@New York Knicks

Carmelo speaks about Son’s college plans and difficulty of making it in the NBA

I like how honest Carmelo is about the reality that it is extremely hard to make it to the NBA, and that he is encouraging his son to go to college and stay 3 years if he isn’t ready. They also talk about how most drafted players don’t last long, which makes sense when you look at the Knicks (Kevin knox and Frank ntilikina) and Zaire wade only made it to the gleague and was quickly cut.

by OsakaBoi


  1. gl0cky201

    This might be the smartest thing I’ve ever heard from Melo. Much better then LeBron trying to rush his kid to the league.

    Zaire Wade was some asssss tho. He would have never even made it to the GLeague until his dad bought the team.

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