@Chicago Bulls

Artūras Karnišovas speaks on trade deadline, Chicago Bulls take on Grizzlies | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Artūras Karnišovas speaks on trade deadline, Chicago Bulls take on Grizzlies | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Oh what’s going on bulls Nation welcome in to chj Bulls pregame deadline day Edition I’m pek you can follow me on Twitter at bsor joined by big day B bwl Sports will to go Godly willor Godly our pal producer Joey spus on the controls

He’s at Joey spus we chore Bulls uh in a perfect symbolism for what today was for Bulls fans gentlemen there is a torrential downpour falling on loudly falling on the roof of our C Joe Studios right now the sky is falling the sky is quite literally falling the sky fail we

Just we just we just need some hail and then this will be a fully completed picture of what today was for Bulls fans has anger dissipated as Matt has told me a million times that is his secret he is always angry I’m always angry he it will

Never dissipate and I thought I was angry as we were wrapping up our deadline show this afternoon not surprisingly reacting to the bulls making no trades and then we all listen to AK talk Boo and now I’m really freaking angry o it’s the the thunder hit as soon hear that

Thunder I mean that’s awesome yes the Bulls play the grizley tonight but I feel like we should use our pregame show as an opportunity to break down what we heard from AK after um the deadline passed uh can I use a second of it to

Find out who mattye rice is uh uh just because I think of you when I see that and I’m wondering they is someone named Matt who enjoys his rice or maybe that’s just his last name I actually have some cousins in my family with the last name

Rice really are we related are they in Florida uh actually yeah some of them are okay no wonder we never heard of yeah exactly okay all right continue um will where do you want to start man cuz you were on that Zoom press conference with AK and your fellow Bulls

Beat members today great may I just say you and your fellow Bulls beat credit to you guys um because y’all did a wonderful job really pressing AK did with some valid questions you Joe Casey Julia po Darnell Cody Jamal ker was there uh asking a qu like everyone was

Asking AK valid questions that I think Bulls fans wanted to hear answers to we might not have been satisfied with his answers but absolutely you guys did a good job asking him the questions that oh oh dear God keep going this is hilarious this is the best mass anger is controlling the

Weather his power knows no bounds God there is no God the Bulls make me angry also we’re Bulls fan that’s right there is only Hades uh as someone who participated in that will what was your biggest oh wow moment of all the things AK said there

Were a handful of them but I think the main takeaway is just how many many times he used the term competitive and staying comp word and being competive we’re done with continuity it’s competitive now and I mean so many different people tried to ask in different ways what does it mean to you

To be competitive because you know I think a lot of people don’t really feel like what you guys are right now is competitive yeah and he kept on saying what we are right now is competitive we believe in our group we have faith that we’re going to make the playoffs we want

To make a playoff push there were moves that were available but those moves were for us to be Sellers and we didn’t want to go that direction direction we wanted to be competitive so pretty much almost every single thing that he said started and ended with we

Want to be competitive X happened we wanted to be competitive or we wanted to stay competitive so we didn’t do this we wanted to be competitive and it was just with almost every single comment that he made it was just pushing this agenda of the team wanting to remain competitive

And I think for me just like bigger picture that represents the biggest disconnect between what AK is doing and what it seems like the fans want and I can’t speak for all fans obviously I hear how you guys feel about things and what people are in my mentions asking me

Questions uh sending me emails uh on BCC and for for those people the idea is that what they are right now is is mediocre it’s not competitive and I think a couple of different reporters tried to ask with that in mind and AK just said look we are square in the

Middle of this we’re competing with the good teams it seemed like a refusal on his part to acknowledge that there is a difference at least from a passionate fan base between competitive and not quite mediocre which is where they actually are right now and he was just like no it was competitive it’s

Competitive this competitive they’re right in the you know what oh and that that was the favorite part for me of just watching someone fail out loud um because one of the many times he was talking about being competitive and then I think it was cie who asked his second

Question of the interview saying can you please like Define what you mean by that because you keep saying competitive but then you look at the standings and AK said the standings are everybody’s bunched up I’m looking at the same standings right you’re three wins away from sixth place it did Thunder when I

He clearly was not looking at the same standings I’m impressive AK is not looking at the same standings Bulls fans are looking at because they are not three games out of six place they’re five games out of sixth place what even if it was actually it was a slip of the

Tongue he meant to say well we’re only three games back at eighth are you bragging about that you bragging about being three games back of eightth oh instead of getting one chance in the playin we’ll get two chances in the playin that’s not competitive you don’t know what the standings are maybe

Check the standings before you get on his press conference when you know you’re about to get grilled and know where your team is in the standings before bragging about how compe you are is this a freaking joke am I tripping balls right now did we actually listen to the Bulls vice president of

Basketball operations trip over himself like that we’ve seen plenty and heard plenty of bad inexcusably illogical press conferences from not just this Bulls executive but plenty over decades yes this was a special different layer of dude what the [ __ ] are you talking about yes what are you talking about

What is going on what are we doing right here you know what are you talking about who you talking to you know it was like listening to somebody who is a GM on 2K and what I mean by that is when I play 2K I don’t give a damn what the

Standings are I’m always thinking I’m three games out if that’s what’s going on I don’t care I don’t have to play close attention because it doesn’t matter who’s who I’m not playing with on a video game I’m good enough to make Zack LaVine and VP which I’ve

Done I I’m that I’m good enough to do those things so it doesn’t matter it’s a video game I can do whatever it it’s a pro if the person who’s in charge should know every small tiny intricate detail of what’s going on including the Large Ass details that everyone knows what’s

Going on the information we have available to us is the same information he has a available to him and he has more information than that the standings are the bare minimum of what you should have available to you so excuse me if he had said four games

Out I probably would excused that you know what I mean I probably like H slip it the tongue you know he just it’s actually five yeah it’s actually five that’s fine but to be right to be wrong by like two is is maddening it’s mading

That’s the only word I have for it’s mad that that just well sorry yeah I I wanted to actually I was coming to you oh great and I’m right here what I what I wanted to say was was was will like I told you all to follow will got Le while

He was uh putting out these quotes and everything like that one of my quotes that he that AK said which is my favorite which means it was my worst uh quote that he said was it’s a results driven business and I get it and I’ll take responsibility for failures but at

This point it it’s very early to say what success what is success and what’s not success so I mean we have 30 games to go so we’ll see what this team can do even if it were just this season it’s wrong to say it’s early cuz you’re 50

Games into a 82 Game season but it’s not just that you’re 2 and a half years into this uh-huh oh it’s too early to tell y’all uh just going to have to buy my time and see what happens we don’t know what are you

Stupid oh I love how in my brain he was cuz that’s literally what I was wanted to say and to me it’s like that’s ridiculous again almost all this misses the point because what he is saying right now is that not only is mediocrity good enough for him it’s that he’s happy

With it he’s excited by it that’s that’s what he’s striving for he wants to be where they are otherwise you would do something to try to improve and like to be that out of touch with what your fans want I think is just really sad for for

A lot of fans who want this team to be competing and a lot of people like have the title or bus mentality you know obviously this team is not heading for a championship this year or in the near future but I think a lot of people would

Just be excited about building a team that could like be competitive in the second round of the playoffs yes and this team has almost no chance of doing that I don’t want to say no chance but like you have to win two playin games and win a play series now against either

The first seed Celtics or maybe if you can climb out of uh nine and into the eighth seed and win that first game you can play against whoever’s the second seed like that’s a really tough path to the second round of the playoffs and that’s still not good enough for some

People so um yeah just to to basically hear him com continually banging the drum of like we’re happy with where we are we believe that this level of com of competition is good enough and that is just really discouraging for fans that even if it’s not this year but at some

Point want to be competing for real playoff basketball and not just getting you know bum rushed by the Celtics in the first round that’s so much fun though um Juan Miller in the comments said I’ll be honest Will’s question to AKA was weak are you regretting that question if you

Aren’t properly reading the tea leaves you might think that or I don’t even know why you would think that but it wasn’t a weak question it was actually a great question because if you missed it uh what will asked AK was if you were to feel yourself that the best option here

Was to take a step back after AK said well we were looking to maybe buy at the deadline not sell because we don’t want to take a step back we want to stay competitive will you asked him if you did think taking a step back was the

Best move the right move would you have ownerships support to do so AK would ownership support you if you said to them hey let’s maybe sell off some pieces right now and pivot towards next season and Beyond that’s good question and basically in a tricky way will got

AK to admit that this is all on him because AK in his answer to Will’s question confirmed yes ownership has given me their full full support regardless of which direction I want to go so plenty of bulls fans some of you all in the comments some of whom I saw

On Twitter today wanting to pin some portion of this in today’s travesty on ownership which y’all know I am always in favor of and they bear some responsibility as well but AK flatly said I’m not handcuffed by the front office when it comes to these kind of

Decisions we all know about the luxury tax thing that’s not today what today was about no that’s not what three straight trade deadlines of doing jack [ __ ] is about AK got or will got AK to admit that if he thought pivoting at this deadline was the best move

Ownership would support that and that is an important distinction to make I thought you were going to say Jack squat just shouting out our guy Chris far Jack there ja squat Jack squat dude sorry somebody needs to be living in a van down by the river pretty soon oh my God

Instead of holding a certain office in a certain building across in the United States and that’s kind of the reporting that we’ve gotten is that you know AK this is ak’s deal right now like he can whatever he wants with this you know there’s been reporting from Joe at the

Sun Times from Casey Johnson today and yesterday uh at NBC Sports Chicago about like AKA having support from ownership to do this and a lot of people are still using this kind of default excuse for AKA which is ownership’s never going to let you go for another rebuild because

It’ll hurt ticket sales no that’s AKA confirmed today that he can go whichever direction he thinks is best uh he will have supportive ownership and so basically you know we we’ve heard some rumors about what offers were out there for Caruso those those offers for for dear for Drummond all these guys those

Offers yes they would have been selling moves right because you’re not as we talked about before on our our uh you know immediate reaction pod you’re not like getting win now pieces plus picks for your win now pieces so if you’re going to sell those guys you’re going to

Either have to get picks or you’re not going to move them and so basically we know that there were some really good offers out there we know that they didn’t take them but we also know that if they had decided that they should have taken them that they could have and

They could have started a rebuild because ownership would have been in support of that but instead AK decided that he didn’t want to go that direction and so he’s going to have to take ownership and accountability for that and that’s the crazy thing to me when he

Said in that press conference as a justification for the Bulls not doing anything well it was a buyer’s market it was basically really tough to compete because there are a lot of teams out there right now at this deadline who are trying to be competitive and make a

Playoff run and so we didn’t see any deals that we thought would make us better that we were willing to you know cough up our side of that deal when in reality if he had any lick of sense he would see that as a good thing because now you’re talking about getting several

Teams to give you their best bids and maybe even one uping each other in a bidding war if you actually admitted where you and your team are right now and sell the valuable pieces that teams are calling you about it’s a bad thing that it was a buyer’s market and that’s

Why we didn’t do anything dude open your eyes that could have been a good thing to take advantage of today but no let’s quadruple Quint quintuple down on competitive or at least what he defines to be competitive with this same group really really good group of guys

Really good group he really likes the group oh God he really likes this group God a really good group don’t do that oh my God this is not 2K this is not 2K when you’re saying those trades that they wanted how we wanted competitive players back hey just

Give us one of your young best players that you got and and a pick with it and of course you can have what we got this is not 2K this is not how this works it’s not how it goes man they’re giving you assets back that you can use that

You don’t have on your team to continue to make it better excuse me you don’t have this so they’re giving you stuff that you need it’s not like excuse me that they’re offloading they’re just giving you trash they’re just like well here’s some expired deals and move on

Like that no they literally giving you legitimate offers of players that could still help your team achieve a goal that you are going for and whether you’re going forward or not it’s a goal that is The Logical goal that you are going towards right now which is is a plan

That’s the logical goal right there it’s not a top six seed it’s The Logical goal man look I’m tired of yelling about this [ __ ] all right I am I’m sick of it and when the game comes on I’m going to be back to rooting for my team because I

Want to be excited for Kobe White and the young guys out there and hopefully they turn it into something but again that’s the logic you should have as a fan not as a person that’s running a team you should have a different mindset than I have all right you should be out

Here trying to improve this on a daily basis this should be your goal man it’s up to me to root for it and want better for what we’re seeing the product we’re seeing on the screen bro because I actually PID to get in your Stadium you

Got a place you can sleep in in the stadium it’s yours it’s a different mindset this is a this this was a bad day I’ll give my van down by the river it was a bad day bro it was a bad day for logic um we’ve got to take a quick

Break Shout out a couple sponsors we’ll come back with more thoughts I know we have several super chats to get to we’ll do that I also wanted to touch on ak’s answer about the tricky cap situation that uh that they’re in that he was asked about today cuz I was not at all

Convinced by his answer on that question either um quite the opposite in fact um up [ __ ] creek uh but it’s fine to be up [ __ ] creek we’ll worry about that tomorrow uh while sharing these words for our sponsors you know what to do hit that like button if you’re hanging out

With us on YouTube we appreciate it helps us out a lot 250 Bulls fans all uh commiserating together group therapy time we appreciate you tonight’s pregame brought to you by Circa Sportsbook who offered the tight money line splits and use that low hold model always striving

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426 2537 text jmb to 833 234 or visit are you know what Mt I know you just said you know a lot of things right There what up but I do want to ask you sir just since you’re here sure what time is it yeah yeah I mean it is game time who yes it is but tonight I didn’t ask for the energy you heard how I asked you right yeah that’s how it is right there

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Now so I’ll go to Matt pack right back to you we’ll see what we’ll check in on you right now mat pack what time is that who a better I credit Joey with getting his energy up yeah cuz Joey I need that I needed that Joey game time yeah you

Need it man people need it I’m spiraling right now that Joy game time that Joy game time made me smile Joy game time tell R man rolling along with free game shout out to everybody hanging out with us tonight we appreciate you Luke with a super chat saying here’s $5 have to give

It up it’s more than the Bulls are willing to do Derek saying thank you local media for cooking his goofy ass your goofy our friend m rise threw us Super Chat saying AKA even said it was a buyer Market it didn’t have any interest in taking advantage of that yes thank

You that’s exactly what I year yeah yeah yeah yeah uh Luke with another Super Chat saying you’re telling me the 24 and 27 Bulls came WI a championship AK said don’t worry guys we’re going to go 15 and 15 in the last 30 games yeah bless it uh uncommon

Vision with the Super Chat saying man I love how the Bulls are two games back in first place all you got to do is just make up your own math and draw your own standings board like AK did today apparently and the Bulls could even be in first place

That’s true uh guy Finley with a $10 Super Chat appreciate you um says Kings waving Rolo no bring back Rolo so we can have some entertainment at least no I won’t be entertained at all missed the playoffs last year yeah they are in the playin again they are under 500 competitive the playoffs

Competitive I like this comment from Christian Jones doing here this is insane and sad thanks Jak God help insane and sad God help us bring what’s uh a beautiful Magazine with MJ on the cover O Come on Coach you get too upset I’m already too upset I’m about to say

Let me hold this this is what I need go ahead everything sucks and I’m dying go ahead wheel it’s just Joe Harris save us all I told you he was going to get Joe Harris didn’t I a guy a guy who couldn’t get minutes for the Pistons yes he would

Come in and save our season sorry sorry yeah I I I completely cut off the goat I that was actually me that lowkey on the bio Market totally happening yeah like talk about history repeating AK even brought up 14-9 in today’s press conference the last season

Well we went 14 to9 after the all shut up you actually still bragging about that you you fagging about that tossed you missed the playoffs we well we went 14 and N last year and it didn’t mean anything but let’s let’s brag about that again what

What planet does this guy live on cuz it’s not Earth yeah there you go okay here’s the other one and I’m curious to get your thoughts on this will and I think it was CLE who asked this question about the you know math not adding up not in the

Standings but with the Bulls cap sheet because AK said today love dear means so much to this organization the city of Chicago want to bring him back love Pat praise Pat bum that Pat’s hurt right now he’ll come back we believe in him also we know things are a little weird right

Now but love love Zach believe in Zach he’s going to get a surgery he’ll he’ll come back he’ll be fine and cie was like so uh you said that ownership said they’ll pay the luxury tax for a championship contending team this ain’t that and at the very least AK had to

Acknowledge that and then Joe said I’m no you know cap expert but you do the math you want to keep this not quite mediocre core together this summer you’re going to have cap issues AKA going above that tax threshold and I legitimately cannot believe that ak’s

Answer to that was quote I think those conversations are at the end of the season right now our focus is about how we can finish this season and get into the playoffs dude nah there’s a reason you were asked about that at the trade deadline there’s a reason that some

Bulls fans who are not NBA Executives or cap experts have the wherewithal to be thinking that far down the road you want to keep this mediocre as hell roster together still and if you still want to do that this summer you can’t even do that without triggering that luxury tax

And you’re saying that’s a later problem no dude that’s a right freaking Now problem what are you doing cuz it doesn’t appear to be the job of an NBA executive he literally said that’s tomorrow ak’s problem dude no it’s today ak’s problem you can’t even afford to

Keep this bum ass roster together what are we doing oh my God oh my God there it is I felt the piece of Brokenness pop up off of my man right there what are your thoughts on this part yeah I mean the look there if there’s one reason for

Maybe like optimism is not the right word but if there’s one reason to sort of believe in the front office I think it’s that they have done a really good job of basically bringing in talent and staying under the tax and like say what you want about that we can all disagree

With it but like that’s the Mandate if there is a mandate it’s that and so I think they do a good job of bringing in as much talent as they can but also staying under I think JJ pulk uh if he’s you know the primary guy responsible for

That has done a really good job but I’m just looking at it right now and obviously there’s like a couple of other variables going on but basically let’s say the Bulls can’t trade Zack and they don’t wipe Lonzo Ball’s contract off their books next year if they want to

Bring back dear if they want to bring back Patrick if they want to bring back Drummond and they want to draft somebody in this draft which I assume they’re going to do they have to do all that by spending less than 42 point 62 million so that means you can bring back dear

You can bring back Patrick you can bring back Drummond and you get the rookie cap hold which is going to be like probably three and a half million for where they’re drafting so let’s just call it $39 million for those three players so that would be $39 million to bring back

Each of those all three of those guys and a lot of people are talking about dear’s contract being $30 million so now you’re bringing back Patrick and Drummond for $9 million you’ve got to make some moves if you want even if you just want to run it back and guys that

Is is just to run it back that’s to bring back the exact same roster again we’re not even talking about mid-level exceptions or buy annual exceptions or veteran minimums that’s literally to have 14 players on the roster and for those 14 players to be the same 14

Players you currently have plus a draft pick it is not good enough I don’t understand they are going to have to make a move at some point and maybe they still feel confident that they can get off of Zach’s contract and save some money in doing so that’s probably their only hope at

This point um maybe Lonzo although I’m pretty skeptical that they get off of that money and again that is just to run it back for a fourth straight year four year straight doing the same goddamn thing without no changes and I don’t know if I mentioned this earlier

No changes bro but they missed the playoffs last year they did they’re talking about a team that is not good enough to make the playoffs they did yeah what do you think what do you think Joey what do you think we’re running back we’re running it back no playoffs

Again that’s running it back and like they have gotten so lucky with the way that Kobe has exploded this year you’re otherwise just looking at like Zach being injured for all this all but 25 games this year yeah you’ve got dear who’s getting old you’ve got Vu who’s

Getting older you’ve got Drummond who’s like having a Renaissance but he’s on the other side of 30 I mean it’s not like they’re a young upand cominging Thunder team that’s like playing with house money right now and they’ve got a million draft picks in the bank mhm they

Are old and like not getting better I just I don’t get it I get it go to bed Grandpa it’s just it just it’s kind of exhausting trying to figure this thing out because yeah it’s like almost everything that I believe in about how a basketball team should run and play they

Do the opposite they don’t shoot threes they post guys up they run two big men at a time they like don’t spend into the luxury tax they don’t switch everything defensively it’s just like everything that I’ve come to believe in makes a good basketball team they do the opposite and it’s

Exhausting it’s like Stanley talking to Michael about all of his manag IAL choices everything you do I would do it the opposite way uh real quick before our final thoughts on uh ak’s press conference uh but for for the actual sake of the game that’s about to happen bull starting

Five Billy switching uh back to the small ball not Drummond in that starting lineup alongside V like they did against the uh the Big T wolves front court so you got um Kobe IO Caruso dear and Vu is your bull starting the Grizzlies starting five is sad and a

Little funny that team doesn’t have anybody uh they do have jiren Jackson Jr available he will be starting along with Scotty Pippen Jr oh he’s starting starting wow Scotty pip June starting 45 along with Kar uh Santi Alama and Vince Williams Salty Dog yeah that’s that’s your Grizzlies starting five long gag or

Trash and that explains how the Bulls beat this team by 30 a few weeks ago godamn right uh cuz they’re they went from bad to worse as far as their injury report um last thing that I wanted to touch on because I think this is at the

At the very core of Y Bulls fans are pissed today okay this was something that AK said when explaining their lack of moves quote we didn’t see anything that was going to make us better we would take a step back which we don’t want we want to stay competitive we have

An obligation to this organization this fan base and this city to stay competitive and compete for the playoffs that’s what we’re doing if you actually care and that’s not just lip service and you aren’t toned deaf and oblivious to the fact that most of this

Fan base is saying to you hey this ain’t good enough this does not match our definition of competitive you said to us a couple years ago we won’t accept mediocrity and we said good don’t give us better than that and today as you pointed out will he basically said no we’re accepting

Mediocrity mediocrity is pretty cool pretty great let’s let’s continue striving for mediocrity some more and you also while saying that say you have an obligation to this city this fan base and this organization that is just a slap in the face it’s a slap in the face even if

It’s lip service and he didn’t mean it and he was just trying to put a flowery you know little touch on getting grilled by the media for not doing anything today for not doing anything for three years at three trade deadlines you can’t say that man you

Can’t say you have an oblig obligation to these fans and this city and then say that obligation is to keep not quite being good enough to make the actual Big Boy playoffs CU that’s freaking gross compared to what this organization was built on it’s just setting the bar so

Insultingly low to say that that’s your obligation to Bulls fans because it’s not it is so much more than that disgusting yeah that [ __ ] I don’t want to add nothing else to it it’s the goddamn pregame I’m ready to go watch the actual game and forget that this

Happened and just enjoy Kobe white on the floor with aumu honestly that’s where my mind is I’m ready to tune the rest of this trash out everything I needed to say I’ve gotten out beautifully said by you wonderfully written by you I’m good uh shout out to Reagan who threw

Some one more Super Chat shout out to everybody who threw a Super Chat uh we appreciate it uh thank you everybody for hanging out with us in the chats uh tonight we will be back for uh post game after the Bulls hopefully take care of business against

Scotty Pippen Jr in the Grizzlies uh little bit uh bummer news for Bulls fans who may have been hoping to at least get more D D Rose inactive tonight he was questionable on their injury report maybe that would have been at least a little alleviation of how awful we feel

Today like oh hey buddy to see D Rose tie up the tie up the shorts lace them up and get out there D Rose will not play as long as he’s there I’m fine uh Tory Craig uh available okay uh probably going to see more of a minute’s

Restriction sounds like he’s still kind of dealing with some soreness since coming back dalen also available who’s been out for a while okay as is Caruso as is Kobe who also were both you know they gave Caruso that practice off Kobe popped up on the injury report with sore

Ankle they all got the green like Kobe and Caruso starting um all right and yeah Bulls are other than Pat and Zach Bulls are healthy drewy says uh see everyone back here for post game thank the good Lord for the chgo crew no druish thank the good Lord for y’all all

Right for sitting here and listening to us Rand and be angry and not only doing that but understanding it and feeling us at the same time that’s what the most important thing about it is so so many texts I got saying thank you for what you guys did on the trade deadline

Because you all really tapped into how we were feeling I’m glad we can do stuff like that for you y’all seriously the group therapy helps us too yes for real we can’t do it without y’all promise you I promise you all right let’s go watch some basketball I guess let’s do it man

Let’s go watch ball let’s watch the Bulls be competitive new word of the day new word of the year new word of the decade constipation goodbye continuity low competitive oh my God freaking shoot me uh we’ll talk to you I saw him win hit the like shout out to our producer Joe

Uh follow will for his in-game updates will _ goly bye bow we [Applause] out

The CHGO Bulls crew recaps and reacts to Artūras Karnišovas’ media availability after the NBA Trade Deadline.

In what was a wild day of trades around the NBA, it was somehow simultaneously shocking and somewhat expected to see the Chicago Bulls make no moves. Where do the Bulls go from here? Plus, the Bulls battle the Memphis Grizzlies.

Matt, Big Dave, and Will get you ready for tip off on the CHGO Bulls Pregame Podcast.

An ALLCITY Network Production






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  1. It’s getting tougher and tougher to justify the price to watch live sports. I can’t watch the cubs because their marquee dtc platform isn’t worth it. The Sox and bulls are actively pissing off their own fan bases with their organizational decisions because we all know they are comfortable with not trying to win (ironically the cubs are only a tier above the Sox; being a big market team acting with mid market cash restraints). The bears (oh the bears) actively defy healthy organizational process in the hopes that a college prospect is so good they’re bears proof, and they refuse to install a proper offensive infrastructure to develop a unicorn QB they’re so desperate to find. The price to pay for television and streaming platforms are not worth the product I’m being given.

    -from exhausted chicago sports fan.

  2. How and why do people like AK and Eberlose have jobs and high position jobs in Chicago!? 😢..I guess the organizations love mediocrity!! It's really sad at times being a fan!

  3. Some people get on here and say this and don’t mean it, but I do. I have watched 12 mins in full, of this team, this season. They won’t get my time or money until Jerry croaks. Keep up the good work, fellas.

  4. Idk bro, I asked AK in the live from the chat to blink 2x if the owner was prohibiting them 😅 I think he did

  5. I’m just honestly in disbelief
    And and the same time knumb to this team
    Ak and Ownership are delusional
    As long as their wallets are full then the job is done in their eyes
    The disrespect to us fans
    To literally spit in our faces and knowing we will be back watching next game
    It’s sickening as a die hard Chicago fan
    A person who adores our city and sports teams
    I’m honestly reaching my limit with the Bulls
    I really hope we make a change in the offseason
    Because if we don’t
    I honestly think I might be done with them
    3 years running
    What a joke

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