
DIRTIEST Moments in The NBA

DIRTIEST Moments in The NBA

Whatever he says now you know it wasn’t his true actions then I had a ball boy threatened to kill me I’m going to stick it to everybody and shove it up their face oh there’s a swing by O’Neal and they got these are the dirtiest moments in

NBA history and first up it’s the time fans try to kill a player but interesting Paul piss somebody throws something onto the court as Brian is shooting a foul shot did a fan just throw a vodka bottle at a player man that is stupid but not as stupid as the

Dirtiest play player in NBA history see it all started with a beef between ZaZa patulia and the San Antonio Spurs po stop it pop and a foul is called and well it didn’t end there if anything it just fueled the hatred even more cuz Zaza wanted to do more than

Fingering another player Oh Danny Green pulia Green felt was doing something to him while he was on the ground yeah bro took things too far see in 2017 Hawai had a season of a lifetime that was all going to change if you add Zaza up that sneaker and get out there Leonard fires

From the corner and Leonard goes down again and he’s in pain again in front of the Spurs bench nah this man pretends he’s innocent but we all know he’s guilty he broke one of the NBA’s most precious rules Defenders aren’t allowed to jump into the landing space of an

Airborne shooter although what happened at the end of the game no one could have expected without Kawai things started to unravel quickly and the Spurs 21-point lead turned into this Curry pulls back Aldridge picks him up Curry on the drive throws it up shots bounces around and

Drop through these dudes really blew a 25o third quarter lead so max kullman decided to put Zaza on blast the reason that rule is in place is for safety and when you know that guy has that specific injury and you pay no attention to that

Rule well then you we can’t sit here and say wasn’t trying to knock him out that’s obviously a benefit to them yeah this situation was getting more heated by the many but Greg papovich was about to bring the heat to a whole new level and this particular individual has a

History with that kind of action you can go back and look at Dallas games where he got a flagrant two for elbow and Patty Mills the play where he took Kawai down and locked his arm in Dallas asked David West his current teammate how things went when Jaa was playing for

Dallas and he and David has got into it piss off coach pop and the world is ready to throw hands but it’s one thing to end a man’s season it’s another to try to end a man’s career and in 2013 Patrick Beverly attempted just that he was just a wide-eyed rookie trying to

Live up to the hype and make a name for himself and there’s no better way to make a name for yourself than against the reigning Western Conference Champs bro was it about to let OKC Coast their way to another NBA Finals my man had another idea instead so in game two

Russell Westbrook was casually driven the ball up the court when Patrick Beverly saw opportunity to make a heads up defensive play going to block the shot need to go to the front of the rim pick up that garbage and then Westbrook hobbling away Beverly went for the steal

And he actually got part of the knee of Russell W someone’s going to need a wheelbarrow to carry Patrick Beverly’s ball that hit on Westbrook was gutsy but if that’s what it was going to take to beat OKC Beverly had no regrets well that’s when doctors broke the news Russ

Tore his lateral miniscus I mean the team was supposed to be the NBA’s next big Dynasty and Beverly straight up took that from them but hold up Beverly was a rookie F should cut him some slack yeah enough with that crap I had a ball boy threatened to kill me over the Russell

Westbrook injury I go back to Houston I practice and you know this I’m my first [ __ ] year in the NBA I don’t even know what the [ __ ] going on I don’t even know you know what the magnitude is of OKC I’m just trying to win a [ __ ]

Basketball game mevin mcale goes um hey buddy just watch out for the media you know I’m going to Media yeah story has it Westbrook’s out uh out what happened yeah he TUS meniskus damn what the [ __ ] happened I don’t even know what happened right so they made the big story to play

Blah blah blah blah blah I get to OKC the next game police officers in front they put a police car in front of my house in Houston I get to the hotel I’m on the floor by myself police guy at the door I’m looking I go out in the morning

For tea or coffee like a Starbucks police guys with me they passing out papers of a young guy’s face on it like this big he threatened to kill all [ __ ] was real you think that this would scare the be Jesus out of Beverly but if anything it created a monster Beverly

Harassing Curry Beverly a very physical Defender and his called for the foul and this is what Beverly likes to do play very physical a technical foul has been called yeah this dude was going after all the point guards Steph Curry Russell Westbrook even the guys from the retirement

Home oh what I mean that’s as unsportsmanlike as it gets Patrick Beverly losing control but through it all Patrick Beverly never lost sight of his first ever foe just because he hurt Russ one once didn’t mean the job was finished off to Philadelphia tomorrow Ball’s kicked away in the floor and

Patrick Beverly who went a little low on Russell Westbrook and as we mentioned earlier these two with a little bit of History okay that’s it this dude must be suicidal or something you already know Russ wasn’t going to let him off the hook this time reconciliation between

These two seemed next to Impossible and in 2022 Patrick Beverly had established himself as the NBA’s biggest villain I mean bro had been everywhere so the question was where does he pack his bag next and surprise surprise only one team wanted him and it had to include his Nemesis Russell Westbrook playing with

LeBron James and Anthony Davis they will be playing with me yeah I made the playoffs last year they didn’t it’s a difference this dude either has the biggest ego known to mankind or he’s high as hell but if you think the king is about to take off his crown and hand

It over you’d be just as crazy this was LeBron’s team and if Beverly wanted to prolong his time in the league he was going to have to change his ways and and fast it was time to stop being Russ’s villain and start being the thing he needed most a friend hold up ain’t

Nobody told me Russ got moves like that but real talk it’s good to see these two getting along despite everything Patrick Beverly has been through and done to cause chaos he’s still a giant teddy bear on the inside but if you think Beverly is disrespectful the beef

Between MJ and Isaiah Thomas is so intense it’ll go to the Grave with them see the Bulls and the Pistons had their fair share of battles in the 88 playoffs the Pistons defeated the Bulls in just five games only the running back in ‘ 89

And defeat them in six games and at this point they must have thought it was getting boring so in 1990 the Pistons decided to humor themselves and let the Bulls make it all the way to game seven just for this to happen and Jackson said we must shoot

Well Thomas good isolation play for Jordan and Isaiah Thomas ties him up Michael Jordan appears to have Jo Mar beat but Isaiah Thomas totally leaves BJ right hippen and Jordan for Chicago isah Thomas for three so when the two teams met up in 91 the Pistons were all smiles

And laughs little did they know the Bulls were finished playing [Applause] games Michael Jordan going in the second quarter Jordan from deep do clock is at five and a very friendly particular with the situation these days in the NBA day where uh you can win it it counts yes

And you think the Pistons will congratulate them on their success instead the Pistons says screw the Chicago Bulls wasting no time and getting out of here now a timeout was called they left the Ben the 7 and9 10 seconds remaining the Pistons just left that’s when Isaiah Thomas felt the need

To clear the air no we don’t really make any apologies for that because we were beat and um you know they beat us soundly at that time we were mad we were upset and for me to sit here now and say you know we didn’t really mean it that

Would be a lie but who are we kidding MJ didn’t buy this nonsense for a second well I know it’s all [ __ ] whatever he says now you know it wasn’t his true actions then you know he’s time enough to think about it or the reaction of the public that’s kind

Of changed his perspective of it but then came 1992 that’s when their beef reached New Heights see in 1992 Michael Jordan got the chance to assemble the greatest basketball team known to mankind the Olympic dream team it featured the NBA’s biggest stars from the 1980s and ’90s but there was one

Glaring Omission from the team Isaiah Thomas so naturally everyone assumed it was Jordan’s fault based on the environment and the camaraderie that happened on that team it was best Harmony would Isaiah made a different feeling on that team yes but MJ didn’t want the world on his

Back for excluding it so he needed to cover up his tracks you want to attribute it to me go ahead be my guest but it wasn’t me there’s a reason why everyone wants to be like Mike I mean even Dylan Brooke is trying to be like

Mike cuz when it comes to trash talking dude thinks he’s the second coming of MJ it was game two of the 2023 playoffs featuring LeBron’s Lakers and the jar oh scratch that Dylan Brooks Grizzlies and despite losing game one Brooks had all the confidence in the world initially on

This hit or you’ll see it in a moment after the star down by Brooks and LeBron just wouldn’t return the favor yeah but I think um is Brooks trying to write his own eulogy I don’t respect no one until they come and give me 40 you already know LeBron wanted none of It this was all said enough to be a Legendary game three that’s if Brooks could last more than 17 seconds in the second half Brooks on on the reach connecting with LeBron’s midsection you it has been determined that the contact by Brooks to James is unnecessary and

Excessive he has been issued a flagrant foul penalty to and has been ejected from the game Wow first he’s call LeBron old and now he’s trying to give this man a vasectomy how’s Lebron going to respond this time see LeBron may have been pretending to be the bigger man but

Deep down inside you can see this man was fuming best she in life has experience I have a lot of I don’t want to talk much more uh tomorrow’s going to be a great game I’m not here for the I’m ready to play and that’s it I appreciate it when you piss

Off the king only God knows what’ll happen next cuz in game four the Grizzlies had a chance to tie the series up but once the game went into overtime LeBron turned into a man possessed and with the game on the line LeBron finally got his chance at Revenge proving once

And for all he’s the greatest player of this generation he wanted James he gets him James drives James is f and one well LeBron James has settled for some tough shots but when they needed it most but Brooks wasn’t willing to swallow his Humble Pie so LeBron and AD forced The

Humble Pie down his throat instead I weathering the storm of the emotion the energy and the craft look at ad get it out of here and it was at this moment that the entire world knew this series was over but that would soon be the least of Brooks concerns now the

Question was is bro signing with the Shanghai sharks or retiring and the theories weren’t far off he joined the gangdong dragons aka the Houston Rockets and that’s when this happened the Memphis Grizzlies told Dylan Brooks you will not be returning under any circumstances I know exactly what

Happened you get a little bit of money you start feeling yourself you get some ice you start feeling yourself you play with John Morant you feeling yourself and a lot of times when you feel yourself you forget about yourself and then he didn’t play well enough to be

Acting like that that so now he’s either going to be out The League or he going to have to check himself before he wreck himself out The League you will go as far as to say out The League yeah he’s not athletic he ain’t jumping out the

Gym and his jumper ain’t like that I’ve seen a lot of memes they say him and Dwight going to be dominating in Taiwan next year lesson learned LeBron always gets the last laugh but I can’t say the same about Giannis see on December 13th 20123 Giannis played a game he would

Never forget point after Point dunk after dunk jannis was beating the living [ __ ] out of the Pacers a career-high 64 points the most in franchise history but the Pacers started cooking up some ideas of their own out of Kentucky Oscar sheway and with this sub you could tell

Giannis and the nases knew something was up cuz with one play Giannis went from Iconic to overlooked that wasn’t just any normal point that was the first ever point for the rookie which only meant one thing Giannis losing his [ __ ] and his game ball that point caused so much

Much frustration for Giannis he was ready to tear the whole stadium down there is Yannis Yannis going to the locker room I heard it had may have something to do with the game ball Giannis wants the game ball and I think the assistant coach for the paces

Maybe make sure he’s going to get it this is just you know too much extracurricular stuff going on with the potential for it to escalate into something else and it all could have been prevented if the Pacers just came to the senses and started Oscar sheway sooner it was Oscar she’s first NBA

Official NBA point so we always get the game ball we were not thinking about giannis’s franchise record come on man So eventually the Pacers knew what needed to be done um can you confirm that you have the game ball from tonight I have no idea I’m not going to lie I have no

Idea I I don’t know you know I really don’t know I don’t know I have a ball but I don’t know if it’s a game ball it doesn’t feel like the game ball to me but if Yiannis is willing to get so mad over a game ball do we really know this

Man’s character and the same could be said about the chuckster you may think you know Charles Barkley but deep down none of us do this dude makes jokes about San Antonio women and gets into childish fights with Shaq he may be a Hall of Famer but getting there hasn’t

Been easy playing with a chip on your shoulder has been the one thing that’s gotten him where he is today and you’ll never guess why the chuckster got that chip when I first got to the NBA I was angry you know I was angry at Miss Gomez

Miss Gomez is my high school Spanish teacher whose class youed and you didn’t graduate I flunked that and and I didn’t get to graduate I had to go to summer school so I hated Miss Gomez heck I’d be pretty pissed too and then if ruining this dude’s summer wasn’t bad enough his

Family made the situation 10 times worse but he flew from California to Alabama to see me graduate and I flun my Spanish exam so you didn’t get to walk the stage I did not get to walk but I stood there for two hour or like an hour and a half

And just watched everybody graduate and I cried the whole time and then I made up my mind that night I’m going to get all these people back and so when that relationship went South Barkley pledged himself that he would never take any crap again tell to myself this the last

Time I’m ever going to let anybody control my life I’m going to stick it to miss Gomez I’m going stick it to my dad I’m going stick to my high school I’m going to stick it to everybody and shove it up their face out with the old

Charles barkle in with the new people all with the bad boy Pistons got in the Beast with players no one dared to fight this dude was going off the rails that’s when he did something in 1991 he could never take back because some fans weren’t just giving him crap they were

Shotting racist remarks at him so he went over and showed him who was really boss but this turned out to be a huge mistake the chuckster meant to spit on fans cuz this spit didn’t just land on some pathetic racist fans it also landed on an innocent girl it made him question

Everything I remember I got suspended obviously and should have and I remember sitting in the hotel room dude what the hell is wrong with you what what what what are you so angry about but changing his ways meant losing that chip on his shoulder was he really going to risk

Letting go of his baggage and turn into a softy well he soon didn’t have much of a choice so once he was traded to the Suns the chuckster decided once and for all it was time to let go you know the next couple days I sit down and I said

Okay it was a Miss Gomez’s fault you flunk Spanish let that go and then my dad I say hey it didn’t work between your mom and dad he did fly from LA to Alabama to see you graduated you big dummy didn’t graduate okay that’s on YouTube and

Letting go turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to him because The Following Season the quote unquote soft Barkley led the Suns to the NBA finals and Miller and Barkley for Miller the return F the [Applause] Barkley play all season for right here he can rest all summer Barkley scores not Marley he’s too hot he misses but look who’s there all right I’m impressed but I can’t say the same about Scotty Pippen cuz he may have cost the Bulls a championship it was game

Three of the 1994 eastn Conference Finals and with the game coming down to the wire Michael Jordan was nowhere to be found it was Pippen’s turn to save the day and hit the game winning shot there were 1.8 seconds left on the clock and the score was tied 102 a piece but

In a dramatic turn of events head coach Phil Jackson didn’t was Scotti Pippen taking the final shot rather he turned to his rookie teammate Tony CUO you said Phil Jackson is the racist I felt like that I had earned my right to take that last shot I felt like he disrespected me

At that moment Phil stuck to his ways so Pippen made an executive decision Scotty Phil just said you weren’t in because you asked sa the play yeah pretty much let’s see if Pippen regrets his decision Co for the win it’s go oh brother man hippin really messed

Up this time and it led Phil Jackson to say this how he chose not to go on the court last night for his own specific reason I put in a better passer and Pete Myers and we got the job accomplished and that’s all it matters to us right

Now but if you ask me both Phil Jackson and Scotti Pippen both made a mistake the Bulls wound up losing the series in seven games and their chemistry wouldn’t be the same until MJ returned but regarding Raj Rondo or Chris Paul the word chemistry doesn’t exist cuz in 2008

These two were at each other’s throats Chris Paul beat out Rajan Rondo for a spot on Team USA and Rondo wasn’t having it he was coming off an NBA championship whereas Paul was coming off another playoff shortcoming that’s when Rondo put the ultimate curse on CP3 and told

Him he would never win a ring but in the time since they managed to keep their be front of the rug that was until 2018 happened pretty wild matter hot now Paul oh punches a throw Paul and Rondo throwing punches angram comes in he’s throwing punches it doesn’t appear these problems are going

To be fixed anytime soon but now that this video is coming to a close it’s time to stop talking to CP3s doppelgangers and start clicking the video on the screen and if you don’t Zaza patulia is going to come out of retirement and inj your favorite player next

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  1. Beverly ran for the ball before Russell West Brook grabbed it he couldn’t stop himself like he tried, but ran into Russell

  2. 1:22 …..”defenders are not allowed to jump into the landing space of an airborne shooter”…… isnt that what the spurs always did in mid 2000’s with bruce bowen in 8 all defensive team? Such hypocricy 😂😂

  3. So Charles failed his class, and missed his graduation because of it. Then he blames his teacher for failing him? I don't get it.

  4. Lebron didn't get the last laugh when he declared himself the goat to be laughed at and ridiculed as well as corrected the Goat is and will always be MJ fall in line Lebron self proclaimed king

  5. I don't like Zaza Pachulia, but Popovich has no right to get all angry on him. He coached Bruce Lee Bowen who was the original player to perform that dirty play, among other things.

  6. As for ZaZa being the dirtiest player in NBA history…

    Have you ever heard of Bill Lambeer?🤔

  7. Isiah Thomas said that they were mad, and they acted upon their feelings. Was that a lie? What did they do? Were they all happy and therefore left the game early? That doesn't make any sense.

    Also, the Celtics did the same thing a year or a few years previous, against the pistons

  8. if you grew up watching barkley from Aubrun to the NBA you know who Charles is period he is not a role model period or did this dumbass forget that commercial when making this Chuck always gave you warning before you got taken down so what love Charles


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