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Wild Details REVEALED on Schroder Trade – Woj Report on Raptors Plans for Bruce Brown | Raptors News

Wild Details REVEALED on Schroder Trade – Woj Report on Raptors Plans for Bruce Brown | Raptors News

Some wild details have come out about Dennis schruder and his departure from the Toronto Raptors because probably one of the most shocking trades yesterday was seeing two guys who have been in the Toronto Raptors rotation definitely over the past month shooter who is the starter for this team at the beginning

Of the Season being dealta away for literally the right to wave Spencer dwiti so we’re going to break down some deals that LE led to led to that trade actually happening for the Toronto Raptors as well as a report that came out from Adrian morowski that provided more insight into the Toronto Raptor

Plans for Bruce Brown and what we can expect for him in the future you know with this Toronto Raptor team so lots of stuff to sink our teeth into today but before we do that folks again over 56% of our viewers are not subscribed to the

Channel and we want to keep you up to dat with everything regarding this torona Raptors team and now with the trade deadline passed you know there’s going to be a lot of things to dive into and to look for for the second half of this season because it’s really going to

Be telling for the future of this Toronto Raptors organization how these players play together who we bring in the buyout Market everything like that so mean the world to me if you guys could hit that subscribe button but let’s dive in the first topic of discussion the first thing we’re taking

A look at is wild details revealed on the Dennis shuder trade now Dennis shuder is a guy that again surprised a lot of Toronto Raptor fans probably this season being a last minute option you know after Fred Van v maybe not surprisingly to Toronto Raptors fans but

It feels like took the front office off guard when he left the Toronto Raptors in the off season and quickly the Raptors pivoted and brought in Dennis shuder to be the starting point guard for this team now as the season gone along and the Raptors lost a few games

The team didn’t live up to expectations Dennis shoter didn’t keep that starting job he was moved to the bench and then a couple days after he was moved to the bench Emanuel quickly he ended up coming into being the starting point guard for this Toronto Raptor’s future and apparently Dennis

Shoter wasn’t too happy with all that basically news has come out that Dennis shooter wasn’t thrilled about coming off the bench for a rebuilding team shooter wasn’t exactly thrilled with being relegated to the bench on a rebuilding team after coming to the Toronto Raptors in the offseason with high hopes of

Starting and leading a playoff team so that was the pitch Messi jery sent to the to De shooter sent to him and frankly he didn’t lie that was the goal that was the approach that’s the direction the Toronto Raptors took this off season they reigned yaka purle they

Brought him in at the center spot they figured that this team with Pascal cak with OG and anobi and then any shooter stepping in could make a playoff run they thought that was the case the team looked better at the end of last season with an actual Center so I believe that

Messi Jerry genuinely thought that and that’s probably why Dennis shuder came in and signed a pretty friendly contract to be with the Toronto Raptor so when things didn’t work out and he ended up getting moved to the bench which again was a smart play when things weren’t

Working out for the strona Raptors group then uh you know things are falling apart so you get why Dennis shooter was kind of frustrated you can get why where he’s coming from along those lines and again he was having a solid year you know nothing too too crazy you know

Nothing comparable to his best seasons with the Oklahoma City Thunder and LA Lakers you know 14 points I guess comparable but nothing too outstanding but uh 14 points six assists a solid solid season for Dennis shooter with the Toronto Raptors but again we weren’t winning games he wasn’t going to be the

PG of the future he was a little bit older the Raptors it made sense to sort of deal him away if he was frustrated and the fact that we have so many guards on this Toronto Raptors team here now at this point right A lot of them need

Minutes in order to develop I mean it we were seeing games in the past week or so where you know Jordan B would go nuclear when he’ actually get on the court but then he’s getting coach’s decision dmps because leading into the trade deadline we had Emanuel quickley RJ Barrett Bruce

Brown Dennis shuder Grady dick Jordan War all guys and then don’t forget about uh you know Freeman Liberty coming off the bench potentially Maris Noel’s potential sort of guards that could get some run on the Raptors in the future Kira Lewis Jr was also a guy we acquired

Via trade in that Pascal cakam deal that some speculate it might be able to get some run and then also Scotty Burns naturally wanting to play the point guard position we were loow and Gary Trent junr goodness gracious another guard on this team I mean the Raptors

Still to this point you know not dealing away Bruce Brown we have a lot of point guards shooting guards are going to need some run in order to develop particularly obviously IQ and RJ Barrett we want them to get reps in as the real future backward for this team Gary Trent

Jr’s only 25 we’ll see how his future sort of entails as Bobby Webster sort of revealed his future with the Toronto Raptors is to be determined right now grd dick seems like an integral piece to this future team you know we have uh War who’s surprised a lot of people coming

In from that Pacers package I mean we have some guys that need some minutes so shudder getting dealt away especially if he’s frustrated especially if he’s not happy with this role and again he seemed like an actual leader for this team but he has had some locker room issues in

The past over see it didn’t seem like that was the case with the Toronto Raptors you know seem to be buying in liked head coach Darko rakovich didn’t seem to be like a locker room cancer or anything like that but smart to sort of deal away a guy that is frustrated with

His role give him an opportunity to play somewhere else even though the Brooklyn Nets I guess they are trying to compete are trying to improve and then maybe you know have have an opportunity for him to start down there and see how things shake out for the Brooklyn Nets but

Indicates to me the torona Raptors are going in that uh younger Direction even though they brought in Kelly oink and now we have aaji as well right uh we uh dealway shooter probably pushing that tank not overtly losing but pushing for that top six pick so we’ll see how

Things sort of shake out there but I’m thankful for Dennis shoter for coming in gave it his best go always brought the effort always brought the energy hoping he gets picked up and finds an opportunity on an actual team or finds the role he’s looking for but next thing

We’re taking a look at is a w report on the Raptor plans for Bruce Brown now probably the most surprising Factor fact of the trade deadline is that a guy that you know in Bruce Brown who was rumored to be dealt away pretty well almost guaranteed heading into into the trade

Deadline didn’t end up getting dealt even though we were told that teams were offering firsts and things along those lines but Adrian morowski dropped a little bomb post you know trade deadline revealing the Toronto Raptor’s plans for Bruce Brown and seeing what’s going on so basically he came out on his sort of

Post trade deadline show and gave a deep dive in terms of what was happening with Bruce Brown in his future and the first thing is that the Toronto Raptors just weren’t receiving the offers that they were hoping for for Bruce Brown for a multitude of reasons one they couldn’t

Package players alongside Bruce Brown in any of these deals given the fact he was just acquired from the Indiana Pacers so there were a lot of restrictions in terms of what the Raptors could actually how they could uh actually facilitate one of these trades made the cap situations a lot trickier because again

If you make a trade and you attach players they have to be two separate trades so it’s uh that’s what they had to do for the Utah Jazz steel but that makes things a lot harder to navigate you know you want things that are kind of simple easy to sort of send one

Player this way send one player back that way now when the NBA draft comes around the Raptors be eligible to trade Bruce Brown’s contract if they pick up his option or his you know figure out things with his future situation that’s also something W uh revealed sort of in

This presser that the Raptors have a lot of optionality now with his sort of Team option that’s $20 million plus for next season they can either pick that up keep him on this team they think about retooling or as W sort of predict it and this is sort of the big quote that’s

Been taken away he fully expects Bruce Brown to be traded at the NBA draft because then you know teams uh you more options to potentially deal him away in terms of no restrictions in terms of the 60-day sort of uh I don’t know what to

Call that imp pass for you to not be able to trade up and then also teams are sort of go through their playoff runs know what they kind of want leading into the off season draft selections are also there you know who in the draft is available and things along those lines

And the Raptors weren’t that interested in bringing back another 2024 piece you know just another random 2024 draft pick so if uh and again those draft picks become a lot less valuable when they’re actually selected so maybe you could finesse your guy you know if someone selected you could trade Bruce Brown to

That team and end up acquiring him there’s a lot of interesting Pathways to go with Bruce Brown so w said there’s a lot of optionality there’s a big it’s going to be a big market for Bruce Brown probably more so in the off season so that’s the torona Raptor plan to

Probably deal him away during this summer so you know the Raptors had a crazy crazy trade season even if it didn’t work out perfectly on trade line day as some Raptor signs wanted the entire team to be nuked and traded and broken down but that wasn’t the case but

The Raptors seems like they’re pursuing the tank for 2024 we’ll be covering all the games we’ll be covering it all so on the Raptor side subscribe to the channel if you guys haven’t already anyways you guys the best I’m signing out cheers

Reports have come out revealing that Toronto Raptors former point guard Dennis Schroder was frustrated ahead of this year’s trade deadline. Ben Rogers breaks down this report along with an update from Adrian Wojnarowski revealing the Raptors’ future plans for Bruce Brown.

0:00 Toronto Raptors News
1:06 Wild Details REVEALED on Schroder Trade
5:45 Woj Report on Raptors Plans for Bruce Brown

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  1. Sorry, Schroder was a good player, however, a lot of Jacked up a lot of ill timed shots and he LOOKED to value his own play more than the teams play. I wondered why he appeared to be more of a loaner away from the court.

  2. You know that tanking out to the bottem doesnt guarntee the pick right. You still have to go through the draft lottery. Tanking just improves your odds of rolling the first overall pick. I think its 32% for top 4 and 7.5% for the 1st pick for us right now. I feel like theres an impression that if we just finish in this place we 100% get the pick because that is not the case…

  3. None of these trades surprised me…I expected most if not all of those dead weight pieces where to shipped out…what is a surprise to me how fast the New York Knicks move Malachi Flynn to the Pistons,he one step closer to becoming a Shanghai Shark 🦈 lol

  4. Ochai will also need guard minutes. I think based off of our teams size. I would use RJ at 3 and Gradey as backup 3 for now.

    I am excited to see if Ochai will improve in a new franchise.



    Obviously we have other guys and I could see boucher getting dnp and them using Nwora more.

  5. Sure I can see the rationale for moving Dennis, but why and how did they get nothing in return for him when there were plenty of teams looking for a solid backup PG??

  6. Raptors gave that man almost 30 mill in guaranteed money. He should be grateful to Canada for the rest of his life.

  7. I genuinely feel like Dennis liked being in Toronto. Kinda feel bummed out that he got traded for nothing

  8. I am calling the new big 3, Barnes, Barrett, and Quickley BBQ! Hopefully, they start cooking sooner than later. Nobobdy wants to see this team at the bottom or mid for long.

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