@Chicago Bulls

There’s No Way the Bulls Did NOTHING at the Trade Deadline AGAIN!

There’s No Way the Bulls Did NOTHING at the Trade Deadline AGAIN!

The NBA trade deadline is come and gone and unless there are any trickling deals that come through in the next few minutes the Bulls have once again for the third straight deadline stood Pat doing absolutely nothing now I’ll admit after the injury to Zack LaVine and him

Being out for the season I had very very low expectations of the Bulls going into the deadline and fully expecting them to not make any moves but even despite the low expectations for some reason as a bulls fan you always end up walking away from the deadline in disbelief and I

Think a lot of that is because you see all of the things these other teams are doing all the moves that they’re making making big swings either pushing all into really solidify themselves as a contender or accepting they need to reboot and go in another Direction by acquiring draft picks and young players

Like when you see a team like the Charlotte Hornets arguably one of the worst run organizations in the NBA when you see them making smart moves and the Bulls are sitting there twiddling their thumbs you can’t help but throw your hands up in the air the Knicks got

Better A lot better you could argue they won the trade deadline with all the moves they made going back to the OG and anobi trade that happened a few weeks ago the Pacers got better you could even argue the Raptors got better the Sixers got better and adding buddy hee hell the

Pistons got better for the future by selling off their older Veterans for draft compensation I just I just don’t get it I don’t get how this front office can sit here and justify to themselves that this is okay that what they see before them in this roster is good

Enough and it would be one thing if this was the first season or the first iteration of this group but this is the third season now of this team the third season of this core we know what this group is they’re not suddenly going to magically turn a corner and become a

Contender they’re an average team that is at best a playin team and a first round exit that’s it by the way and I know this is a terrible transition but I’ve got my commitments I have to fulfill I’m not a football guy by any means never really have been but I do

Watch the Super Bowl and if you’re into football watching the Super Bowl well our sponsor Underdog fantasy actually has a pretty insane offer going into the Super Bowl they’ve actually got a new customer special for anyone that signs up this week where you essentially get a free pick them for Patrick Mahomes

Higher than half the total yards that’s right if Mahomes gets just one passing yard you win and unlike their normal pick thems where you can win 20x your money by getting all of your pick thems right they’re actually taking it up a notch where you can now win 100 times

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Special offer as I’ve said before it’s also a great way to support the channel and I really do appreciate it now we already kind of knew that the Bulls weren’t going to be making any moves when about 2 hours before the deadline all the beat Riders had arrived in

Menest and were talking to the guys that shoot around and they revealed publicly that all the guys were there most notably dear Drummond Caruso which means these guys aren’t getting moved because if talks had really start progressing or if they were in fact traded they would

Have been pulled from the floor to start getting ready to report to their next team so even though we waited until 3 p.m. eastern time we more or less knew moves weren’t going to be made a couple of hours in advance although I’m sure a lot of us felt nothing was going to

Happen well before that here’s what gets me though and I’ll be very curious to see what kind of rationale or justification AK is going to use this go around when he addresses the media which is going to be happening very soon possible by the time you’re watching this the pressure has already happened

But I’m curious what they come up with here because we’ve kind of been putting up with all their BS excuses for a while now but to have this happen 3 years in a row now especially when when the season started AK said we see what the fans are

Seeing we’re just as frustrated and we’re going to do something about it I’m paraphrasing a little but more or less that’s what was said like clearly you saw a problem you told us you were going to do something about it and you’re really going to sit there and tell me

That because the team has looked marginally better since that bad 5 and 14 start you expect us to believe that’s all it took for you guys to change your minds and say eh we feel like what we have is good I think we’ll be all right

After all 21st in the league on offense 15th on defense yeah that’s fine like is this a joke what are we doing here that to be fair in some of their defense don’t make a trade just to make a trade but based on what some of the other

Teams got in deals how are you not able to get a solid return for some of these pieces that you have I mean it was reported by W that if the Bulls wanted to move Alex kuso they could likely get two first round picks for him in a deal

I’ve continuously said I don’t think it makes sense to move AC because he can fit with any team or timeline whether you’re rebuilding or contending but multiple first round picks for Caruso yeah you have to take that was also reported previously that the Sixers were open to moving a first round pick for

Demar de Rosen expiring contract 34-year-old player a first round pick and instead the Sixers pivoted and went after buddy heeld instead now we don’t know what offers were actually on the table sure there is a world where maybe the offers weren’t that good so they

Decided to pass but if that’s the case I would love for them to reveal some of these offers they’re never going to do that but honestly if the offers weren’t that good which by the way that’s what they said at the last deadline AK specifically said we could make trades

But at what cost like if they want to save their reputation to this fan base it would almost be smart for them to say what the offers were for guys like Demar Caruso Drummond or even Zack LaVine like if they were getting offers like a second round pick for Alex kuso then

Yeah I would applaud them for not caving and just moving players just to make changes or that for Demar teams were offering me players on bad contracts in a couple of seconds like no that doesn’t make sense like if that was the case then maybe all of us fans would shut up

And stop complaining but I find it very hard to believe that there just weren’t better offers out there you’re not in a position to be making demands when you’re a mid- team you don’t have a ton of Leverage when teams know that this whole thing is likely going to implode

And you can maybe get some of these players for when they have even less leverage or you can get them for free as free agents anyway I just wanted to share my initial reaction to the Bulls standing Pat at the deadline once again I’ll have some more thoughts and

Reactions to some of these trades around the league on my second Channel but I want to get to watching this presser to see what all the excuses are this time around from AK let me know your guys’ thoughts on the Bulls lack of moves here let me also know your thoughts on ak’s

Comments if you’ve already watched the press conference by now let me know in the comments below as always be sure to subscribe and I’ll see you in the next one

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Reacting to the Bulls not doing anything at the trade deadline for the 3rd straight deadline

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#ChicagoBulls #BullsNation #ZachLavine #DeMarDeRozan #AlexCaruso #ZachLavine #CobyWhite #PatrickWilliams #LonzoBall #AyoDosunmu #BullsNews #NBANews #NBARumors #BullsNews #BullsTrades #BullsTradeRumors #NBATrades #NBATradeRumors #NBATradeDeadline


  1. I knew it. That improved play was the worst thing we could’ve done. I don’t even wanna watch the game tonight, as much as I love Jason/Kendall/Will and our reporters, they’re just gonna be soft as usual on management and the front office and defend them. There’s no defending them. 3 straight years of this trash. There better be no more defenders for AKME. We could’ve gotten something for these guys now, we are 100% rebuilding in the offseason (at least we should) and now we are gonna lose all of them for fucking nothing.

    The two worst run franchises in Chicago and arguably all of sports have one common denominator: Jerry Reinsdorf. Until he’s gone, nothing matters. He’s gonna keep incompetent yes men who are way out of their league and we won’t ever step out of mediocrity because fans fill up the UC anyway. I’m sick of this shit man.

  2. Bulls are good the way they built. They just needed lavine to bring energy off the bench. They had the players not the coaching.

  3. 45th straight year of no trades, it was a terrible move but I can’t say I’m surprised

  4. I see AK as more of an outside consultant than a GM. When I listen to him speak all I hear is a man detached, disengaged, disinterested and disinvested from the Bulls franchise and what it represents to the city of Chicago. He’s wholly unaffected by the mediocrity he’s created and he cares less what the fans think. He may as well show up to press conferences wearing a shirt that says “yeah, so what?”

  5. First time in my life of 42 almost 43 years on this planet that the Bulls are not my favorite team anymore. Fire this incompetent GM and let him go anywhere. We should've made big trades last year and the year before.

    Horribly ran franchise. Vuc and Demar should've been traded last year, to get draft capital. I'm done and will stick with my Timberwolves until GM and coach are long gone.

  6. This clown ass organization is is cool with being a mediocre trash team. They have no money for free agency, no good picks….nothing. fuck the bulls🖕🏿

  7. The bulls never make a move it’s not really surprising. No big splashes in the off season and never a trade by the deadline when they clearly see what you have isn’t good enough. I can’t watch the bulls because I can’t stand the owner or front office.

  8. i've had like 3 mental break downs today because of this. I need to step away from the nba or switch teams lol

  9. Keep complaining like a bunch losers that you are. You really think AKME is going to listen to a bunch of dumbass youtubers?

  10. All of us was wrong 😂. Now we can just be fan instead of thinking we a GM. 😂😂😂 stop crying like a baby . Y'all know nothing about the salary cap zor who can move. Y'all complain we they win and when they loose. Ride with the players who playing hard and shut up and be true bulls fans

  11. Been a bulls fan from overseas since 2010 😢 & honestly this offseason is their last chance or I’m done supporting a franchise that smacks me in THE FACE EVERY TIME 😒

  12. there goes our max contract player. i just hope Zach does get better and have a Murray comeback (and hopefully a ring) like what happened in Denver

  13. I'd rather watch a mid Bulls team with players like Caruso, Drummond, & Derozan than a tanking team without those players that isn't worth watching. Its easy to blow things up but not so easy to build back.

  14. This team will be much better. They won't have both DeMar and Zach on the floor at the same time. Especially at the end games. 6 or 7 spot and will win a playoff series.

  15. Zach messed up are trade process the Knicks got are trades instead. we might just have to look ahead to the buyout market for sharp shooters like Joe Harris & D Galinaro & Marcus Morris

  16. The bulls are a mature team will real position players, like tonight that proved right. But they do need someone 6-9 to 6-11 to get revs, play defense on three and protect the rim.

  17. Sick and tired of this front office being a fan of 34 35 yr old stars. I just dont get why they wont let coby and pattrick get that opportunity to being the main cores.

  18. Sadly, they magically all signed overpaid contracts that would make them untradeable and old. They can't just waive 49 million. Good luck playing it out.

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