@Golden State Warriors

The Golden State Warriors Are DELUSIONAL…

The Golden State Warriors Are DELUSIONAL…

Now when it comes to trade deadlines the Warriors are not really known for making any major moves in the middle of the season but this felt like the one year where that could potentially change with the new GM and Mike Dunley ve and with the move that he made within a few days

Of being in his new position of trading Jordan pool for Chris Paul it very much seemed like this would be a situation where things would be different especially after seeing how much this Warriors team has underperformed throughout the first 50 games of the Season well here we are 2 hours after

The deadline as I’m recording this with essentially the same team that they went into it with now this is pretty interesting mainly because for the last one or two months there have been talks here and there about potentially being more active as the trade deadline came around with Steph saying basically if

Things stay the same then that’s the definition of insanity right he said that not even a month ago and with Shams actually having a report coming out around that same time stated that pretty much everybody on the Warriors would be available at the deadline other than

Stephen Curry but as I said before a whole lot of nothing which to be fair after Pascal seaka Min oji an anobi had already been traded earlier in the season there wasn’t really a whole lot that they could do especially if they wanted to make a move to get them back

Into contention but there are a lot of moves that they could have made to at least give them a better shot of making the playoffs at least because that’s not even a guarantee at this point they are the 11th seed setting on a record of 22

And 25 as I’m recording this that could change by the time you’re seeing this as this is probably going to go up right before the Pacers game but 22 and 25 the 11th seed in the west not really being competitive with a lot of the best teams

In the league so it’s not even really like last season where you’re competitive with all those good teams it’s just that you can’t win games down the stretch they have been just flat out bad the season and so when you think about the assets that they actually had

To trade particularly Andrew Wiggins who to his credit has been playing better recently and I guess kind of Saved himself from being on the trading block so good for him but it does seem like he has been picking it back up but it is also worth noting that he’s had a

Similar stretch like this earlier in the season and then went right back to whatever the hell he was doing before you have Klay Thompson which to be honest I don’t think that he was even on the table to begin with given how ingrained in this team that he actually

Is obviously while he has been playing not great basketball for most of the Season he did have a great stretch towards the start of the calendar year of 2024 and while he is making $43 million it’s not necessarily an untradeable contract because of the fact that it’s an expiring contract but I

Think that they are going to be taking their chances with him in free agency this off season because he’s not going to be making 43 m ion dollar next season or for the rest of his life unfortunately but it is possible that they do resign him for a more

Team-friendly deal in a few months and so I can understand why they didn’t want to part ways with him also just being the warrior legend that he is people like Moses Moody and Corey Joseph have also been in a lot of talks recently I don’t think I would have minded parting

Ways with Moses Moody given that I mean he’s not even going to play anyway or at least not play as much as he realistically should be so what’s the point of even keeping him around he is a very good player but I thought that he would just need to be somewhere else

With a team that’s actually going to play him Jonathan kaminga has quickly become the Warrior’s second best player and it’s not even really close so a lot of people came into this deadline expecting him not to be traded or if he was traded it would have been for a

Major needle moving trade but obviously there weren that many of those on the table so he will remain a Golden State Warrior much to the Delight of the entire fan base I’d imagine there was a deal that that he was sort of involved in but not really the Bulls wanted

Jonathan kaminga in return for Alex Caruso which is obviously insane the Bulls are also delusional but that is another topic for another day and so the only move that the Warriors made during the 2024 trade deadline would be trading Cory Joseph to the Pacers for a second

Round pick and cash which is fine and that’s the bare minimum move that a lot of people were expecting them to do cuz they wanted to free up a roster spot to sign someone else to a guaranteed deal probably leer keonis who’s been playing really great recently or possibly

Signing someone from the buyout Market or although I’m not even really sure if the Warriors can actually do that because they’re already in SEC apron and so I’m not even sure how much more salary they can actually take this might be mainly a move to a roster spot to

Sign Lester konis to a guaranteed contract which is eerily similar to the trade deadline that they had in 2021 obviously a lot of Warriors fans will remember that season the season of course in which Steph went Nuclear by himself and the only move that they made was trading Brad wanam maker to the

Charlotte Hornets in return for cash and they use that roster spot to sign wano Anderson to a guaranteed contract and so it just looks like a repeat of that whether the next season after that will be a repeat of 2022 is yet to be seen

But I wouldn’t count on it and the issue mainly starts with what led this team here in the first place which was the Chris Paul trade because it was clear from the middle of last season that the warriors were going to struggle against teams with size and pretty much

Everybody knew this their tallest player was cavon Looney and they were pretty much just content with having people like cavon Looney and jichael green running the five and so they run into the Lakers given the huge free throw disparity that didn’t really even matter because Anthony Davis is Anthony Davis

So you lose to the Lakers who have an insane amount of size and then you come into the offseason with the mindset of trading Jordan pool which I understand because he was never going to Blossom on this team anyway given how many guards there already were ahead of him or they

Weren’t going to bench Klay Thompson for Jordan pool especially after the season that he had had which is arguably the best season of his career and so all is well right you got rid of the problem theoretically or at least that’s how a lot of them were talking and you come

Into the season talking crazy amounts of trash saying things like last year was the exception this year is the rule and now you are below 500 with 30 games left and you still think that this team as constructed can still make a late season

Run I am confused I am not one to like be overly critical of the front office and and decisions being made because I obviously don’t know as much basketball and I don’t know what’s what going on up there but as a fan what the hell this

Very much feels like a repeat of last season where that’s also kind of the vibe that you got from them during the regular season but then after they were eliminated you had Steve cerr talking about this team basically overachieved and so I feel like we’re heading down a

Similar path to that which coming back to what Steph said Insanity doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results obviously I’m still well aware that there wasn’t a whole lot that they could do given their salary situ ation and just the players that were actually available but keep in mind

With that is the fact that teams were getting a lot of quality players for way less than a lot of people thought that they were worth PJ Washington got traded to the Dallas Mavericks in return for Seth Curry and Grant Williams who has been playing awful since his Lin sanity

Run towards the start of the season and then Dallas also got Daniel Gafford from Washington in return for ran Holmes that is a lopsided trade the Knicks trading for boan bdon and Alec Burks in return for Quinton Grimes a decent player Malachi Flynn Evan forier hasn’t been

Playing Ryan Arch diako didn’t even know he was still in the league if that’s what teams are getting for players like boan bogdanovic you could have definitely had a better deadline than this now as I said they did try to get an Alex Caruso deal done but Chicago was

Just high but you could have definitely tried to get off of some more contracts to free up cap space Chris Paul is not your future I had some high hopes for him coming into the season great player great point guard but in terms of upside versus downside Chris Paul’s main upside

Is that he doesn’t turn the ball over his downside is that he slows pace which goes directly against what this team is built for and has been doing for the last however many seasons and obviously a liability on defense at this point in his career he is not the defender that

He was five seasons ago and that’s just how life is he’s 39 years old and so it would have been pretty nice to see them get off of his contract even though it isn’t expiring as just like Klay Thompson’s it’s still crippling your whole salary and unlike Klay Thompson I

Can’t see Chris Paul being a valuable asset in the future Klay obviously has slown down but I see him being more valuable to this team in the future than someone like Chris Paul but to quote one of my favorite artists as of right now

Let’s just say it is what it is and was what it was because nothing about this is changing anytime soon at least not until the off season and the Warriors seem very content with the roster that they have even though they are below 500 and while they have been missing some

Key pieces like Chris Paul like gp2 like Moses Moody who just came back from injury those with all due respect are not the difference between you being below 500 and being a title Contender gp2 has been a great point of attack Defender and he’s been pretty much the

Main point of attack Defender this entire season outside of Andrew Wiggins but he is injury-prone at this point in his career which is something that you have to keep in mind Moses Moody has been great in nearly every single game that he has gotten minutes but he just

Hasn’t gotten minutes hopefully now with Cory Joseph being off of the team that will change and you have Trace Jackson Davis who has been solid defensively and solid on the boards hasn’t been playing even though Steve KR said that he was going to experiment with more Draymond

Green and Trace Jackson Davis lineups I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on this is all very confusing I am just at this point I’m just along for the ride this video that I made at the start of the season two games in the year before

The Warriors went 5- one in their next six games is now looking to be possibly my worst age take in the history of me doing this so that’s very cool but that’s about all I have to say about Golden State right now this team is unserious and I am just sitting back

Watching the circus unfold this is a stress-free season for me I did make a video last week talking about Jonathan kaminga and the recent stretch that he’s been having so if you want to you can go check that out right here but with all that being said I hope you guys enjoyed

This video subscribe if you’re new hit the Bell to be notified when I upload comment down below what you want to see next and as always I’ll see you guys in the next one

Today we’re going to be going over the Golden State Warriors’ trade deadline and how the team, including Steph Curry seem to be despite making no major trades. If you guys enjoyed this video, be sure to hit the like button and slap the sub button with your nose (also the bell).

Klay Thompson Documentary:

Warriors Redemption Documentary:

Follow pls I need to feed my dolphins:

Instrumentals Used:

Faster – LCS

Nasty – Luxray

Old Habits – LCS

Trigger – LCS & KXVI

Capture – LCS

Outro Song:


  1. Idk man I see getting rid of COJO as an absolute win. Addition by subtraction boys.

  2. Ok, so you thought they should have done something. What then?

    You can't criticize without offering solutions. What should they have done? What are your proposed trades? You claim "there were a lot of deals" that could have been made to improve the team. Name one. Because that contradicts all rumors and reports. Dunleavy nailed this trade deadline. If you look, even briefly, at the trade market in conjunction with the Warrior's assets you see… nothing. This tells me you didn't do your basic research.

    You spent 11 minutes complaining about all these moves they apparently could have made yet failed to mention even a single one. Where are you getting your info?

  3. 10:45 "Possibly my worst aged take"

    Kinda hoping THIS will be your worst aged take come off-season when looking bad on this season. 😉

    Hope it'll be the case. 🎉❤😊😊🙏🙏

  4. so your wanting them to trade just to make the playoff. I think there no one out there that will take them to the finals.
    have a 7 ft in the G league he a big for defense. For couple of minutes and you still have team in tact. because if we tradeing just to get in the playoffs whats the purpose? the Worriors will be a totally different team next year. no more chris paul. maybe Klay, or Wiggins. we have a great bench. I think we did the right thing waiting for the off season to trade.

  5. Ok so let me clarify, I can understand waiting for the offseason, but wouldn’t you rather get something of value in return for one of your expiring contracts rather than just letting them expire? The other thing and the main reason why I titled it what I did, why even say you think this group can make a run when they haven’t shown any reason for you to come to that conclusion, at least not consistently. And while they have in fact been on a run, I’m not moved (yet). In their 5 recent wins, they’ve beaten the sixers with joel embiid barely being able to move, memphis, brooklyn, sixers without embiid on the floor, and indiana mid trade, and during that time you had a loss in which Steph scored 60, and a game in which he was the only player on the team to hit a 3. With all due respect that doesn’t move me, but things can change

  6. Maybe they couldn't get better deals. First year GM making tough decisions. It takes more time than half a season.

  7. Moody & Loon Dog for Gafford.

    Our POA defense with Kuminga, Wiggs and GP2 with Gafford as a rim protector would have been nice.

  8. Teams they've been beating arent really good but they've won convincingly instead of struggling like the beggining of the season. The young players are giving more effort and energy, taking the load off the vets. They might not make it far this year but there really isnt a player they can trade for that will make them automatic contenders again. Klay seems to have accepted his mortality and will hopefully play more freely going forward.

  9. Improved defensive connectedness combined with the offensive potential of 2 great shooters with 2 great slashers/drivers & 1 great facilitator as starters will surprise more than a few down the stretch.

  10. Did you see how crazy all the GM's were in trade deadline? MIL wanted a first rounder to be included for Bobby Portis. Utah Jazz wanted a first rounder to be included for Kelly Olynyk. CHI wanted TWO FIRST ROUNDERS for Alex Caruso discussion. Warriors were going to take the L for whoever they go for and none of those guys mentioned moves the needle for them. Better to for off season deals then now.

  11. I think the win against the pacers and the recent road trip was very telling of what this warriors team can do if they stay locked but yh not that I don’t disagree with the take in this vid, I can understand the reasons but yh hopefully the warriors can keep just pushing their limits when it comes to defence like they have in their most recent games 🥲😌

  12. The team is heating up… Wiggs is regaining his conditioning and JK is getting confident every game… I dont think they win the chip but they are prepping for the future.

  13. They won't admit it but I'm sure they recognise that the core of the team is no longer good enough to seriously contend year in and year out. There were no significant trade available that would have made them a serious contender all of a sudden either. Every single semi big name out there JK was the main piece demanded back in return and quite rightly the team isn't going to trade him for anything less than an ALL Star level talent or better.

    They are going to have to shed salary and a lot of it, sooner rather than later. They absolutely do not want to be over the 2nd apron for this roster. CP will come off the books in the off season when they most likely waive him. Klay will be re-signed if at all on a much smaller deal (somewhere around $15-20 Mil I would guess).
    The team has been playing better of late and JK is effectively their 2nd option but I have little faith that Kerr isn't going to go right back to trying to close games with 3 and 4 guard line ups when CP and GP2 are healthy again.

  14. I believe Warriors was trying to use CP3, Klay, Saric, Looney and the pick to get a No. 4 or 5 that would fit the team.

    It might be a good idea to target Lopez and others in this buyout market.
    Next year's offseason, they will use free agency, the draft, and trade to acquire a good big man.

  15. Tbh they haven't been flat out bad, they haven't been getting blown out or anything they've been in what feels like a million clutch games decided by 1-4 points. But getting a big would've been great. We should've gotten Gafford.

  16. Looked great tonight . Wiggins playing much better and JK arriving are like trade acquisitions . Outlook is looking good

  17. I'm commenting to this video so I get get back and mock this man. 😂

    Man ain't factoring the youngsters which is impacting the warriors positively. If refs ain't rigging the calls, Warriors will make a huge run.

  18. There was nobody worth getting that would have made a difference this season to make us a contender. That player wasn't out there. Even at the start before anyone was traded. Pretty obvious what happened – pretty sure every team that had discussions with the Dubs, if any, would have absolutely required JK. Who cares about making the playoffs. If it doesn't make us a legit contender, why do it? It makes so much more sense to ride the season out.

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