@Toronto Raptors

Scottie Barnes is taking the NEXT STEP..

Scottie Barnes is taking the NEXT STEP..

The Toronto Raptors are finally committing to rebuild and I can’t tell you how excited I am that they’re committing to building around Scotty Mars I know a big fashion of the Tron Raptor fan base are not happy with this but when you have someone with the talent that Scotty Barnes possesses you

Got to commit to building around him as early as you can I know there’s a lot of skepticism around if he can be the number one guy but hey how will we know until we put him in that position and that is why I’m super excited to just

Watch all this unfold and I’m already seeing a lot of positive things Scotty Barn just posted his third triple double of the Season which is tied for the fifth most triple double in the NBA now if I told you three years ago that Scotty Barnes would have be tied with

LeBron James in triple doubles in his season would you believe me you would have called me crazy but ladies and gentlemen it’s the truth he has a fifth most triple double in the league with guys like joic and LCA donic and Yiannis sanmo and LeBron James the goat but the

Reality is he’s only 22 years old he’s only going to get better and he now has the keys to the Toronto Raptors we know that it’s going to take a bit of time for Scotty barns to become a superstar and there’s going to be a lot of growing

Pains but I have a lot of faith in this kid I have a lot of faith in this kid being able to figure it out he’s already starting to take on the leadership responsibilities just listen to what Darko had to say about Scotty after his triple double performance he also seems more

Demonstrative more he’s taking a more of a vocal leadership role that’s what you kind of encouraging him to do right absolutely absolutely he he was so vocal on the court he was so vocal tonight on the bench uh he was uh talking about you know helping guys what they need to do

He’s also trying to orchestrate things on the court and help put guys in certain spots on the court I think he’s he’s really taking the next next step as a leader of this team and I I’m really proud of his contributions tonight darko’s right and even the Casual fan

Was able to identified watching the game despite the 30-point blowout the Raptors look good ladies and gentlemen despite desite them being short-handed and having a young roster they looked good this team is a lot more fun to watch I mean we’re going to have a lot of games

Where they get blown out by 20 and 30 but it’s a process and the young guys need time the young guys need time to develop as a core and with Scotty Barnes leading it I have no doubt in my mind that the Raptors will be back to being

Competitive very soon I absolutely love how vocal Scotty Barnes was even with the media before he was just this young kid was trying to be cute you know give you some funny answers and look a little reserved but now you can tell that he’s a lot more comfortable there’s a bit of

Maturity in the way he talks all of us go through moments in lives where all of us go through moments in our lives where we’re just forced to grow up in certain moments and this is it for Scotty Barnes all of his friends are gone OG Pascal gone Fred walked all

The Vets Thad young AO Porter Jr Dennis shoter traded right so he has to take that responsibility in the locker room I think this is it for Scotty I think we’re finally finally finally going to to see him take it and run with it the Raptor general manager Bobby Webster

Highlighted how much he wants to see Scotty bars at the point guard role and I don’t know if that means Scotty bars being the main ball handler or if it just means he’s going to be a lot more involved in the half court offense but to be honest I’m in support of it

Because in this triple double game he had a lot of amazing passes I mean let’s just take a look at some of them Scotty oh great action Kelly Garland the no look Scotty rips it away Scotty finds RJ he went right that quickly the other

Way RJ tell you what the Raptors were in New Orleans he had high praise for JB picker staff they were together in Memphis and the corner fre going look he’s a little Burly when he but he he gets his he gets to his places that he needs to get the shot off’s

Knock down a pair of Threes purle back over to to Barnes here’s Gary the three is good what a skip pass that time this kid is a baller man and I don’t think it’s me overhyping him by saying that after Vince Carter he’s the second best Prospect who’ve ever drafted he’s

Already the best number four to get drafted by this franchise goly barns is phenomenal ladies and gentlemen and I know again there’s a lot of skepticism on Raptors Twitter but who cares who who cares for those that support him get behind him cuz this kid is going to be

Really good I don’t care if you’re down on Scotty Barnes and talk about his lack of effort lack of aggressiveness cut it out kid’s only 22 and he’s already an All-Star he’s already an All-Star he’s not a starter because he didn’t get voted by a bunch of fans that didn’t

Believe in him or the team’s not winning games so the coaches and his peers around the league he didn’t vote for him he got chosen by the commissioner do you know what it means to get chosen by the commissioner this is the guy that runs the league and he’s recognizing you as

An All-Star he’s recognizing you to be in a different league with everybody else as a star and a superstar in this league this is the commissioner rewarding you for your work for your improvement in his third year in the league he’s a rookie of the year and he’s an NBA

Allstar it doesn’t get much better than that in your third year I mean yes winning a championship does but doesn’t get a lot more better than that and I hope that being the All-Star game being around a lot of stars and Superstars knowing that he belongs it helps him

Take another leap next year and also improves his case to make Team USA cuz we know that players that go into Team USA come back being better we’ve seen that with Colin dear we’ve seen that with Jason Tatum Jaylen Brown bam out bio and the list goes on and on and on I

Know it’s a downtime right now for the Toronto Raptors and we’re not winning a lot of games but keep your head up high there is the light at the end of this tunnel which ends very soon we’ve gone through this before with no promise we’ve gone through through this before

With no promise but this time we have Scotty Barnes I’m a Believer you guys you guys can call me a Scotty Stan if you want but I’m a Believer and if you don’t believe in your Raptors if you don’t believe in the players we have on this team then maybe supporting the

Raptors isn’t for you and this isn’t me calling you out this is just saying that have some Faith we’ll be just fine we got Scotty Barnes we got arre be we got Emanuel quickly we got Grady dick like we have a good core guys and it’s only

Going to improve we’re only going to get better players to join that core with that being said guys if you like my takes let me know what you think in the comments if you disagree let me know I want to partake in discour with all y’all right and every night I do

Watch stream Raptors games we do a watch party on playback you guys can watch the game live on screen with me and follow along and join the community we have a lot of fun there’s always a lot of people that pull up we have a great time

So make sure to follow me on Twitter as well at raft takes and make sure to watch me on playback subscribe to the channel I’ll catch youall next time thank you for all your support peace

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  1. YouTube DEMONETIZED my channel but that isn’t stopping me from posting. Please hit the like button and subscribe to support. Thanks y’all ❤

  2. I'm willing to gamble on a Scotty build, I've a been fan from inception. People who are pissed off are new fans that haven't been here since the start. I want to see this team built on Scott's back, I love this team because I see some crazy chemistry with Scotty, RJ and Quickly there is something special there that needs to be polished up but damn I like this team rn.

  3. You just gotta look at year 3 of some of the greats. You'll see Scottie is on the right path. I expect him to level up after all star weekend from being around those elite players. Team USA as well.

  4. He reminds me of Kawhi with playmaking, he can be as good if not better tbh he’ll be good im excited for the future

  5. the minute u said bron the goat I stopped watching…..🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️ why would u say that…

  6. As a Raptors fan… this is what I wanted… we will lose alot of games but team has more upside. Rather see young guys fight then a discombobulated group in the middle of the pack as a perenial play-in contender.

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