the conversations have been great I think he really wants

To be here um you know he’s excited for this opportunity I think from a contract perspective you know he is extension eligible right now so it’s a little different than some of the other players so you can have those conversations and you know have an understanding of what he’s looking for how

Do it’s probably a bit too much CBA minutia but I think you had a number of large factors kind of contributing to restricted market so you had a lot of the contending teams um just didn’t have a ton of assets so the teams that you normally would be buyers just were kind

Of capped out or you know didn’t have the draft picks um I think everyone is a little unsure about the pending financial um penalties under the new system um and so I think that contributed to you know the sellers maybe being less inclined to take on money um that they otherwise

Would have been and then the typical buyers just not kind of having the ammo to come out and and get guys you mentioned that now you guys have a pretty good idea the core that you’re building around is Gary part of that group I mean he’s in that same ageback

Or a similar ageback with those guys of course it’s going to be a free agent where do you kind of see him in his future with this team yeah so I think on the surface Gary’s 25 years old and a 40% three-point shooter right so you’d

Start there um I think he probably would even admit he didn’t get off to as good of a start as he would have wanted to but he’s kind of settled in now and we’re seeing it so I think it’s a little TBD on Gary but I think we’re watching

Him grow with this group we’re watching him um you know pick and choose his spots offensively um I think you’re seeing him be a bit more aggressive defensively which we’ve seen over the years um so I think it’s a it’s a it’s a great stretch for him and it’s a great

Stretch for us to to evaluate him to W Spen um for whatever reason roster spot expect to build up def yeah definitely I mean part of the the Spencer uh decision making was just age we want to play young guys we want to take looks at you

Know we’ve seen some Scotty up point guard we’ll you know hopefully see more there but it also does free up two roster spots for us to bring in some guys take shots on um you know some free agents Scout the g- league overseas so we’ll definitely use those two roster

Spots you mentioned W to go after one of the guys you had it was 32y old Kell uh and you had there are other older players on the SE why didn’t you guys go all young for examp I think we were trying to find the right mix you know we’ve even in personal

Conversations with a lot of teams in our similar position you um the young guys need leadership right and I think we we lost a bit of that in veteran presence when we made our earlier deals and so you’re trying to find that right chemistry of who can kind of guide these

Players you know it’s tough for us to lose Thad you know I think everybody’s seen how important he was and you know he had to be included in that deal so are we simultaneously bringing in young players to develop and grow but also creating an environment around them where they’re

Learning professional habits um they’re being held accountable they’re understanding how to play basketball at the NBA level they learning how to win um so that’s the mix that we’re always trying to to to shoot for you two Canadians in RJ and Kelly in is their nationality bringing two Hometown guys

Play a role is it just strictly basketball yeah I mean it starts with the basketball piece um I think you know we’re bias and we’ve watched them grow up more so maybe we’re more familiar with their game right if there’s ever I always tell people if there’s ever a

Young Canadian kid up like it’s our job to know them in and out and make sure that you know we have a good feel on them um and so from both of those point of views we love them as players first um and it’s great that they are Canadian

They want to be here and so I think that’d be the other piece which is having players that want to play here um you know goes a long way on on many levels was obviously uh highly touted coming off that final part of the Mitch

Trade as well what do you guys see in hims yeah hardworking High character two-way player you know kind of fits the bill of of guys we’ve pursued over the years um you know fouryear player at Kanas so you got you got to watch his development I think he ended his run as

Maybe most outstanding player of the tournament that year um you know has started at times in Utah so we feel like we’re getting a young player with a lot of upside hard worker High character and you know and so we’ll bet on those the team that dark got obviously when he was hired

Is how do Darko is great and I think you know part of you know part of the interview process you go through all those scenarios right we know the team that you know we were going to put forth but we also knew the the potential um changes that could happen so that you

Know we’re very upfront we’re communicative he’s been part of a lot of different NBA franchises so I don’t think this feels entirely new to him um a lot of us just you know day-to-day or even hour hourly conversations about the direction of the team and so it’s been you know been

Something we’ve been discussing internally um with him for a while now um and especially after the the two B the two major moves before he kind of saw this was the direction that everything was going couple minutes ago about veterans teaching how to be how to be pros and building culture winning you

Haven’t had a lot of winning 13 Howes how does this sort of that which te right um I think oai um he will develop in a competitive environment I think he’ll develop with guys his age group so I think that is you know one of our our big focuses is getting guys in

That sort of 22 28 kind of age group um I think Kelly helps solidify that as a presence Off the Bench we’ve seen that you know especially in the front Court Off the Bench that we’ve had some you know trouble rebounding or or whatever you may say um so I think it’s it’s

Solidifies in the sense that it’s we’re going to keep competing um and you know there’ll be a structure in place that you know will allow us to be competitive in all the games of on that note Bobby the you know we a player in Scotty who’s

An Allstar now and clearly is on the r and so you know how much focus is on making sure he’s surrounded with players that he can go and compete with first is you know how did you get a player like Scotty right like you know to your graph

Pi so how do you kind of balance building a team that remains sort of competitive around her but still you know you need St in this league yeah I think that’s just the process that we’re all probably you know going through now and so how long um how long

Do you give it um we made some moves now the summer you know this is a you know probably a multi-year process and so I think from from the point of view of building around Scotty you want young players in his age group that I think culturally socially you know energy-wise

I think you want to put skill sets around him and so I think we’ll be interested to see a Kelly skill set I don’t know if he’s had a player like Kelly to play with um and then you want guys who just like you know want to be

Here want to run I think oi’s energy will will invigorate Scotty um so you’re trying to hit on all those points sort of age culture social skill set and you know that’s what we’ll continue to do I guess emph pretty close to maybe keeping it

This year or I guess the word you know how much how important is for you for you to get a top six this year or next year I think we’re going to prioritize seeing this group play if it ends up that we’re in the top six sure if we’re

Out of the top six but I don’t think that especially the way that the new NBA rules are to try and game that doesn’t make a ton of sense right the end of the day it’s going to be the lottery balls um uh so I don’t think there’s a ton of

Of let’s do this or that but I think the big priority for us is playing that young group together getting Grady in there with that group um seeing how they fit together because that will give us a lot more information about how to build the team what moves to make this summer

As opposed to what’s going to happen over the next you know 20 25 games you guys talk reing kind of teams in that sort of position giving up a first round pi you guys obviously had a couple but why did you feel comfortable giving up an asset like that a future

Asset I think we said you know we had three maybe even four first round picks if you include the Detroit pick and so to a lot of the sort of other things we talking about it’s hard to bring in that many kids into an environment grow them

You know in the right way um I think you’re seeing it with Grady which is there’s a ton of resources staff um programs in place but you know there’s a lot that you need to do to raise them and so I think you know the thought of

Three or four of them felt like hey if we can cash in one now for someone like oai who’s still young but early in his career um then you kind of like you know solidify one of those and so I I don’t think we view it as using a pick um that

We otherwise would have wanted in the draft we kind of used it to get the type of player we would want to have gotten in the draft just following up on that that it’s sa to say that maybe we’re off for other in dra same reason you don’t

Want to have too many that I think the the value with the picks you know so if we had the Indie pick we potentially have our own but that’s going to San Antonio the 31 yeah so there’s different tiers right and so you could you know

Come up with all the scenarios to use two picks on this player to use one pick on this player to use all three picks on on somebody and so um yeah I guess that’s the game we’re we’re playing and so we decided ultimately that the one pick for um oai and Kelly made

Sense where do s and he kind of looks like he s out of the rotation you know been here for a while was interest around how do you Pro next coups I think Chris is the longest standing Raptor now so you know we have good relationship with Chris we have good communication I

Think he’s obviously going through a tough time but he’s been professional he’s been um good energy you know we talk to him often so uh you know I think we traded eight players so far and so you know sounds like some people would rather trade 15 but you know we got a

Lot of work done and so there’s there’s there’s more moves to be done but with Chris um you know I’m sure he’ll bounce back like he always does he didn’t get to this place in the NBA if he wasn’t resilient um and it seems like every

Time he’s out he’s back in but you know we’re not uh we’re not too concerned with Chris with the denst trade he do create some flexibility sum organization that brings in top very often how do you see what do you see as the value it’s not necessarily to obviously

To use cap space I think you can I think the Bruce contract is another one where you can kind of open up a ton if you want um so more of just the optionality of going into the summer with reduced committed um and so you you can you just

Have more options available to you so I don’t think there was anything specifically in mind like Hey we’re doing this we’re doing that um as opposed to let’s you know see what our books look like with uh you know 13 million or so off the off the

Books year ago what’s it been like to watch the team play this year obviously openon just from aint attitude or is that shifted at all yeah I think where we are now yeah it’s young exciting I think we’re all watching new players so there’s probably just you know different parts of your

Brain going off as you watch quickly come off a pick and roll or you watch RJ you know slash through the lane or you watch you know Scotty interact with and so um you know watching Jordan noara come and have those games so I think it’s more fun there’s a different energy

Around the team um so I think we’re enjoying you know this part of the process with a younger team as they grow and develop thanks very much everyone thanks what’s up there’s always ones right no I don’t know there wasn’t that much there wasn’t that much movement today

Was there who was the who was the best player who was the best player to De Budd buddy Buon oh all right that was Raptors general manager Bobby Webster at the podium we’ll never know what the side saddle was that’s why me and Blake typically are down there for press conferences so

We can get all the little off the Record Scoops that’s what P sources means um I been at one of these in forever man I’ve been live on air for the last like 40 times Bobby orai have spoke well you could yeah you could always text them

But um yeah we’ll text about the CBA minutia stuff but that’s uh that’s about it Bobby dropping a while the optionality of going into this summer with reduced committed goodness goodness Bobby why do you talk like that sometimes um no I actually want my jam to talk like that absolutely um okay so

Did you get some more clarity on the Raptor’s Direction based on what Bobby was talking about there not I mean not Clarity because they said they told us what they’re doing but Clarity in terms of like yeah the kind of stuff we’ve been kicking around feels fairly accurate like they are valuing

Flexibility here I I joked about you the optionality of reduced committed but like he was non-committal on using the cap space toward players he non-committal on um you know are these guys all sticking around does this mean Bruce is a part of the Court like they’re they’re just they have once

Again prioritized the flexibility and that is um you know there I can feel an impatience from like like obviously being on Twitter and having people give us feedback on the show throughout the day like there there’s an impatience there and again a diminish like a an expiry

Date that that diminishes the value of that flexibility as As you move further on but um that’s what talk about he gave the impression it’s it’s a multi-year trk to find the right pieces that fit around Scotty it’s um you know they’re not necessarily going to use all this

Cap flexibility to sign guys maybe it’s about trades maybe it’s about being predatory and taking on you know contracts he only kind of hinted at CBA minutia but I i’ reading between the lines that’s the impression I kind of got a lot of teams are going to be tight

For flexibility and and if you have that flexibility you can be predatory with that and pick up assets um it’s while way of saying that yeah and I think that you know there’s nothing we didn’t really learn anything it’s a m the really the the question I’m left with is

Like not even the question but like the the clear path here and actually the the one thing that fans probably most wanted to to hear Clarity on is like they’re not benching guys down the stretch he said the priority is now to see this group play together as much as possible

Which makes sense when your whole other than Kelly oen your entire rotation is 27 and under like Bruce Brown’s the next oldest guy at 27 um but like there was a very clear acknowledgement that like yeah you don’t you don’t control the fate of your pick even so like these

Guys you don’t entirely control the fate of your pick but again yeah they’re not they’re not taking like that okay here’s the thing the furthest the like right now they’re at like they they have like a 45% chance of keeping the pick they can only get that as high as like 63%

Exactly um takeaways from this the Bruce Brown threshold for trade wasn’t hit which I guess is supposedly obvious but I assume that threshold was the first round pick I’m sure we will hear more reports of that coming out um he also did continue to mention he’s got a

Really interesting contract so I looked into it the club option for the Raptors to pick up his 23 million for 29th his 29th the draft is June 27th yeah so if a team wanted to open up more space around the draft which would be next cycle of

Moves it’s supposed you can still move Brown Bruce Brown then and then of course teams can sort of essentially turn down the option etc etc uh and on Kelly olick he called him a steady hand for the second unit so it does not seem like Kelly is going to be for the

Starting group sure maybe some games he might start um you know on an interim basis he also did mention that he is extension eligible which again suggests that like I’m not worried that Kelly’s going to go anywhere but he is an unrestricted free agent and one small

Note on that for the cap flexib and sorry to interrupt you there I thought you done your thought um with respect to the C flexibility if you get an extension done and it’s lower than his current deal like then you don’t have to worry Kelly has a big cap hold right now

Which would mean that you know if you’re on the fence about it you got to you got to make that decision quick on Kelly but if you sign him an extension then there’s the cost certainty and his capital is not there it’s a much more

Like let’s say it’s a a 2-year 20 that we kicked around earlier maybe that’s on the high end but whatever then that’s on the books instead of the cap like there there was a little bit of flexibility to that the Gary extension possibility came up as well but pretty non-committal

There yeah he did say Gary’s 25 and a 40% shooter which is uh really matter of fact that’s always the thing I appreciate with Bobby and then the last one he just did notice that like look a lot of buyers didn’t have a lot of assets or they were capped out and

Everybody’s very unsure about the new CBA in terms of how that’s going to punish everybody so I think that kind of explains not about the Raptor specifically but in just in general um the lack of activity at the trade deadline but um yeah that was the 2024

Trade deadline do you have a fun moment uh that you did you have a favorite moment before we wrap here man you’re all about the favorite moments today eh uh look listen it’s a lot of exits you know I think I want to just process like

The feelings like we had Dennis on the show every week now he’s gone you know I think my favorite uh part of today was how many Spencer Den witty Bitcoin jokes you got in in his Raptor’s era damn he was a raptor for like 27 minutes you got

Like like five crypto jokes in if people didn’t know what I was talking about please look it up yeah didn’t he want his contract to tied to get all into Co yeah anyway well it’s that’s too bad we’ll see where he lands but yeah the

Raptors as is right now we have a roster as Bobby said we did move eight players uh sounds like some people would have wanted to trade 15 haha like yeah I mean I don’t know if people wanted to see 15 players traded but they I guess the

Point is they did change over literally half the roster so now that we have the deadline in the rear view what we’re going to do is actually get to focus on games again and look wins and loss is not as important to me how they play play together is the most important

Thing and we do have a lot of new players to look at and evaluate so as Bobby said I also do get an excitement when I see quickly pull up off the pick and roll I also do get excitement when I see RJ slash downhill I also do get

Excitement to see Scotty interact with those two guys so that’s the mission sa for the rest of the season how do the young guys play together and the pick will land where the pick will land but uh that does it for us today been your host will you’ve been listening to the

Raptor show on the sports radio network brought to you by Campbell’s new chunky spicy soup it’s time to get fired up make sure you find the rapt to show where we listen to podcast And subscribe and please rview the show thanks once again to producers Mark ba ommon huge

Day for you too appreciate both your help Bo producer Derrick mandale Jennifer mck Davis says jerem Manti helping behind the scenes thanks to Our Guest Michael gra goodbye to Our Guest Dennis shuder and uh we’ll be back to talk Raptor bball tomorrow

Toronto Raptors General Manager Bobby Webster takes to the podium to address his team’s trade deadline moves and their direction moving forward. Later on, William Lou and Blake Murphy check in to parse through the press conference and share their takeaways.


0:00 – Intro
9:03 – Bobby Webster Presser
26:13 – Press Conference Reactions


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  1. Did Bobbi really just say they just say that? Why on earth would they trade Dennis for cap space with no PLAN? Wtf is happening. These dude let the championship go to their heads.

  2. This team was alrdy under the cap before waiving Dinwiddie or trading Denis so wtf was the point of that Denis was mad not starting?

  3. This front office used to be the envy of the league. My how they have fallen! They still don’t seem to have a firm direction or a plan to get the kind of star players needed to be an NBA contender. Other than the Scottie pick, the past few years have been an absolute disaster.

  4. Raptors fans on here need to chill and lower their expectations.

    The Raptors are going to have a hard time winning games. Get used to it.

    I was a little disappointed with trade day. Thought Ochai was a decent pick up. Getting out from Schroder contract was good. I was hoping that Olynyk and Brown would’ve been traded for at least 1 young Forward, picks and expiring contract.

    It’ll be interesting to see if the team goes full blown young player development or are they trying to win because you now have 2 veteran centres, Brown , GTJ all vying for minutes.

  5. Hate to loose Kelly! Leadership is one thing but, bigger still is the fact that Kelly grew up a point guard. Add to that the ability to move the ball in the paint without all the turn overs. Further, a lot more players are making sharp cuts without the ball knowing he will hit them in stride.

  6. Raptors are weak at the GM level players do not want to play for this Mickey Mouse organization sad

  7. Raptors need to step it up the owners need to step it up making billions or sell the team we are huge Raptor fans and not impressed

  8. Brown Jr. can run the point. Barnes can as well. That should help the defence. I have never liked Schroder as a player. He played so well to start the season that I was secound guessing myself. It would have been nice to have gotten a couple of 2nds for him. Owell, I will not miss him.

  9. Shot in the dark. They want to develop young talent. They have a bunch of picks if someone wants to sell a top player they are going go get a star to co with Scottie.

  10. "Flexibility" is the new "Cap Space" and has never won a game- it's just another PR spin in the wind. Raps are still a bottom 7 team in the NBA and they reportedly are not even trying to tank 🤦‍♂🤦‍♂🤦‍♂. Olynyk will be 33 years old by the time this season ends. The Raps traded Pascal Siakam and got Bruce Brown… Olynyk, Agbaji, Nwora and 2 FRPs.

    Poeltl, Siakam, Barnes, Barrett, IQ would have been a solid starting 5 to build a bench around.

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