@Detroit Pistons

The Detroit Pistons Trade Deadline Deals were PERFECT!

The Detroit Pistons Trade Deadline Deals were PERFECT!

Yo what’s good it’s your man 100 Grand Ross with the rock never stops the trade deadline is done it’s over with the Detroit pisson made their moves and I want to dive into it um I wanted to do this video because I think it’s important to distinguish that not every

Team is the same not every situation is the same and when you listen to most of these critics and pundits about how the trade deadline went for the Detroit Pistons is because they’re talking about it from the perspective of looking at their own team or other Playoff teams

The idea of acquiring assets meaning contracts that are movable and getting draft picks and things that allow you for this flexibility stay under the cap none of those things apply to the Detroit Pistons they are incredibly far under the cap in fact they’re closer to the minimum that they have to make sure

That they make in terms of contracts given out on top of that they have too many young players they’ve already been trying to get rid of them so they don’t need any more draft picks they don’t need first rounders besides this is not even a deep

Draft this is not a highend draft where you have potential allars like anybody who becomes an Allstar in this draft it’s like oh okay oh okay I got it okay you didn’t really see that coming right you’re going to have a random guy who maybe elevates but it’s going to be

Random more than likely whatever draft pick y’all think that they should have gotten for boan BD was going to be for this draft in 2024 and you’re going to end up with another Isaiah livers you’re going to end up with another Marvin bagle thei you’re going to end up with

Another uh who else got sent out Killian Hayes Kevin Knox these are the type of talents that you’re going to pick up in the first round of this draft and you don’t need any more young guys to have to figure out to send down to the G

League to see if they can work their way up see if they can contribute to see if they can figure it out that’s going to add to a team that’s still dribbling the ball off their foot so when you hear a lot of people saying oh they could have got could have

Got a first rounder last season if they had traded buan bogdanovich do you see did y’all see this last game against the Portland Trailblazers do y’all remember what they looked like before buan bogdanovich got back from his injuries at the beginning of the Season how bad they looked how

Really they looked really bad and this game against Portland was a reminder of that they needed those veterans they needed them just to play okay NBA level basketball not playoff level not even play in but respectable have a chance and most importantly having the support that actually allows your young

Talented players to have an opportunity to develop because you don’t develop when you’re not playing winning basketball and when you’re playing out of position and out of order it’s no good for you this free agency was about trimming the fat and replacing those veterans who

Were far past the prime mid to late 30s right Burks bogdanovich and replacing them with guys who could play their role but who are younger Quinton Grimes fono essentially are Alec Burks and bogdanovich’s replacements and their job is to maintain the stability of this roster to maintain the stability of the

Offense to make sure that there’s enough depth to hold guys accountable and not have them have to play minutes that they’re not ready for so that as they’re growing and learning they actually have the floor balance and guys who can cover for some of their weaknesses that’s what they’re there

For that’s why you have Mike m SCH is still on this team and so before you guys start assessing and saying oh we did terrible we did terrible you’re already a bad team You Got Talent yes totally but you’re a bad team and you’re trying to figure yourselves out you’re not trying

To acquire more assets you’re not a playoff team you’re not the Orlando Magic you’re not the Oklahoma City Thunder you’re not even the Atlanta Hawks you don’t have a who’s made an All-Star game yet you don’t have an all NBA guy you don’t have the validated guy

Yet so this trade deadline I give him a b you did what you were supposed to do you made sure that you brought in The Replacements for the older vets who also if you understand NBA basketball the Detroit Pistons did them a solid by releasing galinari by releasing Killian Hayes

By releasing the guys who didn’t want to be here for this rebuild giving them an opportunity to play someplace where they can win because they played extremely hard for you even though they knew it wasn’t winning and you reward that because that allows you to attract your agents

Knowing that you’re going to do right by them not sending them to a Charlotte to get more assets and I know some people were like oh killing a look he got released because nobody wanted to pick up a $10 million player option and so nobody was making any deals for

Him so they did him a solid in a contract year and they just released him and allowed another team to pick him up for either a vet minimum or not a vet minimum but a minimum deal and he can have opportunity to pick and choose and have an opportunity to

Play to stay in the league because I think he’s an NBA player they just had moved on from him and this was a part of trimming the fat so as I assess this please keep in mind where the Detroit Pistons are at not where you think they’re at or where

You want them to be all right I’m done with the video If you enjoyed it smash the like button hit subscribe and the bell for notifications it was a long night came home to watch the Portland game probably shouldn’t have done it cuz that was ugly check out the other

Video for my download on that peace


  1. I’m happy my Pistons made the moves necessary and trimmed the fat needed! Grimes is a good pickup and have previous experience playing with Marcus Sasser from their college days in Houston. Killian Hayes is a solid player but needed to have another opportunity to flourish. Pistons will be better at least the rest of this season. We can’t blame Troy Weaver for any shortcomings of the roster as I know he wants to have the team succeed but there are others in the front office that I believe don’t see his vision to restore the franchise. Agree 100% with everything you said! Well done bro

  2. They finally constructing a team of played that can play with our core 4. This could be the start of something historic for the Pistons. Once we get better, and win another championship it will be because of our core 4. There will be no Superstars signing with Detroit to help us win we gonna ride, or die with who we got.

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