@Utah Jazz

Did Danny Ainge Betray The Jazz Players?

Did Danny Ainge Betray The Jazz Players?

The trade deadline has come and gone for the Utah Jazz and it left us in a little bit of an uncertain Waters now I had my own video in which I discussed the understanding that I have of it however it was brought to my attention by tayen

A member of the channel family that there is something a little bit more interesting that another face of sports news actually considered there to be going on underneath the surface with that being said Tayon alluded to this at the beginning of the season but it kind

Of flew under the radar until it was brought back up and thrown in our faces now with d Angel recent decisions with the Utah Jazz we’re going to go ahead and take a little bit of a deep dive down into this thought process and find out exactly how important the decisions

That Dany made during the trade deadline can potentially end up affecting not just the direction of the team but the feelings of the players towards the team and the organization as a whole thanks for tuning this video it’s your boy wraith Hoops go ahead and like the video

Subscribe and turn on post notifications if you like the Utah Jazz And subscribe to the main channel to give videos about other teams that being said let’s go ahead and get into this one first I’d like to apologize for my hair I know it seems a little bit dysfunctional but

When I saw this take honestly I couldn’t turn myself away from it and the video just had to go up today we’re going to go ahead and take this little bit of a deep dive now the title of the article is opinion unintended consequences of Trades could cause the Utah Jazz to

Struggle in rebuilding now this was posted by Sarah Todd of the desert news and actually it created a very interesting thought process because by title alone it implies that there could be something underlying that we just haven’t addressed and lo and behold it was a dynamic that I actually didn’t

Consciously think about when we experience the trade deadline live it’s the fact that the players have opinions and as humans and not just you know CPU characters it puts them in a position to where they have to react to things going on on the Fly and they have feelings and

Emotions about it as well that could have long-term implications for their decisions as far as building with the team staying with the team and resigning and also how they look at the front office and whether or not the front office actually has their back now she

Starts out saying that in a vacuum she understands what the Utah Jazz did at the trade deadline she said directly you prioritize capital and flexibility over short-term middling success in the hope that the assets you have will put you in a position to be able to form a team

That is destined for True title contention which is fairly accurate judging by what ended up occurring because again we traded away three key rotation pieces oai abaji Kelly oin and Simone fonio that puts us in a situation to where you have the expectation that by trading those guys away you would

Like to get some serious value back now it did turn into a first and second round pick as well as some expiring contracts and one player Gabriel paja who’s actually still playing in the Euroleague at the moment but does have some surprising upside though he is a

Raw talent at the moment but it also puts you in a situation where you wonder what was the point of the trade because at the beginning of the Season you saw this team play and they looked really rough I still thought this team had the potential to go into the playoffs as

High as a six seed and once will hardy ended up fixing out the rotation we saw them be the team that they potentially could have been from the beginning they were playing their best ball to the point where they won 20 out of 29 games but then the trade deadline came and in

A situation where we were under the impression that we would be buyers and sellers instead we were put in a situation where we were just Sellers and this quote perfectly expresses what we can only assume Danny was thinking about and what was going through his mind when

He decided to go ahead and pull the trigger on these deals because in my head when I was watching over the news watching Shams and Wes break the topics it made sense that there would be another blowup trade that was going to come up and it would make the two make

Sense why would we trade away some key rotation pieces and not get somebody big back in return even if it was in a third deal however much to my dismay and many other people’s dismay the third deal never came there was no big play there was no Deonte Murray there was no Mike

Cal Bridges it was just Kevin oox and Company with that being said no matter how you you feel about those pieces we can all understand that even if they were decent players because they’re not exactly great players that would be on Championship contending teams it still

Puts you in a position to where you’re looking at it from the outside in understanding that they’re going to have to get adjusted to the system that John Collins individually already took over half the season to get accustomed to on defense at the very least and then also

On top of that they have to mesh well with the players that already have a level pecking order that involves a certain level of Eagle basketball but also has a complete understanding that Larry Markin and Colin seon are two of the guys that really make the team go

And Chris Dunn is that unsung leader particularly on the defensive side of the ball with that being said it would make sense that they wouldn’t want to end up paying out Fon teo’s contract extension that they would have at the end of the season because again they

Would have the opportunity as he would be a restricted free agent so they could match anybody’s deal that came up Danny a isn’t particularly known to significantly overpay but he might have overpaid a little bit for fonio with that being said he eliminated the problem altogether by trading him away

With that being said you saw a situation where Kelly oen ended up getting shipped out and they wanted a first round draft pick in exchange they were able to get a couple pieces back but it wasn’t enough so they threw aaji into the trade as well and that turned into a first round

Pick as well as a couple expiring contracts whether do you feel as though oai abaji had the ability to honestly be on this roster when they became Championship contenders the fact remains that they decided that he was not going to be part of that future picture they

Felt that he did not make the seconde leap that they were hoping to within the role that they gave him but I was a proponent for him having more opportunities once they traded fono it made the most sense and he would finally be able to decide and prove whether he

Is just a simple two-dimensional 3 and D player whether he can do both of those things extremely well and just hasn’t had the opportunity due to his inconsistent minutes or if he just wasn’t worth what we thought he was going to be worth but they decided to go

Ahead and pull the trigger early in that front office and send him to Toronto now the thing that I really want to touch on that she really made a point to hammer home in this article was with this quote right here she says mainly I worry about

The mindset of the Jazz most important foundational pieces and the message the Jazz’s approach sends to the rest of the league if the Jazz intent is to secure a top 10 pick in the upcoming draft otherwise that pick would be owed to Oklahoma City Thunder and I do believe

That is their intent how does that leave the players on this team feeling she goes on to say what does this do to Larry Markin and Walker Kessler and Colin ston and konay George if they think the higher-ups don’t want this team to win right now the players

Already were not happy with them bottoming out at the end of last season after they ended up depleting the roster at that point and it’s hard to see the light at the end of this tunnel at this point now the key thing to pick out of that entire blurb is simply the fact

That we thought this was a competitive team not only did we think we saw we understood we saw the guys camarad we saw them hyping each other up and being excited about being a competitive team being able to take off teams like the Bucks the nuggets and playing really

Consistently against top teams in the west even though there were a few blowout wins most of those came on the road you saw them play very great basketball at home and even pick up the speed on the road and catch a couple of W’s it calls into question what it was

All for no player on any team wants to play and then lose the games consistently that’s what the Charlotte Hornets are known for doing that’s what the Washington Wizards have known to do recently as well as the Detroit Pistons but none of those teams love losing some of them become content with losing

Because that’s all they know particularly if you’re a rookie in the league and you’re just brought into the team that is known for losing but by and large most of the players do not particularly enjoy being in those scenarios with the understanding of this kin seon is a guy that’s going to give

You the same level of effort when he’s down 15 or up two points lry Markin is a consistent guy in the league who’s so efficient at scoring while barely having many touches on the ball he doesn’t dribble much he’s getting into his back a little bit more trying to expand his

Game but by and large he requires other people to set up the table for him and he hits his shots every single game with mild exceptions Walker Kesler has been an elite rim protector for them you find Keon George trying to to find his rhythm and getting better as the season

Progresses he doesn’t always have the most consistent games but when he catches fire he catches fire like no other and to sit there and understand that these guys are trying so hard and even the guys that got sent away in Kelly oen oai abaji and fono you see a

Situation where those guys were legitimately trying and playing their hearts out and giving it their all with effort every single night because they wanted to win and they were under the impression that this was going to be a playoff caliber basketball team that was not only going to make a push for the

Play in but they wanted to be in the playoffs and play some valuable games but after the trade deadline it seems as though the next situation now that they’ve had a depleted rotation is just that they’re just going to tank again moving forward she went on to say this

That really hit home for me I find it hard to believe that anyone in the Jazz front office thought that they were going to be any better a team this season than they are if that’s the case then they have been thinking about depleting the roster and prioritizing

The future from the beginning but that’s not the sentiment that has been shared with the players these guys thought they were going to fight for the playoffs and that’s why Jordan Clarkson opted to stay in Utah that’s why players have been understanding about changing roles and minute distribution and rotation

Experimentation that is the most key part of her entire article she brings up a very good point if you have a team that has a lot of veteran players that has a lot of guys that do tend to be young but are also extremely talented

They want to win games when you have a guy like Jordan Clarkson who is the longest 10year player on this team who just opted into a new deal with the team he did that because he was under the impression that this team was getting better not taking steps back Lowry

Despite being a consistent player and never complaining ideally if he is genuinely a star player in this league he’s not content playing on a losing team that continues to rebuild and after they had to experience it at the end of last season there’s no way they can feel

Comfortable being put in that same situation after feeling as though they were going to be a playoff team that just makes no cognitive sense but again this is Danny Ang’s way of of doing things and he has a strong record so my mindset is that he has a logical reason

For doing this as much as it makes sense to go ahead and cut out the middling success of the league and just being a borderline playoff team that wins some games and goes to the playoffs but loses in the first round or second round instead you’d rather go ahead and hope

That one of your draft picks can be developed and be a genuine star and then Propel you into contending status that’s understandable in the meantime while you have pieces that are very well put together and have the ability to win you games if you train them to lose losing

Is all they will know and the most concerning thing is for guys like Colin seon and lar marinin who enjoy winning guys like Chris Dunn who get extremely hype and play their tails off on the defensive side of the ball and make their roles their entire Niche about

Whatever will hardy and the coaching staff requires them to do in credit to tht he accepted being a player that just eats up dnps for the majority of this second half of this season it was all in hopes that they would end end up making the playoffs you see Colin seon finally

Get put into a starting role after coming off the bench at the beginning of the season and they start winning games he accepted having nights where he’s going to score 32 points and play 34 minutes and then also have nights where he’s going to score 25 points on good

Efficiency but only play 22 minutes he accepted that different guys made different sacrifices for this team and effectively at this trade deadline the thing that went over my head is the fact that these guys are not only just basketball players but they’re human too and they feel just the same way me and

You would feel in these situations they don’t like losing nobody likes losing at life and if you get paid millions of dollars to play a game that you allegedly love and you’re very talented at there’s no way you can sleep well at night knowing that you gave it your all

But the expectation is that you lose especially on a repeated year in yearout basis in essence this means that the front office lied to them you could have told these guys at the beginning of the season when they started struggling and when things were looking terrible and

When they had more than twice as many losses as they had wins to just go ahead and chill little Hardy don’t worry about coaching just put guys out there let the young guys play let Taylor Hendricks play let Bryce sens ball play there’s no point in having him in the g-league we

Don’t plan on winning and going to the playoffs anyways we don’t plan on having meaningful playoff games in May in April we don’t plan on having any of that stuff so just go ahead and let the boys play let them have fun they could have said that but they chose not to they

Didn’t convey that to the players and to the coaching staff and even if it was conveyed to the coaching staff which I don’t believe that it was because I view Will Hardy as being a very honest and transparent coach as well as the rest of the guys on that staff the players

Didn’t know and they were genuinely under the impression that they were going to try their tails off and play the best basketball they potentially could in order to play meaningful games at the end of the year because they didn’t want to go to Cancun they didn’t

Want to go on vacation early they wanted to play and give the fans of Utah something to cheer about to give everybody a reason to come into Salt Lake City and pack out the arena every night but this trade deadline to put things into perspective it put all that

In Harm’s Way and that’s irritating because at first I was willing to accept it to me it was a simple cut and dry I tried to look at it through specifically a direct basketball analysis point of view the simple fact of it being we didn’t want to pay fonio we didn’t want

To pay oen we didn’t want to pay oaji we wanted to go ahead and just let those guys walk because they are quality players but also get some trade value back maybe make a big play later on maybe in the off season and add something super talented but just to put

Ourselves in a position to allow young guys like Taylor Hendricks when he’s ready to go ahead and play and he just played last night and didn’t have a great game but he got the match up against Kevin Durant and really showed himself and got some quality valuable

Minutes to let Bryce sens Ball come up and play to let some of these guys that have been middling in the two-way contract areas and just playing and being assigned to the g- league to come up and get some extra burn and play some quality minutes and get their feet wet

So that next year they can be even better but I ignored the fact that Colin seon Larry marinan Walker Kessler Jordan Clarkson keonte George Chris Dunn they’ve all been playing every single night bar injuries and they’ve been trying every single night they haven’t taken a night off when games got close

They didn’t take their feet off the gas when they came in the fourth quarter down 15 16 17 two games ago when they were down at the beginning of the fourth against the Milwaukee Bucks they didn’t just roll over and give up they played harder they won the game because they

Wanted it more why would players play like that if they were under the impression that they were tanking there’s no need to there’s no need to we’ve seen teams like the Pistons play decent games but lose by six points we’ve seen the Spurs do it consistently

The Spurs are not a terrible team but they’re also tanking so you see a lot of times they lose games not in blowoff fashion but by 11 points by 12 points by 14 occasionally by six by two by 13 they’re all low Point totals for the

Most part but then with the Utah Jazz this was a team where you watched the basketball games and you were excited the fans were roaring in the Arenas everybody was hyped Chris Dum was sitting there throwing up a w every single time he crossed the court and

Went over by whoever was getting in interviewed on court side at the end of the games everybody was happy everybody was hyped the social media Pages were jumping but now we’re in a situation where it might not be the case anymore because the depth isn’t there they don’t

Have the help that they need to go ahead and keep pushing even harder Lowry and the guys were like oh we have great pieces but we’re like one bit away from really being a really strong playoff team and Danny said don’t worry about it I’ll strip you down a little bit more

And he took away some of the pieces that they had in their utility belt so now they just have what they have and if you’re a player like that do you really want to keep playing for a front office like that do you really want to keep

Giving your all at some point you crack inside at some point mentally you don’t have it anymore because not only were you not let in on the loop of what was going on but you were blindsided like a regular fan would be and then the question becomes why would I want to

Resign with you why would I want to keep playing for your team your fans are great they energize me every time I Get Hype I look in the stance everybody’s shouting back at me everybody’s hype with me everybody’s behind me but my front office isn’t behind me they aren’t

On the same page with me they aren’t telling me what’s going on they aren’t properly articulating themselves and letting me know what I need to do this year what the expectation is for the season they’re not telling me ahead of time that if things go a certain way we’re going to

Take path a but if things go this way we’re going to take path B and that’s just what it’s going to be they don’t articulate that they just really let us go out there and play our tales off night in and night out and then traded

Some of the best players we’ve ever had chemistry with away we lost Brothers at the trade deadline that’s what it was they lost Brothers the this was one of the closely nit teams it puts me on par with the dowlo and Jared Dudley Nets when they were sitting there dancing on

The sideline when everybody was shooting threes and everybody was hyped that was a fun team to watch they had fun they enjoyed being around each other the camaraderie was so great this Jazz team had that same energy there wasn’t a guy with this super huge ego that was taking

All the shots that had an opinion about everything you had Colin getting hype when keontay George and Jordan CL would get subbed in for him and get a bucket in the time with get called who does that who really does that you had fono hitting a three while Larry was on the

Bench and Larry would be hype you had Walker kessle sitting on the bench and when John Collin would get a block Walker kessle would be hype and then when the time we called everybody would congratulate each other after the post games Win Lose or Draw they were always

Right there behind each other’s backs and then we sent three of them away three of the guys that admittedly were not the greatest piece on the team but they were still brothers that fought night in and night out and three of the guys that really played some of the most

Games on the roster and when you look at it through that lens it makes things a little bit more sucky to be quite honest and I never really saw it that way but this article brought it to light so I like to shout out ton for bringing that

To my eyes because I do remember him talking a little bit about it to me before the season even started back when we were in the preseason days but I didn’t think to look at it in this lens and I’d like to think that the front office didn’t either because if they

Decided to and Danny a genuinely decided to deceive the players in this way it doesn’t bode well for whether Lowry decides to resign considering that he already said that he loves Utah and whether the rest of these guys decide to stay beyond the end of this year and

Whenever their contracts end up expiring but again you guys let me know what you think in the comments below I’m always interested to see your her opinions and I’ll do my best to respond to everybody with that being said if you like the Utah Jazz go and subscribe to this

Channel like the video Turn on post notifications and become a member to support the channel and help me come out with some more banging content it’s your boy waith hoops thanks for tuning in this one and as always good morning good evening good night no matter where you

Are on the glob watching thanks for tuning in and I catch you guys in the next one peace

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In this video we discuss the recent trade deadline transactions put into motion by the Jazz front office with Danny Ainge. While it is easy to put things into perspective from a basketball perspective, things begin to get murky when a particular sports article suggest that the players were not privy to the news of the direction of the team. Which puts them into an awkward situation where they believed that they were going to be building to become a playoff team, while Danny Ainge elected to continue a rebuilding process by trading key rotation pieces. The hope is that something substantial occurs before the seasons end but with depleted reserves, who’s to say that Lauri, Collin, and company have enough in the tank to push for the play-in.

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  1. Fantastic video! Glad more people are finally talking about this! Lauri and others need to feel valued by the organization.

  2. Yes .. Jazz were 19 – 10 over their last 29 games before the deadline… If the season started when we went on that run, they would be second in the West. That's legit… Why change it? Also, Bojan traded to Pistons and he's the best free agent since Boozer signed. Ughh ..

  3. someone in your chat mentioned something similar if I remember correctly. Heck of an article. I hope Danny is meeting with these guys and explaining things. Love your passion! Wonder what Lauri Markkanen will think when his contract is up?

  4. All NBA players receive absurdly high wages, to play a game. !!! They should be gleefully grateful or be banned from all basketball courts. So please, stop coddling the ungrateful PrimaDonnas. You need a shrink yourself for thinking up this rubbish while trying to appear relevant.

  5. Ainge did betrayed team and fans. And look now that jazz will suck years to come. Also why anyone should come to play in jazz? Everyone know jazz will tank years to come. Only players they can get now in utah is losers who nobody else wanted.

    I hope they trade Lauri away in the summer. That way at least he have chance get in team what is going somewhere. Jazz going nowhere fast.

  6. i'm European, and for me playing to lose is everything sport should not be about. hope jazz players will not get pissed, turning their back to the team and trying to find a team where they play to win, but will stay and keep playing hard

  7. Am still confused how to take in this trade deadline. BUT I wanna point at the Bulls to somewhat alleviate our concerns.
    The Bulls stood pat at the last three deadlines, IIRC and is stuck in No Man's land, the worst place to be.
    I imagine no amount of camaraderie of going to improve the feeling of being stuck in limbo.
    The main reason we started the tear down was because we were also in a limbo, awesome in the regular season but lacking that "Oomph' to go all the way

  8. I guess they just think Agbaji wont be that good😢

    Yea two years in a row of being purposefully torn down at the deadline is annoying. Makes me care less as a fan because I dont want to make time to watch Tankball.

  9. Jazz is just sticking to the long rebuild plan, we have young players that need more experience like Keyonte, Hendricks and would even say Kessler isn't fully ready yet. It's always been a about 4 year rebuild.

  10. Lauri has never been to playoffs. He needs that experience before being contenders. Also Lauri said in finnish interview recently that he would’ve wanted to see how far they could go last season but ”understands the decision”

  11. We traded an old terrible defender for a #1pick now I love ochai but he hasn't developed like there were times he should dunk but he pass n he would be right under the rim so he might b lacking confidence but his defense is elite if he get the time he would develop the jazz are guard heavy

  12. Gotta disagree with both this analysis and Sarah Todd. the 2024 Draft is projected to be weaker than 2025. The Jazz want their pick to convey this year, they aren't trying to hold onto it.

    Currently there are 8 teams above the luxury tax, 7 of them have a 'win now' mentality (GSW, not so much). The Knicks, Pels, Thunder, 76ers, TWolves and Mavs all have good rosters and fall outside of the luxury tax, which means if the non-tax teams end up eliminating the tax teams, there will undoubtedly be some of those tax teams going towards a rebuild and shedding their assets the way the Jazz traded Donovan and Rudy.

    The Jazz have the cap space (Jazz have most cap space in the league) and 13 first round picks between now and 2029 to go out and buy the pieces of broken super teams this off season. They need to know what Hendricks can do (Fontecchio/Olynyk had to go), their future guys need more touches, and they need a rotation of 7-8 guys rather than 10 guys.

    Vegas projected the Jazz to be a 25 win/lottery team for the 23-24 season. The players did not go into this season thinking this was going to be a winning team, or even a playoff team, but hoped to do better than expectations. Becoming a play-in team this season was all gravy for the Jazz, but the biggest disappointment for the Jazz has been the success of OKC years ahead of schedule. OKCs success had the Jazz considering trading away Lauri for Josh Giddey, because OKC is almost ready now, and the Jazz do not want to peak at the same time.

    I agree that this deadline probably doesn't help morale, but landing the right pieces this offseason was probably always part of the plan.

  13. How I interpret this trade deadline.

    -Jazz wanna free up min to develop Hendricks & Hardy couldn't justify playing him over Olynek.
    -Jazz wanna keep this years top 10 Protected pick because next year they plan on being good.
    -Jazz wanted assets for expiring contracts.
    -Jazz are looking to be buyers next off-season, and the additional assets give us more Ammo to use. Or it just keeps the assets shelf full after a potential move is made.

  14. Wraith chill Bro love your passion but these three guys that got traded were not going to make a difference in playoffs or not. Kelly is a difference maker but he was a sprained ankle from the end of the season. Ochia was given a ton of time to prove value it just isn’t there. Simone may have hit the best stretch he will ever have and could fall off at anytime we traded at the top of his value. Picks could be worth way more. I think chemistry can be established again in short order. The g league team runs similar concepts and Taylor will come along faster than you think. I believe there was another trade in the works that would have pushed us into the playoffs that fell apart last minute. I’m still not ruling out a play in spot and I think that was our ceiling this year. These guys know this is a tuff business and will bounce back. Keep the faith we’re on the right track. I have to admit losing Kelly hurts a bit but Im optimistic

  15. It is really difficult for people outside of US to understand why a team gives up on playoffs. The process never works. Jazz have a lot of picks already. Next year will be the same story. Does fans really have the patience to wait for years and years, before they even try something? It is very strange to understand. Why even bother of been a fan of a team, if they don't even try.

  16. I agree with letting Obaji go. Locke pointed out his shooting has struggled quite a bit this year but more than that his lack of other development: lack of assists, rebounds, steals he's not really expanding his game. KO and Simmone were hard to let go but opening things up for Taylor, Sominic and others for development and answers makes sense. Especially if Jazz have a plan to package our 2 or 3 pics this year to either move up in the draft or package for a current player that makes us better.

  17. Nah we needed to trade away some of our players. If we played Olynyk & Fontecchio the rest of the year that would result in less Taylor Hendricks & Sensabaugh minutes. And the reality with Agbaji is that his offense & shooting is too inconsistent to be a top 8 guy on a championship team.

    The fact that we basically got 2 late firsts & expiring contracts for role players is a win. We need to keep thinking long term if we want to be a championship contender.

    For Lauri I get that its frustrating but the reality is we can pay him $25 million more than any other team so I think he won't lose any sleep

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