@Charlotte Hornets

Everything Charlotte Hornets’ Fans Need To Know About Tre Mann

Everything Charlotte Hornets’ Fans Need To Know About Tre Mann

What’s going on everyone trust the buzz here if you’re new to the channel I make sure all horn this content so if that interest you make sure you go ahead and hit that subscribe button down below if you cannot tell by the thumbnail title of this video in today’s video we’re

Going to be talking about Trey man um I’m basically going to do a video series which if you’re familiar with the channel you know anytime we get new players 10 whether it’s 10day contract whether it’s a summer league player I do a you know everything Charlotte Hornet

Fans need to know about who you know X Y and Z So today we’re going to do Trey man and the reason I wanted to do Trey man first is just because I feel as though outside of Grant Williams I feel as though Trey man just has like the

Highest upside potential now obviously on the basketball court I think you know it’s far and behold Trey man but I I I do like what Grant Williams is bringing to the table but I also feel like more people are familiar with Grant Williams so we’ll get to him of course later

Because I’m doing all five players everybody from Grant Williams to dois biran so I just want to do Trey man because I think he’s the most interesting to me um I know what Grant Williams brings I’m very happy what he brings I just like I think Trey man’s

Going to be very interesting for us considering we’ve been trying to get this position this archetype right for years now and I think this is a really good chance we have of getting it right so I mean if you see me looking down I’m looking down at my computer any stats or

Anything I will show up on the screen but looking at his basketball reference uh Trey man this season we’ll just do this season he has been averaging 3.8 points a game 1.8 rebounds 1.5 assists with shooting 50% from the field and 42% from three with 100% free throw

Percentage now he has not played much I think he’s only played yeah he averages 9 Minutes a game and he’s only played 13 games so he hasn’t played much but what I do like about Trey man is as I mentioned in yesterday’s video If you haven’t seen it go ahead and check it

Out what I like about Trey man is his ability to one playoff ball I I think he is more of a point guard than let’s say uh Nick Smith junr but he does show a good ability to playoff ball He makes himself available to the ball handler which I’ve gave scenarios on that

Yesterday but I think Trey man is just going to be very valuable for us in that manner because we do have a lot of people who like to handle the ball Brandon Miller lamelo ball miles Bridges Cody Martin uh Nick Smith Jr we have guys that you know can handle the ball

And we’re we’re comfortable with them having the ball in their hand so we do need people to be able to play off that Trey man can do that but he also can play on ball he also can be the point guard and while if you look at his

Assist numbers cuz I know that’s like kind of the main thing people go to when they talk about a point guard they’re not hot I mean he he’s never averaged two assist the game technically last year he averaged 1.8 assist but that’s nothing crazy um but I I am confident in

His ability to kind of run the offense because at the end of the day he can just create for himself I know we saw you know ish Smith get cut last night but one thing with ish Smith is he really wasn’t able to cut for himself I

Think he was a create for himself I think he was really good at you know kind of blown by players and being able to attack the basket but he really wasn’t good at finishing he was actually good at getting by people but that was kind of kind of would just dribble it

Out or pass it or something like that or do a floater I think Trey man he can he can playmake is obviously not to the extent of ish Smith in my opinion but it’s something that he can develop in the future and he has the ability to

Wear if if his first couple of reads aren’t working or those guys are you know being denied the ball he can just go ahead and create for himself and I’m just as happy with that um being a 63 guard I I’ve seen 65 I’ve seen 6 3 we’re

Going to go with 6’3 but he could be 6’5 I I don’t know I I’ve literally seen altering accounts but being 63 178 pounds and of course he went to Florida he was in a 2021 NBA draft class that’s the same one with James book Knight and

He was a sophomore coming out um of Florida and he played very well at Florida his his second year he avered like 16 points a game five rebounds three assist something like that and was shooting very well from the field as well I just really like what he can

Bring to this team he brings the potential cuz we’ve seen it in big games against good teams I know we’ve seen a lot of um him a lot of highlights of him playing against the Nuggets a lot of highlights of him playing against the Celtics and while those are only two

Games it’s still those are good teams and he performed very well against those teams so being able to see that he is able to have games like that against those kind of teams it’s a it’s a good sign I mean we we’ve seen James book

Knight kind of had big games but I know we there was like one against the Raptors one against the Kings before the kings were good like good to the point where they are now so and it’s not to downgrade or or discredit uh what James book Knight did because anybody can drop

20 in the NBA game you know you have talent but Trey man just exudes just more than the scoring prowess he he kind of knows what he wants to do with the ball he kind of he he’s pretty just uh adamant about how he how he’s going to

Approach the game he has the way of he has a way of playing and I’m not saying that he cannot adjust to whoever our new coach isz that’s going to be a huge part of all this yes we have all these pieces but are we going to have the coach to

Kind of bring it all together we’ll see but he plays in a certain way in a certain manner where he’s just sure of himself and I feel like that’s kind of what happened with book Knight is that he no longer was sure of himself he no longer was confident and we saw it

Reflect in this game with Trey man is the complete opposite he is a very confident player he’s gotten high praises from um players around the league but also Damen L Daman L was very very surprised with uh what he seen from treay man and happy with what he seen

From treay man because Tre man man has been to like a couple of his camps what the things we’re going to get from man or the things I’m looking for from Trey man is one his ability to play point guard I don’t need him to be the

Point guard because we we’re going to have a guy mkit or Mich or however you want to pronounce his name I was calling him Mr M yesterday but I think his Mage um we we’ll talk more about him in another video I think he’s going to be

The main backup point guard but I want to see Trey man kind of be able to play that position we didn’t have that uh going into this year and even really last year if lamelo’s hurt we’re we’re we our point guard options are like Brandon Miller Cody Martin uh it was Ish

Smith we didn’t Frank NE Lina who not has obviously not panned out he was cut as well we didn’t really have any true point guard options but now we have a guy who I would say is mainly a point guard but probably will line up at shooting guard I know it sounds crazy

Where I know it may may not make a lot of sense considering I’m saying we need a backup point guard but he can really play either or and he doesn’t have to transcend his game another way in order to have that happen one thing I will say and I don’t

Know if I’ll be able to show this on the screen because it is cleaning the glass and if you’re familiar with cleaning the glass uh it’s a paid service I might show it and then we’ll see um but he’s really good defensively teams do not shoot well or players do not shoot well

Against him defensively now granted it’s it’s not that many minutes but we’ll just go back to last year because this year he hasn’t played too many games uh he’s only played 54 minutes this year so so we’re not going to talk about those stats we’re going to talk about last

Year’s stats where he played uh 1,094 minutes and at the point guard position uh in the mid-range people only shooting 49% against him which is in a 76 percentile and then uh all of mid-range cuz that was long mid-range and all of mid-range people are only shooting 40%

Against him 40% you can round it up cuz it’s 40.6 so they’re shooting 41% against him that’s 89th percentile which is really good and I’m not someone who is I’ve said it time and time again on this channel I’m not someone who is not going to watch the game and not watch

Him play and just base It Off cleaning the class or basketball reference or NBA stats that that’s not how I operate I have an inkling or I have a a way I feel about someone’s game by watching them and the hope is that this the the the

Stats the event stats can back up what I saw they can make sense of what I saw um so I’m not someone that’s just going to look at the number and say okay he’s good at this I from what I’ve watched he is is a pretty decent player uh when it

Comes to defending the ball especially on ball he’s not all defensive you know type but he does give effort he does play defense um which is something that we’ve been lacking and I think these numbers back that up now Grant I don’t think he’s going to be as good as the

89th percentile 80 or I’m seeing 87th percentile as far as guarding shooting guards and that’s also because he was on OKC and last year OKC if I’m not mistaken for a good chunk of the season was still like a top defense not not top you know two or anything but I believe

They were like top 10 close to top it was something like that so as as a collective as a team of course you know it’s going to be his his stats are going to be a little inflated but based on from what I saw um I do feel like he’s

Just going to be better than what we normally have and that’s kind of what you have to look at yes he may not be you know the NBA best at doing certain things but is he better than what we’ve had in the past and I and I and I

Believe so I believe so and he just has this Instinct about him this Killer Instinct where where he just wants to show out on the court not not to ruin the game plan not to take away from the other players he just wants to show you

What he can do he wants to win he wants to have the advantage over the player of the opposing player and we need that kind of attitude and and I think it helps out you see it on the floor you see it how he plays you see it how he

Acts and I feel as though we need something like that because the Charlotte Hornets we’re in a position now where it’s much more than just exit and O’s we need a lot of other things that have nothing technically nothing to do with basketball um and and I think he

He he shows that in in the way he plays and like I said the way he carries himself so excited to see him play the defense actually caught me off guard as I was watching film I was like oh he seems like a pretty solid Defender so of

Course I went to basketball reference I was like oh no it it shows now granted once again he may not be you know you look at his numbers it may not be the same in Charlotte but it’s just going to be better than what we’ve had and and

I’m willing to take that uh he’s he’s he’s on a contract for another what half of this year and and of course next year and then the horns can make a decision on what to do with him if they don’t like what they see from him he will be

In expiring so you can use him to a salary filler to trade for somebody else there’s a lot of things you can do having him not the end of the world even if he does not pan out but I will say there was a reason he wasn’t playing in

OKC as far as they just have so many exu like so many talented guys on that roster doesn’t mean he’s not good but it it does mean that you know maybe he could be a little better so I I will say that we need to give him time to develop

New city new system CU you got to think about it like this he’s going to go from Steve Clifford this year to who who we know does not have the best offensive sets and sometimes really refuses to give the hot the ball to the hot hand he’s going to

Go from Steve Clifford to whoever we have as the next coach and we can you know maybe talk more about that when we get an idea of who our next coach is going to be but with that system as well so you’re just going to have to give

Guys like him time that that’s kind of all I’m saying but I think at most we can expect solid Defender and the guy’s able to put the ball in a hole and I and and I mean where we are right now I’m will to take that

Tre Mann is going to be a valuable piece for the Charlotte Hornets. A guard that can play either guard spot and put up points in a hurry. Skilled and understands how he is as a player and despite his strengths, he knows how to fit into a system. Tre Mann was acquired by the Charlotte Hornets through the Gordon Hayward to OKC trad.e


  1. Tre not the answer in my opinion he didn't get time in OK for a reason. Grant OK he need to lose weight, get in shape

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