@Denver Nuggets



by TyrdFyrguson


  1. andonemoreagain

    Honestly this is a more reasonable exchange than most of our game day thread. It’s devolved into just unhinged whining about how the nba cheats against the nuggets through the referees. Can it be any fun to watch games with this perspective? Basketball is hard to referee and requires dozens of very close judgement calls per quarter.

  2. LowCharming3452

    I’m sorry are the Lakers even making the playoffs?

  3. fentyboof

    Ahh, so if the Lakers have home court in a playoff series, they beat us? BWAHAHAHAHHA that’s some A-1 delusion right there. These fans are so pretentious, it’s going to be delicious watching the inevitable collapse after they’ve finally given up on LeBron, and try to rebuild from ground zero.

  4. BasketballAndPorn

    I remember feeling this way about the lakers when Nene was our center.

  5. Dumbass1171

    Laker fans talking about black magic and child sacrifices? Ironic

  6. TerryCapitalR

    It’s beautiful. I’ve looked at this screenshot for five hours now.

  7. You know i would like to say we don’t sacrifice a child every game day but after watching the Love Has Won Doc, someone out there might be doing it…

  8. It’s so satisfying. After so many years of being on the other end of this rivalry, it’s nice to watch The Lakers suck at the same time we’re great. It would’ve been nice to have met them at their peak to really shut them up.

    But the Denver Nuggets or the class of the NBA

  9. TurquoiseSnail720

    Laker tears are just about my favorite brand of schadenfreude. Watching that comeback melt away on Kobe statue night was a whale of a time!

  10. smhershey24

    This is so fucking gratifying after being a fan forever, finally they feel what I felt for eternity

  11. Queasy_Explorer_3329

    This was a great thing to wake up to.

  12. MeninoSafado14

    This is the high iq fans that work in tech

  13. FanOk6089

    It’s great to be the team that everyone envisions. Our Denver Nuggets squad is well aware of this. I fucking love it 😂

  14. EasyThreezy

    Feels soooo good to see this after the pain I experienced as a teenager watching the ‘09 WCF.

  15. mikemch16

    I never thought it would feel so good to be hated…

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