@Oklahoma City Thunder

Oklahoma City Thunder vs Dallas Mavericks FULL GAME QTR Feb 10, 2024 NBA Highlights 2024

Oklahoma City Thunder vs Dallas Mavericks FULL GAME QTR Feb 10, 2024 NBA Highlights 2024

Good evening it is almost time for Mavericks basketball time this season Luca is back after being out 11 and 15 this year we did not see Josh Gideon they missed a couple of key free throws late in the game when Oklahoma City and a lot for a player in this league here’s

A draw six left to the first quarter year with the Thunder scoring average going up every year first basket because of Gil just Alexander and others more than any really score that’s cops in attack mode C catch drop yes he has you just saw that turn around

Against on the page and it’s all super defense finds Josh giddy second year to go this man left the bail out spot here’s a three LC dazzled shirt on the front row that distracted him I thought you would dodo for three cut to the basket and it was under four minutes if

You’re keeping track at home of how quick here by the player involved in that Jaylen Williams the giddy for three and good this team is going to be good one day and pal for tonight’s game now the Euro Step on a scoop to the hook here find hard up top open no good

On City and they quickly Advance it on passay it in Luca drives inside Luca got a nice P oh sh coming right back at you yeah not running off a Miss but off a make didy oh nice move this SL by 12 because they scored the first game he’s everywhere on the

Floor put it down side that BS and that’s why I’m playing and want to honor his everybody struggling from the perimeter shape another drive by Shay and this time he’s a tough [Applause] offensive for the Mavericks tonight Josh with an assist game L it goes down on defensive personal foul is now being

Reviewed to see [Applause] after replay review sh just Alexander both on the list there’s knocks Nina off the rebound and puts up a three and hits it Isaiah Joe for three when he’s been on a good streak lately eight of his last 15 on threes he just made Up CHR Joe with be kind of knock down can’t do anything sitting over on that bench got to get for nilina his first foul at the line which is insane I mean that’s good night here is Luca at the end of the quarter bumped by Robins the Mavericks up to Christmas

Uh-oh the thunder so far steps around the defense gave it to ca and he hit here’s Trey man man driving scoring nowhere to go for wood but he finds a cutting reie B Christian picked up his dribble as goes in and out on not like how was ever he he lost his

Balance against the wrong Defender I think that’s his best asset as Defender Maxi tonight in his 22nd game this year Shing two for 10 on shots in the paint tonight mid-range jumper he’s looking pretty good so far this year with the rebound and here is a thunder turn it over Drive D I

Agree three-point shot by start of the quarter Corner three pull offense then gave it up to Williams Williams going downhill then W he knocks one down for the outside but he takes it in right now he screens for den wty and there’s one fin game this year and that’s a fact

Yeah there’s no question ELO Jeremiah Robinson Earl with the pass Williams he’s ready to let a rip and get him over oh here is giddy with a nice drive and Robinson Earl pass fake then makes the pass Lake clock hard away [Applause] bll that the Pelicans had won in a game

Against and two seconds for a meaningless layup at the beginning of the week now but finy Smith an offensive rebound OPP game in the starting lineup I let that sucker go if you splits a double team gets way down deep slimy though little Cher you for sure deep down

Inside 89% of shooting fouls are called in the paint attempts to field goal attempts well since then anybody in the league nice back at the referees but I’m trying to make a point to them we’re out there attacks because they defended the paint so well in that game in Mavs

History are tied at 34 goinging the basketball well see that’s the reason why when you told blit by Luca setting out Hardway he drills for the Mavericks tonight how about 15 going downhill Runner Jaylen Williams with fourth to half court it’s Lo LCA rebound of the game for the Mavs

Tonight his voice out of a voice line now he’ll strength for Luca drive by donic gesi he missed a layup but KY follows it in good pass three and Dallas on that jumper sh he te an offensive foul the quarter on the maps now it’s gilis Alexander matters I should have known

You were thinking the better team here in the first two plus minutes of the quarter Runner jayen Mavericks as fly KN down Dort deflection D WT and it’s hard away who’s back and Williams though dribbles right around him to Pal open up some driving space for Den witty but on

The shot clock with Luca putting the ball in play po screen freeze up a switch Williams a jumper over pow a contest but good find man Luca looking over the top of the defense to the 11 and 15 on the year Mavs are 10 and four

At home Jaylen Hardy isn’t the only one who’s got the queue in gree last year and maab before that shot is good L Dort very hard drive to the B to go in the third quarter L Dort on the free throw line and here’s a people don’t get it regie Bullock and

He shoots over Shake Hill just out xer does time he drives it this time and once again native of Montreal here at Arizona St approach and toughness and aggression and fora tonight from the free throw line it’s a wonderful thing dude that’s Deep Lane my goodness you never going to shoot a three makes it 20% on threes in 10 games n and he misses the one he’s made up some ground here late in the corner nice block by Cleon an attempt by shot F by wood to hard to believe that’s his first

Basket and that’s only four tonight Forwood missed all spectacular I look in in terms of Allstar picks last time they played we were doing Ms live NBA star you know why you feel like that is because the opposing coach counters immediately after that or waits a little three-pointer no good offensive rebound

Jeremiah Robinson Earl in a difficult Spot this is on PC Robinson Earl dries inside and he grew up in the Kansas City area everybody this a basketball drive by Nina clevel up yes sir game absence due to a low back contusion and stream Mavericks have a six-point lead winding down towards 10 minutes to go right now

At attacking against the under defense he missed it here’s wood oh Rack Attack of that challenge when we come back the review the offensive foul stands as called Dallas after his Mammoth finish Dallas is in a 6 nothing R now coming and he’s still going challenge a moment ago that was

Unsuccessful for the Thunder yeah I think so they were right steering rebound review the call on the floor is overturned it is a success will be Dallas ball on the sideline at fre all prayers are answered sometimes the rebound he finds Isaiah Jo and winding down dwit recognizes it it

Christian gets the assist pass to work Luca got leveled by dor PA is control by giddy but he’s blocked by ntina to one and two L gilis Alexander he’s seventh in the league in Steels easy 13 of 13 away Hardway 79% this year averaging 13 points a game and npoint Lead Hardaway does

It putting it down and traveling Jaylen Williams against Williams now he takes it down into the Dort underneath UI lays it Corner three Around the Horn to l d Luca with six on the shot clock pounds it takes it to the basket of Gil Alex sander around the defense and Slither

Jaylen Williams bodies LCA he got into the paint again and he scores it looking for 40 points he’s got it twice against Dallas and he just stole it and slammed it game Hardaway doubled ball and two it’s Luca Luca’s triple time outs that it’s so difficult to play against them talented last defensive

Play for the Mavericks to finish good evening it is almost time for Mavericks basketball time this season Luca is back after being out 11 and 15 this year we did not see Josh Gideon they missed a couple of key free throws late in the game win Oklahoma City and a lot for a

Player in this league here’s a six left to the first quarter year with the Thunder scoring average going up every year first basket because of guilis Alexander and others more than any really score that’s Cs on Attack Mode girl catch drop yes he has you just saw that turnar around

Against on the page and it’s all super defense finds Josh giddy second year to go this man left the bail out spot here’s a three LCA dazzled shirt on the front row that distracted him I thought you would dodo for three cut to the basket and it was under four minutes if

You’re keeping track at home of how quick here by the player involved in that Jaylen Williams the giddy for three and good this team is going to be good one day and pal for tonight’s game now the Euro Step and a scoop to the hook here find hard up no good on

AOW City and they quickly Advance it on lays it in Luca drives inside Luca got a nice P oh sh coming right back at you yeah not running off a Miss but off a Make didy oh nice move this is SL by 12 CU they scored the first 12 game he’s everywhere on the floor put it down side that balls and that’s why playing and want to honor his everybody struggling from the perimeter shape another drive by Shay and this time he’s a tough [Applause]

Offensive for the Mavericks tonight joshman an assist game look it goes down on defensive personal foul is now being reviewed to see [Applause] after replay review sh just Alexander both on the list well there’s knocks Nina off the rebound and puts up a three hits it

Isaiah Joe for three when he’s been on a good streak lately eight of his last 15 on threes he just made CHR Joe with be kind of knock downo can’t do anything sitting over on that bench got to get for nilina his first foul at the line which is insane I mean

That’s good night here is Luca at the end of the quarter bumped by Robins the Mavericks up to Christmas uh-oh the thunder so far steps around the defense gave it to ca and he hit here’s Trey man man driving scoring nowhere to go for wood

But he finds a cutting reie B picked up his dribble as goes in and out on not like I was ever he he lost his balance against the wrong Defender I think that’s his best asset as Defender Maxi tonight in his 22nd game this yearing two for 10 on shots in the paint tonight mid-range jumper he’s looking pretty good so far this year with the rebound and here is a thund turn it over Drive D I

Agree three-point shot by start of the quarter Corner three pull offense then gave it up to Williams Williams going downhill then WT he knocks one down for the outside but he takes it in right now he screens for Den witty and there’s one fin game this year and that’s a fact

Yeah there’s no question ELO Jeremiah Robinson Earl with the pass Williams he’s ready to let a rip and over oh here is giddy with a nice drive and Robinson Earl pass fake then makes the pass Lake clock Hard Away [Applause] bull that the Pelicans had won game against and two seconds for a

Meaningless layup at the beginning of the week now but vny Smith an offensive [Applause] Rebound game in the starting lineup let that sucker go if you splits a double team gets way down deep swimy though little little Cher for sure deep down inside 89% of shooting fouls are called in the paint attempts to field goal attempts well since then anybody in the

League nice back at the referees but I’m trying to make a point to them we’re out there attack because they defended the paint so well in that game in Mavs history are tied at 34 going the basketball well see that’s the reason why when you talk blit by Luca setting

Out Hardway he drills for the Mavericks tonight how about 15 going downhill Runner Jaylen Williams with fourth to half court it’s Lo laa rebound of the game for the Mavs tonight voice out of a voice L now he’ll scen for LCA drive by donic gesi he missed a layup but Kitty follows it

In good pass three and Dallas on that jumper sh Hil te an offensive foul the quarter on the maps now it’s gilis Alexander matters I should have known you were thinking the better team here in the first two plus minutes of the quarter Runner jayen Mavericks as fly KN it

Down Dort deflection D WT and it’s Hardway who’s back and Williams though dribbles right around him to Pal open up some driving space for Den witty but on the shot clock with Luca putting the ball in play pal screen free up a switch Williams a jumper over pow a contest but

Go fine there Luca looking over the top of the defense to the and 15 on the year Mavs are 10 and four at home Jaylen Hardy isn’t the only one who’s got the Que in gree last year and maab T that shot is good L Dort very hard drive to

The bat four to go in the third quarter L Dort on the free throw line and here’s a people don’t get it Reggie Bullock and he shoots over Shake Hill just Alex xer does time he drives it this time and once again native of Montreal here at Arizona stable approach and toughness

And aggression and fora from theow line it’s a wonderful thing dude that’s deep Lane myness you never going to shoot a three he makes it 20% on threes in 10 games n and he misses the one he’s made up some ground here late in the corner nice block by Cleon

An attempt by shot fig by wood to hard to believe that’s his first basket that’s only fouron for sew missed spectacular looking in in terms of Allstar picks last time they played we were doing Ms live NBA star you know why you feel like that is because the opposing coach counters

Immediately after that or waits a little three-pointer no good offensive rebound Jeremiah Robinson Earl in a difficult Spot this is on KC Robinson Earl Drive inside and he grew up in the Kansas City everybody this and basketball drive by Nina clel up yes sir game absence due to a low back contusion in strange Mavericks have a six-point lead winding down towards 10 minutes to go oh right

Now at attacking against the under defense he missed it here’s wood oh Rack Attack of that challenge when we come back the review the offensive foul stands as called Dallas after his Mammoth finish Dallas is in a 6 nothing R now coming and he’s still going challenge a moment ago that was

Unsuccessful for the Thunder yeah I think so they were right steering rebound review the call on the floor is overturned it is a success will be Dallas ball on the sideline at fre all prayers are answered sometimes the answer rebound he finds Isaiah Jo and winding down Ben witty recognizes it it

Christian gets the assist pass to work Luka got leveled by dor PA is control by giddy but he’s blocked by Nina to one and two L sh Gil Alexander he’s seventh in the league in Steels [Applause] e 13 of 13 hard away Hardway 79% this year averaging 13

Points a game and n-point Lead Hardaway does it putting it down and traveling Jaylen Williams against Williams now he takes it down into the Dort underneath Omari lays it Corner three Around the Horn to L Dort Luca with six on the shot clock pounds it takes it to the basket of

Gilis Alex around the defense and SLI Jaylen Williams bodies LCA he got into the paint again and he scores it looking for 40 points he’s got it twice against Dallas and he just stole it and slammed it game Hardaway doubled ball and two it’s Luca Lucas triple time

Outs that it’s so difficult to play against them talented last defensive play for the Mavericks to finish good evening it is almost time for Mavericks basketball time this season Luca is back after being out 11 and 15 this year we did not see Josh Gideon they missed a

Couple of key free throws late in the game when Oklahoma City and a lot for a player in this league here’s a dra six left to the first quarter year with the Thunder scoring average going up every year first basket because of guilis Alexander and others more than any really score that’s coops

In attack mode girl catch drop yes he has you just saw that turn around against on the page and it’s all super defense finds Josh giddy second year to go this man left the bail out spot here’s a three LCA dazzled shirt on the front row that distracted him I thought

You would dodo for three cut to the basket and it was under four minutes if you’re keeping track at home of how quick here by the player involved in that Jaylen Williams the giddy for three and good this team is going to be good one day and pal for tonight’s

Game now the Euro Step and a scoop to the har open no good on a city and they quickly Advance it on pass lays it in Luca drives inside Luca got a nice P sh coming right back at you yeah not running off a Miss but off a Make didy oh nice move this is SL by 12 because they scored the first 12 he’s everywhere on the floor put it down with side that BS crib and that’s why I’m playing and want to honor his everybody struggling from the perimeter shape another drive by Shay and this time he’s a tough

[Applause] Offensive for the Mavericks tonight Josh an assist game look it goes down on defensive personal foul is now being reviewed to see if it meets after replay review sh Gil just Alexander are both on the list well there’s knocks Nina off the rebound and puts up a three and hits it

Isaiah Joe for three win he’s been on a good streak lately eight of his last 15 on threes he just made it Joe would be this kind of knock down shooter can’t anything sitting over on that bench got to get for nilina his first foul at the line which is insane I mean

That’s night here is Luca at the end of the corner bumped by Robins the Mavericks up to Christmas uh-oh the thunder so far steps around the defense gave it to Clea and he hit here’s Trey man man driving scoring nowhere to go for wood but he finds a cutting reie bll

Christian picked up his dribble he goes in and out on not like I was ever he he lost his balance against the wrong Defender I think that’s his best asset as a Defender Maxi tonight in his 22nd game this year Shing two for 10 on shots in the paint tonight mid-range jumper he’s looking pretty good so far this year with the rebound and here is a ther turn it over five D I

Agree three-point shot by start of the quarter Corner three p offense then gave it up to Williams Williams going downhill Den wit he knocks one down for the outside but he takes it in right now he screens for den wty and there’s one fin game this year

And a f yeah there’s no question El mon Jeremiah Robinson Earl with the pass Williams he’s ready to let a rip and he over oh here is giddy with a nice drive and Robinson Earl the pass fake then makes the pass late clock Hard Away [Applause] bull apologize for that the Pelicans had

Won and game against in two seconds for a meaningless layup at the beginning of the week now but vny Smith an offensive rebound OPP game in the starting lineup let that sucker go if you splits a double team gets way down deep slimy though with a Cher you for sure deep down

Inside 89% of shooting fouls are called in the paint atts to field goal attempts well since then anybody in the league nice back at the referees but I’m trying to make a point to them we’re out there attacks because they defended the paint so well in that game and Mavs

History are tied at 34 SC the basketball well see that’s the reason why when you called fit by Luca setting out Hardway he drills for the Mavericks tonight how about 15 going downhill Runner Jaylen Williams with fourth to half court it’s Lo LCA rebound of the game for the Mavs

Tonight voice out of a voice line now he’ll scen for Luca drive by donic keski he missed a layup but KY follows it in good pass three and D on that jumper shil an offensive foul of the quarter on the maps now it’s gilis Alexander matters I should have known

You were thinking the better team here in the first two plus minutes of the quarter Runner Jaylen Mavericks has Let it Fly knock it down Dort deflection d w and it’s Hardaway who’s back and Williams though dribbles right around him to Pal open up some driving space for Den witty but on

The shot clock with Luca putting the ball in play how screen freeze up a switch Williams a jumper over pow a contest but go fine Luca looking over the top of the defense to the 11 and 15 on the year Mavs are 10 and four at home

Jaylen Hardy isn’t the only one who’s got the Que in Greece last year and maab T before that shot is good L Dort very hard drive to the bat four to go in the third quarter L Dort on the free throw line and here’s a people don’t get it regie Bullock and

He shoots over Shake Hill just Alex sander does time he drives it this time and once again native of Montreal here at Arizona stable approach and toughness and aggression and for Lua tonight from the fre thr line it’s a wonderful thing dude that’s Deep Lane oh my goodness you never going to shoot a three makes it 20% on threes in 10 games n and he misses the one he’s made up some ground here late in the corner nice block by Cleon an attempt by shot F by wood to hard to believe that’s his first

Basket and that’s only four tonight for SE wood missed all spectacular looking in in terms of Allstar picks last time they played we were doing Ms live NBA star you know why you feel like that is because the opposing coach counters immediately after that or waits a little three-pointer no good offensive rebound

Jeremiah Robinson Earl in a difficult Spot this is on PC Robinson Earl drives inside and he grew up in the Kansas City area everybody this and basketball drive by Nina clevel up yes sir game absence due to a low back contusion and string Mavericks have a six-point lead winding down towards 10 minutes to go oh right

Now and attacking against the under defense he missed it here’s wood oh Rack Attack of that challenge when we come back the review the offensive foul stands as called Dallas after his Mammoth fin Dallas is in a 6 nothing R now coming and he’s still going challenge a moment ago that was

Unsuccessful for the Thunder yeah I think so they were right steering rebound review the call on the floor is overturned it is a success will be Dallas ball on the sideline at fre all prayers are answered sometimes the rebound he finds Isaiah Jo and H winding down dwit recognizes it and it

Christian gets the assist pass to work Luka got leveled by dor PA is control by giddy but he’s blocked by ntina to one and two L gilis Alexander he’s seventh in the league in [Applause] Steels 13 of 13 hard Hardway 79% this year averaging 13 points a game and nine-point Lead

Hardaway does it putting it down and traveling Jaylen Williams against Williams now he takes it down into the Dort underneath Omar rui lays it Corner three Around the Horn to l d Luca with six on the shot clock pounds it takes it to the basket of gilis

Alexand around the defense and S Jaylen Williams bodies LCA he got into the paint again and he scores it looking for 40 points he’s got it twice against Dallas and he just stole it and slammed it game Hardaway doubled ball and two it’s LCA Luca’s triple time

Outs that it’s so difficult to play against them talented last defensive play for the Mavericks def finish Speech Speech Speech For foree Foree

#OklahomaCityThunder #DallasMavericks #ThundervsMavericks

Oklahoma City Thunder vs Dallas Mavericks [FULL GAME] QTR (Feb 10, 2024) | NBA Highlights 2024

Oklahoma City Thunder vs Dallas Mavericks
Dallas Mavericks vs Oklahoma City Thunder
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