@Phoenix Suns

Why Phoenix Suns fans should be excited for the addition of Royce O’Neale, David Roddy

Why Phoenix Suns fans should be excited for the addition of Royce O’Neale, David Roddy

I like days like yesterday wolf where like we know that the trade deadline is during our show right I I I just I like stuff like that like we got to try to put together the what the playoff rotation is going to look like as as we

Were doing the show like on the Fly after they made the trade you love that energy I just yeah I just like I like the unknown I like the spontaneity but now we have you know some audio from people like Frank vogle and and their reactions that’s the one thing you don’t

Have in a situation like that because it’s all happening in real time this is uh Frank vogle his thoughts on on the newest additions to the Phoenix Suns last night we’re really excited about the guys we have coming in you know Royce O’Neal and David Rody two guys

That we we really feel like are going to are going to help us um I love that Matt ispia is willing to to spend even more and do whatever it takes to uh to give us the best chance to win an NBA championship for this city you know I

Mean he’s just all in on that um you know this was a deal that did that cost us more money but it’s something that uh you know in particular with with Royce O’Neal who’s who a a high level role player he’s been a starter for the

Better part of the last uh 5 years or so and um on some on some good teams too some really good team number one seed team in in Utah a few years back um just an exceptional Defender exceptional uh three-point shooter and a winner you know and uh to get somebody like David

Rody who is you know just elevates our toughness and intelligence he’s a smart player and very physical uh represents who we want to be and was a first- round pick two years ago you know so I mean he’s a he’s a really really talented young man that we’re excited to get in

Our program man where do you begin where do you begin on this I’ll tell you I I don’t know how much David Rody will see in the playoffs he’s still very young still very early in his career first round pick in 2022 but what Frank vogle said there at

The end about him that he’s smart and physical and that’s what we want our team to be I mean I think that’s not the Frank vogle he’s usually pretty straightforward for a coach but I mean that’s very much like this is what we want our team identity to be smart and

Physical yeah you know for me um just listening to what Frank had to say there and not only that but just reading more and more and more on Royce O’Neal man I’m I I’ve got to tell you I’m a little smitten on Royce O’Neal right now based

On the more that I read about him as a not just the player but the person as well um it’s filling me with an expectation level where maybe I should just back off a little bit right now on Royce O’Neal and let him ease in to the reputation at some point expecting 40

Points in the in the first game with like 18 rebounds this I honestly think this is exactly what the Phoenix Suns need here’s um here’s David lock Jazz play-by-play guy uh talking about Royce O’Neal so he’s a free agent undrafted out of Baylor and he comes to a training

Like a free aging camp at the Jazz and it’s a morning and an afternoon session the morning session They’re all playing and they find a tooth on the floor and no one’s cooping to whose tooth it is so finally they figured out it’s Royce’s Royce has had his tooth knocked out he

Hasn’t said a word to anyone at all so finally they tell Royce you you can’t keep playing like you had a tooth knocked out we got to take you to the doctor and get it fixed and Royce plays the night session that’s Royce O’Neal that’s how tough he is he plays the

Night session he ends up we end up signing him and he ends up becoming building an NBA career out the second one I would tell you about him is there’s certain guys in this league that you hit and it’s soft certain other guys that you know just you hit Royce O’Neal

Is like hit in the wall and you’ll watch it now every single time someone drives into Royce O’Neal they’ll whoa what did I just hit and the guys on the team used to talk about all the time like oh man driving into Royce O’Neal is just hitting a brick wall so you’re getting

That toughness that physicality he’s also a great dude and you’re also getting his mom who’s one of the single greatest characters in the world with the biggest smile and I’m just bum we’re not playing Phoenix game cuz I want to give her a hug well that was that was pretty

Definitive oh my goodness does that feel good right there this is what I’m talking about this is exactly what the Phoenix Suns needed a little physicality a little bit more physicality a little bit more toughness oh my goodness a little bit more defense man this this is this is exactly

What I’m talking about I heard this with Tim ring Tim ring actually talking to what is this guy’s name again David lock okay David lock right there okay um talking to him about Royce O’Neal and getting that kind of perspective it just um yeah it fills me with an expectation

That I should probably back off and lower that expectation a little bit but Royce O’Neal is going to fill exactly what I think the sons need physicality the toughness the intensity have you heard one thing about Royce O’Neal in the last 24 hours that you don’t like No

In fact it all seems it the way he’s being described especially there it’s like they created him in some sort of like basketball chamber and they were like okay let’s put all the ingredients that wolf wants in a player for the Suns all right this is who we’re going to

Have now I want to play these two this is Kevin Durant after the game we were talking about this yesterday KD was Royce O’Neal’s teammate at the start of last year so again it’s it’s my that they don’t trade for a guy like this unless KD is like yeah that guy’s going

To fit here yeah absolutely he talked about what he likes about Royce O’Neal IQ um play with guys that can score the ball U almost his whole career and uh you know underrated a passer can shoot the basketball you know just just a basketball player to be honest like you

Know positionist basketball player that’s going to help us out and fit in you know so I’m excited about him I love being around Roy and can’t wait to keep building with him as a as a person first them as a teammate and he talked about how he’ll specifically fit in with the

Suns yeah yeah I mean being able to guard a few positions being able to initiate and be a connective small ball you know four three you know a guy you can throw the ball to and have him initiate the offense to get guys going could play in the pocket a little bit

And make those passes as well um but he just plays extremely hard loves the game Lov his teammates and I think people in the valley going to love watching him I just don’t think he’s on this team if Kevin Durant who played with him last year didn’t think he should be on this

Team yes um people are saying he’s an excellent Wing Defender as we all know of course he can guard one through four he’s tough he doesn’t mind the dirt and grind of playing a specialized role he isn’t worried about his touches he isn’t concerned about playing starters minutes

He knows what and who he is and takes great pride in doing his job man I we got a winner I feel really really good about that the more and more that I’m told about him the more I hear about him and the more I read about Royce O’Neal

This is ding ding ding ding ding thanks for watching wolf and Luke tap to see more and click the button in the middle to subscribe to Arizona Sports

Everything Ron Wolfley and Luke Lapinski have learned about Royce O’Neale and David Roddy have the duo excited about what they bring to the Phoenix Suns.

Video: Felisa Cárdenas and Jeremy Schnell/Arizona Sports
Photos: Getty Images

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  1. Rolls Royce!!! Definitely going to be clutch a good 3 and D player this second half of the season

  2. I think they are underestimating the value roddy can bring. Strength, physicality, toughness and athleticism . All things lacking on this team . I see him giving us a pj tucker like energy and toughness that this team needed. Neither of these guys has to do anything but play slightly better than the guys sent out. Now, this team still needs more size and depth at center . We really don't have any true center behind nurkic that can rebound and defend or do that athletically. I don't consider eubanks or even bol a center. Eubanks is a backup power forward that can occasionally block shots and i think bols best position is small forward with spot minutes at the four. I understand people saying that we still need a backup pointguard off the bench and that would be smart going into the playoffs. The second unit still needs someone to get them going. Allen deserves to start but does royce come in and take his starting spot? They need to address those last two spots before they can realistically compete with the clippers or nuggets. I didn't include okc even though they aquired gordon hayward and will be better. I also didn't include the wolves either because i think both teams will be very tough next year and beyond but not quite at the level to really challenge the nuggets,clippers or suns. In the off-season i hope we can target guys like zac edy, reece beekman, adem bona and a very skilled hidden gem of a center playing for china in hansen yang. This added to matt ishbia potentially buying a G- league team will give the fans something to talk about when the season is over.

  3. He's strong which is why i really like him for boxing out and rebounding.

    That's probably one of the areas he will help the most.
    His shooting isn't elite but it's really good.
    He's a but like beal where he goes cold and hot but he's still overall effective. Teams respect his shooting and he's not scared to take shots. He's also really good at taking a last second shot. He bailed out KD a few times in Brooklyn when the clock was low.

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