@New York Knicks

Evan Roberts Is FURIOUS About Knicks Competency

Evan Roberts Is FURIOUS About Knicks Competency

Happy trade deadline Thursday how we doing Evan and Tiki on the family we got a very big show today very big show B Tiki will be on the program at 4:30 we’ll finally learn Shawn Mor’s Big Show announcement at 4:00 for beating me in pickle ball we got a lot of football to

Do on the show today but I admit I always want to be open with the audience and know how I’m feeling I’m very depressed today I’m very down today I’m very upset today and the reason I’m down and the reason I’m upset is because the New York Knicks know what they’re

Doing they really really really know what they’re doing why does that upset you dude because I’m the head of the Coalition of Nick haters okay and for many years as the leader of the Coalition I got to enjoy days like today I got to enjoy many years of laughing at

The Knicks LOL Knicks here’s the dead honest truth if you tweet LOL Nicks if you say LOL Nicks you’re ignorant cuz there ain’t anything to laugh about anymore this franchise knows exactly what they’re doing and I get it’s not sexy I get it’s not the Superstar but

First of all I know buan bogdanovich very well as you may know he can score we all know Alec Burks very well CP the franchise with wizo a couple of days ago and while he’s not a star he makes 40% of his shots from three and the New York Knicks today without giving

Up very much just improve themselves and they did it and here’s the key without giving up very very much the New York Knicks today on February 8th 2024 are a better team than they were two and a half hours ago they have a better chance

To do as some say damage than they did two and a half hours ago the New York Knicks are run by a team president who while he never speaks to us knows what he’s doing if you’re a Nick fan today and we still have 54 minutes until the

Trade deadline passes and if there’s any breaking news you will hear it here I promise you but the New York Nicks know what they’re doing and they’ve improved themselves so I’m giving you your flowers I’m complimenting you but I’m a scared I’m a scared of this franchise

Why are you scared of the franchise because you’re thinking the next move is going to be even a bigger one next year or this summer or whatever comes down to because yeah these are good moves these are two 40% three-point Shooters which is what we knew that the Knicks needed

But it’s interesting because when CP was here and he said oh Alec Burks you’re like oh yeah that guy uh okay it was the tepid acceptance of a Tom thibo guy coming back knowing exactly what Tom wants being able to play exactly how Tom wants him to play and fitting in

Immediately because there’s not going to be any chemistry issue I don’t think with either one of these guys but particularly Alec but but I also feel both of these moves while good and they bring you’re shooting it’s just kind of like okay it’s like a tepid smile it’s

Like a half smile why would it be tepid you sat with me during Nick’s net saying they need punch off their Ben They just added They just added two guys to do it I know but I feel like I had all of this like pent up expectation that it was

Going to be something like otherworldly I don’t I have no idea a star someone who can really be someone who’s not 35 years old like bojan is someone who’s not 32 and a half and and you know up and down like like Alec was when he was here missed I don’t know how

Many games he missed that first year that he was here but like it it’s they’re good I’m not knocking them at all I agree with you the Nicks do know what they’re doing but I was expecting like a real Splash with like 11 first still avilable I thought something big

Was going to happen it just feels it’s good but doesn’t feel yes now we can win an NBA championship good that’s what that’s all I’m saying but there’s a difference and this is why the Knicks know what they’re doing they’re not making moves to be splashy they’re not

Making moves to get the back page of the newspaper they’re making moves because they’re smart because they’re deliberate and can help them moving forward I agree so that’s why these moves make sense look Alec Burks is not a superstar Alec Burks isn’t a needle mover it’s funny

And I don’t know if other Nick fans felt the same way because sometimes it’s how you get the news like did you get it from listening to this radio station did you get it from Twitter did you get it from a friend when I first heard the

Trade I heard Alec Burks for Quinton Grimes and my reaction was that’s my reaction was when I hear they’re getting buan bogdanovich as well and oh by the way the draft Capital they’re giving up are second round picks and just to show you how consistent I am about this my

Basketball team just traded Royce O’Neal for second round picks I wiped my ass with second round picks so if as a fan I’m going to tell you I don’t care that I just got them that I’m certainly not going to be afraid that you gave them up

So you added two rotation pieces two guys that can help you right now as you’re short-handed more on that a few minutes and yeah when you squint your eyes and I had this test the other day when you close your eyes and you envision a playoff game and you envision

Final five minutes can you envision that guy being on the floor well here’s what’s complicated with the Knicks as of right now with no Julius Randall to yes right once they’re healthy we’ll see what this rotation turns into but buan bogdanovich specifically yes yes and you did that without giving up anything that

Really cost you moving forward clearly the Knicks decided on Quinton Grimes he ain’t the answer Tom Fido made the decision hey I don’t think this guy plays through injuries they don’t want him anymore now you want to rip Leon Rose for making that pick a few years

Ago and say that didn’t work out fine but you turned it into something the New York Knicks improve their bench today yes they did and in the immediacy with the injuries they’re dealing with they improve their chances of winning basketball games until they’re fully healthy and they did it at a cost that’s

Minimal that’s what the Knicks did today so if you’re looking for flashy if you’re looking for sexy if you’re looking for Superstar if you’re looking for Bright Lights I don’t know why you were expecting that cuz I don’t think that was ever happening I think I just

Wanted to be surprised I think every time I think this is this happens every year by the way it you go into this trade deadline or at least a lead up to the trade deadline thinking that something big is going to happen and something big never happens especially

Not for not for the Knicks and it just feels like to me with all of this Equity this this this this trade Equity that they have sitting and I know they’re not trying to make the big splash because they don’t want to be imprudent they

Want to do it the smart way but it felt like this was the year where things were going to slowly work them their way into a position where the Knicks could make a humongous move for who for whoever it that’s the problem and I think you’re

Right but still it’s this one feels okay I’m not saying it’s bad and I think you’re right they do know what they’re doing and there probably is a plan it’d be great if Leon Rose ever came out and gave us some kind of inkling of what

That plan might be but I think there is a plan for the Knicks going forward and you should feel enthused by this but they’re not winning a championship now now right yeah maybe they’ll win another series maybe they can get to the Eastern Conference Finals I doubt it but this

Feels just okay I’m not saying bad you they better smile with this of course they’re better and they got rid of some dead weight which is the most important thing but here’s why that’s important because and this is why my reaction to this trade is far different than if they

Were trading first round picks so about a week and a half ago when we’re sitting there thinking about this trade deadline I thought the Knicks were going to have to make a really tough decision and what I mean by that was do you take some of the valuable first round picks that you

Have one coming to you via Dallas this season that has minimal protections on it but they should convey this season with Dallas having some success from the porzingis trade would you use any of your draft Capital to try to help yourself win now and I agree with you

Not a championship level team but improve yourselves now to I don’t know Conference Finals conference semis but smaller moves that help you but you’re giving up the draft Capital that you could use next summer you know who just did that the Miami Heat just did that

And I remember when Miami did that for Terry Rosier I thought to myself as an opponent of Miami wow okay they made a move that’s try to improve themselves in the short term but they hurt their ability to go get a star next season of the year after because they just took

Away a first round pick and I understand that being a really difficult decision like do you take away from the potential of acquiring somebody and by the way when I say somebody we don’t even know who the person is we could speculate it’s Donovan Mitchell we can create in

Our mind it’s LCA donic but we don’t even know if that person exists right it’s not Luka but go ahead I agree but that’s my point we don’t know who the person is are you willing to give up a pick or two that could keep you from

Getting a star to help yourself on the margins now and I admit that’s a tough question and that’s a really good debate probably not probably not fair here’s the best part for the Knicks and not good for me I admit this cuz I don’t

Like you but I call it like it is here’s what’s really good for you and sucks for me what did you just trade that hurts you from trading for a star this summer nothing I’m sorry what was that nothing nothing that’s the quitting Grimes is the only argument you can make and what

The hell is Quinton Grimes how valuable do you think he really is around the league yeah and that’s and that’s the and by the way we there’s a reason that we’ve been hearing for a month that they’re trying to move Quinton Grimes there’s a reason that it feels like he

For whatever reason and I don’t know what the interpersonal relationship is like inside the Nick’s locker room but if felt like there was something that was forcing him or potentially forcing him out and it finally happened now is it for the betterment of the Knicks going forward I don’t know like we’ll

See yeah but but wait stick with me on this though would you agree and this is really really important because I’m also giving you the long-term view on this this is not just shortterm the Knicks are better they are better they just added two good offensive pieces off of

Their bench they have better chances at winning games now in the shortterm with injuries and even in the long term because they’ve got a deep team we all agree they got better they took away nothing from their ability to trade for this fantasy star a star that we don’t

Even know is going to be available and by the way I’d even argue they enhanced it well Evan had they enhance it Evan fornier is gone now the Knicks could have picked up his option and had him as an expiring contract to just help out with cap space on a potential trade yeah

You know who now fills that role as kind of the same player buan bogdanovich cuz makes $9 million next year with only a few of it guaranteed you know what the difference between buan bogdanovich and Evan fornier is what is that EV one’s good the other sucks one is going to be

36 years old next year and what’s EV forier by the way he’s nothing true I know well Evan Evans had his moments but he clearly fell out of favor here so he he was Expendable who has more value in the trade market I I mean buyan does on so did they enhance their

Ability to get that mystery star next year yes or no did they enhance it yeah of course they did so then that’s what was a brilliant trade but you’re missing what I’m saying Evan so for so long it feels like the Knicks were just waiting and waiting it’s it’s going to come that

We’re turning the corner soon we’re turning the corner soon and it just never came and now it’s like you halfway turn the corner you haven’t really turned the corner yet and I think there’s just an urgency that’s not there and that’s fine if that’s the plan I

Don’t know what the plan is I don’t know what the what the long-term solution is for the for the Knicks all we can do is look at what we’re presented with right now and right now we have a a a a star and Jaylen Brunson albe him hurt even

Though he’s questionable for tonight which is actually a good sign the fact that he’s not even been ruled out yet so you had a this star and jayen Brunson you had Julius Randle playing at the level that he is OG playing at the level that he is and it felt like man this

This team actually is ready to win let’s just go try it now and what we’re getting is well we’re not going to quite turn that corner yet and that I’m not saying it’s bad I’m just saying it’s it’s like all hurry up and wait but you

Don’t have but you don’t have to do that anymore see two years ago I think the Leon Rose plan was I’m going to collect all these first round picks and I’m going to be ready to kind of jump for that Superstar when needed and oh by the

Way in the meantime we’re going to tread water they’re not Treading Water they’re a good team like I I wouldn’t say the Knicks are a tread water team W they’re swimming strong they’re swi women strong they’re a legitimate playoff team there are many Nick fans out there I will

Respectfully disagree with you that think you’re a championship team I don’t think you’re quite that but I think you’re good I think you’re scary I think you’re Plucky and so you’re still doing that same game of hey we’re well positioned to trade for the star one available and in the meantime we’re

Going to go win and that’s the best spot to be in that’s why I’m miserable today because I’m jealous because I see where you are I see what you’re doing and I look at you and I say boy I’d love to be you let’s go next cuz my team yeah they

Got a lot of assets they got a lot of picks and guess what the next Superstar that’s available they can be on it too still in the league but guess what what’s that in the meantime they’re not Treading Water they’re drowning so the Nets could get that star too but the

Knicks could get that star and they’re still winning and they just improve their team so hear me out Nick fans here’s why I’m miserable today which means you should be happy right you’re clearly better you’ve just improved your team you just added two rotation pieces and you did it without hurting your

Chances at all at trading for the mystery Superstar you have fantasized about and by the way that mystery Superstar may never come I’m not even guaranteeing you that but you want to be in the game right you want to debate with your friends if it’s worth pursuing Donovan Mitchell right you want to

Debate with your friends hey Luca just asked out do we have a chance I’m not saying any of that’s going to happen but you want to be in that game without hurting yourself in the now the New York Knicks didn’t hurt themselves in the now they just got better they just did both

They’re the fat kid eating cake and and and doing something else what do you do you eat cake and have it too they’re doing both they’re they’re double fisting cakes right now Tiki yes you want your cake and eat it right I’m trying to understand like what

What analogy you were trying to make makes sense do you were trying to use makes sense no it definitely does and and again I’m not I’m not I’m not anti what you’re saying I’m just saying that it’s also kind of still not fulfilling yet it just feels like you’re a step a step

Short like Ser are you are you seeing Alec Burks in again in a Nick’s uniform and saying we got it now right you seeing boan bonovich in a Nick uniform say oh my God look at what we’re going to we’re dominant on both ends of the Court like you’re not saying that but

They got you you addressed the issue and we talked about it before the issue is that the scoring Off the Bench is it was just non-existent and look what they just added and they just added scoring off the bch yes but but it still doesn’t

Feel like this Nicks team is now one of the you know real favorites to win the NBA title they better today than they were yesterday of course they are okay they’re not the favorites to win the NBA title I don’t think they’re going to win an NBA title but did they just get

Better and did they do it without expending assets that will hurt hurt them next year or the year after I’d argue they’re in a better position now look Quinton Grimes here’s what I’ll say about Quinton Grimes it didn’t work you know you want to criticize Leon Rose for

That you want to criticize Tom thibo for that that’s fine what the Knicks have done since Leon took over they’ve had four drafts and you know how many first round picks that Leon used is currently on this roster zero Obi toppen didn’t work out they made a mistake they should have drafted

Tyrese Alberton Quinton Grimes it worked out now gone Emanuel quickly now he’s gone the only guy I think they drafted that’s still on this roster is Jericho Sims if I’m not mistaken but what at least Leon was able to do was a turn players and some of those players

Selected into other players that help you yeah but that wasn’t the plan wasn’t like oh we’re going to draft IQ and and and and and OB and all these guys just to build them up and trade them so that we can go get somebody else that’s not

That’s not the plan I’m not saying that was the plan but think about where they are right now they’ve got three potential first round picks this season really two because the Washington pick is protected and that’ll be pushed to the following year they’ve got future first round pick of the Milwaukee Bucks

In 2025 like they set up with future assets I’m not telling you these are the greatest draft picks in the world my draft picks are better than your draft picks because ah Phoenix’s picks in case they suck but that’s not my point you also have your own draft picks which is

Kind of cool I don’t know what that’s like but you’ve got assets you’ve got movable cont tracks and that’s for next year F next year for now you just improved your bench you just added that punch Off the Bench I’m not putting Alec Burks in the Hall of Fame I’m not

Putting buan bogdanovich in the Hall of Fame what I’m simply saying is those pieces in a rotation fit a lot better and are more important to you right now than an injured Quinton Grimes Evan fornier look the only negative and I have to bring it up is the fact that

They traded the human Victory Cigar Ryan Archie dako and that sucks especially with that crazy streaky had of playing in 20 games and not scoring a play now he’s going to finish it somewhere else yeah that that kind of stinks yeah he’s in Detroit he’s going to play 25 minutes

A night yeah there’s no way he’s not scoring there’s no way it’s over now whatever the streak was it’s over now that’s the only negative but Malachi Flynn don’t let the door hit you on the way out Evan forier see you and Quinton Grimes look it sucks it didn’t work out

The Knicks are better and they’re set up for the future and you know what that does that makes me miserable it makes lugie happy look at him over there Evan Tiki tri-state area the Knicks are Back le they’re back no they’re back the Knicks are back you even mean by that

The I don’t think I have to explain it Tiki the Nick are back Leon Rose is out here cooking they’re back te they are back the kings of New York they are back the Nicks are back turn into s and the King Cohen thing with King will come up

With talking about today piffy nickname for Leon Rose I don’t have one yet but he’s out here cooking as Evan pointed out he has recognized the problems he has gotten rid of them throughout the year years he has now turned the Knicks into the most functional organization in

New York which is a total 180 I know he’s not their GM but he’s the best GM in New York and the Knicks are back all right we’ll come back and take your calls two bucket Getters they got yes they did are are you gy Nick fans or are

You looking at this saying ah I needed more of a needle mover 877 337 6666

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  1. There was no one available for a big splash. They are improving incrementally. They will make a splash when a splash player becomes available.

  2. It’s gonna be so fucking funny if Leon rose just goes and sits on this 1st round picks nest the way Danny Ainge pissed away his own horde he robbed from the Nets.

  3. I swear Tiki sounds like Screaming A. “But I want a ‘star.’ When they do get a star?”
    Evan: Like who?
    Tiki: mumble mumble polysyllabic words mumble mumble

  4. Tiki is absolutely unbearable, insufferable and knows nothing about ball. He seems to want back the Scott Layden, Isaiah Thomas days. Yea let’s make a “splash” for: Antonio McDyess, Steve Francis, Eddy Curry, Tracy McGrady, Penny Hardaway, ect.

    Knicks far and away won the pre-deadline/deadline by getting OG, Precious, Bojan, And Burks without giving up a single 1st round pick while improving the makeup of the team greatly and we now sit at 33-18 and still winning many games with lots of hurt bodies.

    The Knicks hater here knows ball and is actually fun to listen to.

  5. Tiki purchase the book Basketball for idiots. Someone on the fan should have explained to him no splashy moves were out there. They made these moves with the understanding the splashy move comes in the off season. Btw this show is unlistenable as soon has the guy with the giant head joins in. Worst voice in radio and worst of all his stand up comedian routine is unbearable. they didn't do Tierney any favors by sticking him with Lacata. You mighwhat ever they are paying Boomer and Gio is not enough for carrying the station.

  6. Tiki: "There's an urgency that's not there"

    Knicks literally traded four of their young core members within a 9 month period. Lol. That's not urgency? Tiki's doing that talk radio/First Take thing where you unnecessarily argue the other side for conversations sake. There's a diff between urgency and stupidity. Knicks are being urgent (adding talent as fast as possible before Brunson's $50M re-up is due) and prudent (not swinging for the sake of swinging, like you ALL criticized past regimes for doing).

    2025 NBA Champions. I genuinely believe that, and have been saying it since 2021 (I have receipts). Go Knicks!

  7. Even you know what KD & Ky was your only chance to win anything.. so just understand we as Knick Fans have something special & watch what happens next 🤫 don’t hate buddy .

  8. I don't know if tiki just a hater on New York teams or he just doesn't know basketball they gave up two second round draft choices you're not going to get a major star with that

  9. Knicks pulled off amazing trades when they greatly improved their roster when they got OG, Precious, Burks and Bogdanovic and they didn't even give up a 1st round pick. There is a reason why the media critics are giving the Knicks an "A" grade just for the Burks and Bogdanovic (20 pts avg this season and shoots 47% and 42% from 3 point). Donte is on fire and a much better efficient scorer than Dejounte Murray. Donte has a whopping impressive .606 eFG%. Worst move ever would to bench Donte for Dejounte Murray who is the 351st ranked defensive player (def WS).

  10. Tiki such a casual in basketball lol there were no stars available at the trade deadline and they acquired two 3 point shooters 1 of them being a 20 ppg scorer for the bench without giving away major assets

  11. Knicks made themselves much better right now and also set themselves up for the "big move" better by keeping their 1sts and adding Bogan's expiring deal.

  12. "They're not making moves to be splashy. They're not making moves to get the backpage. They're making moves because they're smart, because they're deliberate, because it makes them better."
    And now you know, Evan, why some of us are big fans of David Stearns. In baseball, you need depth in the lineup, depth in the rotation, depth in the bullpen, and depth on the bench. Signing a few huge names like you're the Angels doesn't help you win anything. Stearns is doing it right.

  13. Such contrast, Tiki all fresh & clean, looking professional. Then you have Evan going on live TV representing WFAN looking & smelling like a homeless guy with his hair all greasy . WTF is happening? How is this allowed?

  14. Tiki wants us to do “A” or expected “B” but can’t tell us what “A” or “B” are. This year has been the most progressive for the Knicks as far as trades and signings in years. Our front office looks competent and we are set up for the Future. I feel like Tiki is purposefully trying to be difficult or contrarian

  15. If Patrick Ewing had this team in 94 Knicks win it all. As a Knick fan since the early nineties im ecstatic to finally have a competent front office running things and the Garden is going to be lit for the playoffs. Lets go Knicks!

  16. Where the hell is Joe Binigno ? For years he was crying and whining about the Knicks and James Dolan and now all of a sudden he's disappeared? He was on every damn week talking about his Jets and now the Knicks are good and he's probably on a golf course in Florida. Tiki has shown me he knows nothing about Basketball so now when he says anything I'll just let it fly by and say he's clueless so maybe he knows more about Baseball or it will be August and September before I really listen to him. But I love Evan wallowing in misery because his Nets are now where the Knicks used to be and Durant Kyrie and James Harden are on other teams. Lmao cry Evan cry 😂😂

  17. I have to add this to what I said previously after listening to these two more. People are underestimating this team like nobody's business. The only one in the media I've heard give the Knicks the respect they deserve is Kendrick Perkins of Espn. This notion that the Knicks can't make NBA Finals is ludicrous and it will reek of people like Evan saying I was wrong I didn't think they could do it. They just need to get healthy then let's see. I'm saying this right now when they get healthy they can beat anyone in the East including the Celtics.

  18. Knicks made the splash back in Dec. Made the biggest 2 moves this trade deadline. You don't make bigger moves than this mid season

  19. Tiki expected a splash trade but can’t even name for which player. It’s obvious there was no superstar player available. Tiki just exposed himself and should be embarrassed. Don’t talk basketball anymore my guy

  20. Knicks are definitely one of the favorites to win an NBA title. The East is wide open. The Celtics live and die by the three. Not scared of them

  21. Vegas recognizes this trade and really bumped up the knicks odds chances. ESPN and pretty much every other media praised the knicks with A grade trade. Enough with nonsense. Stop playing fantasy basketball. Look at team needs and chemistry and stop overrating players like the extremely overrated Dejounte Murray. Put the dunce cap on if you want to bench Donte who led the nba in 3s in January and is averaging 29 points per game in the last 6 games and rather have Dejounte Murray starting. Donte has an insane .608 eFG%. Murray has a .499 eFG% career. Worst move ever would to demote Donte for Murray. I won't get into Murray's trash defense (351st ranked DEF WS). Did somebody expect the knicks to get Donovan Mitchell or Devin Booker in a trade? Maybe someone has a "stephen a smith brain" and think Lebron James can be traded to the knicks.

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