@Phoenix Suns

Utah Jazz vs Phoenix Suns | LIVE Reaction | Scoreboard | Play By Play | Postgame Show

Utah Jazz vs Phoenix Suns | LIVE Reaction | Scoreboard | Play By Play | Postgame Show

Yeah ston getting his 30th start tonight he’s aaging over 17 points for them at four assists in his 26 minutes this is a Utah team coming off of a 124 117 victory over Oklahoma City on Tuesday that was a a home game this is a team that has been on an

Absolute tear from the time the calendar flipped over to 24 and well they’re split 26 and 26 right now this season and they’ve kind of been up and down and Bradley Beal with a nice three well we talked about shot welcome in everybody what’s going on Happy trade deadline

Dayut game already started sorry about the slow start tell you what let’s just hop right into it sundo is on his way he’s driving uh he’s I think he’s in his neighborhood so he’ll be here soon be just hit a nasty three great pump fake I thought that was

A travel and they’re not going to he smokes the layup though going the other way Collins gather ripped by Gordon Grayson over to Durant Durant dur into the rack Euros uses the left side of the rim Durant has some of the sickest shoes on today he’s wearing his normal uh kd1

16s right but they’re White and chrome oh I got to get some Markin and over to ston guarded by Durant top of the key KES it to Kesler back to sex in for the floater that was nice but no good he’s laying on the ground like he’s hurt

By nerk nk’s looking at him like get up punk Gordon doubled Gordon to the rack oh okay calm down Gordon ston misses a three nerk with the board Durant kicks it down to nerk backing down ston swiped out of his hands out of bounds no foul call but he is going to the

Line thank you guys for joining us man Derek says chat is Frozen thank you sir we fix try to fix that with that dribble floats that one high NK inside to clean it up should be working like he was yeah a couple of bears down there

Was able to grab it with a paw flip it up and get the whistle in a foul W what up D Tyrant Emperor Roy Roy I got a story to tell you brother we got to hop in Discord uh after the game if you’re up nerk hits the free throw what up

Jin Prince Travis in the house continues his rehab in sideline listed as questionable trying so no book tonight right we get this win it’s going to feel some type of good way and too before the game they were testing out that ankle on it that Tyrant I’m feeling good about

The trades obviously it could have been a bigger Splash but I think we did well getting a couple of three and D guys on this team that we obviously needed Durant for the dunk and me parlay a Qui 11 for Kevin Durant I’ll take it if you guys had a chance to

Watch the video that I put out just a few hours ago thank you appreciate you guys supporting the channel like that and I put out that video on the sun’s Plan B that they executed it was very obvious this this was their second choice if we can’t get

Miles and uh Nick Richards or at least one of them then we want to go after Royce o Neal that happened last night uh a little later than this late into the night you could see that the suns were shifting their focus which told me and everyone else miles Bridges ain’t happening they’re

Moving on they’re now trying to get active with the other things that they want to get and it was Royce O’Neal and they got him so their first their first choice their first guy they wanted presumably they got um so I’m excited about that and like Chris says big body Rody Jeremy

With a one gifted membership let’s see who gets it who gets it baby moo I don’t know how you keep winning baby Malo because Lord knows you don’t deserve it okay all right the way that you treat Sund like a piece of meat you know you

Don’t deserve it but I am happy for you anyways welcome baby mom Horseman man all right uh Malachi said remember that one time we got KD at the deadline still feels unreal it does to this very day to this day it does not feel like he’s

Truly on the team because it’s such a dream come true we got him OG of stamp collector says ish way W equals Rody or is better than than Rody no I mean so I don’t know if that’s better or the worse symbol I think that’s the let’s see little ones

Yeah that’s that’s that means ish way it’s better no Rody is better that’s why uh Rody has a real contract and uh Rody is definitely like I was just on the phone with Tori and he called him and this is Tori you know a hater and he said that Rody is a rich

Man’s is way wght all right and Chris he’s definitely our new thickums I don’t know if it gets any thicker than 64 255 you guys saw me doing my uh live stream of my recck league game and everybody was calling me thickums I was 64 214 and I was getting called thickums

This dude is 64 255 I don’t know how I don’t know how but he’s a little uh bully he gets to the rim real nice kind of like seon who has the ball right here Baseline for Chris Dunn kicks out to Clarkson contested Corner three is

Good Grayson got a hand in his face but there was definitely enough space to get that thing off of Grays kicks down to Durant doubled immediately kicks it to Gordon over to Beal open corner be three yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum

If he can start hitting these threes it’s over all right consistently ton no they’re going to kick it down to uh Kesler Walker Walker Kessler Texas Ranger over to Clarkson back to Dun contested three wow that felt like luck and I think oi is coming into the

Game asking what his vision was and the first thing he always said was about the people over Gordon back to be open three I love it takes his mask off walks to the bench he might have his is that his third three I think that’s three threes from

Be now does that help my parlay yes okay Man what a great start to this game 26- 15 I tell you what Sund and I might need to start starting late more often if this is the type of effort we’re going to get in a late start three for three says koncho Pete guys you know what help

Us out if you don’t mind hit that like button for us all right there’s a lot to like about today and this game hit that like if you haven’t already let’s try to grow this stream get a DEC size stream tonight I think it’s kind of crazy that this that the

NBA keeps making teams play on trade deadline day when some teams are decimated with uh moving Parts not being there and and so they’re just short I was worried about tonight um still think there’s reason to stay uh cautious right the Jazz are a a really good team really good young upand

Cominging team they’re not scared of anybody they will get back back into this game I’m pretty sure um I was worried I was worried uh Vision fasma said how did the bleach report stream go Gabe thank you for asking it was great except funny story I’m in uh you know we’ve got like

A spare bedroom here that we use for our office it’s got my desk and computer and stuff we do all our work in here and obviously I stream from here there’s a window to my left 5 minutes into the Bleacher Report stream a construction crew pulls right up in front of my house

I could have easily tossed them a football they’re so close to me I wouldn’t have even had to put heat on the ball to get it to him they’re just right there and five minutes into the Bleacher Report stream they start jackhammering the concrete for no reason I don’t even

Know why they were there I I don’t I don’t I don’t see anything fixed so it’s loud I you know there’s nothing I can do so I had to mute myself my dogs my eight dogs are going ballistic in the other room and I just had to keep myself muted

And hope and pray that sundo could continue to talk yes Chris exactly and I the funniest part is it’s a 30 minute Bleacher Report stream and I was sitting here saying all right guys you know we we’ve been over about 32 minutes bark bark bark

Bark and I’m like so uh you know we got to get out of here we don’t get we don’t want to get in trouble with Bleacher Report as soon as I say that they pack their truck up and truck up and drive off like some kind of clown construction

Crew in a clown car they all Pile in and drive off immediately felt kind of on purpose Walker Kessler with a dunk easy dunk so that wasn’t fun but romp was listening he said it wasn’t noticeable at all he said he didn’t hear the dogs at all so it might have just

All been in my head we have a live stream on Bleacher Report tomorrow I’ll let Su tell you about the Bleacher Report stream when he gets here nerk backing down oh boy I hope uh Walker’s okay just took a elbow to the face and didn’t even phase him marking

In trying to get it to Kesler deflected out of bounds by uh Durant but no um thank you Emperor Roy no we definitely had at least I feel like 10 people from this channel that showed up and it dude we didn’t have one negative comment from anyone on the

Whole BL report stream it was like it was a dream come true it was so chill he can guard multiple positions you know when we’re trying to win a championship that’s our state of goal so we got to think about the guys you’re going to guard in the

Playoffs what did Jazz fan69 say was it actually bad or you abusing your power a year since you brought Kevin Durant and uh yeah DeAndre I’ll put another Link in next time o sundo here Su blue Coller Su in the house yeah no what up to everybody in the chat James

And go to win Aion keep it together here policing today boys do not mess with me not a good how do I get this filter for my green screen off my camera how do I like temporary disable I got a filter on my camera for my green screen but I took the green

Screen down fevin Durant turn it off in the filter on your your webcam settings got it so go into edit filters or just remove remove it or edit it or disable I don’t know I’m tacos myad there we go fixed it fixed it yeah he’s catching his rhythm’s three

For three from three by the way they’re leaving him open and he’s splashing team he’s such a good he he wants to be part of the team keep pushing him to be aggressive but I think what you’ve seen over this last stretch all playing andad

Off to good start tonight so how did you uh they were asking how our bleach report stream though let’s talk about it at the next commercial oh we will talk about it we will brag about it Durant backing down done midrange fadeaway short that’s tough lot of

Contact he wants a foul he’s not going to get it it’s it’s such a pleasure to be chosen by B report Deon George over to Dun they’re trying to get it down to Collins he’s got Ki in the post great defense by K scares him that shot turned into a

Wedgie in the rim can n better show something tonight I’m happy we kept n bro what’s awesome what awesome G are you going to gloat cuz it sounds like a gloat coming is so awesome to work with a company like Bach bro let me tell you it

Is it is a privilege have such a great opportunity to talk to that Community for Three I can’t wait to do it tomorrow Gabe and that me everything it me how they travel the hotel either I just hope that our beautiful lovely kindhearted it’ll be the best not just in the W allows us to invest fa hope some of them are there players to love being

Here because we treat them the right way our players to love being here Tre them the right way homemade crispy chicken tacos huh that’s what we’re doing tonight that’s what you think you get to flaun in front of everybody cuz I have a wife who’s awesome more gloating talking Durant inbounding to do

You Durant line Durant driving left on Collins Blow by Fade Away off the backboard clapping his hands cuz he’s glad he finally got a call they’re so clean are so white bro they’re they’re his 16s look at these but they’re Chrome so here we go look on my screen

Right this whole like purple like uh midou sort of thing is Chrome must have them and Diana TR is there early in the morning working out as hard as anybody you got that right Romero Cloud to free agent one of the best guards in this league Durant hits

The free throw and one complete I’m I’m worldwide now Romero worldwide Su has a good ring to it represented in all I’m worldwide you know which is more I can say for other people uh Horton here’s a who kicks it to Kean over to Clarkson who smacks a three in oki’s face heavily

Baby that at this guy drib the’s Durant do you can you please change your name to Su worldwide Su worldwide or worldwide Sund like the worldwide what is it Sports sounds like a Disney and then you’re the WNBA willly wa be theg and best Crossing up Collins pulling a three

Yum Yum Yum so it’s Durant’s night tonight so Durant’s just going to handle business for us I appreciate that no book 17 points in the first for Durant okay Horton has Horton has Horton gotten thicker um he’s always been pretty thick May Durant’s feeling it Durant’s feeling

It I mean oh my gosh it’s it’s one of them night that Tyrant said chill bro Eubanks with the board off of the Mist deep three and keep them under 28 points I’ll be happy Eubanks kicks to Durant cuz he’s hot cuz he’s hot oink no good but Eubanks tips

The board over to oogi who gets the put back 40 Point quarter incoming suo kind of excited when you see the stop exclusive Ean say Durant seen a bad court side for sure I’m going to be honest with you Kevin dur is not that kind of guy but he is single right yes

But that me Clarks for three no good I don’t think a bad qut side would get Durant up to play basketball that dude just loves basketball that much Gordon hey that that’s a go did that hit the backboard got fou can I get you to do your beard exactly like Gordon

Sure look how look how are yours is looking good though can I be honester I’m noticing it right now you got beard oiling don’t you no I don’t the man’s the man’s humble now first he wants to gloat and now he won’t take credit for his beard oil you going to

Tell me that’s natural is Booker B injured what you mean injured what happened to Booker guys Lakin or is he just resting I mean and here’s another guy Eric Gordon in his 16th started soord free throws good both sess that’s weird I don’t like that that sounds ominous sounds like an excuse to

Just not play Clarkson over to Kean back to Clarkson got bub guarding Clarks into the rack turn fade no gives it to clar uh gives it to Collins for the dunk we love him here so he’s done a great job for us to yeah Dron I was just thinking that he

Said he can only miss eight more games by the way if he wants to qualify for any awards Durant blocked off the backboard who was that hris can we trade for him L you bro Durant going to take close to the last shot Crossing up Hendrick kicks it to

Allen back to Durant pulls in Hendrick face ah no good but that is the last possession 28 to 40 kind of what I was asking for thank you guys for having me I appreciate it I’m loving it McDonald’s you know our newest sponsor guys go check out McDonald’s they’ve got the uh

Big and tasty uh the MC rib is back that was a free one McDonald’s did they really got the big and Tasties I have no idea I I have no idea bro if they would have brought back if they brought back the big and tasty hey speaking of which

Though McDonald’s been out of pocket with these with these prices yeah they’ve raised their prices haven’t they out of pocket bro you know who we have to thank for that Emperor Roy that’s right now we ain’t doing a horse sound B CB you you’ll get a Horseman at some

Point I’m sure at some point you’ll get it I’m sure we don’t just hand those out no more okay yeah su’s locking down everything you want to tell him Mr worldwide hey don’t say that Travis don’t say that delete your message what did he say locking it down don’t see

Anything about him or politics in the chat at all okay well we’re locking it down that hard no I’m I’m being sarcastic but don’t test Sun today all right send us on a rampage he’s out for blood okay work was awful today all right treat me like absolute

Garbage how do you feel that go Goodman’s going I’m sad you know I was my guy he only you’re right T nomic is correct Tor nomics is absolutely correct that’s a good that’s good I like that um but no I mean good one’s gone I mean it got us Royce

O’Neal and and your boy uh rich man’s ish Wayne Wright Rody Rody Rody Rich no I didn’t watch it Roy but I so please it’s a matter of fact sh be quiet I’m gonna be right back you go ahead and handle your business Gabe I need to watch this uh press [Laughter]

Conference the player I’m most sad to see go actually it’s probably a h combination sad to see UDA and metsu go I like both that’s what so the oh that sounds dope actually I just read what that was be that sounds beautiful let me watch this real

Quick hit us with a $2 donut thank you Prince Travis says XO xox suo and they’ve done such a great job taking care of the basketball that all do that two turns we’ll be right back it down to Collins n guarding on the post back to Kean drives floats that was pretty but

No good pushes that rebound over to nerk NS freed NS all right Nas is finally free Beal goes to the rack takes a hit going to the line no good but he’s got a couple free throws coming uped that Road King West has 150 likes by halftime and is gifting out a kingly

Membership so CB if you want to hear that Horseman hit that like so we can give somebody at least one free membership they usually come in waves uhoh Prince Travis said he’ll match it so that’s two free mes Roy I honest to God was so happy cuz

People were saying that bull bull got traded and I was like my heart was racing I was sweating P the Sweating Collins in the corner that’s a pretty shot yeah and as as the Domin that first quter got a screen coming no just kicks it to Grayson he’s going to kick it down to nerk who’s got Hendrick on him walking Hendrick to the rim woo that hook shot done miracle on

Me that’s what we need bro ner to just go in Collins for no good be mishandled the rebound and Horton here’s a who comes away with it now he’s going to try to work on B step back on bll no good Nas a free man NS gets the rebound Grayson drills a

Transition three [Applause] fig DC I didn’t see nerk do the small that’s what’s upar has at least one assist is th the D fou by goes to the line here after taking some serious body on the way to the rim Grayson just stopping and popping literally from the hash and the great up

Court by Nerf to Grayson Allen Grayson Allen he may not not score a lot of points even though that actually really works Jeremy oh my gosh so good at playing defense rebounding a guy that you know if there’s a double team he’s going to be

Open or if they come at him he’s able to get the to that’s what’s up Miss da we got to get a we got to put together a package of merch man we need a shirt a hat tank top [Applause] something throw 33 47 Sun’s Up

14 Allen kicks it down to nerk he’s going to go to work go to work gives it to Beal reestablishing on the Block gets it again we could have done this last time backs down goes up strong through two people anybody I love it this is going to be a big game for

Nerk Hendrick nice and this is where you would like to seeo kind of hang back no spicy I don’t want to see that bu B just got detonated on be to bowl in the corner oh no good so intimidating with that2 frame the r body getting no good but

He’s going to the line jeez Horton doing work today hard kind of like this guy how about yeah kind of like you’re saying Miss Dawn it’s like a black T-shirt or whatever color you want and it’s sundo smiling like The 40-Year-Old Virgin movie poster so like imagine Steve Carell’s face in The 40-Year-Old

Virgin movie poster and he’s making that face Christopher M with the big Jinx says easy W tonight we’re coming back on you to make it right if we [Applause] lose Horton’s free throws are [Applause] good 292 watching thank you guys for coming and hanging out tonight hit that like for us

Please we got a goal we hit 150 in the first quarter oh see they’re they’re they’re sending okay ner gets another bucket they’re trying to say send a late uh second Defender to confuse him but he’s still getting that hook shot off it’s wonderful to see someone that’s

Not in the big three getting doubled especially on a night where you don’t have [Applause] Book nothing I could think of Jin I haven’t bought a good Sun shirt in a while be to the rack kicks it over to nerk nerk what does he have 12 Minimum playby play is glitched you’re right it is that could be on ESPN th with a Flo across refresh and a little yeah there we go now it’s working thank [Applause] you I missed a bow dunk what happened here rewind a little bit they’re going to a commercial

So take a look at this B tried him again no good little got the board Allen back door cut from bll all [Applause] right they was cooking Roy so what do you got for us uh they was cooking Roy sundo worldwide Mr suer World why

Why and then you could start wearing a a pitbull asque suit and tie you know with a shiny bald head they was cooking Roy what are you guys talking about who was cooking what so WWE had a press conference today all right so they had a press conference today and uh they was

Cooking okay that’s all you need to know so it’s goingon to so it looks like it’s going to be I don’t know what the Wrestlemania match is going to be I think it’s gonna be Roman versus Cody but it’s supposed to be Roman versus The Rock so we got Prince Travis

And we got King West offering a membership each if we hit 150 likes by the end of the by by halftime is that campaign okay we got Dey said I’ll give out two mes if we get the goal so that is four free memberships if only burner were

Here I want to know what ROM thinks about Buddy hee going to the Sixers and then Pat Bev going to the Bucks bro I didn’t think they were going to move Pat Bev I thought there was no way Michael Romero says add another one gab we’ll

See about that we’ll see if you can actually you know find your what’s his credit card that he has Platinum Apple card which I still don’t believe uh the Apple D I can’t remember what he said Apple D Card hey we’re I guess we’re getting close we just need

45 more likes guys help us out what is going on with this DJ right now oh so you’re seeing this so you get to see the Elite Talent I mean not I don’t know about Elite that’s not the elite that that’s the the the announcer is the elite

One Elite with a capital e in fact capitalize the whole word elite okay uh Kenny says is book taking the night off uh uh yeah I I guess he is I mean hopefully it’s just a night off take over for me I’m going to change the thumbnail I think freezes everything computer exp

Utah your boy marketing marketing driving floater over B who gets the foul the AR going to shoot two only two points only just that bro is insane when it comes to playing defense easy for you know he na you know you know who had a bad day today Nacho [Applause]

Man what happened to me got train still have be who’s been playing was where’s Matsu guy wasn’t he he was marking in second free throw he hits ends up hitting both free throws bbo inbounding the ball to your boy Bradley bski yeah as you talk about how they

Came back Beal top of the key kicks to ner dribbling hands it back off the beal set a pick Beal pulls from the free the line and it’s good rolls in it Bradley double G son to the rock across the line he did I I like how they’re

Making a personal sex and driving bbo guarding don’t like that seon drives get b b pump fakes gets fouled nerk knocks him down and picks him back up say my bad bro that’s the first time I’ve seen ner be nice to somebody like oops I didn’t mean itat King W say 36

More keep hitting that like button y’all we got to get rid some emojis huh Gabe do we have some all oh we do that frees up the first free throw do we just free up four [Applause] emojis yeah we got to get rid of we got

Rid of Gman a long time ago but we got to get rid of met to I can make some emojis right now I ain’t above it that’s really it so he’s still a young player learning the game there you see coach Kevin Durant as he’s

Got he’s got the he’s going to go right to work break out the and break step back and marking in face for three air ball terrible that’s a heat check Drive pass break drives gets fouled n Prince Travis we don’t do that here okay don’t mention don’t mention that

Either nothing political in the chat please get shut down I wouldn’t dare get shut down by a real man step back what a move that’s a travel that’s a travel that’s a [Applause] Travel that rat tail on SE throw is awful looking jealous gab’s working on the scoreboard y’all scoreboard is not working out what’s going on oh my gosh nerk no this is a SC break Jazz d this is really on ESPN I’m out Sons he says just fix Blue C Su means business tonight

Dang right wi blue caller sundo Mr worldwide I like your new nickname as opposed to uh you know some of your old nicknames in the past like uh swaldo swaldo needs to make a comeback thick swaldo never thick never should have been gone thickums let’s see here what’s a better

PG that’s in the buyout um who got bought out so far do we know yeah and there’s some more people looking to uh probably be added to that buyout list so it’s going to change I hope and think that the Suns will probably um be patient right like I think they’re

Gonna wait hopefully campaign dude that’s what I’m hoping for campaign bu yeah pry to get back here you know a lot of people just don’t think that the Suns need uh another point card and I here’s deal campaign I I I think campaign is an energy guy guy he does

Play good defense he’s a hustle guy he’s a scrappy guy you need that kind of guy off the bench um so I I would like to see campaign but also we do get the other side of campaign that is the I’m going to sto the layup off the backboard or

I’m gonna dribble into a step back three to start The Possession right so you know Rob says campaign ain’t going nowhere he’s the one that told me that they might might hey R your prospect number one no funny Business magnifying glass on you bub oh I’d take a schroer and a buyout he’d be hilarious to have on the team he’d be annoying too for other people yeah I wish we could have got didn’t somebody already get Schroeder guys feel like schroer went somewhere I could be

Wrong but if shudder is available that’s pretty much you know one of the top point guards it’s how about shot we’ had fans from abute sanago from pretty sure he got says grumpy Su grumo well if only you IM look like I told you work was bad

Large and small well and again it’s just another you know reflection of who forces somebody to stay over who does that that’s like that never goes well oh hey we need to stay several hours what Gordon guarded by Saxton kicks it to Beal done guarding Beal little little to be be for three

Hits oh dang it you’re ahead of me he hits this wow I’m going refresh I’m refresh we got some little minutes too let’s go now the train Line’s over I guess NZ is going to get playing time yeah I’m saying Nas is a free man now bro finally free Nas

Bro marinin hits the jumper from the free throw line ding KS to nerk nerk hands back off the field be’s now driving you little for three no good nerk can’t get the rebound you want to refresh see if you can get caught out done to George in

Oki’s face great defense by okoge long rebound shovel pass to Marken what a left-handed finish from a seven-footer dude oh my goshow back door pass to be it’s beautiful it’s so beautiful little over to nerk open three hit it hit it hit it [Applause] what’s so bad little with the beat off

The glass I’ve been missing little in this lineup bro bro good rotations good rotations missed three forced by the Suns let’s go defense bro let’s go Gordon deep3 oh my gosh oogi almost saved and no goes flying for it too Durant all check back

In you can see no no baby oil chill out Romero Romero just loves to live on thin ice huh I know right where’s Diego speaking of which where’s Diego at where is our boy Diego even in blocks where is d why can’t five 25 more likes that’s pretty close

Likes free throw in and out for Chris Dunn in the in that vict well they’re so athletic they’re active and league on the I’m sorry uh ESPN’s bug baby boy Charles in the house dun hits the second free throw Grayson bringing the ball Up Ja have been able to within Striking Distance

Get Grayson kicks out to don’t do it Ki he was going to try to shoot on Walker castler bro oh there’s no way that really went it no way that’s insane that that was you know he didn’t even need to do all let him lay that in that was

Terrible to the rack hand off to Allen Allen for three no good Eubanks NOP Oki with the board okay see what I’m saying you don’t need to be trying Walker kler like that he tried that again he was like I I tried it once I hit it SE for three time

Out Frankie Frankie thank thank you Diego in the house imagine that imagine that we call his name when Romero disappears and Diego shows up you know Romero is not beating the I’m Diego allegations okay he’s really not sundo this stream is brought to everyone you know by who us bet

Hey hey take a look at this spread tonight we’re supposed to win by six we’re supposed to win by six I think I think we might cover um everybody do us a favor cook the link in the description all right well if Gabe would fix the link in the description first of

All that be whoopsy Poopsy but uh there there usually is a link in the description for bet you West that’ll get you 125% uh bonus on your next deposit um man check out got bet us got plenty of bets for you to bet on Pro bets live

Bets pick thems parlays all that good stuff here’s one of the uh little uh props you could have done Durant to have 30 points and a phoenix win at plus 28 30 points for Durant yeah and and that’s points he’s dude he had 17 in the first I think minimum 17 in the

First yeah these guys are off to a hot hot start red hot beat Cass is Diego going insane beat C versus Romero our new WrestleMania Main Event match oh dur just got tripped okay got back up scared me for a minute yeah we cannot have him go down Gordon d

Three deep three really is behind oh my goodness I’m okay with it cuz I mean it’s not our fault and at least they don’t get the spoiles before we do you know kler kler marking in the corner for three he hits may mar all right take over for me while I fix this

Grayson Allen Durant Durant driving Grant pulls hits beautiful K Durant done reing traffic top of the key by a looking kicks to your boy Marg margon step back no good rebound Eubanks kicks to KD KD bringing the ball up the court kicks to Gordon Gordon kick from Mogi

Takes it drives to the left floater in the paint off the backboard off the glass good for Eric [Applause] Gordon Texas actually is he from Texas I don’t know where he from you just think he Texas because of his accent exactly just like that the paint the

Desp Maron driving on K carrye but we’re not going to talk about it gets fouled by KD cuz KD fell for the pump Diego with the $20 Super Chat oh my gosh I’m shocked Diego has a debit card I know bro Michael wishes he was me # changan

He could never be me go be your own person with your Bro thank you Diego truly is a chang man we love Diego now okay I can’t believe Diego has made the face turn that he has made okay it’s crazy but all it all it took was a heal like Michel Romero come in and show

Us to show us how much we really do like Diego in comparison it’s crazy that Diego’s just had a complete face turn because of Michael Romero it’s wild oh man all right so I could also work on I mean we can get the Emojis we can get

The new you know uh emojis for next stream or whatever for the for the horsemen um I of just want to take a look here and see what we’re at for likes 134 dude we are very close you guys um yeah hit that like but guys 15 likes we just need

15 more likes and we’re getting I think four or five see because you know four membership Michael Romero is probably a fugazy Offer my gosh Michael Rome what Ain’t No Way ain’t no way no way Michael Romero with a $50 suit for Michael just stole his dad’s credit card titanium Apple card user say that L 28 nothing to a real boss titanium Apple user yo let’s go Diego bro you can’t you can’t get

Healed like that bro he just smacked you like a rock slap Cody rhod on that press dog that is crazy wow H he says I can go ban for ban try me Romero try me Rome Chris chance says Michael got that dog in him goodness oh no poor dieo F said rip

Diego got wow wow hey but both of you guys we appreciate it okay thank you thank you and we just hit 50 likes 150 let’s go here come the mes here come the me no no got the on no no this is this is not happening this is not this is not happening

Bro ain’t no way yo oh my God I’m dead bro both of these dudes are hitting the refund button immediately oh my God Diego with Super Chat I’ll double that l 50 pop that MF # changan hash you wish you was me wow didn’t see like I didn’t even see

Diego’s first Dono as a possibility BR we can’t even call the game you guys are nuts oh my and then Dey hit us with the membership I didn’t see who it was let me go back Jeremy was the Gifted membership from Dey appreciate you we need a Horseman for that one game a

Three here for uh Clarkson and welcome in who got it who won it jemy Jeremy of off welcome J gosh Horseman that is just wild bro I can’t even keep up with the playby play dude what’s happening so far that’s crazy oh man said wow card Grace now for three

Hits back up to 13 so you know go ahead he said Diego said I you said titanium I ain’t worried about that pulled out the black card that is crazy man wow we Diego is just 100% face turn bro and then Michael steps up too that’s team got a team no matter where

They are as far as statistics are concerned knocking down their threes tonight they no is that [ __ ] real a no [Applause] way oh dude I’m laughing so hard onwe Durant out ofs no aru I didn’t tou you bro I’m speechless bro I can’t even get up I’m speechless bro I can’t

Believe it I can’t believe it I don’t even believe it gab did you see the next one is there another one 300 what is Happ shut up I don’t see that one shut up you lying yes Romero said 29 29 200 Romero says go ban for ban L

Diego dieg 300 says let’s keep this going little bud no way hey y’all gota quit y’all gota quit y’all gota quit y’all got rent to pay y’all got rent to pay maybe they don’t maybe they really have it like that and like what does that say about

Us that neither of if either of us tried to lay a Dono down like that on anyone our wives would enter like Stone Cold murder us murder us and in of course Mrs suo in the chat saying don’t tell them to quit there’s that’s insane that’s crazy I still don’t see

The 300 and I can’t even imagine it’s real oh [ __ ] I see it he all right okay okay look I’m have I’m confused I’m I’m I am so confused right now as to what is happening yo Roy says Gabe about to put that all that money on a

Parlay and lose it cuz I’m terrible at parlays oh what I don’t know what’s happening how do you have that kind of money I want answers now I’m looking for answers F said Diego called fake Diego broke it’s all Diego Diego’s just that rich hey Michael said titanium Apple C

Oh my gosh bro hey man I dude I need don’t waste your Apple look I believe we believe you now Romero okay we believe you I don’t get it I don’t get it I don’t understand how we believe you he said I’m a responsible young man

Bud hey I mean I’m GNA be real Diego winning so far Romero you I don’t think you can go no more Dre guy we go99 appreciate you he said I got a full time job with good pay and I can’t even afford bro for real bro bro bro let’s be honest

I got I got this channel I got big red rant I got Von sanity I got my day job ain’t no way I could have even afford something like that even one of those donors is above my pay grade Ka laa gets the free membership from Emperor Roy thank you man thank you

Roy and ROM say I can’t donate he said titanium maxed out Jeremy with the gift Prince Travis with a gift appreciate y’all who’s it gonna be so we got kais big MC’s back and Clinton is back appreciate you welcome into our three newest Horsemen Horsemen oh man they got in the arena

Day did you see those Ries it’s uh I didn’t it’s the uh the dogs that um remember when that dog peed on the sun’s Court oh if they’re doing the same thing again bro Tyrant you probably honestly Tyrant you want to go back like to where

The first Dono came in and watch that that pissing contest between bro you could see it in the chat like they’re still up there cuz they’re going to be up there the whole stream basically just look at the super chats in the top game this is

Crazy oh oh my goodness guys you guys are is there a better way to put respect on your name than to just throw down money like that like that’s crazy I will no longer I will this whole time we’ve been [ __ ] these dudes around time bro I know treating them like our redheaded

Step kids that we don’t want meanwhile both of them are richer than us by far Diego says what of Y y’all better come to Phoenix one day we will yeah I we have to go we have to go soon yeah dude I want to go to Phoenix

Bad maybe we use some of that money for for a trip and take our lives trendy mcar is pulling out alone a yeah I see that little Roto Miss says they’ll never get timed out again Gabe check your phone my phone [Laughter] oh man that’s like you try to strike us

Down you just make us stronger you know we got a499 cousin will says you guys have stumbled on some form of new toxic masculinity monetization that would make oh my gosh hey look they they can see anything they want song it’s not racist or H or whatever look Diego got Goodwill he can

Say whatever he want to me for a minute and misso ain’t gonna do nothing about it King West with a gifted membership who’s it gonna be oh my gosh dark saver there we go King West thank you King West and welcome dark saber our new run puppies

Run if we could just get one of those pups to uh pee on the court again that would be fantastic I I mean clearly one of those Dons is more than we’ve gotten in donos the entire season nuts BR seriously oh my goodness bro I don’t understand what I still don’t understand

What happened I don’t get it so their dads gave them their credit cards is that what happened I don’t know gab both of them going to be grounded for the rest of their lives I have no clue bro Diego said W I’m the king now is there something higher than a king that

We could sarcastically call Diego I would say it but it’s but it’s really Blas that’s blasphemy so we’re not going to say that oh Diego the god God Diego the god Perez wow oh man I don’t no Roy Roy declared himself Emperor so we came what’s what’s higher than Emperor you

Know trying to got King West Prince Travis the Tyrant we goty we gotta come up with a name for Michael too Lord Diego but that’s like not wor better than King in the in the whole monarchy I told you I told you today that Michael Romero was not

Voldemort and we got you would be correct we got you would be correct you would be correct I told you bro it just didn’t line up hey you know what da God it’s just one different letter we go the da God bro beat that’s messed up hey chill out bro beat needs

To get beat you know beat about to lose his wrench you can’t say that bro you need to beat that wrench off of him savior Diego oh my God die God Perez Diego actually sounds dope Diego says give me beats wrench now now I mean he’s he’s in position to

Demand the all all all right here’s what we’ll do cuz we’ve talked about it right let’s do like a let’s give him beats wrench out of you know because it’ll be funny it’ll be funny to take it away from beat and give it to dieg because we don’t have to we

Can just leave it on B but we’ll take it away but Diego I swear to God you better really be a hash changed man and you you better you are on the thinnest wrench ice possible okay oh my gosh you’re on the thest rich like oh my gosh bro has change man

Oh man hash Chang man with the wrench look at beat look at beat getting that wrench beat clean off of him I gotta hold I gota go bathroom I’ll be right back this is why here we go did you guys ever think you would see the day that even for a

Moment in time Diego would have an a wrench yeah seriously King seriously oh my gosh well no beat’s been asking for it beat’s been pushing and pushing his luck lately we still want Beat Around beat can re earn the wrench you know the wrenches aren’t uh the wrenches aren’t you know that

Difficult to give out see Ruben has beat Ben ask and for it you are funny beat but beat you know beat we got to clean some things up around here right we’ve had some fun all right we’ve had some good times but you know new sponsorships coming

In you gotta be careful Lord knows hey yo you actually did it that’s crazy that’s wild you actually did it I didn’t think he was gonna do it that’s crazy beat we talked about beat earlier and you said beat was on thin ice I didn’t actually do it though I didn’t think so

Either I didn’t think he was going to drop an alphabet bomb that’s true that is true you know that is true man um I guess we try to do a halftime show I don’t bro I didn’t even watched the end of the first the The End of Watch

The end of it I don’t know what happened because these dudes was too busy whipping it out on the table to see who’s the biggest Ruben said Diego went from sundo in my guts to wrench and changed m y so oh my God bro I just never thought in a million years like

I I mean part of it is like now now here’s my here’s my thing I just feel like there’s a heel turn imminent for for Diego sooner or later bro I mean do you really think that he can keep this this Behavior up this good behavior up I

Don’t know if if Romero is here he can though cuz Romero got him on his tra narrow man I think see I think beat likes you know and it might be in a weird way I think beat likes to be punished I think that’s what CU he’s like yeah hey you

He’s like yeah take away my take away my wrench yeah hey weirdo what doing here well he hit him with another alphabet bomb where I had to I had to mute you know be how about you put an egg in your shoe and beat it all right that’s

Crazy we can’t we drop an alphabet bombs dog okay I mean halftime synopsis is Kevin Durant has 23 points and it’s his world we’re living in it and um yeah what’s he got I’m GNA pull I’m goingon to pull the actual stats up here so we can see everything I

Just pulled the stats up he’s got 23 I know but I’m going to pull it up for everybody so everybody can see it you pull it up I just wow I need to go back and watch that last part of the stream of me just falling out of my chair I was falling

Too I couldn’t stay seated Beal’s four for five so that one like bad three that he had that really was just a heat check he’s also got five assists already no Allen has nine assists Romero has disappeared bro I haven’t seen Romero in a minute Romero’s a rich man he’s

Probably got things to do facts he’s probably outside cleaning off his boat and unhooking it from his F350 Diesel power stroke all right rich man problems don’t don’t worry about what Michael’s doing sundo all right you don’t have the clearance here we go I’m watching to ask what he’s

Doing Malachi said he’s putting more money on his card he’s going to come back in here and get his wrench back back he’s going to come back in here and get his pride back oh my gosh absolutely ridiculous Michael said my bank thought I was getting scammed yeah I bet I bet they

Did the bank’s like wait a minute you have this kind of money where did you even get this kind of money first of all that is wild bro Dad’s credit card us that 28 nothing a real boss bro honestly I can’t wait to go back and rewatch that what do you think

Tor’s gonna think when he sees that wow I don’t know you think tor’s going to call us Hollywood yes gosh hold hold here’s a reaction to the one [Laughter] hundo wow Tori is gonna be livid bro oh my gosh bro uh uh uh uh uh how do you just

How does that even happen I don’t know but the reaction is so funny dude that should probably be our whole new intro just nothing but that nothing but that no kidding oh God all right guys can we get serious sundo I can’t game can we get serious

This is hard bro that Tyrant said 500 bucks per French I’m about to lose my voice bro oh man is Miss sundo watching this or what oh she’s still gota be watching it bro and she’s looking at cars right now that’s what she’s doing she goes I

Just got me a down payment you just you just empowered her to be like oh this the next car I want unreal gosh um so I can’t wait to rewatch that for real um see if I can get this dang thing to light up for us

Um you know really truly this stream has been brought to you by by uh this stream has been brought to you by Michael Romero and die God however we’re really brought to you really brought to you by our friends at bet us Sund oh man all right bet us and

Our guy uh Mike Vic o you know want to show you guys around the website a little bit let’s see if there’s any fun well you keep showing them around the website I’m GNA do a little bit of play byplay here sex fou by Allen see if there’s any fun bets

Going on let’s see live betting whoops sports book that’s where we go go that’s where we go uh any buyou candidates Micha say no prize picks not tonight yeah we’re doing prize picks uh probably tomorrow night we got back to back uh sorry two nights from now two nights to now from

Now Saturday okay but yeah this stream oh is brought to you by Collins puts the B put back in Bradley be bringing the ball up the court as Gabe is showing off a bet us to you guys Bill kicks a ner nerk looking looking hands the ball to Durant Durant

Driving Durant pulls nope kicks to nerk nerk in paint hook shot and one what does he have now bro Yousef n nkic oh show the game to the people let’s get banned G it down put it down you how dare you Su you do how dare you this man said I this man

Said look I’mma show the game you want to know why out here just you he says I got I just got I just got 300 donos I don’t need to do what are you doing who needs it who needs it try to tell Sund you can’t show the

Game and this is what we get gosh man off the raid Beal step back three nope pump fake kicks to nerk turnover seon bring the ball up in a fast break seven-point lead for the Suns I don’t like this charge KD takes a charge good charge by

Kdal this Utah team yeah that rat tail does look funny bro it doesn’t it who Am might a judge I don’t even have hair I hate the fact that we point lead now Durant Corner three that kind of snuck up on us the rebound yes it did

Mar driving loses it stolen by Grayson Grayson fast break Grayson looking Grayson to Beal what a pass Beal l in Grace n with 10 assists That’s crazy dude since when does he get 10 assists I don’t know but I’ll take it crazy done seon ston to

Gets a pick he’s in the paint now driving floater I mean fade away in the paint oh my goodness I am behind huh ha you where you at be to the rack floater good need me to pause it half court yep half court half court half court half court half

Court really is that Tyrant I don’t know what the heck happened but no no guard SGA in the second half of that cover behind win against the Thunder and was instrumental in getting at home look can we calm down I mean I I don’t want to turn down Big Buddy calm

Don’t calm down just explain where you’re getting this money from I can’t dude explain where you’re getting this money from tax season okay I don’t know some isting to the other end of the floor saying what gives here bro I I don’t they’ve got to fall

Down is that even real I don’t know gab but I feel bad somewhat drive by I feel bad that I’m broke that’s what I feel bad about oh seon to Mar and Mar gets a pick Markin just take over I got nothing to say we’re not you know what three and C’s

Face good timeout Frank please and thank you you know what no sponsors tonight no sponsor tonight it’s too late we already did two nope we’ll just do another bet us stream can’t focus this stream has gone off the rails I need deodorant I’m sweating cuz I’m laughing so hard I’ll be right

Back Wan says Blue Collar sundo was a lie that’s not a lie that’s not that’s not a lie bro Romero is the sponsor right bro what is happen happening let me read that again he says banned for ban Diego I’m on my third iPhone what is happening I’m

Look I know Dre got it’s a three-point game like the suns are giving up a lead and I can’t even focus on it bro Tommy say is keep me distracted facts man the fact there a three-point game and we’re distracted by this I guess it helps H who wrenches Romero getting oh man

That’s a good point DC just says I just saw yeah DC it’s wild bro we can’t even focus on the game cuz these two are doing this it it’s it’s wild man it’s it’s wild like Gabe’s just dist I don’t even know where Gabe went probably telling Katie we’re going to

Florida just like telling her hey baby where do you want to go where you want to go we’re going on vacation anywhere you want to to Cabo that’s what Gabe’s telling Katie right now you want Cabo we’re going with Sund and Mrs suo oh my gosh

Bro oh man now now can the Suns please not give up the this is crazy cares we’re gonna be able to retire after this yo are these Don I know no man Caesar you’ll probably want to go back and watch burner here burner here says Ain’t No Way Gabe gonna gamble that

Money away yes he will yes he will meanwhile the suns are giving up their big lead right now I told you this team would come back Emperor Roy with a 9month membership message thank you Roy says gab and sundo made a grand off from Maro and Diego I love it

Bro I mean did did Romero not get himself a wrench between the players hiss what is this so you can understand kind of the nerve moments that they’ve had to deal yo burner chill out chill out burner before you lose your wrench for Romero oh yeah burner you you you

Weren’t here earlier Sund ain’t playing games tonight and you say okay you got to block that out block the noise out you can’t think about it Grayson and so for players say give him dingo shortest Rich ever Cesar says 1,000 likes and I donate a doll ston ston drives the corner the dun

Dun back to se SE for three I don’t like it rebound Grayson Grayson It Up Racing to nerk nerk looking get Beal Beal guarded by marinan Beal the pick oh my gosh quit these passes this is why we need a point guard Katie says all you guys are

Amazing yes they are this stream has been this is you know what game this is just a it’s ironic is it not insanely ironic that’s what I’m saying it is insanely if you guys only knew the irony of what happened here today I wish I could tell you I really

Do how do you guys feel about that one blown away Michael blown away we’re at a loss of words Grayson Allen to KD KD to Beal Beal for three wowe you like that’s uh five for six from three from bilsky wiski I like it now let’s get a bigger

Lead let’s not let them come back let’s let’s um put him back in the dirt Prince you already know that’s right Katie’s on Amazon right now making some purchases I could use this I could use this I could use that t going to ban him again no he’s not no he is not

Durant drives off the backboard good 10-point lead for your sons fast break marinan lays the ball misses with the rebound the be on The Fast Break SE bur said Katy B Versace scrubs Gordon three hits it Gordon thank you Caesar with the 99 cent Super Chat we will don’t matter we do

Appreciate you bro you know what is it possible and I I don’t want to dangle this so I’ll try to make it quick but is it possible for us to try to tell them why it’s so ironic without spilling all the beads Um is it possible and this is the Elite Talent I talking about I’m not I’m now I’m watching a commercial so okay they took it away from me um I Um okay so here’s the sitch I’ll I I’ll I’ll try to handle this delicately um okay our Channel this is this is also why we relate by the way okay fair this channel has a stalker slash hater who’s probably watching are a hater who’s probably watching right

Now uh hope you’re having a great night if you are and this stalker slh haer took it upon himself Roy knows exactly who we’re talking about thems thems Ginger we don’t assume Ginger would never have um burner said this channel has a stalker that doesn’t really narrow it down no it

Doesn’t okay okay okay well but see if I say anymore it’s going to narrow it down to way too few of people so a stalker burner and um definitely not Suns geek um although Suns geek definitely does not like us I don’t even mind saying it

I don’t even mind saying it I don’t even mind okay but no but but he wouldn’t do that he wouldn’t do that that Tyrant with a $1 Super Chat we apprciate appreciate that Tyrant he took it upon himself to for the second time to try to they took it upon

Thems for the second time to try to take away our livelihood first time they went and emailed my work stalked me on Facebook and found my work emailed my boss telling them you know that uh telling them absolute BS lies um made up just made up lies about us and

Myself so then my boss scrubs through my social media all of it and she’s like yeah I didn’t find anything like I didn’t find I I I know he’s a psychopath he’s a air punching psychopath they are a psychopath golly you’re bad at this I’m

You are Mar by Gordon with the steel get right back to the story Allan Gordon Gordon let’s go deep three keep keep keep continue your story oh I like the word redacted yeah yeah redacted so redacted found out that we are with prize picks and didn’t like it

Didn’t like the news that we were with prize picks so they contacted prize picks and made up pous lies about us and you guys in the Discord that are in the Discord so they they’re also stalking us in the Discord so we’re thinking about having to just completely restart the

Discord from scratch it’s it’s all for one lonely sad stalker you know it’s sad it is what it is Clarkson hits the mid so yeah they they contacted with a long Ken esque email complaining about why they shouldn’t sponsor our channel so that’s why we have to just we

Don’t do anything on this channel that isn’t just having a good time like we don’t we’re not we don’t have any ha in our Arts we’re we love everybody steel for three why would weop miss but we still have to you know kind of you know make sure that you know

We’re not giving any sort of false flag so that they can try to abuse it beill with a snatch back no good though I wish he would have hit it So it’s just ironic that during a day when and we didn’t say anything about it it just happened Gordon with with the Jelly finish the thick jelly finish the type of jelly that has strawberries uh from concentrate still stuck in the jelly all right Clarkson almost threw it

Away to the rack turn around oh he dropped Gordon off in the pain so it’s just crazy that on a day where we’ve got someone actively trying to take food out of the baby su’s mouths this is also true that Diego and Michael of all

People would step in and be a tool of God Su you’re a God-fearing man you’re a good Christian man is this not a sign from God that God’s like hey this will be hilarious Sund will think this is hilarious never never thought Diego would be the messenger and Romero we

Got we may have to it’s definitely not espell no definitely not es is cool I mean I’ve never even talked to es but he seems like a really cool guy oh man but uh um it’s definitely burner it’s definitely burner definitely burner yeah we’ll be honest it was

Burner um but either way uh we appreciate y’all uh I don’t know what to say did I say too much oh oh uh maybe but um Romero we got to figure out what we need to do is he going to get a wrench or no I say you

Give him a membership or a membership you give him a you give him a wrench and you know same rules he’s on that thin wrench ice all right wrench him we don’t want to take this away from you we don’t want to take this away Michael he say he

Doesn’t he say he doesn’t that’s what a Chad he is that’s what an alpha male he is wow it’s definitely not leus Wes it’s not Leus see Michael but see Michael that way me but Michael that way we could keep you know certain friends of the show from from putting you in time out you know n it’s now known he he have a Long Leash he said okay wrench me okay wrench

Yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s Insurance all right it’s Tory Insurance let’s compl M up completely honest here gu we only need 61 likes for some goal that I’m not even aware of Gordon to the rack too easy M that’s such a specific uh question I I don’t know ofe wide my goodness oh

[ __ ] okay um I’m gonna need you to take over cuz I got to do my old man thing course of course Collins marking it marking it for three no good rebound by uh Durant saves it Gord bring the ball up Gordon Eubanks Eubanks Euro Eubanks oh no no way you

Bed a left-handed hook shot this is going crazy this team is going wild ain’t no way bro Timothy no no no no no no Dre God no no no no we are not giving out names Crossing clar Mar Mar marketing PS damn catch it to three no

HRI the rebound Durant with the save what hustle from KD yeah we definitely got to get 250 likes cuz West is Eubank just dunked on Collins Eubank getting in round now right too he just D not on colins but he definitely dunked that was nice Clarks pass from Durant

Clarks B on the layup oh my gosh see Rich says what does wren mean just means you’re a moderator of the chat between the legs right right to the basket yes we got to get 250 likes and King wesle give some more memberships we got get the 250 so

Hit that like button we got 445 watching appreciate y’all thank you for stopping by on this chat that we definitely needed uh I think we’re going to be okay Su I think we’re going to be okay definitely uh this is a uh oh we missed a me we missed a

Membership message that said god dude oh yeah saw that sorry my bad for real won’t he do it we do it god dude they didn’t believe in US god dude oh Durant Eubanks BR no that would have been too much that would have been too much I

Think I need to pause for you Eubanks oh I wish you would have dropped it back to Durant or something but he he knows better than to try to throw an alyo Durant and Eubank going in but again on defensive end the sun’s all over it can we get some T madon minutes

Seriously score up to 80% off prescription prices at Buzz what a night suo it’s a good night this is a very what was the word I was looking for um what did what did the uh You’re a Star Wars guy what’s this quote you can try

To strike me down but I’ll only I’ll only become uh Stronger what which Sith Sith was that more powerful than ever that wasn’t a Sith that was Obi-Wan he was a Jedi well I don’t know oi can’t save it George bringing the ball up oh I have some funny

Uh tweet I got to show you later too speaking of which riddle with a two two month membership message just think next game we will see Royce and Rody I know man dude hopefully right hopefully they get a chance to get their um you know paperwork done

And Durant fade away that’s not nice that’s not nice uhoh Gordon with another steal God ah dude Gordon gets so many steals for not being necessarily thought of as a a defensive player this affirmation this is a definitely an affirming chat there affirming stream there we go I was

Looking for a word looking for a nice word this is definitely an affirming stream for us appreciate y’all man I was to be I was bragging my brain over that word because I’m an idiot so as far as membership emojis go we got four we need to get rid of got to

Get rid of metsu um Goodwin kbd I thought we already got rid of Goodwin okay okay so maybe three so then I’ll just replace him with the new players that are coming in right I’ll get i’ll get a Rody Rich I’ll get a a royce

O’Neal and you know we’re gonna get a c okay okay fitt says Gabe douche emoji that could work that could work how about we go with uh gym class sundo Emoji gym class sundo wait but wasn’t there a better one didn’t we have a better oh oh oh new

Mark Henry sundo sundo Henry Oh you mean the picture that tore yes can I just pull that pick up now for everybody sure let everybody see it yeah man are we really going to have to start a whole new Discord you know we might bro I don’t know we’ll

Figure it out cu I mean there’s no he he’ll just he’ll just stalk us into that Discord you know apparently he doesn’t have a l they don’t have a life you just keep you just keep fumbling the bag bro you just keep fumbling that anyone thinks it’s a

Girl doing this I mean it could be and it might be all right I got to somehow scroll up to find Tori’s image that was only a few days ago but the Discord has been having so much yeah Tor definitely turned to heal it’s Tori it’s 100%

Tori yeah except Tori makes money off of our sponsorship so it ain’t Tori okay man if you search Tori and the in the Discord there’s like so many comments about Tori like people cannot stop talking about him Tori is a beloved well no beloved but he is a uh

Respected member of the Suns Valley Community he’s revered yeah I’ll have to that Tyrant says to uh for his three-month membership message so we glossing over that Allan has 12 assist I mentioned he had I can’t believe he 12 already dude it’s crazy 12 is crazy Beal oh ner that’s

Defin that third quarter on a 21 over the last 5 [Applause] 18 19point lead their biggest of the night yeah riddle 64% shooting percentage is pretty Crazy George floater good am I on with you now yep okay I [Applause] paused maybe Katie free throw line jump let’s not let let’s not let him go on a run please time out time out and that’s what get the defensive rebound to nerk going to back down Collins who

Doesn’t want any of it he has to get that hook shot off quick because they’re sending a double and he got fouled and uh you know the hook shot was nowhere near going in but Ryan I you know I wish we I guess should we give Ryan the link it’s not

Like it’s not like you can stalk any harder than we’ve been getting sted I know question Georgia I wish burner I wish n just had steady improvements month by month an as he miss yeah we definitely got to change our intro don’t we you got to change everything about us

Now I mean we don’t have crazy well certainly a lot of it’s going to beks we’re they going to say Grayson was uh fouling his way through that screen on Collins people don’t realize how difficult it is to hold on to the ball or catch a pass be say I brought a lot

Of entertainment to this chat you have KD talking after the game the other about the relationship that he and have developed just a team Clarkson alley Collins is just a straight up jumper bro a jumper of TR the way theyed not a bad point point taken Okay Clarkson’s got bullbull guarding him again I’ve seen this what three times now Clarks into the rack ball slapped out of his hand by Grayson Beal with the steel I guess that steal still goes to him the bull ball fake that Euro with from the threo oh my

Gosh and I’m going to go ahead and have you take over again so I can exploit the Twitter algorithm all right man what a year my b b Bro I mean how can you call that a carry it’s definitely not a carry it was two St you want to but like you can’t because he’s so Blinky buggy says good evening Gabe and Su what’s up we’re doing all right we’re doing okay we’re

Having a good day CHR how do you feel about Persona 3 reload amazing absolutely amazing amazing I I’m loving it because I love the fact that they made it in the vein of person 5 here for it I hope they do it I hope they give person 4 the same

Treatment be bringing the ball up gets a pick from ner takes it mid in out Tucker Port Tucker driving gets fou what and one that was little uh little weak says I’m not even going to like the stream no more I’m sorry beat come on beat don’t be like that don’t beat like

That you can’t post any gifts in the chat because I’d post a gift of the dude with all the money like like he’s talking y just wait until we get these postgame burner memes be to the rack good hey isn’t it fun to watch him carry a load while book is out

Pause and AO you know what I mean that’s going to be 14 fouls already here on the sun just under minutes to go in the quarter he ‘s a better choice of words G carry a load isn’t that bad look you know how immature I am in the

Chat is I just yeah you guys hear the word load and it’s like wow but team are four to one with Phoenix having the four so we saw in that second quarter where the Jazz got to the free throw line Lamar Jackson MVP riddle absolutely how does that make you

Feel Le least he got MVP’s happy about that too Nas little for three hits what a game man I didn’t see this type of game coming from a shorthanded sun to the spin tries the fing Bo doesn’t get it gets a rebound KS Tucker Tucker corner of the Clarks in for three

No good nerk doesn’t get the rebound tips it back to the Jazz Horton Tucker Oh man three by the Jazz the LI rebound third quarter afterr is all right 433 watching let’s say 275 likes everybody hit that like button 275 likes gets a free membership be drives drives off the backboard

Good to get a wide open shot off the glass he is such a Cy Horton Tucker kicks back to Horton Tucker top of the key pulls buo on the face for three no good NK with the rebound nkit bringing it up hands the ball to

Beal it’s a pick for him be and nerk nerk gets fouled on the roll whistle foul yo buggy what’s good dig Wheels what’s good [Applause] ready bro y’all’s YouTube lagging question mark I don’t know is it I don’t know am I behind shouldn’t be I’m probably going to have to pause

Before probably ahead of you again Beal inbounding kicks it into nerk no we’re in the same spot hand off to be coming around the screen to the rack kicks it out to b b backing down turning around no he’s here he’s here he’s here and don’t tell me that was a small

Defender cuz everyone’s a small Defender when they’re guarding bull bull Collins to the rack no good foul though going to the line that was kind of crazy they get the ball in the corner to Bow and he’s got a mismatch and you see the hand on his hi

And he was complaining about that but a pretty move ER Gordon checking back in here as Bradley be will get a [Applause] breather five fouls on ner Drew Eubanks checks back into the [Applause] game walker kler 12 104 120 with with 7 minutes is kind of wild Su with no

Booker what are we doing we’re shooting 64% from the field game I don’t know if you saw that maybe a little less now cuz kind of we’re we were shooting 64% at one point in the third quarter wow Eubanks coming out I’d say this has been uh one of eubank’s better g4%

Game um do what now I think this is one of uh Eubanks games 13 to 25 from Beyond the AR that means anytime they make more than 11 coming back in that was quicking withe of a large fountain’s got to go to bed and go to

Work so there’s no way s can drink an energy drink s’s got to just struggle through it you got work in the morning yeah it’s talking about it’s Friday but they kept you so late today nope don’t matter wow yeah Durant up to BU B give it to B

Bull pump fake kicks over to Eubanks Eubanks turnar around hook shot oink no yeah we don’t need really really need that nice Euro and you know Eubanks keeps him from scoring but he is going to the line Sendo what do you do I work for an automaker has seven points and a free

Throw when we come back from a timeout with suns in fr0 what a game bro what a game what a stream what a Mitzvah what a life you know well if only that were true whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa did you m what did we get another

Diego 100 or am I seeing things no you’re seeing things it says I’ll double that little top 50 hasht Chang man that’s that was the old one the most Rec one’s unban Romero you’re just seeing things now Diego for being illiterate you sure are rich you know what I’m saying that’s

Crazy oh my gosh bur is said gave Chase and the money no I thought the last one I thought the last one was ban Pedro but if you look on my phone the first one all right this is # excuses hour the first one is Diego so I read it and I’m

Like is that the correct order F says Diego stole somebody’s identity maxed out their credit card and dipped dipped he is running from the cops right now man says Diego’s gone cuz his dad saw that he took the card and it’s beating the brakes off and that’s crazy that’s the

Only thing that makes sense M Su do you work in the factory I work in a plant yes big time Big Time it’s absolute dog water right now I’m getting my butt kicked every day crazy bro crazy crazy crazy little Bulldog says best duo on YouTube appreciate you man thank you

Says Gabe what do you do for work uh so it’s becoming YouTube you know more and more that’s actually I think but I’m still I’ve been a mass therapist since 2010 2010 Malai said stripper uh I don’t really have the moves to be a stripper necessarily you

Know so you said what you gonna bet on with this money Gabe nothing nothing that money will be split between me and Sund and then it’ll go into my account and then my wife will pay our bills and debts with it honestly what’s going to happen hey bro that’s

Funny maybe F home this was the Lone road trip next five all at home all against teams under 500 so this is a appreciate you TC fcker misses both free throws burner that’s that’s two in a row that’s two Chick-fil-A in a row bro two games in a row right a

Hey I’m still listening Beal hit a logo three it didn’t count but it was after the whistle King say Katie help me hype up chat they aren’t liking I know they just don’t want a free membership they ran out of steam you know I do think it’s

Cool that you can like people’s Dons that’s pretty cool oh K tries to get to Eubanks misses the alley jordanon bringing it up on a fast break no world peace voice isn’t even here yet Markin in pump pump Fork pump Fork pump fake George back to Mark to

Mar marking and driving to the left in the paint Fade Away jump shot no good get out of block you ain’t the only tall one Walker you’re not the get out of here yeah B with another block back to back oh my goodness bro he’s arrived man he has arrived yeah he’s looking

Good lately Durant only took him a couple of games back from injury o no he didn’t travel man George looks like he’s going to get I’m trying not to get too excited about beating the Jazz but the Jazz are a hot it team you know like they’re notson step back three E’s

Face Durant Durant was fighting Marin and kler for the rebound and just couldn’t keep his hand on it the fact that Kesler and marinin like almost make Durant look small is crazy to me caesar who does have Diego and Romero money and who would have ever thought

Diego or Romero had money let alone both facts bro facts bro hey everybody do me a favor we got 44 people watching please hit that like button if you haven’t already kler blocked again by b b blocks Kesler you sure you can’t make a video after this game yeah I’m going straight

To bed bro I’m sorry I wish I could unless you can make it quick and I mean Super Quick no BS open up hi everybody we got a lot of donos buo had a lot of blocks tell us what you think in the comments below be quick video I’m talking like

After the like you want to do a synopsis and that’s going to make forever even Milwaukee we’ll see what happens we might not ever have to work again be for three short it was super deep super deep what’s the video over I don’t know I don’t even know that’s yeah I

Don’t even know see see see feel like a bull video besides you need to prepare for tomorrow anyway we yeah yeah so our stream tomorrow is at 6:00 p.m. right don’t tell me that’s the solo one for me I believe at 530 I believe it’s 5:30 game I have to double

Check I can’t I look at the Emil I’m pretty sure Boo with another nice [Applause] pass oh Beal saves it with the hustle that was crazy good hustle dude I kind of like this combo of Beal and and I kind of like the way this this team’s

Playing today they’re playing with a lot of energy it’s kind of crazy TC we’re on uh Bleacher Report tomor evening Michael I’ll stick with my Scat Pack you know it’s good enough for me I like that I was hoping he’d reverse dunk that but I like that KD cleared him

Out he said get out of here and then all of a sudden the dou team came and great heads up play by to get right ston into the paint flops Eubank says please review it it was a flop we don’t have a challenge calm down little Bub all

Right we love your pluck you Banks but he definitely flopped you yes Ryan maybe we had a bleach report stream uh yesterday and we’ve got one on Friday and then we’ve got two next week and we really do we we’ll link you guys um you know we’ll send you guys

Links and everything to make sure you guys can can know when it’s going to be I think it’s going to be 5:00 pm. Central tomorrow um was not a flop West says 4 minutes 49 likes to go Tuesday February 13th at 8:00 p.m. as they take on the Sacramento Kings your

Seats now at might be F might be Lane too soon again that’s another play you really don’t see a lot if only burner if it was longer than a 30 minute stream we’d have time ooh a $20 Dono from Dominque medis scal appreciate you if you if you meant to

Have a message with that let us know we’ll read it thank you appreciate you Dominique Wednesday streams I down for those for Friday stream 6:30 p.m. Easter so 5:30 Central phix tomorrow 5:30 Central Durant mid-range jumper good [Applause] wow DC says you guys making waves in the other Sun’s channels getting nervous I

Don’t know about that we don’t really you know they don’t they don’t ever talk to us about them so they don’t they don’t want anything to do with us for some reason suo could have something to do with our stalker bad mouthing us to all of them though honest that’s that’s another fun

Thing our stalker does ooh Durant with a good pass to Eubank what a pick and roll what a pick this has just been a a master class all around for this team without Booker look I’m not what I’m about to say he going to sound Blas Blasphemous right I thought

You were going to say Blasphemous I’m like is that Blasphemous is that it’s it’s crazy what happens when the ball gets shared right and you don’t have booger just jacking up volume shots I’m just saying for three good I’m just don’t you don’t you dare I’m just don’t you dare

Game don’t you dare Appreciate you big wheels pump fake from ston kicks it down to a wide open market and he hits I’m just saying he’s not here doing his patented I’m holding the ball the ball has actually been moving the ball has been moving game I wish we had that uh Chris Jericho cut

Can not deny it 6 1% Beal with 30 Durant with 30 nerk with 16 Gordon with I will deny it I will deny what’s in front of me [Applause] okay D book I didn’t say that basically quit putting words in my mouth to your what I said to your defense what

You’re really saying is sometimes Booker goes into that mode and then we don’t get this type of I’m saying and it’s more often than not most of the time and so it’s it’s offense looks like when this ball moves the ball has been moving also though sometimes when he goes into that

Mode he carries us to Victory he 100% so I’m just saying you we’re seeing this good I like it burner’s holding you to account said rare sundo L hey that’s fine by burner hater sundo says Caesar V says good one could be a star or suo never just put you you I think

You did in that video never once said that I think if we go to that video maybe I did but that’s a whole completely topic maybe our stalker has a clip of it he could s us you know I’m sorry that they could send us uh DC feels it though says Sund kind

Of has a good point kind of has a point it’s true it’s true y’all gota quit we’re not mentioning it no more we’re done big wheels appreciate you man Michael I keep um I I I drive my see here’s the thing I’ve always wanted a uh Dodge Challenger right and

So ever since I got one at first I drove it fast because it’s a freaking uh it’s a drag car but that didn’t take long and I started to just feel nervous and just like you know what I love this thing so much if

It gets a dent on it if it gets you know an eyelash torn off of it I’m going to lose my [ __ ] so I really unless I’m late to work I drive like a grandma on that thing uh Chris Chan that’s definitely not who it is and we have no issue

With now now now you you guys are trying whittling it down so far now you guys are trying to pit us with other members of the Suns Valley Suns community and it’s definitely okay okay all I’m say the only reason I’m saying I know other Sons channels don’t mess with us is

Because Suns geek who’s a great guy and gave us a great heads up he gave us a great uh hand up you know helped us up uh buy our bootstraps when we were young babes in this world um he you know had a tweet the other day

That was like Hey I just want to I just want to tell everybody about these Great sons accounts and channels that you should go check out because they’re so awesome and he named everyone but us and then sundo he had forgotten six or seven so he made amendments in comments

Underneath it saying oh plus these guys oh and these guys oh and these guys oh and I just keep looking I keep squinting I keep scrolling nowhere to be found and I’d get it if we were not pulling decent numbers but to just it’s like okay why

Don’t you just next time say hey everybody go on out there and support every Suns Creator except Suns Valley podcast because that’s that would have been a lot shorter tweet okay I still got mad love for Suns geek it is what it is I don’t know what we did to make him

Hate us I don’t know what I did but clearly like the movie for three like like the movie uh Which movie was he hate me from he hate me he’s not from movie He’s from the XFL bro well I get it confused with The Replacements all

Right uh oh s’s in the game so you know what that means whoa whoa whoa is Tio in the game Tio’s in the game everybody shut up there’s 40 seconds of to oh we got that wasn’t good and as a BK in the game hey did you see exactly what s Le

Was in the game and what happened to let’s go too give me a good possession this my boy sporting 12 do something Tio that was a warm-up shot that was a warm-up shot dude only got 40 minutes to play yeah now you know we’re going to be

Good Sports and just run the clock out instead of letting too Jack something up look Malachi don’t do that bro’s likeo you’re shooting again Over My Dead Body Lally have no issues with anybody in a son’s Community look it’s not that big of a deal we’ve been doing our own thing

For a minute yeah don’t worry about it fine don’t don’t yeah you don’t don’t feel like you guys got to like go to bat for us or anything it’s fine see here’s the fun thing is that they have whenever you know whenever our stalker ran to

Them and told them all the lies that he tells everyone they the lies they tell about us all of those channels just completely stopped messing with us so somehow somehow we were able to still survive isn’t that right suo correct and it’s all thanks to you guys in the chat

It is thanks to you guys you guys in the chat and also gab’s hard work I’ll give gab’s been killing it s do bows are about 70% of the pie this was a good stream man who’s who’s the interview I would hope it’s Durant but I don’t know who they’re gonna pull we’ll

Definitely have the audio here Booker talking to Clarkson like bro I wish we could have picked you up bro you know what I’m saying like you’re a view Merchant Suns Valley would have loved having you on the team bro you know what I’m saying like but you got

You’re just making too much money you know what I’m saying I imagine Booker says you know what I’m saying a lot all right Gordon talking to somebody can we get the interview emper says don’t forget the OG gang yeah OG gang for real why is it Gordon

Gordon Eric while the Suns never trilled in this one setting the tone from the jump how are you able to control this game so well King West I’ll tell you minute from the start I mean that that predicated everything it gave us energy on both sides of the ball cuz uh we know

We’re really hard to slow down when we’re moving the ball like that and uh and it really gives us picks us up on energy on defense you’ve been a steady Force for this Sun’s team and a player that can toggle between starting coming off the bench no book tonight it was

Your opportunity how are you able to settle in so well into that starting role yeah that’s why I’m here you know you got to there’s got to be times where with anybody’s down or you know you almost got to have be that emergency player to where you got to come in and

Make things happen and uh I know I know I know what my broll is for this team and I just got to continue to try to get you know have big moments big plays and uh we have a good enough team to where I’m able to do that in a lot of other

Guys and understanding your role three for four from Beyond the AR how are you able to be so consist with your with your three-point shot just taking advantage of every opportunity and uh I like taking good shots and it was really rolling for me because we had great

Great ball movement tonight dude and then finally backto back wins for this Sun’s team what do you want to see carry over from this into Saturday when you face Golden State well you know Golden State they’re you know they’re hungry team and we always know that they’re a

Good team and uh we got to take care of business before the allstar break and uh we just got to stay uh where we’re at and continue uh winning mentality don’t mention his voice I know what you want to do don’t don’t you mention his voice

You know you know me too mention his damn voice you know me too well bro I can see your face King West with Super Chat says wait Gabe didn’t your prize picks fall just flat it did I just looked yeah he bet and then Caesar with

The $1.99 super chess is making the rich richer appreciate y’all man look quick s of synopsis before I got to get myself some well needed rest after today’s awful day at work caller day um I stand by what I said the ball was shared more the ball was moving more you

Had a higher shooting percentage and so I’ll leave it at that and that’s all I’ll say we had a really good game from Beal and KD love it 30 and 31 um Gordon with 19 nerkish with 16 you love to see it Grayson the uh low man in the

Starting lineup with eight but man he had 14 assist gate that is just crazy where did that come from is that just because we were so hot sharing the ball man but do Gabe do you feel do you feel like they had him running the point I

Mean 14 is more than just sharing well he had he had to he had to handle the ball more but but the ball was moving more cuz cuz you know and they were sharing point guard it was Beal Allen Gordon Beal Allen Durant you know it wasn’t just one person it wasn’t just

Mainly Booker bringing up like it normally is and so the ball’s moving more I mean look you had 14 assists seven assists seven assists four assists three assists you had 37 total to they 28 and so I mean that’s just evident of whenever you have the ball moving that

Happens and that’s no shade at Booker that’s just the facts of the game you know Booker will come back and drop 40 we’ll come back and drop 55 and we’ll be slurping him up too so don’t worry I’ll eat my words whenever he drops another 55 burger and we win by

You know however much get the next team is say sundo hates Booker no that that would be your boy code who wasn’t here today and I’m really surprised we didn’t see code oh whoops wakin my bad wanakin you’re a good boy I would never mean to put you in

That’s crazy bro my bad wanakin this was for baby Malo this is for baby Malo I think he’s feeling left out you know wanakin man can I undo wanakin I don’t know either way go ahead no other than that um you know just a good game this is a good win and we’re

On a that’s now 12 of the last 15 games won by your Phoenix Suns it’s crazy there’s that three game win streak yep 15 of your last 12 we played Golden State on Saturday at 7:30 they’re not you know knock on wood they’re not the great old Golden State

Team that we’re used to facing I don’t think they got much better if any I could be wrong during the trade deadline I think the trade deadline kind of passed them up and they they didn’t get what they wanted you know uh once the allstar break Charles it’ll be well our

Last game is the 14th so for Valentine’s Day that’s our last game and then that’s the All-Star break and then we play the 22nd Thursday against Dallas to kick off the next part of the season after All-Star break which that’ll be a good one too that’s on TNT right right um

Yeah man once again this is a good game fun game to watch we got to see a lot of highlights a lot of dunks from Eubanks and bbo had that awesome Euro dunk that was crazy um just two good good back-to-back games man this team is starting to find its

Own I can’t wait to see what O’Neal and um Rody look like in this team I can only imagine as I’m looking at uh hold on let me go back here because the rosters aren’t updated so I got to do this B looking at it so I imagine with little

We’re going to see more Little M minutes Oki I think O’Neal comes off the bench in that rotation um man it’s with the way this team played today and the way this has been playing recently bro it’s almost like man O’Neal’s going to be a good fit but

You’re almost like whose minutes is he going to take away do you want to take away BS BS minutes uh maybe potentially Grayson it’s potentially man potentially Grayson huh yeah or Gordon he’s gonna bite into one of those minutes with Booker back right so it’s just crazy we really did get

Deeper with this trade like cuz you definitely consider O’Neal an upgrade over a Bates deop and anybody you just traded for him right right and then Rody is a project like he said a rich man to is Wayne right so I can’t wait to see

That it’s like that one deal made us a little bit deeper with O’Neal plus the way the Ben has been playing you know B if buo continues this I mean shoot I’d love to see more in bble minutes Nas little look good so hopefully he

Continues that he can also go on a cold streak Oki you know EU Banks so it’s just um it’s just different oh c says O’Neal is garbage don’t believe the hype I mean is he better than Kenny Bas di Cod I think he’s going to be the best defender we have man and

He’s he’s shooting like 37% almost on like five and a half threes per game so you know Nas is shooting 30 and we don’t hate Nas right you know um you know kbd ain’t been shooting um ain’t been shooting 36 37% and we’re not hating

As much we weren’t c c code C code code code real quick he’s worried about the Mavs getting gaffer I think am I right code they got gaffer bro code real quick real quick you’re a trusted member of the Suns Valley podcast Community I think even though you

Weren’t here the entire stream I don’t know what you was doing code but we’ll forgive you for now I said something earlier and people got upset at me and I just want to see if you get my back you’re looking for an ally okay go ahead the sun’s

Shot basically 64% for the entire game up until the last part of the quarter when they put the bench players in and all I said was it’s kind of crazy whenever you actually see the ball move and people can get assist and the ball moves to the right person with Grace now

Getting 14 assist assist and be and Durant having seven instead of having booger play ISO game all day and do his dribble moves and I got cooked for it and that’s all I said was it’s crazy to see what the offense looks like when the ball moves and everybody kept saying

Su you’re an idiot stup okay that’s all I said and now they think that I want to trade Deon Armani Booker it’s crazy in here C but but what did you see Cod because you are a trusted member of the Suns Valley podcast Community King West say sundo that is a

Gross misrepresentation of book game and you know it you know it that’s disrespectful to me and Devin Booker that’s disrespectful to me and the son’s business exactly no but that’s all I was saying like once again boger’s gonna come back and he’ll drop 55 and then like I said

It will be it’ll be B said Sund going out sad you know see see I can always depend on Cody says it’s because Booker is closer to a Carmelo I was going to be extra and say we lose this game of Booker plays y’all are just both of you guys my guy that’s

Right code at least for tonight you’re my guy guys you heard it here first both heard it here first folks ah burner I didn’t ignore you I was just waiting on answer so that’s all I’m saying you got anything else for us I mean I don’t want

To kick you out of here I’d love you to stay all night no I don’t have anything else it it it was a good game I really did appreciate watching this game without book not cuz I hate book it was good to see other players step just keep

Going because I saw other players step up okay I will keep going but anyway uh we’ll see you guys on Saturday with the I’ll see you guys on Saturday with uh uh uh uh uh uh uh we’ll see you guys tomorrow at 530 we’ll see you guys tomorrow 5:30 on bleach 4:30 Valley

Time live bort so we we’ll we’ll have links for you guys but also you can just um open up your bleach Report app click on the Suns and we’ll be there at the top of the page for sure are you gonna keep going are you are you B yeah I’ll keep going

I’ll keep going I’ll read some comments and see what they’re saying read some comments you know yeah but son definitely going to bed appreciate y’all good game good game good game Suns win Suns win Suns win okay I’m tired I’m going to bed the man worked a hard shift you guys later bro

So sundo uh he was at imagine this and this transfers to everybody who works a regular job he’s at work he normally gets off at like 3 and is home by 4: at some point they came to him and said hey you know how you usually get home by

Three or by 4 yeah yeah yeah we’re going to we’re going to have you stay here and you’re not going to get home until 8 like imagine your job because they have that kind of power over you because you’re in a um what’s it called uh uh

What is it called can’t think of the word but they can just make him stay four extra hours I would have lost my mind a union thank you a union um so that’s what Sund is going through that’s why he’s uh going to bed early and I I cannot blame him so I’m

Going to go back up here and read some more of these comments from the top here I’ll just keep keep coming down um where do we start here nefarious mech say I was hoping for Drummond me too but there is still time to get get somebody like at the at the deadline and

Look Drew played good tonight five for eight 12 points and seven rebounds two deals do you guys feel like this was one of do you’s better games cuz I really do DeAndre riddle says Royce is it going to take oki’s minutes I do think it’s possible that um he takes great and I

Know this sounds Blasphemous but you could see him in the lineup for Grayson in the starting lineup look it would not be the worst thing in the world to give Grayson heavy minutes maybe not as heavy as the 30 5 36 he’s getting a night now but to have

Him off the bench I mean he could he could crush Off the Bench like think of what what a a boon of points that would be for your team Off the Bench him and Gordon right so he can help Gordon by spacing the floor for Gordon and getting Gordon some better

Looks when he’s coming off the bench but the reason why you do it is because you’ve got nerk out there right you’ve got um you’ve got the big three and then do you need another guard Grayson I love him I will not cry a single tier if Grayson continues to have that uh

Starting job but do you need a three guard lineup you know is that what we need do we need do we need three guards out there I guess it worked tonight so it’s hard to um complain about but if Roy is as good of a defend Defender and and he’s not all

World he’s not the greatest Defender but he is better than any other Defender we have on our team so you put him out there he’s a a a floor spacer he can absolutely hit the three especially if he’s getting wide openen threes which he’s going to see

More of than he was with the Nets and then he’s actually going to be able to play some good defense and then you bring in Grayson when they’ve brought in their scrubs and Grayson gets to go out and light them up with Gordon Off the Bench this team is doing something it really

Is um I’m gonna skip down to the bottom because I saw a membership 199 Dono talk about bull mother flipping Bull from Chris Chan um here’s the thing about bull I want to remain calm about bull bull so that I don’t jinx things right but I’m I

Am in love with bullbull okay can I be honest three blocks but only six points so it’s tough I don’t I don’t want to beat my chest too much about bub getting a six-point game but when you see him out there he’s confident he’s talented he’s using his size

Properly these are all things that we question marks and now they’re not question marks anymore to me they’re not question marks however history dictates that he has stretches like this and then he has stretches of poor play we haven’t even really seen a poor stretch from him yet

Maybe we don’t get that though maybe he’s a hashtag changed man like like uh like Diego maybe this offense this Supporting Cast is exactly what he needed to step out of that inconsistency Funk because he still is a young guy and we all know that two things big men take longer to

Um to develop generally on average and then also he has Frank vogle a renowned big man Whisperer and we a lot of us except for code were excited about seeing what Frank vogel’s impact could be on DeAndre at well we never got to see that but we

Are seeing him have a great effect on nurkic I think nurkic is having an outstanding season and bull bow is getting that that uh bonus from having a coach that understands and appreciates big men um Ruben says Royce would be a better defender in the starting

Lineup uh zambuki says BR all smoken the good how about O’Neal uh ass off the bench how y’all put him over Grayson like that come on it’s be it’s not a I won’t care I won’t care if they if they keep Grayson in the starting lineup so

Be it but think about the heights that we’re running out there you got Beal at like 6’4 Grayson at like 6’4 and Booker at like 65 that’s a that’s um and neither three of those players are known as a Defender then you got Kevin Durant who yes he’s a ter terrific

Defender at at his age and he’s he’s a terrific defender in the paint but do you really want Durant having to guard the other team’s best player I say nay I’m a naysayer Nay Nay Nay I want him able to uh not have to guard the other

Team’s best player so that his uh stamina is present at the end of games and when we need him to score you know code says uh and code code agrees with me and code isn’t even that big of a royce fan code said it’s not about putting him over Grayson it’s about

Adding to our bench Grayson needs to get more shots um that he won’t get starting that is a great point he’s not getting that many shots anymore now that the whole lineup is in there and we can get him more Off the Bench you can actually draw plays

For him he gets no plays drawn up for him um in the starting lineup it never happens uh Mo what’s going on man said Royce is a better Defender than Allen and Roy is only 6’4 what are you talking about oh you saying he isn’t a better Defender than

Allen uh that’s not what conventional wisdom says I mean I I hear you saying that and if you have um like Advanced statistics like defensive statistics that show that I would I would love to see them and I will agree with you if they prove me

Wrong but I feel like most people people agree that Roy is a better Defender I mean I I maybe I’m wrong he is only 6’4 but he’s got freakishly long arms now some places He’s listed 64 but some also very official places list him at 66

I’m also gray area out as far as how tall he actually is I don’t know if he’s 65 or 64 or 66 but he’s got long arms and he is a good Defender and he’s only 30 years old see zabot saying 66 Mo so it’s like it’s up in the air you

Know I test he don’t look 6’4 to me he looks a little bigger than that uh Rob Sports says Royce O’Neal is statistically one of the best defenders in the league I would love to see that I would love to see I have not had a chance to to Really pour through the

Data like I need to um Jay says he’s a 40% three-point shooter I think this last month he has been but I’m pretty sure for the season he’s at like 36.6 or 36.7 uh hot dog little hot dog bark sorry about that uh code says Royce is an underrated

Passer too I’m didn’t you not come in here code and say that Roy isn’t that good why do you like him now am I am I confused Dey says um I would say that they’re both close Defenders Zona says I’m 6’4 and he’s taller than me have you stood next to him

Zona uh DeAndre says Royce needs to be in the starting it needs to be starting the four yeah he is listed as a power forward too which is interesting um is the best defender on our team now he is he really is um Ruben says he’s definitely taller

Than book he does look taller than book Chris Chan says is ktie 69 or seven feet I’m kind of starting to think that he’s actually seven feet tall after that last picture go cookie go after that last picture that I posted a couple days ago um showing him standing next to nurkic

Who is a real seven-footer and he actually looked tall taller than nerkish he looked like he was at least the same size uh Ry I’ve got eight dogs I’ve got seven hot dogs seven little dochin and that one’s name is Cookie well that’s her nickname her reliam Shay

Um and There She Goes going wild uh DeAndre riddle says Royce is more aggressive Defender than Grayson yes Grayson shoots a three better because he’s 44% from three but think about how many open shots Roy going to get when uh he’s 47% from open threes oo I didn’t

Know that stat about him with open threes um and I I just assume that when you come to the Suns with this big three team you’re gonna have open threes like you’ve never seen before it used to always be oogi and we’ve worked him out of that role

Now it’s Grayson and Gordon uh and kbd was getting those open threes it’s definitely better to have Roy in there Roy is a shooter and when you watch his shots um you’ll see when you see his release you’re be like okay this dude literally is a professional shooter later

Sir Chris chance said GES a doc and Dad dude I’m the Ultimate Doc and Dad I swear dude I have seven and I would have have 10 if my wife would let me I love dochin dude I love all do I’ve got a Rottweiler that’s my other dog I should

Bring my beast in here at some point nefarious Mech said rather have biombo than metsu I mean well you know I’d rather have biombo than no metsu and no biombo and we don’t have metsu anymore so I would love it and I would love to get campaign back just I’m one

Of them dudes that thinks we need a point guard I’ve been spending a lot of times you might have seen me on X in in uh some of them X spaces with uh I think his name is Trevor booth and uh you know couple of the other guys that run those and

Um nobody I feel like I’m the only one in those spaces that thinks we need a point guard and I know su’s got my back on that bro burner if you saw my dog like you’d be I mean he’s he’s a mammoth Rottweiler bro he’s huge Jin said campaign and metsu it’s a

Done deal backup uh point guard and a center think you mean uh I think you mean your boy um busy right Nick C what’s going on man said should uh the sons get Corey Joseph from the buyout Market that’s something I’m gonna look into because when I saw his

Name on the list of players that the Suns can legally afford to bring on to this team um that was a name that spoke to me a little bit I’m not sure where Corey Joseph’s game is right now right I’m not sure how good he is I

Remember four years ago it would have been a no-brainer but right now I’m just not sure how good he is or how he’s playing do you guys know can you guys tell me Sona said we can’t sign Spencer either yeah I think Spencer DWI is too expensive and I’m pretty sure he’s going

To be going to uh the Lakers Salo says or Sal what is that me yeah Salo J Salo says y’all were so high on McConnell he’s trash too he’s probably trash at defense but offensively I really like him I mean doesn’t look like that’s ever going to

Happen now so I guess we’ll just all have to move on no bledo I don’t even know if bledo plays anymore zambuki says maybe they’ll get a point guard in the buyout yeah but maybe they won’t maybe they won’t get a point guard in the buyout because they have

Been pretty steadfast in saying all of them book Beal Durant coaches James Jones like all the reports are saying that they are not interested they don’t they just don’t feel like they need a point guard that the three of them can handle point guard duties and I’m

Starting to believe them early in the season when we were averaging 14 uh to 17 turnovers per game me and sundo were up here crying every night that we need a point guard but that’s gotten a lot better um so I don’t know maybe we just trust Frankie on this one you

Know code said don’t believe it Gabe yeah I mean I I so my argument for a point guard is God forbid and knock on wood which I currently am doing we don’t have to play any number of games in the playoffs without book and Beal but if that were to

Happen we I would love to have a break glass in case of emergency style point guard that we can AKA campaign so but you know Romas and Harry said they’re not getting rid of campaign he might know for a fact by this point so hey um if Lowry becomes available maybe we’re

Able to get Lowry I don’t know Delon Wright code thank you Delon Wright I think we should be doing everything we can to try to get Delon right code do you know if he’s been bought out or if he’s surely getting bought out DeAndre riddle said we got

Two spots left that’s a big part of this trade that’s going untalked about is the fact that they freed up two spots uh for buyouts so you I can’t imagine they did that without a plan in place you know Chris says ish uh I say you know if we couldn’t get

Anyone else I personally would take ish back I don’t know if a lot of you guys agree with that though uh Vision says imagine we get Killian Hayes and Robin Lopez I would take a look at Killian Hayes look bottom line if you’re going to bring in Tio

Madon and we’re going to get all jazzed up about him and think that maybe there’s a chance that he’s going to uh you know get his career back on track for us I’m willing to give kiling Hayes uh an opportunity especially considering that we all know Monty will ruin your

Career faster than your head can spin which makes no sense but you get my point we all know Monty and what he does to players that he don’t like he ices them out of the rotation and he trades them for Tory Craig if only burner if only burner were you there did

You watch my wck league game I don’t remember if you were there I un I made my reckle game stream not uh members only too if anybody wants to go back and watch that it was a really funny stream they were clowning me good and I shot an airball from three

That could be fun to watch just saying it’s it’s available burner uh TC said Monty the guy looking at not getting a double digit win record yes this the very same so I don’t believe according to his word that Killian Hayes isn’t worth a roster spot uh you

Know it’s very possible that that is the case but I ain’t gonna take his word for it Quan I would love D Rose at point guard I don’t care how old he is he’s so smart but um it just seems like that’s never been meant to be right we just we can never

Get D Rose to even give us a sniff DeAndre says teams will toy with us in the playoffs with Gordon as our backup Point Gordon cannot be the backup Point apparently Grayson might be able to do it with 14 assists tonight I would you know I was arguing in the beginning

Of the year sundo I really think Gordon can run some point wrong Bozo clown I was wrong that is not his strong suit dribbling the ball and orchestrating stuff is n Gordon strong suit shooting open threes uh and even contested deep threes that’s his strong suit Roy I

Would love Victor Oladipo Oladipo but I don’t know if he’s going to be able to uh I don’t know what his price is and I don’t know how injured he is I need to look into him I need to look into him Cod says we got to think matchup wise

Who’s guarding Harden Murray SGA and fox yeah probably the answer to all of that is a combination of Royce O’Neal Nas and oogi it is nice that we got Nas back are you guys excited to have Nas back the only reason I was willing to get rid of

Nas is that because I think he’s played when he was in the lineup I thought he was doing an admirable job um but I didn’t want to let him go other than the fact that he was making $6.7 million a year I could be dyslexic and it could be 7.6 so I

Understood right I understood well it’s got to be him he’s the only guy who’s on a a big enough contract to be able to get something back in return but now that he’s back now that he’s here and he’s free to play I’m very happy that we have Nas and I I

Hope that they can get him worked into a lather and get him playing like he was early because he’s a he’s a dog um Quan says I hope Nas get playing time since he ain’t going nowhere man yeah same here Matt says NS has a chance to spark absolutely yes he’s not the

Greatest Defender but he might be close probably close in the range of being as good as O’Neal Maybe maybe a little bit worse than O’Neal as a Defender but we need all the defensive options we can get with our offensive heavy laden offense well team roster um so I see some people talking

About how Vic uh old Depot’s always injured that is true um so it is a risk it is a risk um Cod said I just thought of the perfect guy it’s Dennis Smith Jr how good has he been lately bro oh you know who we haven’t talked about we haven’t talked about David

Rody um David Rod’s kind of nice guys David Rod’s kind of nice 6 fo4 255 pretty good handles I think he’s going to be playing forward like a small forward but he’s you know and he’s accordin Tor and a he’s a rich is way wght and Tori is such a hard person to

Please when it comes to prospects he doesn’t like really anybody you know everybody that I like he’s like nope trash nope trash but he said when he saw today during their live stream of the deadline he said when he saw that we got Rody he got excited for him and he’s

Like oh my God Gabe and sundo are going to love Rody and he thinks that that was a good pickup some people are saying that that part of the pickup is just as important as as the Royce O’Neal pick up so we will see hopefully they both get to play next game

Um Matt said haven’t watched David but he’s big as [ __ ] basically PJ Tucker from Walmart yes yes the my only issue with him is that he’s only shooting a little over 30% from three I don’t love that but he can get to the rim he can get to

The rim he can play some defense and he’s young he’s like 22 years old we don’t have a lot of young players on this team that we can develop and uh now we do now we got another one okay Chris so funny you would say that because for the first two

Hours the first two hours of knowing what the trade was now keep in mind I had just woken up to the news so I was a little bit in a in a fuzzy days I thought they were talking about Kenny Lofton I don’t know why I because they

Both play for me Memphis and they’re both thickums so I thought that’s who we got and I was like oh damn because I would have loved Lofton um but no Rody Rich all right he’s the guy we’ve been calling Rody rich in the live streams when we play him

Um Quan says will Rody get any burn we’re gonna find out I think he can I think he I think he will get some play um trying to think I mean we’ve got two open spots after him so we we’ve got room on the roster for people to start

Getting some more minutes unless we bring in somebody clearly better nefarious Mech says PJ Tucker never had a shot I don’t know if you guys were paying attention to that but I think on his Instagram or SnapChat or something that I’m too much of a boomer to follow

His story said something like something negative like it looked like he was really upset um like he was really upset about the way that the trade deadline went but it it had also been reported that he personally came out and said he’s not going to push for a buyout so like how

Do you not want to buy out but you’re not happy I I don’t I don’t understand what’s going on with PJ uh role Ro sorry yeah Roy says Gabe aut Porter Jr hell to the yes I want to take a flyer on him and I think he’s gonna be

Available so that’s good one Roy that is a great um that is a great name to throw out there that we need to be thinking about maybe I’ll make a video on them and and talk about where their games are like best buyout options you know um Cod says why would the Clippers

Let go of a guy who can defend PG and kawhai I don’t blame them then why don’t they play him he gets no run and they you know that they’re getting ready for a date with us at some point in the playoffs so I do understand it I

Mean I’m one of the guys that has loved PJ Tucker so much for so long that I should want him on on this team but I am growing convinced more and more that he has no game left I watched him shoot terribly for the 76ers from three lost

All of remember how he was a corner sniper he ain’t that dude anymore unfortunately what would be a better story than if some of you guys are new Suns fans so let me walk you through PJ Tucker real quick we were trash okay still trash we had book on the

Team might have had book we might have gotten him before book but we had dragic we had the Morris twins it was that crew okay Alex Len and the lot Tucker was out in like China playing he was overseas playing he wasn’t even good enough to be in the NBA we brought

Him over instant dog in instant Vibe changer for the team and several time Dan Marley hustle Award winner for the Suns always our hardest worker always the guy diving out of bounds always not only ding up the other team’s best player but doing a damn good lockdown job of it he was one

Of the best defenders in the league he’s from Texas University um him and Durant have a relationship a good relationship he loves Mama Durant Mama Durant love him we let him go after a while because we he was so good and so worthy of respect that our

Organization turned him over to a team that could do something with him because we felt bad that we couldn’t give him anything to work with it’s like dude you know you’re just a championship player PJ you are and if you want to go somewhere we will make it happen because

We love you and we appreciate what you do for us night in and night out that’s the type of impact that PJ Tucker had for this team so I should want him back but I’m telling you guys it seems like he has lost his his jumper completely he seems to be completely

Useless on offense I hope I’m wrong also he seems to have completely maybe not completely but he’s not the defender that he once was he’s older now so do you bring him onto this team if you’re able to which we’re not going to be able to would you bring him onto this team

Just give him a roster spot and let him Mentor let him talk you know be one of the guys in the locker room who’s a good has a good effect on everyone I don’t know that’s where I’m at with that swaave monkey says traded because Warren couldn’t outplay him lol that

That’s true too we we had we were starting to get a log Jam at the small forward position that that played into it as well Ruben I did not see the Kobe statue J Money said there’s no minutes for little he’s cooked yeah Little’s going to have to

Work his way back into the rotation but I think think he can do it man I think he’s got the talent under there and I think he fits on this this roster with this style of team I don’t know I could be wrong um Vision fasma says imagine if

Javon Carter somehow gets bought out I mean that would be my dream come true but I don’t I don’t know if that’s going to be a reality everything happened so fast today and I was sleeping through the majority of uh I think I woke up like 40 minutes

Before free agency ended which was right when we made our move code says we had Daniel house Jr to code it’s funny you’d bring him up because he’s going to be potentially available too Daniel house is a name that we could bring back to the Suns and

I don’t know that I wouldn’t do it I’d put him in the ish way rght category if we can’t get anything better I would gladly accept him on the team code says dlon Wright or bust I do think that should be number one option dlon Wright Brent said I’d be happy if Javon

Was bought out dude I mean I would I would break dance on stream if we got him I used to my for uh close to a year if not longer my Twitter handle was Gabe Von Carter and that’s what everybody called me Gabe Von Carter for two

Reasons I loved him to death and I was a Stan of his and also I’m bald and so is he you know there was familiarity uh Matt says I’d rather bring a position needed first like an extra Center or point guard fill in the holes then patch them uh scratches patch

Up the scratches yeah it might be Center that we need but then Eubanks goes out tonight and makes it look like he can really play that backup center role I mean what do you guys think about Eubanks just after tonight did he change your mind about him at all

Ruben says Von sanity origin story um so there’s a uh funny will Ferell skit called Bad Doctor from Saturday Night Live and he uses a fake curse word called Von druk me and my friends in high school loved that skit started calling each other Von druks as

A curse word that we could get away with so then that was my gamertag on Xbox Von Dro for a long time then I changed it to like different variations of V like it was Von pay for a while because I was a campaign stand for a

While um and then it was Gabe Von Carter because I was a Carter Stan and then I was trying to come up with a general NBA channel name and we wrote down a ton of them ton of possibilities and uh nice burner I can’t wait to see it and

Um the best looking one Von bow there you go if I was still doing it it would be a Von Bowl all right which is ridiculous but I probably pull some [ __ ] like that um zambuki says Sons used to be known for their awesome training staff rehabbing injured players that’s true

True too that was our grift that was where we got over on everybody was you could give us Grant Hill who could never stay healthy in his whole uh what should have been Michael Jordan challenging career believe it or not that’s how highly people thought of him but he

Couldn’t stay healthy ever he comes to the Suns as an old man and we give him like two out of three seasons where he played all almost all 82 games that’s how good Aaron Nelson was and cheap ass cheap ass [ __ ] Robert Sarver got rid of him CU he didn’t want

To pay him and let him go somewhere else you know uh yeah and Shaq that wasn’t it remember when Michael red came to the Suns and we got him healthy and he was able to play and stay healthy Channing okay see code you know code is a real one Channing fry

You know Frank casavia says I don’t think we need a backup center even though it’s not going to be all the time but we’ve seen a lineup of KD nurkic bullbull at the same time yeah I’m loving watching these bigger lineups I really do Roy says remember

Bender yeah Bender just didn’t have that dog in him he had a pup he had kind of like a pup heart Royce is uh Tyson Chandler yeah did we keep him healthy or was he not only like already pretty healthy all by himself dragic was absolutely my

Favorite player for a long time I actually I think I’ve told you guys this before I got called onto the court one time at a Spurs game when he was still our best Star I was standing like 15 10 15 feet away from dragic could breathe type [ __ ] you know

Um code says I don’t know I don’t care what anyone says Bender would have flourished in Monty’s system yeah maybe maybe it was a system thing but remember he had like six blocks against the Bucks one game and then we cut him and then the Bucks brought you know they they

Signed him because they were like oh you played good against us and they couldn’t make it work so it’s not like he only failed in the Sun System he also failed in the buck system TC said Nelson was a miracle worker he was you had Nelson and Steve

Nash running the show and they you know you combine Nelson’s uh Brilliance with the Steve Nash diet that Shaq got on and got ripped and it was just a it was a combo of Health it was like everybody knew there’s like something in the water in

Phoenix that’s what they used to say you go to Phoenix and you’re going to rejuvenate your career um code said Bender played good in Golden state which has a better system dude I forgot he went to Golden State that is crazy I I did not even remember

That I only remember him going to the Bucks Chris Chan said it’s the Sedona magic yeah that type of stuff it was that that’s what our team was known for that’s all we really had to cling on you know that’s the only selling point I definitely remember Greg Monroe can we

Be honest about Greg Monroe I don’t think there’s been an NBA player in the league with more beautiful eyes and if you don’t know what I’m talking about Google Greg Monroe how did that dude have that that set of beautiful green eyes he was like a s foot Mr selio

Girl telling you burner look it up Ruben said Remember the Morris twins you know what’s funny is Marcus Morris I is it shocking to you guys that I was a huge Morris twin fan I loved them both I loved them both until they started becoming Knuckleheads and throwing towels at the coach and

Becoming um uh malc contents right um but currently Marcus Morris might become a potential buyout option would you guys bring Marcus Morris back I don’t know bro Sunny weams that’s code that name is so like I remember that but I don’t remember Sunny Willams nefarious Mech says remember uh

Lou aminon that dude was a goat he was a taller wider ponytail having PJ Tucker at the power forward position uh Lou aminon is a phoenix Legend and uh while we’re bringing up random names of past Suns players you ain’t never seen a bigger Archie Goodwin fan

Than me okay here’s what I said once once about oh [ __ ] he said John lure I remember John lure one time I said this out loud okay I was young so relax all right this was years ago I said I remember this that Archie Goodman reminds me of Michael Jordan without the jumper

I that’s how much I loved Archie and I follow Archie on on uh Twitter and I commented on one of his posts recently and he liked it and responded and that was when I said God take me now I’m ready to be be received into your arms

And then he said you ain’t coming up here why don’t you look down bub and then I said oh [ __ ] you know oh my god Tommy DJ strawberry code I I’m glad I got somebody in here who liked who liked uh Archie as much as me I feel like our

System and team and Coach screwed him and to be honest he might have could have benefited from one more year in college at Kentucky right right uh RI code DJ strawberry I remember those days those were good days got a 199 Dono here from Chris Chan said Tony Delk 50 points or Jamal

Crawford 50 points I gotta be honest Tony Delk I think is just outside my memory I don’t think I remember Tony Delk but I was at that Jamal Crawford 50 burger game I was actually there and we had ran Holmes who could potentially become available and I would kill for for ran

Holmes to be on this team I really would deante Christmas uh what was Reed’s first name since you want to bring up Deontay Christmas what was Reed was it was it Paul Reed man I thought that dude was going to be good um Suave said if only Goodwin would

Have dropped his shot or passing or defense haha but I would score he was so good at getting to the rim I could score 40 40 points a game in 2K just Euro stepping to the rim with Archie you know Slayers shut up oh but Slayers if

You’re right Slayers if meu got waved then he would have to get picked up by another team and waved again before we could get him back but that is interesting if he got wave Devon Reed thank you there is a Paul Reed but you’re talking about yeah I I meant to

Say Devon Reed I wanted Devon Reed to be good from Miami bro number 32 that was my dude Chris said bro I used to sell recreational Zaza to ran Holmes when he was with the Kings that’s crazy and ran Holmes’s mom is a goat on Twitter she’s

Like one of the best NBA moms so shout out to Mama Holmes if you ever hear this Troy Daniels Emperor Roy boy was a shooter um you know I even liked it when we had uh what was his name it was just a couple of years ago

Point guard he was a little bit older hit a couple hit a gamewinner against the Spurs for us can you guys think of who I’m talking about point guard 55 I think was his number he had a number in the 50s Emperor Roy so I was a huge taon

Alexander fan because he’s iwan thank you etan iwan we never should have got rid of iwan maybe nowadays we wouldn’t need him but I loved Ewan um taan Alexander was a two-way we had a few years ago I loved him because he’s from kraton in Omaha where

I’m from and that was the college that I would have went to if I had good grades um I got a high school scholarship to play basketball I got a high school scholarship offer from kraton prep their Catholic preparatory school and I I my grades were so bad they were

Like good one good one so I’m a kraton fan so that’s why I was such a big taan Alexander fan um jayen L jayen baby Westbrook L I lost sleep when we traded him code I lost sleep because I thought he was really gonna be baby Westbrook nefarious did we actually have Jaylen

Rose Aaron Baines is a sad case Roy because he was perfect for the Suns and then we let him go and then he had a really scary injury um in I think it was feba play and I don’t think he’s ever made it back to the

NBA Vision abdell nater was like the one player that I didn’t like who I was actually right about I couldn’t stand abdell he was too uh he was just way too tunnel vision I didn’t like his game at all yeah Ruben I’m old enough to remember

That Zona said Jaylen Rose bald out here in Phoenix damn how do I not remember that I became a Suns fan in 2008 so Alec Peters of course I remember Alec Peters um what could have been burner but I was I was the worst uh I was the

Worst student as you can imagine I got my GED I didn’t even finish high school because they were like yeah you’re gonna have to you’re gonna have to come back for for for some math classes next year I was like ain’t doing it and I still have

Stress dreams that I’m in high school because like seriously every year or so or you know every six months I’ll have a stress dream where I’m in high school and they’re giving me homework and making me do stuff and I’m thinking in my head now I’m I’m I’m in my 30s but I’m

In high school do I have high school basketball eligibility left this is the dream that I constantly have and then I remember I don’t want to do what screw it I’ve got my GD I don’t even know why I’m here and then I wake up anybody have any weird dreams like

That Rex Chapman yeah I was a bulls fan back back when they had I was a little a little kid and I was still a a bulls fan code said Chase Budinger yeah he wasn’t with us for very long though that was shortlived uh F said I got my GED too

But just graduated college there you go that’s what’s up Roy I was also a gimmer for Deb believer I thought that we were going to be the ones see because when you bring somebody like PJ Tucker somebody no one’s ever heard of um and you turn him into somebody that a

Can a title can Contender once and somebody who gets a decent bag I’m thinking oh for de sure we’ll turn him into something no not even close Chris says Gabe loved Hakeem Warick okay I also uttered the words Hakeem Warick is aari stmy without the

Jump shot okay that was kind of my thing that’s how I described players and I was kind of right because Hakeem Mori fit pretty nicely in that pick and role with Steve Nash but he was like the skinny Target version of Amari those are some fun highlights

Though yeah it is fun to go down memory Road like that and think about some of these players and like code said we’ve come a long way we are all the way on the other side of the planet we are on the other side of the basketball Universe we’re in a different

Multiverse where one of the top three to five best players of all time is on our team playing like the goat that he is Bradley Beal who used to be in the conversation for who’s better Beal or Booker and at that time Beal was averaging 31 points a game and had a 60

Burger and was the leading scorer in the entire NBA and now we’ve got him with Booker yeah burner UB was The One That Got Away um in fact here’s how I felt about Kelly UB okay that’s a Kelly UB Jersey okay not getting rid of it CUA Someday my beautiful

Gorgeous once again terrific eyes I mean look at Uber ‘s eyes my beautiful baby boy will return to me someday and I’m going to take that Jersey and get it signed when he’s there all right I don’t care if UB is 50 years old if we can get

Him back I want him on the team yeah burner and I I was passing that off as a as a Chris Paul jersey for for a while so I got my money’s worth gny Lal who said it who said it you deserve money for that who said it

First Chris Chan I loved gnie okay look here’s the sitch gnie lawall came to the Suns at a time when we still had Steve Nash Steve Nash could take anyone and raise the level of their play tfold that’s why I thought uh Hakeem war was going to be

Something and I was dumb enough to think gny lawall would be something and if you want a good case in point Marchin Gortat March and Gortat was like a borderline Allstar for the Suns um because of Steve Nash he was good with Orlando he was really good

When he got Steve Nash passing him the ball same thing like we were seeing with da and Chris Paul Chris Paul and Ricky Rubio really help da um code said Gortat was another eighton so you didn’t like you didn’t like Gortat my issue with Gortat was he used

To be the Polish hammer and then he broke his finger dunking too hard and he started playing differently he started trying to just do like softer Layin because he didn’t want to hurt his hand and he changed his name to the Polish machine and once he changed his name to

The Polish machine and stopped hammering it on on people I you know I fell off Roy said ell aobo I had slight interest in in um okobo but okobo but he just he never really gave us anything except for in in France you saw him do do work in France

Um burner burner one of these days that’s going to be a real sentence all right so don’t don’t push us too far ahead head here uh so your fa your most hated was Brandon Knight dude I believed in Brandon Knight I thought Brandon Knight was nice I thought he was going to be

Nice for there were times when he was but then he completely lost his confidence and fell off yeah I I do remember the Suns having Luke Longley we drafted aobo over Jaylen Brunson that’s disgusting race balding and Emperor Roy Ray Spalding I was at that game where uh

Uh old boy went off for 50 like we were just talking about and we had ran Holmes and we had Ray Spalding and Ray Spalding started that game uh because we were trying to lose we we were getting position for draft uh for for a draft uh

All right guys my wife’s in the chat now not so silently hinting she wants me to get off of the stream Ty Jerome code I want I thought Ty Jerome was baby Steve Nash okay so you actually like him too I thought he had something I thought he had something

Tyler Johnson Roy hooped for us like he would get weirdly hot from three for us you know have a good night TC um yeah Chris just donate a quick 500 we’ll be good Tim Thomas I was there when Tim Thomas was there um maybe you guys can help me think of this last

Name there was a center for the Suns he was a no-name center Nash was still there this would have been in like 200 six seven or eight maybe somewhere around there six seven or eight and um he wasn’t anything special but I saw him at a nightclub in Tempe Brian

Skinner thank you how the [ __ ] did you guess that bro I told Brian Skinner in person you the man I told Brian Skinner he was the man I was like 20 years old I was excited I saw a son’s player how did you know that bro I couldn’t even remember that name

If I got paid saw him at a nightclub my favorite nightclub that I never left with any girls baby don’t you worry about that okay I knew I was going to meet you someday and I was like nah I’m good I’m good and I told him he was is the man

And my friend looked at me like I was on crack I’m like what am I supposed to say you want me to talk [ __ ] to him he plays for the Suns he do turkalo is one of the the worst signings especially for the money that Sarver gave

Him um all right guys thank you for hanging out with us once again tomorrow 5:30 Central 4:30 uh Valley time me and Sund are going to be on the bleacher report app live you guys showed up more than I thought you would honest to God we had

So many of you there last stream it was it was baller and and nobody was negative to us even Bleacher Report people were were nice to us so thank you we would love to see more of you there um I’ll tweet links I’ll tweet I’ll uh

Do a community post again I’ll put it in the Discord so our stalker can watch us too thank you guys for hanging out with us uh and and you know I guess we get to we get to shout it out here Suns win Sons Win For Real bring back Archie Goodwin

In some kind of a administrative role I don’t know get him back in our Organization for the love of God so win we ain’t losing another game baby we’re going to the Super Bowl type [ __ ]

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Game begins at 7:00pm Valley Time.
Gabe and Sundo will call the game and react live with the chat.

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  1. My only complaint with Allen. I wish he showed more determination to disrupt great shooters. Force them to go to the basket. 3>2 points.

  2. But I think we should keep Allen in the starting lineup. Continuity is so important. We saw how much better Gordon shot as a starter. I believe Allen is the same.

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