@Washington Wizards

LIVE: Celtics vs Wizards Postgame Show | Garden Report

LIVE: Celtics vs Wizards Postgame Show | Garden Report

Can you say hard hats folks hard hats lunch PS steel to a boots anything show of a championship this year is a failure look at this Boomer right here you’ve just got so much talent here somebody said we need to apologize for J can I call the John what are we apologizing

For what do we say what do we Do uh uh uh uh there he is myy music love that theme music yeah that’s that’s our that’s our am supposed to continue it with the rolling but I don’t know what he’s doing he he must be sleeping over there Amit but anyways it’s all good asra Blakeley

Joining me there it is there it is that’s what I’m talking about yeah asra Blakeley in the house Jimmy Tuscano in the house don’t start rapping Jimmy don’t do it I’m real quick yeah because I see you kind of like sh is in the house stop stop let me don’t let me get

The bars going don’t let me get the bars going is that what they say anyways 133 129 Celtics kind of squeaked one out here sh we didn’t we didn’t expect a close one I guess tonight but um the way this game started I think you gotta be

Happy with the way it ended a really good second half by the Celtics especially that third quarter um we’ll get we’ll get all into it AER at the game Bobby Manny is at game John zanis is on load management Jose Pavone I think I think

It must be date night for Jose we’re not really sure uh rumor is he had a late one with uh with with our good friend Amit too so we’ll see what’s going on with that oh boy I had to call him enough I don’t want those I don’t want those two to get

Together that there’s nothing good can happen no nothing too good but um it’s all good for us over here it’s uh another win for the Celtics and again they made it they made it uh they made it fun we we’ll say that they made it fun for the fans at the Garden tonight

The CD Garden I think he went into this one with maybe low expectations for the uh um fun Factor thought maybe there was a blowup potential but give the Wizards credit they they came out gunning tonight they came out strong playing playing full-court you know back and forth running um playing aggressive off

Celtics misses and I think it took the Celtics a little bit to adjust their offensive game plan because it looked like instead of in the first half when they could have been attacking a lot more in the paint they were settling a little bit for some threes yeah the shots were not falling

And when they did go when they did go low down low shro they had success and and it started with our our good friend uh KP Chris porz he was a matchup that was they just had no answer for and I mean there were times where you saw he get the ball on

An elbow or on a block and he looks behind him and he’s like freaking T Jones and it’s just like you know Feast time I mean snacks cupcakes he he had the mismatches in pretty much every possession he finished the game with I think like 30 points but he could have

Easily had another 15 or 20 uh and to your point Jimmy I the thing that jumped out to me and the word to me was aggressive I thought Washington was aggressive at both ends of the floor uh they’re not the most talented team in the league obviously only got nine wins

On the season 42 losses but they came with an aggressive mindset and didn’t allow the Celtics to just kind of Walt down and do whatever they wanted to do at either end of the floor uh and so if you’re Washington That’s the Silver Lining that you take from this and if you’re the

Celtics there was never a point where you felt that they had this Washington team on their backs and down out for the count even though the third quarter was good and they were able to go up by as many as 15 it still didn’t feel as

Though they had this game done and over with it felt like they were in control but it did not feel like it was over and watch to their credit you know they kept hanging in there scrapping uh you know making plays making shots uh that kept

Them in the game and and so you know if you’re the Celtics you just want to get a win out of this game get a win and get your guys healthy uh two things I did not like about this game though was the Celtics transition defense Washington

Got too many damn layups in transition it’s like 36 to 18 in Fast Break points and I didn’t like the fact yeah and I think Tatum played D almost 40 minutes I think it was like 38 39 or something like that against a team with nine wins

I didn’t Tatum minute should be lower jaylen’s minute should be lower they should have had one of those games where no one cracked more than 30 minutes or so but give Washington credit it forced Joe mou to play his guys their normal minutes and this was a game that if

You’re the Celtics in a perfect world in an ideal world you’re going to be able to cut back a little bit on your core guys minutes and they just weren’t able to do that because Washington never was out of the game to where or in a position where the Celtics pretty much

Had a wrapped up that just didn’t happen to the final but yeah and again you know what did they have 18 fast break points in that first quarter the Wizards did yeah they were they were getting out in the break they were just capitalizing on Celtics misses and I I think the Celtics

Again and I didn’t want to start on a negative note because they did win this game but there was there was some things to like in this game and there were certainly some things to not like and this was looking like another example of a Celtics team that was kind of playing

With their food a a little bit that was not taking the opponent seriously and it’s easy to look at the Wizards and say yeah I’m not going to take you seriously you’re you’re led by Jordan p and you know kman and those no offense or a

Little bit of offense but um you know they the Wizards uh had a couple guys tonight let me who is this guy kissper man he was all over the he might have been the best guy on he was a he was the best player but the thing is he he’s one

Of those guys that again for him he a lot of his success came about by playing off of other guys yeah when you look at Jordan P you look at you know kosma those guys are going to be you know the focal points but you know gbur I mean he

Did what he did in Gaga I mean he was a shot maker that’s and he was knocking down shots he’s got good size you know in many respects he’s kind of like their version of Sam Hower although I think Sam is actually a little bit more athletic uh

Than this this kbur guy was doing stuff I have never seen Sam how he could just knock down shot he was just knocking down shots Jim he was he no he he had some nice moves to the basket tonight too I gotta give him a little bit of

Credit and then kabali you know a guy that um I think’s got a good future in this league obviously he’s gonna be nice but yeah exactly I he seems you know he’s still coming in his own a little bit but the growth I think that he’s

Shown um just start the year so Wizards have a nice little thing going there and they sell I think I think they got punched in the mouth a little bit to start this game off and I imagine Joe lit into them at halftime because the way that they closed that second quarter

Sherro that second quarter that was pathetic me that was nothing short of pathetic yeah yeah and and and Joe has every reason to rip them for that because it’s inexcusable you know you have been the best team at home all season long this is one of the worst

Teams not just in the East but in the NBA uh and there you are like you know basically you know trying you know to to get back to the game and stay withing stri distance open that should never happen I mean you shouldn’t need a damn Payton Pritchard half court prayer uh to

To make it you know relatively close game at that point uh so no this was again you are that’s okay Jimmy I you’ve been blurry all your life Jimmy it’s okay you still my guy though we got we gotta get jel so to get me a better

Webcam this guy’s skimping over here but um let me ask you a question Shard what’s the word to describe when the Celtics put in a performance like this is it concerned is it annoyed is it disappointed is it Angry is it is it a like do you do you not care I mean

Because there’s been a few of these now and they’re starting I think to show themselves a little bit more often than they did let’s say the first quarter first half first third of the of the Season as I return here to to so everyone can see my beautiful face now

Um what what is it yeah somebody in the comments says bored you know are they bored I really want to know is what are what are your feelings not you know what they are well when when I see them have games like this my my first thought is just

Um lethargic uh Don’t Give A F uh we we don’t have to play our a game to beat these guys we don’t even have to play our B or C game uh this was I I couldn’t even call this an average game for the Celtic I mean this was they didn’t not

Do as many good things as you want they had the one matchup that they could have absolutely miled all game long and that’s whoever was Garen porzingis and they did they did a decent amount of that but it felt like they could have done more uh it took Tatum a while to

Get going and he and the thing about Tatum his numbers look great but if you watched him play in the first half oh uh it was not pretty and I’m not sure what’s going on with Jaylen uh Jaylen was really good uh shot making I thought

His defense was good and then the ball just stopped coming his way and and he was on the bench uh just resting and I when Jay is having a highly efficient game and he’s getting other guys involved I want him out there a lot uh

And and I I thought he could have played a couple more minutes than he wound up playing uh but at the end of the day if you’re the Celtics did we get the win check did we uh get through this game healthy check uh and once you can check

Those two boxes off really everything else is just water under the bridge you mentioned Jaylen I thought it was it was an interesting uh jayen Knight tonight because up until late in the game he didn’t even take a three pointer in this one shot and he has been and he missed

It uh he has been struggling from three uh over the last handful of games here and I thought he made a point tonight to try to score just in the paint mid-range game you know kind of and which he’s been effective at all year he’s been really good shooting from and and you

Know from from inside the three so I don’t know if he’s just saying you know what I’m gonna I’m gonna play to my strengths right now I’m not I’m not gonna Force threes I’m gonna take what you know uh I can get inside there and

And be that thing now still you know and we got right here minus 15 in this one so not the number you want to see um obviously wasn’t a part of that you know third quarter um comeback that they had that nice little stretch run they had

Led by again I think was like that was a lot of Tatum we’ll get into Tatum in a little bit but you mentioned Brown and I just thought it was worth mentioning that nine of 15 no free throws and one three-pointer so 15 field goals tonight from inside the three-point line that

That is rare to say the least I’m more likely to see 15 three-point attempts than 15 two attempts yeah yeah and and it was a clear you know effort on his part to just take what the defense gives you and they’re so afraid and most teams

Are of you know Jaylen getting all the way to the rim that he was just selling on the mid-range which is great for him because he could knock that shot down uh he was another guy that they had trouble Washington at is guarding him and Jaylen

Wisely took the shots that he was able to get and didn’t bail them out defensively and just take threes uh tayum was a little bit more balanced in terms of his shot selection he took 22 shots 10 of them were threes so you’re talking you know pretty fairly balanced

Equality in terms of two-pointers versus three-pointers uh but you know Jaylen even though he was minus 15 I really like what I saw of him today um I I like the shot selection uh I like the fact that defensively you know he he he made some really nice plays got in guys

Face crowded them forced him to take some contested shots that you know or misses or airballs I thought this is one of those games where the plus minus doesn’t really I think reflect the way he played like they were not horrible when Jaylen was on the floor tonight I

Thought they were pretty good uh it’s just that Washington he just there was one of those stretches where Washington was knocking out lots of shots when he was out there and it wasn’t necessarily his guy but he was part of the unit that that was happening so I mean they went

On that quick that quick run at the end of the second quarter there was like n90 just second and they it was you know was it was a streaky game for sure that that second half the Celtics went on their runs they had multiple I think they went

Like 82 run and maybe it was like 122 something like that in the in the third and they were able to flip that score right around I mean that’s that’s what good teams do against Bad teams and you didn’t think or you probably didn’t expect the Wizards to be able to keep up

That pace that they were on and that aggressiveness for full 48 Gotta Give him credit for hanging in there and for giving it all they had but at the end of the day Talent wins out and this Wizards team is just nowhere near where this Celtics team is we’ talked about talked about

Um um porzingis off the top and I do want to talk about porzingis again in a bit but Tatum tonight little bit of a tail of two halves first half you you mentioned the struggling I absolutely loved second half Tatum tonight AG yeah yeah I mean aggressive driving

To the hoop throwing it down and not just not just aggressive scoring but how many assists he end up with eight assists and these were nice passes these weren’t just little here you go I mean he was seeing the court well he had a couple of nice passes to Drew holiday

Who made some good Cuts really nice one where he drove to the rim and then kicked it back out I forget who hit the three it might have been porzingis I think it was but when he’s aggressive and driving to the rim that forces defenses to collapse on him

And then guys are open it’s really what it comes down to when it’s just him or when it’s player when it’s him or whoever it is player B focusing too much on that three-point Step Back Fade Away that never goes in that’s when teams get the opposing teams

Get the ball in transition and they score in transition and that’s how you get your 18 point uh 18 fast break points in the first quarter as soon as they switched it up offensively and they made a conscious effort to take it to this Wizards team that does not have an

Interior presence whatsoever and you knew that that was that was the game plan tonight it had to be because the other thing I want to get into sh and I’ll let you touch on Tatum but I want to get into poring right after that because they really focused on him but

But the difference between Tatum first half and second second half tonight huge I mean it was really it literally was a tale of two Hal with Tatum uh offensively I I thought he was trying to deliver the knockout punch a little too much in the first half thinking that you

Know if I knock down this three this will this will this will do it they’ll fall they’ll falter uh but in the second half he he did exactly what your best player supposed to do uh make sure you everyone else eats before you so that

When it comes to end of the night you got all you can Feast you can take over and he did that I his ability to suck in that Wizard’s defense and spray the ball to different guys whether it’s Drew holiday you know whether Sam uh you know Hower weather whoever it was Jaylen

Brown it didn’t matter he was getting the ball to all of his teammates and that softened up that that that Wizards defense which is already soft to begin with so that he’s able to go downhill and finish at the rim with the left hand he’s able to get easy dunks uh get the

Ball on the Block and and force their defense to react to what you’ve already done and it it kept Washington in the second half they were just never able to get any kind of flow or Rhythm on how to contain Tatum and how to make him a non-factor because the thing that he

Continues to evolve into he is becoming a multi talented impact player offensively he’s getting away from just being a guy that shoots threes and get but gets uh points that way he’s being he’s being becoming more of a assist guy a hockey assist guy uh you know Joe Missoula as

We know he likes to take take pride in those potential assists you know a lot of those those potential assists that you know that we’ve been talking about with Tatum and brown those they be actually became assists uh guys were knocking down shots and and again this

Because of this Wizard’s defense it is what it is guys were knocking out open shots and that’s one of the things that sometimes frustrates people with Jason is that if he just looks to pass a little bit more than he has historically he’s going to find guys are

Wide open and I think right now he’s kind of in this flow where he’s doing exactly that he’s looking for guys uh who are in position to knock down shots you know and one of those guys you know I thought tonight and we’ll talk about him later maybe but Drew holiday this

Was one of the better games we’ve seen Drew in terms of shot making and a wow um but Tatum again when your best player has a feed everyone else ality and does that early on you’re going to have nights where you’re not going to be able

To to shoot it as well as you want consistently but you’re going to make sure that your team is not totally taken out of the game because you’re making sure everyone else is involved right and I mean he could have fallen back Tatum could have fallen into bad habits again

And just continue to force that three in that second half but instead he got he just went into like that killard mentality that killer mode where he’s like you know what I’m just GNA do my thing I’m gonna work my way to the basket I’m better than you I’m quicker

Than you I have better handle than you and I can finish at the rim and yeah that’s like the unlocked Jason Tatum you know he’s still going to take a three pointers and I don’t want him to not take threes anymore I’d like him to take better threes more often than he does

But the fact that he can just switch into that other Attack Mode that opens things up like you said for everybody else now Drew holiday is getting wide open threes because defenses are are collapsing on guys like Tatum or brown and when he’s you know being aggressive

Now porzingis is getting wide open looks and um you know that’s just when and obviously uh you know Dereck white who had more of a quiet night tonight but typically he’s benefiting benefiting greatly um when those guys are being aggressive but I gotta tell you what the guy who benefited most tonight

Sherro not just tonight this has been a trend over the last handful of games now and I’ve been calling for it I’ve been calling for it all year you traded for this guy in the offseason Chris porzingis figure out a way to utilize this guy as early and as often as you

Possibly can he’s he’s your cheat code out there he’s a seven-footer who can score from all over literally all over three point 18 feet 15 feet three feet wherever you put him he’s gonna be able to score over the defender tonight they made a point it was one on the if you if

You had access to that Celtics loer before the game one on the top list feed porzingis that had to have been the top thing and they did it I get you got to give them credit they they they exploited the mismatch for porzingis 18 field goal attempts tonight that doesn’t

Even tell the story he went to the line 14 times the guy took way more shots than the 18 that you see uh on the box score and another credit where it’s du 14 of 14 from the line 34 points 11 rebounds um he’s been everything and

More this team needs but when you look at the recent you look at recently what his Productions been 18 field goals tonight 19 last last game 17 before that 15 17 the last handful of game sh they’re really making a point and then a couple after that 21 so they’re finally

Starting to say oh that’s right we have this guy on our team you know and it’s not just Tatum and brown Tatum and brown you’re now giving this you know a very very capable quote unquote third option some people might even say he’s the second option on this team um and he and

He’s showing them why I mean that it’s to me it’s it’s it’s just nice to see that finally happening it took a little bit but it’s not too late at least yeah and and you know you knew it was going to take them some time to just really

Get into a flow and Rhythm and and frankly understand how to utilize them I me remember this is a the core of this group has been together for a minute and porzingis is the new guy still coming in and I know that he’s had now what 50

Games or so to be with these guys but you’re talking about a group that has competed at the highest of levels for years they’ve got you know way more than 50 semi games like Tatum and and Jaylen you know it wasn’t like they were clicking in the first at the first 50

Games that they play together it took them some time uh so porzingis I I think is is finally comfortable uh taking on a little bit more of an offensive Lev because I think when he came here he looked around and like and like most of

Us and he says Tatum First Team all NBA Jaylen second Team all NBA 20 shots there 18 shots there maybe I’ll hit double figures uh but clearly that’s not enough because he has so much more he can offer so much more that he can give

To the game and the Celtics are doing a a little bit better job of taking advantage of that because think about this Kyle kman was a starting center he’s 69 so the guy that presas is essentially being defended by early on he’s got a five inch advantage over that

Guy and and when you and when you start running switches and you get guys like tyus Jones guarding him you’ve got like a damn foot on this guy uh I frankly I think they should have got poring the ball even more than they did and and and

They’re making an effort to do that but he is Jimmy as you pointed out he really is a cheat code for them he’s the one guy that pretty much every night they play he’s going to have a mismatch on offense and because of the way they are

On one string defensively he’s not going to be a liability at the other end of the floor uh there’s some guys that obviously are going to give him problems because they give all guys all bigs problems but for the most part porzingis has done a decent job defensively uh

He’s coming into his own as an offensive scoring threat and he becomes one more problem that when teams are game planning against the Celtics they’ve got to get pay close attention to because the the Celtics basically they’re starting five you got five guys who can go for 30 on any given night there’s

Very few teams that you that you can look at and say they’ve got five guy all Five Guys in the starting lineup can go for 30 and it would not be a surprise it would not be and that’s and porzingis is one of those guys and porzingis is the

One guy that typically has the most decisive mismatch and it’s it’s good to see the Celtics recognizing that uh and and again getting great value out of that facts my dog we got a um we have a h clip that we want to put up right now

This is um talking about that second half sort of switch that the Celtics who’s talking is it Joe it’s Joe it’s Joe I think Gary asked him the question on you know what did he say in the locker room to these guys to to switch things up yeah let’s see if Amit is

Queuing it or how do you allow 42 in the fourth after 16 in the third what happened defensively in the fourth they had seven threes what happened defensively in the fourth they shot 43% a team that doesn’t usually shoot that well shot 43% from three and what did you say to them at

Halftime uh I showed him the 10 points in transition that I thought were effort based and that was it and how do you and I told a couple jokes in the third quarter m is sharing let’s hear the jokes pretty inappropriate joke oh damn they broke the tension because

We were playing with the expectation of why is the game going the way it’s going right now instead of just enjoying the fact that the this is a game so we should just compete are you guys playing tight not playing tight um but the expectation of what how we think things

Should be so I’m not not playing tight there were some good jokes though I’m sure they were we sure I’ll share them off the record with you okay a see there we go look at that smile there’s weird Joe again get me out of this thing I

Like that Joe I like that that’s not weird Joe that’s the Joe I like that’s I like that Joe you see the smile afterwards I I’ll share that joke with you later tell I can’t I can’t tell if it’s a if it’s a I like you smile or

I’ll tell it to you later like right before I I kill you type kill you yeah that’s the murder the murderous smile it’s a murder it’s a very mischievous smile you know what I’m saying so I’m not really sure about that one I don’t know the last thing you see

Is that smile right right but Joe the one point he made that I I think was really spot on was he this is an atypical shooting night for Washington from three-point range they’re one of the bottom five teams in the NBA in terms of three-point percentage and they

Shot you know better than 40 uh when a team is having a night like that it’s going to be a closer game than expected because they’re doing things above and beyond their typical run-of-the-mill type of game which is what you expect when the team is 9-

42 so I so Joe I I and I I I give them a little bit of credit for not being lulled into trying to jack their way back into the game like the Celtics took 34 threes which is a low number for them you know particularly against a team

That is shooting lots of threes and making a lot of Threes uh We’ve we’ve seen time and time again where they’ll see a team make a couple threes in a row and all of a sudden they’re not even trying to swing the ball and try to get

In any type of motion action get a good shot they’re just trying to Jack threes to try to you know if you can make threes I can too they didn’t get lulled into that which was good to see because it I know there there were a couple possessions where Tatum I was pleasantly

Surprised where he passed up a shot three-point shot instead of which would a good shot instead he tried to get a great one uh and to me a great one for anyone is a wideopen shot uh and and they were able to get a decent amount of

Those uh because of their ability to keep the ball moving I like that Joe at least uh called them out for the for the effort-based uh points that they gave up shirro I mean I think we all we all could that was if you never played basketball in your life or anything

About basketball you could just be like something’s right something’s not right there that was too easy for the for those guys to score the way that they did and so I in that situation I mean you really don’t have to say much right I mean if you if you play the clip these

Guys watch themselves LLY gag and back on defense or or just half fasten it up the court or even down the court you’re going to be able to say okay yeah like we we we got to stop playing like [ __ ] yeah yeah and and they did and

They were and it wasn’t just one guy either I mean early on there were multiple guys who just you could tell that their effort their focus their energy whatever the hell you want to call it it just wasn’t where it needed to be uh and that being said you know it

Says a lot about how bad this Wizzards team was because even when they were playing a collective like basically you know walk through in in in an actual game they were right there they were they I mean for the first in the first half like neither team was able to lead

By more than seven points it wasn’t until the third quarter that the Celtics started breaking it open and and someone took a double digit lead so this was a game that the Celtics like I said they just weren’t very good in the first half and and a lot of it was their

Own it was wasn’t anything Washington was doing as much as it was them simply not locking in the way they need to the way they’re capable of we saw more of that in the second we didn’t see as much as I would lik but we saw more of it in

The second half and they were able to come out of here and get and get the win a game that was even with them kind of recalibrating in the second half this game shouldn’t have been a four-point game no and and um I think the difference you know listen when you’re

When you’re the Celtics and you’re playing the Wizards you kind of know that you can get away with with playing the way that you’re playing because you assume that you can just flip the switch and turn it on and play like you did in the second half and win the game

That’s fine and dandy they’re right they can do that but my problem with it has been and this is the first time it’s happened this season it’s happened a few times right my problem with that has been against a good team there is no comeback like that there there is no

Ability to you can you can you can turn it up a notch or two and and compete but you can’t expect to turn a you know 10-point deficit into a 15-point lead against a playoff caliber team and if you get into those habits where you’re taking plays off you’re taking Quarters

Off you’re coming out slow or maybe you know you’re you you’re not too up on the opponent where enough where you’re fired up enough to play they punch you in the mouth they’re just gonna keep punching they’re not gonna they are they are gonna be talented to

Hold on to that lead unlike a team like the Wizards who you won’t see in you know June or May yeah but but the thing is they don’t really have a problem getting up for good teams uh they had one they’ve had one or two hiccups this

Year but but for the most part the better the team they play the better they actually play and and a lot of it has to do with their focus I think they’re at a point now where they’re anxious to get to the playoffs but they know that the playoffs it’s a journey to

Get there and they’re not quite through the Journey or to the point in the journey where they need to be locking in on that so they need teams like Milwaukee and Philadelphia teams that are at that that upper echelon in the East to play not just to get a gauge of

Where they stack up against it but just to keep them building that muscle memory to have the kind of focus that you’re going to need in the postseason uh they’re going to have games where teams are going to make way more shots than they normally do are you going to have

Enough focus and where withall to to transition and and recalibrate what you need to do out there so that you can not allow the game to get out of hand uh that’s again it’s something that they are definitely um so then does it matter watch does it matter then if it’s just

They they get it for the big games anyways do we do we how like how do we how do we think or talk about a game like this or another or a game against another bad team where this is gonna happen do we care we do care and we we

Care because you still have to stack the W’s so that you can get home court advantage you and what you if you’ve got the best record at home this year which they do uh behind them is Denver Denver’s like 21-4 uh at home and Celtics slightly percentage points better than them

Uh in their building you want to continue to keep that uh because that is something that you it’s probably gonna win you a series right at some point in the playoffs you’re gonna have a best of seven and that game seven is gonna be in your building and that homecourt

Advantage may very well be what get you over the hump out of that series and on to the next one so it’s important that you win these type of games against teams you’re supposed to now how you do it not as important but what I look for

In these type of games I look for the Payton pitchers the Sam Howers the alfers the guys that are part of their rotation but aren’t necessarily counted on to deliver big games I look for them to make the most of these opportunities uh because they’re the ones that you

Know you you want them to be able to hit the ground running and the only way I think you can really do that is get reps and get opportunities so that when you do get your opportunity the playoffs even if it may be for a limited amount

Of time you’ve got enough confidence and you got enough swag about where I may only get you know these next four minutes but I’m going to get like six points I’m going to make a steal I’m going to do something that’s going to help the team because when I was getting

Like 10 12 15 minutes in a regular season I didn’t waste time I didn’t allow the game to come to me when you a bench player you can’t do that you gotta go out there and get yours especially when you’re coming subbing in for a guy

Like Jason Tatum or Jaylen brown or or porin so uh I think these type of games are really important for the guys that are kind of you know on the edges of what you do and what your core is uh but for Jason Tatum for Jaylen Brown this

Was just you know been there done that do this in my sleep I mean this is who they are I mean I mean I mean t Tatum had a damn near triple double tonight yeah I know and he basically he basically car did got did most of his damage in two really the

Third quarter yeah quarter that third quarter was basically him saying yeah like I’m still Jason Tatum I think he had 13 13 in that quarter again a couple nice passes um he was the the he was the reason you know reason behind that that comeback that they that they made in that third

Quarter somebody commented at the beginning of the show Chris as porzingis would be a good Futures bet for NBA Finals MVP I don’t think you can make that bet yet this isn’t even the one damn it I don’t think you can make that bet yet but you can make a lot of other

Bets right now on FanDuel sports book guys that’s an interesting one as the garden report has been brought to you by and right now we’re talking about we’re talking about NBA playoffs sherod that’s those are months away the ultimate NFL playoff is two days from now we’re

Talking about here we go the big game in Las Vegas radio row was on fire all week Patriots got dragged I think they were the Biggest Losers of radio of radio row this week probably deserve at least they were lining up like buffet St everyone

Was lining up to dog the Pats this week I think on radio row and and they did um but I digress um Super Bowl is this Sunday and um we all know that as fun as the game is what’s more fun is you know prop bets prop bets that’s right there’s

Probably thousands of prop bets you can make right now and FanDuel uh is the place to do it um and right now guys you can get $200 in bonus bets if your first bet of $5 or more wins if you go to fand .c Boston so again you you got to sign

Up for the app now place your bet hopefully you win the bet or you have to win the bet so try to find something with a heavy a heavy heavy favorite okay once you get the $200 of bonus bets that’s when you start you you go to the

You go to the NFL section on fanuel you go through the game there’s just sections and sections of different things you can things you never even knew you could bet on okay you can bet on I don’t even wanna I don’t even want to think about how many things you can

Bet on because I I’ll I’ll get a little too excited sherod I’m gonna ask you one thing sherod when it comes down to the the main bet who do you bet in this game let me let me just give you the line right here so we know what we’re betting

On we got San Fran is minus two and a half right now the over the over under is 47 and a half those are the two the two main bets so yeah if you’re gonna bet San Fran minus two and a half or you’re gonna bet a money line on either

Team what do you got I’m taking Kansas City with the points or money line with the points okay you’re taking you’re taking Mahomes with the points you’re basically saying I absolutely listen Mahomes is a different kind of dude in these games he is to me him and

Tom Brady yes I’m gonna throw Tom Brady’s name in the mix they are the cheat codes they’re the cheat codes when it comes to Super Bowl they’re not always going to be their absolute best but they figure out a way to win and that’s all you’re that’s that’s

Literally the only thing that you care about when you are an NFL quarterback in the Super Bowl it doesn’t matter if you throw for 300 yards or you throw seven picks if you throw seven picks and you win 2423 guess what you’re still a Super Bowl freaking Champion that’s what this

Is about uh I I I don’t feel good about pie stepping up and carrying the and and mcaffrey who is just phenomenal best running back in the game I think he’s going to be impactful obviously but I don’t think he’s going to be able to carry them uh and they’re

Going to and they’re going to need for them to win this game they’re going to need someone to carry them the it’s DNC yeah the Chiefs have two guys who’ve done that uh and in Mahomes in Kelce so it’s like I got two guys I know can win this

Game and carry a team I got no one on the other side that I know can carry this team you’re under you’re underestimating mcaffrey I think dude this guy is a touchdown I look he is but I’m I this is a different game Jimmy this this

Go ahead I like I like Sam Fran’s dline too and I and and here’s the thing you mentioned Brady and I’m glad you did because he is the goat and he always will be Mahomes he will not always be he will always be Mahomes will find ways to

Win a Super Bowl except when he lost to Tom Brady a couple years ago people forget already and they already want to say that he’s better than Tom Brady he’s not but he’s not even done untying his cleats from losing to Tom Brady in the Super Bowl prac and people want to say

He’s better than Tom Brady he’s nowhere near and that’s another reason why I’m not gonna take the Chiefs on Sunday I can’t even fathom this I’m not even I’m not a good better because I can’t bet with my brain if I do think the Chiefs

Are gonna win I cannot bet on momes I cannot bet on Kelsey because in my heart of hearts I know that Brady and grank are better than Mahomes and Kelsey but you know but Jimmy your heart but your head is telling you that if Kansas City wins this game the The Narrative becomes

Not that they’re better it becomes a conversation that you absolutely have to have who’s you don’t have to have it we’re gonna have we’re going to have to have it because there’s no other good storylines in the NFL it’s Mahomes and everybody else but if you compare mahomes’s career to Brady’s career Brady

Has three time Brady has three of mahomes’s career okay so Mahomes has to do what he does on Sunday he’s gonna do that two more times over again he has to have his career two more times and then we can have that conversation but I know all the radio people and everyone on

Sports Talk is gonna have to have that conversation because they need to fill air Airwaves but stats are the stats championships are the Championships and those don’t lie Mahomes is nowhere near Brady at this point in his career talk to me in 10 years we can have the

Conversation that being said if Mahomes wins on Sunday yes the con people will start CH talking about it but we’re not even close yet if he loses on Sunday I never want to hear it again I never want to hear it again I’ll say that so that’s

Where I’m at with that conversation but anyways that’s the FanDuel read so hopefully I I did that hopefully I did that read Justice I’m not sure if we want that but anyways guys $200 in bonus bets if your first bet of $5 and more wins visit bboston yes Bobby

Manning is going to be joining us he’s just waiting on Chris ABS porzingis we will allow it because uh we do want to hear what porzingis um had to say tonight because he did have such a good game um sherro another guy we haven’t talked about yet that you did

Mention Drew holiday Drew man Drew other the other addition to this team Drew holiday um brought it tonight I don’t have the um he was good man thirds but 20 points on nine of 13 from the field seven rebounds yes five assists again didn’t benefit from the plus Min in the

Plus minus Department much like Jaylen Brown tonight minus 11 again I think he was a victim of of a couple of of wizards runs there um but he was a part of that third quarter um that third quarter effective play by the Celtics and so got to give him his flowers

Tonight he was good man I I love the fact that the Celtics did a really good job of keeping the ball movement and he was maybe one of if not the biggest benefactor of that style of play uh when the Celtics had the ball popping for

Some reason it found Drew wide open in the corner or wide open on the wing and and he made the Wizards pay repeatedly uh when that happened and it’s just good to see him just looking like that dude that we saw in Milwaukee for all those years uh

You know there there’s been some you know some have questioned how much does he still have in the tank and things like that Drew’s got quite a bit in the tank and I and you know I go back to something porzingis you know said a few weeks ago where he talked about Drew

Holiday has sacrificed more than anyone else on his team and that’s saying a lot uh when your teammates recognize just how much you are basically holding back because that’s not necessarily what the team needs in order to be successful but they’re going to be nice where they’re

Going to need Drew holiday to get Buckets uh and this was one of those games where it was great to see him get into a flow knock down big shots he took only two threes and made them both uh you got seven rebounds five six assists

Uh you know I think he had like one or two turnovers he had a pretty good well balanced game and like I said they’re they’re going to need that from him from time to time as they make this journey through the playoffs and you know for

Their sake hopefully to in you know the NBA Finals yeah and again he brings that toughness too I mean they they just traded for a guy in who’s got that toughness but Drew holiday is on the court you know and we don’t know what really know what Tillman’s role is going

To be yet and I think I’m not saying holidays is you know badass guy on the court that’s not his that’s not his game but physically he’s tough he can he plays hard he can body up against pretty much anybody in the NBA they’ll put him up against and that’s a physical

Presence that you’re G to need in the playoffs when the game does get physical now you’ve got a if you get another situation where but where big bad Boogeyman Butler is running around doing whatever he wants and everyone on the Celtics is is shaking in their boots

Except the one guy you don’t want to be Grant Williams rest in peace then you got a guy like holid who br’s alive he’s just in Charlotte that’s not technically dead his his NBA career need Jimmy Jimmy come up man rest in peace he’s just he’s in Charlotte

Jimmy he’s not like third world country I wouldn’t say charlot a great great City but I wouldn’t say the organization is where Dam rest in peace GR we’re gon we are G to talk about Grant guys at the end of the show we’re gonna get Bobby on here we’re gonna ask

Him what his take us in the show on the game let him do his thing and then we’re gonna we’re gonna hit on a couple of things that before we get off of Drew though Jimmy I I want to point Drew if they do want up playing Miami Heat it

Will be personal for Drew because Jimmy Butler absolutely feted him last year it was bad the way Jimmy Butler outplayed him raised that was the point where folks started questioning how much did Drew still have left in the tank is that is that when jannis said get him out of

Here I don’t know but we all know Giannis has quite a bit of pull uh and he he’s not he’s not he’s not the least bit shy about flexing that pull I don’t think that’s what happened because I bottom line Isler there you go Drew I believe if

They played Miami we would see the best version of Drew I think we would see like what we saw tonight only even better uh because I it’s personal man I mean I mean Jimmy Butler made him look really bad yeah I mean the thing is with the

Thing is with Drew the 20 points are great you want to see that shot falling um because I think at the beginning of the year people were wondering like Okay can he score and and we know that he can but it’s always been about the defense

For for Holiday right I me I mean the points are a bonus if you can get him 15 plus points a game that’s to me that’s where you want to be um and just you know he made some good Cuts tonight I thought he made himself open

Um I think he was able to exploit some of the um weaknesses on that on that Wizard’s defense took advantage of it and that’s when Tatum I think I think he probably benefited a few of from a few of Tatum’s passes tonight um and so you

Know good on holiday it’s a good I think a good veteran awareness of him and may maybe you know casselle might be a guy that’s you know they might have I don’t know much about their relationship um working relationship whatever but I feel like they’d be good there’d be a good like

I don’t know tandem together yeah and and the other assistant coach Charles Lee who was in Milwaukee with Drew that’s another one that yeah uh is is really I think important but the the big thing with Drew to your point Jimmy is this defense not only is it something

That we recognize but players in the league believe he’s the best on the ball Defender when they had that survey like before the season started and Drew holiday was was voted as the best on ball Defender by the guys who he is guarding so to me

It’s Drew is again he I think him and poring is the new guys that they didn’t have around last year they’re both ex factors for this team uh because they have the ability and capacity to cause problems for opponents that the Celtics weren’t quite able to do to the extent

That they can now with those two guys Bobby Manning Bobby Manning in the building everybody we were wondering if you were still here how we doing Bobby good good uh good finish to this one what’s the vibe give us the vibe right now at least from talking to Christ

Staffs the only guy I heard from on the team and of course Joe uh there’s not ton of concern about this one cuse Joe’s just yeah what was that Bobby well Shah Joe Joe’s reacted the same to pretty much all of these slip up games recently you know with it’s the

Lakers or the Hawks and he even said he didn’t feel like the Hawks was much of a slip up game he thought they defended well in that one and he did say they played poorly in this one uh so there’s certainly admission of things they did

Wrong here uh not just miss layups which is kind of where I went because I know that’s where his focus is usually on but he said every Miss shot kind of put the Celtics in a poor position in transition in this one and the effort was bad he

Said he showed them you know 10 transition points they shouldn’t have just because of effort at halftime and you know they had 30 six in this game so you know transition defense is becoming a little bit of a concern for this team and is it laziness is it positioning is

It just the you know laxidasical approach some teams take this time of year um I know I’ve heard in you know different spots 08 team even had a stretch like this around January February that you just don’t care as much especially going against this kind

Of team so you get it you get that mindset you know I asked christop so at what point do you start to take that slippage seriously and tighten up a little bit and I think they’re probably getting to that point a little bit and you know they’ve really drilled some

Stuff hard in recent practices I think Joe’s talked a lot about how just situationally they’re making some mistakes in key positions and you know he said they went through a walkthrough this morning that actually came up in the game so Joe’s mindset is that he’s happy they’re having these kind of games

To try to figure things out in those moments and if you win guess it’s not the biggest deal in the world and they did have some some really nice stretches to win this game but it just feels like this racing train that looked like it

Was going to be an 08 regular season or you know one of the best regular seasons in Celtics history probably not the case um and listen Jimmy they’ve been missing guys in certain games and you know they’ve been resting guys and stuff so on those nights I think you have to take

That into consideration the frustration on a night like this is you’re at home you’re fairly rested everybody’s playing and it really is a dreadful Wizards team on that other side that just made some trades and stuff too so they’re you know missing their center tonight I get Joe’s

Sentiment that you’re not just gonna walk out there and win by 40 but you shouldn’t give up 71 in the first half I mean that was tough to watch so they gota tighten up I mean there’s just you’re not going to win the championship in February against the

Wizards but there does have to be a general sense of urgency about this season of habit building of consistency and just seriousness about the task at hand right absolutely you got to form good habits in the regular season and those carry over to the playoffs we actually have a clip of your

Question to KP Amit is H gonna toss it up there for us all the Marvel at I don’t think like um oh like we we need to overreact now because we haven’t been playing or maybe like beating everybody by 30 lately like we didn’t beginning of the season

Um we can play better for sure we can play better and and I think all of us like individually we have to look at the things that we can do better um but overall there’s going to be different nights and like variations of the games and some teams are going to shoot crazy

Like the Lakers game you know and and it’s just you know you’re going to lose some of the games even if you’re you know the better team on paper um of course we don’t have a we don’t want to have bad habits um um but I don’t think

We’re nowhere near there and and I think the coaching staff is doing a great job of having us you know do the do the necessary things to keep building towards uh yeah I mean yeah I guess it is yeah I mean he he makes a good point about the fact that

Um you can’t overreact to these type of games uh and and something that Joe again Jimmy talked about this a little bit earlier but the the point that Joe made about Washington does not typically shoot this way uh to me there’s a as a twofold issue there he’s right they

Don’t normally shoot that well but is it more be of them just having a good night shooting the ball or is there some def defensive deficiency that’s allowing them to shoot that well and I thought this this was a game of both I thought that a lot of the shots that Washington

Was getting that they were knocking down were the kind of shots that if you’re an NBA player you should be making those shots uh if you’re if you’re coming out in transition and the Celtics are just you know they they’re rolling back rolling back and they give you like a

Good four five feet to raise up from three-point range you should make that shot and and Washington I thought did a decent amount of knocking down those type of shots so uh I don’t think you hit the panic button or anything like that but you you need to be at least

Aware that you got to do better in that regard you you’ve got to close out better you’ve got to you know fight through screen you you’ve got to you know not allow them to just keep swinging the ball without any type of stress or or or you know resistance uh

For them doing that and then the Celtics just didn’t do a really good job in that regard you know overall tonight especially as Bobby pointed out the transition game where they were had a 3618 they doubled the Celtics in in Fast Break points 3618 you shouldn’t let that shouldn’t be

Happening not to an elite defensive team and listen everyone’s going to get on Joe and and rightfully so a quot mark is smart but it’s on a player at a certain my guy it’s on a player at a certain point right to step up in these kind of

Situations and Asser some of with seriousness and one thing I did like about that Lakers game Jimmy is that you did see Tatum on the sideline showing some demonstrative you know show of urgency there talking to teammates and you know saying after the game you know

That you got to be better in these spots you got to make adjustments after the clier game some stuff like that and you know John says it all the time the whp service after the game doesn’t mean a ton you know there’s probably things being said internally on how to tighten

Up right now but there’s still a general feel of yeah whatever it’s fine you know it’s not a big deal and I think that does to some respect reflect the mindset of the team you know especially when you hear from christops right there saying that yeah it’s fine and again we know

These are veterans we know the stuff happens across the League this isn’t just a Celtics problem here but this wasn’t happening early in the season they were playing with a level of consistency and one of the things I think even Joe talked about early in the year was their ability to

Take care of business in these spots you know the Bulls game Joe wasn’t saying after that one you know whether you win by three or whether you win by 40 it was fine he thought it could be a lesson that you know you go up by 10 20 against

A team like the Bulls then you bring it to 30 40 like the inseason tournament they were going for that scoring margin and you thought you know this could be a lesson in some other games against these kind of teams on how you just put them away and most importantly sherard sit

Your starters down and get them some rest yeah not they should not have to play 30 minutes with their starters to beat this team we literally had that conversation earlier in on the show and I I was making that point to Jimmy that you know that was one of my

Disappointments in this game the fact that Tatum’s out there for 38 minutes Jaylen plays like 35 36 they had like three or four guys that were playing in mid to high 30s when a team that has basically what were we talking about maybe a third a fourth number of wins

That you have you shouldn’t have to extend yourself like this and the Celtics that to me was a disappointment because you know it’s it’s a long season and any chance you can you have to give your core guys you know cut back their minutes a little bit and still emerge

Victorious you need to take take advantage of that and because of I think the way they played in the first half they didn’t allow that to happen uh and even though they had that great surge in the third quarter where they went up by as many as 15 they still didn’t deliver

The kind of impactful dominant putting this team away for now and we’re just not GNA have to deal with them type of of of effort and performance I mean you have to go by at least 20 25 points against a team like like this at some point and that

Just just they didn’t have a center Night Rod right and you know to their credit they did get the ball in some good positions I thought to score against that weakness and one thing I like that Joe said after the game is in a matchup like this you do have to shift

The ball a little bit more inside and I thought they utilized porzingis tremendously this was maybe his most dominant scoring night with the team in this one and it was all at the basket his efficiency in there was incredible he missed one at one point got it right

Back and put it in and it was like whoa cuz those have been like 70% shots for him and you know it’s like8 feet out sometimes but he still was putting it right up over these guys so you know they found the mismatches in these games

I thought the offense was good it’s that transition defense that killed them in this one there was just a LAX ofical approach to the defensive side of the ball that uh put them in a dangerous position in this game it did feel like for a little bit there Jimmy this was

Creeping on a loss and then they went on that phenomenal run to close the Third phenomenal it was a great third quarter absolutely shout out to Pritchard you the bench keeps getting a lot of crap people want Lonnie Walker to replace him and you know there was just a lot

Of anxiety about the bench going into the deadline I thought they were awesome in this game there’s another one right we haven’t talked about them at all so feel free to talk about brard for a minute I mean guy almost had two half court shots I mean he had two but

Electric moments in the building too yeah that that even got me out of my seat that second one I thought that was I wish yeah that was just that was sweet and these you know Amed actually said it to me Jimmy why isn’t oea brassett playing

In a game like this where the Energy’s an issue where the effort’s an issue those bench guys are going to give you that and it’s gon to take a little bit of a load off your starters and Tatum looked like was supposed to rest this game he was on the injury report with

The illness and you know we know how it goes he wants to play all these games so he probably fought his way into it but this was an opportunity to get some Bret minutes in and you know play Pritchard a little bit more which I like they did in

The second half and he was tremendous and this is what he’s given you this year some good energy some good shot making rebounding I think he had six in this game an occasional burst of playmaking as well uh and you know the defense can be an issue sometimes but

They play good together as a team and you know I don’t know how much you talked about uh you know Brad’s comments this morning Jimmy but he said that was the biggest reason he kept this bench together he kept this rotation together because you know we kicked around piling

Up the whole bench and going again in or you know some kind of bench scorer proven rotation level player who’s a borderline starter but you know they kept cornet and here they kept Hower Pritchard as your bench into the playoffs because they’ve played well all year all three of those guys I think

Have played well all year and they’ve played well together which is what Brad said this morning and so that’s the important thing over multiple years that group has built a chemistry a togetherness an ability to do the little things that supports the starters and I think that’s the most important thing

With this team is you don’t have bench guys who are trying to get their own shots or you know trying to do too much they’re doing things in support of the best players on the team here I think Bobby that latter that last point you

Made I think is why Brad decided to keep him because remember pit had a just a putrid stretch this year and Luke had stretches where he was a non-factor and Sam he had his his low points as well but they have collectively figured out

How to play well at a unit uh where even when they’ve had individual struggles per se and I think if you’re Brad you know if you look at the guys that they added particularly Xavier tman you have a specialist a guy that does one thing

Really well and you may you’re not g to need it every night but you might need it against the Knicks you might need it against you know you know a team that that has a pH certain high level of physicality and he can bring that to you

And I think if you’re Brad that made the most sense as opposed to going out and getting let’s say a Kelly Len who can do some really nice things for you but does he address a need that you currently have uh you have guys who can stretch

The floor in the front court with porzingis and Al Harper so you don’t necessarily need someone to do that but could you use another big who can be physical uh can it has a certain level of switchability defensively and isn’t going to get in the way of your offense

Because they need the damn ball not you didn’t have that guy but now you do with Xavier uh so it makes a it the more you think about it it makes sense for Brad to try to keep the bench band together and then add to that guys who have a

Very specific skill and strength that addresses an area where you need some you need to strengthen up yeah and one guy on this bench does one thing well specifically across the board and so now you had an element of on ball defense against bigger guys which you didn’t have before you know

You might have tried to throw Bret into that spot but that’s not his strength he’s he’s not physical right yeah you have a rim protector in cornette you have an on ball defender in Tillman now offensive rebounder in brusett a shooter in Hower and a you know shooting ball

Handling guard in Pritchard and what do you think of this guy Jaden Springer he’s really young yeah he’s a prospect and you know Brad talked about that today I got this question I don’t does does he mean Jaden and he said Jared how do you guys feel

About Jared getting ‘s number it feels a little backwards someone someone tweeted me yeah Rob Williams yeah seriously though why they didn’t out out of mine out ofsight out of mine yeah how do we feel that’s a question for John zanis we’ll have to

Ask him on Sunday how he no I think it’s it’s oh well this guy’s talking about that yeah but someone else tweeted me Jimmy about how it felt the little backwards because tman got 26 feels more like a guards number and Springer got 44 which it’s kind of weird I think Banton

Had a weird number too didn’t he like 77 or something like that so who’s Banton I don’t remember any B yeah B was doomed from the number doomed from the number he stayed ready but he never never got called but ready ready for the flight out of town I guess

But this was a Savvy move Jimmy and listen I think the Sixers fans because obviously oh 45 thanks Luke uh the Sixers fans were freaking out a little bit about this one Jimmy because they did effectively give up a guy they drafted a couple years ago just for some

Luxury tax relief here it feels like and to you know open a roster spot for Lowry or whatever the hell are they’re gonna do today so you know D M was even getting some questions about it today and the one thing he said was that he feels like he’s he feels like Springer

Is a long way away and they needed an impact more immediate for their team and that’s fine that the Celtics can afford to wait on a guy like this I mean think about many guys they developing at this point right Walsh Davis so add him to that mix you know

He’s gonna be a stay ready guy Jimmy you know I don’t think he’s here to steal PR rool no but not yet you went out you went out and let’s see I think people should thinking about it like this you were gonna have the 41st pick in this

Year’s draft they pretty much used 45 41 on a guy who was drafted in the late 20s I think yeah late first round like 28 for something like that so you bought low on a highly rated Prospect who was getting the appropriate attention where

He was and then you threw in a couple of middle schoolers you know just to make make everything worth 27 and 30 and to me that that’s Brad is is you know Brad’s been pretty candid about team building knowing that you’re going to have a number of guys making

Major major dollars so you got to fill you know that bench and develop guys on low money contracts uh and that’s that’s what they’re doing I mean they’re they’re basically building that that second unit with guys that have tremendous upside but they have some kicks or some knocks against them and

They’re going to try to smooth those out before you know and his is the offense shro you look at the numbers they’re rough he doesn’t really have much of an offensive game at all I think no other than layups other than layups and dunks layups and dunks yeah yeah and you know

He was he was pretty high on koc’s uh big board that year in 2021 I think he came in at 24th loves the defense called him a Relentless defender on the ball but doesn’t have much of a shot barely pulled up from three at all in his college days with Tennessee and

It’s been a similar deal 41% from the field through three years with Philly 23% from three so that’s going to be the difficulty Jimmy playing him for long stretches I don’t think that’s in the cards this year but say you know remember they used to go to

Phil pryr and um who was the other guy Shane Lin Shane yes we love I love Shane Lon nasty Shane is killing it overseas but that’s another story another day I’m not surprised he they went to those guys they went to those guys for a little change of pace sometimes and those guys

Were like the third fourth guard on the roster you couldn’t do that with JD Davis and you probably can do that with Springer and Brad actually said today he has the athleticism to play in the playoffs I don’t know if that was just like a stumbl on his words but he threw

The word playoffs in there Bobby this is this is what I I think people are are losing sight of okay Philadelphia is going to be a oneman team without Joel and it’s GNA be Maxi’s team this guy has been in that mix for multiple years if anyone knows

How to not shut him down because Max I think is just too good to shut down but at least know knows how to address him attack him those type of things defensively this might be that that wild card that that they can throw out there in the series against Philadelphia that

Philadelphia probably wouldn’t see coming and they’re gonna teach him shrad the same thing they taught Banton screen a ton roll a ton offensive rebound and just be a garbage man out there on offense if you’re not going to be able to shoot if you’re not going to be able

To create your own shot or do any of those things you’re bringing it on defense I mean he is in the uh I think Chris fors tweeted out Jimmy he’s in the 99th percentile in limited minutes of course for blocks and steals among guards so he he’s been producing on the defensive end

When he’s gotten out there it’s just the zero on offense and Philly couldn’t figure out a way to use them but Celtics do like using these guys as screeners as rollers as Cutters so they’re gonna they’re gonna work on that with him and I already saw him in the locker room

With um his former assistant here is uh Sam Castell yeah another he’s got another former assistant here too who was actually his development coach um I’m GNA pull up his name here seems like a good it seems like a good landing spot for him then right I mean you can develop him a

Little bit off the court not saying throw him in the fire here but it’s a guy that they’re not they didn’t trade for the playoff Tyler Lashbrook yeah Tyler Lashbrook was his um development coach in Philly this is his first year with the Celtics so you know they’re

Reuniting and they were getting right to work in the locker room before the game on film so they’re gonna you know they’re goingon to be drilling him pretty hard to you know get some uh you know playing time here and um I think he’s gonna be ready to go Sunday

Probably um I think Tillman’s probably gonna be a little bit more of a longterm thing waiting on him some of the knee Sor there but um something be concerned about or what no they’re just I think it’s just getting them right you know he missed those last four games uh in the

In his run with Memphis why even playing before the why even playing before for the allstar break this there no rush right yeah you have three big men K was here tonight he wasn’t active but he can still use him if you really need to got

A backtack next week so I’m sure he’ll be active for those so yeah I don’t I don’t know if you’ll see tman uh before the break yeah the thing about the thing just real quick real quick the thing about Jaden that I think they should give some thought to is is pulling out

The the old school starter kit for GU guards who can’t score cut to the basket the Avery Bradley plan remember ay Avery had no jump shot uh for a while and then but he was still getting you eight 10 points because he was just simply cutting really hard to the basket

Finding those seams uh and finishing at the doesn’t he remind you of that a little bit Gary wasburn all the time I used to say elite elite cuts by ay Bradley I just kept saying it to Gary wasburn all the time and used to drive him crazy so

Next you guys s on this clip sh out of us talking about Avery Bradley’s back door cut so maybe he’ll finally believe me I I to Elite Cuts Elite Cuts Elite Cuts we used to say that a little bit about um about Romeo Shad there was some

Parallels there too but I feel like there’s a little bit more athleticism because Avery did come into Boston as as like a leap through the roof kind of athlete real burst and transition get blown by guys on those cuts and you know he didn’t have a shot

When he first got here he right didn’t have a handle when he first got here so he just had to do stuff like that to his minutes but he was such a good Defender he got into those games and it’s going to be on Joe right and you know Joe was

Talking a little bit before the game of yeah you know we’ll find some situations for these guys and you know it’s gonna kind of be a matchup thing as it always is for minutes and he said that about some of the bench guys to start the year too who ultimately never carved out

Spots even brassette had to kind of fight his way back into this rotation so it’s it’s one of those things Jimmy it’s not just a Joe thing it’s a it’s a coach thing gerro you know coaches have their guys that they love that they lean on

That they trust and here come two new guys that you know maybe don’t know your system or your game plan as well as the guys who are already here so where can you fit those guys in that’s going to be the challenge late in this season

Because you do have as you saw tonight eight guys who are already in this mix and who are already rolling to some degree so uh it’s going to be you know along with some of the bumps and bruises both these guys are dealing with a little bit of a process here to

Integrate them in but you do want both of them I think ready for the playoffs because yeah listen you’re going to have to adjust Jimmy you know whether it’s lineups whether it’s game plan whether it’s matchups and those are two guys whether it’s a guard who’s really giving

You trouble or a big man who’s really giving you trouble that’s what they’re here for you got to use them in those circumstances and they got to be ready to go all right one thing I just want one thing because I don’t want to bore people to death with a brad press

Conference uh segment but what’s one thing if anything that you took out of Brad’s press conference today yeah I think it was the fact that they targeted a big man that was the only thing they felt like this team needed so clearly there’s a level of trust in Pritchard clearly there’s a

Level of trust in brette is that extra wing and Hower too certainly who I think we already knew was going to be part of this mix here and also an acknowledgement that there’s a good thing here and they didn’t want to mess with it necessarily to try to get better

To try to bring in a big talent and I do like the attention to detail to go back to that Springer thing of the long term you know John has said it you got to start to think about draft picks you got to start to think about prospects and the way that they’re

Starting to piece together some young guys here who can help them I think is pretty Savvy and they’ve already accomplished it with cornet and Hower you know turn them from some undrafted and unsung g-league guys into rotation players that’s the kind of way they’re going to

Have to do it here because all they really have are second round picks late first and uh one thing Brad said today is that you know a guy like Springer he’s younger than a lot of people in this draft in fact he said he was younger than most of the people that

They’re looking at in this draft so is that a new way for teams to get some value on guys you know guys who aren’t working out in other places go and buy low on them and then put them into your developmental program and you know some teams have had some success with that

Namely the Heat and you know you can think of some others who have done it well too so we complained for so long Jimmy they can’t develop young guys they can’t find unsung guys and yeah they’re starting to do it now and that’s another credit to Brad he’s made the big moves

But now he’s trying to make the small moves to help them too figured out that he needs to he’s gonna run out of money if he doesn’t right um all right guys absolutely we’re gonna we’re gonna wrap it up here but before we do I got to do one last topic

That we haven’t had a chance to really talk to I know you guys probably talked about it yesterday Bobby old friend Grant I knew it Williams knew sh you know I couldn’t you could I couldn’t skip damn it I thought we were going to get away not talking about my boy Grant

Damn Grant Williams he was that’s my guy booted I don’t know did they even give him a did they even give him a plane to fly out of Dallas or did they just tell him to hit hit the road did they call the did they call the lift for him so

Get to the airport on time traded to the hor for PJ Washington Seth Curry and a first round pick hell return um for the Mavs but a little bit a little bit of extra news coming out today and I don’t know you can you can

Believe it or not is that part of the this is a report from I think Tim McMahon is that his name Dallas it’s Tim he’s a he’s a big name in in the Mavs in the Mavs uh beat world and I don’t know I don’t know how well he’s liked by by

Some of those players certainly Luca has has had his runin but um he’s reporting that part of the reason Grant was shipped out of town is because he changed his sneakers from Luca’s signature sneaker to Tatum’s signature sneaker and maybe that rubbed Luca the wrong way but I think prior to

That he was rubbing guys the wrong way and they said that they just had to get rid of him is anybody surprised to at least hear that he was rubbing guys the wrong way and that they just had to say dude like we can’t deal with you anymore

You no it’s not surprise I mean we’ve been around Granton enough to know that he is an acquired taste not everyone can St yeah um and you know even guys that love him on his team will point out that he could be a pain in the ass sometimes he

Can be really annoying and for Dallas you just look at I mean you look at the two heads of the snake there Luca and Kyrie Grant doesn’t seem like the type that would fit in seamlessly with those guys um and so it’s not a surprise

It’s not and they gotta I mean and L is a little [ __ ] too though I can definitely see him being like get this guy out of here here he’s not even wearing my sneakers he’s not wearing my sneakers yeah that’s that’s so damn Petty though I’m sorry you’re going to trade

It the of all the reasons you could possibly have to get rid of a teammate because he doesn’t wear my damn sneakers come on seriously seriously I don’t know that like it’s just a say I don’t like you get the hell out of out of I don’t like

You I’m gonna come up with some [ __ ] how many conversations you think Kyrie Irving had with Grant Williams like honestly zero zero zero Kyrie doesn’t even know there was a photo early on of him turning down the bench talking to him and KY was just kind of staring back

Listen I know he’s a handful I know he’s loud we heard it here all his teammates here said the same thing openly and it’s part of the experience and I’m sure he was trying to lead the guys remember at the beginning of Camp he was giving like

A little speech to the guys in a circle and all that yeah the fact is I’m sure all this stuff’s true and the conjecture and everything else and I’m sure there were some annoyances in terms of him in the room but at the end of the day they traded him because

He wasn’t playing well and he lost his starting spot and you can’t be annoying and suck you can be annoying and be good you can’t be annoying and suck that’s not and you have to be confident too and it feels like he lost that confidence a little bit now he still shooting well

From three I still think he gives you some positional versatility defensively I mean he’s not a guy who’s goingon to make you he’s not Rudy goar he’s not going to transform your defense just by being there but I think as part of a bunch of other guys who are defending he

Can be a nice piece and that’s what he was in Boston here and I still think he’s the guy he was in Boston a defensive shot maker uh who needs to focus on a narrow roll so I’m gonna put most of you’re not ready to go you’re

Not ready to go apology cam on this yet no because I think this is a dumb move by the Mavs you go out and trade aair to make so they maybe here you look at this and say yes but remember what they gave up to get Grant they had a trade at

First to clear some space to get him and then they had to trade three seconds to the Celtics for the signing trade so that’s a first and three seconds to bring him in and now you’re giving up another first to send him out for a guy in PJ Washington who you could have

Signed last summer he was a free AG crazy yeah yeah yeah it’s like we don’t want that car and then six months later we’re what’s that all there’s a first going to H Dallas Seth Curry uh to Charlotte rather um yeah so Seth this Graphics throw me off here

Curry’s going is not it’s not accurate I don’t think then right it’s just out of order it’s out of order Curry’s going to Charlotte uh Washington’s going to Dallas Grant’s going to Charlotte with a first so they’re sending a first to Charlotte to dump and take they they got

PJ Washington who’s a I would think most people would say is a a better player than Grant right yeah worse three-point shooter better two-point shooter and taller and has more offensive upside in terms of creating his own shot he’s a little inconsistent he’s not the same Defender

Grant is and he’s a little more expensive too Grant was making 12 I think PJ’s making like 16 17 uh so I don’t like it I don’t think it changes much maybe he’ll play well for Dallas and give them higher upside and size on the wing

But well it just goes to show that they they they made they made him I think they’re basically eating it right they’re basically saying yeah this isn’t going to work Grant’s not the right fit for this team we’re gonna get a better player in order to do so yeah we’re

Gonna have to give up another asset another you know big asset but this is how badly we need to make this move while we can they’re right maybe they’re right but it still looks dysfunctional it still looks frantic it still looks panicky and I don’t think it solves

Their biggest issues their best players don’t defend well and Kyrie’s injured all the time and Luca had does so much to their benefit and also their uh detriment because he tires himself out waiting these games and all these other guys are just kind of standing around waiting for him to

Throw them the ball and you know you thought Grant might benefit from that just half to stay in the corner and shoot threes and listen Grant shares some of this blame because I think he left Boston saying I can do more I can be a guy who creates off the dribble I

Can be a guy who goes into the paint and shoots there and even eay said a couple years ago Grant’s had his best when he’s focused on a narrow roll and you know is this a humbling moment for him you know going to a Charlotte team that’s gonna

Really be bad for the rest of the year who knows what he ends up this off season but um that’s what you got to hope for if if you’re rooting for Grant going forward is that he does kind of look at things and say all right Boston

What I was doing in Boston was really where I was my my most successful and right listen you know me Jimmy i’ I’d love to have him back on this team one day um you know at the right price and right role and all the rest so who knows

Maybe you like to have you like to have fornier you like to have Hayward you like to have Grant you like to have Marcus you if it was up to you Bobby it would just be like the 2018 forever I gave I gave team forever I think I gave

An apology cam on forier but I will not give one on Grant yet you won’t keep one on Grant yeah you forgot about Terry rier you forgot about bringing back Terry rier might well bring T Ros back if you bring back that’s that’s one guy

I would bring back is T Ro T Ro I wasn’t uh I wasn’t doing the show then but I did want Hayward back you did but that’s okay I think a lot of you like the Hayward to OKC move Jimmy doesn’t matter yeah I mean yeah if I’m

OKC I’m OKC sure why not I mean we Hayward still got a little bit left to play there I mean I think it’s safe to say his career in Charlotte went a lot like his career everywhere else he’s played it was unfinished right I mean it was injury Mar and unfortunately he

Hasn’t really been able to show his stuff since that injury which we don’t need to even talk about right so um if you’re if you’re the Thunder you get a guy who can still shoot it’s not like he forgot how to shoot um what’s his role going to be how is he

Going to interact with um sgaa and and and that team there I guess we’ll find out but for me you know if I’m if I’m OKC why not you know they want to be a contender and he doesn’t need to be the number one guy or the number two guy on

That team right I mean he he’s gonna fit into his role there and slide in and give them some scoring in in certain situations and that’s prob really all they can they can hope for it’s a flyer yeah that was one of my favorite moves of the day I like Royce O’Neal to

Phoenix think that feels a need when they didn’t have much to give up I love the bonovich deal for New York uh deal for Boston it’s fine it’s kind of interesting two two make my top five I love I love Damon and uh you know Patrick now being

Teammates yeah I I saw I saw a clip of Pat Bev tonight on the Bucks bench just like ripping into the team and like he had the he had like the the you know the playbook in his hand or the the Whiteboard on on you know it’s like dude

Like you just got that why don’t you just like take a step back for a second these guys don’t probably you yet so according to him according to him the Celtics were looking to Signum last summer and I don’t know that after Grant and smart go out the door doing this

Kind of stuff were they gonna bring in another guy doing that kind of stuff I know I feel like he would probably rub some guys speaking of rubbing guys the wrong way I feel like Pat Bev might one of those guys plays hard Gotta Give him

That he plays hard and he’s a good I like him on Philly yeah I think there’s a serious question of whether doc obviously obviously Doc’s guy you know I mean doc I I don’t think it’s gonna help Milwaukee much but I think there is a question of whether Philly’s losing

Something here and they’re gonna bring in Kyle Lowry obviously but would you rather have Lowry or Beverly oh i’ rather have Beverly and they treat him to another Contender too it’s interesting yeah and I don’t like Beverly but I’d rather have him over Kyle and they get not sure

Kyle has has left really right well that’s what I’m saying like I he’s a Savvy player he can still do things because he’s smart but physically and scoring wise he doesn’t he doesn’t bring the same ability and you know Philly’s the weird team in all this right if

Embiid’s there heal it’s a dangerous Edition alongside embiid but if he’s not there it’s like why is healed here on an expiring contract him know what’s Larry doing here so they’re clearly putting together a team that if embiid comes back and go on a little bit of a run but

How far do they fall while he’s out does he come back at all those are still serious questions there so you know nothing happened in this deadline Jimmy that I think scares you as a Celtics fan in the least nothing that was major major NBA Earth shattering stuff I mean

There was the LeBron rumors that were floating around keep things interesting but nothing to that level obviously and nothing really close so it’s in my opinion you know the the Celtics they’re currently at the top I think it’s it’s their conference to lose let’s put it

That way once we get to the playoffs and if they do make it to the finals that’s a whole another story but you gotta like where this team’s at right now especially after another night of we didn’t you didn’t really get a chance to talk about him too much Bobby but we’ll

Get into it another time but porzingis they’re getting him more involved now and if they can get him to be that like I mean man he could be their first second third best guy on any given night um just by using him more and giving him

The ball and and just saying hey do your thing doesn’t really matter where you are just be aggressive and shoot over the defender they get into that mindset they’re going to be a hard team to stop um you know assuming they can stay healthy so that’s gonna do it for us

Guys again we want to thank FanDuel H great sponsor of ours get $200 in bonus bets if your first bet $5 more wins visit Boston Bobby I did get sherrod’s um bet if you will for Sunday’s big game he is going with the Chiefs plus two and

A half what is your bet going to be I like the Chiefs I I feel like I just have to go Niners because it feels like the whole world is betting the Chiefs right now and there’s gota be is on the Chiefs public is on the Chiefs in an

Overwhelming way right so you look at that and you start to think all right what’s going on here now I hate given up points I would have loved Jimmy right away right when the Chiefs won they were plus three and a half I think that was

The magic number right when it came out but you know again there was an explosion of bets on the Chiefs um sure there still are so it’s clearly gonna be a tight game it’s clearly gonna be a contested game I think it’s gonna be a great one you know a memorable one

Between these two teams here uh can Mahomes carve it out at the end can he have more magical moments here because they’ve really had a fight you know to win these last two games here this Niners team’s loaded and I think people are overlooking that a little bit people are probably

Overlooking party a little bit I think he’s better than he’s getting credit for and their defense is a monster you I’m with you Bobby I’m going ners I think the Niners are a stronger team from top to bottom the Chiefs I’ll give them credit they’ve found ways to win in the

Playoffs it hasn’t been a strong Chiefs team this year and I had Mahomes as my fantasy quarterback this year he was he was mediocre like as far as Mahomes different team in the playoffs they have been but now they’re going to play a team that deserves to be there in the

Ners the Ravens beat themselves last week or two weeks ago if the if the Niners can limit the mistakes and py can limit the interceptions feed Christian mcaffrey feed you know Debo Samuel is another offensive weapon who can run the ball and and obviously a good catcher good receiver catcher what I’m talking

About um I just think that they’re a team that’s going to be difficult to to take down it’s gonna be close it is going to be game excited for it I will be hosting gonna have some food going so it should be a fun probably are you

Gonna be in Miami Miami you and joose are going to Miami yeah we’re gonna have to find a spot to watch it of course the Celtics are on at two that day so join us for a post game right after we got we’re gonna have a nice run up to the

Super Bowl we’re gonna have Joe Joe Sway and Bobby live in Miami assuming they make the game I I’ll be partying too hard Saturday night in Miami and then have never needed a road trip more I’m looking forward to this one you know what Bobby you deserve it you deserve a

Road trip how about that so yeah you guys are going to Miami and then what is it just uh Brooklyn on Tuesday okay there you go Miami and Brooklyn so keep it locked on CNS we will see you guys Sunday enjoy your weekend and we will hit the outro Peace hold up that was the that was the intro hold up hold up hold up where’s the outro dude hold on here it is wait am’s got an outro for us I think no he doesn’t he said he was going to work on an outro he had a phenominal game

Phenominal forits out I I think it’s an option that did not sound like a share

The Garden Report goes live following the Celtics game vs the Wizards. Catch the Celtics Postgame Show featuring Bobby Manning, Jimmy Toscano and A. Sherrod Blakely as they offer insights and analysis from Boston’s game vs Washington.

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  1. Super sweet that you guys think they wanted to keep Hauser & Prichard. Reality no other team wants those guys at anything more than a vet minimum so their trade value was zilch.

  2. Fun game. They kept it close the whole game and even put up a fight in the final minutes. Thanks Washington.

  3. Could Porzingas be the 2nd option in the NBA finals? Yes. At any other time if the Celtics make him a second option they will be making 90 percent of the celtic fanbase elated. And they will be making a crucial naive mistake not only disrespecting Jaylens talent, but ignoring the injury history of Kristaps.

  4. I'm the biggest Jaylen Brown fan, but I give in. Somethings gotta change either Joe or JB but the fact is the Celtics are barely beating bad teams and we are too talented to barely win

  5. Brady was playing with a 3rd of the talent on offense that mahomes has had in his career… miss me with this stuff man.

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