@Cleveland Cavaliers

Who’s At Fault for Joel Embiid’s Injury? | Cavs Are Cruising

Who’s At Fault for Joel Embiid’s Injury? | Cavs Are Cruising

Cheers we’re recording cheers wait cheers chanting cheers good to see you guys I know how to properly address the wine maker himself who brought his um wine to enjoy with all of us he didn’t bring that [ __ ] he didn’t bring that I don’t want to check a bag and I’m only

Going to be here for an hour so you know it is what it is [ __ ] you laughing I can feel her smile behind me I can feel her smile hold on Kelsey Kelsey you can come say hi come on Kelsey you should come on to workout partner Kelsey our friend Kelsey it’s

Great to be here yes lots of people have made debuts on road tripping many times you could sit in this chair because it’s being occupied by someone that is not currently no so you know what just me and you were going talk you no wait really quick no so Travis Michaelson

That was my my my starting two guard uh when we won the state championship one of my closest friends yeah one of my closest friends everyone has a scrapbook everyone has a scrapbook yeah joke so he um I hired him to do my notes so it’s my

No so it’s that look it’s your best but game day yeah so it’s your best friend I was like hey bro I’ll pay for the NBA package for you give you x amount a couple hundred bucks to do each game he’s like bet so you know you get to

Help your people out right but you know working with me is a [ __ ] nightmare so like half the time I forget the games I’ll text him on the day of he’s even on my schedule but my schedule just keeps getting in and out so he’s on my

Schedule I’m like damn I didn’t get my notes from Trav today I’m like [ __ ] I’m like hey Trav uh you have a person at Espen that you just go hey these are the no no no you have your notes but he does my whole

Board for me he does my board for me and then I study my board and then like for big games playoffs he’ll do like a one sheet stuff and then I have all the other stuff I study but that’s what I put in front of me that you look at for

38 seconds a game welcome to this edition of road triping with R.J en chanting I’m Ali clipon that is called the road map to life figuring out what works best for you in your profession that was called Outsourcing Outsourcing is the best right it’s like janning we have kids but

We’ve never had we’ve outsourced the baby we Outsource we don’t do that job you guys have Outsource you Outsource everything everything no I but I can’t take full credit actually chinning does a lot by himself a lot yeah I’ll be like I’ll look at my fridge and it’ll be full

And I’ll be like do I want to clean this up do I want to no the answer is no going over here GrubHub so you guys are the ones that will put the cereal box back in when it’s empty and just wait for the next person that comes in that’s

La we’re talking about like I look at my house and I go I could mow this long nah not going to do that look look everyone is busy and there there’s a there’s a price for everything right I can do this and spend three hours of my

Time or I could pay somebody else 50 bucks to do the exact same maybe not 50 what do you do ah make enough money to other people God that’s my that like ladies and gentlemen own EOS this this is our this has been how many years we’ve been doing this damn

397 epes speak of oh my God great segue you do do something I hate when those I know hate when those words overlap we are um celebrating something really exciting when you talk about the start of road tripping yes what else overlapped with damn near the start of

Road tripping we were in Ohio yes we were with the Cleveland Cavaliers you guys had won a championship celebrating yet again um but we also partnered up at the time as well back in 2017 with the wonderful um company that I love being an Ohio Kid myself you homage and then I

Introduced homage to the both of you mhm I know when you guys won a championship it got introduced to you you’re right but this is the excitement this is the um announcement that we have this is why Channing flew in for just 90 minutes um

To be with us that’s what we do we have launched uh more merchandise we are rocking more merchandise with amage as you see right here obviously we’re all rocking it the gear the hoodies the te’s the crew necks he’s got the K uh yeah uh I’m only here for the free [ __ ] does

That not take you back to the first 97 episodes or to How I Live my day day day yes that’s the only reason why we still have a podcast we yeah we only have a podcast the NBA Jam if Richard would get his size correct you would be able first

Of all it’s not even my sizing first of all this why are you holding your boobs like that well because normally I’m like a b cup I haven’t been lifting right now I’m an a what first of all come on man man you’re an a yeah yeah anyways you

Shrink when you don’t work out everyone does tell us the secret that’s not know what big but I wasn’t working out first of all got big [ __ ] you still big I’m a big human this is natural honestly I’m I’m proud of you I we were about to have an intervention

We about we were about to yeah you were going to say I’m really proud to be with amage again I am I know I love amage this was the thing I remember when we when we first started and then obviously you know life got crazy but they’ve been

Starting with you getting traded yes they’ve been yes everyone no I I got traded to Atlanta nice Dy never been never been released before nice try bro nice it was interesting because the last episode we did together was at homage with Isaiah Thomas and Jay Crowder our live episode

Where I was sitting there talking knowing that I was gone that’s why when people were ask like T like what is it like during tra [ __ ] grow up you got the first and the 15th that’s the the only thing that matters not the trade deadline the the tomorrow does not

Matter the first and the 15th are the only thing that matters in this league oh I’ve had good trade deadline trades and I’ve had one where I was like well this sucks I got traded to Cleveland on the trade deadline and then I got traded to the Lakers on the trade deadline that

Was it yeah we’re gonna dive into it but first Roadtrip and for all of your gear we’re super excited to continue to grow with them we love the amage family um so yeah hit them up super excited trade deadline actually is as we’re recording today um no as this drops the

Trade deadline going on happen they don’t have to know they don’t have to know well that’s how it’s going to work okay perfect and I actually say that just for the two of you so when you’re talking okay remembering that it’s coming out TR deadline what is that like what does your families

Do how hard is that his situation is different like Lauren Lauren will [ __ ] go into like a cut the world mode oh yeah does that mean meaning she’s like take these bags with you cuz I know you’re going on a private jet and then she’s we’ve moved so much right

From house to house or like you know team to team like I think I lived in my 14 years in 15 houses so like after the Championship we were renting a house that lease was up and we were like okay we’re the house is too little so I had

To find another house and then it’s like oh hey you’re getting traded the next year or you don’t know if I’m coming back so why would we have the lease and then oh I signed with Cleveland again I thought it was going to be in LA and

Then it was like okay now I’m going back home to Portland my house gets remodeled we had to stay somewhere else and then Phoenix we moved every single year but getting traded on trade deadline with a 9month pregnant wife uh and finding out you have an appendix issue is not not

The jam okay this is the thing what do you say to those people because it’s real they’ll always say they get paid millions of dollars but I don’t think people understand there’s more than just you involv what is that let me just say this the fans want you to shut up when

You get traded but then they’re like well you’re not loyal when you’re here if it’s you can’t have both if you want guys to be loyal to the city or do you want them to act like businessmen because if you act like businessman if you get traded as part of the business

It’s all good but if you’re like somebody really do like Bobby pores for instance dove into the Milwaukee Community loves to in it yeah and then no idea what that was and then just dive in it yeah oh thank you go but then now he’s like in trade

Rumors that they were saying like people in the organization have to figure out what to do because everyone loves him so much so who do you bring them in for like th those are just things you got to deal with and and let’s say you like the

City and you want to be there and you get traded and every’s like oh suck it up you’re like man [ __ ] this place well well it it’s this is the thing it’s what we signed up for it sucks it sucks there is a positivity to the suck sometimes you

Can get traded to a shitty team sometimes you can get traded to a team and you win a championship and you’re a final piece everybody has a different situation the way I look at it is more of I was lucky CU my kids were very very

Young so it was like moving was easy there wasn’t schools there wasn’t best friends there wasn’t that I know Chris Paul lived without his family for a while one of the things when people talk about all the money you have is let’s say this let’s give you guys a fun story

When whenever we sign a lease let’s say October right because you’re going to bre for SE no one’s letting you sign an NBA season lease they’re making you sign a year lease even if you’re going to be there for seven months that’s just part of it do you know what was really fun

The person whose home I rented in Ohio he doesn’t give a [ __ ] I had signed a lease because I was supposed to be there for a year and then got traded right after training camp guess what I had to do I had to pay that entire year I had

To pay that entire year now they were like well if somebody else wants to use it and you try and you try and do this stuff so you try but the Tim of it and then there’s somebody coming in and it’s it just becomes a very very thing so it’s just

Like you got to take that hit now part of taking that hit was I went to Atlanta they waved me paid me went to another team got paid double right so it was like you you end up so you use that money to pay your well yeah I think I

Still made out on the positive but it was I’m more I no yeah but I’m more saying that it’s like the the the people understand your job is to perform it’s harder to perform at the highest of levels when you’re moving cities you’re traded you’re going to a new team you’re

Learning a new system your family’s not there you’re dealing with a ton of stuff off the court as far as infrastructure and making sure everybody’s okay and then it’s like go play basketball at the highest level that shit’s hard it it is hard and that’s not you know but that’s

Part of it how do you play really hard for a team when every it’s not just your teammates because you’re you’re in it but like your family is probably texting you every day oh you’re in trade rumors they’re saying you’re going to go here they’re saying you’re going to go there

And then you’re look looking around at these guys that are supposed to be like you know your professional Brothers like dejonte Murray and Trey young like how they’re playing the way they’re playing is impressive to me they’re being super professional there’s other guys that have been like I’m getting traded let me

Shut shut me down I never I never played for the name on the front of the Jersey ever never never played like Jersey while I was there because we were the the start of it I there was a lot of pride in what we had started the the New

Jersey Nets that was a lot of Pride that was the only team that I ever had Pride for for the front of the chess you were also young and dumb no no but I’m saying though I was there for they drafted me I was there for six years we went to the

NBA finals like we built a fan base that had no fans so it was like there was some pride into into that but after that it was always about the name on the back of the Jersey it’s about like how I represented myself whatever that [ __ ] but I will say this one thing

That I learned I think I figured this out in San Antonio is like it’s not about how it’s not about your situation that dict takes your your success it’s how you handle your situation so you can get traded and be grumpy and be pissed off but then the minute you get traded

And you’re like hey this is what it is this is what I signed up for you want the NBA this is a part of the NBA like go enjoy it and so once you kind of change your mindset but it’s hard to perform at a high level during the

Process and then um after the process of trying to figure it out but then it’s still just BK so you weren’t traded you chose Orlando yes idiot [ __ ] idiot no no no so they gave they gave him 38 cents more and he was like no no I got a

Lot more actually like I think six million more so here’s the real story during free agency I talked to Phoenix we had won 48 games that year I come back from my heart and I said hey I want to stay in Phoenix I’ve been here five

Years I like this young team I don’t need to come off the I don’t need to start and because you know I’ll come off the bench so that Mark Keef can start we already talked about it I just want to stay in Phoenix I’m like I’m happy here

I finally found a house everything was clicking they were like all right we’re going to offer you 16 and I go guys all I want is the going rate and I’ll even take less for the going rate to stay home which was again an idiot move idiot

Move so instead I said that to them on the side this so free agency comes I’m in LA with Rob palena Orlando’s in his office like hey Channing you’re a guy they go through who their who’s on their team what system they want to run what’s

Going on and they offer me a certain number what was the number it’s it’s public knowledge now um well they offered me like 28 28 28 right Orlando Orlando so oh [ __ ] so Griff was on a call too and goes hey I want you to come

To Cleveland but you got to wait three or four days and I was like oh who in Cleveland I was like damn this is before did you say who is in Cleveland no he wasn’t there he wasn’t there yet oh this was I was about to say what do you mean

Wasn’t there yet it was Kevin it that year the that year yeah because I was in Orlando for a year and a half so I was like I’m sorry I was like I can’t wait three days to I don’t even know what he didn’t tell us what was going on so it’s

Like H you didn’t have any sense of what was going on whole world but but not but not on not on because this was I imagine this was probably July 1st yeah so this was like Ju one you got like there July 1 July July 11th exactly 11 days yeah Brown was

A piece of Brown’s a piece of [ __ ] for that do you understand look I stand by has 30 million and they’re like just wait for me and I’m like [ __ ] when I see no but it was the same with like kawi Leonard did that the one year where and

It was like nothing happens until the first Domino Falls and braon knows that dr’s like July 11th I’m GNA pick do you understand all of free agency got held until July if if they had the smallest of chances of getting him July 11th is when pre agency really started once he

Picked then all the other dominoes fell wow yeah so but you got to make that decision on like the second third how about this his that year I almost went to Miami so when I was um fizdale was in Miami he’s like dude we want you to come

Here we want you to back up Braun blah blah blah and I was like okay cool he was talking to me a little bit and just I was like yeah I’ll come back up Bron in Miami whatever I promise you I was I was like not it was more of like a

Casual conversation would you come here would you back up Bron at that point in time I was kind of like on minimum contracts as a veteran minimum so I was like yeah [ __ ] I’ll go do that like a week and a half later they signed um

Danny Granger and then Braun left and I was like thank God and then you came to Cleveland no no I I I played in Dallas I played for Dallas That season right I played for Dallas that no yeah Dallas That season that was his first year in Cleveland because they thought he was

Coming back so they thought Brun was coming back they signed Danny Granger to be his backup he leaves to go to Cleveland on the 11 so I’m like thank God I did not take that deal to go to Miami so I’m in Dallas I’m cool I’m happy the very next year that’s when

They call me all well I was supposed to go to Dallas and then I stay in Dallas and the very next year I go to Cleveland but I was close to going to Miami I’d had conversations with going to Miami to back up Braun in Miami The Dominoes and

How they had to fall for the three of us to be sitting right here dude it’s crazy so wow to finish that story up there Orlando’s in there we go hey we’re gonna take one call and we call Phoenix we’re like Orlando has 30 on Deck so take they were like no

No we can’t go above 16 and I was like based on this and we had all the numbers of where I was statistically didn’t miss a game I’m like dude minimum I’m a $24 million guy say it again say that [ __ ] for sure at the time this is long timeo no no

No here for the free sh yeah so they were like no we can’t do it and then they end up signing Isaiah Thomas Goran called me he was hot when he found out so Orlando it wasn’t just a money it helped but it was like I thought we

Could replicate what happened in Phoenix when you had V Victor Oladipo Tobias Harris you know team was but like they on the come structure was crazy was it coaching what was it I’m who was there try oh Scott sky was the second year and hey

He is awful to play for but he is an awesome person he’s [ __ ] hilarious he’s hilarious he’s the best he goes God we can’t even make layups the first this is no joke every day we did 35 minutes defensive drills I had him in Milwaukee layups right hand Left Foot Right Hand

Right foot right hand underneath left foot like oh and then you had to jog for like 15 minutes back and that was your warmup and then you you had to do the close out drill every foot right hand Left Foot Right Hand right foot right hand one slide left hand one slide dude

I was like yo my I said Skyles my an you tearing my ankle figments what they called figments the ligaments you tearing my Lig your ligaments are figments of your imagination SC was cool cuz at certain point I said scy this ain’t it I said this ain’t it like

There’s nothing working here cuz the the young guys there was no and we had Aaron Gordon at the time there was no guy that were like you’re the man everyone else goes so they were like everyone gets to eat freely you can’t do that with a

Young team you need a leader you need like the guy that is going to they brought you in for they brought you in for veteran leadership but this is why you always I was like yo let’s do this they were like now we don’t do that here

I like what do you do lose this is people this is why you always take the money take the M if it’s if it’s not if it’s 22 to 24 if it’s a gap oh take taking a pay cut to stay in Cleveland that year pay cut I was making [ __ ]

Minimum I can’t make I legally per our Collective situations like that would you yeah if it was like if it was like you but this is the bullsh on a championship n you don’t take no on a championship don’t tell me that like hey your market value is five but we can

Only give you three Griff tried to do that [ __ ] too Griff tried to do me he’s like listen Rich if you take a minimum contract and this is why you always take the money he goes hey Rich you stay here on a minimum contract like I want you to

Be like our James Jones I want you to be here like we’ll do this whatever because it was going to save him a ton of tax dollars that’s part of the reason why I had to go but I was like Griff I can’t do that that’s when the cap went up

There’s all this stuff so they gave me like a portion of like the veteran or of the mid level so I got like two and a half which was I was like I I’ve out earned my like kind of like Jeff Green when they won the championship I’ve out

I’ve outworked my like a minimum contract and he recognized that so I did it and then Griff was gone the next year so it was like so that guarantee was gone because Griff was out and then it was kind of like if I wouldn’t have

Taken so I ended up making out but the point to the point to bring this thing full circle is the free agency the taking the money the trade deadline it’s complicated but we’re so blessed to still do what we do so that’s why people don’t ever want to hear how complicated

It is to go traded from Orlando to Cleveland to go win a championship people don’t care okay well we’re going to bring it all full circle thanks for those uh moments and stories from the both of you I would have never guessed what’s that wine taste like that that’s

What happened um tastes like an old lady fart as that my favorite is that the flavor the flavor disgusting metam musel oh disgusting um tastes like menopause in real time in real time I actually was going to ask you guys if you felt like this trade deadline was going to be

Really um quiet by the way shout out to Candace Parker she just announced that she’s returning to the aces for one more year she got a little homage package there we go we love you cand um I believe that’s what it went away but there has been a move who happened

Memphis no I’m sorry the Memphis Grizzlies are trading Xavier Tilman to the Boston Celtics for who for two second round picks oh tight second round picks second round picks are the new change right that’s like it’s like h it’s like oh it’s a how is a $1.75 I

Just keep the change does does Tillman offer anything for you guys that helps the Boston Celtics [ __ ] yeah he he plays T Tillman I don’t know big guy he’s solid I’m saying it’s kind like a just another big you have Al Horford and porzingis older banged up you want

Another now you could say hey Xavier timman he’s a serviceable guy give me 8 to 14 minutes sparingly and then when you need to play need he ain’t playing no 18 14es on that team bet bet bet better case of one but also you see Memphis is just Gathering up assets yeah

Assets okay so do you got is there any is it gonna be quiet what are we um I think in big names I think it’s going to be quiet but I think there’s going to be teams that make subtle changes that create a Big R I think well here here

I’ll start with this the teams that I think need to make ripples yeah I think the Kings do I think the Warriors do I personally think that the Dallas Mavericks do all those midlevel teams and who is my last one I think Orlando needs to do we still feel the

Same about the warriors uh that discussion that we had that has brought us here today in person after especially how Klay Thompson was the other night I [ __ ] with Clay excuse me I said I [ __ ] with Clay right yeah I I would say this after watching them Clay’s had some good

Games had some bad games I don’t think Clay’s I don’t want to say not the issue I think klay’s just going through ups and downs like any other player I think if you can bring somebody in they were talking about maybe moving Wiggins to Dallas or wiggin to Milwaukee if you can

Bring in some other players they’re not really running their same system to me they’re trying to but it’s kind of weird with you know with kaminga balling out right now so you don’t want to hamper his progress because you’re going to need him but you also want to win most

Of these games which comes and goes they him not getting his contract done whether he has an elevated sense of his value whether he’s not trying to take a discount whatever it is they offered him a contract the contract didn’t get done he’s mad he wants his money he wants his

Value I think that’s affected his play Draymond being in and out for the first two and a half months of the season and we’ve seen the numbers when he’s in there that has messed with him right because clay doesn’t have the exact burst so he needs the system to be

Intact he needs the system to be intact for him to go to that you know he’s shooting 37% from three and averaging 18 a game and we’re sitting here talking about Clays washed get you what the [ __ ] do you know how hard that is average 18

Points a game on 37% and my thing is this if Draymond was there and his contract was done that would be 20 at 39% like we make it seem like these things aren’t like fluctuated Draymond missed a like the whole first half of the season the In-N-Outs the suspensions

The [ __ ] no rhythm whatsoever they started off six and two remember that part and then all of a sudden the suspension then clay does get his contract so now he’s feeling he’s feeling a certain way about his own organization that he has won four championships for that he is the reason

Why there are a lot of the success that they have had that Trio so he’s feeling a certain way and I think mentally and emotionally that can start to weigh on you but Kay’s going to get his money in free agency but he’s also probably annoyed that he’s got to wait to free

Agency because someone’s gonna offer him and then they’re probably gonna match it or come close to it right there’s gonna be because we know a lot of people would love to have a 6 foot6 shooter on and yes he’s not clay from seven years ago but he’s still better than 95% of the

League that’s just the truth the skill that he offers what he does and his experience so you’re the opposite of what your your guy perk has been saying you think he’s gonna stay with the Warriors oh well I think I think perk is perk he’s trying to get he might be

Having some agendas to get him some certain places and stuff and I say that in a in a funny way but I mean like you know perk will look at it from a space of like I don’t believe this situation works you know where he should go like

That type of spot right and and so I I I think certain people look at it with different eyes right and they were like oh you’re not going to trade clay and all and you’re like like Warrior fans be careful be be be careful all this all

This like oh we should do this we should do that look you got Steph prior to Steph in this stretch and clay and we saw what happened when Steph and Draymond were there and Clay was out there was no Championship they were in the playin they weren’t doing anything a

Championship team God no Warriors 11th 22 and 25 no but I’m saying though but when Klay came back his first year they won a championship like Klay is Klay is as important was also playing his best that’s what I’m saying everyone wants to look at Klay like he’s the reason why

Their team is struggling it’s like Wiggins like forgot how to play basketball right and it’s like and I say that like in the sense of like do as an All-Star he is Wiggins without any injury is having his Worst season since he entered into the league and we’re

Over here talking about clay we’re over here talking about clay well think it’s just different because Clay’s inconsistency is not what we’ve seen and we always think and and and this is not always going back to LeBron but we’ve seen guys like KD and Lebron and a lot

Of these guys have had big injuries come back and have sustained success over a period of time we are now seeing after watching clay in person he is still missing that little extra burst he was never a one-on-one guy no but he could straight line drive now he’s not

Affecting the defensive end as much as he was which happens and offensively they’re struggling because they have no one that really is a rim Runner they have no height they have no like length where now he’s even getting a remotely open shot like teams are built to beat

The Warriors now well this is also understand this they messed up on wisman yeah no disrespect to Moody kaminga is playing well late or of late playing his best basketball but part of that is because they’re in a tough spot he’s the freshest the youngest and he’s getting

Better he’s earning these minutes but I would not look at kaminga currently as like a winning player right not not yet not at so he’s the way he’s playing is outstanding but the way he’s playing is not generating wins right because it’s not just his it’s not just give you an

Example Zack LaVine yeah yeah Zack LaVine can ball and is super talented but when he’s by himself you know he does not win he had never won four games in a row and that’s no and that and that’s no not yeah and that’s no knock

But let’s look at all of the things you you mess up on those drafts right and again maybe when you relook at it you’re like who could we have taken we took the obvious choice but wisan didn’t pan out and it doesn’t look like he’s panning

Out other places it’s not like he just needed to be in a fresh spot so you have Wiggins that has that has struggled heavily Worst season ever of his career Draymond has been suspended and has been the talk of the NBA since the start of the Season he’s he’s doing a better job

Of keeping his [ __ ] together no but I’m saying those two guys so let’s look at those two your draft picks didn’t your draft your high high draft picks didn’t work out are not in the manner in which you thought they did so it’s like from a organizational standpoint from a

Situational standpoint all of these things and Clay is a part of that so but I just don’t think that Clay is the reason why the Warriors are struggling and the last thing I’ll say about this entire situation is that the entire league is playing at the warrior Pace

From eight years ago and they can’t play at their Pace today right so when you have all of these teams that was a thing they would outrun you outshoot you so they could turn over the ball but they were going to hit eight more threes than

You that was just the way they played now every team has done that and every team is younger and every team now has a better infrastructure that’s not what the Warriors been they got KD they lost KD they brought in young guys Jordan P Jordan P was supposed to be the future

But for again for whatever reason that locker room didn’t work out Jordan P was supposed to be one of these guys that helped ushered in the new one it’s so funny when you watch teams like this and their fan bases that get used to success look at the Patriots

Look at the Patriots right now after 20 years with Tom Brady no I’m saying after 20 years with Tom Brady look at the Chicago Bulls after their stretch with Jordan they’ve never been to an NBA Finals Dam that’s 40 years ago but I’m saying they’ve never been to the NBA

Finals they haven’t been to the NBA finals in 4 40 years so you know when Jerry Krauss is like oh teams win or like you know management wins championships not players and it’s like that has still haunted them 30 years later so I’m saying it’s like enjoy was

Completely wrong when he said that no he is [ __ ] wrong who you he’s not completely wrong who man the people that put the team together help championships they help they are but they are not the reason why that’s what he said he said the reason there’s a difference between why they so

Aggressive because I don’t [ __ ] like that type of [ __ ] bothers me man it’s like why so much jewelry on right now I look I’m GNA say this I went to the I’m part of the reason why I’m hung over Robb you know we love him fan of the Pod

Squirrel um he invited me to the Bob Marley uh Premiere oh yeah how was that I’m [ __ ] Dusty bro I am Dusty how did you put all your words together look there was a lot of micro and macro dosing it was a lot of things going on

Uh like I’m just saying must been a plume of smoker no it actually wasn’t it wasn’t like the the it was very respectful because like all of his you know like Ziggy all the guys were there all the I don’t know if she was there

But all of the family like a lot of the family was there um Brad Pit was there it was like one yeah like he’s one of The Producers on the film did you meet Brad Pit I did not meet Brad Pit have you met Brad Pit uh I don’t know if Brad

Pit has met me yet that’s the way I view it right he hasn’t had the pleasure BP so you’re asking me I like yes I have I have slept I woke up took the kids to school went back talked to I went back to sleep you you were like this in the

Drop off line at school yeah yeah yeah drop get the [ __ ] out get out go gra forget don’t forget your backpack yeah I’m out man I I didn’t even take off my hoodie I just put it on and got back into bed you called me you called me was

Like hey I’m just reminded I was like Yeah by the ocean why don’t you just jump in the yeah cold plunge how about you go jump in the [ __ ] Lake how about that [ __ ] it’s not a lake it’s ocean I don’t live near a lake I live

Near rivers stop telling people where I live by the way rivers and lakes you are the same thing no they’re not because rivers rivers where we’re from is not what you’re on cuz you wouldn’t buy a home on a river where we’re from so no

You live on a lake I live on a river Riv go swimming do you get in the water I do have my place in Wilsonville yeah not in the city Yes again channy’s the only person $28 million River yeah CH Chan is the only person that has like two homes

In Oregon 30 minutes from each other 46 on a river Wine Country it’s great it’s our new Tasting Room can I speaking of wine country really quickly why why is your name why is your name so low on this you’re like third you and Kevin yeah third and fourth I’d switch up to

Branding immediately who the [ __ ] is this jacob gray guy Chase Benton why are their names first I don’t know that’s just how it was it doesn’t matter Richard micros having said that can we give some love to the Cavs yes besides the Clippers which you’re obviously going to call their game tonight who

Have won 25 of their last 30 what number one in the Western Conference the Cavs are the hottest team in the NBA right now they’re number two in the East they’ve won six in a row Clippers they’re the Clippers of the East sometimes why you look at me like

That oh sometimes say this when Don Mitchell was with the Jazz those team kind of are that’s I said why the [ __ ] you look at me like that they they were usually one and two Donovan does very well when there’s no other option you go

Oh you need me to take us here that’s fine but the issue is is this number one and them being great is this conducive for them winning and going to the second round the Easter Conference Finals I don’t think so so they’re gonna have to I would rather the second round they got

To get to the second round second to second round is what they have to get to second so so this is this is like for them in the Knicks and the Knicks are the two teams that have a chance to like sneakily get to a conference fin chance

Yeah cuz I’m not sold on obviously I’m not sold on milwauke I went on my rant the other day uh Philly’s hurt now did you see the um tweets about wanting to fire talk Rivers already already okay this is not true but how funny would it

Be if he took that job just to get fired and collect that check and go back to ESPN and collect he ain’t coming back to ESPN he ain’t coming back to ESPN we don’t need to go into details but if he gets fired from the Bucks his

Broadcasting days uh you know well you you would say that about his coach he could go probably go to Turner you go to Turner Turner no no doc Doc is a legend But ultimately like he chose coaching over broadcasting and that’s that’s I think a a a a good place for him okay

The Cavs I just think they can dominate a regular season Don V has showed this in Utah he’s showing it now he has a a big man who can Rim roll he has vets who could shoot who are simple the issue is what happens when you put other Talent

Around him can he and them coexist to be great in the playoffs I’d rather them go 11- four than 15- one or 11 and five yeah do your [ __ ] math bro [ __ ] private school broy [ __ ] St Mary don’t ever say that that’s disgusting same Mar not broy green and green white

And gold versus white and red channy you’re giving broy not a chance not a chance my brother Logan does broy is is the like the all boy school it was our rival you went to an all boy school not a chance I went to a school girls withar skirts like Britney

Spears in look they no no first of all first of all back in 99 2000 in them oh what Channing Channing the me too slow down the me too slow down what that’s a uniform it was when Britney Spears came out with what’s oh baby baby so all the

Girls had the high socks and they would roll their skirts up and the dudes we had to wear khakis and is that what it was like is that yeah it is noo I wanted to go to school they’re like damn Chad are you ready to go to school I said I’m

Ready to go ready to go why are you here so late don’t worry about it I’m here till the last person leaves um okay so Cleveland I’m gonna stay on Cleveland anyways no channy’s right I I I think the second round though is all you need

No no no what I say it is like look they lost in the first round remember they were they were in fourth in the All-Star break two years ago and then they they kind of stumbled because of injuries how’d that work out for you uh and then and

Then and then um last year they made it to the postseason it was a terrible matchup for them you know they added size they added shooting and so this year you got to continue progressing right you got to continue progressing and I think they’re they’re prog aggression let’s say I okay if they’re

If they’re if they end up being two three but but I’m saying if you’re two you got to have expectations you add a guy like maxre you have Georgie Nang you have what we’re gonna say still a very young talented player that may have hit a little bump in his development Evan

Right Evan Mobley then you have Jared Allen who might be the second best big man in the in the Eastern Conference then you have Donan Mitchell who’s gonna be probably a first team all NBA guy again so at what point do you put expectations on can’t be getting no no

No no hear me out hear me out you you put expectations based off of who the [ __ ] they’re playing if they were the if they were the sixs and and they got Milwaukee and three your expectations might be a little different you get up to that one two three spot which it

Probably not get to one but they get up to that two3 spot you’re going to get a 67 seed if and Philly we don’t know what Philly’s going to look like so it’s open for them that’s where I wanted to go next does Joel embiid play again this

Season and two what is your take now on the 65 game rule first of all and I want this to be cut and CLI very Qui I say what he was gonna ask first game there was gonna be a moment listen Stephen A said some things some

People said some things I have never been more sick and tired not of what they said but of the Nar that it was the damn players it was not the players speaking as a person that played 82 games four times played over 78 games seven times it was not the players Adam

Silver got on got on that Podium and said he didn’t say the players are doing this he said the data doesn’t support it where the [ __ ] was the data coming from the sports and science teams that were sitting guys out consistently that were trying to to validate their jobs that’s

Where all of this came from when you draft a player and then you tell him to sit out he sits out because the Sports and science teams I’ve sat in meetings with with young coaches that were like well we’re going to do it you know he’s

Going to be on a minute restriction and it’s based off the sports and science team not how the player is feeling even Kawhi Leonard said no regulation is going to play make me play more games I’m coming off of multiple knee injuries so my point is The Narrative that this

Was ever the players choosing to sit out and if we’re going to say LeBron James he’s 97 years old right he’s 97 years old but all oh players were sitting out at healthy games and players were do it was based off the team the NBA Finals 10

Years in a row not including Olympics if my guy is sleepy in Memphis let the [ __ ] sleep but it’s not about it’s not but that’s what I’m saying 125 games a year it’s not about don’t sit out versus Memphis this is not about Indiana this sleepy in Memphis this is

Not about BR the food it tripop fan sorry a moment no I’m I’m just I’m just saying it’s like what the [ __ ] man I I just get tired of people blaming the players and you getting paid in this it was always the teams you don’t think the

Owners can come down and tell a player you don’t think that the head coach could tell a player the sports and science teams were the ones that was like oh you’ve played four games in five night and it’s it’s a lot and it’s and

It’s this and and your load is to I saw guys with hurt thumbs have minute restrictions your legs are fine bro like this is professional sports and so it it bothered me at a level that was so disgusting anytime they tried to blame the players for this that part I had

Zero tolerance and so now Joel embiid who really has had multiple knee injuries he’s been hurt all the time not because he doesn’t want to play basketball but all the guys that were being told to sit out because of this and this and this and even if they try

And reference Greg papovich who was kind of a dick the way he did did some of the things but Greg papovich had three guys that went to the postseason every single year and Manu and toi both had to play international basketball for their countries it was mandatory so he would

Try and find ways because he was contending for a championship for 20 years so it’s just like the narrative that this had anything to do with the players and now the players get penalized for this to a certain degree but it was always the they’re finding

The teams when they do that they’re not finding the player they’re finding the teams they’re finding the management they’re finding everybody else when this happens it was never The Players Sports and science showed up in the last 10 years and that this is when the thing went

Crazy I will say this when you think about competitors in the league right there are certain times maybe the last 25 games where let’s say and I’m not I’m GNA use LeBron let’s say the Knicks and Cleveland are number one and two where they play each other at the end of the

Year obviously that’s a big game and obviously those two teams are not going to play their best players that is an exception to why somebody would sit out who’s healthy why because you don’t want them to have film you don’t want those guys to get used to your system or your

Whatever but during the regular season these games do you think Steph and the Warriors go yeah we’re playing the kings in two weeks in December just none of us are going to play you think a player can tell a Coach that is ridiculous like yeah in two weeks we’re not going to

Play that game because we don’t want them that film about plays we’re not even going to run in the playoffs that’s not even a playoff they don’t we don’t run the same plays during the regular season as you do what are you talking about last 25 games what I’m saying is

Players don’t have I’m repeating what you’re saying players don’t have the amount of say so to just sit games like that because a coach’s job is on the line also Adam Silver said the data doesn’t support it who was giving the data who was it wasn’t the players the

Players weren’t giving the data it would first of all when I showed up again I understand I I got drafted in 2020 uh in 20 uh 2001 your damn came too early you nice try though my point is this is that there was one trainer and you might have

An assistant trainer who also was the equipment manager that’s it that was it so young players didn’t even get on the table then fast forward you have two massage therapist you have 10 10 people in the training room right to give every single thing and it’s a great amenity

But the [ __ ] goal is to get them on the court that’s why you have all of these amenities not to be like well I’m looking at your data and based off of my Stanford degree it says that you’ve been playing a lot and once we risk the high

Level of injury because of the shut up shut up I get tired of this bro and it’s like you get a young player that gets drafted and he’s like well look look my team is telling me that based off of this D Man it is it it they were the

Worst thing that have ever happened to this league the the sports and science data not the sports and science people the people that are out there to help the players get on the court they are great the people that are trying to get the players off the court because of

Load management and numbers and data and analytics those are the worst thing that have happened to basketball in the last 50 years does there need to be any tweaks to the 65 game rule no not currently I would say this not currently do you think the case or somebody who is actually

Hurt that does not count I don’t know what the rule is that does not count towards their if Jolie B comes back and continues to barbecue the league I think he should still be allowed to be in the running for MVP that is a you when you

Get surgery on something I think you still should be allowed to play yeah you know to be not to play but to be in the running yeah agreed but this is the point and we all know this right how many MVPs have played x amount of games

Joel and beid naturally would have based off the way he played don’t forget jokic’s first MVP in B got hurt LeBron was they were the number one seed then he got his ankle rolled out rolled on damn Solomon Hill Bear Down um so he rolls on his ankles and then LeBron gets

Out of it then then like there was already fatigue with Giannis jic deserved it but if you would have looked at two months to go in the season he was probably third or fourth right he’s probably third or fourth and then he you know catapulted into the into the

Running I would say kind of like a Kawhi Leonard right now if kawh Leonard finish strong then like yeah he can boost into above SG just curious um yeah uh no no no I don’t I don’t have kawhai above SGA and this is why they added kawhai is

Playing healthy he’s playing great out outstanding not no question heard yeah no no question somebody ask this question no no no I heard no but I just don’t think that I don’t think that for the success that the Clippers have they’ve kind of been in this range before over this stretch they just

Haven’t been healthy before like for the entire season SGA is a sole he is a sole focal point I would put him as like a yoke on that team when you look at Kawai even though he hasn’t had a night off he’s got Paul George he’s got James

Harden going for 30 and hitting four pointers and do it is not like a Luca that has the ball in his hands every single time is and is dependent on it so Kawai can win the MVP but I don’t think he’s the reason why I would put Shay

Above him is because sh you take Shay off you take Shay off that team that team’s not in the not even in the postseason you take kawhai off that team with Paul George with the rest of the guys six they’re a postseason team so just adding Paul

Adding adding um James Harden does a lot where do you have Yiannis I’m very curious [ __ ] not right now no but he knows this this the his MVPs came after he won 60 games right so if he’s looking around and being like yeah my numbers and data but we know

That the League’s defense has been [ __ ] atrocious all year long so it’s like you can’t even base it off his numbers um will the Kings finish in the top six yes yeah why do you need them to make a move they are fifth right now at 29 and

20 the suns are freaking I mean rolling but they’re right behind them and so that would push them to to six I’ll be honest right there Fox and Malle monk I don’t think they’re very talented this is just the truth I don’t think they’re explosively talented I think sabonis is

Going to give you you know and I’m gonna be gentle in the playoffs 15 to 12 16 to 12 but it’s not like you’re you’re going to get a game where you go sabonis won us this game you also have to look at who the [ __ ] you got to play and those

Other teams have explosive scoring right they are a great team during a regular season I think they need one more talented scoring piece to give him that extra boost is just what I think yeah I think Harrison Barnes is solid I think you’re not looking to Harrison Barnes to

Get you 30 in the playoffs like Jrs had moments where you were like oh [ __ ] J.R has 26 and then the next may have two but it’s exactly what we need I think that’s what they need and I think Malik monk can do that I don’t know if he

Could do that by himself they they don’t have enough and again what’s their goal it all depends what do you mean they don’t have I’m saying like last year first round no no last year was a special year I think they had the they were like top two or three in the league

And Le scoring but also in least amount of games missed due to injury right they were primarily healthy throughout the entire season and they’re been they’ve been healthy for the most part this season but I I look at as like they are one player away from being

Like a a contender in the west but like they have the yeah yeah they they they have the and it’s the same OKC needs more OKC needs more OKC needs more they they will run you out the gym they’ll do this but that the postseason basketball that they’re doing right now I think

They need another big this Josh giddy better get that jumper right cuz he going to be butting no but hear me out hear me out let me let me just say this if if you gave if you gave OKC if you gave OKC The Bigs that the Clippers have

Daniel Ty Mason uh Mason plumbley and wait wait let me and zubac they they are maybe the best team in the league I don’t think it’s close they that’s what I’m saying they’re missing that’s a lot no but I’m saying it’s like what I’m saying is all three of those no no no

But I’m saying all three of those players aren’t these like huge dominant like oh we got an Allstar we got this no like they picked up Daniel Ty off the street right then then zubac’s been there forever and then and then plumbley so I’m just looking at it from a

Standpoint of it’s like you don’t need um you don’t need a lot you just need players in like that can do the things at their position and the Clippers have that that’s why the Clippers they got all the perimeter they got the bench they got the big depth like OKC doesn’t

Have any big depth and if they did if they did have that they would be the Clippers they would be Boston and so when we say that OKC needs more it’s from they have a serious deficiency remember when the Lakers didn’t have shooting and it’s like this team needs

Shooting to go further still need shoo well they just need people to shoot better trash stop it um I have two more thoughts and then we can wrap this up but every time you say puncher the word punch I think of your what was that dick puncher oh dick puncher World of

Warcraft World of Warcraft you know people still to this day would be like dick puncher and I’m like please don’t yell yell me yell let me in the in the airport please don’t yell dick in the airport y I live in Portland you know people are weird that’s why you live

There love it um Channing and I were talking before you got here Richard about Kyrie yeah what do you have 35 36 last night back in Brooklyn there just seems I don’t know from afar I I follow um the Mavs sideline reporter uh lesie love her to death and there just seems

To be a different Aura I watched interviews that he’s done with her and last night his his post game interview is is there something different there’s definitely something different with Kyrie but I think it’s his energy yeah it’s the energy yeah and I I why are we

Using these words just for Kyrie no we’re no no no no no no we’re no she I no no no wait wa I’m saying his approach that boy got the right Rin stick going his approach his approach has I love it yeah but I think but I think in

Dallas there’s you know is it the team’s on is it the system is’s in is it yes have they figured something out Chanel bracelets you no we got our friendship bracelet this week Kel and I did and I got my like what my um anyways about energies Stones you’re distracting her my Eagle

My Eagle no K Kyrie man I’m happy for Kyrie you just like you know what Kyrie wants Kyrie wants to play basketball and go home that’s all he wants he doesn’t want people help the community no no but I’m saying that yeah 1,00% but but but it’s aasa but what I’m

Saying is that it’s different he just wants to he just wants to he just wants to just be a basketball player and then go about his business right like that’s it all of the other extra stuff all the I like I just don’t think he has

Interest in it yeah but you know I also think like when he when that big stuff happened everyone was Uber aggressive and I think Kyrie is just always going to be Kyrie and at some point you just go all right if I want to pay attention

To that I will and if I don’t I don’t there’s other stories around I think being in Brooklyn when all that went down that was him KD James Harden it’s a different environment I think he’s also older his kids are older he got his own shoes like a lot of things have changed

Where he’s like I’m my I’m fully who I want to be right now and at the end of the day there’s no pressure on him if they lose it’s not his fault if they win oh my God Kyrie great job did he lose it’s like well Luka what you what didn’t

You do yeah and it’s just the truth and so as freedom of Mind allows him to just be who he wants yeah I love it um all right I just wanted to wrap up with obviously when this podcast is released it is the day of Kobe Bryant in his

Statue unveiling in Downtown LA and obviously we are here in La you guys both played against Kobe and I thought it’d be kind of cool fun to share your favorite memory going against Kobe oh God do you guys even have favorite or would that be on no I’ll tell you this I

I have I have you guarded him right yeah yeah too you always get finding me trying to hide that’s called seeking the weak I I I I I’ve told this story before and you know for the new listeners I’ll say I have one Kobe story and it was I

Don’t think I’ve ever heard it um no no I’ve said this before um so my parents are both from Philadelphia right Mom stepdad they’re both from Philly they lived there for a short amount of time so they’re you know they’re Philly people hard hardcore so my parents were

Out for a game we’re playing Lakers Luke’s on the team Devin George Kareem Rush all those guys all those guys they’re um they’re on the team uh and after the game my parents you know we’re sitting there in the little tunnel and my parents are like hey hey can we meet

Kobe and we had just won so I’m like [ __ ] I was like I don’t and so I go to like Luke and Devin and those guys and I’m like I’m like I’m like hey in his mom mom and dad like you got like if they ask for something you guys m and

Dad so you’re and I understand it’s not from a uh oh he’s Laker Kobe Bryant it’s like no He’s a Philly guy like you know like them the OG Philly the OG Philly and so I uh so all of those guys come out of the locker room and my mom my

Parents talking to them and and I’m like hey my parents my parents like to meet Co and they’re just like like the whole group of them so I’m like d because of the loss well because of the loss and you know Grouch after so I’m like I’m like

Damn I’m like yeah he was young he didn’t give a [ __ ] [ __ ] I was like damn I was like all right so I go track my ass over to Kobe who’s you know 15 feet away and I’m like like a [ __ ] kid I’m like hey Co man like sorry to bother you

Bro but like my parents are from Philadelphia they just would just really like to meet you and say hello he comes over and has like a five minute conversation where you from where’d you grow up like what high school you at okay yeah yeah we did he was just he was

The best and like again I don’t have a lot of Kobe stories that’s just one where I was very appreciative he didn’t know me from [ __ ] his own teammates were afraid to ask for me so I had to go do it and it was just and and what’s even

Crazy about it is that my boy’s birthday is January 24th January 25th he passed on the 26th my parents were there to celebrate my boy’s birthdays so they were in town so when that news hit we were all together as a family and it was just like that much more devastating

Because it wasn’t just me waking up sending the kids to school and checking my phone it was like my parents were there and I had to go to work so it just made it this it just became a much bigger deal deal in our family right

Because of that in that day cuz they were all there and it was there for a celebration I was like kids we’re not going to Dave and Busters today I Daddy’s got to go and so that’s what made that’s my one Kobe story I don’t have a lot you know but that’s awesome

Though that’s special we had to same agent yeah yeah that was so we had to same maor so we went to dinner a couple times and then oh wow um you know just seeing him around and so like I don’t know why but I was like him and Tim

Duncan kg you obviously had to be you know ready ready to go but I remember we were playing them and uh I was kind of cooking the Lakers I said something and I was kind of I was feeling it and uh I was like man he said something like who gonna

Guard this dude I man shut up [ __ ] but like he goes hey chenny he goes Chan don’t let me talk to Karen and Tom so he knew my parents’ name I like and I like my face went from like hey man shut up [ __ ] like say oh

Yeah my bad my bad my bad yeah my bad that’s amazing yeah I was like hey my bad my bad I didn’t know that was you my bad because I think it was like Goron and um God I forgot his name now hated each other and then he stepped in I like

Shut up man he was like hey don’t make me tell Ken Tom and I was like [ __ ] I’ll get my hey I got a channel I got a channel Parson story I got to channel Parson story me tell your mom yeah I know right I got to Chanel Parson story

So we’re in Dallas right and this is after this was after Kobe you know I think he might have had some injuries and he was coming back and what he was he wasn’t Kobe anymore right um he like he wasn’t that everyday monster that we had known and so Chandler Parson starts

Cooking right starts cooking and we’re just talking [ __ ] we’re on the bench we don’t give a [ __ ] we’re just like like yeah Chandler cook his ass Chandler cook his ass Chandler that’s the [ __ ] I’m talking about so we’re on like we’re on the offensive end I think Chandler hits a corner three

Kobe’s Garden him it was like catch and shoot what and like on the way back down we’re like yeah Chandler cook his ass cook his ass right and so just to just start some [ __ ] and so like Kobe goes down and hits the three they’re both running back they’re both running back

Chandler’s looking at our Ben guys will you stop it guys seriously seriously stop stop stop we’re we’re dying over there cuz Kobe could hear and like they were literally in front of our bench Chandler hits it over Kobe what any big deal but we’re just talking [ __ ] on the way down

Instead of like we like trying to Hype up Chandler and instead of hyping him up Chandler come back man guys guys guys stop and like Kobe’s standing right next to him we went fear yeah he’s like standing back he’s like guys stop it’s not because he know because he knows

Like if Kobe decide if Kobe goes that level there’s nothing anybody can do and there’s lots of guys like that and Kobe’s not the only one LeBron’s that way at step’s that way there’s a lot of guys that are like that dwade uh Dame Lillard there are certain guy like if

They just was like all right that’s enough that’s right that’s right and so that hurts your heart when you’re like man I’m doing so good and they were like yeah we need to win this game now and you’re like well we were just up 12 why

Are we down 14 D and I I learned I learned one of my funny my one of my funny young guy stories when I was a young player I had a guy named Mike Michael Korn he was like my coach every single day that was my brother he I I

Owe so much to him is he related to Jimmy Korn yeah he is actually the both from Jersey he played North Carolina anyways so he tells me this story right he tells me this story he goes he tells me the story about the first time he played against George gving right shout

Out to Iceman we don’t get a lot of George gin stories bro I’m saying it was like he was an old guy anyways so he goes he goes yeah so the first time I’m playing against George gerin I want to like get all into his body I want to

Like I’m locked in on defense and George gin in the middle of the play takes the ball and goes like this he’s up in his body he goes now Young fella I wasn’t planed on going night but if you want me to and he goes in that moment I took two steps

Back and just this basic defense and it was like George gin was one of those guys George gin was one of those guys where he’s like listen man I was gonna give you guys a cool 25 get my average I’mma get my average but if you want me

To and he just was like okay n I’m good I’m good I’m good CU there was just there’s always these guys and it just in all sports that just Gering told him listen I wasn’t planning on going tonight but if you want me to and that

Was all that needed to be said and he understood that meant he was like we could just play basketball but if you want to get into me and make a name and Brew this and say you be George gin I will give you all of George ging that

Was the same thing that happened to your cousin Tobias in Orlando weren’t you on the team with them when Braun Braun was like in chill mode he said it after and Tobias messed with him it was well that it happened twice happened twice he had

To learn twice so one PJ right so Garden we’re doing good I think it’s Miami or we’re at home and uh Bron and missed his shot right and Deontay Christmas was at the bench and I was on a bench too and he was like we living or that’s what we

Want right so Braun you know Braun got ears he said what said all right so our our defensive coach goes sh shut shutu up shut the [ __ ] up so Braun and PJ looks at us and I said we like ah yeah and then Braun did something great you

Could see he started like he was on 6 out of 10 he start to do that heavy stomping where he tried to block a shot that had no chance and I said oh he just warming up his knees I said oh he went to the same spot six

Times H that’s what y’all want h t too little H poor PJ PJ didn’t catch all then Tobias said something or maybe it bumped him bias yeah yeah there there’s probably 25 guys there there’s probably 25 guys in the history of the league that are just like if you want me to I

Will go yeah right and it was just like it the beautiful thing about it is like that’s what’s awesome about basketball is that like it doesn’t take much to just say like Hey Hey listen you know who’s funny when they get like that is Kawai and I know we talked about him but

You know the other night he was talking [ __ ] and I watched the like endgame feed and somebody says something to him or they fouled and he looked at him and he was like give me the ball and then he like Boop bodied him up dunked on this

Dude I was like yo you legit like Loki scary naha no as in like his ability to do that without saying a word oh to do that and be excited I did it yeah like like it is done he only speaks in facts two points on

You yeah KAAL so funny all right you guys are amazing CH thank you for flying okay flying here just for this um and obviously we do want to remind you again we’re all wearing the gear because we love uh the homage family and so if you would like your own triping

Is where you can get it find it go get you some gear all right uh thank you to Dennis and Kelsey yeah shout out I need Nap for making this possible I go see the robot and for spirited chanting that’s another edition of road Tripping

After a devastating injury to Joel Embiid, who shoulders the most blame for letting this happen? On this edition of Road Trippin’, Richard, Channing and Allie go in on this injury, and how much impact the sports and science departments of NBA teams should have on playing time. Also, the crew discusses the red-hot Cleveland Cavaliers, and what their lineup is missing to have a true shot at contending. Lastly, with the Lakers debuting Kobe Bryant’s statue, the guys give their favorite stories from the Black Mamba.



0:00 – Intro
3:24 – Partnership with Homage
6:29 – Trade Deadline memories
22:28 – Klay Thompson’s latest performance
32:53 – The Cavs are HOT
37:56 – Joel Embiid’s Injury
46:49 – Western Conference Contenders
50:43 – Kyrie’s recent performance
53:00 – Kobe/George Gervin Stories

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  1. Love the conversation, but now all of a sudden Kawhai is playing not. This rule needed to be put in place. The players bought this on themselves.


    Darius is nastier this year, once he puts together some time on the floor he's going to tear shit up. Maybe the second best start-stop Herky Jerky Man in the league behind SGA. He just needs to wear a damn visored helmet at all times. Donovan has been a joy to watch obviously.

    Evan isn't plateauing I don't think, and trust me that's one of my biggest fears. He's hit a few comfortable 3s past couple of games, maybe won't continue but if so that's huuuuuge. Huuuuuuge. Allen is as mentioned a contender for best big man of that type in the league this year. Consistent double doubles and tuff defense. Hope he can adjust to the bright light of the playoffs this year

    It can't be emphasized how much better we are with Strus and Niang. Loved Cedi, but he needed to be jettisoned. CPJ is a terror, can't wait to see his game mature. Merrill provides the Mormon Shooting™. I haven't even gotten into Caris Levert, Isaac Okoro, or the true DWade.

    I think the successful stretch without Key Dudes is proof of concept, coaching, and core. For the role players/bench, a "gelling of the glue guys" to mix my metaphors. This is way too long for a youtube comment but I don't have a job right now

  3. Allie was right. They aren’t the clippers of the east. That’s a lazy corporate take that someone wrote on a teleprompter. They aren’t a bunch of aging establishment celebrities / HOF perennial all stars expected to play legendary ball together. They are a young, hungry, drama-free (biggest difference) team playing the right way who beat the clippers btw and currently have the longest win streak (again).

  4. Let's keep it real the 65 game rule is bullshit it should be 72. The rule should exclude medical approved injuries like surgery as good reason for kissing games. But players get paid for 82 games. I think they should take money from players and coaches when they rest stars. Players will definitely play every game.

  5. Not a fan of Richard's characterization of Kuminga's emergence as coming at the expense of wins. Kuminga's emergence is clearly having a positive impact on winning. All of Golden State's best lineups over the last ~2 months (and really even longer than that) feature Kuminga.

  6. Love this Pod Chandler and Rich ping on well and Allie be funny too. that nigga Rich said i dont know if Brad Pitt has met me yet lets put it that way.. Im dead 🤕

  7. yeah don't feel bad for millionaires who have to pay the lease just like everyone else.

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