@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons make TRADES! (2/7/24) – More on SIMONE FONTECCHIO | Woodward Pistons LIVE

Detroit Pistons make TRADES! (2/7/24) – More on SIMONE FONTECCHIO | Woodward Pistons LIVE

All right and we are live what up though people it’s your boy Brandon Den AKA Detroit Kool-Aid and we’re getting closer to this trade deadline I told you guys I wanted to start bringing in a little bit more content during the week especially with some of the changes uh going on at the

At the main network uh but I’m going to be coming on here maybe two times out the week minimum trying to make sure we do some lives and then beyond that I’m going try to make sure that there’s some other kind of recorded content based on

The things that are going on I know that the Pistons they’re not having a season that any of us expected or that any of us wanted or that any of us believe they should have um but I know that there’s some of you guys out there who are die hard

You’re not jumping off the bandwagon and that every little move that this team does make or doesn’t make you guys are actually on board and so for you people out there is why we still do this stuff here and uh I’m joined I’m joined by a

Very very special guest from what is it the high notes podcast right y hitting hitting the high notes hitting the high notes hitting the high can you can you hit the high notes can I not I I cannot personally you don’t so yeah but listen

I’m join by who Tran uh and we’re also a part of the believe Network as well that’s right and um as soon as the deal went down he told me he was like you know what you guys you guys actually might kind of like what he has to offer

In terms of uh and can you pronounce his name yeah I say like you want me on here to tell you the correct pronunciation so you guys now are you know you have Simone fonio on on uh your your your team now so yeah I’m really glad that I

That I allowed you to say that one more time for detroy Pistons fans so we know how to say his name and then I’ll break down the details of trade yeah Simone so Simone and then his last name fonio so if you just kind of spell it out it’s

Actually it looks right it’s not fonio it’s not fedini it’s fonio so F my guy Simone fio did I do that right fono you got it there you go yeah yeah yeah and here let me break down the actual trade that brought him here because that was

Kind of the first shoe to drop for the Detroit Pistons obviously before this trade the first one they made kind of leading up to this was a trade of Marvin Bagley and Isa livers for Danilo galinari and Mike muscal and we saw the effect that that kind of had on the

Pistons offense we saw the offensive efficiency go up we saw the three-pointers uh made an attempted start to go up we saw better spacing uh kind of better flow and better ball movement on this offense uh and so this was kind of the second trade to happen

And it was for Simone FIA I got that right right you got it you’re you’re already a fan I love it yep yep and um it was for a 2024 second round pick to the Utah Jazz and I actually I’m I’m pretty happy about this deal I really am

When I kind of looked into some of the details of who he is as a player you start to see exactly what the Pistons might be getting at here and I looked into some things I saw that and you can correct me if I’m wrong that Simone

Actually started a little bit uh for the Utah Jazz as well he’s he’s the current Jazz uh small forward he was at least he started from like pretty much December on he’s been the starting small forward for the for Utah Jazz so wow yeah and I saw that his

Three-pointers uh attempted and his three-point percentage some of his other stats they all took jumps over last season this year he’s up to 39% shooting from the three-point land uh and that’s on 4.7 attempts oh go ahead sorry oh no no you going ahead you I think um when when the

Jazz signed him to a free agent deal like he he was from overseas right Europe a lot of times when you see these European players are signing with the NBA teams NBA teams really want um the spacing the spacing being able to have someone who could be out there if if you

Can shoot you can make it in the NBA and uh when they brought him over that’s that’s I think his his quotequote main skill is H three-point shooting and and he’s shown it he’s he’s a great catch and shoot spot up shooter um you know he’ll he’ll space the floor um you can’t

Leave him open so the double team’s going to come uh probably from his Defender uh if if you have something that can get find him open on on those double teams uh he will have open shots dope dope yeah I was looking at some of the highlights it looks like he

Can kind of move and relocate well if the double team or if his player kind of looks away for just a second he’s able to relocate someone on that three-point line and the thing that I loved is he’s one of those shooters that doesn’t need

Kind of a clear path to the rim to get his shot off it seemed like he can really get his shot off and actually make it at a pretty good clip while being defended or with a hand in his face as well yeah he’s a he’s he’s a

Good shooter he’s he’s a good offensive player um look you know 20 like I know he was starting for the Jazz but he was only play probably 20 23 minutes um that’s that’s probably the sweet spot for him coming off the bench uh he can

Come off the bench he can start um you know he he he he can be behind Boon if boan needs a night off he can start for Boon uh Simone um yeah he he stretches the floor he has a he has a quick Tri trigger it’s not as quick as Boon but um

He’s he’s a very good uh player uh he he’s signed a two-year like five million deal he’s only in $3 million contract this year very friendly contract um and what really like last year if you asked me if I you know at the beginning of the season if you asked

Me if Simone fono was GNA be on the NBA team next year I would told you no he has improved greatly since November he since last year he was playing garbage time last year he was 11th 12th man of the rotation didn’t see anything besides shooting from him and it wasn’t even

That great last year this year his shooting has has really steadied um but he’s doing other he like he’s a pretty good on ball Defender um he’s not going to stop Giannis but he he will make Chris midleton’s life really hard for that for that night for 48 minutes or

However long he plays uh he he he’s turned into a pretty good Defender so he’s the definition of three and D he also something that gets a little overlooked is his rebounding numbers his rebounding numbers have gotten really good this year not really great but

Better than you would think um so he he grabs boards at a a pretty good clip he grabs big rebounds offensive and defensive boards um I’m trying to look up his game log real quick from his last couple games uh six rebounds last game four four five four last few games uh

Somebody has said you know as as the Jazz fans traded uh as Jazz fans on Twitter after he got traded was like I was betting on pono’s over like two and a half three boards a game and winning money every every every night so um he

Will also grab some boards for you so um really great stuff Jazz Fan’s a little upset uh that he’s gone because he was a pretty good Cog for this Utah Jazz team that you know started off really rough and have fought a fought their way to

500 ball and Simone fono was a big part of that in the last two from December on so uh you know a big hit to the Jazz the Jazz are obviously kind of sellers to deadline um but from the Pistons you know you know an early second round pick

Really really nice uh from the Pistons well from the Wizards really uh and then uh you know their the draft rights to Gabriel Pro prida yeah Kevin Ox so um I thought was kind of H yeah yeah yeah and I’m glad you said yeah that’s the other part of

This deal as well when it first got reported it was uh it was reported that Simone fanto was being traded for a second round pick um but you know the other kind of half of that deal was Kevin Knox and Gabriel proa and is I have to say this appropriately D fight

Pistons fan favorite even though he’s never put on a Pistons jersey Gabriel proa this was a player that a lot of us were wondering like what is he going to do for us we couldn’t wait to get him over here the highlights from overseas were like yo all right let’s see what we

Got here you know we’ve been waiting a couple years to be able to see him any Detroit Pistons uniform but you know if a player is not playing for you and someone like Kevin Knox who we’ve kind of I think traded him at the deadline or involved him in some trades a couple

Times now you know it’s you know what are you gonna do I I think that we need a person who can come in here and kind of play Rotation minutes I’ve been saying for a long time the NBA the Pistons need NBA players in their rotation not just a bunch of young guys

Who I think will develop into really really good players but you need them surrounded by some good incremental moves some decent vets some really good Shooters in my opinion and some floor spacers uh but more so than anything man I have been screaming my this whole

Season at the fact that they have nobody on this squad that really relocates nobody on this squad that’s really cutting to the rim you know assar Thompson does that really well but his minutes have been up and down up and down up and down and he doesn’t

Necessarily shoot the ball uh nearly as well as Simone is going to shoot the ball for the Detroit Pistons uh some of the stuff that I did see from Simone Beyond just three-point shooting which is what I believe one of his best traits are coming into the Detroit Pistons was

His ability to dribble drive a little bit his ability to kind of handle the ball you know I saw him do a couple pump fakes get into the lane get to the foul line and then off ball I saw him as well as relocating along the three-point line when a guard was diving

Or getting a pick and roll and coming into the paint that he was able to actually cut and finish in the paint as well as kind of a taller plays a little bit bigger than what the six7 that he’s listed at and so um you know like we

Said this is not you know just from a Detroit Pistons perspective side of thing and for fans it this isn’t the deal that everybody was hoping for like the splash or the the highly consequential move but but when you do look at the fact that this offense took

A tick forward with players like Danilo and and and muscala you know galinari and muscala it’s another move that I believe kind of puts another NBA rotation guy um on the Pistons roster and allows them to play a little bit more um balanced I would say alongside

Our young guys like K Cunningham Jaden Ivy assar Thompson Jay and Duran it gets him somebody else to to kind of play but uh what else is there anything else we should know about Simone that well my question for you that was my question because you know when this trade

Happened uh from the Josh perspective we’re I think pretty like I I did a trade deadline special on my podcast earlier in the week and somebody’s name came up and it was more of the look you know he’s 28 um he’s gonna be a restricted free agent next year uh on

The Jazz side the the only reason I think that think the Jazz traded him is that I think they decided at some point they probably weren’t going to bring him back in the offseason uh he can command you know like someone saying that he might get a 10 10 million seems like a

Lot per year but five to seven I think is you know something maybe right below the middle of exception um I think the Jazz are just trying to keep their cap sheet clear so that that’s probably the reason why they they were just trying to shop them around uh he’s a great player

Like I said I think Jazz fans loved them I think the team loved him um just one of those sort of a win-win for everybody um because I looked at the Choice roster because people were a little confused that because we had all thought we it was reported by Tony Jones of the

Athletic last night that someone’s name was popping up and teams like Boston and Milwaukee a contender uh was looking uh uh for him and I think Simone fono is a rotation player on any team in the league you know he he he’ll crack anybody’s top eight top nine rotation uh

Because I think he’s he’s become a very solid player again he’s not a big splash like you said uh but he he’s gonna be uh you know very solid steady force uh especially if Detroit wants to keep him um in free agency next year because I I

Look at the roster Detroit has a lot of young guys you know Kate Cunningham obviously uh Killian Hayes for a little bit longer don’t say that name man you gonna get P fans and but Jordan like you had a lot of young guys on the roster then you you

Know you had Burks and you had um bogy you know two guys J F familiar with this is a good way to get somebody in that late 20s um age range to kind of Gap the the because you know those older guys those guys who are 30 plus eventually

Gonna move on um you want you need the you’re right you need the balance of the younger guys and the older guys I think Simone uh could be somebody that you know you can sign for another few years uh still have a you know a few three

Four five good years of of solid play from Simone so yeah and I like that man because I see here shout out to Ryan’s reaction man um one of the supporters of the channel said why the hell are we acquiring a small for d eight points a game we

Already have bogy and assar we need some gosh Dar we need a gosh Dar shooting guard and I do I agree with that I I believe that this is one of those table setting moves that’s going on right now my guess would be that boan is somebody

That they’re probably going to move on from and or either not bringing back uh when that contract runs out I do believe that he’s somebody gon to move on from and the type of play that Simone brings to the table as well as from a two-way standpoint because I saw some clips

Where seems like his defense is probably better than boan banovich is by a large stretch right now I would say I would say so yeah it it’s like and you watch boan obviously you you you cover you T Jazz you know just again so people understand and uh you know it’s um it’s

Something where I think from the small forward position it gives you somebody who can really really play those minutes I think he has another jump to make in his game just kind of looking at the style that he has it seems like he really kind of plays within the system

But um he has a little bit of Wiggle to his game he has a little bit of like some of the similar traits to boan even though I believe boan is just kind of a better kind of straight line scorer I think that there’s a few things there

That Simone brings to the table and as you said as well a little bit cheaper too boan is making 20 million a year and if you’re looking at truly making some of these splashes like if the Pistons do go out I know that to a lot of fans it’s

A lackluster in in wind up signing a Tobias in the off season uh you’re going to want to complement that with uh probably still good rotation players uh who can give you some of the same things that you’re getting out of boan like the most important thing we need from boan

Is his three-point shooting and if he and Simone can hit the three kind of at a similar clip on the same volume uh and he can still kind of do some of the things like space the floor a little bit give you a little bit of Defense then it

Helps you save a lot of money on that contract that you can almost kind of part with boan put some of that money towards Tobias rather than having them both here and having uh kind of it’s going to take a small bag to get get to buy his Harris here in the Detroit

Pistons uniform which is something that’s been kind of rumored around whether they trade for him or whether they wait until the offseason to get him um I do agree this this is not something where they can be done um they the Pistons have a lot more that they need

To put out there but I know this when you’re drafting guys in the top five k Cunningham Jay Navy jayen durren and assar Thompson you want those guys to be the guys they have to they these are the ones that you’re talking about depending on just saw the Orlando Magic come in

Here uh the Pistons play them and you saw their drafted guys be the main ones that carried their team if they went and they made a deal like this where they brought in a Simone people say okay cool that’ll compliment their guys and I think that if if Kade is healthy and if

Jay Navy was hitting his TR earlier in the season you know I still scratching my head a little bit Monty but if he was if he was hitting his TR a little bit earlier in the season this team was able to get some chemistry you know they got

Seven guys on rookie contracts right now I do believe that this trade would make a lot more sense then but kind of seeing a lot of the warts that’s come about uh as the season has gone on it kind of makes fans a little bit lackluster on a deal like this

Sometimes yeah I I think you guys will be very happy with s um he’s a great role player he’ll be a great role player for any team um so uh yeah I I think it’s good to have great role players as a jazz fan pretty sad about it but I

Understand the vision of what the Jazz are doing this year uh trying to guide it get assets um keep the cap sheet clear um and that’s that’s really the only reason I think the jazs are trading somebody Pono they they really like him but they are trying to grab some assets

Um and I think it’s gonna work out for both Detroit and for Utah so um it’s been a pleasure man thank thanks for having me on um hey you know yes thank you man get come on hitting the high notes we’ll cross poot again together so

Yeah let’s let’s do that let’s do that soon hey look I’m Gonna Keep The Stream going guys but I just wanted to make sure that um we talked about Simone fio I know that that was a player that a lot of us were kind of worried wondering

About and I’m glad that my guy here who TR from hitting the high notes podcast yep decide decid to give us his time and kind of break this down from a bird’s eye point of view so thank you for that man blessings we’ll definitely um I’ll

Come on to your pot as well we’ll talk some uh some ball but thank you brother yeah thank you man thank you yes sir and obviously guys look the other deal that went down and I had some other stuff that’s kind of not necessarily breaking but just kind of rumors and such but

Monte Morris that was a player that we knew was kind of rumored to be kind of on the way out the door for me personally and I talked about this on a on a bleach report stream the other day as well I wanted the Pistons to try and

Find a way if they could to resign Monte Morris but I think that just they’re just kind of beyond that kind of notion that we’re talking about the young guys needing to step up and kind of take the range you’re looking at guys like Marcus sass who’s proving that he needs ample

Time ample time man ample time uh that’s a part of the reason why I think Monte Morris became a little bit more Expendable he’s going to be a guy that’s going to get a lot of attention and no matter how much you love playing for your hometown team that contract that

Bag actually it talks more than anything else and so I do believe that it was a situation where Monte Morris though he wants to be here though he’s glad he got the opportunity to kind of put on that Pistons jersey for a few games probably

Was not going to be here next year and you need to be able to kind of fill the team that you know this is what we’re going to have and get these young guys ready to step up and actually play the roles that they’ve brought in here to

Play I’m ready to see this team really be able to depend on our young guys like I I remember starting off last year and then this season saying why can’t we look at our top draft picks and the guys that we think are going to be those that

Deal why can’t we start to look at those guys as the guys like we’re looking at other teams who’ve kind of drafted young players you you’re even looking at places like the Charlotte Hornets and Brandon Miller who’s on an absolute tear you’re looking at Paulo banero and

France uh you know V Vagner down with orando magic who those guys are carrying their team I think it’s time for the Pistons to either rely on their young players put the ball in their hands and surround them with the right complimentary pieces or you got to go in

A completely different direction but you got to do something quick you got to make a decision one way or the other and so I guess this is them now kind of trying in some way shape or form to not necessarily get ahead but to try and catch up little by little by trading

Monte Morris and they did trade him for a Timberwolves 2030 second round pick that’s a little far out there man I think my son would be ready to be drafted by the Detroit Pistons by the time that thing conveys to us um and Shake Milton and Troy Brown as part of

The deal forg Monte Morris and again this is about putting um you know they’re the second um year of their deals shake and Troy and I see uh Marco Rolo put it in there their deals are um not guaranteed next year so it’s either the Pistons want to kind of pick up

Those deals or they cut them and waved them or or dropped the option and they just keep going um as as it relates to the cap space so my guess is either they’re not done because I know that right now they’re a little bit over the

I think one spot over uh the Max on The rosters they got to be down to 15 they got 16 right now so either they’re going to cut somebody or they’re going to make another deal obviously I believe they’re going to kind of wait this thing out until the trade deadline

Before they absolutely make a decision on that one way or the other I’m hoping that there’s another trade you know I was on with r beard earlier on our show wake up Woodward on wood Woodward Sports Network Monday through Friday 8 to 10: am definitely tap in there every

Wednesday Rod comes on and does two segments the first segment is the state of Detroit where you know he’s the sports editor and chief for the Detroit news so he’s talking all sports with us on that one and then the second segment which I did and I’m going to repost

Every single week back to the wward Pistons Channel um where he’s talking about um where he’s talking about uh the Pistons stuff man we’re going to our Woodward Pistons diet tribe straight up hey what up though man I see a lot of people in here I haven’t gotten on here

And done a live in a long time and I’m gonna start doing those a lot more we’re gonna start coming on here and talking a lot more talking about the stuff that I’m seeing hearing from the beat talking about the Pistons and all that type of

Stuff um going through what they need to do different just from even a a standpoint of um on the court type of stuff as well as trades and I was just about to get there man I was just about to get there man per I believe was it

Jeff fiser I believe it was let me pull it up here man that’s where I was going to next because it looks like like I said the Pistons aren’t necessarily done per Jake fiser and I know he’s with Yahoo sports the Pistons have been the most active team ahead of this trade

Deadline and Detroit big man Isaiah Stewart remains a player of interest to New Orleans which if you guys have listened to some of our podcasts with Rod then you know that for about three months now now maybe three and a half or four months you guys have heard me

Straight up talking about the fact that the New Orleans Pelicans that they’ve been kind of one of those teams to look out for I know in the Pistons PR room with a lot of the media guys there shout out Cory woods from the M live Mike Curtis from the Detroit News James

Edwards from the athletic Amar saner from the Detroit Free Press uh when we start to talk and Vince shout out Vince Ellis formerly of the Detroit Free Press but now works directly for uh platinum equity the Pistons ownership group and he writes for them as well cover pistons

And Community uh events and the Pelicans were a team of interested they say hey keep eye out on them um that’s a team that’s looking to kind of break things down their head coaches Willie Green with ties back to Detroit former udm player and um and he’s a he’s from the

Monty Williams coaching tree as well if you guys remember when um the Suns kind of made their run and and started to kind of turn the tide it was with Coach Monty Williams and um Willie Green there as an assisant coach and so I could definitely see those guys kind of

Getting together and figuring out how they can help each other right now because there’s a lot of teams man I’m telling you guys there’s a lot of teams here that are looking to break things down in the Pistons have been one of those teams that have positioned

Themselves to be able to kind of take on the bad contracts to also try and help themselves give other teams the the cap space to go into a free agency where they want to be able to do a few more things or maybe even restart their rebuilds you know the Pelicans and

Everything they’ve done to try and become a formidable team especially since um the departure of ad it just hasn’t worked out for them and so teams like them teams like the Bulls uh the grizzly who are going through a little bit of injury uh issues right now

There’s a couple teams out there that are looking to potentially unload some of their players I know the Utah Jazz too they’re still looking at potentially getting rid of a couple of their players um to try and recoup some of that cap space because the trade that they made

To bring in Donovan Mitchell or or to get rid of Donovan Mitchell it has not panned out for them at all you know they got a couple high paid players on that roster and it’s not working out for the Utah Jazz I thought that if the Pistons

Were involved with a trade for them that it would been for like like either aari but we did not have what they were seeking uh in a return but really it seems like a lot of people out there are kind of not going to play that type of

Ball with the Utah Jazz um but I am willing to see I’m trying to see what this Pistons team is going to do because I want to see them upgrade at that spot um whether that’s at the expense of Isaiah Stewart or not you know what I’m

Saying I you guys have heard me say this for a long time I’m hoping that these people you know the Pistons put together a roster where our starting four is somebody formidable you guys already see kind of over my uh over my right shoulder y’all you guys’ left

Jeremy Grant up there man that was the last time I thought we had a legitimate four on our Squad a legit four and it sucks but the best um um stretch in Pistons kind of restore era is a 10 and4 stretch with Jeremy Grant K Cunningham

You guys heard me talk about this before sadique Bay um post Allstar break of kage’s rookie season uh when they kind of switched to Stu I liked everything that Stu has to bring from hustle toughness and tangibles he’s going to try and play uh a lot bigger than he is

But sometimes the metrics are what the metrics are and when you legit like 67 68 power forward with us you know long Wings span you know arm Wings span is pretty decent but hands are kind of small and the other you know defensive the the opponents can grab the defensive

And offensive rebounds just snatch them from right over your your head that’s where it becomes a problem man when they can post you up and there’s not a lot you can do to stop them that’s going to be a problem when you cannot be a reliable kind of three-point shooter

Volume three-point shooter where they know yo that’s a person we have to stay home home on that’s going to be a problem we’re looking at the spacing issues that K Cunningham and we’re looking at the spacing issues that Jay iy have to deal with on this team and

Even boan bonovich I think about boan banovich last year where the Pistons weren’t really dealing with too much spacing issues because the defense just didn’t care but coming into this season with a lot of the hype and how the Pistons started off it’s weird teams were like okay let’s actually gear up

Unless we got some scouting reports on these players and Monty Williams talked about this in the beginning of the year he said there’s scouting reports out now on players this year that they weren’t really scouting reports on these players last year from even um K they knew what

His sweet spots were and so he was one of the few players on this squad over the last couple years that he’s played that’s getting double teamed and triple teamed but coming into this season when you’re getting Jay Ivy when you’re getting K Cunningham when you’re getting

Some of the plus players on the Pistons team getting double teamed and you have Isaiah Stewart out there in the corner going you know people say well he shoots over 30% from three yeah but he has large stretches and Swings in the game where he’s literally missing two three

Four three-pointers in a row or two and three three-pointers in a quarter and the Detroit pitons when they lose a quarter badly they usually have lost the whole entire game don’t matter if it’s a first quarter second quarter third quarter or fourth quarter whenever they lose one badly that is it the momentum

Is gone then they play the rest of the game or the rest of that game leading up to there to the end trying to play catchup and they usually fall apart down the stretch and so I’ve always wanted them to go like I’ve seen some of you

Guys put in the chat and upgrade that fource position position and I’m hoping they do that man if it’s Tobias Harris I’m you know as your 3 four you know at least he’ll make teams a little bit more honest on the defensive side of things but um I’m

Hoping they have a more robust plan than that right now man I um I see uh we need a new identity I feel like the restore of the past is outdated and I agree with that I agree with that man I wrote a article for wood Sports and I actually

Covered it in a pod as well where was saying like you know I wanted the Pistons to create an identity every Detroit Pistons team of consequence any of them that’s really mattered they had an identity and that identity started with not just on the defensive end but toughness man absolute toughness teams

Knew when you step out here on the court with the Detroit Pistons what you GNA get man and it just seems like right now they just don’t have that going on for them right now the toughness aspect the continuity the plan for each other the allout hustle a few the games that I’ve

Seen the Pistons actually win this year it was all out hustle straight up hustle and then all of a sudden it’s like the consistency or being able to stream that together for multiple games is just gone and where that surprises me is the fact that they’re supposedly young team seven

Rookie contract players and I just don’t know what’s going on man I just don’t I rebuild the REO it’s getting to that point man it’s getting to that point and that’s why my lipus test was wanting to see Troy Weaver make some moves at this deadline that

Could possibly like affect the floor of this team going forward raise that floor up a little bit get some NBA rotation guys in here make some type of a splash even if it’s a half Splash today I will call these kind of they threw a couple

Pebbles in the water and you saw a little bit of water come up but that’s not really kind of even half the splash that I thought that they were going to make Rod beard the same thing he wanted to see something of consequence and you know we know that um Zack LaVine they

Were getting close was something imminent that’s a a name that if you’re uh you listening to the wber Pistons podcast Rod beard n Rod’s been bringing that name up for about two three months as well Zack LaVine Zack LaVine Zack LaVine and as Z got closer and got more

Imminent Zack LaVine decided to play a game you wantan to play a game this man decided to saw his ankle off man he was like I’m not going to Detroit and it’s just like come on bro you can’t be serious and ain’t even like Zack LaVine

Was gonna be the perfect Prospect to be able to bring in for these Pistons but he would have helped somewhat he would have brought scoring especially if he could stay healthy scoring extreme pressure on the defense he was a player that they would have to they’d have to

Think about at all times at all times he’s one of those guys you kind of put the ball in his hands low maintenance you don’t got to worry about him there but it just it kind of speaks volumes to where the Pistons organization is at right now that’s that’s where it’s at

Right now hey Robert Ross said Brandon would you fire Troy Chocolate City Weaver be trth be truthful be truthful from my perspective and I get it from you guys perspective it’s just yo he’s the gym are you making the moves or not are the moves panning out or

Not and if I had to judge from you guys perspective I understand why people will want Troy Weaver fired from my perspective of some of the things that I know I just want to see him be able to do the job unencumbered I’ll put it that

Way too many many cooks in the kitchen too many kind of overarching people think about this people want them fired when we kind of knew that Killian or some foreign player was going to be the pick Before Troy Weaver was even the GM will bam was already working out with

Killian Hayes on behalf of the Pistons organization they were already scouting him this was a thing even Sam sck day would tell you um of of wward sports would tell you yeah we had all heard that there was a foreign player that was gonna be picked and then it was a CO

Year you got Troy coming in literally like a month before that draft and that that’s kind of the end of that story then kiling haes is the pick he’s going to be the one that take those bullets but he’s not the president of vas operations which means every move there

If it’s gonna be stamped it’s being stamped by somebody who’s kind of above his pay grade and that’s kind of what’s going on right now we also heard again Killian Hayes brought right back up into this thing where he wanted to trade Killian in offseason but because the

Owner because the owner hired the coach not Troy Weaver the owner then who who actually is higher on the totem pole the coach or the GM who does not carry the president of basketball operations title well that’s going to go to the coach and so the coach decided actually I think I

Can do something with Killian Hayes I actually prefer Killian Hayes on this roster and you guys know go back to the beginning of the season and everything we were reporting I was like look I think Killian Hayes could be a he should be a backup guard for this team and I

Think that that would have that would have bed way more better for killing Hayes on this squad rather than making him a starter on this team which I just don’t think he’s a starter like all you guys know he’s not a starter he shouldn’t have been a starter especially

Not over uh Jay nvy but Monty Williams wanted Killian here and then bada bing bada boom no trade goes down I have on good authority that there were some players that Troy Weaver wanted to sign last year or trade for last year in the off season but what was his statement

Seven days before free agency it was well we’re not going to make any splashes this off season we’re going to wait till next off season man that’s what they said and they said why because they wanted to be able to assess this team under Monty Williams and now that

The news or kind of some rumblies come out that Killian Hayes was a player that he wanted to see you start to see that this isn’t necessarily all on Troy Weaver so it’s it’s a little tough man it’s a little tough to say do we fire him because Troy has been involved in

Good basketball front office moves in his career he just has and at the start of this thing you know Jeremy Grant that’s a player that he wanted here the reason why Jeremy Grant’s not here not because of Troy Weaver it’s because some people in the front office did not trust

In Jeremy Grant long term then what did Jeremy Grant do he went away went to Portland and became the player on the arc that Troy Weaver said he was going to become I would have liked to see what that panned out to be heing the Detroit Pitt’s uniform he three-point shooting

Has gotten better his facilitation has gotten better he played off ball pretty well he was sharing the rock pretty good all of the things that people thought he wasn’t doing here it’s just like man so I I don’t know as 7 m b he said B you

Truly are positive bro the trades were very mid fam two expiring for three expiring what is Troy doing the only thing he can do right now I wanted him to go out there and make a splash trust me it’s not necessarily about being positive it’s about first kind of making

Sense of the deals so that people at least know what’s going on and then beyond that definitely letting y’all know I I wanted them to do something more big I wanted the Pistons to do something way more major than what they’ve done so far I did believe that

The Pistons needed to exchange some of the players they have on this roster right now that they’re playing on regular rotation minutes for like better players they just don’t have NBA rotation they don’t at all they got guys who when we’re in the press conferences and we’re at media availability they’re

Young guys on rookie contract some of them are saying yo I’m still learning the NBA I’m still trying to learn this I’m still trying to learn that and then the vets that they got they’re just older man they are so much older now like when you look at Burks and you look

At boan though those guys can give it give you like those good games maybe two games in a row three games in a row the defense and some of the other components that you’re looking for from them it’s just not there and so I believe that they’re trying to get some rotation

People here they’re trying to get their books set but at this point in time trust me seven m b my lit Miss test was like yo I want to see this team go out there and make a splash Now show us that you’re serious about changing the

Culture of this team now I don’t want these young guys to continue to play under this man like you see them trying to keep their spirits up we see them in the press conferences I see them at practice I see them at the performance center we get to speak to them and you

See they’re trying to keep their heads high but it’s only so much losing and getting punched you know in the nads that you can take until your whole Spirits are just deflated and I wanted them to be able to do something not like they were going to go on some

Magnificent run but to show these young players that you’re serious about moving their future in the right direction and giving them the same types of players that we saw Houston kind of go out now we know Houston is faded a little bit Houston has faded a little bit uh as it

Relates to that start but at least give them some players I see Marvin Toby said let the young players grow and I think that they need better players around them to let these young players grow I just do I just do man and that’s kind of

Where it’s at right now they said this stated the Pistons are going to extend Simone fanto contract long term I know he’s a RFA I can see that happening in terms of what he gives you it’s going to be very very similar to what they’re getting out of boan don’t he’s had some

Games as well where he’s kind of popped off and scored 20 points here and there uh for the Utah Jazz he was starting for the Utah Jazz if you uh just tapped in now you can go back to the beginning of this uh and listen to what who Tran he

Covers the the um the Utah Jazz on the hit and high note podcast as well I wanted to be able to have them on to be able to break some things down to you guys so East Side Johnny he said Kool-Aid looking at this roster right do

You think the front office fell Cade and you rather them start over again with the new front office I believe that the entire front office I believe the Pistons organization has definitely failed K Cunningham 100% fail k k when you get a player that you consider u a generational Talent by their definition

And a player that you consider a connector by their definition 100% you have failed this man when you refused or have failed to put the right types of players around him I thought Jamie Grant was a good St piece I thought that was a good a good start

Kind of early in that thing and they brought Jeremy Grant in the year before K Cunningham oh I mean I’m sorry I’m sorry the the yeah yeah yeah they brought uh they traded for Jeremy Grant um during the same time that they were drafting Killian Hayes Isaiah Stewart and sadique

Bay um you know I liked what I saw out of Jeremy Grant and K Cunningham especially that second half I thought that they worked pretty well together but yeah if you just want me to say it straight up yeah they they F okay they felt okay and I see debuck he said did

The front office really fa Kade or did Kade threee of injury fail the organization you cannot build around a player that injured well I don’t know the injury thing is kind of a little bit overblown to me K Cunningham didn’t get injured his second year he just didn’t

And when you look at some of the injuries he had during the first year it was like covid was one of the things that had a Miss gains another one was like an ankle sprain um that that just happened his third second year when he missed all

That time it was because of um corrective surgery from something that K Cunningham said I can play through this I played with this kind of fracture in my leg since high school and the Pistons actually were the ones that put the pressure on him to say hey just sit out

This year and get the surgery I was able to talk to his brother uh at the at LCA face to face and he was like yeah you know he wants to still play the Pistons think is better and I was I was almost this close to saying you know what K is

Not going to get the surgery he’s goingon to play but they told told me just wait a second and uh literally the next day the news came out that Kade is going to get this surgery if he had gotten injured in that season and that that was the need for the surgery I

Would be a lot more concerned but when you’re doing a surgery like that that’s affecting your entire leg where they went and I think they effectively put a rod in his leg I would assume that all of the workouts he did this summer if you just if you understand like those

Types of things those types of rehabs they put more stress on your body K just never had a break and that’s something that Mani Williams talked about coming into this season is that he’s dealing with what’s called you know fatigue right now fatigue from the rehab and they have to be more mindful

Of that and during a season like this they’re gonna find their ways to get him some rest and they got to do it in some ways in which they don’t get in trouble with the NBA since they’re cracking down now on load management type stuff and

Just missing games here and there and so yeah this I believe that he absolutely needs a little bit more rest especially if you’re looking at the fact that you haven’t done right by him but if you have this fear that you don’t think hey Cunningham is going to be the guy that

Can kind of stay healthy um and that you can build something apply behind them then yeah yeah you’re gonna have to do something about that the problem is they kind of pinned a lot of this rebuild on K Cunningham being that guy and that’s what’s so surprising to me that they

Haven’t put necessarily the right pieces around them do I believe they got them the right young guys that you can run with yeah but having the right young guys void of any real vets that can kind of take this thing to the next level I think you’re failing those guys that’s

What I wrote In My article some months back is that they are in the process right now of failing their own restore straight up he said too many excuses for Kade if he’s the franchise there’s not really excuses for Kade you plug Kade into this lineup right now and he never

Misses a game this roster is still I’m not gonna call it trash because I think they got some good pieces but this roster was not going to win that’s just it Point blame period it’s not going to win win and honestly if you think you have those concerns with K I’m just not

Going to play him like that man I’m not going to risk anything long term with a with an asset like K cyan whether you think he’s the guy or not you don’t risk that you don’t if you think you can trade him the one thing you want if he’s

Gonna play or if you’re gonna trade him is Health you want to make sure that guy is as healthy as possible same thing they did with Monte Morris they bought him here he had one year left on this deal they KN always knew that they were

Going to flip him they made sure that guy got healthy a lot of us fans like why a he playing why he playing why he playing I think he would have helped out k cyam a lot to start this season but instead they decided look he ain’t gonna

Be here we’re gonna just get him healthy so we can get him into a trade and that’s what wound up happening with K Cunningham if this team is going to be performing the way it is I know he wants to be on the court from everything I know he wants to be on

The court we saw his best stretches this year K Cunningham’s Talent is not the issue here I think the main and his injury it’s not the main issue here the main issue here right now is what this front office has failed to do for K Cunningham that’s the biggest issue we’ve seen

Teams of the past and we can see some of these other squads if they lose one of their guys they don’t crater they don’t why because the roster all around their man guys is set up a much better than what the Pistons have here right now so

It’s like you know that’s just how I see it and you guys are definitely free to um to dis to disagree you know I ain’t going to take that from nobody I know there’s a lot of people out there on the other side of it man that uh kind of see

Some other stuff man but um let me see here question is K just not um a point guard and we’ve forced him into that position K passing and turnovers is a weakness right now and now he can definitely grow but his Co but his scoring is a strength you know what

Marvin this is something that since he’s been here I’ve actually been more and more and more in line with this notion of play him a little bit off ball more the one thing they wanted to do coming into this season was get his usage rate

Down and then all of a sudden you look and he’s right back into the top 10 I believe of like usage rate up over like 31 32% they wanted to get that down like 22 23% and they said that they were going to do that by playing him off

Balore the whole Monty williams5 second offense the same way he took the ball a little bit out of Devin Booker’s hands they were supposed to do that here but they had a lot better players in Phoenix like you think about just their wings there they had melbridge

Cam Johnson and Kelly U the Pistons don’t have three players on this roster outside of Cade that you would even put on their level of of play that was just their wings and they still had um DeAndre Aon who no matter what people think about the beef they had he’s still

A plus player I would take all three of those wings and DeAndre Aon run them out there with K Cunningham right now and you have a completely different roster in a rotation ASAP that’s going to actually perform a lot better than what we’ve seen and that’s kind of been my

Disdain but yeah to kind of directly answer your question I do want to see K Cunningham a little bit more off ball when you look at all of his strengths when you look at his at his efficiency all those numbers start to jump when you get K Cunningham off ball especially

When he’s able to kind of move around a little bit get into the corners get to the Elbow from extended out to the three-point line um he and Jay Navy I think they work kind of well in that regard too Jay nvy is able to get downhill with his speed throw the ball

Back out to K Cunningham and he been hitting some threes at the some of the last few games I was at where I saw these guys kind of play together that is something that I was actually kind of remarking about uh shout out to my guy Jeremy Allen of the Michigan Chronicle I

Usually sit with him in that section 104 I know some of you guys when you guys go to the Gams you guys say what up to me you guys say what up to him as well um and that’s what we remark about we say you know what Kade and and Ivy are

Actually starting to find some type of chemistry and I do believe that it helps Kade when you can get Kade outside of these situations where the defense is completely keying in on just him and you’re able to destabilize the defense with a play with um kind of a a

Speedster like a j iy or if you can get a real point guard to kind of play that like one of those pure point guards to play that position and I think is why Chris Paul helped out the phix Suns so much and helped out Devon Booker so much

When they made this type of a tra change to Devon Booker get him off ball a little bit more his three-point percentage went up three-point attempts uh went uh went up just a little bit his three-point makes though per game went up his his free throw percentage and his

Free throw attempts went up as well there was a lot of positive changes for Devon Booker in that system they just have better players and a player that could actually play that point guard position around him if you’re G to remove K Cunningham off ball uh you’re

Putting him in a position to where he’s at the Peril of whoever is holding on to that rock of making sure they can make that right play for K Cunningham and that’s kind of been one of your issues there man is Jay I that guy I would have

Loved to see that kind of start from the beginning of the season so when you get to halfway through the season you have your full lip Miss test at least at least you got 30 40 games under your belt to see these guys develop some chemistry see these guys figure out how

They like to work because you don’t just throw something out there and it just goes y all know on the w p podcast we use cooking analogies a lot man you sometimes you gotta let things steep sometimes you gota let things boil a little bit sometimes you got to let

Things kind of bake over a long period of time on low heat they haven’t allowed any of that to happen with this young core you can’t call it a core four when you’re not even playing these guys together they’re not the core of anything they’re just at this point in

Time individual players who have some pretty individual skills but they have no chemistry they don’t know how to play together they don’t have any vets that are really helping them it said when you look back on Corey Joseph and Rodney McGruder that’s probably some of the more informative and and teaching vets

That they’ve had on this squad man and all of a sudden you kind of March forward in this restore and Monty Williams comes in wants to mix in a little bit more of the experienced players in the squad and you just don’t really have really good experienced

Players and the ones you did have started off the season injured that’s just a that’s just a recipe for disaster man but I do personally want to see Kade off ball a little bit more but I want to see it if they get the right point guard

And the right ball handlers around him I like K can off ball I like seeing what he was doing from like the uh elbow extended being able to kind of get into some ISO where it’s a little bit more difficult for teams to be able to double

Team him as well because he’s been getting hit with major double teams and chips and triple teams this season every pick and roll you got a a kind of a hedge or spy Defender kind of looking at him as well and he’s getting downhill he’s throwing the ball out to the

Corners and people are missing when you look at it um what is it called uh man gosh I’m forgetting the term but like attempted assists you know potential assists K Cunningham is missing out on a lot of assists he is a really good point guard but on this team we actually need him

Off ball to take better advantage of the Personnel that we have because it’s kind of Bleak when you’re throwing the ball out there if Ban’s not hitting and Burks is not hitting then Kade is is kind of like one of your your top catch and shoot three-point Shooters

And he shoots better that way um than he does from uh off the dribble as well let me see you see kilan and wisman going next if you want my honest opinion I’m hoping that’s the case I’m really hoping that’s the case we’ve heard some of the

Noise about Killian pop up that his Camp I don’t know where he gets the kahunas to say hey look man me and my Camp went out of here it’s like bro your opportunity right now is because Detroit Pistons and Monty Williams has said hey we want to see what this kid can do

Underneath this type of a situation um but uh I I don’t know man is this situation with Killian has just been one of the biggest head scratchers in my life when we showed up to training camp this year and Monty Williams was just kind of bringing up Killian haes

Unsolicited we were excited about Monte Morris and and about what Marcus Sasser could bring to the table because that’s a guy I know we I haven’t brought up his name a lot but Marcus Sasser is a guy who’s continued to go out there and light things up I do believe he’s more

Of a combo guard less of a actual kind of facilitator and playmaker but a kind of B guard who can playmake off of this off of the gravity that he draws when he starts hitting one bucket two bucket three bucket in a row from three getting into that Landa getting that floater

Going then all of a sudden you start to see the defense react every time he dribles the ball when Killian Hayes dribbles the ball into the paint they don’t really have to react they’re like what’s he going to do brick a floater so everybody stays home people when they

Look at Killian Hayes they’re like what’s he gonna do get to the Lane and and kind of flail like the defense does not react and everybody stays home on the shooters on the outside and it just like stalls the Pistons offense every single time and Killian Hayes not playing defense at

A clip well enough in my opinion to Warrant kind of being out there like that I would rather go with Marcus Sasser who’s not necessarily looked at as a Defender but he’s putting a lot of pressure on the other team’s defense to make a pretty good def uh pretty big uh

Effect Chile said LeBron Kobe KD not PG’s B High usage we could do the same we can’t we can but you got to put more players around them even Kobe when the team around him was a little bad that man tried to force his way to the

Detroit Pistons he told them and it was a deal in place where the Pistons during the Joe Dum Mar’s era was going to trade Richard Hamilton and some pieces for Kobe Bryant until the Lakers actually went out there and made a deal refitted that team for him got him a real big got

Him another point guard got him some things going on and then the the Lakers kind of reup and were able to go out there and make some things happen you know what I’m saying um and and some of these guys they played with some Talent man they really did let me see here

Though there’s more questions in here because I’m gonna shut it down soon man I appreciate you guys being here definitely if you’re on YouTube or if you can get over to the YouTube stream definitely put a like on there man I appreciate you guys being here I’m going

To try and do this a lot more we’re GNA try and get table talk going back again I talked to Shan Murphy and um some of the old crew and we’re gonna try and get this stuff popping again man I I miss doing this it’s life has been crazy you

Know my wife we were high risk with uh the pregnancy and everything uh we had a baby healthy baby uh mom had a little bit of a scare right after the pregnancy right after giving birth but um but by The Graces of God man everything is uh is definitely good

Right now so man I’m definitely praising God for that and I’m thanking you guys for a lot of the well wishes and then you know there’s been a lot of change at what were Sports as well a lot of my brothers a lot of my friends a lot of

The guys that I love um situation uh wasn’t necessarily befitting to them and um they had to move on um for the better of their careers and uh for some of them the better of just just life in general and uh I took that that kind of hit me

Man that did you know we developed some pretty good relationships that we’re going to carry on um but uh some of these things kind of they just kind of helped to um to kind of destabilize some things for a little bit but I’m going to be jumping back into it a little bit

More especially with the access that we have with the Pistons and such I will be at March Madness Tom maway brillan Edwards Michigan great bran Edwards and myself we’re all credential we’re gonna be at March Madness at the games here in Detroit being able to look at some of

These players that are at the top man so um you I did want to say uh let me see here Kool-Aid all right isi Johnny as a new content creator what advice you got for a new content creator getting started honestly when I got started I didn’t

Have too much advice coming my way and as I’ve gotten into this now it’s been two three years you know I had R beard helping me learn how to cover the Pistons but neither one of us had really done any content creation beyond writing articles um the one thing I can

Definitely tell you is to just be you man speak your truth be true to what you know and don’t be afraid of people disagreeing don’t be afraid of people calling you out um just kind of really be true to you man be true to you be

True to what you see be true to what you know if you feel something um passionately if you feel like you’re right on something make sure you’re well studied on it make sure you’re vers on it um make sure you have some facts to back you up on what you’re what you’re

Presenting but uh at the end of the day be true to you don’t be afraid to collaborate either don’t be afraid to do that um I don’t believe I’m bigger than the plat the platform is far bigger than me and anybody that collaborate I have to look at as somebody that’s far bigger

Than myself as well man but ultimately just be you be you that’s what I can say at first I was a little nervous about all this stuff but we’re just talking ball we’re doing the same thing that we’ve done since middle school since high school college and what we do if we

At the bar if we just out with the fellas just talk in shop talk Ball but um let me see here T roll bams oh man Monte is a garbage coach I don’t think that Monte’s a garbage coach I just don’t believe that Monte Williams was

Equipped to to coach this type of a team something that he talked about in training camp was that he wanted a more veteran Laten team and you got to understand like the way he got here wasn’t necessarily by way of Troy Weaver is by Tom goris and if the notion is

That they’re gonna start to refit this team to Monty Williams system then I can understand why we’ve seen some of the issues we’ve seen here to me though it it does I still scratch my head a little bit because I’m just like Jay iy is Jay

Man that guy needs to get the ball and he needs to play I don’t really care about your system let J iy sink or swim you shouldn’t be the reason as a coach that Jay Navi is sinking or swimming not at all you should be the reason why Jay

Navi is going out there improving what he is just the same what they allow Killian to prove what he is farone he said what’s the latest on Killian it’s still the same that it was man that his Camp supposedly wants out and that uh there’s a couple teams that are

Interested we don’t know what those deals look like I don’t know if people are looking at kilan as a deal like going out but then incoming you have to take on some other team’s trash or if there’s a team out there like the Grizzlies who are kind of injury Riddle

Right now who just take a a flyer on Killian Hayes for like a second round pick or something like that or a future future future second round pick I if that happened right now I would get on this I would start the stream up immediately I don’t care when it dropped

Man if they traded him at 2: am in the morning I would get right back on this stream and start things up and we’ be on here we have a part at least I know you be here farone uh let me see here if there’s any other questions man definitely man you guys

Put some koola this Kobe Bryant man hey I like that man yeah I was definitely busy man a d I’m seeing a lot of the guys in here that are uh some of the regulars man definitely man thank you guys on the congratulations um Dwayne the Pistons

Got too many cooks in the kitchen yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s that’s been something that we’ve talked about all year and and thinking about Dwayne man when I think about Dwayne Casey I see him around Little Caesar’s Arena at some of these home games he and I we talk we

Do text um he’s been a really really good Confidant somebody who’s uh giv me some advice and uh he’s kind of let me in a little bit on what he’s doing at first he was scouting um college players and college prospects over the last season no this season starting they

Actually had them scouting as well some Pistons play uh not Pistons but NBA players as well so obviously we know that there are some trades that were going to happen otherwise why have him scouting NBA players as well um you saw the latest video going around where he

Was scouting a French Prospect at the Pistons might be looking at for the draft but I do want to talk about that because Beyond just what they do for this trade thing I want to see I want to see um I want to see this Pistons team

Honestly not get younger this draft pick that’s coming up I’m hoping that this is something obviously they can’t trade it right now because of the protections that are on it and because you can’t they can’t trade it at this moment but when they get that to that trade

Deadline I’m hoping that all of these kind of table setter moves that they’ve already made that they can package kind of that fifth draft pick with maybe another young talent and be able to bring some players of consequence into this organization let me say this to you

All very plain and very clearly as I look right into the camera you guys no Detroit Pistons fan out there especially the freaking die hards man there 134 of you on here man so definitely hit that like button on this stream uh to support the content but y’all don’t deserve this

On any level on any level man to go to the arena and know it’s not full but you’re seeing 10,000 12,000 people by the end of the games still supporting you’re looking at the attendance numbers and you’re seeing Pistons top 15 16 in the league still it’s like fans are

Still going out there to show look even though it’s a little bit down right now and it’s been down for some time we’re still here supporting because I know that you are care I’m I like bro the Pistons that’s my squad man that was my team like I love the Lions obviously we

Love our Tigers the Red Wings had a great stretch when I was growing up like I was one of those black kids that had the rollerblades had the net had the hockey stick and everything because they were just winning championships they were going on long runs as well but the

Pistons that was my team you want to talk about the one that I felt absolutely in love with it was the Detroit Pistons man to see this happening since you know Bill Davidson has kind of passed away Tom gor says he wants to win he’s in my opinion um I

Think he’s become a he’s becoming a better owner but this has just been depressing I’ll be just straight up with you when you love something so much and it just doesn’t do you right it becomes a situation where it’s depressing and one thing I know about Detroit sports

Fans is we’re di hards man this isn’t a situation where we’re just kind of like oh yeah that’s this just the Pistons no like we’re not like La fans we’re it’s just kind of like oh well I can go to the Clippers game if this ain’t

Happening for me with the Lakers I just go to the Lakers game if this ain’t happening for me over here or I can just be a Sacramento Kings fan now that they’re doing no no no no no no that’s not who we are that’s not how we’re made

That’s not how we’re cut you cut US Open and we bleed Detroit that’s just how it is no matter where you are in the state of Michigan Detroit sports has been something that to these th hards it matters man so I get it I 100% get it

Man trying to cover this stuff has been tough man it’s been absolutely tough absolutely tough and I want these guys to get this thing right because this isn’t something that any of us um any of us deserve man from ‘ 08 to 2024 Pistons have been bad but it all started with trading

Bipss oh man I a want to really bring that remember that man yeah that’s a tough one when they went and they kind of put their hopes in Rodney Stucky is kind of being the future and decided to part ways with Chanty bips and thought

That they could use that cap space on on the other end to kind of rebuild but chanti BS was just one of those guys who you saw when he went to Denver absolutely how he kind of changed things for that franchise man caral Anthony was the guy but they weren’t that Squad

Until they got Tony BBS there I see Kevin Ali should be the coach Marvin Talbert assar would have had an easier transition whether it’s Kevin Ali or anybody that Troy Weaver uh picked I do 100% believe that Troy Weaver should have been able to pick this coach but

That’s why I keep telling you guys there’s too many cooks in the front in the in the kitchen in this front office he wasn’t able to hire his coach he put together a squad he put together a team that he knows the way they click and

Then he wasn’t able to go and ultimately get their coach when you don’t allow that GM to kind of fit the talent that he’s trying to bring in with the right coach especially when there’s been some other things going on on top of that I think you’re absolutely destabilizing

And doing your rebuild the wrong way man you’re you’re undercutting yourself now of a sudden you got to go and rework your roster to fit another coach’s style what is that going to do to these young players that you’re bringing in what is that going to say to the rest of the

League man that that’s my thing like what is that gonna say to the rest of league and to other young players coming in here as well that just doesn’t make sense to me at all it just shows that the organization is a little bit in flux

Right now and that can they be trusted can you trust what your GM is saying to you are you going to get kind of somebody going to come and undercut you even though you’re the GM is somebody going to just step in and say you know

What I know what Troy wants to do but we’re not going to go in that direction we’re goingon to go in this direction the one thing I know is this and I have my my I have my my Curiosities here Troy Weaver knew sadique Bay on the aaou

Scene and I’m not saying he’s some World beater but I thought he worked for the team that they were putting together here he’s a guy who there’s some skills and some talents here that we could have definitely utilized uh as a part of this squad and he was building chemistry with

The players that were here when he got traed it was for a player that has a pretty interesting agent history and you guys know we have an agent in our front office as well sometimes it just makes me think what’s going on here because I don’t think that that’s a deal that was

Necessarily uh started or predicated by Troy Weaver organic Lindo I appreciate all you guys it’s when I turn this on and I know that there are people out there who care that’s why I’m doing this you know I I’m not looking at myself as anything special I just love the Pistons

I love talking it I’m glad that I have the opportunity to report what the organization is saying on a credential level and to be able to try and represent you all as well in that room I said this on a couple of the podcast I’m gonna say this here on the live I’m

Hoping to create an environment and a relationship with you guys in which I can represent your voice in the way that PR wants it represented in that room pist PR uh appropriately and professionally obviously some of the things we’ll talk about off the cuff or

In certain types of ways I’ll be able to kind of take the gist of what we’re talking about and going to these press conferences especially you know we’re about 30 games out now from the end of the season which means Troy Weaver is going to and all the Pistons are going

To have an end of the season kind of exit interviews and I’m able to kind of take questions in and be able to talk to them we haven’t gotten an opportunity to talk to Troy you in a long time so I’m eager for that and I’m hoping that as we

Do more of these lives more of the questions that are coming in they can help to influence the articles that are written it’ll help to influence the the content that’s going on and it’ll help to influence the questions that are asked obviously guys understand I have a

Professional kind of facade that I must maintain um certain questions obviously are going to be questions that I’m gonna have to be work a certain way and has nothing to do about keeping a job or not because the Pistons don’t pay me you know what I’m saying the Pistons do not

Pay me at all um wber Sports and in terms of what the the coverage that I do for Pistons I’m telling you guys labor of love I get paid to do some things for w Sports I’m social media manager there um writing some articles there um on the

Show wake up Woodward I do a lot of sound sound technician for a lot of different shows I did my stuff for the Lions this year at the bullseye event group that’s been awesome kind of being a part of the Lions coverage team for sports but I’m telling you guys the

Pistons coverage is something in which if I stopped doing this I don’t know what Pistons coverage there would be at Woodward Sports and I would not lose money in my paycheck from Woodward Sports either so I’m trying to be as consistent as I can be I’m going to

Bring a lot more but it’s because I miss you guys I miss this type of stuff I miss getting on here whether you agree whether we disagree feeling the ultimate passion from the fans because it brings me back to a time that I’m hoping we can

Get to and that’s a a time where a lot of people cared about the Pistons man it’s sad to kind of see what’s going on with them at this point in time Troy wasn’t able to make moves he wanted to this summer either Dwayne Pierce you’re exactly right there were moves that I

Know he wanted to make and he was wasn’t able to make them and I’m going to protect my guy I’m going to protect the sources I’m not going to uh put that out like the specifics but understand that there were some things that he wanted to

Do and get right last summer and now he’s gonna have to do it this summer but it’s going to be to the guys of fitting this team to Monty Williams but um look guys I’m about to break this down now I appreciate you guys being here Sports on

Air thank you man hardw working man love the eort Kool-Aid this is so Detroit this is everybody this is everybody like I I said there’s people out here who care about the Detroit Pistons and to me that matters as long as there’s people that care I’m going try and still come

Out here and do what I have to do man that’s what I’m gon just do I I I love this stuff I love the Pistons I love you guys I love when I’m out at the at LCA Monty is dating K hey Apollo come on my

Man but I love this stuff man as long as there’s people that care I’m gon try and do what I do and this community it’s a lot of people across this community who are doing this too I’m not the only one there’s um you know kahill there’s everything King there’s downtown Deuce

Um there’s Pistons talk and Anthony Columbo uh kind of running that there’s buff on podcast there’s uh everything Pistons there’s there’s uh Fleet Pistons Fleet there’s the Pistons pulse you know there’s our main beat writers who I I talked to these guys man we keep each other’s spirits up man in that media

Room is it is not I’m telling you guys we try to be as professional as possible but a lot of guys in that beat room we grew up like here we grew up watching the Pistons and even though they get disconnected a little bit you start to

Get to the point where you see nah this stuff matters to them man you see it tugging on people’s hearts man Pistons powered Detroit Bad Boys my guy Sean Corp I don’t want to miss anybody from half court Sean Murphy there’s a lot of people out who are doing this I’m just

Trying to make sure at least from my perspective that I’m giving you guys what I can as well because I absolutely love what you guys bring to this also man so thank you guys I see a lot of the support in the chat man Ryan P um thank

You guys man straight up straight up I’m going try and continue to do this I absolutely need you guys to um to continue to support man that’s why I say hit the like button that’s what kind of helps me understand and gives me the motivation to continue to do this stuff

Man my family is supporting this as well my son Jeremiah we call him kid Kool-Aid I’ve been taking him around been showing him the ropes been teaching him this stuff man this guy been running around in a Pistons jersey since he since he could run he was crawling in my old

Grand Hill Jersey teaching him the Love of the Game as well he was born in North Carolina when me and my wife first got married her family was going to go off to Cambodia as missionaries so we moved there for a little bit to give her some

Time with her parents before they left and um yeah my son was born there and about three months later we moved back to Detroit but everything was pistons pistons pistons lions lions tigers Red Wings if I could turn this camera around right now you guys will see his net

You’ll see his basketball rim over there you’ll see some stuff kind of in my Studio area and um now he’s out there trying to do his thing learn how to report learn how to write learn how to break down the game but the thing I haven’t had to teach him really is learn

How to love the Detroit Pistons and I told him it’s gonna be so much sweeter for him because he hasn’t seen what I’ve seen from the Detroit Pistons and I know that when they get back and I am praying that they get back I know that lil koola

Man he is going to absolutely he’s gonna love it man he’s gonna love it I feel bad for him I feel bad for him so definitely man if you guys ever on Twitter or whatever man say what up to him he’s uh trying to keep it positive

I’ll be telling him hey son you probably don’t need to make the uh the in-game graphics for this one man like he’ll put like the final score graphic up and I’m like it’s all right son I know that you care even though they lost but uh let’s

Not remind the people out there they lost man but he’s he’s trying to do his thing man I got it’s amazing to see his passion just kind of Blossom and now he’s trying to do Graphics he’s trying to highlight the players he’s trying to you know we getting them to the game so

He can do his in game report like I’m running around doing my stuff I I didn’t even really put him up to this he just started kind of doing this himself and I’m doing my my press conference stuff in my article and I get back I look on

Social media and he’s doing his own thing and so I’m just like you know what this is what the Detroit Pistons Community is about this is what it continues to inspire and I’m hoping that we can get back to Detroit Pistons winning basketball again I don’t mean

Like underneath SVG and the first year underneath Dwayne K Casey where they did make the playoffs one year underneath SVG one underneath the Wayne Casey feels like so long ago but they did make the playoffs twice in the last eight eight seasons man dog I remember when we went

To the Eastern Conference Finals six straight times dog it’s is it’s tough it’s tough man but uh we’re gonna keep the train going man definitely love you guys blessings to you all um I can’t wait for March Madness I can’t wait to be able to look at some of these prospects because even

If the Pistons trade that first pick which I think they should Troy Weaver and this organization has shown a proficiency at being able to trade back into the first round and be able to get what they want sadique Bay Isaiah Stewart uh Jaylen durren Marcus Sasser those types of players were secondary

Picks aside from their first um you know pick they had in the first round so hey man I’m G sign off now as always it’s your boy Brandon Dan K Detroit Kool-Aid I’m going continue to try and bring it on this Woodward Pistons uh Channel I’m

Going try and do a couple lives week and we’re going to try and get table talk back going like I said changes to the platform every Wednesday you’ll get about 12 to 15 minutes from R beard and myself via the wake up Woodward um podcast the wake up Woodward Morning

Show at Woodward Sports Tap in with us man definitely go to Woodward Sports YouTube right now you’ll be able to see our first three episodes we just launched on Monday wake up Woodward it’s hosted by myself uh Brandon Dent AKA Detroit Kool-Aid the Detroit Pistons beat writer and reporter credential for

Woodward Sports as well as Matthew broer who is Woodward sports’s Detroit Lions and Detroit Tigers credential beat writer and reporter so you’re going to be able to get a lot of kind of firsthand um kind of behind the scenes reporting and just news information videos clips interviews of players interviews of coaches directly

From our show you’re going to get more of the professional take on your teams um on that show and that’s what we’re looking to do cover all Detroit sports so appreciate you guys for tapping in and I’m G probably be back Thursday night I’m hoping like around seven

O’clock I have uh my good body my good buddy sea Murphy on with me as well from half court um I think from seven to eight but um yeah thank you guys for tapping in man it’s all love go Pistons y’all go Pistons God bless you guys


  1. What splash are you talking about? Either Cade is the man or not. If Cade is the man we have the off-season to address the splash. And we don't need a star, we need good players. Miles Bridges is good enough. And he won't be expensive. You can get either Tobias or Oubre from the Sixers. Yes Cade health is a major issue. We can't know how good Ivey and Duren can be if Cade isn't healthy. Cade can play 3 positions. Ivey has shown he can be that other back court star. Monty is the one holding back Ivey and Ausar.

  2. Привет я на этом канале сново увидел шедевр это видео прекрасно как и остальные

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