@Dallas Mavericks

Mavs GM Nico Harrison Speaks After NBA Trade Deadline

Mavs GM Nico Harrison Speaks After NBA Trade Deadline

Tra I mean it’s two traes well I liked them I mean yeah no we we uh we had three goals coming in here we wanted to get bigger um we wanted to add to our depth in the front court and then also get some scoring punch off the front

Court so those are our three goals and we feel like we accomplish those what do each one of those guys bring individually before I answer that question I do want to take the time to thank the guys that we have you know didn’t get a lot of opportunities but he was

Always and then the other two Seth Curry like you know he chose to be here because he was AE agent so I think that’s important to acknowledge him again another professional um he he was he was great great for us again he didn’t another guy who didn’t get get a

Lot of opportunity and then Grant Williams another free agent that chose to be here so I think it’s important thank him for his contributions to to the team so now what was your question in terms of what those guys bring individually yeah I think um I think if

You look at you know PJ I think uh biggest thing about him is is he can score I mean I think a couple weeks ago he might have had 40 points or something like that you know he can get thank you he can get hot he can shoot um he can

Create uh so it’s just versatility but also uh Rim protection you know he can block shots and his bit uh he can play four and so I think that’s that’s the the thing that he’s going to bring to us um when you look at Gafford you know Big Time R

Protection add in depth to our front Court uh I can just you know imagine him and him and L H and and pick and roll and what that’s going to bring with a player like PJ um when you’re trying to assess him when you’re when you’re

Viewing him is is he a Maverick’s fit this season some of his stats are are down from where they have been three-point shooting you know block rate um is how much when you’re trying to assess them do you see that as being circumstantial and and how do you see

Him adapting or improving you know next to luuka yeah great question well I think you know when you have really good guards you get really good shots and it makes it a lot easier so I think you just try to Envision like what their skill sets are what they do and then you

Imagine them hey you’re playing with one of the best gu excuse me the best guard in the league what’s your what are your shots going to look like now um you know you’re going to have more space more time so I think that’s going to be an

Advantage to will those guys be ready but the game go over home City uh we’re hoping so but you know a lot of it will depend on physicals for both teams you look at those guys in terms of like being puzzle pieces of the rest of

The team it looks like it gives Jason more dirt versatility in terms of different types of RS yeah that’s well that’s the whole thing you know when you say at depth that’s really it’s versatility you know you the other thing we’ve been injured a lot this year so

When you talk about adding dep it’s like when you’re injured now it’s like okay we we can go we still have some guys that can go and pick pieces and and not worry about all these injures we got to rush them back it’s like we have we have

More dep now so we feel like we can match up with anybody mid January or so you guys were s over 500 sitting pretty despite the injuries how much did the losing of the last couple weeks contribute to this or you you I think what we added was what we

Needed anyways so I I don’t think I don’t think it just you know adding depth adding getting bigger I think that’s always going to help you having a guy that can score that’s always going to help you in any year so so I think um regardless of if we were winning more or

Not I think we would try to accomplish the same we we know our team so we knew how how important is it that that these are both players 24 25 who fit you know the Age timeline a lot of of you know the the current players yeah ABS great

Question you know for us it’s I’m always thinking um longterm and short term uh so you got to make sure that you’re prepared for now but also the the future and I think they both provide that is there a chance you guys are not down in terms of P Mark well you guys

Know me I’ve been here what two and a half years you can answer that question know if there’s a chance to make our team better uh we’re going to do that for sure there’s no doubt about it appreciate apprciate

Dallas Mavericks general manager Nico Harrison spoke to local reporters during the team’s game against the New York Knicks at Madison Square Garden, discussing the team’s decisions at the NBA trade deadline.


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  1. Grant, Is Spence available for us to sign or not?? You talked about on Twitter/X about the new salary cap rule. 🤔

  2. Unless Exum is too hurt to play this season then don't sign Spencer. You don't want that type of logjam on the bench. THJ, Hardy, DJJ, Exum, Gafford etc.

  3. Nico you mad genius!!! You did it again by keeling this team relevant around Luka and Kyrie!!! I brought you back from the depths and you basically followed our blueprint we went over and you got the job done!! Well done good sir!! 👍

  4. So hyped to see how Gafford plays with us. We now have two great Centers which we've been lacking for years. This is a game changer

  5. Nico just strikes me as a really, really nice guy…there’s something compelling about him…no wonder he’s considered a ‘relationship guy’

  6. Dallas now needs to be patient. Don't get pressured into silly moves because Luka is awesome and you are worried he might get frustrated.

  7. Nico absolutely has done amazing things since draft thru trade deadline. If he actually had some assets to trade he really could get things done. I would make the trade w Lakers in offseason. Ky is amazing but the assets I’m hearing Lakers are offering I would jump on it.

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