@Phoenix Suns

Everything the Phoenix Suns did on trade deadline day was exhilarating

Everything the Phoenix Suns did on trade deadline day was exhilarating

And Mars Arizona Sports the local sports leader Bley blast in the NBA we have become mesmerized by huge Marquee names and Superstars switching teams and if that’s what you were expecting you might have been disappointed by Thursday’s trade deadline but not me I believe the Suns additions and their subtractions namely

Adding Royce O’Neal to the rotation and shipping out for disappointing bench players was exhilarating I mean who wipes out most of their bench in February well Matt ishia does and what he did clearly invigorated the fan base maybe even the basketball team and I think that’s happening for a few

Different reasons number one no one in their right mind is questioning the Kevin Durant trade anymore not with KD playing at a superstar level which has brought a lot of I don’t know Redemption if you will to Matt ispia number two most basketball fans know this team needed something different that

Something was missing with this group and number three because the suns are now 50.6 million over the salary cap which brings a whopping $20 million luxury tax bill now there is no greater proof of an owner’s commitment to winning than that spending until it hurts spending at levels that no one

Expects of you spending everything you’re allowed to spend to secure the Larry O’Brien trophy so it’s a 30 game Sprint to the title now folks with a tweak team a maxed out budget and an owner who pays more than just lip service to the pursuit of a championship all right today’s bitley

Blast brought to you by my great friends at Chapman BMW they make luxury attainable they have two great locations find them online at Chapman that speaks volumes for sure you know um he’s kind of like you know he’s kind of putting it on us now too you know like

I’m I’m he’s doing his part and like we got to do ours and so you don’t see that a lot in our league you don’t see a lot of owners you know kind of taking their teams by the horn and like no I want to

Win and I want to win in you know the right way and the best way with the with a good team and he has that vision and Hell he’s in practices he’s he’s on trips with us like he’s he’s super locked in and I think that that uplifts

You as a team too you know just to see his engagement and uh how much he loves the team how much he’s embracing the city um he’s embracing the staff learn trying to learn everybody learn how he can be better how the the area can be better

How facility can be better like it’s a brand new facility he’s trying to make it better you know just it’s it’s like he’s all he’s about all the right things so you know so we got to put up a Shir up that is Bradley Beal last night talking about the commitment Matt ispia

And owner of the Suns is making to this team and you mentioned it going over a $20 million luy tax bill um he is he’s committed and some people are critics of that because uh you know the way that this roster has been constructed now with the second luxury tax apron uh

Surpassed what does it do for the Suns well we saw them a team with restrictions at the trade deadline first time around on this on this merry-go round I think at least on paper and that’s the only way we can judge it right now on paper they got better which

That’s no small that’s no small Fe in itself with the restrictions that were on this team and again this is this is not this is not in any way shape or form a homer review of the Phoenix Suns because as I said earlier in the aggregation of most um NBA types who

Write winners and losers of the NBA tread deadline list you won’t find the Suns in either category what they acquire doesn’t reach that level if you’re a national media dude that you’d go oh the Suns killed it but it LO but locally after watching this team play

Basketball for 50 1 games going into last night clearly there are some issues with this basketball team now the point guard issue may or may not be a be a problem that that bites him in the backside once the postseason gets here but they certainly improved their perimeter

Defense by adding Royce O’Neal who’s a hardcore never take a play off never take a night off kind of guy and and I think that kind of guy when you hear Frank vogle complaining about the team’s disposition or their Edge I think this kind of guy helps that and and helping

The perimeter defense is something this basketball team needs I think we’ve seen that and and so and more to the point when you dial out it’s just it’s so rare for a basketball team just to take four guys and and and you’re right all four of

These guys that they shipped off at one point in time we were all raving about them too so you’ve got to table that but but I just like the fact that that most owners I honestly believe they would looking in looking in the it looking at

A bill of maybe $20 million of luxury tax which Mt HB does have now most owners regardless of their wealth would go n let’s just play this out we’ve got all these guys we brought in let’s just see what this looks like that’s what they would do they wouldn’t be as

Proactive and so it’s just the action even more so than the names that are in and out that that have me kind of stoked here I mean for people who don’t know this is a basketball franchise that once gave up a second round draft pick to get

Rid of TJ Warren and acquire cash and TJ Warren was a really good scorer at that time yeah this is a basketball team that traded off Kurt Thomas what was that deals of that trade it was so ridiculous that how ridiculous was that Greg papovich acquired Kurt Thomas and put

Him in his starting lineup in a game against the Suns just to put up the middle finger to the previous owner it happened and and we I could sit here for the next 30 minutes and go down a litany list of of just budget related nonsense

That got in the way of our pursuit of a championship and my biggest fear with the previous owner was that if we ever got really close we would never get over the hump because he would never ever Venture into the luxury tax tax realm no it’s true we would never we would never

Get over the hump because he was such a hump what a hump so so that that to me is what’s kind of got me stoked here and it it’s it it just kind of feels like okay we’ve had 52 games of weirdness and up and down and highs and lows and

Injuries and this and that and now now it just feels like it’s on you know what I mean it feels like to me like it’s going to be the nuggets the Clippers the Suns and the Mavericks and the Thunder and the Timberwolves are going to kind

Of fall down a little bit and and I just bring it let’s go let’s freaking party I think you’ve upset the Thunder fan that’s in town who would that be fan singular I don’t know who it is there’s got to be just one though there’s got to

Be one and look I like the Thunder Mor than I like the Timberwolves I just the timber wolves are just yeah uh here’s Frank Vogal on the four players that the sun sent off in trades yesterday yeah I want to start by just just thanking uh

Chimzi kada UDA and goody uh those guys have been really good culture fits for us it’s uh it’s always difficult uh you know to say goodbye to uh you know good good guys and culture guys teammates for these guys um those guys put in a lot of

Hard work they’re a big reason why we’re where we are today and and the success we’ve been having and um we definitely wish them well yeah that and that being said like you pointed out in the blast four guys who had opportunities to you know nail down rotation spots with this

Team and were unable to do so so to add a player that you you know is going to be a rotation guy from day one in Royce O’Neal for four guys that weren’t that is a win it was also weird to go for the Suns to go through a trade deadline uh

And after the trade deadline Tory Craig’s not part of the team oh right how about that first time in three years right well listen and you you you think about how things have changed and you brought up how you felt about Utah Wabi when they signed him I I tracked down um

A story from Forbes Magazine August 13 2023 the headline reads how the Suns nailed their off season by signing Utah wanabi yeah that that was that was a consensus they thought he was going to be the perimeter guy that was going to make everyone pay for the double teams

I’ll give Professor humperdink a little uh credit there Luke Linsky because he actually pointed out that the Suns probably were the first team ever to trade a Utah and play Utah on the same day wow right you’re not going to get that anywhere else from Wolf and Humper

Dink coming up at 10: a.m. it’s incredible stuff well listen i’ I’ve been telling you of the greatness of Luke Linsky for a while you just will not listen to me farret something wrong with your microphone I guess don’t say don’t go down that road again I’m still scarred

From the last problem with microphone so here here comes the question now Royce O’Neal and a perimeter Defender would fit really good in the starting lineup do you put him in the starting lineup and sit Grayson Allen or do you leave things be I think that’s the very I thought you

Were going to go the full Charles Barkley round do you put Bradley Beal on the bench you we might have to Circle back around we can do that we can do that pushing buttons thanks for watching Bley and click to see the latest ble blast and hit the button in the middle to

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On the Bickley Blast following the NBA trade deadline, Dan Bickley said the Suns’ moves were “exhilarating.”

Video: Felisa Cárdenas and Jeremy Schnell/Arizona Sports

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  1. But, according to Suns Twitter, we didn't get Miles Bridges so it destroys our chance for a championship lol

  2. I don’t know, but I feel Chimezie Metu was good, Keita Bates-Diop played good, and Jordan Goodwin was a good bench player.

    Yuta Watanabe didn’t get a chance to prove himself. He used to shoot very well in Brooklyn.

  3. They usually forget how to play basketball in the 4th quarter. Gene Hackman needs to come out with measuring tape and tell them rim height is same height as the 3rd quarter.

  4. How often can this new owner pay out luxury tax. Sarver do that the first few years till he reigned in the money. The Window for a Championship with Durant and Beals is a small window. The Suns went from a young team to an old team that is a concern as well.

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