@Boston Celtics

Mavericks Were Determined To Trade Grant Williams, ‘Rubbed A Lot Of People The Wrong Way’

Mavericks Were Determined To Trade Grant Williams, ‘Rubbed A Lot Of People The Wrong Way’

by ChipotleGuacamole


  1. “Luka remember when WE combined for 82 points LOLOLOLOL”

    “Grant they are triple teaming me every possesion please make a shot”

    “Check out my Tatum 1ssssssss!”

  2. carefullywasnt

    > He switched from Lukas to Tatums by the way… his shoe selection.


  3. ripmeleedair

    Weird. I wonder if he showed up a little entitled after getting paid. He’s always been a yapper but it seemed like he was pretty self aware in Boston. He really should have been a perfect 3&D guy next to Luka, it’s too bad it didn’t work out.

  4. ThroughTheWildNight

    Tim Macmahon is notorious for exaggerating everything and making Luka look bad so I’m honestly not believing this at all, it doesn’t even make sense.

    It’s pretty clear he was moved because he played like shit after the 2 week mark and they needed to dump him before his value was absolutely nothing

  5. Efficient_Art_1144

    The shoes thing is funny but my guess is they traded him because he’s playing poorly and they are trying to use him in a way that doesn’t help him any. Washington and Gafford are better fits

  6. Vast-Cheesecake7230

    Grant needs to step up his maturity and his entitlement, the way he argues with refs is something a Luka or Curry can get away with, not Grant. Someone in his circle needs to tell him to step it up and grow up.

  7. 9bfjo6gvhy7u8

    as a youngest child… the plucky little brother personality works great and is endearing when you’re outworking everyone and playing humble and also have no expectations. teasing is friendly banter, and a missed shot (or 30 in a row) is no big deal because the team isn’t relying on you yet. so if you’re first to the floor and throwing your body in front of everyone you earn the leeway to be a little goofy.

    but when they pay you to play D and make shots then you have to deliver, or else the annoying little brother becomes less loveable and more annoying. i can see grant maturing from the experience – he’s only 25. no longer young in basketball terms, but still young in life. i can absolutely see him having a resurgence in charlotte and playing an important role for a contender in a couple years

  8. It seems the corner office is closed, maybe it’s the new WFH policies?

  9. TheBoyKane2424

    so strange man. Grant seems like such a nice dude

  10. WeightOwn5817

    He was so obnoxious honestly. Not surprising.

  11. schoolboypoop

    I hate vague statements like this, just say what you know.
    If he upset Luka, say that.
    It’s just dumb to put stuff out when there’s barely any basis for the claim.

  12. I remember warning the mavs fans that getting excited for grant williams will lead to disappointment and not significantly improved defense

  13. burner_for_celtics

    I find him so lovable. The Mavs are a weird and underachieving team… in my completely uninformed and baseless opinion, it is the Mavs that are the problem.

  14. JaylenBrownFlow

    honestly feels like the mavs organization shits on players and coaches on their way out. Doubt grant was that bad

  15. massdebator69

    Signing him to that deal was always a little optimistic. Grant is a perfect backup wing on a contender but they signed him to be like their 3-4th best player and primary wing defender. Thats a lot of responsibility for a player of Grant’s caliber.

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