@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Look ROUGH But Don’t Panic.

Spurs Look ROUGH But Don’t Panic.

Segment let’s make this seg we’ll talk we’ll talk about the next loss oh man oh God okay uh Spurs sucked again we lose um going on to the next one I I don’t I don’t know what to tell you look like I said I said this over and over again the expectations that

People have for the San Antonio Spurs were way too high I mean we we went over this on the channel plenty of times before it there was no reason to have your expectations this high I know that you’re getting a generational talent but I mean how many

Times in NBA history has a young kid generational or not went to a team and they they get you know even more wins or a bunch of win it doesn’t happen they they usually still a pretty bad team and that’s the whole point right you’re

Going to a bad team we got lucky with Tim Duncan Tim Duncan also was much older than wimy is right now um but he he went to a veteran team it was already established they already had the leader and Avery Johnson um or just Avery sorry I’m just that’s I’m

Upset I’m upset I’m I’m not I’m not I’m not happy with this um yeah Avery Johnson anyways um he was the leader he was like the vocal leader and then David Robinson you know was the best player but yeah I I don’t I don’t know I think

The expectations just way too high uh you couldn’t expect or you shouldn’t have expected wimy to come and just like fix all of our problems also people keep equating it to last season that’s not a good idea either last season we had veterans all right they that does make a

Huge difference all right you’re still trash but you’re you’re below mediocre I don’t know right now we’re bad bad but you know we were below mediocre um with our vets same thing you see the same thing with the the Houston Rockets right they the the fans thought that hey we

Got these vets we’re going to be winners and I was saying and a lot of other people were saying you got guys are really excited to be like mediocre to below mediocre and now it’s it’s starting to show right it takes a lot to create a winning team and you’re not

Going to be able to do it by just adding vets to a team now the I don’t want to harp on the Rockets but the Rockets had to do it okay because they have no draft capital in this upcoming season so it’s kind of like what’s what’s the point we

Might as well um but for in our in our perspective we we do have a very bright future we do have picks draft Capital we will get better we can make moves we have the cap space it’ll be fine it’s not like the Spurs are just going to sit

Back and not do anything all right I know a lot of people think that that’s not true so just as irrational as people were about how many wins we will have just as irrational about uh the Spurs not doing anything they’re going to do stuff all

Right and I know a lot of us are pretty upset with uh the trade deadline and how nothing really happened but at the same time nobody really made any trades right I I don’t like you know you can get mad about why didn’t the Spurs go after this

Player go after this player but at this point we’re just arguing and upset about us not trading for a player that wasn’t tradable like I I don’t I don’t know what to I don’t know um but at the end of the day look there’s a lot of things

To take away from this game and there’s a lot of things to take away from uh just our spurs in general and I said this early in the Stream but I’ll say it again it’s very obvious that the big issue that the Spurs are coming across

Right now is the fact that they just don’t have the experience and or Talent that’s it it’s it’s as simple as that it’s either you’re not having the experience this game you don’t have the talent this game that’s it and and often times it’s both often times it’s a

Mixture of both um even if we match up pretty well with a team uh it’s it’s it’s possibly not the not the experience that we have hold on I’m turning this off there we go yeah it’s it’s one of the other it’s one or the other and and it’s

Going to continue to be this I know we can you know sit back and speculate like what if this what if that at the end of the day this is this is our team it’ll be all right though the road trip is killing wimy low key oh it’s destroying wimy wimy has not

Been the same since he got off minutes restriction but yeah it’s gotten worse that’s why I was so quick to get upset when people would say that they’re not passing whimy the ball on purpose they’re like well he’s not attempting you got to play through wimy obviously like all these just just immediate

Reaction KNE knee-jerk uh uh uh takes when it comes to the Spurs give it to wimy in the fourth quarter and it’s like wait couldn’t there be something else maybe it’s not the fact that they’re just ignoring them or uh they they have some malice towards wimy maybe just

Maybe wimy is winded and his teammates know that and he communicated that and the coaching staff knows that so you go in a different direction I don’t know what to tell you and also in a lot of those situations wimy did get pass the ball but he would turn the ball over or

He would just pass it up or it was always something he was too tired I think wimy and his allergies has made it harder on his conditioning that has that has hurt too yes he’s not used to it yeah it’s a lot of different things all I’m saying is and I’m not

Blaming wimy it’s not like I’m angry at anybody it’s just I get upset when people start to say hey they’re not giving him the ball what the f is wrong with you he’s 7 foot6 he’s he’s he’s he’s a giant just give him the ball and get out the way it’s like

Dude we’ve tried that and at one point in the season they were doing a lot of that didn’t equate to wins just equate to ugly basketball I mean we all praised the 2014 San Antonio Spurs but it’s like people refus to want to go back to that

Time the 2014 Spurs there wasn’t some like well obviously we had our Stars right um but it wasn’t like a give it to Kawai get out the way didn’t do that our finals MVP didn’t do that everybody everybody played together matter of fact hold on I want to go back

To gosh this game hold on let me on let me before I go to the 2014 stuff uh wimy wmy wimy was okay seven for 16 not not too great it’s one of those where you had to watch it okay uh he had four turnovers but it felt like 15 um soan he

Looked Gass too by the way oh he had eight points ignore that it all came at the end basically uh same thing with Julian he had two points well he hit he hit a shot it came at the end it was the last shot of the the game uh Trey Jones

Yeah he was non-existent which is kind of sad because the Brooklyn Nets were really bad at defending point guards so yeah over the last two weeks I don’t know why and Ben Simmons wasn’t really on Trey Jones like that uh Devon fael 7 for 20 I like the fact that he was

Aggressive I will say that okay he didn’t settle uh too often so I was happy about that just kind of an off shooting night um not too mad with him Zack Collins was awful I don’t know he hasn’t played in the league that long um so I won’t sit here and just

Throw that veteran label on him like that but man oh man dude you got to you got to stop complaining stop getting in your own head so fast he gets upset so quickly um so pop only played him seven minutes which probably rightfully so man

Uh uh manve for you see Don Barlo he did fine he showed a lot of hustle um played hard you can see that with his nine rebounds in 12 minutes he played tough all right he always does give this man a contract he deserves it he needs a standard contract immediately uh Osman

He was Osman Kellin Johnson had a really strong first half in which he went five for five but uh unpar the rest of the game yeah uh but hey at the end of the day it looks fine but in the game in the midst of the game it kind of fell apart uh

Brandom he wasn’t great uh Blake Wesley he was phenomenal as always okay his defense is so good I I don’t know what to say about that other than it’s it’s incredible his defense is incredible um it’s like as soon as it’s a loose ball I know he’s getting to it so anyways yep

It is what it is uh and please get rid of Devonte Graham all right maybe we can get Killian Hayes all right I want to I want to just I just want to bring up the Spurs This Spurs 2014 Finals stats let’s see what we got here I’m actually curious at how many

Attempts Kawai had in that series let’s see he 49 can we get In no I think that’s fine yeah look at this he was third you had Tony Parker with the most field goal attempts you had Tim Duncan second and kawhai third and then mono jobi basically tied with them and then you had uh Patty and Boris basically tied

With you well no Patty Boris and Danny Green basically tie it with each other um and then it goes down from there so yeah so th this is this is what the Spurs looked like okay and this was our this was our best player when it was all

Said and done I mean Tim dun was our leader but this was our best player when when it was all said and done and he took 49 um while Tim well I guess he was tied with Tim Duncan while Tony Parker took 73 also hold

On and I know that people might not like this you might not like this argument okay this is just for the people that say give wimy the ball in the last like five games where like he’s not touching the ball they never give wimy the ball let me show you

Something let me let me show you something all right if you go to Stats let’s see as far as field goal attempts oh my God is it not showing field goal oh yeah all right about 16 right all right fi field goal field goal attempts all right 16 and if we go

To the greatest San Antonio Spur of all time go why is it like this I should have went to basketball reference I Swear you see his prime let’s say 2002 three uh the most that he has Tim Duncan has uh attempted in his career was 18 so yeah he’s on par and I know that that seems I know it’s a little different cuz you know the game was slower back then yada yaada yada but

Also there’s if you go back and you look at even players of this season and how much they are averaging how many field goal attempts they’re averaging it’s right there with wimy it’s right there with wimy it’s it’s not that far off if you got chat just just throw out

A superstar just just throw out one just throw out a couple we can we can look I guarantee you it’s not that far off I feel like step one would be way far off though I’m not sure though anybody you want to throw out please watch Pistons games before you say sign

Killian oh Killian okay I’ll I’ll talk about that in a minute kawhai was a fun guy that’s actually pretty funny I’m not going to lie there’s players that don’t get the ball not because they’re ignoring him but because they miss reads and normally it’s Kellin and Julian missing the reads Luca

Did you guys like take time to like look up some players okay whatever he looks so disappointed in this photo on here I feel like LCA takes a lot of shots though let’s see still works um so you can see this year yeah Luca takes a lot of freaking shots but he’s

Luuka donic but if you go back to his rookie year he was right at 16 he was right at 16 then it bumped to 20 then he was at 20 so four more attempts five more attempts six more attempts then seven more attempts still works watching you guys argue I have no idea

What’s going on all right all right yeah that’s all I had to say was I think that a lot of people just underestimate um the direction the Spurs are going in and then they overestimate uh what what they expected this season uh it will be okay we’re fine um but it

Is hard to watch I’ll be lying if I said it wasn’t women need some rest yeah he looks absolutely exhausted he looks G F it’s ugly it’s ugly and even with that that from the outside looking in if people weren’t paying attention you know if they they don’t actually watch Spurs

Games you think that he’s still playing okay right like people you you would assume that like oh this game 7 for 16 21 point you had to actually watch it oh he had he had a block he had three okay he had you know he should have had more

Rebounds but it’s getting kind of tough for him whatever but yeah that’s all I have to say


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  1. Did we regress or were the Suns utter trash at the beginning of the season? Might have to rewatch those games

  2. Even absent of hall of famers the coach may be somewhat competent, but he is not a miracle worker. So 10-43 it is.

  3. Here is the thing. Wemby might get the ball when it comes to the numbers but he does not seem to get a quality look. Most of passes are dump off passes or last min passes that causes Wemby to force the shot. It is because we have the guys who have tunnel vision like Keldon. Not saying he does this on purpose but that's just who he is. Additionally, Wemby also looks gasses and tired as he hit the rookie wall. He, himself, turns over the ball a lot so he is still learning. Overall, the team is still learning to play with Wemby and Wemby is still figuring things out.

    Pop has stated that this is the development season so he does not seem to call out to point these things out right away. He seems OK letting the games come to them whether they are coming nicely or not. He is letting players figure out themselves while watching to see who he should keep or cut. At same time, they seem to be set on tanking to add another piece while Wemby is developing.

  4. Lol … panic, season over before it really started! Really pop was talking about wins to experiment, he needs to step down cuz they won't fire him!

  5. I drove a couple hours to see Wembanyama play in Orlando. I knew chances were slim for the Spurs to win, but I went to the game to witness the before story of a new dynasty. I had to see Wemby during his 1st year as a rookie.

  6. The expectations were for the spurs to make the play in or at least get 30 wins. Spurs not even gonna win 20 games this season. Pathetic. Only untouchable. Players are wemby and vassell.

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