@Golden State Warriors

Stephen Curry & The Golden State Warriors Are Just Unfair

Stephen Curry & The Golden State Warriors Are Just Unfair

All time all time great the greatest ever in this position top five ever you know so you give him a look like that for the game he is licking his chops I’ve heard the duo of Stephen Curry and Jonathan kaminga can’t win oh my goodness come on 6 for six I don’t

Know what went into that process yet here we are efficiency oh kaminga nice move splits the defense and throws it down backto back games picks up where everybody else left off oh steps five for five backto back nights backto back blowouts then backto backto back wins

Curry comes free gets the ball puts up a three- pter bang Steph Curry Nails the three-pointer with 7 TS of a second remaining 63s in just the first quarter I wouldn’t be shocked if Adam Silver had Curry tested and it came back that this man isn’t even human because what at

This point anyone who knows anything about NBA basketball and bet against the Warriors are simply in denial of what we’re witnessing ladies and gentlemen the energy has shifted hey what’s happening everyone this is Swiss culture the last thing the NBA wanted was Stephen Curry getting any kind of help

From a second option because a rebirth of the Golden State Warriors would be traumatic for Some let’s have a look at what the Warriors have done recently and why the rest of the NBA should be terrified of this team just don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to switch culture for the most analytical and entertaining NBA content on the planet Planet so get

Ready you’re about to get [Applause] Swit it was a cold night in Philly and for the 76ers it was about to get even colder just over a week prior the Sixers showed up to chase Center licky split took their lickings and went home to lick their wounds hoping to split the season series unfortunately in that last

Game jool embid further exacerbated a sore knee resulting in an injury that required surgery as of right now there is no timeline on Joel’s return but if the Sixers wanted to have any hope of competing in the playoffs they’ll need Joel back ASAP the team is three and

Seven in their last 10 games having lost their last three in a row while in beid was with the Sixers when they played Golden State Maxi was unavailable this time around in Philly Maxi would be back in the Sixers starting lineup while ID continues to recover coming off a win

Over the Brooklyn Nets the Warriors young players look to secure minutes on a roster that’s harder to break through than Guantanamo Bay and if you don’t think that’s hard ask harn Kumar what they had to do to leave what about that they just got there Big Bob’s taking

Care of them Big B big ball hope you like Hey listen guys enjoy holy I’m Big Bob The Warriors ran what is now their new go-to lineup Steph Klay Wiggins kaminga and Draymond Green at the beginning of the season I stated that kaminga could be a starter by the

Time we get Midway through the season I also stated that he wouldn’t be able to get that role over Dre or Wiggins however the one weakness in the Warriors lineup would be that Five Spot Kavon Looney 3 months later Kavon Looney is out of the starting lineup Dre moves to

The five and kaminga slots in at the four whenever pods has replaced clay in this lineup it has been functionally the most devastating lineup the Warriors could put on the floor on any given night for the foreseeable future however that spot remains with Clay things were

A little slow to get going in the first quarter I mean really slow both teams laid enough bricks to build a pyramid that would make the ones in Giza look like sand castles have a look at this chart the white dots are the misses and the

Colored dots or I mean the black and blue dots are the made baskets Philly had literally nothing but dunks and layups in the first quarter meanwhile the Warriors courtesy of shich managed to make a single three near the end of the quarter notably Steve Curry used a

Challenge early on here in the first quarter to win possession after turned the ball over and the refs missed the call or was it in intentional I mean really after they wiped away a curry triple on a four-point play that was challenged I can’t put anything past the refs at the

Time curry made the shot that one made basket was 25% of the Warriors points wiped away an Ever So slight motion of Steph Curry’s legs caused the refs to call an offensive foul now what the ref didn’t take into account was that illegal contact by the defender was

Imminent Steph Curry kicked his leg out so that the defender didn’t land on his leg which could have caused injury so either Steph Curry saved his ankles or he gets an offensive foul the Warriors ended the quarter with 15 points and down by seven to the Sixers the second

Quarter was a completely different game The Warriors were able to find a rhythm primarily through Jonathan kaminga who continues to improve his passing ability finding clay pods Looney and Lester some good looks at The Rim sprinkle this in with JK’s Unstoppable scoring ability and you quickly see why the war Warriors

Screamed all the way up to a three-point lead at the half Maxi made a step back 27f footer and his clay instincts took over the next two possessions would see Maxi fire up the Brick Oven sorry Maxi but that’s not how you cook as if the 10-point margin of

Victory in the second quarter wasn’t enough the Warriors proceeded to make a statement in the third the lethal Wing combo of Wiggins and kaminga was on full display as the dubs punished the Sixers inside and outside kaminga slashed while w get smashed and cashed Klay Thompson kept it cool while splashing threes and

Twos the overwhelming power of the Warriors Wings send them soaring to a massive 30-point Gap that would make even Michael Strahan proud Nick nurse had seen enough and wave the White Flag sending in the reserves Les did finish as the fourth highest scorer with 13 points and four assists in his 24

Minutes against the Sixers kaminga Wiggins and Thompson however all made it happen for Golden State finishing with 18 21 and 18 points respectively meanwhile Andrew Wiggins came up with a double double while kaminga tied pods or I mean equal pods to lead the team with five assists while only turning the ball

Over once the dubs finished off the Sixers 127 to 104 with the next matchup in less than 24 hours Curry finished in the single digits after a rough shooting night and you could tell he was disappointed the Pacers would be the toughest challenge yet on this road tour

The team had been pressured to trade kaminga for cakam and tonight both players would be matched up against each other but rarely does Steph Curry ever follow up a bad shooting night with anything less than something spectacular and the chef did not disappoint with the hottest start to a game this season

Steph lit up the Pacers for six first quarter threes hitting on every single attempt and these weren’t just your average open threes these were hand in his face Curry out of the corner yes sir lateral takedowns Step Curry’s amazing too hitting another and even through four hands that’s more than twice the amount

It takes some of the greatest Shooters to give it up I mean really the correct play is to pass out of a double team when you’re Steph Curry though One does not simply pass out of a double team Steph Curry led the Warriors to an Indiana cook Fest and annihilated his

Match up with Tyrese halberton so badly it really didn’t matter what else the rest of his teammates did as long as they showed up to the game The Warriors scorched the Pacers with a 45-point first quarter and an 11-point lead there was something else that happened through

All of this however when words spread like wildfire that Steph Curry had launched an allout Nuclear Assault on the Indiana Pacers the NBA sender boys and got my live stream shut down four times so I apologize for the the lack of live streams at the moment because it

Seems they don’t want me broadcasting and commenting on the game which makes no sense but I’ll have something figur it out soon enough the Warriors cooled off in the second quarter with the second unit now the Warriors have one of the best second units this season but

That’s a lot of credit to Chris Paul considering Paul hasn’t been playing things haven’t been quite the same additionally Kerr has been going deeper and deeper into his bench and finding a ton of untapped talent talent which we’ve known about but was never given a chance to truly Blossom this unit got

Off a bit slow struggling to create any offense this gave the Pacers an advantage and allowed them to cut the lead down to within two points cerr had seen enough and with the return of the starting unit we see Stephen Curry bring back the offensive fire power that the

Warriors had in the first quarter and by the end of the first half the lead had been extended to 12 points at which point Stephen Curry had 29 Points the third quarter was a continuation of the second as the Warriors simp simply continue to bulldo the Pacers opening

The Gap to 19 points while Steph Curry and Jonathan kaminga continued to be unstoppable at the basket but we all know a 19-point lead isn’t safe in the NBA to make matters even worse the warriors were clearly not satisfied with the lead after burying the Pacers in the

Third quarter the Warriors bench of GE Santos and Lester konz took South Ben to pound town after a slam dunk by JK Santos followed up with an alley finish to bring down the house the Pacers tried to respond but GE Santos’s rack attacked forced the defense low where he

Continued to punish them from distance hitting two big threes as the fourth wore down Steph Curry was next hitting backto back triples and with 3 minutes to go Steph was pulled from the game it was clearly over and it was clear that Indiana wanted nothing more to do with

Steph Curry but wait I thought this was a playoff team and the Warriors weren’t the doubters lose again Curry finished with 42 points followed up by JK with 18 and four assists back and forth with Patrick Beverly I’m Kevin Durant you know who I am know who I

Am are they are they tilting the be unfairly criticized for what he did with the warrior for coming to the war it will it’ll that I don’t know that’ll change could change he was the best player in a series with LeBron James in it with Steph Cur he was

The finals MVP in those wins no doubt so what does he have to prove Bob Meyers just said on national TV that Kevin Durant was the best player on the floor every year that the Warriors won a championship with him KD is my guy but not only did Stephen Curry win two rings

Without KD he won one before and another after he also did this with a player of the league determined to be AB bust as his second best player a player that was so bad the Warriors received him his compensation in a sign and trade deal because KD was already leaving this

Means that the Warriors had to take scrap for that KD value not only that Steph Curry outplay KD thoroughly in 2018 one of the biggest reasons that Kevin Durant was able to put up the numbers he did during those two championships was because players would instead double Stephen Curry to make

Matters worse tyo the cast coach during those years you know the team that the Warriors beat during the same years Myers is talking about specifically said Stephen Curry was the most dangerous player out there on the floor but you don’t have to take my word for it and

He’s hard to stop you know and he’s going to score his points I just think you know the most dangerous guy over the last three finals and we’ve talked about is that Steph Curry you know he’s when he’s making shots when he’s scoring the basketball when he’s passing the

Basketball they’re unbelievable team so I think you know that’s the hit of the snake the hit of the snake the hit of the snake and you know we tried to take him away and I thought we did a good job in game four just limited him to you

Know 13 shots I just think when he’s scoring the basketball and playing free they’re really Unstoppable but wait could Myers have said this because drafting Curry isn’t on his resume but signing Kevin Durant rant is funny enough we have a game to settle this Steph Curry being the closer for the

Warriors versus KD book Beal eeny meeny miny whomever it doesn’t matter because who matter doesn’t mind and who mind doesn’t matter Kevin Durant Devin Booker and Bradley Beal were number one options on their own teams at one point in time what’s going on with him I don’t know

Personally I feel like that brother needed help this matchup was a battle from the jump the referees were locked in and at Elite performances with one technical to Draymond Green and a myriad of unnecessary calls including one that could have decided the game by giving the Suns an extra opportunity it was

Grit for grit from the G with Draymond and nerkish having a grown man’s battle that initially looked rough for Draymond to the point where Kerr had to take him out things still favored the Warriors early however as Klay Thompson was able to force some turnovers and even get out

And transition to hit a three in Rhythm unfortunately that would be it for clay for the rest of the night night to continue with the good news however the ball Movement by Golden State looked like a well-oiled machine that just came from being tuned up and they attacked the Phoenix Suns relentlessly Gary

Payton made his debut and his presence was felt all the way in Tempe fast breaks and reverse finishing lobs on your first day back from injury sheesh the first quarter ended with the dubs up by five but the Suns weren’t going to give up that easily the Suns came out

Hard against the Warriors but unfortunately for them JK had warmed up and set up a picnic table at the basket Superman’s cave might as well have been his picnic blanket because he was feasting at an elevation of 10 ft 10 toes levitated he would not be denied yet still Kevin

Durant lit the fire and somehow whenever this one guy Josh okoi faces the Warriors he turns into the most dangerous player on the planet hitting shots like this seriously he’s lucky that he even touched the backboard but somehow went went in the Suns managed to salvage the

Second quarter and go into the half down by just one the third quarter was an allout brawl draymont and nkit continued to go at each other with nurkic at one point pounding the floor in emphasis on the size difference between himself and Dre Draymond of course returned the

Favor let me say this Draymond is an absolute whiz with the basketball in his hands those fake handoffs are evolving with this simple move he draws his Defender out and quickly without skipping a Beat dribbles into a quick drive and layup before nurkic could recover his misstep on multiple

Occasions he was able to get by his man catch them slipping and take advantage before they even knew what was happening he was a nightmare match up by virtue of being too quick and too Savvy for nerkish to guard him and forget about the other end of the floor I mean this

Is Draymond we’re talking about nerk finished the night with six points six rebounds and four assists meanwhile Draymond finished with 15 points seven assists and nine rebounds all that said nerkish has a new name for Draymond daddy I’ve got just one thing to say about nerkish to end this segment though

That brother need the help the ball movement was spectacular in the third as the team continued to make plays for each other but not before Stephen Curry had one last dance with Kevin Durant a disorienting back to the rim dribble followed by a slow step back to throw

Kevin Durant off his stance which then doubled into a deep step back three in Kevin Durant’s face Curry was back on defense as KD got caught up in the moment realizing the foreshadowing of his own mortality at the hands of Wardell Stephen Curry the third quarter

Ended with both teams in Lock and it was for sure about to be a showdown in the fourth and boy was it a showdown Eric Gordon and KD came out hot but they ran into the Warriors bench this time led by pods and featuring Lester konis and Gary

Payton II suns were forced to call timeout as this Trio pummeled the Suns to start the fourth they were neck and neck as the starters returned it was a back and forth battle as both team would hit backto back baskets as we got close to the end Devin Booker started to cook

Book was going back to back to back against JK and Draymond Booker hits a two when the Suns take a two-point lead and seemingly have the momentum it looked like the warriors were about to choke away another lead with 35 seconds to go they were down for the count

Kaminga missed an opportunity to tie it and while it’s not a good look for him considering ker pulled him for clay who had only scored five points all game he’s still young and will get better in the big moments the Warriors get a stop and call timeout with 3.3 seconds left

On the clock the Warriors inbounded to Steph Curry who almost lost at his be Challenge and as Steph turned around he fired the only shot in the game that truly mattered seven left on the clock and the suns were all but done for the refs made a last ditch effort to give

The KD Le team a fighting chance after they botched the first inbound but Dre locked up KD on the second inbound and kept Slender Man from even becoming a threat the Warriors walked away with the win of the century the Warriors are now six And1 in their last seven 7 and three

In their last 10 and are tied with the Mavs for the longest win streak in the west with four big ones the dobs are also currently behind only the eighth seeds in either conference in the Lost column what does this mean this team is back baby post your thoughts in the

Comments below and let me know what you think of the warriors’s chances of winning this year’s championship if you ask me I’d be worried if I wasn’t rocking the blue and gold this season just don’t forget to like the video subscribe to the channel and turn on all

Your notifications so you don’t miss any of my latest uploads thanks for watching till next time How the play I

The Warriors are too hard to beat.


  1. Yoo swisshhhh, I know I been gone lately but I will make a return soon, and I LOVE what I am seeing from this warriors team, ironically enough, i was watching the warriors/suns game while doing work in the car and HOLLERING when steph made that shot

  2. I got one thing to say. Offense sells tickets. DEFENSE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS and they are finally beginning to play DEFENSE!!!😎

  3. Warriors were EXTREMELY lucky that Steph made that shot or they would have lost another close one. Kerr continues to make the mistake of starting Klay and Wiggins. Both of these players should come off the bench. Klay was just 2 out of 10 field goals (only 20%) and 1 out of 7 for three pointers (just 14%). And, Wiggins was a horrendous 3 out of 14 field goals (sickening 21%) and 1 of 4 for three pointers (25%). Those are sickening numbers. Every coach in the NBA knows you don't put in starters that shoot only 20-25%.
    Gary Patton, Trayce Jackson-Davi or Gui Santos should be the starters as they are all great defenders.

  4. Three reasons why the Warriors will win the Championship is for 1. For all the doubt and hate they endured . 2. People wanted key players to be traded when they weren’t playing up to standards and 3rd is in tribute for the coach they lost.

  5. Nah, they done. They just showing some glimpse of the past because they were champions. They are still an OK team but not at a championship level. Be careful when betting. 👍

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