@Detroit Pistons

What Is The Detroit Pistons Plan? | The Valenti Show with Rico

What Is The Detroit Pistons Plan? | The Valenti Show with Rico

All right 3 o’clock grand opening Grand closing here’s your last time you’re probably going to hear about the Pistons until June so saor the flavor little bit of water left in the water bottle here’s your deadline the whole thing is fugazi I have no idea what this franchise is

Doing I have no problem that you traded Monte Morris Alec Burks and bgd there’s no issue why would I have an issue but it is the return you are getting for these players that once again shows Troy Weaver is a bad actor he’s an impostor come in here trade grades are

Out if you want him New York according to CBS A+ Pistons C I mean that’s every deal you got a second round pick in 2030 for Monte Morris which means all right I’m still down a pick from the baggley thing then you go out and you trade Burks and

Bogdanovich to the same team seemingly only getting a return on Burks two seconds and Grimes who is a backup guard so in total you moved Marvin baggley you moved Alec bur bogonovich and Monte Morris and netted one second round pick and got Grimes and fontania what’s the plan

Again because I can tell you as we sit here and I’ll throw the number out 248 539 9797 the only deal I’m interested in as we sit here right now I’m being serious moving forward you have to trade one of Kad iy you pick you pick cuz last night

The team you played they had the same choice to make make they had dearon Fox and they had Tyrese halberton and it wasn’t working they couldn’t play together not optimally they traded halberton they got sabonis and they turned their franchise around I feel like that’s the only move

That that needs to happen because it’ll allow them to pick a direction here’s our point guard we are building around you the keys to the franchise are yours I think that’s the only move right now that would actually get people in the city excited about this team again

Because now you have have a focus because I don’t think they can play together and if it were me I keep Ivy I move Kade not because I don’t like Kade it’s because I think Kade can probably bring you back more I think his value is higher in the rest of

The NBA whereas I don’t think iy is but locally you see what he can do when there’s no Kade in the game the problem is you got to replace Monty Williams then because I don’t know that Monty likes likes Jade iy why else was Jaden ivvy you know

Basically Monty Williams played the role of Tom ISO he burned Ivy to the ground he had this Fascination playing a guy that they just released for nothing cuz he had no value in Killian a think about that well maybe it’ll be like Money Ball cuz he loved Killian Hayes

And you killer brand at first okay Killian’s not here anymore 248 539 9797 so I apologize in advance if you’re like well damn Mike’s not yelling and screaming I can’t the Pistons are just a morbid curiosity at this point because there’s nothing to yell and scream about because you’re

Just kind of sitting here wondering what did I just watch what’s going on here I I don’t understand what’s the plan what what are you doing why did you do this look at the timing of the deals he makes all these deals at the same time the roster gets bloated to 19 total

Players the Pistons have spent most of this afternoon just waving people I don’t feel like they got great return in any deal the fonio one would be the best one I saw he’s a rotational piece I’m not mad about it um you’re going to have to pay him you’re going to have to

Sign him he’s going to be an RFA my guess is low-end 10 mil a pop high-end beef stew range 15 a pop guys you can laugh NBA teams are crack hits it only takes one crackhead to mess up the whole budget but I would love to know what the

Plan is cuz Rico and I fail to see it oh I know cap space and Nimble and flexible who the hell you using that money on I know who’s in the free agent class you don’t want any of them and if you think you’re going to

Make a trade all I’ll tell you is what are you trading you don’t have a lot of salary to put into a deal you haven’t moved any of the core who we trading for especially with no picks so that’s that we’ll wrap about it for a couple segments we got football

Today to get to Derek Stevens later in the hour uh do some deal breakers turn our attention to the Super Bowl a little bit but it is deadline day so uh wave goodbye here’s the last time you hear about the Pistons uh until about June call Kenny Cott now 248 539 9797 David

Anything we missed anything you’d like add or ticket text nothing you missed I’m waiting to see if there’s a last minute deal but we’ll see on the old fax machine okay let me read a couple here from Gordon he says call it what it is Weaver is rearranging deck chairs on the

Titanic that’s what it looks like right now uh Scott and Waterford says hopefully the plan is to clear the debris from the roster to leave a clean slate for the new GM I may be considered a bad fan but honestly all I can do is laugh at all of

This literally no identity with the the Pistons Troy Weaver looking more and more Untouchable each day and the owner could care less are you convinced Weaver’s here this summer like I am y yeah me too yep yep we’re all on the same page I mean David I can’t yell

About Tom gors anymore man’s a damn fool everyone knows it I it’s like what’s there to say yeah sell the team I mean the the it’s this is a pointless Endeavor waste of energy to say Let me let me ask this question before he reads more ticket

Ticks if you’re out there and you’re going well damn not really interested in what they’re talking about okay what could the Pistons do if anything to get your interest there was a time they were the hottest ticket in town hell 20 years ago yesterday you acquired Rasheed

Wallace which put the wheels in motion to winning a championship and really it should have been two it put the wheels in motion on going to six straight Eastern Conference Finals there was a time they mattered everybody in Detroit knew what the phrase ball don’t lie

Means what would it take if anything for them to get your attention David go ahead the Pistons are a complete and utter joke I feel like the only guarantee in a troy Weaver trade is that a second round pick will be involved in it in some way the saddest part of the

Deadline is Weaver’s two best moves were releasing Harris and Haze Pistons are trying to sell activity as productivity maybe these mov make them better in the community someone asked I see what they did I see what they did there too Bryce at work says the plan was oh crap I’m about to lose

My job I have to do something so throw a couple hell Mary passes he’s Bob Quinn 2.0 why won’t Troy Weaver have a press conference you just jettison the entire roster so now speak I would love to see it I would the problem is here’s what it would sound like

But do I think when you move around the deck chairs on the Titanic largely the pieces you’ve Acquired and you wave the number seven overall pick you wave your big acquisition this summer do I think you should have to speak of course I do that’s never going to happen here there

Is no accountability here the owner doesn’t talk he only gives you a recorded message he only flew in and did a mystery meeting that I can’t even tell you what the hell happened Weaver doesn’t talk is the meat puppet he just goes out there and takes bullets every night there’s no

Accountability I’d be shocked if Weaver spoke shocked someone is asking or answering your question there is nothing the Pistons could possibly do to get my attention other than moving to Las Vegas another one here from JD says Troy Weaver has officially become the worst GM in Detroit sports history Bob Quinn

And alivila move over no I mean listen again I’m not knocking Grimes and Fontano all right are they fine enough of course I’m not going to sit here and tell you they’re not going to give you more than Kevin Knox but they’re not going to give you what bogdanovich and

Burks got you so the question becomes is having them on the team next year the value in the return and mind you you’re going to have to pay fontania see I think if you’re out here selling that they got better you’re a clown all they did was just get

Different and there’s still no plan I mean Fontano and Grimes are not nearly the pair of shooters that Burks and bogie are you can’t tell me they fix that do you want to tell me Grimes and Fontano are better defensive players than Burks and bogy noted noted won’t fight

You but what did we did we add to the war chest no did we acquire things people want no not really what you just said is so spot on you’re right we didn’t get better we’re just different again it’s just different I don’t know 248 539 9797 we’ll get to

Your phone calls and then turn our attention to football later in the hour

Do the Detroit Pistons have a plan for the future? #pistons #nba #basketball


  1. Time for another drunken speech from ownership. How is the “Chauncey family” doing these days?

  2. I paused the video when this fool said trade Cade or Ivey. Came to the comments to write: He's an idiot.

    Now I will be cutting off the video and clicking do not recommend this channel because he is obviously a want to be Skip, hot take troll.

  3. What would get my attention?

    1) Proving Mike wrong, and Cade and Ivey can play together.

    2) They go .500 from here on, and spoil some playoff runs.

    3) They trade Cade or Ivey in the offseason.

    4) They fire everyone, blow up the team, and get actual people who know what they are doing.

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