@Cleveland Cavaliers

Is a new Cleveland Browns stadium in the works? | The Cleveland Cavaliers silent at the NBA deadline

Is a new Cleveland Browns stadium in the works? | The Cleveland Cavaliers silent at the NBA deadline

What’s good man welcome to the debut of the ultimate 216 show it’s your host ear Le Pearl on the debut episode of the ultimate 216 show we gonna have a conversation of passionate over paa one team in Cleveland made some moves today other the other one they did not and

Kobe Bryant man he finally got a statue long l a black mamba all that and more coming up next on the debut of the ultimate 206 show Welcome welcome welcome man listen this right here we finally made it we finally made it to the debut of the ultimate 216 show uh this is something that I I am really really excited to bring you uh to bring you all little nervous today is the first ever episode I got to be

Honest this is unique you know the ultimate Cleveland sports show is it’s based on Sports and you know shout out to Adam Astro shout out to Steve Becker who gave me the opportunity to you know just speak to you all about sports life and culture and um I don’t know how it’s

Going to turn out I know this is a brand new baby we’re going to nurture it we’re going to grow it we’re going to plant some positive seeds and it’s going to organically take its form to how it’s going to be and so I think it’s important to set the expectation of what

To expect from this show uh the ultimate 216 show is a show that’s about sports it’s about life and it’s about culture and we’re going to have some fun on the show we’re going to have some serious conversations and of course we’re going to talk about sports but the ultimate

Goal is to highlight people in the 216 that’s having a positive impact in the community right so so you might not see a former player or a current player or a a popular reporter that you’re familiar with on this show all the time you might see some people that’s a local barber

That’s a teacher that’s a guidance counselor that’s a author that’s a DJ you know different walks of life but they’re having some type of positive impact uh the reason why I thought this was important it’s because a lot of times in the city of Cleveland we get highlighted for all the

Wrong things right we all we we often have a negative light you know shined upon us and I think this is a opportunity to shine a positive light on positive people on you know people that is really really out here trying to impact change in a positive way people

That’s out here that’s you know trying to out trying to help the youth and another thing about this show that I really wanted to do was to use this platform uh to restore Hope and Faith to be a to be some motivation to somebody that might need it and to to

Lend a helping hand through myself and through whoever the guests are that will appear on the show and so again like I said really don’t know what to expect but we’re gonna have some fun we’re gonna have some real conversations and hopefully you know you all accept this Embrace this and we grow

This together if you in the chat do me a favor drop the hashtag letter u216 man that’s how we rocking for the ultimate 216 show h216 so go ahead and blow the chat up with that man I appreciate all of you all joining me right now while you’re at

It don’t forget to subscribe to the ultimate Cleveland sports show uh YouTube page ring the bell that way you stand alert for this show the rest of the ultimate shows and of course uh you know our main staple the ultimate Cleveland sports show in itself uh

Looking fun man we uh looking forward to having some fun we got like I said real conversations some really really serious some serious that might not be so serious like for example something that I really feel like is a major issue in the city of Cleveland something that if I’m being

Totally honest has an impact on me on a day-to-day basis and I’m pretty sure it has an impact on you all as well and I’m curious to know you know if you all feel the same way that I feel there’s two there’s two large issues that we’re facing on a day-to-day

Basis people who don’t know proper freeway etiquette and these slow ass fast food restaurants right like those are serious everyday issues that might not be so big and serious to most people but they big and serious to me I cannot stand getting on the freeway and you got people who

Really don’t understand what Lane you need to be driving your car in at said time and then I don’t know about y’all but this whole narrative that you got to do to speed limit listen you driving a proper lane at the flow of traffic droper one if you feel like you

Should drive at the flow of traffic drop or two if you feel like you should be doing the say 65 mile hour speed limit I’mma tell you you people who want to just do the speed limit you gonna cause an accident people that faster than the people that’s driving with the floor traffic

And then y’all got the nerve to be on your phone applying your makeup texting on your phone eating like doing all kind of crazy stuff meanwhile I’m just trying to get to work on time like you know how like like it seem like every other morning I’m texting Mike hey

Bro I’m I’m stuck on 77 I see you about 8:15 like true story every day I drive I90 I 480 I77 that is three of like the most major highways in Northeast Ohio so you can only imagine like what I go through just try to get wherever like

On time and what’s crazy is like I leave out in enough time to make it one time and then the the other side of this coin is fast food restaurants like since when do you go sit in the Drive-Thru and waiting 20 minutes is acceptable like some people get a half hour lunch

Break and you trying to go get you something to eat you trying to go get you a number two combo with a Pepsi and and you got to sit there for about five or six minutes before they even take your order you probably got another another 10

Minutes before you even pay and probably another three or four before you get your food so now you gotta rush back to work and drive or or another thing like I I know me this this is a big one for me I try to go get me something to eat

Before a big game right and nothing like sitting down with a nice meal before a big game you know you you full you can watch the game I I get hangry right so if I’m too hungry like I’m pissed off now right but ain’t nothing more like

There’s nothing more that pisses me off than just being stuck in a drivethru for 20 minutes where all I wanted was a number two combo to where in my mind I should be there no longer than five minutes and I’m saying this from my own experiences right like I’ve worked at

Fast food restaurant my first ever job was at Wendy’s and my boss shout out to Maxine my boss at the time she was big on 60c cars by the time that you come to our drive-thru and you place your order to the time that you pull around you pay

For it uh you should be able to get your food so what side of the Corn you on like what pisses you off more is it people that that don’t have proper freeway etiquette or is it people or is it being stuck in a fast food restaurant

For longer than five 10 minutes max and that’s just an example of some of the serious but not so serious conversations that we gonna have on this show uh you know we’re gonna talk about like multiculturalism you know we we just G we gonna have a lot of deep conversations truly truly looking

Forward to it man and um we gonna get into this passion overpay but like I said I am very very excited to start this thing up really looking forward to getting a lot of feedback from you all uh like I said when you start seeing these guests pop up that you don’t know

I encourage you man stay tuned in like you never know like you might be coming across somebody that might be able to help you your child or a family member or or your spouse like get to the next level you never know that person might have story that’s similar to yours and

They’re encouraging you in some way some shape or form of you know just to hold on and have some faith and and just to be better so like I said man really looking forward to it all right man before we get into this next topic don’t forget man the ultimate

Shows is officially off and running check out Jason Lloyd Mikey McNuggets on the next episode of The Ultimate Cleveland Cavaliers show man the Cleveland Cavaliers take on the Brooklyn Nets tonight in Brooklyn at 7:30 uh last 16 games the Cavs are 15 and one I’m pretty sure they’re gonna have some hot

Topics man if the Cavs keep on rolling keep on pushing make sure you tune in to the ultimate Cleveland Cavaliers show to get the latest on what’s going on with them so last week I believe it was uh play the audio for you all in a minute um you

Know LeBron James was in a locker room post game and he was speaking to the fact of a lot of young players in the NBA today they are focused on all the wrong things right they’re focused on the money the cars the jewelry the women things like that and these are issues to

Where I think that become distractions and you know when we have these typ type of conversations understand that I believe that there’s a lot of crossover to Everyday real life in sports when it comes to some of these issues so I’m G play this clip first from LeBron James

And he he’s gonna pretty much talk about um you know these dudes letting other things outside of the game of basketball be become more important and you know honestly that can have a negative impact take a listen you know come to the gym one of

The first ones to the gym we one of the last ones to leave you know and uh just pour it all into the game if you want to be great if you want to be you know someone that’s you know will never be forgotten in this league so you know

Soot the um the cars and the and the jewelry and and all the other dumb that don’t matter means absolutely nothing and I see a lot of these young kids they get so unfocused about stuff that that is um so material that they can they can lose

Their focus worry about the game you worry about the game everything take care of itself about the game about your family and then worry about the game some more and be selfish too it’s okay to be selfish because you have to be a little bit selfish to be able to uh to

Be great some people have to fall to the way side of times that was current Los Angeles Lakers Fort uh former Cleveland Cavaliers Fort LeBron James and and you heard what he said um I 100% agree with him and you’ll get to know like when I have

Conversations I try to really speak from my own personal experiences or things that I’ve really witnessed firsthand and I’m a firm believer like if you if if you’re not doing something that you truly truly passionate about eventually is going to flame out and then your stewardship is gonna be called into

Question right doing something at maximum effort is gonna be called into question I think a lot of times people pick a occupation because of the financial benefit even if they really don’t love it I know people who are in the medical field they are nurses and

When you ask them well why are you a nurse they’ll tell you because I mean this this pays a lot of money but they really don’t have a vested passion in and really being a a a caretaker somebody that you know is is really into nurturing people sick people at that

You’re doing it because it pays a a nice amount of money for you to be able to take care of yourself you know and I named this passion over paid and some people might say well Pearl you you done lost your damn mind because in the climate in

2024 regardless if I like it or not I got a family to take care of I got myself to take care of I need to make some money and I get that but eventually that right there won’t be a motivating factor right eventually let’s

Say if you got a job that you are making good money damn good money right eventually you gonna make so much money to where the money can’t be a motivating factor like imagine going to a job that you really don’t like on a day that life is really

Kicking your ass but you absolutely still got to go because the one thing in this world we all got to do to survive is we got to work so imagine going to a job you really don’t like you really don’t care for pays you good money you know you got

To take care of yourself and your family so you gonna do what’s necessary I think that’s the wrong mindset especially if you’re a person that’s a dreamer and that’s truly truly passionate about something uh for eight years I worked for Cleveland Municipal Court I worked for

Earl B Turner cler courts and I was the supervisor of the Civil Division uh and the garnishment department and the job paid pretty good money I had a position of power and to be totally honest with you like for the most part I was left alone I was cool I

Got PRS this is a job that if you get a the the thing is especially here in the state of Ohio if you get one of those quote unquote get good government jobs whether it be City you know or state then typically like traditionally those are the jobs that you retire

From and I’m G be totally honest with you all I never really saw myself retiring from there and I remember I quit this job and when I quit this job I still didn’t go pursue my dreams I went and got another job that would pay me

Good money I got there and I realized that I still wasn’t happy I still wasn’t satisfied now in between the time that I quit this uh the city job and started the job at Progressive my father had suddenly passed away from a heart attack and I remember sitting with my brother writing

On my Dad’s obituary and I realized how much stuff my father had accomplished at just 57 years old before his is like untimely passing so to speak and I instantly got to thinking about everything that I’ve been passionate about things that I’ve truly truly dreamed of

Doing and how I never really pursued it because I either didn’t have the time the education or the finances to really do it you know and by this time I’m a dad right and and I got other stuff that I really need to be focused on and and like worrying about and

So whatever that’s that you fast forward I leave the job that I left the city to go to to take a job with KY Hogan County because again my father passed and now I’m searching for something that’s familiar I’m not even really considering in money or anything I just

Want something familiar it’s been too much change for me I get back there and again the same thing now it’s like rince watch and repeat I’m still not satisfied I’m still not happy there’s something inside of me that’s still not right I know I got

Children I know I got to take care of myself I know I got to make a living but yet this is not satisfying me this is not what I want to do next thing you know Co h and when Co hit I made a bold choice to quit my job

And to uh pursue my dreams to be in the sports media world right here in Cleveland I went to Ohio Media School grinded it out and I’ll say this now because I didn’t know this at that time I actually went to school at the perfect time because truthfully Co it

Changed how we consume media and in my opinion I believe that around that time whoever was in said broadcasting school media School journalism School Etc whoever was in school around that time were were the first people who got the opportunity to you know deal with the technology um that will be able to

Produce how people consume media going forward and so not even realizing it or knowing it I kind of did myself some major favors and I remember getting out of school I landed my job at 923 def fan and when I landed my job at 923 to fan I was so happy because I

Understood that I was working for the number one sports radio station in the Midwest region and definitely in Northeast Ohio but it was also one of those things to where okay my foot is in the door but this is a brand new Journey I’m starting

From the bottom and I got to grind my way to the to top and I’m not going to tell you how much I I started off making versus what I make now I just tell you this I was working less than 30 hours a week making pennies on a dollar and I

Remember all I was doing was screening calls and putting putting people like Mary K kabit through for interviews with the host but I was passionate about sports and like LeBron said In that clip I really didn’t worry about about nothing else if I just focus on what I’m

Passionate on everything else will take care of itself this is the same thing I think that applies in sports right you see these athletes all the time who really don’t love the game they love what the game can do for them and you notice after a while it starts to show

Up in their play it starts to show up in their effort and I think being a good Steward is in your profession is just as important as being a good Steward is in life and that if you don’t learn these core values of you know pursuing something that you’re passionate about

So that you can always exhibit your best effort then you’re going to always be in the situation like I was for a long time to where you’re just searching for this like you know temporary gratification this temporary sense of okay I’m all right now eventually man all that stuff is not

Gonna matter you’re gonna have to eventually get to a point to where you know you’re really you’re really willing to go after what matters to you at all cost you know I was telling my homeboy tyus shout out to tyus pile we had a conversation today hypothetically right if you can be

Land in your grave and you could look up from your grave one last time before they threw the on top of you will you be satisfied with the life that you lived can you look up from your grave and say everything that I always wanted to do

With my life I at least tried to do it and if if you can’t then unfortunately you lived a life that was unfulfilled of you really like fulfilling your entire purpose and if you didn’t fulfill your entire purpose while you was alive in my opinion you didn’t get the most

Out of out of the human part of your life so that’s just something to think about before we close this segment I’m G give you another clip man from Ted Senor Ted Senor is the head football coach uh for the Glenville tar BLS uh football team and he’s also their head track

Coach but this is why this is important for me to give you this message now because some of you all that’s watching you know you got kids that’s in high school that might play sports and they might be looking at playing sports for the wrong reasons right they might not

Necessarily be passionate about it they just might be looking at it for a way out so just take a look to take a look and listen at what Ted had to say and this is when he uh was on the ultimate Cleveland sports show I believe this was

January 18th 20122 take a listen what’s the biggest difference that you’ve seen in the boys oh easy it says they don’t love football they just play it they don’t love it anymore why are they playing because they they because of the way of the world the all the all the things that’s

Going on today they don’t love football wow they just play it so you have to be love into it you you know they don’t they you know you got your games you got your cell phones you got the everything is all speeded up you can’t do to many

Distractions now yeah you can’t do that you know they they got talent but they don’t love football across the board across the board that’s interesting tell you tell me I mean you know and I I say it all the time I had a state championship team but can I tell you on

The team that who really love it cuz you love it by what you do every day I don’t see that kids love winning that’s it but so I would imagine that as they’re going on and the excitement’s building and they’re getting a lot of attention they love that aspect they love that they

Love the they love the Instagram they love all that shout out to coach Ted again Senor but uh I hope you take that in man and understand like I think he’s 100% right you know young adults and adults tend to love what things can do for them instead

Of that sad thing and if you love whatever it is more than what you love what it can do for you and you focus in on that it’ll do way more for you than what you think it can do so just a little something to put on your

Mind shout out to my man G Bush man who got the ultimate Cleveland Browns show started this past week uh two episodes a week one episode he’s going to sit down and talk to Legends if you missed his very first episode he had Lee Ry hord on

Lee Ry hord is a great fan friend of the show so go back and check that out man that’s the ultimate Cleveland Browns show coming at you twice a week with my man G Bush all right man so the Cleveland Cavaliers take on the Brooklyn Nets tonight at 7:30 uh the the trade

Deadline has come and went Kobe Alman and the Cleveland Cavaliers decided to make no moves they decided to go after nobody out here as far as you know making a trade before the deadline they decided to stand pack with what they have and I want to know how you feel

About it you know you could drop drop your comments in the chat do you feel like Kobe Alman Co Kobe Alman should have um pursued somebody before the trade dayline expired or do you feel like that the Cleveland Cavaliers did right by standing in pack with what they

Have and just you know pushing forward with the season uh me personally I think the Cav did right now I know I’ve taken a lot of criticism because of my opinion and some comments on how I feel like the Cleveland Cavaliers should be using Darius Garland and to each his own right

We all entitled to our paying I stand on what I stand on uh I stand behind what I said I think when I look at the Cleveland Cavaliers man in the last 16 games they are balling out right 151 in the last 16 games currently coming into

This game they have the number two seed uh in the Eastern Conference they lead the Central Division this team has the best role record in basketball they are are in the top three and three-point percentage rebounds per game over this time span the Cavs is flat out balling Donovan Mitchell is averaging 29.4

Points per game coming in tonight I think it’s 7.3 assists 5.2 rebounds he’s shooting 50% from the field as well as 37.3% from three-point range right this team is balling and I think that this is a team that has a lot of talent a lot of different weapons and we’ve seen JB

Bicker staff grow as a head coach over the last month or two and so for me you know sometimes the best moves to be made is the moves that you make internally and I think that this is a good opportunity because the Cavs are a lot

For the playoffs like we we we see what’s going on like we we didn’t check the temperature we know what’s up right and so knowing that the Cleveland Cavaliers is a lock for the playoffs I think this is the opportunity and the time for JB bigger staff to experiment

And you know finetune what’s working well try some things out with different roster combinations and just seeing like how many Lethal lineups that you can put together to attack your opponent because at the end of the day everything that you’re doing right now at this point in

The regular season is gearing up for the playoff run and the fans of the city of Cleveland the people who cover the team and the team itself is all expecting a different result from that that happened last year against the New York kns right like we showed that we wasn’t

Tough enough that the lights was too bright and we wasn’t ready for the big stage and I think that this Cleveland Cavaliers team is much deeper than they were last year I think this team is playing much better than than they were last year they’ve adapted a new style of

Play that seems to works well with the roster um that’s been configured on his team and JB bicker staff has done a good a great job excuse me a great job of you know adjusting his coaching style to make this thing work and so you know if

You talk to my man Mike Mikey McNuggets he’ll tell you in the playoffs game the game the coaches are going to adjust on who they attack how they attack you you know what they goals is to try to stop you from doing your thing and if that’s the

Case then this is the perfect opportunity for you to Tinker with different lineups to see what really works what don’t work so that way when you get to the playoffs you’ve already you know been through the trial and error process of okay this work this don’t work and then you’re able to move

Forward so you know shout out to the Cleveland Cavaliers keep pushing forward keep doing your thing um I’m loving what I’m seeing this team is special you know the the the true test is you know the Boston Celtics right how you match up against the Boston Celtics in the

Regular season and in the playoffs if you get the opportunity to make it to the point of playing them so that was a team in Cleveland that made Zero moves and rightfully so a team that’s out here shaking and moving our beloved Cleveland Browns Man Jimmy Hasam is in the works of purchasing

176 Acres right talk about acres in a mule I’m just trying to get one acre y’all like like man put the one in the chat man if you just want to own one acre of land like damn but uh he purchased 176 acres of land um Brook Brook Park area near

Cleveland Hopkins International Airport and this potentially might be the future home of the Cleveland Browns um I think this is a smart move by Jimmy hlam because clearly he is ready to move forward and to get a new stadium uh I would love to see something with natural grass and a

Retractable roof um I do know in in Pre in previous conversations he has said that he wanted to kind of keep the Stadium downtown Cleveland we don’t know if that’s going to be possible we don’t know you know if Stadium Renovations on the current Stadium will ever take place

Uh I don’t think they should I think the best course of action is building new building a new stadium uh I’m a person that would love to see the stadium Stay Downtown Cleveland because simply that’s what I’m used to but if I’m being open-minded I can definitely see the pros of a potential

Stadium uh in Brook Park Ohio you know this is the opportunity I don’t know all the major connecting freeway so forgive me but I easily think of 77 90 and 480 right you have more than one uh access point into getting to to the stadium and then Jimmy has purchased so much land

That yeah it might not be much around it now but you can build out you know with restaurants and and Gift Shops and and parking lots and things like that and I also think that you know if they don’t use this for a potential site for a Cleveland Browns new stadium then you

Still have this venue here for what could be a potential uh major league soccer team a woman’s major league soccer team we all know that the haslams on the Columbus Crew and so the interest is clearly already there in Major League Soccer so it’ll be interesting to see

How this uh plays out but clearly he came up on a on a deal that he couldn’t pass up on and I’m not mad at him for going out there and doing his thing man so the Cavaliers didn’t make a move today I like the fact that they didn’t

Make a move today the Cleveland Browns on the other hand Jimmy ham out here purchasing land also the Cleveland Browns did hire Andy Dickerson as their new offens offensive line coach so I’m kind of like waiting to see what happened I’m not going to really you

Know get too much into detail about it you know if he comes in he does his job in the offensive line can sustain the level of play cool I’m all for it one last time man don’t forget to subscribe to the ultimate Cleveland sports show ring the bell for all the

Latest alerts um you know it’s been fun sitting here with y’all also make sure that you are tracking all the ultimate shows and um that you’re that you’re ringing a bell for those we got the ultimate 216 show we got the ultimate Cleveland Browns the ultimate Cleveland Cavaliers ultimate Cleveland Guardians

Show will be coming soon man do not forget about that in closing I just say this I got through the first episode well one minute to go man I’ll just say this today is 28 2024 uh 2824 that are those were the jersey numbers of Gian Bryant and Kobe

Bryant and you know today outside of crypto arena in Los Angeles the LA Lakers will unveil Kobe Bryant statue um I love the fact that I was able to debut this show on the day that Kobe Bryant gets his statue Kobe Bryant was not my

Favorite NBA player but he was one of of the players that I paid attention to and as a man you know when he spoke I tend to listen ma mentality is something that I try to adapt myself um I find gratification I find beauty in the pain

I find beauty in the grind and like Kobe you know it ain’t too many people out here that’s gonna outwork me to get to where I want so RP to the Black Mamba man to next time man y’all be great and spread love remember being great that

Come with a price spread love that think is priceless I love y’all I’m out

Cleveland Browns owner Jimmy Haslam is purchasing 176 acres of land in the Brook Park area near Cleveland’s Hopkins International Airport. The large plot of land could be the future home of the Cleveland Browns. Are you opposed to a new stadium being built outside of the Downtown Cleveland area, or are you cool with potentially the Cleveland Browns playing in Brook Park?

The Cleveland Cavaliers made ZERO moves at the NBA’s trade deadline. Did the Cleveland Cavaliers decide not to go after another player to add to the roster, or do you feel comfortable with the Cleveland Browns roster as is?

That and much more on the debut of The Ultimate 216 Show!

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The Ultimate Cleveland Sports Show is your daily source of the best conversation about the Cleveland Browns, Cleveland Guardians, Cleveland Cavaliers and Ohio State Buckeyes, as well as sports throughout Northeast Ohio. Hosted by Jay Crawford, Adam the Bull, G Bush, Jason Lloyd, Brad Sellers and Tyvis Powell.


  1. Good Show Earl💯 LBJ was speaking to The Zion, Jalen green, Types, focus on the work the rewards will come.. right now they're focusing on the rewards the game is secondary 🤔 that's my take

  2. EARL!!! I'm pumped for this show, man. There is so much potential for shining a light on non-sports or sports adjacent stuff in Cleveland. I'll be tuning in every week (I can't tune in live on Thursdays at 5, unfortunately). Great job on this first one!

  3. Great job Earl, I was born in the 216 currently residing in the 562 but I follow u G Bush and the rest of the crew , Go CAV'S.

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