@Sacramento Kings

The Sacramento Kings SHOWED up in win over Nuggets

The Sacramento Kings SHOWED up in win over Nuggets

How are the Kings going to respond with the defending Champions coming to town yic playing like an MVP yet again could the Kings compete tonight the answer was a resounding yes it was a complete team effort against a short-handed nuggets team who did not have Michael Porter or

Kcp but they had joic they had Murray and they are the defending champs they got beat up tonight in Sacramento on a second half of back to back the Kings get a much needed Victory and they did it in an all round effort tonight against Denver 135 to 106 each and every

One of our podcasts presented by friends at Northwest Exteriors check out trust I’m Duce Mason that’s Morgan Reagan how you doing Mo so good love Friday night Hoops love a Friday night win love a good little could we call it a blowout win against the Denver Nuggets and absolutely we can because

Then when you’re able to sit your starting group your main guys whoever and bring on the bench at the end of the game this is exactly you guys this is what this is what we ask for against teams like the Pistons or Charlotte you know go go down the

List of whoever else that we’ve seen the Kings not be able to do that but guess what I don’t give two shits you do it and you did it against the Denver Nuggets then do it against the Denver Nuggets I don’t care who it’s against make sure that you are getting your guys

Some rested legs at the end of some of these games I loved to see it it doesn’t make sense to a lot of people but who cares because it was a fantastic response and they just did not stop until they were going to be sitting there’s so much to talk about with this

Game tonight after the Kings don’t make any moves really at the deadline they did make one move today a couple of moves I guess as a team they signed Mason Jones to a two-way contract he’s on the Stockton Kings has been there this year and Keon Ellis’s deal got

Converted from a two-way to a guaranteed contract we’ll talk about that later but first up this game Morgan and I was so curious what we’re going to see tonight I think I was confident the game was going to be competitive I felt like the king should respond but I’ve

Said the king should a lot of times this year and it hasn’t been the case I don’t know if it was because of how the Pistons game went I don’t know if it’s because the trade deadline is over all those guys know they’re sticking around whatever the reason is I

Just like how the kings came out tonight you know they they they played with pace and I thought defensively they’re pretty engaged you know for a team that we talk about the defense so often where you’re seeing the shortcomings against some of these matchups tonight it felt like oh they

Were like engaged they were rotating well they were defending well Daren Fox was unbelievable tonight he ended up with five steals in the game I just love the all-around effort and then you made shots and whether you want to hear this or not I I do believe there is a

Different type of mental lock in after the NBA trade deadline when you know you’re staying put think about have any of you out there just moved from apartment to apartment apartment to house house to house just moving right moving sucks but then think about if a

Job you might get might make you move to an whole different place across the country and you’re just waiting waiting waiting am I going to move am I not going to move I felt like the buyin was there tonight everyone was like we are here so let’s effing do this it was just

Complete buyin from everybody and again I don’t know if that is the case we talked to Sam Amic earlier today a little bit about post NBA trade deadline and he had mentioned something like that with a lot of guys and with these guys uh on this Sacramento Kings roster and

If that was the case great either way it felt like everyone’s mentality was to buy in be engaged throughout all four quarters and that’s exactly what we saw from everyone down the list yeah and I I think so many times around the deadline you hear players with the cliche thing

Like hey it’s a business we understand it like you know we’re used to it I think that’s what some guys truly believe and that’s how they’re locked in but I look even if you’re off social media you know your friends are texting you like hey did you is this true are

You moving like random ass people in your DMs like that you knew years ago are you really going to come to uh the Nets you know whatever the trade rumor is you’re going to see it and I’m sure there’s a little uncertainty there and so now that that’s passed I’m sure

That’s got to be helpful for some I don’t know if it played a role in tonight’s game I think the Pistons game played a big role in tonight’s game I do but I do too but it’s exactly what you said though we’ve seen games this season where their response let’s say they end

Up getting to win the next game but we would always be like hey their response is next game they really need to like suck it to him and we hadn’t really seen that this year this was the first game this year well one of the other games

This year that I really felt like the Kings played a complete game but they had a complete game after a really shitty loss a really bad game the low point of the season the night before the deadline and you get smoked by a six- win Pistons team yes so yes I loved how

They played in this game tonight everything looks better when you’re knocking down shots but I think if you’re just going well the Kings just shot well tonight that’s why they won no I I think they played their style of basketball making shots helps right but they didn’t jack up 53s tonight there’s

Better balance they’re 17 of 34 from three super efficient but note what I just said 34 threes that’s kind of a low number for Sacramento dearen Fox tonight took two threes yep his first three didn’t come until late in the second quarter I felt like he was doing a good

Job of understanding I got to get back to the mid-range game a little bit and I don’t want Fox to give up shooting threes he has improved it his numbers have dipped recently from three this this stretch of games where he struggled he’s fighting through stuff I want him

To get back to the bread and butter get that mid-range going what jumped out to you about Fox well he started this season by the way going into January shooting 40% from 3 point land and at a high level right like yeah no do not go

Away from that but what I love is making adjustments and the adjustments that he made was like okay well I’m going to score in the paint tonight as a team they scored 60 points in the paint but dear and fox really LED that charge he was seven to 15 from the field he

Finished with 15 points but it wasn’t only him going oh I’m going to get to my Spots I’m going to get in the mid-range I’m going to get into the paint because when he did and when he did push and become that threat he also created for

Others he finished with 10 assists he was passing the ball around making everybody better it really felt like everyone was flowing around him nice but he also had maybe a different mindset going into tonight’s game just really understanding that like I don’t have to just put everyone on my back and force

This into being a win I can utilize everyone because this is a good team there are good players the Kings had 32 assists in this game bonis and fox combined for 20 of the 32 assists in the game um in two games this year against the Denver Nuggets dear and fox has 16

Excuse me he had 16 assists in the first game 10 tonight 26 assists in two games against the Denver Nuggets this year yeah I liked how he approached things tonight I didn’t feel like he was forcing it I felt like he was trying to get his teammates involved which was

Great to see him have a double double but then the five steals this guy brought it again defensively and I think that’s the big biggest challenge for Fox in the final 31 of the Season you see the glimpses defensively the all ball pressure and you see the

Improvement can you do it all the time can you stay locked in when I don’t know it’s Jay ivy in the Pistons coming to town right the approach has to be the same because you play that type of basketball the kings are going to be a fun team especially when Fox can get

Steals it gives you gives you a little juice out there and then twice think about tonight there was a play in the first half where favorite I mean just I just thought three right now this okay this is probably it this is probably my favorite one no I know which one you’re

Thinking of that’s going to be the second one I mentioned I know I’m a mind reader here okay yeah it’s gonna be the second one let’s I’ll let you know the first one is in the first half he is playing some really nice defense on Jamal Murray knocks the ball away Murray

Has to dive on the ground for the loose ball Fox and Len are right there so this is it but you want to know where it started sure in the back court that’s why this was he picked him full court with the pressure and then Len and fox

Are around him Fox is a smart thing he goes hey we’re right here Len you go get it so we can get a jump ball Alex Len Jamal Murray jump ball that was not the play I thought you were going to mention I thought going to mention I think in

The second half when he had a deflection again and do on the floor for the loose ball forcing a jump ball I love that too but or when the kings are up 25 and he’s playing some good defense on Jamal Murray again hits the ball off Murray

Out of bounds King’s ball and what happened after monk gave him the little clap like get me the ball let me push the Kings did tonight what we want them to do tonight or do every game when they have a big lead and that is play your

Style that that’s the kings are up 28 at one point in the game with like 940 something something to play and I’m going I’m telling Gman I’m like I think it’s safe but there’s still 940 to go in this game but you know what the Kings

Didn’t do tonight they didn’t do the oh let’s roll the ball up the court let’s kind of slow We Believe put the pressure on and so Malone goes yeah second I have a back toback and Yanks the guys that’s what ended up happening in this game

Because joic did not end up coming back in right yeah I don’t think yic came back in in the fourth quarter did he actually not come back in in the fourth I don’t know you to double check that as I really quick talk about the sequence that we were just talking about

Because that the reason why that defensive possession was my favorite was him picking up in the back court but you go okay great he can’t do that all the time like it’s not sustainable but what it did even on that play putting that pressure on Jamaal Murray and slowing

Down the shot clock and slowing down the entire possession for the nuggets and then it lit leading into what happened with Alex Len him knocking the ball them jumping on the floor and then going to a jump ball just yic did not play in the fourth quarter because he played the

Entire third they were going to put him back in if it had been closer but once the Kings went up 28 points at the 948 Mark timeout Malone took out the guys and he played some of the younger guys some of the bench guys the other thing I

Like that they did tonight is when joic was not in the game they threw some blitzes at Jamal Murray again Murray second I have a backto back you know he doesn’t have all the same weapons there Michael Porter is not there who can get hot from three and all of a sudden

There’s a weapon there was the depth in there for the Denver Nuggets and you were able to throw some blitzes his way and I thought that caused some issues tonight for the Nuggets well I was taking a look at when joic was out and okay when are you know what are these

Minutes going to look like and one of the first things that stood out to me end of the first quarter when the Nuggets really went on a run I think it was a 10 run Maybe 80 run that they went on and it was just like really Kings

This is how you’re going to finish off this quarter oh no yic does I think the take foul to go out he goes out and then uh after that ly hits a three from dearen Fox and then monk gets a steal hits a three to finish off the quarter

With a quick six points staying in the game not ending it completely terrible and I’m just laughing cuz I was like what are these non- yage m going to look like and it was literally within 10 seconds well yic left at the minute 03 Mark of that first quarter the Nuggets were up

33-26 when he came back into the game at the 639 Mark of the second quarter the kings were up three so they won those non yic minutes in a big way but yeah I actually felt that play at the end of the first quarter was big and it you’re

Talking about sabonis ends up checking out javel McGee comes in okay it’s 2322 Denver when McGee checks in at the 232 Mark and I already know where this is going I saw jokic’s eyes light up yic went right to work all of a sudden he starts attacking and McGee just was out

Of place multiple times in fact it got to the point that he didn’t even play again in this game he got pulled after the first quarter Mike brown ales to go with Alex Len but anyway my point to that is sabonis goes out joic goes to

Work and then the lead goes to nine so late in that first quarter Fox it looks like it’s going to be a tough possession finds ly for the three monk as you mentioned with the steel and three it felt like the momentum shift right monk gave them some juice tonight it started

With the mid-range game and then how they ended that first quarter all of a sudden at the end of one it’s 3532 Denver and they’re right back in the game after being down nine monk I mean that you’re exactly right that those two final plays by the Kings it really did

Feel like those were so much bigger than just being at the end of a first quarter it was something that needed to be seen against the defending champs right and then uh understanding like yeah we can push we can play like this the entire game and then Malik monk you just

Started mentioning him in the mid-range my goodness can he just keep doing that I think Mark Jones ended up calling him uh the leader of the midi committee and I was like yes please I love it um because truly him in that mid-range shot right now it is so effective it is so

Beautiful what a what a fundamental perfect shot to take especially it doesn’t matter if a hand is in his face or if no one’s around him because they have to be in drop coverage because he’s so explosive and can get to the basket he is just such a threat from right

There and I want to continue to see it the the mid-range game is not dead and it it can be so so so effective for this team yeah he’s really good at that fallway jumper man he gets enough space he has no fear of it he had 23 points

Off the bench in fact the Sacramento Kings tonight had 65 bench points tonight that number a season high for the Kings I want to go back to mon for a second because I’m looking back at my notes Morgan and man we talked about what he did right away knocking down a

Couple of mid-range shots he had a push in transition I think of a free throw that he just took it strong all way to the basket I’m like he is bringing the juice and then the next play down he has a block on some help defense I’m like

That’s the type of energy you want to see then you talk about off that jump ball the jump ball that happened right with that was when it happened yeah with Alex ly Jamal Murray after Fox and playing some good defense monk took that with authority end to end jammed it it

Got the place Juiced yeah it was I mean that dunk alone I mean we keep talking about how how special some of these Malik monks really are and I think what makes them so special is that you know already that this guy plays with so much

Joy and I feel like he is happy when he is going up in the air and and knowing exactly what he’s about to do and then he comes back down and he still has that same type of energy and I’m telling you like there are certain people where their energy their happiness is

Contagious in him after some of these big dunks like they’re not it’s not just a highlight it’s truly something that just shifts for this entire team and deflates the opponent yeah the bench was awesome and it’s good to see Monk and LS getting into a good Rhythm Trey lyes had

15 points seven rebounds five of six shooting three of four from Beyond The Arc his shooting continues to be red hot for the Sacramento Kings but this king’s bench needs to get more more production outside of Monk and LS you’re going who who else is going to

Help shout out Bei man shout out Bei Sasha looked like he was starting to get into a good Rhythm and then he has the ankle injury uhhuh came back last game played six minutes against the Pistons in a game we’re never going to talk about again after tonight we will never

Talk about that game tonight no why forget the Pistons game it never happened oh God Sasha he comes in and brings life and I’m hoping that he can carve out a consistent role with Mike Brown here Brown let him play man let him play you know we we talk about how hey the

Defense has to get better for Sacramento the defense has improved a little bit this year everyone wants to talk about well I know they’re higher in the rankings but their defensive number is about the same as last year dude offenses around the league are up up up they are playing better defense in

Stretches this year it’s not consistent at all what they do need is the offense needs to be better in the last 15 or so games their offensive rating is like ninth but the number is similar to what it was at this point last year when it

Was number one they need to play with Pace they need to get shots up they need to get the ball moving Sasha comes in and provides that energy he is not shy at all to launch shots the quick release I love it and I don’t know his threes

Feels especially at home it feels like it gives the crowd some juice like they love seeing him get going but then it’s the act of hands too I’ve talked about it with him he makes enough plays defensively he gets deflections he’ll rebound I love what Sasha did in this

Game I mean he ended up having a steal tonight as well right you know like this is a guy that just his length is noticeable and I think the other thing too sometimes people will notice with him is obviously um his slower kind of movement on the

You know it’s it’s it’s it’s like how yage plays at his Pace but he plays at his Pace at an MVP level at a championship level where Sasha came from the Euro league and is like okay how do I figure out to keep up with the NBA Pace but still

Play my game like there’s a way to do that and you can see he started getting more and more comfortable before the ankle and now I really do feel like if he kept seeing minutes and kept experiencing those NBA minutes and those situations that he will understand how

To play the game the right way and can contribute especially because of his size he brought great energy off the king’s bench tonight and can he be that third man off the bench that can do it you know he has some good size out there great activity from Sasha and you know

Um who’s to say down the stretch of the Season he can’t have a good role for the sacamento Kings going forward like and maybe that’s exactly the type of lift that they need I mean how many times have we talked about this league and Shooters and how important they are you

Know it it’s he there is so much importance to his role but can he find a way to be super efficient or effective even if it is that he’s playing 10 minutes a game right like in those 10 minutes how can you find a way to make

Sure that you are producing for this team Off the Bench I I thought he did a good job too like even before the injury he just started to look more comfortable out there in general agreed he’s a good cutter he’s a smart player he’ll make the extra pass and I thought early in

The season like the timing on the cuts wasn’t great it looked like he was still trying to figure out the speed of the game it feels like pre that injury and now like in this game like oh he just looks more comfortable there’s so many more moments when he is on the baseline

Or in that dunker spot where the Kings find a way to get to get it to him and he makes a good quick decision he doesn’t hesitate I think there was one I want to say it was when Alex Len was in and not javelle McGee um and and he saw

Alex Len coming down the middle hands it off to him Len gets fouled goes to the line it was just understanding to make that pass quick and make that decision quick I was like yes you have to get the right person there because I’ve seen at times maybe even Davon Mitchell in that

Spot and it’s like knowing that he doesn’t have the size what can he really do there what is his vision there and everything but someone like Sasha yes I love the way he moves without the basketball he understands the geometry of the floor um absolutely want to keep

Seeing more minutes from him one other thing on the bench the javil McGee thing I know he only played two and a half minutes tonight but I think I’ve just I’ve seen enough man I think Alex should be that guy when you decide you want to get some minutes behind sabonis if

You’re not going small just roll with Alex I think javel can still be a valuable voice on the team I think he holds guys accountable he challenges guys you could still have role I just I I feel like there’s too many times where I go look his size isn’t as much of a

Factor because he gets blown by a lot and I don’t think he’s recovering like he maybe used to earlier in his career or make sloppy mistakes that can completely take the entire team out you know slow down their Pace all those Deuce I’m so with you and I’m I’m very

Confused why I don’t know Alex or why uh Mike Brown went away from Alex Len I remember obviously Alex Len it was J McGee first and then Mike Brown went to Alex lenon we’re like holy [ __ ] this is actually great backup you know maybe this is the direction he rolls his ankle

Gets hurt whatever then it’s javelle McGee again then Alex lenn’s healthy again and you’re just you’re see back seen a lot of dmps though from him so tonight hopefully maybe this is the start of really understanding he should be in the rotation I don’t I think Len

Gives you a little more of what you need I think you just need a little more stability there and and there’s certain things like I don’t think Len has the best hands like sometimes you you throw him the ball on a pick and roll and he fumbles it like that’s one of his

Weaknesses like he’s not totally smooth all the time but I think defensively he he gets in the right spots he’s pretty athletic I like that he took a three tonight he’s actually someone that has shown in his NBA career he can take a three I mean don’t be

Afraid to do it he shot 38% one year in Atlanta taking like a pretty decent volume of Threes yeah for a big guy um he’s not the lob threat that javel McGee is but I think you have to weigh like okay what’s what do I really need out

There and I think Len gives you a little more stability he still has the strength he moves pretty well I’m leaning toward just running with Len like McGee has been very mistak prone this year and I think they thought they could maybe get more out of him but the reality is the

Guy’s 36 years old too like it’s it is what it is it doesn’t mean he can’t help and be leader but I I just don’t know that you can get away with playing him I mean the the game shift he came in the game tonight and it shifted and it was

Because joic saw that went I’m time to go to work got excited and and by the way which is pretty wild because you say it shifted someone pointed someone out wanted to single them out and go to work well that’s something that we’ve seen with Kevin herder as of late not tonight

Not tonight and that was so fun to see for him sorry if you want to continue the bench GL you brought up Kevin hder too and there’s we’re talking about a lot of guys tonight because this game is the perfect example of like oh that was

A team effort tonight hell yes you know you had great balance you had seven players and double figures you got to play everybody tonight because you were up by so much the Kings biggest lead in this game was 32 so everybody got to play Keon Ellis you know Kessler Edwards

Comes in knocks down a couple of Threes late Colby Jones coming in there trying to make Play Everybody played tonight um and I it was a balance the leading scort tonight was monk then you had 15 from lyes you had 11 from Alex L 15 from Fox

12 from herder 17 from sabonis 17 from Murray nine from Barnes like that’s pretty good balance and production from everybody tonight you want to mention Kevin hder yeah Fox had to play ISO where he was trying to go to work I believe that was on Reggie was that on

Reggie Jackson he tried to make a move off the dribble and it was read perfectly and it up ended up being a steal yes and they went for a lob well Jamal Murray’s pushing the ball down Kevin herur is having to decide because it’s almost a two-on-one situation I

Think someone else is trailing behind to try and take Aaron Gordon as well Kevin herder then commits to Jamal Murray Jamal tries to throw a lot I remember this perfectly because it made me so excited Jamal Murray tries lobbing it up to Aaron Gordon because I believe it

Might have been even Davon Mitchell or someone like an undersized person whatever tries to lob it up to Aaron Gordon Kevin herder deflects it deflects it gets it the ball out of bounds stops the fast break great transition defense but that wasn’t the only moment he had

He had a lot of other moments where he was deflecting the basketball getting his hands up uh I there was a time yic was at the top of the key and he was like all right I’m in a feast I got Kevin her on me and he just like slowed

Him down he he held his own he stayed in front of him he like actually understood like oh yeah I’m actually a bigger body size out here and I can do more if I just like engage and make sure that I’m 120% here and I saw him do that so many

Times tonight just doing all the little things I was really happy about that yeah and he’s got to do that consistently that’s what you say with this whole King team the chat asked to someone in the chat said why is the mini Beam not lit oh why isn’t it lit wasn’t

It lit earlier I don’t know where my phone is and my phone controls the beam should I find it should I find my phone I feel like it’s going to bug us if the beam’s not lit it sounds like it’s going to bug you

Bug us I mean hit the thumbs up what is he even saying yeah hit the thumbs up what’s up party people it’s a Friday night and you’re all here we appreciate you you you you you um super excited too to also talk about Monk and dearn fox in the post

Game or in their postgame presser because they just look like they were having fun everything was a good time I mean obviously after a win that’s what you want to see but I also love that fox was talking about monk just being like look he could be a starter on any team

In this league and right here he just like really excels in his role is it time to light the be let’s go let’s go it’s lit um talk about that more yeah we can talk about the press conference in a bit because you’re so excited about I

Um the next guy we need to talk we need to talk about the Battle of The Bigs two of my favorite bigs in the league went at it tonight sabonis against yok y yic likely on his way to a third MVP yeah the guy is brilliant out there I’m

Watching him like his intelligence the way he moves his communication with teammates orchestrating everything and you know he’s just a challenge to defend I said this in the first matchup and I agree with it tonight they did a good job on yic and guess what he still got you 23 points

Eight rebounds and seven assists in 29 minutes and 45 seconds he is such a difficult cover he does so many things well he’s got great size I thought the Kings did a good job trying to throw different looks at him making sure that they could deal with some of the

Mismatches I thought early in the game one of the first things that uh they they ran a play that allowed jokic he was seeking out the switch just try to get right in front of Kevin herder and the Kings communicated well so bonus got right back on him the communication was great

They were physical with him probably got away with some FS tonight I thought because they were so physical with him I feel like both both sides sure they let him play a little bit tonight but joic is just such a special talent sabonis didn’t back down sabonis went and scored

On him sabonis still got his sabonis had a double double again his 34th consecutive double double and tonight he got another triple double leads the n ba and triple doubles was 16 he had 17 points 17 rebounds and 10 assists on Seven of Nine shooting and he did it in

Just over 30 minutes I think one of the greatest thing he got that 16th triple double of the Season against the guy that has 15 triple doubles this season so now he has he has one over yage in this game I love to see it Luca is

Behind them with nine what do you think of the battle between those two like what stood out to you watching those guys you know I I think at time well because watching yage I feel like I watch yage a lot right like it’s fun to watch yage play

So you turn it on when the nuggets are on whatever and you just get to see how strong he is he is a strong body but Force going up against Force what’s going to happen is everything going to explode Oh no just some good basketball is happening and domas is such a strong

Body and he has been working on his body and understanding okay I’m not the biggest Center out there so what can I do to make myself a better Center and that was make himself stronger and you noticed that tonight going up against someone as strong as yage just

Tremendous effort um I thought the team effort was there because it helped it helped uh like disrupt his game a little bit more knowing that like the help was there it’s not like the help was all the way out on a shooter they were always knowing where yic was on the floor which

I think gave domos took a little pressure on him knowing that he could trust his teammates that they were also going to be there and this nuggets team still obviously a championship Contender yeah right they won the championship last year I do think without Bruce Brown It’s hurt him

A little bit and it shines a bigger light on some of their depth issues when you’re down two starters you know that’s the one thing the bummer about these Kings nuggets matchups this season is we haven’t seen the Kings go toe-to-toe with like the Denver Nuggets we and I

Know it doesn’t matter but I just to me I’m just about to test a little bit tonight I didn’t care who they played I just wanted them to win okay um but the Kings have won both matchups against the Nuggets one you go you beat Denver twice

That is huge look wins are great the first match of Jamal Murray didn’t play sure you beat the you beat him you took care of business at home tonight kcp being out that that’s a big one for them what he does with his ball pressure his defense his ability to knock down threes

I love kcp him being gone that hurt you and then Michael Porter just had a good game last night in La he was really good against the Lakers and you know what he can do when he get going his size is a problem being able to like help on

Gokage but also know where he is on the floor yes that kind of stuff I mean that will break you down as a defense and especially when you are the kings and at times you have a very mediocre defense but I felt like tonight the way that the

Kings were defending they still would have done a good job now if they were making more shots because um Michael Porter Jr was actually out there and stuff who knows

Deuce and Mo recap a much-needed Kings win over the Denver Nuggets and what went well for Sacramento before hitting the road for three.

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  1. Blazer fan here but am I crazy to think that if y’all threw everything at OG y’all might be contenders ? I just feel like both OG and pascal were a huge miss for y’all

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