@Philadelphia 76ers

Buddy Hield is EXACTLY what the 76ers need, what are Pacers trying to do?

Buddy Hield is EXACTLY what the 76ers need, what are Pacers trying to do?

First trade of the trade deadline day I’m your host Andrew select with me is Dave defor we’re going to be breaking down all these trades here on the athletic MBA shows YouTube page First Trade buddy heel to the Philadelphia 76ers for Marcus Morris fing cork M and

Three second round picks Dave how did this deal strike you when you heard about it I mean I would love it if Joel embiid was healthy uh buddy hee is is exactly the type of player that Philly has needed around embiid and and especially now with maxi this is a very

Good trade for Philly when they’re fully healthy question is is embiid coming back buddy heeld is going to be a free agent this summer my assumption is that darl M and and the Sixers have been able to have conversations with Buddy heeld and his team they probably have an idea

That they’re able to retain him they’re gonna have his bird rights so this could be a move that if if embiid’s back this year and he’s going to be healthy pushes them in the playoffs this year but I think potentially this sets him up for a

Run next year when you’ve got a fully healthy embiid who hopefully isn’t being pressed by a 65 game sort of limit to to win Awards and he can make it through a whole season healthy he’s never had a shooter like buddy hee playing around him ever and with his improved passing I

Think Buddy heal’s life he his shot diet will be the easiest of his life too so this is a win-win for Buddy hee and and for the Sixers the Indiana part of this I don’t love but I guess they got some picks they they got some picks for a guy

Who had already vocalized that he did not want to be in Indiana and which is UN unfortunate to me because I I feel like Buddy’s he’s not like the reason but he’s like a piece of he’s like a small piece of the pie as to why this Indiana team’s been good because he

Takes seven threes a game and shoots 38% and like the gravity is there for him and it really does help that that team function and I’m interested to see what they look like after this deal because they got worse today this is about it’s about asset management for them and I

Get it but also it’s like a little bit disappointing because he’s part of the reason why they had so much juice and and I agree I love it for the Sixers I think this is a deal that is really helpful to them you have to have a

Healthy embiid but you have Tyrese Maxi who has like shot the lights out this year from three then you add another 40 plus perc shooter to the I know he hasn’t been that this season but like we all know buddy heeld when he’s wide open

Is going to be a 40 plus percent shooter on this Philadelphia 76ers team it just gives embiid more space and it gives them one more shot maker it allows them to play the way they want to play I I love it for them uh also another thing

To love is FK and cork M finally got his finally out the FK out of there good job it’s uh it’s just funny you know that this is this is kind of it happens but if you’re if you’re Philly you have to go for it if there’s even a chance that embiid can

Come back and if MB comes back and he can play in the playoffs like this is this is a really great deal also to me I think the Sixers if they do believe that he’s coming back which is kind of signals that they think he is I don’t

Think he do this he’s not because of the expiring contract of but he healed you got to do more because this isn’t quite this isn’t get you to the Boston level in my opinion this isn’t even like I I know Milwaukee’s been weird but like in

The playoffs like I think you just have to have more you know we’ve seen the Sixers go to the playoffs time and time again can’t get past the second round push all in this is if you believe that to me I believe that this is Joel embiid’s best

Season and maybe the best is he’s going to be push all in don’t do this like half measure buddy heel trade like it’s a good deal like but I don’t want to like overblow it because it doesn’t push them into like favorites in the East or anything like that like it makes them

Better and it makes them more interesting but this isn’t quite this isn’t quite it in my opinion like they need to continue to push in and it it could even help them stay afloat while Joel’s out you know to push more in and then just like have this roster that’s

Actually ready to compete because in almost any given series they’re going to have the best player but the roster isn’t quite there yet in my opinion even without embiid and especially now with Buddy heel they have enough offensive talent to to bum hunt like they should

Be able to stay in the mix for the for home court in the in the East just because they’re gonna play enough bad teams in the East right I mean I make the joke all the time that they get to play the Wizards 14 times a season I

Mean it is true they play like the bums of the NBA a lot and so with maxi and heeld and Tobias Harris I think that’s enough to keep you afat is do they have enough defense defensively to stay afloat when embiid’s not out there and

Then are they going to be able to ease embiid back or is it going to be a situation where it’s like oh crap we’re the six seed Joel’s coming back hey we need you 35 minutes a night right away because I think that’s also a mistake

They need to ramp him up if he does come back this season uh I think I’m I’m with you that they need to do a little bit more my concern is putting your chips on the table now instead of this summer yeah if if embiid’s not going to come back you’re

Going to have more options on the table this summer it might be better to just say hey look all right we got buddy in house we’re gonna bring him back for sure maybe there’s someone else but if there isn’t someone that’s gonna move the needle like big time and I mean

Someone better than buddy hee even then then maybe you keep the powder dry if this is in embiid’s not going to be ready you keep the powder dry you try to do something this summer but I’m with you like embiid is he’s at the peak of

His powers who knows how long he can maintain this just given his you know his physical issues you kind of got to go for it if he’s gonna if he’s G to be ready and they’ve been very vague about this knee procedure and the injury in the first

Place and you have to wonder is this a little bit of subterfuge and maybe it’s not as bad as as we’re making it out to be and he’s back in six weeks don’t know yeah I don’t know either I have I have doubts but I hope that he can come back

Because I do think this version of the Sixers and it’s it’s been a journey for Sixers fans to get to this version of the Sixers but this version of the Sixers has a chance to really make some noise if Joel embiid is healthy and then again from Indiana’s side this is just

They’re worse they’re worse and it’s just a way to acquire some second round draft picks which you know I’m not a huge fan of this I’m not a huge fan of this I don’t like it I I kind of want I think in I think it’s a weird trade after getting Pascal cakam

Like going all in and then you’re and and then it’s like no no no we’re gonna do some Asset Management like if you’re in just be in like if you’re all they have enough youth that it’s okay if you lose buddy healed for nothing I I think

This team I want to see them push to try to get home court in the playoffs not go backwards I I just I care maybe I care too much about playoff appearances and and having a good product to put out for your fans but I think it should be

Important for teams like the Pacers to make the playoffs regardless this is not this is not a team that should have a championship or bust mentality yeah it’s not they’re only two they’re only two games back of Philly yes withred embiid and they’re they could be in that for four

Five matchup and with the Knicks all banged up if the Knicks can kind of stay in that position which you know they’re they’re ahead enough games of these two teams that they could like would it be impossible for Indiana to go and beat the Knicks if they’re not fully healthy

Like no but now ienzo has been cooking though I I don’t I don’t know um Dante d venzo as your number one guy in New York looking pretty good so they might have it sometime we don’t know what New York’s gonna do today so like that’s all

I mean that’s all fair like they could get better today too but you know it could could the Pacers Make some noise I don’t know they got a little bit worse today so don’t love it from their end hey we will have every single trade on

This site for you make sure that you’re subscribed to the athletic NBA Show YouTube channel and uh stay locked in

The Athletic NBA Show react to Buddy Hield being traded from the Indiana Pacers to the Philadelphia 76ers.


  1. This idea that Philly was ever really a contender this year is insane to me. Everyone says it. I have never seen it. Embiid is having a great season. He's not the best player on a championship team. Philly has had the 2nd easiest schedule so far this season. They've lost to basically every team that's .500 or better.

    Meanwhile Hield was 6th on the pacers in 3pt% this year. Nesmith and Haliburton both making as many or more 3's per game than Buddy. Nesmith and Nembhard both play defense.

    Hot take: Indy will finish the season as a higher seed than Philly.

  2. No the Pacers actually got better. He was a massive part of the shitty defense the pacers had in the beginning of the year. They’ve turned it around significantly since they moved him to the end of the rotation

  3. Buddy hield is not the reason the pacers have the best offense….. buddy is a liability when his shots don’t fall…..

  4. Buddy went 1-6 from the 3pt a couple games ago. He had 3 points with no defense from him. You guys know nothing about certain teams like the Pacers. Pacers needed defense and they have it with morris and he can hit from 3 as well. You guys Philly fans I shouldn’t expect nothing less

  5. Pacers need to salvage any value they can for buddy held. All aspects of the team our worse with him on the floor. While trading him to a competitor is less than ideal, getting him off the team for any value is pretty massive.

  6. I cant believe what the Pacers got for Hield. He has seriously declined this year, he has been such a defensive liability Carlisle has had 17 different lineups in 22 games trying to hide him. The last 10 games the Pacers have been running sets purposefully to get him involved just to get him going in the game so he isn't just a complete liability out there.

    We love Buddy in Indiana, and the players can talk about his spacing all they want, but the above paragraph is the truth.

    Really excited about seeing Shephard get more playing time, kid is a defensive stud and can shoot the rock.

  7. I'm glad I came to the comments I don't get it. Every time I watch the pacers Buddy is either on the bench or bricking wide open 3s.

  8. Did you guys know buddy heild is shooting a worse % on threes that both morris and korkmaz? Buddy takes more 3s than either of them, but this is the fewest threes he’s taken in a season and he’s shooting his worst % of his career. We needed the defense, not a good/very good 3 point shooter when we’ve got plenty of shooters already.

  9. Did you just say it would be better for the pacers to lose buddy heild for NOTHING. That’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard! We’re not chip contenders! We can still make it to the playoffs so who cares! We got plenty back

  10. anyone who thinks buddy is a three point threat has not been watching this season. his short arm SLOW release means basically the only chance he has at getting a good look off being wide open. And even with Haliburton getting him open looks over and over, Buddy continues to miss. defenses don't respect him. he is just not a good three point shooter. certainly not as good as the other Pacers! Jalen Smith, Nesmith, Haliburton, Siakam and Toppin are all shooting a higher % for the year. Mathurin has been better since December. Walker is right there, Shappard shows promise. Hield's ONE skill is redundant at best on the Pacers. Just by never seeing the court again, Hield has dramatically improved the Pacers defense.

    The one thing Pacers lack is muscle in the post. Sengun bullied Turner until Rick started sending doubles. In situations like this, at least the Pacers have Morris to help out the rest of the season when needed.
    Also the 2nd rounder 24 Raptors pick they got is arguably more valuable than the 1st round 24 Clippers pick they gave up in the Siakam trade.

    but seriously. Hield is trash. Pacers fans can finally breath

  11. Addition by subtraction, Buddy hield is the most difficult microwave shooter to watch… when he’s cold he’s ice cold

  12. Takes terrible shots and plays some of the worst defense you ll ever see.. lol. He gives up atleast double what he scores. Good luck

  13. These guys don’t watch the pacers at all. He’s unbelievably horrible on defense and his shooting over the last month has been hideous. The pacers needed minutes for younger better players. Learn what you’re talking about before you speak ignorant shit

  14. The Pacers did not get worse. Buddy was not a good enough shooter this year to make up for not having any other strengths in his game. Especially defensively, where’s he’s abysmal. I’m shocked his percentage is 38% because I can’t count 5 good shooting nights he’s had since the in season tournament. Worst 38% shooter I’ve ever seen. There have been weeks at a time where it feels like he can’t hit a shot to save his life.

  15. How anyone on the planet question this trade ESPECIALLY fans have to got to be literally brain dead and painfully obvious havent been paying attention.

    Pacers are 10-1 the last 11 games Buddy was remived from starting lineup. The game they lost against Kings buddy played entire 4th quarter.

    Hes literally targeted every possession on defense. Literally every possession.

    When Buddy checks in the lead evaporates. Just the other night against Charlotte he was benched after hornets went on a 14-0 run after buddy checked in. Then had the audacity to get angry with Carlisle and He left the bench. Almost immediately after He checked out the lead went up to 16.

    Myles and Bruce Brown hated playing with Him. Brown wouldnt even shake Buddys hand anymore.

    Hes never plsyed on a team that finished with a winning record and the kings won 50 games and were a 3 seed the very next full season after he was traded

  16. Man all you fans need to come post on locked on pacers. Please even. I wont feel so alone.

    Buddy is literally the worst player in the NBA and im not being facetious

  17. Hey Athletic Can I get a job talking about basketball?

    Where do I send my resume?

    I feel like I must have my PHD in basketball by default after hearing the nonsense spewed in this video.

    Buddy vocalized he didn't Want to be in Indiana?


    The Entire Pacers team spent all day yesterday campaigning for him not be traded.

    These guys watched 1 to 2 Pacers game this entire year. Buddy was a contributor when they beat the Celtics, so they just magically applied what they saw in that game to the Pacers entire season.

    This is up there with one worst takes Ive heard from anyone who gets paid to talk about basketball this entire season.

  18. Buddy was checked out. You have to understand that with Buddy, you live and die by his three point shot. He’s an improved defender and a willing passer to his credit, but you’re paying him to shoot from beyond the arc.

    Buddy is the biggest hot / cold player I’ve ever watched. When he comes in and is feeling it you know it’s going to be a good game. When he’s missing his shots like he has all this season, he just can’t catch fire at any point in the game. We’re often living and dying by Buddy’s shooting performances and now we have some stable veteran wing help as a replacement

    A win trade in my eyes

  19. So clueless, Buddy never wanted out of Indy. He got traded because his defense was much worse than what they gained from his offense. If he was any good you don't get him for 3 2nd's and garbage

  20. The Pacers traded for Doug McDermott after the Hield trade to help with 3 pt shooting they lost with Hield, and The Pacers still have an available roster spot for a potential buyout if they so choose. They didn't have McDermott for their game against the Warriors…so they were shorthanded for that game, but I'm assuming they'll have him for the following game. From what I've seen, Hield didn't want to play off the bench, so the Pacers did right by him and sent him to a contender. They then converted some of what they got back into McDermott and a decent amount of cash for a buyout or the summer.

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