@Houston Rockets

Should we trade Sengun for Christian Wood and a SRP ?

Should we trade Sengun for Christian Wood and a SRP ?

by Meret123


  1. In what universe? What did you smoke honestly?
    I get no body has to like Sengun particularly or any player. But give respect to players when it’s due.
    Have you look at the first 3 seasons of these players? Sengun triples in very metric except 3p %
    If you look at sengun 3 season average and Woods best 3 seasons, Sengun tops that too.

  2. lambopanda

    We should also trade Jalen and all Nets pick for Poole while we at it.

  3. AnyEstablishment5723

    True because Clint Capela was clamping up guards back in his Houston days, like duh he’s a center not a lot of guys can guard the perimeter and paint well, especially not centers. I stg these dudes are just hyper casual or just straight up racist because these same guys who hate Sengun never criticize Bari or Jalen for bad defense or bad shooting or anything like that.

  4. Rockets7629

    There isn’t a player in this league I would trade sengun for


    Christian Wood has played 7.5 seasons and not once has he had a positive DBPM.

    Alperen Sengun has played 2.5 season and not once has he had a negative DBPM.

    Sengun also has a higher DWS thru half of this season than Wood has ever had in a full season.

    That’s just defense. Sengun’s offense this season – as a 21 year old – is better than any offensive season Wood has ever had.

    What a ridiculous comment lol.

  6. Since many people can’t tell, I’m making fun of them.

  7. SilentControlGuy

    Sengun injured his back several matches ago. Since then, his back pain has steadily increased. Finally, in the last Raptors game, the injury became apparent. So the sun has risen for Sengun haters. Let them keep speaking. When Sengun recovers and returns, he will silence them all.

  8. Few_Mulberry5372

    Lol checks out that they’re Jalen Green stans

    I don’t take these accounts seriously. They genuinely root for our players to fail to prop up their guy. And the Sengun stans are just as bad btw its not just Jalen’s

  9. ConsistentCaramel493

    Only if they include every second round pick, into perpetuity. (Also still no)

  10. Bayou City Spaceship needs to fly to Poochy’s home planet, man!

  11. Kaaalesaaalad

    We should trade you turkey boys for any other type of fan.

  12. These are the people call you fanatic Sengun stan, just because you want offense run through him(which worked) or criticize Jalen without even cussing him.

    It’s fair to criticize, but if you think Sengun is Christian Wood just because a few bad games lately, then you just don’t watch the games, it’s impossible to say that by seeing his huge improvment in every metric, it’s just unfair.

    I never saw those type of takes in reddit until lately, I guess they’re coming from clutchfans.

  13. Lanky-Specialist-537

    said the stans of a player who has no idea how to use a screen in offense-basketball 101

  14. Caesar2122

    The second account has some of the dumbest takes ive ever seen on Twitter. Biggest moron

  15. Typical-Presence-865

    I’m convinced that that’s just 1 guy who has way too much freetime and decided to make 2 fake accounts to say some bullshit

  16. Mfs be watching the wrong team Rocket😭😭😭

  17. “You can’t say X here” <– People with awful opinions

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