@Dallas Mavericks

Draymond Green says Knicks & Bucks won NBA trade deadline, explains what 76ers moves mean for Embiid

Draymond Green says Knicks & Bucks won NBA trade deadline, explains what 76ers moves mean for Embiid

What’s up everybody Welcome to the Draymond Green Show YouTube channnel make sure you hit that subscribe button make sure you like the post that you love but you can get everything the Draymond Green show right on our YouTube channel so make sure you subscribe check that out thank you the New York

Knicks the New York Knicks get boan bogdanovich that is boan bogdanovich from the Detroit Pistons and Alec Burks for Evan fornier malach Flynn and Quinton Grimes Malachi Flynn don’t see the court Evan fornier hasn’t seen the court since they signed him to that contract and Grimes is in and out of

Lineup they made out extremely well so now you look at these trades they got boan bonovich and Alec Burks and OG anobi without giving up a single first round pick that’s insane the New York Knicks got better does that timately put them in the Conference Finals like Stephen they’ been talking I

See a lot of people like oh they’re going to the finals they got better but I don’t know if I want to get that far ahead of myself just yet I need to see more uh you also like the playoffs is different man like the playoffs and they’ve struggled in the

Playoffs some like Jaylen Brunson bought it last year Julius Randle had a tough couple playoffs the last two years so the key to them getting to the NBA finals is uh or to the Conference Finals I’m not even going to get ahead of myself say NBA Finals let’s just go

Conference Finals Julius Randle is going to have to play well uh Julius Randle can’t have tough playoff series in that team win it just won’t happen and so je play well and it opens up things for them uh like I said Jew’s last couple playoff runs haven’t been great so they’re going

To need Jew to be jew the Jew that is in the regular season causing Havoc all NBA performer All-Star performer the max player that the New York Knicks paid they’re going to need him to be that same guy in the playoffs in order for them to take that next step overall I

Think the New York Knicks definitely got better um they they 100% got better and we’ll see where that leads them but they got depth they got size they got shooting they got playmaking and it’s going to be a log Jam so it’s also going to be interesting

To see who gets those minutes you know they still got Josh Hart they still got Dante uh Jaylen um you know they still got quite a few so it’s going to be a bit of a log Jam we’ll see how the minut play out and as we know Tom Tibido play

His starters 35 Plus minutes a game so it’ll be interesting like to see how tibs navigate his coaching style um where he plays his starter so many minutes a game and now you got the type of depth that they’ve built up that’s going to be interesting all of a sudden you get

Those guys have never won anything so when you start talking about like hey you need to sacrifice for us to win they don’t know what that look like they they they don’t did not know what that looked like so that can cause chemistry issues and so it’s going to be

Interesting to see how that plays out but overall on paper I think they 100% got better I don’t think anybody would disagree with that uh the OK Oklahoma City Thunder also got better uh they got they traded for Gordon Hayward for Trey man who I

Think by the way I think Trey man got game I think Trey man has a chance in this league but unfortunately got caught in the Log Jam in in OKC where they’re drafting three first round picks per year and you get one year to kind of show what you got and then they’re

Looking at the next first round pick the next year and he just got caught in that Log Jam but anytime he played you were able to see or he go down to the G League you’re able to see the skills that the young guy has um and then also

He’s been studying under Shay and Shay is one that H has had to improve each and every year to become who he’s become and he’s gotten a chance to get a first uh a front row seat and watching that and it seemed like Shay took him under

This wing and took a lik to him so I know he’s been teaching them a lot looking forward to seeing what Trey man uh go to Charlotte and do and so we’ll see um how that plays out they also got Davis Berton um and the Trade Charlotte Hornets for Gordon Hayward Davis bons

Hasn’t seen the course since he signed that deal and yet the Hornets were able to pull that off uh the horness also has a slew of picks and if I’m not mistaken I think they sent over a first round pick for Gordon Hayward maybe a second round pick

But they got a slew of picks um the Charlotte Hornets stayed active at the trade deadline and traded away PJ Washington for Grant Williams Seth Curry and a 2027 first round pick now to get Grant Williams and Seth Curry for PJ Washington I already personally think it’s

Enough you get a first round pick and that means they hated Grant Williams in Dallas if you are able to get a first round pick with that swap they was really trying to get off Grand Wills like they had to get him out the door and that’s the that’s the word

Around the league um is that people saying they they he rubbed a lot of people the wrong way and they didn’t love it quite frankly um I think uh I saw something that said he start back wearing J Jason tatums and not Lucas people would nit pick at anything

I don’t know if that’s a reason he got traded but um Grant got into a lot of stuff this year so far um with people uh he had a thing with books he had a thing with um Donovan Mitchell I think he had a thing with

Uh man Grant I can’t even keep up with the amount of people that Grant Williams has gotten into it this year so I’m not sure uh I’m not in Dallas’s locker room I can’t tell you all the things that went wrong but what I will say is I

Don’t think they got the Grant Williams they thought they were bringing in just even by seeing him get into T it with like all of these different people like it’s just not really something that you’ve ever seen from Grant Williams um and so you know I think uh I

Think that’s a tough one like you get you sign a four-year deal what he sign four years $50 million deal you think oh man I’m I’m one of the missing pieces in what they see and then it ends that abruptly uh Grant got to figure it out uh whatever it is he did

Wrong he need to figure it out fast because at a12.5 million salary you all should understand how this league works that that deal is just enough money to make a lot of Trades work um you can either be a throw in in a trade to make the money work uh you

Can be a guy that gets moved uh to bring another good player in because it makes money work but yet it’s only and when I say only I have have a concept of money I’m not like some someone that has made good money and lost reality of like how

Much money 12.5 million is but 1225 million in the grand scheme of the NBA salary cap is not a lot of money and so teams will take that salary like no problem like yeah we’ll take that and before you know it Grant Williams can be traded three times in the next year and

A half you know all of a sudden he gets moved at the end of this year because Charlotte decid they’re going in a different direction and then you go to a team and you get moved at that deadline because just some they wanted to make something else happen and you were the

Money to throw in and make it work and so that’s what Graham Williams has to figure out and be careful of because that’s what starts happen in this league a guy get moved once from a team that signed him to a deal and then you just

All of a sudden you look up and that guy’s on a bunch of different teams and so uh it’ll be interesting to to watch gr will Willam path know he’s a very smart dude uh it’ll be interesting to watch his path and see uh if he can get

It figured out um I think that’s also uh a lesson to like young guys in this league though where there’s smoke there’s Fire by the way so and all the news coming out that he rubbed people the wrong way and Dallas and all he did because they not just trading you that

Fast they where there smoke there’s fire I don’t know anything specific I’m not an NBA Insider I’m not about to go try to dig up dirt that’s not what you getting here this is the New Media but what I will tell you is where there’s like I said where there’s smoke there’s

Fire and for Grant Williams or just young guys in general understand understanding your role in this league is extremely important understand why you get what you get in this league is extremely important uh when you’re playing with a guy like Jason Tatum with a guy like Jaylen Brown

On a team Marcus Smart on the team team that’s going to the NBA finals and your role is as such don’t get so ahead of yourself that you don’t realize the ingredients to your success and so for all these years people are like oh Draymond benefit off

Off Stephen Clay and what has Draymond always said duh of course I do like not gonna sit here and act like the way those guys shoot the ball don’t benefit me in the way I play of course and so and then people be like oh you’re just a role player great great

Thanks and so my word to these young guys is Know Your Role Embrace Your Role know who you are know what a team wants from you know what they’re looking for you to be and be that be just that go do your job and take your ass back home be that because

It get dicey in this league and all of a sudden you start getting move around and then you on the outside looking in it happens fast I’ve seen it I’ve been in for 12 years happens fast so to the young guys out there keep your eyes open

Know what your role is Learn Your Role Master Your Role become a master in your role you can never become a star in this league unless you become a master in your role first so there’s that the Bucks uh trade for Patrick Beverly for campaign in 202 seven second round pick

Going back to the Philadelphia 76ers I saw a lot of people saying oh man that’s a big loss for uh the Philadelphia 76ers what that says to me is Joel andb not coming back this year we can get a 2027 second round pick we don’t believe we can win with Joel uh

Out by the you know they’re reing a bit already I think they’ve lost seven of their last eight and I just don’t think they believe that they can do much without joeel andb which is why you saw Daniel house mov which is why you saw Marcus

Morris move which is why you saw Patrick Beverly move you saw furkon cor’s move uh the only person that’s uh demanded a trade three times and it was never uh granted you now see him move and so when you look at the moves that the 76ers made to me that says to me

What I take from that is Joe lmb not coming back this year it’s just what I take from it I don’t know that to be true but in understanding and watching this league that’s just my opinion of what happens because those guys are gu

The type of guys that you need if you do want to make a run at a championship hence the fact the Bucks traded for Patrick Beverly and so and moving away for what the trade mean for the 76ers for the bucks I think the Bucks got better with

This trade um I don’t think it quite solves all your problems but I think it definitely solves some of your problems which is perimeter defense being a huge one uh the Bucks traded away Drew holiday they traded away Grayson Allen they’re two best perimeter Defenders DraftKings the leader in fantasy sports

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Crown is yours in turn Adrien Griffin got fired because their defense was trash and so because their defense was so bad they were still in second place in the East but you just can kind of see like they’re not going to win with that defense and so the Bucks short some

Things up uh with Patrick Beverly Pat Beverly and Dame has had their runin I know Dame Dame my dog very well Dame is one who stands on business I saw Dame put out a quote saying listen personal issues he’s my teammate now like I’m trying to win

Personal issues are what they are it’s my teammate trying to win and I respect that uh because I think it helps them I think it helps D I think it helps their entire team with what Patrick bever is going to bring to that team and like you

Said anytime a team is in win now mode a guy like Patrick B is a is a guy you want on your roster and as you can see with the trade so I think that made the Bucks better for certain uh the Timberwolves I think the Timberwolves

Got better they brought in Monte Morris from the Pistons for Troy Brown and Shake Milton in a second round pick I don’t think shake and Troy had given the Timberwolves pretty much anything at all this year and so uh for them to bring in Monte Morris who’s appren great backup

Point guard in this league I thought that was great um I thought that’s a great pickup now Monte it’s going to be important for Monte to make sure he round in the shape uh he’s been in Detroit all year hasn’t played a ton this year uh was out with injury maybe

For the first 40 45 game 40 games or so and he’s back as of late and so I think that’s a really good pick up for the Timberwolves I think it is equally important for Monte to make sure that he goes in there and play the same brand of

Basketball that he played in Denver not in Washington his Washington wasn’t that great for him just like it’s not going that great for tyus Jones uh and so it’s going to be great for Monte who’s in a contract year to go to a team that is winning and show that he’s still that

Great backup point guard that he was in Denver uh so many times in this league we see everybody want to become starting point guards uh you seen it you know they trade Monte Morris to to Washington uh they trade tyus Jones to Washington right Spencer dwy the same thing all

Went to Washington to be that star point guard and sometimes the illusion of is he a starting point guard is he not is better than actually being a starting point guard and yet in saying that I think you know the backup point guard is like a backup quarterback you got to have a

Great one if you’re going to have a good team and so a backup point guard you can be a great backup point guard for 15 years and make a great living and so that’s also to the young guys out there don’t get so caught up and am I starting

Am I back up like yes there’s there’s an obvious difference there’s an obvious difference obviously but just know that being a backup point guard in this league being a great one ask Jared Jack sets you up just fine and being a great backup point guard ask Steve Kerr

Set you up just fine and being a great backup point guard in this league ask Darren Collison sets you up just fine and so don’t get so caught up in I need to be starting I need to be doing this I’m happy as hell to see Monte um going

To the Timberwolves not from a Timberwolves standpoint because I obviously want to beat the hell out of them but Monte is a little brother to me from Flint Michigan I’m from Sagar Michigan knowing Monte since he’s probably in Middle School um and to see his growth and him become

A pro going to Iowa State not get recruited by the Michigan schools really uh when I say Michigan I mean my love my Alum mod of Michigan State and also uh University of Michigan he goes to Iowa State leads the uh I think if I’m not mistaken the alltime leader and assist a

Turnover ratio and in an NCAA history goes and puts together a great career and then has nobody believed had to take the long route into the NBA figured it out became the best backup point guard in the NBA happy to see him get back to that situation because winning basketball for

Monte is what makes mon special so him having the opportunity to play that it’s going to be big for him it’s going to be big for the timber Wills although I don’t care about it being big for the timber Wills I only care about it being

Big for Monte and before we get out of here um well before we move on from the trade deadline uh last but most certainly not least the one that meant the most to me the Warriors trading Corey Joseph to the Indiana Pacers for a second round pick um that trade

Sucks and does suck from like a trade standpoint it sucks for me as a player who’s gotten to build a relationship with Corey Joe uh one of the most professional guys I’ve ever seen um works every single day dude dude will play pick up with the young guys because

He know he’s not playing a ton of minutes and they get put in the game the same night uh third year 13 again we’re talking about backup point guards young fellas year 13 this got still play pickup every day still get on a treadmill and run after every game do

All of these things true professional and sometimes it’s just a numbers game uh and that’s what you know people should understand about this it’s a numbers game sometime and sometimes you get scolls out and unfortunately that’s what happened to Cory Joe uh Cory Joe is a huge reason why the chemistry on this

Team is as good as it is uh the energy that he brings every single day uh it’s going to it’s going to it sucks to see him go and it’s going to be uh he will be missed around here um that’s for certain uh hoping to see Cory Joe get

Picked up by a team and end his career however many years that is left on the note that he wants to end his career on because he deserves that the way he’s been in this league the professional that he is a bunch of teams can use a

Cory Joe on their team uh as can we like I said sometimes it’s just a number game and it just doesn’t work out but Cory Joe thank you for what you brought to this team uh The Vibes you brought every day the buay games was great uh and this ain’t

No this ain’t no end man I I got mad love for Cory Joe definitely gonna stay in touch with him uh great dude nothing but love and obviously also you know he a part of the mob one of the original uh Originators of the mob by the way one of

The first guys to sign with clutch early on in the at at the Inception to clutch Sports Group Cory Joe much love my Dog

Draymond Green breaks down the NBA trade deadline including the smart moves from the New York Knicks and Milwaukee Bucks, why the 76ers’ moves could mean Joel Embiid is not likely to return this season, why Grant Williams got traded from the Mavericks, and more.

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  1. Knicks will be good. Bucks went crazy against Charlotte University. Grant Williams is smart but plays like he's dumb. I think he wants to be a big fish. Ain't gonna happen with Tatum and Brown, or Luka and Kyrie.
    Dubs got the Suns. So far they got punked 3 times. They played SUPER soft in the first one. Second game, soft again, and the refs got their rocks off. Third game the title boys just jacked 3 pointers. Lucky thing is the team is totally different now. So what would I do against the Suns tomorrow? Well, can't put that on the net. We know KD and the boys are peaking, while watching the Pelicans defensive exhibition. I will say this. Guys are gonna guard. Will they run back on D? Will they be scared and gap everyone on the Suns or get up? Wigs gonna put his hands on Book and foul out? Gonna over-help off Allen, Beal, and their other shooters to stop a 2 pointer?
    Moody's issue is he doesn't get around screens. He lets himself get screened, doesn't get his hips around and then is too far behind. All 3 games, the Suns strolled around like they were in a light scrimmage. If the Dubs match that energy, it will be a 4 game sweep. Steph can't try to beat them by himself and shouldn't try, as they will have 8 guys on him. He also hasn't gone homicidal on the Suns. KD acts like he is just on a different level than Steph, like from the big boy side of the tracks. Now we know Draymond can guard KD. I also believe Little Draymond can too. KD gonna show he is in the goat conversation. I'm not leaving Allen to stop him though. Looney had no gangster in any of the 3 games. He'll, nobody did. But this team is way different from the last time they met. I think Draymond's mouth will be shut, but his game will be very loud, since he got that help KD and Gurkic said he needed. Hopefully Steph will shoot straight since KD is picking the Young lady in the 3 point contest. If Pheonix gets down, refs will save them since it is an ABC game. Play soft and it will be the Bol Bol coming out party and KD will walk away with a condescending sneer on his face. Somebody gonna make Gurkic guard or just let him set up a Winnebago in the lane and go camping? Get all that KD? Gonna be pressure Saturday night. Careful Dray, Flop Kings in town. Go Dubs!

  2. I know I am just a 30 y/o white dude from a town of 2000 people… but I just cannot seem to figure out why your channel hasn’t picked up more traction… And I really believe if you just improved your set up, have an actual set to go on, even if it’s just a basic one with one chair and a cool background, I think it could do help. I’d back up a couple 3, 4, 6 feet away. You have everything you need to have this be top platform, just gotta dial it in brotha. God bless ya 🙏🏼

  3. Draymond! I’m a laker fan but I’ve always loved you bro, used to sink 3s with u on 2k in those amazing years before Durant

  4. Grant would not accept a bench player and thought he should be starter. started putting the ball on the floor with the Celts and then the turnovers started coming.

  5. Lmao he cant keep up w who grant williams has gotten into it with this year, very funny hearing that from u draymond😂😂😂

  6. 76ers are playing awful without embiid. Unfortunately i see snother secind round exit if they even get to the second round

  7. Thanks for your honest commentary on the Knicks, will someone please Play this for Shaquille O'Neal , he seems to have traded places with Stevie Wonder.

  8. Knicks have been very careful choosing the right characters to fit the ethos of the team, which includes the sacrifice you talk about. Hopefully it pays off

  9. Dray – did you know you are a Gecko? [ Pisces + Horse { 1990 } ]

    The “spiritual wanderers” of the Primal Zodiac, those born under the sign of the Gecko are deep, energetic, and creative. They get excited about new events, social scenes, and even rough concepts of new ideas.

    Like their animal namesake, members of this sign are often found restlessly trying to find the best possible situation to put themselves in, rather than simply relaxing and enjoying the moment. Just as the lizard will move all over a rock to get the perfect amount of sunlight, those born under the sign of the Gecko spend a great deal of energy trying to find the most perfect balance possible. Maximizing their potential enjoyment of every situation is what often drives a Gecko’s behavior, and because of this they can be a bit oblivious to the effect they have on the people around them.

    Geckos have a lot of insecurities, though they often try not to show them. They want to be known among their peers as the good-hearted truth-seeker who naturally is much wiser and spiritually deeper than the rest. In many ways, this is exactly what they are, though they are not nearly as close to perfection as they would like to believe. In fact, they often keep themselves busy to avoid noticing that they don’t really make a lot of forward progress on a daily basis. Geckos are far more likely to start new projects or adventures with great amounts of energy that fade out far before anything sustainable can be created.

    Because they tend to be big on self-analysis, Geckos are usually pretty healthy. They know what their body needs, almost too well, and are very hesitant to put themselves in situations where they might not have everything they need. What they see as self-awareness is likely to appear to others as being picky, fidgety, and self-absorbed. In truth, Geckos can be so over-analytical and limited in their interests that they have difficulty compromising with others who don’t share their views. Geckos are famously difficult when trying to cohabitate with other people.

    Ultimately, Geckos just want to feel good and feel good about themselves. They want life to be a grand adventure and they want something bigger than themselves to live for. Once set in their ways, there is little anyone can do to change a Gecko’s mind. Though they will fight to live their lives the way they want to, they will never intentionally harm others to do so. Geckos believe in the concept of karma and though they can be stubborn they are also kind-hearted humanitarians at their core.

    Those born under this sign enjoy an active social life and are most likely to associate with others who share their interests, whatever those may be. They tend to overextend themselves socially, though, because they don’t like to be alone unless they are busy at work on their latest project. Most people find Geckos kind natured and intriguing, if not a bit eccentric. They are rarely on time for events and often cancel plans if they are not feeling in the mood for whatever the group is doing. Over time, members of this sign typically find their own path and often have several different groups that they socialize with, depending on what interests them in that moment.

    Romantic partnerships can be very challenging for this sign, mostly because Geckos want to be free to follow their own path at all times. Rules, regulations, and routine are anathema to them, and though they would gain a lot from having a stable partner, they are more likely to enter into non-traditional or non-committal partnerships that don’t require self-sacrifice. This can be very difficult for a sign so focused on feeling good and so in love with the idea of romance, but ultimately Geckos will do whatever it is they are drawn to the most. It doesn’t necessarily help that they tend to pick bad partners for themselves, but this is by design (though often a subconscious design). It takes a rare partner to give the Gecko the freedom they need, and ultimately wandering the paths of life alone may be the only way to do it.

    Careers are not as important to Geckos as they are to most people. Freedom is far more important – the freedom to choose their path, to live on their own time frame, to experience life in their own unique way. Geckos earn money however they can, often taking part-time or flexible-schedule jobs while attempting to profit from their interests if possible. Typical career choices for Geckos include: painter, poet, massage therapist, dancer, hairdresser, illustrator, performer, and designer.

    The most common role for a Gecko is as a bartender. This job seems to fit their personalities well, offering a social scene, particularly in neighborhood bars or pubs with a good selection of eccentric “regulars”. Many Geckos will look forward to owning their own bar, though the reality of being tied down to a business may not be as rewarding as they might hope.

  10. OKC getting Hayward is a move I like. Hayward has played a bunch of good basketball and can mentor and teach these young guys, while giving great minutes off the bench.

  11. Draymond was the first player or media guy that I heard really promote and say that he loved Jalen Brunsons' game when he was still coming off the bench for the Mavs in his second year. Wish Cuban had figured that out when he did

  12. Don’t understand why YouTube unsubscribe me ngl draymond u an pat are my underrated 🐐y’all don’t get predicated enough an love the show

  13. Grant thought he was you without the credentials to back it up. Talking to the refs,getting into it with star players,the weird interviews/podcasts with the media. Hopefully in Charlotte he can do his role with less talking. You not the main character and you’re rubbing your teammates wrong

  14. I thought the Lakers also won the trade deadline by standing pat. They have a better roster than last season which took them all the way to the Western Conference Finals and lost four extremely close games against Denver. And just like last season, the Lakers will again be difficult to beat in a seven-game series.

  15. Love your calm,collective intelligent ,tell it like it is style ,without ruffling feathers,great job ,very informative..

  16. Honestly Grant Williams should've replace you he's a good defender and can knock down 3s …so Green you lucky you still on Warriors next year he could be your demise as you call it

  17. Stephen A. is a 🤡 fan. I’m excited about the Knicks too but all the hype around them needs to cool down. We’re decent but we’re not BOS, MIL or PHI when they’re healthy.

  18. I'm just happy my kNicks are good again. Been watching the Knicks since Draymond Green was 1 years old. I think this is the best Knick roster since 96/97. Very cool to get an active player's point of view.

  19. DUDE, I just want to tell you how much all of us appreciate your CHANNEL ..GOOD OR BAD,,YA HONEST ..

  20. Draymond, How is it you remained mostly healthy your entire career. and most have a hard time playing 60 games..

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