@Cleveland Cavaliers

The Cavaliers Are a REAL Threat & the Ascension of Rob Dillingham | Riv Academy

The Cavaliers Are a REAL Threat & the Ascension of Rob Dillingham | Riv Academy

Riv take us to your Academy give us a two things you want to talk about i r oh man you know first of all I want to I want to give a shout out to my brothers man you got to find Brothers in the world that motivate you as much as they

Do you know they’ve been pushing this for a while you know Joel texting me on the side Drew begging me in the car Dell’s keep asking when when when are you going to do when are you going to do it but uh today I’m going to talk about

Rob dham in the Caps you know and I think Rob dham is the first guy I’m going to talk about cuz a lot of the noise has been you know this draft being weak and this draft not having that star power but I don’t think it’s weak in the

Sense of has a a a ton of good players you know I think this is a role player draft I think you can get guys that are good in the uh first 10 picks just as good in the late you know and I think Rob Dillingham is getting the hype he

Gets because unfortunately this isn’t the star potential draft but what’s impressed me about him is his speed you know his his handle you know his steady Improvement throughout the year you know he’s a creative ball handler the guy he works well in the pick and roll um his

Burst after you know that screen is is really good his pull-up shot is great he he he has a peculiar game where he can come off the bench he can do his thing he can start he can do his thing you know Kentucky has a collection of guys

That are potentially going to go to the draft this year you know they got a European I unfortunately cannot say his name I wish I could I’m not good at names you know then they got Reed Shepard you know Antonio Reeves is a good player you know Justin Edwards was

Supposed to be the primed guy for them DJ Wagner has been uh gearing it up lately but Rob Dillingham has been the guy that’s kind of been the guy has popped in that little rotation because he’s the guy that has you know the scoring upside the microwave ability the

Playmaking has improved on every possession you know he reminds me and me and Joelle was talking about this last week you know we saw I saw a lot of Brandon Jennings Darius Garland and him Lou Williams like he has that type of speed that type of looseness with his

Handles you know some guys dribble it loose and they can get it back you know the different type of handles but I think Rob he’s interesting because I think in a regular draft he might not go top five I think because this draft lacks that star power he might be able

To go top five and in this draft it’s very different and hard to kind of find a place where a guard like that can go somewhere and can just do his thing you know Darius Garland love him to death he kind of got lucky Cleveland didn’t have

A point guard you know he went there you know he had one of the worst rookie Seasons we’ve seen got better than next year you know but they they brought in they had Jared Allen you know they brought in Evan Moy they brought in big men’s that complimented his game which

Helped him improve of course you know so there is isn’t many and I and I tried really hard there isn’t many spots in the league that kind of really fit for Rob dingham you know I thought about the Spurs you know I think if they they

Might have two top 10 picks in case Toronto doesn’t fall that bad they might have two top 10 picks Isaiah was supposed to be the one to go in front of Rob but Rob has been gaining traction he’s the better shooter better scorer in my opinion Isaiah just has an NBA body

You know he’s much stronger’s I think he’s a little bit quicker with the ball especially in transition but Rob I think he can go to San Antonio whatever pick they have you know that could be option player with WBY playing with Deon Vel that could be good they need a point

Guard you know they need a point guard I thought of Washington but I’m really scared for any rookie that goes to Washington just because they don’t have a real Foundation over there they haven’t had any real development they they most tener player there I hope I

Said it right ten year tenure Fu [ __ ] we were close close for sure it’s Denny obia so I like and he’s young he’s he’s really really young they just paid him so I don’t I don’t know I don’t I don’t want him to go there another team I was

Thinking of was Utah they don’t have a point guard konay George has been getting minutes at the point guard spot you know and I think bringing in Rob with a team that has Lori and I think he’ll still be there next season you know they got Taylor Hendrick I don’t

Know if they’re gonna you know they’re going to keep Walker kastler they got a lot of guys there that could be a team that has been great with development has been great with putting guys in position to succeed you know Rob dham that’s a

Place that he can go to but I think Rob he’s in a he’s in a he’s definitely in a in a difficult spot because there’s places he can go there’s places he he cannot go there’s times where in this draft you know NBA is all about the situation I think Rob’s game definitely

Fits a lot of situation because he can be a microwave scorer but to be to reach that star potential that potential that really puts him in that All-Star caliber place I think s Antonio would be the place for Utah but you know shifting over because I remember we had you had a

Little conversation where you were hyping up the Knicks and then Drew was talking about the bucks he was talking about Indiana and I just found it funny that the Cavs never got into the conversation please let me talk it’s R Academy it’s you’re not invited you got

To sit down and learn buddy johathan Isaac Block M by the way I was insane what the [ __ ] what and Wy was up there King just thre one of the greatest lobs I’ve ever seen by the way the also miles Garrett won de oh okay shut up did I pick miles to

Win deep might have oh my God if I did I won um yeah but to talk about Cleveland you mentioned the Knicks as having a deep roster the Cavs have a deep roster and I think Darius Garland and Evan Mo’s injuries kind of gave them their blessing in disguise because JB bigger

Staff had to go he had to go deep into the rotation you know he had to go really deep putting in guys like Sam mirro if I’m saying his last name correctly yeah Dean Wade coming up him being a three and de player Isaac aoro developing that ball and being listen

This is no joke he’s been one of the best defenders in the League this year on the wing as a guard Defender you slap man against second unit players I’d hope so no he and he plays he he guards please don’t don’t sleep the continuity there has been there I think JB bigger

Staff he’s talked about he doesn’t like to go 10 Deep he prefers to go nine deep but with the guys that I mentioned have been playing so well you know he might have to go 10 Deep and when Garland he’s getting back he’s he’s getting his his

Reps back for sure you know dealing with an injury Mooby him being five or six from the three- Pon him getting the stroke back him being more aggressive when they come back the Cleveland Cavaliers are a dangerous team you know and I think they’re different from last

Year because you need you need adversity sometimes as a young team when Donan Mitchell got there this was a young fresh team that just just lost back-to-back games in the playin you know they lost in Brooklyn they lost the team to Brooklyn then they choked in Atlanta or at at Cleveland I forgot

Where it was but they choked against the Atlanta Hawks Trey young had a master class performance so this team is dealing with that Donovan Mitchell gets it they make the the splash move we didn’t see it coming of course Donovan Mitchell heads over to Cleveland and

This is a young fresh team with no adversity no experience kind of just going away and they kind of had a great regular season last year you know playing well Garland was well Donovan Mitchell was well jiren Allen was great was in DPL talks then they go into the

Playoffs and they kind of get their ass beat and I think that was the wakeup call they needed and even then they seen in the beginning more adversity you know Darius went down mbling went down this team was banged up in the beginning and then Donovan Mitchell just put on his

Backpack and said I’m one of the best players in the league let me remind y’all what playoff Donovan Mitchell used to look like and he went out there he improved his playmaking he’s locking down on the defensive end offensively he’s just been on the tear and I think

That’s what they needed but they also needed role players to step up I mean this team is just the adversity has only made this team better and I think the Cleveland Cavaliers are legit I think we can remember last year and and that’s why I didn’t give too much push back

When Dell said um you know last year still in your mind because I think last year can 100% be in your mind I think you can definitely look at last year the way the Knicks handled them Randle didn’t play well I believe that that series he was very much either hobbled

Or they just locked him down and the Knicks just completely destroyed them I think you can look at that and that can be a real concern but I think you can look at this team look at the role players that they have around them look at the guys that have improved okoro Sam

Nang like Max stru as a play like this team they don’t miss a single miscommunication a single coverage like they are locked in defensively on damn near every single play they are there at every moment and then our offense they know their roles and when you know your

Roles from guy one to guy 10 that makes it so much more easy on the offense vent to get to your spots uh work with the star player the only concern I have for them is how dare Garland’s going to operate you know he’s been coming back

He’s been on minutes restriction as of late has been playing up and down you know starting this year he didn’t the three ball wasn’t there but he improved in the paint as a finisher in the mid-range he’s been shooting at a elite rate this year it’s just all about that

Three ball if Darius Garland can be that number two guy for them if he can get into his game and be that complimentary piece I believe they have the role players to make the ECF I truly believe in Cleveland Cavaliers I think they’re a team that’s legit they’ve been slept on

A lot because last year is still in a lot of people’s minds but I think the Cleveland Cavaliers 1 through 10 they have a deep roster they have the collection of Shooters they have the two big man lineup that can give the Bucks trouble that can cause some trouble for

Other teams like Indiana like the Knicks and I think offensively with Donovan Mitchell playing like this if Darius Garland can figure out his role and be that complimentary to the number two guy I think the Cavaliers can go to the ECF I like it [ __ ] I like

It I like Rob dillam only reason I’m not answering is because he took a shot at me for not acknowledging them when they simply just were a list of the teams that I was going over you didn’t ackn screw you said probably the third or second best

Team in the East You could argue they’re the second best team in the East them and the Knicks been on fire bro 151 161 they have the fourth best net rating against top 10 teams only reason why he can eat me is cuz we literally just had a conversation about the Cleveland Cavaliers

Yesterday whenever we went to the basketball game I said yo bro the Cavaliers they’re here you said oh you’re back on I did we did we did we did we did cuz it took you a minute took you a minute I had to see them do it and

They were Fu they’ve lost one game in their last 15 it took you 15 well obviously we haven’t spoken about in a while but they’ve been on an insane tear yeah cuz you were done with them you thought there was no way you also did too I remember your tweets yeah I don’t

Care it do matter I’m not asking to be on the train you can’t I’m not on the train I’m just acknowledging playing well la la la [Laughter] la

Riv breaks down why he’s high on the Cavaliers this season and the ascension of Rob Dillingham.

#PickaSide #ClevelandCavaliers #RobDillingham


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