@Detroit Pistons

The Detroit Pistons Are Good At Basketball Again!

The Detroit Pistons Are Good At Basketball Again!

Yo what’s going on guys crispy flakes here so I’m finishing the last 25 seconds here of Clippers versus Pistons you know I hav’t on my phone right here K just took it in little revers right there bro you know 111 to 106 it’s not looking good here unless

You know maybe some Rie Miller stuff gets pulled off May a little Trac mcgr against San Antonio Spurs oh shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot Sho Sho shoot okay Russell Westbury got it come on okay they’re dribbling it out now man game over with that being said I ordered some

Dinner okay I ordered myself a Little Caesars uh not quite hot and ready it’s actually uh sticks and pizza bro okay I got that after the first half the Pistons were hot they were ready to ball bro but like this pizza like this hot and ready

Thing he let it sit too long I guess to be soggy and waiting man and that was kind of my Pistons now that being being said Clippers fans uh I say this in the most humblest of ways because you know I I do not dis I do not dislike your team

But I I just I’m worried I’m a I’m a little concerned bro okay there’s something I really want to talk about I truly think you guys have to get better at basketball and I don’t mean that like like like you hear that you hear okay let me have

A let’s try one of these bread Brees out bro let me talk about that okay you guys play way too much damn isolation Okay feel like this is really rude be rude to take my hat off and cover my mouth I pretty [ __ ] good we give a minute man

Dang I don’t have a drink okay I think you guys are some free throw Merchants okay and I do not mean that disrespectfully but I think you guys do way too much isolation and the the the difference in this game 112 to 106 being the final score is not that

You guys played better it’s that you had the Pistons had seven free throw attempts you guys had 26 and you want to know what you call those you call those regular season calls okay those are not calls that you are going to get against LeBron those are not calls you’re going to get

Against joic those are not calls you’re going to get against the Boston Celtics man what’s going to happen is this isolation stuff you do with you I mean James hard’s looking thick bro I I swear man I swear he’s looking thick as heck you all eating good up in there in LA baby

Um it’s like his little free throw stuff not going to work you know it didn’t work when he was in his PR it’s not going to work now man okay kawhai is seven for 18 Paul George saved the day I’m not going to lie man he saved the

Day uh but that’s just facts of the matter with that okay so let’s talk about the new look Detroit Pistons we had a we had a few debuts uh from some of the new guys up in here let’s start with shimone fonte fonte K tech tech

19 F fanto fanto let’s start with Simone fio this dude was a Bucket Man 20 points and nine rebounds played some really solid defense and to be quite Hest he was like this weird mix of galinari and boan like they had a little baby boan galinari and it was

Fono CU he’s got good height he’s got good height out there man he’s got he’s got a very fluent three-point shot man like looking very gares in his prime on you know the Denver Nuggets in exchange for Camelo Anthony but he’s got like this smoothness and this like this hustle of

Boan and it’s a beautiful thing to watch and I’m really excited he’s on our team he had a really good first half oh he ended up shooting eight for 19 like there was a few shots out there where it’s like okay like he probably feeling himself a little bit can’t say I blame

Him like he was playing really well Duren had 10 points 18 rebounds he’s not a new player but Dam he a stud I do feel kind of bad for Roman Powell though he I forgot my drink it’s not getting better without my drink like that’s not that’s not worth it

Right actually going to drink like that’s not going to quench me right no it’s really really really dry without my drink um who else Shake Milton had four points it was really just F Teo doing his thing out there is it for the new guys man oh

No no no no no no Troy Brown junor this is dude in the first half man you all to know what’s crazy I’ve literally been having nightmares about the number seven bricking shots for so long now that I see him now that I see the number seven

Making shots it’s it’s it’s it literally blows my mind like that Jersey number’s got some potential man you know what I’m saying now we just got to fix up to number 31 and we’ll be set for Lu life um the rest of this game uh Ivy 10

For 21 shooting you know 23 points so Ivy actually made 12 straight three-pointers dating back to a few games ago which was like seventh in NBA history for consistent shots made in a row um but yeah so I don’t know I I feel like Ivy’s really finding his confidence

Out there I really feel like with KY and leaving this this team it just kind of like opened you know the lights for us to know and we always kind of knew I guess for Monty Williams to know that this is kad’s team and Ivy’s team that

Is the back court Al Pistons fans we’ve been around here for a while right like we knew from the beginning man like we saw we saw Kade with the Buffs we saw Ivy crying like we knew those were our guys and and like for whatever reason

Monty just he didn’t want to believe man but uh I’m going to give props where props or do like this team is playing a bit better they are and have that be you know just getting better basketball players I think Li is a trash or maybe Monte

Williams kind of maybe sit down some of the guys and be like yeah I’ve maybe I have been wrong you know something’s something’s clicking here now though and I think a big part of it is that it was never about the core for it was never

About Kade Ivy dur or aard you know I I I I think that uh Pistons fan base was really split a lot thinking that some of those guys might have been the issue I know I’ve even like you know I never really thought we should traded

Ivy there were times where I thought we should have traded Ivy if Monty Williams didn’t figure him out that was kind of my mindset with Ivy like I I I saw the skill with the kid man I feel like he’s you he’s got this crazy Wings Manan he’s

Such I mean he’s making his threes now too like Ivy is so good but iy or he wasn’t being utilized correctly and I and I feel like this team is finally getting themselves an identity so yes we did lose to the Clippers Clippers are what like second seed in the Western

Conference we lost one by six and we still don’t even have some of our other guys man we haven’t seen Quinton play yet I’m G to go oh man I should probably take a bite of the pizza I even do the pizza for you guys man oh my goodness oh it’s looking

Good too I have a little game night with my buds too so I got a whole bunch you know for leftovers for later I’m G have a stomach ache I don’t know if it’s because of Little Caesars taste better these days or maybe it was the joint I had before this video

But this Pizza is pretty damn good bro damn thanks guys for watching Detroit basketball baby happiest I’ve been in hours


  1. Sponsorship integration adding value seamlessly without disrupting the organic flow of the narrative.😘

  2. Clippers have been one of the best teams In terms of ball movement in the nba when you have James kawhi and pg you are going to get caught up in isolation basketball And ITS THE PISTONS team are not going to get up out of bed ready to play the pistons and be all hyped you don’t have the best record in basketball in the last 2 months playing ISO ball every team in basketball that has a star GETS CAUGHT UP IN ISO BALL

  3. Low-key the Pistons keeping up with the clippers. I think they’re better than teams like the wizards and hornets.

  4. Your Favorite NBA Team Let 5 Team Come Back To Win The Game Kings And Boston And Rockets And Jazz And L.A Clippers.

  5. I havent eaten fast food since early 2021 so i cant even imagine the nightmares that Little Sleazers pizza would concoct inside of my gut.

  6. As a clippers fan, I get what you’re saying. I kinda agree as well, I think it depends on game by game tho. Last time I checked (admittedly it was a few weeks ago) we actually didn’t do isolations a lot and only used them as last minute efforts. Also yes, absolutely free throw merchants but it still feels like it’s only a 50% chance we get the calls. However our fouls have gone way up since getting harden as well. Norm and harden are where we get most calls usually

  7. Pistons had more and made more shot attempts.
    Pistons out rebound the Clippers.
    Pistons did not allow a single offensive rebound.

    Pistons had 7 ft attempts while scoring 68 points in the paint.
    Clippers had 26 ft attempts while scoring 36 points in the paint.

    Aside from the refs doing everything they can to give the Clippers this game, the Pistons lost because no one but Cade could score a bucket down the stretch of the game.

  8. Clippers fan here and I completely agree with you. However, I do realize what is causing the isolation which I hope Ty will address eventually. The problem is Clippers has no off ball movement. Which creates iso situations.

  9. Ya'll doing things right. I love your model. I'm a Knicks fan but I can't afford TV so I just have league pass. Why did they gift Duran to you? 😂😂😂 They're going to pay two worse Centers 😂😂

  10. Amazing to see what can happen when Monty is literally forced into playing the young core because Weaver has had to trade away all the vets in order to "get" Monty to play the young core. Geeze, who would have guessed that Cade, Ivey, Duren, Ausar and Sasser are actually talented players and might form the core of a very good team in the future? I'm a lot more confident in the Piston's young core talent level than I am in the guy coaching them – that's for freaking sure.

  11. Krispy saying we play too much iso shows he hasn’t been watching the clippers at all during these win streaks, they had a bad game. It happens.

  12. Dude I been waiting to get some stick and pizza too. It’s just a little further than many other places to me😂🤣. This has me rolling

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