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Shaq & Chuck Get Into a Shouting Match | Inside the NBA

Shaq & Chuck Get Into a Shouting Match | Inside the NBA

You talk about a a tight race at the top of the conference it’s going to go down to the wire too aren’t yeah let’s let’s take a look because you saw you saw Denver win you saw Minnesota win uh identical records of 36 and 16 look at

OKC right there at 35 and 16 and the Clippers who have been smoking right behind them and oh by the way uh the Phoenix Suns New Orleans Pelicans have quietly been playing Super Ball in are nine games over 500 so do we have time to talk uh yeah that’s what we do Kenny

I asked you earlier you don’t want to be four no I’m I asked you earlier what do you what do you think about Gordon Haywood going to the Thunder I think you know healthy healthy Gordon Haywood is one thing or or they you know up and down you know they he brings veteran

Leadership he brings things off the bench you could start them at times well he’s coming off the bench for sure but you can have different lineups huh they don’t need them yeah well it’s it’s good to have veteran leadership coming off the bench they’re a young team I don’t

Think anybody on their team has ever been anywhere close to going deep in the playoffs to have a veteran guy in the locker room and coming off the bench I think I think that could be a good pickup for the Thunder the one thing I

Was saying sh I I just don’t when I saying you don’t want to be four you know as we watch Gordon Haywood because five and six are going to be really good teams right now that’s Phoenix and New Orleans so like it’s not if you’re the four seed and you have to

Start out with one of those two teams or vice versa those three teams if they end up 456 that is a tough tough matchup uh for anyone one two and three you can get out the first round pretty easily and if you’re because you’re going to be

Overmatched matching the team I I I disagree with champ cuz Three G three might be playing the Pelicans and Kenny yeah three and three and four are going to be in for some first round if you’re a real Champion you want to get the tough teams out of the way anyway don’t

Matter that’s not that’s not the way it’s gone work if you first of all first of all you been there five times I’ve been there I don’t care you don’t you’re not going to play you’re not going to play I don’t want to hear I don’t care

How loud you are you’re not going to play no bad teams in the in the once you get past the first running away from the tough teams let’s running away from the tough team you got to play tough teams deeper in the playoffs louder louder no

He just said you don’t want to be four cuz I don’t want to play boom and Bam I want to play boom and Bam early get him out of there but he that those aren’t the team that got to beat he was talking about the looking and the Suns you going

To have to play you going to have to play the Clippers you going to have to play the Clippers and the Nuggets he up here talking like he’s scared I want to get that’s not what he said two different things that’s not what he said two different things between that’s not

What he said I don’t want to play them or I don’t think I can beat them the reason is I know that they can play deeper in the so I don’t want to go into six seven games and beat them I’m not sweeping those guys so okay I I’m

Sweeping seven and eight we’re going to get rest because I can’t take the chance that Dame Lillard Twisted an ankle Anto tupo I can’t take a chance Oak uh Shay gild getting uh tired hurt I can’t just take the chance let me get one round through and then I’m ready okay all bets

Off because I just don’t want to play six games in the first round care I don’t care who we playing in the first round how about okay I don’t care who we playing I’d rather not play but I think I think Kenny’s point was if you if you

Show the list again you put the standards back up we can do that he scared of the Suns no that’s is he’s not nobody scared of anybody we’re all can you put the stats back up please he’s scared of the sons that’s not what he said don’t matter what he said the

Way I think the way I think this thing is going to finish it’s going to be the Clippers and the Nuggets going to be one and two what Shaq what Kenny’s point was if you’re the Thunder of the Wolves playing the Pelicans or the signs that’s going to be

A hell of a series okay but I want to get the three juggernauts out the way I the J at the top we’re talking about the first round of the playoff book and a bill can take over a game all they need is two good two good games out that’s

What he said why he’s saying that’s that’s why that’s what K said I want to take Kevin Durant out I want to get his ass up the whole playoff you worried about him over the Joker uh the first round yeah no no I don’t want that in

First why not give me rest I want to rest cuz I want to be somebody and keep it moving no you do not want this smoke young fell that was a lot of fun shoo that spot sh bring oh number two

Shaq and Charles Barkley go at it while discussing potential Western Conference Playoffs matchups on Inside the NBA.

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  1. Scenario 1: easy teams first and hardest at the end
    Scenario 2: hardest teams first and easy at the end

    There is no world in which I would choose to roll the dice playing the fully rested hard teams first when I can get further into the playoffs and have a better chance against them tired at the end.

  2. Shaq is talking out his ass. There's a reason why seeding is a thing. You want the middle seeded teams to have long series games that way the top seeded teams face them later in the playoffs. Why would a team like the nuggets want to face the suns or clippers in the first round? "To get them out the way"?? Makes no sense.

  3. Shaq don’t even make sense why would you want to play your hardest series first. From a strategy perspective it doesn’t make sense. Playing teams that aren’t as good early gives you a better chance to keep advancing. Yes, I don’t doubt teams are confident no matter who it is they can win. But I don’t think any players from that top half are willingly wanting to see a healthy suns/lakers team (assuming they take a jump after all-star break) in the first round which is why you want to be high in the standings.

  4. Shaq has always had a get them out the "Inside". That's why he is the most "Dominating Center". That's why he don't understand.

  5. Can we all appreciate the top 4 teams are bascly all at the same level and W/L. This is the best level of competition for the finals in the history of the league

  6. Why they arguing.. the league is going to use refs to control this thing… 7 games all day.. lol more money

  7. I’m so tired of Shaq’s whining, and crying to the point I can’t watch the nba on tnt. I use to think Kobe was a dick for the way he treated Shaq. Sorry Kobe, I get it now.

  8. It's moment's like these that show he is the weakest of the 4 on inside the NBA. When logic eludes you, you can't bully logic and be right lol I love when he laughs at/with Chuck but he still needs to grow up in certain ways.

  9. Shaq Dumb Ass… he always bring up winning a chip over chuck head, When winning a chip is the ONLY REASON His dumb ass is sitting there. That shit getting old. 🥱

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