@New York Knicks

Grading The Knicks Deadline Deal & How They Stack Up In The East | ft Sam Morril

Grading The Knicks Deadline Deal & How They Stack Up In The East | ft Sam Morril

All right here we go salute to Nicks Nation on this Friday afternoon man another MAA edition of Nicks fan TV live presented by Underdog fantasy CP the franchise here and on today’s episode we’re going to recap and grade the Knicks trade deadline moves Alec Burks Buon banovic coming through to the

Orange and blue out goes Quinton Grimes EV for8 and the Gang and special guest joining me man you guys are seeing him all over MSG he is a rising comedian in the game man he’s all over the city from the comedy seller he’s got specials on

Netflix you seen him on The Late Night show on Comedy Central but he’s one of our own man a DI hard Knicks fan and he is Sam maril tapping in with TP the fan let’s go thanks for having me man absolutely man welcome to the show man welcome to Nicks fan TV Sam

How you feeling man I feel great after that trade I I love the move Leon is you can’t give this guy enough credit he’s cooking man he the the Dante deal alone yeah I mean a lot of people are hating on it up top but this guy looks like a I

Don’t want to mess with a starting lineup so I want him at the two and then bringing in Burks who who is one of the only guys to really step up in that series a couple years ago yeah uh I love that you know get some shooting around

Around the guys we look pretty depleted against the Lakers and then you bring in bogdanovic who’s you know not doesn’t really fit our gritty defensive mentality but he’s a great shooter a 20 point a game guy they’re probably hungry to play some real basketball coming from Detroit yeah they gotta get out ofum

Absolutely pumped man now you sound like Alec Burks guy like me man were you a Burks guy back in the day are you a Burks Hive member look I that four seed year was pretty magical I I love that Squad I love Reggie Bullock I love those guys because

It was a team that overachieved Randall certainly you know we didn’t know how great he was I mean you know we knew he had the potential to be a great player but uh that year was uh that was pretty special so yeah I love Alec Burks and

He’s and he’s a guy who can get his own shot which is nice so for sure absolutely and you know for the Nicks bench I think it’s necessary you I I think they needed that experience and an upgrade some fans said you know McBride’s fine let’s just leave McBride

I just felt like for the playoffs you’re making this stretch run MC McBride can certainly get back in in a situational fashion which you need him he’s shooting the ball very well he’s over 40% from three defensively you could rely on him but just add some more you you you could

Never have enough talent and depth on your team I agree we don’t really have a natural point guard behind Brunson which worries me like I I remember when we tried to play Burks at the point one year T was doing that I was like dude what are we doing not a point guard

Great Swingman but yeah and then and then Duce is not really a natural point guard either he’s kind of he’s a really good shooter and a really good Defender so that that worries me just you know tip’s reputation of running dudes into the ground but look he he they built a

Great team for tibs yeah he built the culture players wanted to come here it’s it’s it’s Leon tibs and and these guys who bought in like Jaylen and and Julius and and hope it would have been an A+ day if we didn’t get the OG on anobi

News but yeah you got to give Leon credit for keeping that under wrap so a team didn’t flee us knowing we needed the depth so for sure show shows how good he is yeah absolutely um we’re gonna get to the injury in a second but I like the fact just from a deal

Perspective youo banovich was a guy that was on their race radar for a number of years at least from the trade rumors that you have heard OG anobi was a guy that was on their radar for a number of years but it just seems like they’ve now

Gotten both of these guys at a good price and they didn’t have to give up a first round pick for either one yeah that you really said it not giving up quickly hurt me the most just because I I just loved his game and obviously you

Know how do you not like RJ Barrett it just he wasn’t a great fit for for Julius and Brunson and that’s who building around and OG is just I mean he’s a game changer the way he plays I’m like dude we could I know that Nick fans

We overreact we get a little too excited sometimes yeah oh dude there was there was a point back in the day when I was like Ronaldo balkman Dennis Rodman you know what I mean like we do that I I go crazy I’m like Eddie Curry why can’t he

Be you know you know he could compete with Dwight Howard you buy in that’s part of being a fan but this team we don’t know what to do with ourselves because it’s like it’s actually real now yeah yeah like this team could if Mitch

Is healthy why are we not as good as the Detroit Pistons of 04 Brunson is better than chony bips I know we don’t have a Rip Hamilton Ben Wallace is obviously a Hall of Fame I believe he’s a Hall of Famer I don’t know he should be if he’s

Not but yeah Mitchell Robinson has that type of ceiling what he can do uh hardenstein is I mean we’re we’re deeper than that team for sure I mean they had like you know they had like Darko on the bench you know they had like you know Rodney Stucky right orever sty he was

Tough he was tough they had Stucky um I think they had maxal Jason maxel was on that team lindsy Hunter was a problem on that team Lind H wase SP floor space and floor four man and he was good he was good yeah but I I

Agree with you man I I just feel like and there’s a lot of question marks a lot has to go right in terms of health and getting guys healthy and chemistry and all of that but I just feel feel like they have the right mix of star

Power you have the clutch factor in Brunson you have defensive grit with OG and iHeart and Hart Duce McBride you know what I mean like you have those guys Dante’s a scrapper uh you know you have defense you have Dante is now up there with one of the best contracts in

The league I can’t believe if you’re Golden State don’t you feel I know you can’t really it it’s an emotional thing and it’s kind of what we love about bask you don’t trade a guy like clay or Steph or or Draymond these guys who who built

This for you but at a certain point it’s bad for everybody right like the way the Celtics had the part ways I know it’s not the same what the Celtics did to what the Warriors did but having a part ways with Pierce and Garnett it was it was good for the

Celtics it was a good trade for them in the end but but I don’t think you can give up Steph for anything the way he’s playing I don’t think there’s a trade in the league you can give up Steph for but now with Dante gone I mean that is a guy

Next to Steph the way he’s shooting and getting his own shot like dropping 30 yeah a guy they could use right now uh but but you know what’s so funny is is that and this is why the the thing with sports is so crazy especially in

The NBA where like luck has a lot to do with it because you look at backtack years where they’re able to get jayen Brunson because you know Dallas didn’t believe in him they didn’t believe he was he was worth that deal they had him and Luca there and the Knicks were so

Fortunate to get the biggest con Steel in the game right now that’s the best contract in the game then you have the following year this past off season Golden State can’t afford to keep Dante because they have the second apron and the luxury tax and everything so guys

Have to shake out here he goes mid-level mid-level exception to the Knicks another another steal easy insane deal and he’s just like I knew he was a good player but I didn’t know he was this my buddy’s a Warriors like oh you’re going to love him it’s like it is that tough

Thing where like it’s almost like a breakup where you’re like you saw a raptor fan like enjoy a manual he’s gonna he’s gonna be good to you you know it’s tough but uh like the the I love quickly so that that was tough but like you can’t deny like they’re building we

Have a window right now we have a window where like we got to get Randle healthy because man he looked great in January the way he was playing unselfish the way he was the less three-pointers when he’s bulldozing and you got Brunson just I mean the fact that he’s not in

Everyone’s top 10 MVP is is disrespectful yeah you know thank God for Kendrick Perkins the only Nick supporter on in the media it seems right because if I have to hear Kenny Smith disrespect us like as a New York guy it’s like what is wrong with you dude I

Love Inside the NBA but like to why are you taken away Nicks fans have been held down for so long with just tough teams to root for and like I’m showing up I’m watching every game still but like okay do you think I’m like thrilled to be watching the Jason Smith years are

Tougher they’re tougher years you know like he was a solid rotation guy but he’s think you’re starting center you know you know the whatever we we can name tough lineups from the mid teenss for as long as we want but you know I didn’t mean to throw shade at one guy

But we watched for so many years of just kind of poorly constructed teams and now kind of C the Cod it’s tough and and the media is like hating on us we’re one of the best fan bases in any and of any team in any sports because we’ll show up

No matter what it reminds me of like the Chicago Cubs or something before they won we we are gonna win a ring in our lifetime and it’s going to be that much sweeter that we watch the bad years and yeah we we got I something about it I

Know it’s like an insane thing to say and I’ve have no no proof to back it up up it’s all just a feeling but like it feels like Brunson is going to bring a championship here let’s go the people in the chat love that man throw some fives

In the chat for Sam it feels like it right feels like it it definitely feels like it hey yeah those those guys look I I Love Inside the NBA I’m very entertained by them they crack me up I do like the inside at times but the the

Nicks talk is just that’s when I could just watch on mute and just you know get to what I’m doing and why people come here because it’s just it’s high level it’s surface level it’s like yeah they’re all right but they’re never going to win a championship there’s no in between right

There’s no in between I just think like this is a year things could break you know the the Bucks I don’t trust I yeah I also think like they’re old man Brook Lopez is a great player but he’s 36 Dame is 34 Dame is still good but like you

Throw OG on Dame or Giannis yeah Josh Hart on the whoever he’s not guarding Middleton just got hurt again he he can’t stay healthy it’s tough’s he’s a hell of a player but he’s never healthy and uh then you look at the Sixers who like okay buddy hee is your big move I

Mean he a good shooter but no no MB they they’re done everything rids and unbi with them and and they don’t even know if he’s coming back this year I think I don’t want to speak too soon I think because the Cavs are playing incredible basketball but like we wiped the flooor

With them last year Donovan Mitchell is an incredible player their defense is pretty good but like missing something the matchup with us I love that matchup yeah the the heat always scared me a little bit because there’s something about SPO that just scares me and and

The Pacers are like a weird wild card because they haven’t had a lot of time for Hal Burton and seak to figure that two-man game and Hal Burton is is he’s close with Jaylen as best guard in the East I think I think it’s a close race I

Take Jaylen personally because I’ve seen what he can do but if you say you take Hal Burton I can’t call you crazy it’s had a hell of a year yeah I I can’t I can’t knock Hal Burton um with Cleveland they they’re interesting I just talked

About this on on on Bleacher Report I got to see how these teams stack up at full strength they the next game that they have against Cleveland is March the 3 I believe that’s the last one of the season series uh they they they tied the season

Series earlier but I don’t know who’s going to be available for that I hope Julius is back for that maybe it’s OG but you know with Cleveland with their reinforcements and getting stru they got Nang they did get some three-point shooting Off the Bench is that the

Difference and Sam um Sam Merill Sam Merill is shooting the three he can shoot I know I get tagged every time he has a good game Sam Merill uh I gotta meet that guy at some point yeah look George Nang is a good player but he’s got the body of a

Woman know it’s like it’s not he’s got he he doesn’t scare me yeah uh streu is nice pickup though I like himu he’s a scrapper he’s anyone who comes out a spos system it’s like you don’t know if you’re going to get the Miami Heat version of them yeah or you’re gonna

Because like he he gets you paid right you should go to Miami in a contract year because he will make you look as long as he pay as long as he plays you yeah but uh but man uh I don’t I think we could beat I think we could beat the

Heat this year for sure I mean we we got the shooting now to beat them last year we did Brunson really I mean he put on a clinic in that in that elimination game that was tough to to lose that game but Julius was hurt I think this would be a

Great year for Julius to shut up the critics I think he can do it I really do I think when he plays to his strengths and doesn’t Force so threes and he bulldozes people he is unlike any player in the league you know so we we need him

Healthy for sure now the only thing about Julius that I’m nervous about is that you know will the will the shoulder injury force him to start hoisting up those threes because he’s a little bit leery of banging in the paint I think that changes things that’s why for me

He’s every year and this year’s no different the biggest wild card to their success for their success yeah it’s true but also I I don’t think Julius uh I think he’s just gonna have to bulldoze I think he’s he’s a dude who plays through pain anyone who

Anyone who tibs likes plays through pain like from what I’ve heard one of the reasons we didn’t make Ave for brog is he doesn’t play through pain he’s got to be 100% Julius like that’s all you have to do to appeal to tibs is you’re like

I’ll have half a toe hanging off but I’ll still suit up tonight that’s what tibs like so you get you know hardenstein like this makes me nervous every few games he’s got a sore achilles I’m like well let him [ __ ] rest I don’t want IH thing man yeah you know we

Don’t have you know and the injuries we’re having now are like not even it’s like someone’s [ __ ] with us where’re they’re like uh uh Jericho Sim says Co I’m like Co are you kidding me we’re getting we’re getting got by Co so that’s what’s killing me right now

You know you got uh you know really no depth at the big right now but you know bogdanovich not a good rebounder so we do precious has been incredible he’s been good man he’s been good I gotta give it give him credit man he’s been good

I was not super high on what he brought to the table the first couple games and I and I was wrong I was dead wrong he’s a killer he’s a great defensive player and if he can hit that open three too like we’re like we’re like Unstoppable

Yeah for sure man once again we’re talking to our guys Sam real salute to everybody in the chat once again hit that thumbs up button for your boys uh if you guys want to call us up man call us up on the Nick fan TV Discord let us

Know your thoughts on the trade and uh as we look ahead to the Knicks man where do they stand in the east I see Nate from Brooklyn on the Discord Nate are you there on the Discord I am here first of all salute to I don’t know if can you hear me yeah

Loud and clear man loud and clear salute to uh to you CP and uh definitely shout out to Sam big fan of yours um by the way I I come here before I go to any other channel ESPN ours take Nick fan TV all day Shute

Um my question is is knowing tibs if everyone is healthy who’s going to be their starting lineup and who’s going to be their closing lineup rapid fire love the show keep listening appreciate the call man Sam what do you think man I mean I I think you can’t mess with the

Starting five as as healthy I think I think if everyone’s healthy it’s got to be Brunson Dante OG Randall and either iHeart or Mitch I think depending on health for both of them I think they’re they’re so good they’re almost interchangeable that was a luxury to

Have both of them and then as for the closing minutes I love that lineup but you know there might be a night when you need a sub in ihart uh Josh hard rather uh because he’s such a good Defender uh depends what the vibe of the game is and

Then you know who knows what bogdanovich brings like maybe he’s gonna be in some of those Clon closing lineups so we could spread the floor so I think that’s going to be a coaching decision but you can’t mess with the starting five way Dante is playing yeah no starting

Five is locked you you can’t mess with it uh I I just like the the efficiency where you have Dante and OG in the corners you have Brunson you have Randall you have iHeart you you can’t mess with that stting five leave it as is I think they could close with that a

Lot of times the heart factor is Big because he’s one of tibs his guys like hard is his guy he closes games no matter what so there could be situations where Dante gets subbed out for heart that might have Nicks F pulling their hair out the way Dante shooting right

Now but it could be those situations because you know tibs likes to get those rebounds and get uh and play extra defense get extra Defenders out there in crunch time I do wonder he talked about when OG got here the prospect of maybe going with smaller

Lineups I do wonder if you could see potentially lineups of like Brunson Dante bogdanovic OG and Randall at the five yeah you know if they they’re playing Miami if they’re playing you know if Indiana’s going small or or if if uh if Milwaukee’s going with a a

Giannis at the five lineup where they’re going a little bit smaller do the Knicks have that does does tibs want to deploy that type of flexibility and versatility I wouldn’t see that against the bock because of their size when you got Giannis and Brooke out there but but you

Know you never know you’re right against a team like Boston they got porzingis but then you throw a guy like OG on porzingis it maybe it gets interesting although I do like I get excited big man see seeing Bill Simmons sweat at the idea of OG guarding Tatum I’m like yeah

Dude I’m I’m I love going into a Celtics series as severe Underdog it ain’t Quinton Grimes ging him or RJ G him no more nah that that’s not it and thank by the way Quint I like Quinton GRS a lot that it sucked to see him go forier was

Such a professional like we got really lucky in our locker room and have guys like forier and Derrick Rose who could have gotten big minutes on another team yeah uh and never never complain of the media I mean it was pretty damn cool never complain man good culture yeah

Yeah NE never complain matter of fact you know I I saluted fornier uh today as he saluted New York on on his way out forer’s first stop when he signed with the Knicks he moved to New York came to Nick fan TV man first stop didn’t go

Anywhere else came here chopped it up with us in the fans for for like an hour to calls for the fans and kept it 1,000 the entire way man so I I definitely uh uh you know respect him for that and yeah he takes his talents to

Detroit maybe it’s better I you get to put up some points you get to play a little bit but it’s hard to say it’s an upgrade to go to Detroit like that team just sucks that that’s what I kind how did Monty Williams get 80 million to

Coach yeah we could we could get the same result coaching this team how much worse can you do well that that’s what happens when you offer the guy the job and he turns it down the first time yeah also also to show you like coaches are like

They’re I don’t want to say they’re overrated like look if you have the Personnel but like how much better do you think SPO would do with this Detroit team really it’s just not I don’t know they just don’t seem like they’re too young right now I think Kate is

Good yeah yeah I I think Kate is good I think Kate is good but they’re way too young I feel bad for Grimes man I I don’t know I hope he ends up somewhere else where he can flourish he might he’s a talented guy though yeah yeah he he is

Man you know grime hi didn’t get uh didn’t get that much of a run Bo it just is what it is I think this team is just on a different path right now and the path to contendership uh to or to Contender status is through trade

They’re going to have to trade their way to this thing man because you never had a homegrown star developed within the last how many years haven’t had it man it Brunson almost reminds me it’s I know it’s an insane comparison to make and people are going kill me for this but it

Reminds me a little bit of Iverson of just like a people said that I’ve heard that before okay well he’s a small guy although this is where I’m taking the leap all right he’s more he’s more malleable than Iverson is Iverson kind of was like as brilliant a player as

Iverson was it was kind of like it had to go on his terms kind of it like had had to it was all about him it was all about him all about him and I’m not calling him selfish he’s a hell of a player but Brunson could play off ball

Right that’s that’s not something you could really do I mean this is when when people pra Steph Curry it’s like he can kind of Bend to the offense I think Brunson has that ability same with a guy like KD I’m not saying he’s there yet whatever I know this is when people are

Like Nicks fans are crazy but I’m just saying he came to he has that he has that ability to kind of do what’s best for the team and I don’t think every Star can do that yeah no that that’s a totally fair point man once again we’re

Talking to uh Sam maril salute to everybody in the chat once again if you guys are on the grind throw a hash grind in the chat I also see a lot of franchise channel members in the chat right now JJ what’s going on uh Wilson Martinez I see you shout out to fizzy

Flex Eric Garcia in the chat as well okay let’s get to the Discord Dave g go ahead and unmute your mic Dave G what’s going on guys how you doing good man how you feeling Dave I’m good I saw you guys were live I’m off today so

I was like let me take my chance perfect timing man I like this move oh first things first hit hit the Subscribe button hit the like button hit the notification Bell so you know when we’re live yeah let’s do this uh I like the move I’m happy for forier he’s very

Professional really appreciate the way that he handled himself I feel bad for Grimes going to Detroit but hopefully he gets an opportunity I still think that he can eventually fit that type of Danny uh Danny Green role in that shooting guard position that that Solid 3 and D

Starting shooting guard kind of guy on a winning team I think that’s what he can get to it just he wasn’t going to have that opportunity here yeah it is what it is it’s the NBA it’s the NBA at the end of the day we basically moved Grimes and

A couple second round picks for two really quality rotational players for this playoff run yeah what we do past that I’m not quite sure I personally think I’ve been thinking about it recently everybody talks about Donovan Mitchell that’s who we got our eyes on oh do we losing I’ve been going back

All these guys have said about a dis a disgruntled star yeah can you guys hear me yeah I got you now who who’s your guy oh there we go uh I I think the disgruntled star if the playoffs don’t go well it’s kind of happened in the

Past few years I think he’s out in LA and I don’t think it’s LeBron James I wonder if they’re gonna go back after Paul George I wonder if we didn’t acquire ogan noi because I don’t think this I don’t think the front office is wanting to pay ogan anobi as the second

Highest player on the team third op I think that deal is done man I think it’s done Dave I I don’t know if they’re his agent is Leon Rose’s son that deal was done for Thanksgiving last year I don’t think Paul George is leaving the clippers

Because he’s an LA guy he’s on a team that could is favored by a lot of you know NBA uh writers right now to to win the to win the championship they’re favored over the Nuggets by a lot of people the record is better I think but

I hear the Sixers talking like with embid I I don’t trust that that that duo to stay healthy it’s like you know that’s why it’s why the Suns got rid of Chris Paul it’s like we can’t count on Durant and Paul to be healthy in the postseason but if if the playoffs don’t

Go well this year for the Clippers again if they get bounced in the second round I could see I could see Paul George asking out and we have the leverage I could see if with Leon Rose’s son being OG’s agent that they talked prior to

Like hey this is the plan like this this summer we’re going to sign and trade you somewhere for the star because I don’t see the fit of adding ad Donovan Mitchell because that’s not what OG wanted he didn’t want a smaller role on a better team he wanted a bigger role he

Wanted to be that he wanted to be one of the guys and so I I could see that being the thing man I could see a signning trade being worked out there I could also see him staying I’m not saying that but I think the front office might have

Their eye on Paul George again like they did this off season uh if if things don’t go well in La which I think they’re gonna I think they’re gonna be I think they’re gonna make the Conference Finals the very least and possibly the finals but I don’t know we’ll see I

Don’t know if Donovan Mitchell is the guy that the front office has their eyes on and because I I don’t see the fit but he would be a star in New York but I don’t know man I just I don’t know appreciate the call Dave but what’s the

Difference look they tried to get him two years ago what’s changed runson still here and they tried to get him when Brunson was here I love Donovan Mitchell but I just don’t think the fit makes sense with Brunson I think the Nick front office is going ahead of

Like what makes Brunson better what makes Randall better that’s why you make a for Dante de venzo for OJ anobi that these guys service the skill set of our best players so would Paul George help sure I mean he’s look he’s gonna slow down defensively a little bit he’s still

A great offensive player he’s getting older uh I love how anobi fits I think he’s got to be a part of the team going forward it he and Hart on the floor together remind me different temperament but they remind me of the 90s Nicks like Oakley and Mason and guys that would

Beat you up and I love I love rooting for a team that beats you up and now that we got some more scoring I I think I think people overrate the need for stars in the modern NBA like the super team thing like okay we’ll see if the uh

Big three Phoenix works out I I’m not high on it personally I think they’re all great players I don’t think Bradley Beal makes any sense as a like supposed point guard it’s not about just attracting big names that’s old Knicks let’s bring in let’s bring in what fits

And then build from there is my is my hope I I don’t know I I I still I get what everyone’s saying fitwise but I I just don’t see what’s changed in terms of their Pursuit for him two years ago as compared to what it will look like in the next off season

When they can even pay less they’re going to be paying less and this is what I mean like they got OG for Less they got bogdanovich for less and now when spider Mitchell goes into the off seon season where he’s got one year left and a player option and Cleveland

Is Cleveland’s going to go into next season saying hey we’ll we’ll risk it that this guy’s just going to opt out and go I mean hey he could certainly get the max bag with them I’m not going to put it past him but I just feel like this is

Where this is going this is why you got bogdanovic to guarantee his contract for next season so that you could either trade him in the offseason or trade him next season you got spider with leverage now so you can pay less I think that’s where doesn’t a back

Court of Brunson and Donovan as great as they are offensively make you a little nervous defensively because it reminds me not they’re I’d say better but not that much better than Dame and McCollum in Portland is what it kind of reminds me of both amazing players but undersized defensively jaylen’s become a

Very good defensive player uh Donovan is I don’t think he’s you want him on your two when you can have a guy like Dante or Josh hardt or some someone else no I I get that it it’s certainly tricky but like I think there’s going to come a point

Where you’re just going to have to take a a gamble on on a talent upgrade man because I just feel like yes you can you can fit your way there but at a certain point that’s where the stars got to take over man it’s like the he it’s perfect

Example is the Heat last year right they steamroll the Bucks you know they they they beat beat us up pretty good they they they put the Celtics on the ropes 3 and we’re like man this team is great they got Scrappers and undrafted guys and they’re all coming together then

They get to the finals and yuch and Murray look like they’re not even in the same league you know what I’m saying well that’s a problem with the Nuggets is like when your fourth best player is Aaron Gordon like that guy’s turned into a stud they’re just very and the fact

That Michael Porter has turned into not just like a killer all-around player but like an insane spot up shooter right like yeah they’re they’re in my mind they’re still the favorites to win at all this year I don’t know as good as the Clippers are like I could see the

Clippers beating them they’re beatable but I think those are the two teams in the west maybe the Suns surpris us I I don’t really see it yet maybe the uh I also think the Clippers are going to beat the Suns last year if kawhai didn’t go down kawhai was he was getting the

Best of KD so damn underrated yeah uh I don’t know the east the East is more wide open than the West I I really think it’s a two team Race in the west I think the Thunder are great but a little young I think the Mavs made a couple good

Moves but I just don’t think they’re gonna no I think the Gafford move is is kind of interesting though the and the I like did two for them he no they they’re doing they gave up a lot but it’s I mean you got to you got L and

Kyrie you gotta go for it would you would you rather or would you feel better going after Booker they’re gonna go after somebody would feel better perf sense yeah de that is the sick Nicks fan hope in me is that like I don’t wish an injury on anybody yeah but say it’s like

Maybe you know maybe it’s more mental maybe KD becomes dissatisfied with Phoenix is like I’m not really feeling it you know Beal’s not really he’s a great player he not really fitting the way they wanted to be like more of a point guard yeah yeah Devin Booker makes

Total sense another Kentucky guy uh dude you have a big three of Brunson Booker and Randle and an insane defense around him yeah that would be pretty I think that’s and I I like Devin Booker’s uh his energy he’s like a kind of got he’s

Like an anger to him he’s got a chip on his shoulder he’s like a good-looking dude who’s always he’s a good-looking dude who’s like [ __ ] probably way too many Kardashians and is still in a bad mood that’s like a pure Hooper to me a guy who’s like you know he’s still like

Got an incred he shows up in like a vintage car with just like a sick IG model and he’s still dropping 30 and in a bad mood and and like he’s also just he’s what I was saying like obviously a premium version of like Michael Porter

Like who’s a good all around player but the shot like Devon Booker can create he can take the open shot he’s he’s a hell of a player and he’s bigger he’s 65 building block says uh y’ you’re gonna be mad when the summer Target is Carl Anthony

Towns it doesn’t work for me I refuse to see that I just don’t see it man I I think Randall’s a much better player I that’s what pisses me off when I see these trade rumors Randle for towns plus we give up two first rounders and I’m

Like are we watching the same guys yeah I know that towns is a better three-point shooter that’s the only way he’s better yeah is he better in any other way randle’s a better rebounder he’s definitely I think tries harder on defense and is more defensively skilled

And I just don’t think towns is gonna would he already was coached by Tims once you know I don’t I don’t get it other than this the spot of shooting and and even that game where he was like trying to score 60 or whatever 70 70 yeah yeah the

The way he did it just like oh I’m like oh you’re you’re trying to have a me game and I I don’t like it look he if he ends up being a Nick I will root for any of these guys I’ll find a way to buy him

But I think Randall like he’s given this city a lot he’s taken a lot of he’s taken a lot of [ __ ] from this city yeah uh he just needs one killer playoff performance this year and everyone’s going to buy in and I think he’s ready

But he he I I think it’s unfair some of the ways people have beaten them up uh I don’t see them trading for towns not Randle I don’t see them trading Julius for towns I I just have a mental block there I just don’t see that

Happening so then Towns at the five no no no I don’t see that happening either that’s why I don’t see the towns to the Knicks making much sense you know what I mean it makes no sense because what would you do trade Mitchell Robinson and now you have goar

And Mitchell like there’s no tra sense I I don’t see it man maybe they just want off his contract because it’s such a big contract I don’t know but I don’t see them wanting to get rid of I I I think it makes sense for neither team and and

Unless they get picks jul and picks but I I don’t like it I definitely don’t like it man s to be chill I don’t like it uh $10 Super Chat uh says uh from Junior caroma says come on bro SMH OG’s worth every penny the guy can easily win

Defensive play of the year if healthy the deal is done OG is Untouchable okay so that was for Dave in the uh on the Discord that was for Dave on the Discord yeah I think he’s essential I think we need him on the team I think that Deal’s

Done man that there’s no way the the way we’ve seen how Leon Rose and these guys are operating right now they don’t just you know throw Hail Marys here on these deals yeah they’ll they’ll take a risk a lot have worked out aot some haven’t right the cam stuff haven’t some of the

Trades that the forier acquisition wasn’t wasn’t a good one it is what it is nobody bats a thousand but they don’t just throw Hil Mary’s you know where they’re gonna trade Emanuel quickland RJ Barett for ogj anobi and not have a promise that he’s going to stay long

Term they wouldn’t do that there’s no way and he wanted to be here he want thank God Indie didn’t make a move for him can you imagine if Indie got him like God he’s valuable uh I really I love how he plays it sucks because we

Got a taste of how incredible a player he is and overnight he became a fan favorite can you imagine playing on like a me team in Toronto and then you come here and your your name is chanted within the first couple weeks I’m like God this guy is special and I agree

Defense defensive player of the year yeah you know we we we were lucky to sit through a Tyson Chandler defensive player the year season yeah I think OG could be even more dominant because he can guard one through five for sure for sure man I I think that’s a done deal uh

Once again we’re talking to Sam moril uh salute to everybody in the chat once again man hit that thumbs up button for you boys now we talked about Dallas you’re in Dallas this weekend tell the fans what you got going on man we might have some people in Dallas that might

Want to pull up tonight the shows are sold out man I’m doing doing some Club yeah I’m doing clubs just to gear up for another taping another special this one’s going to be on Amazon okay uh I’m taping next month and then uh yeah I’m doing the the just the Improv here and

Uh while I’m in town I figured the Mavs are playing the thunder so I’ll do some I’ll do some Intel I’ll watch bad guys there just a fun game to check out you know I never really check I can never really check out games on the road

Because I do shows at night there’s rarely a Saturday 2 pm game so yeah uh I love it I uh I like OKC um young Scrappy team I would like like to see them live I want to see them uh when they come play the Knicks I’d like to like to go

To that game uh later on this year definitely he did a great job that GM they’re just stacked and that Hayward move is you know if he’s he’s another if he’s healthy he’s a great locker room guy like he was a dude I heard rumored to us and it was another like classic

Like it doesn’t make sense for us because we’re depleted and can you and can you count on him but that’s a dude that will like just play D hit open shots make the right pass yeah uh there was like a weird kind of vibe I think

There was like a weird kind of all lives matter vibe there but uh other than that uh he is a hell of a player and uh OKC is like don’t Embrace that attitude so uh I’m actually there next week I’m an OKC next week for the All-Star break

That’s a that’s a that’s a hell of a team man I I really respect l d is so fun to root for you know a kid like that getting paid is so fun to see a defensive first so yeah I like how they’re building that likewise man uh

Shout out to Anna Silva in the chat says I’m a big fan of Sam you’re awesome so shout out to Anna Silva thank in the chat uh we got some Sam Mar real fans in the building here and you guys have seen Sam you know when you watching on on uh

On MSG on the league pass man he’s always in Celebrity row he’s all the camera’s always on S man I’m the I’m the least famous dude on Celebrity roow but they they I play the I play the venues I sell some tickets in their venue so they

So they hook it up sometimes I try not to ask a lot because I am aware When I Look to my left and I’m like oh that’s John turturo I shouldn’t be here uh you know but oh they’ve been cool to me yeah yeah but what what’s your uh you know outside

Of the game like what what’s your thing to do when you get to MSG is there a thing that you go to like when you get to the game like you have to do certain things XYZ uh I just need to be there like for

I want to be there for warm-ups I want to be there I don’t want to miss a second of uh of the third some people take their time getting back in the third I don’t like missing any of the game so uh that’s one you know one thing

Usually like a a vodka soda or something just have like a kind of a lighter drink yeah and maybe a maybe a whiskey soda all right and uh I don’t have a routine other than like I do yell at refs I yelled at uh Tony brothers gave me the

Dirtiest look the other day he made a bad he’s got that funny face to got that kind of like serious but uh yeah they were playing the rockets and there was a horrible uh call on Isaiah hardenstein I was like ah you’re the worst and he turned it he

Just looked at me and gave me this look like he’s a funny dude I he’s like a rep you could tell like knows he’s he’s like aware of what he’s doing aware I like that guy yeah and uh yeah and you know my routine is really just

Like just remember I’m in the best building in basketball there’s there’s no Arena know like MSG it’s the best yeah no disrespect the bar play because I root for the liberty so I’ll go to Liberty games okay but um MSG is just on another level there’s no and it’s not

Even disrespect it’s like this is the best building in basketball yeah you got the best fans in the world from the 400s to the court side like these are the best fans in all basketball and uh we we deserve this team we we’ve been we’ve been hungry for it we sat through

The the the Le years so we could have this team and uh I mean Jaylen Brunson is I think the best thing that could have happened to the Knicks it’s like it’s incredible like yeah we need I I was trying to think who’s the best Nick

Point guard of my lifetime and it’s it’s without a doubt him but then before him yeah but you know Marberry had a couple good years it just wasn’t the right team yeah Derek Harper was a great not at the tal level he was he was at the down

Swing of his career but he was still a great great point card I mean he played incredible D he would get those steals yeah Harper was my guy for sure for sure but I you know I’m I’m 37 so I I missed Mark Jackson I didn’t get really me too

I was a little too young for that but uh but Harper was like my first point guard for the Knicks and he was a hell of a player man Harper was my guy H big time friend of the program he always comes on our show he supports us so oh I love

That yeah yeah we rock with Harper heavy here I would say yeah before Brunson was definitely malberry I was a big mry guy from you know Lincoln High School days all the way through so I just it just you know there there was a dark cloud over the organization man we don’t got

To you know recap every event but there was a dark cloud over this organization that unfortunately uh did not allow him to succeed here but who was you know you mentioned Ronaldo balkman earlier in the show so we always you know crack on each other on the show about about hives you

Know people get on me because that I’m burk’s Hive so when the trade happened every all the all the memes and everything was about be uh we’ve had Frank neives Frank Frank just uh got his Walking Papers today I was covering the draft I was covering the draft for MSG I

Had a little Rinky Dink show on MSG for a minute and I covered that draft so I was at Waltz wal frazers yeah yeah and I was covering it and uh Rashad MCC remember that guy yes of course he’s there I’m like I’m like kind of surprised they took neina but

I’m like all right he’s our guy you know whatever like I remember them booing porzingis you don’t do that you accept who they draft and you get behind them because it’s it’s enough pressure to be in New York so I was like all right he’s our guy and and mccan starts pointing

And laughing at me he’s like this idiot this idiot thing he’s goes that guy’s the worst player in the draft and then he starts going he goes Dennis Smith and Malik monk Jr are still around and uh and he’s like they’re the two best players in the draft which they’re not

But they’re both Malik monks turned out to have a pretty good career Dennis Smith has improved a lot sure for sure but but yeah that was a tough one I think Donovan Mitchell was in that draft wasn’t he Donovan Mitchell was absolutely in that draft I was at the

Theater in that draft it was a very depressing night man very depressing that was tough that would have been nice but then we also uh I met Donovan MIT once he was at the seller he’s the comedy seller he’s a really nice guy and

He’s a he’s a fan of a buddy of mine Ian Lara so he was at the show there go but he was not only nice but everyone in his Circle was very nice I’m like that’s a good you could tell he a good guy so I I

Like that energy but yeah of course I I was high on Kevin Knox at first I thought he was going to be I really thought he was going to be Jason Tatum after summer league well after they passed up on Macau Bridges I was hoping

He would be I was like he better be the next p Paul George for pass up on maau Bridges right there the only way it could have been worse is is if we picked miles Bridges after him that would be the only worst pick in that draft but

Then but but gilgas Alexander is in that draft I mean there were some incredible players yeah M Michael Porter Jun but he had the back issues it’s always you always got to be paranoid it worked out good for him but that made me nervous a a big guy with back issues like Dwight

Was never the same and remember at that time porzingis was still recovering from the ACL so I was like n we can’t injured guys man you were at that game I was at that game with my boy stavos who uh he’s a Knicks fan but he’s also Greek so he’s

Obsessed with the Hest okay that was at that game and uh he’s in a Nick’s jacket with a Giannis uh High School Jersey underneath and I’m like all right F whatever fine you you want to play both sides but porzingis was D he was cooking Giannis that game and then and then he

Just went down and I I know Michael Chay from like my early days of standup he’s at the game and I broke the news to him someone told me he’s out for the season I remember I broke the news to him that he was out for the for the year with an

ACL and Shay was like man he’s like don’t talk to me he was like really mad at me and then uh and then he like kind’s like all right let’s go get drunk so I got we got wasted in like Midtown and we were so sad it was just like the

It was like the most morose night ever but I mean even that game por was beasting there in that stretch remember that he was he was getting MVP chance people forget he was a dude that I think regrets asking out I think he didn’t want to be here at the moment but yeah

That was that was a look that was pre Leon that was a bad trade that was one that that haunts us but uh it doesn’t ha us because we didn’t we we got off Tim hardaway’s terrible contract and we terrible terrible and we we freed up

Space to sign Julius Randall and I and I I like Julius over KP on this team I just sure I I’m a Julius believer I I I know a lot of people are hard on him but like when it’s clicking man and he and we’re playing right there’s something

About this team that is so unselfish and he’s a guy that will get you five or six assists so that’s what I like about him I I I hear that man absolutely so uh what do you think man as we look towards the second half of the season if all

Goes well what are you thinking man what what’s the ceiling for this team right now the ceiling is I think we can make the championship right now I’m and then once you’re in the championship like are we favored over the Nuggets or the Clippers of course not that look at

Their they’ve got guys who have won before you know I mean technically OG has won before but he wasn’t in the finals whatever but you know like we we’re going against a Finals MVP in kawhai or joic right so you have to say that they’re favored uh and do is it

Likely we’ll make the finals I don’t know it’s like injuries play a role I think I don’t know why I feel good about a matchup against Boston I know I know their perimeter defense is one of the best I’ve ever seen in white and holiday and they’re both incredible but like I

Don’t think there’s an answer for Brunson I’m sick of hearing people say like he small he’ll get exposed in the playoffs really he didn’t last year no so why is he going to get exposed all of a sudden when he’s taking another leap I think the issue is will the guys around

Him hit the open shots and I think they will now that we have the weapons so uh with our defense and I don’t think you need a guy who’s a great ISO player we have him obviously but I think you need like sure you could say the Celtics have

More of those guys but that being said like our defense is pretty damn good will porzingis be healthy that’s a question mark he he has had issues with health right uh will I mean look they have Horford who like this guy I don’t know how the hell this guy won’t just go

Away for years I’m like just go away he watched he’s watched for years I’m saying that and he keeps coming back man he’s he’s had an incredible career that guy so uh Jaylen Brown doesn’t really has it brought in the playoff Tatum yeah sometimes does sometimes look Tatum’s an

Incredible player I’m not taking anything away from them they they are the toughest team in the East for sure sure we will be underdogs but man if you’re the Celtics you don’t want to play us if we’re healthy like you don’t want to go against OG and Josh and

Jaylen and Randall Randall who’s gonna guard Randall is it gonna be Tatum or brown so he’s gonna bulos you every play then I think you play a little more iHeart on porzingis just because uh you know so we can stay in the perimeter a little more yeah that’s that’s that’s

One of the weaknesses of Mitch you know even if Mitch does come back um that porzingis matchup just doesn’t it’s just not good for him he’ll beat him up on offensive boards but you’re right it’s guarding him and those threes will kill us so I think that’s where hardenstein

Could make a big difference even a guy like Precious could be interesting against porzingis just how physical he is yeah and then uh look they they have two incredible perimeter defenses like I I was trying to think is there a better perimeter defensive back court and I’m

Like I’m going back to like Kobe and Derrik fiser I don’t I can’t think of like who uh who uh Drew holiday and Derrick White they’re both phenomenal defensive players best in the league it’s it’s scary how good they are so that worries me but I think they’re

Worried too and it’s a good sign look Miami always scares me I think we’re the better team I every team could beat us but yeah I just believe in Brunson like this dude is a big game player and uh We’ve as great as that Melo team was that 54

Win team was we weren’t built for the playoffs I mean Jason kid broke down he was like 40 and coming off like three DUIs and uh you know and uh Rasheed Wallace was incredible for the first half of the season but like he broke down we had like cambi and Kurt

Thomas this isn’t built for a run you know and we were playing like and we had played against like you know power forward against David West which I’m like this isn’t fair to Meo kill it’s not a fair matchup yeah for Melo because he’s a stretch forward David West was like a

1980s just tough guy yeah uh this team we can throw more matchups at you we’re deep the the hope is as you said Randall’s Health like can Randall be okay for the playoffs can uh he’s I think the really the secret weapon because uh because if he gives you what

We know he can give you with us Nicks fans it it’s a roller coaster rooting for Randall because it’s like it’s almost like the J.R Smith stuff where sometimes he takes shots where like why are you taking that but the good he brings outweighs the bad and and and he

Is a seemingly really good guy too from what I hear like a good teammate and a good guy and you know I I I’m grateful for him for turning the team around he he’s responsible for the turnaround and the culture and for buying him the tibs and

Being that leader so with with Rand and Brunson and OG I think we could I’m giving you the most long-winded answer ever but I think I think I think the finals I think we can make the finals that’s our ceiling and then when you’re in the finals we’ll see anything is

Possible man it’s my guy Sam Mor real listen man you you made your Nick fan TV debut you got to come back man you got to jump into the Discord I will I’m I’m in now I’m in I get talk ni with you all

Day so all day man an honor to be on the Nick fan TV show Absolutely man well keep doing your thing good luck in Dallas and then as you head to OKC good luck with the new project with Amazon Prime uh just let the people know you

Know where they can find you any current projects let let the people know man just working on some stuff stand up always I’m I’m honing the new special so that’ll be out in a few months probably and then uh yeah just always working on stuff so you’ll see It’ll come out soon

All right no doubt man well listen man when you’re in the NYC area we either got to hit a game or you got to come to a kftv watch party but let’s definitely do it man let’s do it all right let’s do it all right man Sam Morel on the check

In thank you man so to everybody in the chat once again hit that thumbs up button for your boys man I hope you guys enjoyed that show another MAA Edition to kftv live man presented by Underdog fantasy uh make sure you guys go to Underdog and use our code

Kftv for first time deposit match of up to $100 and then also support our sponsor manscaped go to Fells use our code kftv for 20% off plus free shipping go get that lawn Mall 4.0 you guys know what it is man so anyway that was fun I just did Bach report earlier

Just did this show with Sam today we’re going to get it up on the podcast salute to the replay gang if you guys miss a live show tonight uh at around 11:00 I’ll be on Honda Sports night on SNY hey man we keep it rocking and then tomorrow

We got uh Nick play byplay Live hosted by JD Sports Talk and Nick postgame live Nick versus Pacers so you guys know what it is man number one show for the fans by the fans is on and popping make sure that you guys support us man hit the

Like button hit the share button and subscribe to the channel let me salute some super chats that came in Ghost Dog LT five Super Chat says Tam is a top comedian love the guest Junior Koma I got that Nick Cooper 10 super chat says do you guys think KY Larry is an option

For the buyout Market no we just I know we just got Burks might need another player for to create for others I think Kyle Low’s a option for the retirement Market it’s time to hang it up I think he’s washed but you know hey Nick’s have

The cast space to go get him I think he goes to Philadelphia but you know I wouldn’t hate it but I think he’s pretty cooked shout out to Travis knowledge fight out super chest what do you think about PJ Tucker signing um he’s nothing out he’s a good tweener that can guard

Two four and five some nights so we think he’ll consider us I think PJ’s done his days man honestly I think I’d move on like those guys are too old I think BJ Tucker’s his value as that three and D versatile guy I think those that ship is

Sailed as well hit up Kyle Lowry man and see what’s good with the paperwork sign up for sign that paperwork up you know what I mean anyway guys hope you guys enjoyed it have a great weekend be safe out there CP the franchise we out of here man peace

Grading The Knicks Deadline Deal & How They Stack Up In The East | ft Sam Morril. 🔥 Knicks Nation, buckle up! Join CP “The Fanchise” and special guest Sam Morril in this must-watch episode of Knicks Fan TV. 🏀 We’re breaking down the Knicks’ recent trade deadline moves, including the exciting additions of Alec Burks and Bojan Bogdanovic. Say goodbye to familiar faces like Quentin Grimes and Evan Fournier as we analyze the impact of these trades on the team’s dynamics.

💬 Sam Morril, the rising comedian making waves across MSG, joins the conversation, sharing his unique take on the Knicks’ roster changes and the team’s outlook for the playoffs. From Alec Burks’ game-changing abilities to the challenges of fitting players around Julius Randle and Jalen Brunson, this episode has it all.

🔍 Dive deep into the Knicks’ bench upgrades and the necessary experience for a successful playoff run. The hosts discuss potential starting and closing lineups when the roster is fully healthy, providing a glimpse into the team’s championship aspirations.

🚀 Don’t miss out on the high-energy banter, expert analysis, and plenty of Knicks fandom. Whether you bleed orange and blue or just love a good basketball discussion, this episode of Knicks Fan TV is your ticket to staying in the know. Hit play, hit like, and hit that subscribe button to stay updated on all things Knicks! 🎥🔶🔷 #KnicksFanTV #NBA #TradeDeadline #KnicksNation #BasketballTalk


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  1. Who’s starting Saturday ?? Is Josh hart coming back off the bench and bogie starting ?? Kenny Smith needs to worry about that horrible beard instead of the Knicks

  2. Jules is the best regular season dude just like Thibs. Thibs has had other teams way better and never sniffed a chip

  3. Don't think Danavan Mitchell is going to let the Knicks beat him this year, because he wants to be here.

  4. Knicks don’t have a 3rd superstar however I believe OG and Bojan together account for a superstar. I think Donte is a seriously solid starter as well that can get really hot

  5. Brah Sam Morril!?!? CP has the best show for any sports fans but knicks fans in particular!!! Salute KFTV!!!!!


  7. the crossover i never knew I needed. two of the goats in their respective fields. 🟧🟦💪

  8. This is the only place where you're gonna get legitimate Knicks content. I listen to NYC sports talk radio while working out & I'll tune into Michael Kay's Show & his Knicks coverage is awful. The only time Evan & Tiki are worth listening to is when our guy CP is on. Alan Hahn is the only one worth listening to & getting our support. Kay is already overreacting to one Knicks lose. He continues to talk about getting KAT this offseason. He's a reactionary who said the Knicks are in purgatory when they were just 20 games into the season. His side kick Peter Rosenberg, who's supposedly the 'basketball expert' on the show is a causal Celtics fan. That alone is suspect to me. Nobody outside of Boston was rooting for them during Lakers/Celtics but I guess this guy from the Maryland suburbs who's talking NY sports was all about Danny Ainge, Greg Kite & DJ? Anyway, my point is that now that the Knicks are being discussed in the mainstream sports world, don't forget that KFTV was always there for us. The national media is just waiting for us to fail so they can go back to clowning us.

  9. I mean this just more nonsense a coach is a vital part of a team more important than any player look at the bucks now look at Brooklyn then look at any college football team that has lost their coaches look at what Tibbs has done with spare parts Randle Brunson Mitch and the rest all were thrown away from their teams

  10. Sam hit it right on the head about Kenny Smith smh I remember when he said “ in NY the fans never wait around to listen to the postgame interview “ I was like what the hell is he talking about man ….the interview literally took place 4 seconds after the game smh clueless

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