@Dallas Mavericks

How Daniel Gafford & PJ Washington’s Debut Signal Change for the Dallas Mavericks in Win vs OKC

How Daniel Gafford & PJ Washington’s Debut Signal Change for the Dallas Mavericks in Win vs OKC

On today’s show the Dallas Mavericks get a win in Daniel Gafford and PJ Washington’s debut what do we see from the new Duo and was this Mavericks win against OKC one of the best of the Season we’ll talk about that and more the league may have messed up on today’s

Lockdown MCH I’m and this is lock on Mavericks Mavericks NBA champion it’s and the M have won the game if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away and welcome you’re locked on at the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angstead media member channel manager

For the locked on podcast Network where we let it ride let it ride for the two new guys oh man thanks for being a part of the show Making lockdown Maps your first lesson to today where the best way you can help us grow the show is to listen

Every day leave a five-star review and comment anything below let me know what you saw from Daniel Gafford and PJ Washington in their first games as Dallas Mavericks curious what you guys have to say about that what you guys think about that today’s episode today is going to be brought to you by

LinkedIn LinkedIn jobs helps you find the qualified candidates that you want to talk to faster post your job for free at lockdown NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your jop for free terms and conditions apply [Applause] oh it’s a good day Saturday middle of the day went to the arena at 10: a.m. left at like four or like five the Mavericks get 146 points drop it right on the Thunder an amazing win for the Mavericks these I told you I tried to tell you if

You you subscribe to the subtext if you want text straight sent straight to your phone game reviews uh I’ll do a game like video review of all of gafford’s plays all of PJ’s plays from this one I’ll do all kinds of video review stuff subscribe to the subtext click the link

In the description or text the number in the description as well you can sign up for a 14-day free trial if you want to try it I told all the subtext people the subscribers that these games are weird these afternoon games the Mavericks seem to play well in them the Thunder don’t

Seem to play well in them I was sitting next to Ryland Styles locked on Thunder host during this game we were talking about it he was like yeah they they never win these games so but you take it you take it as a win cuz it’s not like

The Thunder played terribly the Mavs just offense was just cooking and we’ll talk about it we’ll talk about PJ Washington what he can bring we’ll talk about how the Mavs got this win with Luca Yan another 328 and N just you know nothing to write home about for

Him we’ll talk about Kyrie Irving he didn’t have to take over and didn’t have to get going until the fourth quarter and I think that’s big too there’s a reason for that but we got to start here we got to start here Daniel Gafford came out in his introductory

Press conference and was as Loose as they come he just seems like a real chill goofy guy he’s gonna fit in really well with the Mavericks but he is down for business and knows exactly what his role is knew exactly what he was going to be coming to this team after the game

Ask him about his you know he has 19 points nine rebounds four of them on the offensive end a block altered a bunch of shots too only played 17 minutes in his debut for the Mavs they didn’t want to play these guys too many minutes to

Start because they had had a wild blast 24 hours getting traded and getting here in physicals and all that and Daniel Gafford after the one after the game said I’m gonna say this a lot here I’m just picking up the trash for everybody I’m just I’m just picking it up and

Putting it back down I just need to be in the right place in the right time that’s what it’s going to be for me I just need to be in the right place in the right time the Mavs have not had a center like Daniel Gafford since they got Derek

Lively but they have not had a center since either of those two in a long time and when’s the last time they had two centers like them oh wait 2011 Tyson Chandler and Brennan Haywood that’s the last time that was it oh stop was brenon Haywood did I just

Say the wrong name that’s the last time that we saw two centers where the Mavericks uh Brendan Haywood I was right was right I get them I get him confused with Spencer hate what every once in a while the last time the Mavericks had two centers like this was then where you

Could have one in and then you take one out and bring put the other one in and you don’t really lose a whole lot on the court now Brendan Haywood and and Tyson chanler were not were not as similar as Lively and Gafford are Lively and Gafford Gafford even mentioned it before

The game at at his introductory press conference and said like yeah we’re we’re very similar players and we’re just going to bring It All 48 minutes basically and then the Mavericks can move Maxi back to a play you know a five minute stretch where we play small and

He plays the five the Mavericks Thrive when they do that but they don’t want to you don’t want to rely on that you want it as a look in a game where you need it and so now with Gafford this is what I said as soon as a trade happened you’ve

Got 48 minutes of of rebounding of Defense at the rim of lobs of all that and like he’s tenacious he throws down with Force you saw it in this game I think in this game the first time this season and maybe in a couple Seasons because they don’t they haven’t done

This in a long time I think this is the first time I’ve seen the seen Mavs fans at the AAC stand up for a standing ovation after a play for an offensive re rebound Daniel Gafford grabs an offensive rebound over a bunch of players and just grabs it gets fouled

And then everybody stands up and cheers because Daniel Gafford is screaming and like the fans really got behind him they were they were excited and hyped for him he also had the end one where he flies in out of nowhere grabs the rebound over Chad and then finishes with

Chad on his back and gets the end one and then all of a sudden he turns around and he screams at everybody and everybody stood up again and got excited he just brings exactly what the Mavericks need and he fits so well from day one against a good team now the

Thunder struggle with size because Chad is not the biggest human he is a tall human he’s one of the tallest humans ever but he’s not the biggest guy you I could probably push him off a spot right now I probably have a lot of weight on him actually and then jayen Williams the

The center or the big Jaylen Williams they don’t want to use him very very much cuz he has not he’s not been very good this season and they didn’t go get another big that’s what a lot of people were were wondering if they should do it and you know what’s weird about that

They could have gotten gaffard they’d have to piece the contracts together it would have been a little weird for them they would have had to trade some players that they didn’t really want to but they could have got him with the first round pick that the Mavs got from the

Thunder that’s what’s kind of ironic about this whole game the Mavs traded their 2028 pick swap the one that we put you know that everybody said oh this is what the Mavericks actually gave up and that’s what they you know got that’s what they sent out for Gafford they

Really sent the 2028 pick swap to the Thunder and then the Thunder sent them their 2024 first and so that’s what the Wizards got was the 2024 first from the thunder so the Thunder could have just paid for Daniel Gafford and gotten him if they wanted a backup center that added great

Size it would have been weird they already did the Gordon Hayward thing so their contracts were they didn’t have enough like loose contracts loose contracts extra contracts to just throw to try and make up for what for what gafford’s making like to to put to piece together 12 million would have been a

Little hard for them it would had to trade somebody you didn’t want to and so they didn’t do it and maybe there’s other reasons why they didn’t do it but the Mavs get get get Daniel Gafford it’s a it was amazing to watch him thinking about him and Lively like the tandem of

Them going back and forth honestly can is this a safe place can I is this C I think Daniel gafford’s going to give Lively a run for his money in the starting and closing lineups and that’s fine Lively has had no competition really with the Mavericks Maxi has not really been competition

Dwight is obviously not ran Holmes is not competition bismack biombo apparently wasn’t the Thunder signed him so that’s their answer to a backup center but I think Daniel gafford’s gonna be that good am I overreacting after one game yeah probably a little but we knew that he was going to

Bring these things like everything that we saw in this game maybe not to the level and to the effect because he was playing against small ball a couple times with the thunder so he’s not going to score 19 and N every game but everything we saw him do the lobs he

Caught from Luca those are going to be there those are going to be there always the full-court pass he caught from Luca what’s funny about the full-court pass it’s one of the first plays that he gets he catches a lot from Luca on one end

And then they get a stop on the other Luca gets the ball kicks it all the way out to Gafford who’s like has to rise up like a wide receiver in ball and catches it turns around and dunks just a huge great play and Trust from from Luca to

Throw it all the way across and to trust that Gafford will get there the funny part about that is Gafford told us in his introductory press conference he said I played one I only played one year of football I can’t remember who asked the question to to get to here he said I

Only played one year of football because I couldn’t catch and he said he had some Arkansas saying that I I couldn’t catch a barn you know or something like that it was like something different and he’s like cuz I couldn’t catch it all and so

He just stayed and then he made one of the best catches of the night when when he rose up with a you know another player on him and and caught the ball Daniel gaffer was awesome he’s a revelation he’s a game changer because adding him to Lively gives the Mavericks

Two centers that they desperately needed for a decade they have not had a single Center like either Lively or Gafford for a decade think about that Tyson Chandler in 2014 was the last time they had a center like this yeah that’s where they are coming up let’s talk about PJ Washington let’s

Talk about how the Mavericks actually got this win too I think there’s a lot of things we can get into about that and coming up today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn LinkedIn jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to faster when I have to hire I

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That uh all right Isaac let’s get into this game from PJ Washington standpoint because he was the other one that made his debut talked about Daniel gaver but PJ Washington is gonna be very important and like he might be more important than than Daniel Gafford because PJ Washington’s gonna close he’s gonna he’s

Probably going to end up starting starting and he’s going to close games for the Mavericks and the Mavs are going to need him Gafford may not always close he may not start the Mavs do need him and he’s going to add a lot to the team but PJ

Washington is going to close and he’s going to be a big deal for the Mavericks the biggest thing the best thing I saw from PJ Washington one moving his feet on defense he’s got it staying in front of Shay staying with him staying with Jaylen Williams he’s

He’s got it defensively and you can tell just looking at him and hearing him at his introductory press conference he’s got like a fire inside of him Gafford was like so loose and Goofy and like excited and happy to be with the Mavericks PJ Washington was like locked

In I want to win I’m so tired of playing on these teams like the Hornets where it’s all fun and games and we’re not trying to win for stuff and everybody’s just trying to get their own shot and looking at their Own stat I’m tired of

That and that’s what I heard from PJ Washington now he said it with his eyes and he said it with his tone he didn’t necessarily he didn’t say those words so don’t quote him on that but you can just tell that he’s ready to take that step

And he loves being in Dallas because he grew up here he was here from first grade to 10th grade he said one of his one of his teams that he played for growing up like his AE or travel team or something they had a sponsor who had

Season tickets to the Mavs right next to the maniacs and he specifically mentioned the maniacs and like that he remembers them has fond memories of going to Mavs games but he was very excited about being here he’s going to get open threes he’s going to have to

Hit those knock those down that’s going to be something to watch coming in he’s not as guaranteed of a shooter as Grant Williams was and we saw how Grant Williams went it started really well and it didn’t didn’t end that well but PJ Washington’s gonna get wide open threes

Like he hasn’t before and I think that I think that his shot will come around he went 104 from three tonight but you you can tell the shot is like is good there’s nothing wrong with it it looks good you can tell he’s confident in his shooting and that’s gonna that’s going

To come around I believe it’s very important for it for it to come around though because if he’s going to start next to Josh or Derrick Jones Jr or exm like whoever they decide to start eventually like that he’s got to be a above average shooter at that spot

Because they’ve got to get enough shooting from those two Wing players so his defense his spot up shooting will come around the other best thing I saw from him was his attack and Closeouts if he is treated as a shooter Defenders will run up to him to try

Contest his shots and he did this two or three times in this game where he puts the ball on the floor drives and then finish with a floater what a Mavs role player attacked to close out and finished with a floater at the rim three times in this game PJ

Washington did that huge like that’s just such a big development and that’s honestly that his ability to move his feet his wingspan his dependability and all that is why he’s the upgrade over Grant Williams you already saw it in this game he didn’t give you a ton production wise 14 points five boards

One assist a steal he was a plus 24 he went to the free throw line once like he didn’t give you a ton of production he’s not he’s not going to you you’re not expecting him to average 25 a game you’re not expecting him to average 10 rebounds a game he’s got to

Fill in and he’s got to take advantage of some of the opportunities given to him when Luca and Kyrie get double teamed when they get extra attention on them I think PJ Washington’s so important for this team he fits really well too you can just tell that he fits with this

Team already and I’m excited for him wasn’t as EXC like as as loud and as bold of a debut as Daniel Gafford Daniel Gafford was just like oh my gosh the Mavs finally have this Center and they were playing against a team that played really small but PJ Washington did

Really good things in this game and I’m very excited to see how he fits going forward and sliding him into that starting spot is going to make Derrick Jones Jr coming off the bench look much better for the Mavericks Josh Green not having to guard those bigger wings as

Often that’s going to be great for him like it’s just going to put everybody into their place a little bit better now the maps and now with PJ Washington you have a guy that can score 20 on any given night any given night he

Could go out and score 20 he could hit a bunch of Threes he could attack Closeouts he could be available like he he had a cut and he dunked on a play in this one because he was taking advantage of good ball movement from the Mavericks

Which is is wild that it happened like a really great ball movement play happened the first night of these guys playing together but with PJ Washington Tim Hardaway Jr maybe Josh Green Derrick Jones Jr maybe Jaden Hardy like you all of a sudden have a bunch of I guess

Gafford and Lively both count for this too you all of a sudden have guys that can score 20 on a given night and you really need that and that’s what you need in today’s NBA man loved what I saw from PJ Washington it’s I think it’s only going

To get better for him The Gafford stuff I I don’t know that it gets is better than this because man he he was so good I hope I hope it continues to be as good as this how about I put it that way those debuts were awesome you love to

See it you love to see what those guys bring to the table the Mavs got this win though because they scored 47 points in the first quarter a Mavs franchise record and they did it by only taking seven threes that is why they took 10 threes

In the second quarter they took 11 in the third quarter and they took 10 in the fourth quarter the the quarter that they scored the most points in they took the least amount of Threes who is this team well this team is different because now they have options and now they don’t

Have to just rely on the three or nothing because they’re always going to have a lob verticality threat at The Rim between Lively and Gafford Gafford was massive in that first quarter he only played five minutes but he had eight points he had two rebounds and he was just always an

Option down down the court and you just love to see that he was he had gravity with his rolling you also have guys that can you know like Luca’s gonna have some spacing and L with with that verticality Luke like you can’t leave Gafford to go and

Double Luca because the lob is right there and Gafford can catch it from anywhere that’s huge part part of that and they’re gonna have Lively back soon and Gafford and Lively together not playing at the same time they’re not going to do that I’ve seen several

People ask me if those two can play together they cannot it’s not going to happen it’ll never happen but with both of those guys on the court at any time you’re always going to have that kind of a verticality threat that’s awesome they need that

Then all of a sudden you have you know then you still you still have the three-point Shooters you got Tim Hardaway you got Josh Green PJ Washington fits in as one uh Kyrie or Luca depending on who has the ball and who doesn’t Jaden Hardy you’ve still got

Those Shooters obviously that you still had before but now I think you have a couple more Cutters than than what you had before you’ve got you Josh is a good cutter drik Jones Jr’s a good cutter PJ Washington good cutter now you have three of those guys now all of a sudden

And Kyrie Kyrie is actually a good cutter too you’ve got those guys that Luca can find that will find their way into the paint somewhere where the team is all worried about the pick and roll with Luca and Gafford or Luca and Lively and then all of a sudden they you

Know Josh or Derrick Jones Jr or PJ Washington cut behind them and all of a sudden they get right there at the rim you’ve got so many options and then you’ve got Luca and Kyrie they could just make their own shot whenever you’ve got all four of those things where you

Can hit at certain levels and now you got a couple guys that can attack Closeouts too so it’s not just them as Shooters and them as Cutters it’s them as attackers Josh Green can attack a close out Derrik Jones Jr can attack a close out PJ Washington can attack a closeout

Obviously Luca and Kyrie can both attack Closeouts Maxi has actually attacked Closeouts this season all of a sudden this Maverick’s team has added some more just by adding these two players in a game like this all of a sudden their offense just looks more versal you’ve got more options because

You’ve got more guys that are that you always have somebody on the floor there’s there’s not as many one-dimensional players as they’d had before I would say Tim is kind of still onedimensional Dwight is definitely still onedimensional he didn’t even play until uh he didn’t even play until garbage

Time in this one the Dwight po minutes are done goggles Dwight he’s out unless unless Lively or gav are out and even then Dwight didn’t play in any meaningful minutes tonight the Dwight pal minutes are done I’m sorry we may have to end the the Canadian tourism segment with slightly on post

Games but just by adding these two players the Mavs add a ton of versati vers versatility versatility to their offense I think their defense is going to get better it’s going to take a minute for it but I didn’t think their defense was that bad it was good in the

Second half to to hold the Thunder to 20 under 30 points is I think a win for for this Mavs team man a really great win for the Mavs overall there was some you know some Wild Things Luca in the first quarter had a and one where he jumped up at The

Rim spun did like a 180 and his back was turned to the basket flipped the ball up over his head he couldn’t even see the basket just flipped it up over his head it went in off the bank got the N1 an insane play from Luca and he just looked

Like he was having fun and you know what I should mentioned this about Daniel Gafford Luca loves Daniel gaffard loves him what did he say after the trade this is the type of backup center that I’ve been wanting on this team for three years go look it up go watch his post

Was it the post Nicks game presser he said this is the type of backup center I’ve been asking for for three years or I’ve been wanting for three years if you’re Dwight pal you feel some kind of way about that statement but he’s right this is the type of Center

He’s wanted I asked gaffard about that after the game I said what is it like to have Luca say that about you and as soon as I said the type of backup center that he’s wanted for three years his gafford’s face like lit up because he knew exactly what I was referencing and

He said you know what if a guy like that that’s an insane like you know one of the best players in the world says that about a guy like me that’s an amazing feeling that’s humility right there too Gafford knows exactly his role he’s not

Trying to be more than his role how many bigs have the Mavericks brought in that want to play more than what their role is chop wood carry water chop wood carry water that’s Kyrie’s saying but it goes It goes for these Mavs role players they all know

What their roles are they’re filling in you love it you love to see it Luca loves Daniel Gafford and throughout the game Luca was cheered on when everybody stood up for that offensive rebound that I mentioned earlier who was the the one clapping on the court and like excited

And cheer like excited and happy that the MAV Mavs fans acknowledged his offensive rebound LCA donic watch that play Gafford gets the offensive rebound everybody stands up and Luca is clapping and like looking around looking around at all the the stands and the crowd and like yeah everybody be excited about

This this is great he’s very happy he likes this he likes what he likes what the Maverick added that’s why you give up draft picks who cares you’ve got to go in now and these guys are both 25 the maps could have these guys on the team for another like

Five years six six years I’ve already seen some people on Twitter say that they wish gav would be like gav’s got to be a m a Maverick for life we did that with d we did that with Doran Vin Smith I’ll never I’ll never declare that again just hurts too

Much great great win especially against this OKC team they were all pretty much healthy they don’t have Gordon Hayward but they haven’t had Gordon Hayward the whole year this is a great win for the Mavericks SGA 25 points but he’s averaging like 30 something a game so

They held him only took 16 shots he was N9 of 16 only went to the free throw line eight times which is an only because he goes to the free throw line a lot they contained him he was a minus 31 Josh giddy is awful Chad only played 22 minutes in this

Game right yeah 22 minutes he had four fouls but he had 13 and he 13 points 12 boards and the Thunder went small and the Mavs can take advantage of teams that play small against them now the Mavs have centers Center is going to be a strength get

That get that into your Mavs fan skull it’s going to be a strength for them that’s going to be a wild thing to think about all of a sudden we’re going to be like man this Mavs team is huge because they’ve got Lively and then Gaff keeps keeps coming and then Maxi is

Going to play the four PJ Washington 72 wingspan playing the four and pach can play the three sometimes they played three with maxi at the four and Gafford Lively at the five you can play that if you want if you need to get even bigger then throw Luca out there Derrick

Jones Jr that can be a lineup Luca Derrick Jones Jr uh PJ Washington Maxi and a center you could do that did I Nam six players no I Nam five right yeah you can do that and and that’s a huge line everybody over 66 honestly the only players under yeah

It’s they’re just great moves the only player under 65 that actually plays is Kyrie anyway now that Seth Curry is is out and now the Mavericks have gotten a little bit bigger at each position they seem like a more complete team I’m curious to see what it looks like with

Lively and I think the Mavericks have I think they’ve got something here if they can stay healthy I think all of a sudden this team gets very very dangerous and I think this team can all of a sudden start to climb the standings in the last half of the year next two

Games they have the Wizards on Monday and the Spurs on Wednesday those should be wins the Wizards don’t have any bigs anymore and Gafford is gonna go at them Luca is Luca and Gafford are gonna destroy the Wizards and then the Spurs with wanyama

I hope Lively is back by then and I hope he outplays him again because that was fun and then you have the All-Star break and so if the Mavs get two more wins going into the All-Star break all of a sudden you’re on a six game win streak

Going into the All-Star break you got your two guys you’ve got to figure out and then you come back against the Suns Thursday the 22nd I’m excited about that one that’s that’s gonna be a fun game coming back everybody’s going to be ready to go rested I’m excited there you go let me

Know in the comments section what stood out to you about this game with Gafford and PJ Washington what you think about them I’ll be back tomorrow with Reggie as well talking about this team what saw I was sitting next to Reggie as well talking about this team the whole time

So we’ll be back tomorrow with that and then the Wizards game on Monday guys thanks so much for listening to locked on Mavs peace out Boom

The Dallas Mavericks got a big win against the Oklahoma City Thunder; Daniel Gafford connected with Luka Doncic early, PJ Washington stood out, and Kyrie Irving closed.

Nick Angstadt @LockedOnNBA explains how Daniel Gafford & PJ Washington Jr. showed signs of change for the Dallas Mavericks in their win over the Thunder.

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  1. I smell championship for the Mavs now. It feels so good to be a Mavs fan. Thrashing out OKC is a pretty good statement.

  2. I think it will also help now if anyone try to bully doncic around … what Marcus Morris did his BS ain't gonna work now, PJ and Gafford would act like enforcers too! Jordan always had them, now nice to see Doncic get some, no more dirty plays on doncic

  3. Woooow what a game!
    Btw is it only me, or does Maxi looks like a man reborn?😍
    And daaaamn, couldn’t wish for a better debut from PJ and Gafford!

  4. Nico: "What if we added two even newer players who have even more zing and pep?"

    Mark: "Now we're cooking."

  5. We get to play PFs as PFs now. Got to play some actual small ball too with maxi, pj, djj and luka. Not that stupid 4 guard lineup.
    It really seems like things fall in their right place now with the roster. Win or lose at least get to compete

  6. The way PJ was attacking closeouts and either shooting or kicking out will open wrinkles in this offense that we haven’t seen before. He had a drive and kick to Jones – then Jones ALSO drove on his closeout leading to a bounce pass dish right back to PJ at the hoop for an uncontested layup. We will be able to carve up defenses of any size. And the added length on defense means more transition. Gafford/Lively for all 48 is going to look tough. Things are definitely looking up 😎

  7. Simply put, Gafford is what McGee was supposed to be for us at center. Looking at this team now, when healthy, we have a legit backup at every position. When you have Luka and Kyrie leading that charge you can see a deep run in the playoffs most definitely.

  8. Hopefully they only get better as time goes. PJ and Gafford bring in much more versatility which is not only great to offload pressure from Kyrie, Luka or Lively… but also offloads pressure from players like Kleber or Green because now they can focus on less stuff.

    We've said it a million times but I honestly believe health is the only thing that can get in the way of a deep play off run.

  9. If Luka requests a trade in 25 or something the Mavs will probably get sufficient picks and players to rebuild. It was totally the right call

  10. Watching Doncic leaving Giddey open and straight up not even bothering to contest his shots will never stop being fun 😂

  11. Dont jump the gun yet. Grant Williams also looked great in the beginning. Anyway its looks promising and the fact that alone that Dwight Powell will get less minutes after years will make a big difference haha

  12. I was very wrong in thinking Mavs do not have real possibilities, I underestimated the front office. As soon as they pulled these two moves off, I had a feeling it would immediately change the team outlook. It is exactly what they needed, offensively, defensively and on the glass, which has been an open wound this season. These two guys make for a completely different team down the line. Huge props to the front office, they did a really, really good job acquiring complementary pieces with very limited capital to work with.

  13. So we all gave them a standing ovation when they came on the court but yea what they were doing today was sooooo amazing. I can’t believe how much this team changed with just two dudes but this team flows better instead of having Grant Williams out there

  14. I really think we are making a run now and I think we can beat Denver now. Now this extra spot I want them to either go get Morris brother if Kyle Lowry doesn’t want to come here because I don’t trust Jayden Hardy defensively. He’s a problem but I believe in another year or two will be great but he still needs to cook and learn.

    I think this team will go all the way OR has the ability to go all the way and with Luka anything is possible.

  15. It will be important that these new guys keep that looseness and fire so that they continue to provide what they did today. Keep in mind, none of them every played on winning teams where you are expected to bring it EVERY night

  16. Satring:
    PG: Luka
    SG: Kyie
    SF: Josh
    PF: PJW
    C: Lively

    PG: Exun(if he return)

    SG: THJ

    SF: DJJ

    PF: Maxi

    C: Gafford
    We are the hunters now💪💪💪💪

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