@Minnesota Timberwolves

What Monte Morris brings to the Minnesota Timberwolves with Locked On Wizards

What Monte Morris brings to the Minnesota Timberwolves with Locked On Wizards

Hello and welcome into another episode of lockdown wolves today on the show Brandon Scott from Lockdown Wizards is going to be on to talk about Monte Morris he’s been all last year in DC we’ll talk about what he did for the Wizards and what he’ll bring to

Minnesota give some of my own thoughts on that as well and then we’ll also preview the big wolves Clippers matchup tonight in La it’s all coming welcome in you are locked on wolves you are locked on Timberwolves your daily Minnesota Timberwolves podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day hello and welcome to the lockdown wolves podcast part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day my name is Ben Beacon I’m the host of lockd wolves happy Monday everybody and uh Happy game day the Wolves haven’t played since uh since Thursday night believe it

Or not and uh it’ll be good to to get them back on the floor here this evening in La that games on NBA TV we’ll preview that a little bit later in the show today’s episode is brought to you by our friends at LinkedIn LinkedIn jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you

Want to talk to faster post your job for free at lockon NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply all right uh first of all big thank you for making lockdown wolves your first listen every day of course this show is free and

Available everywhere including YouTube as well as all of your favorite audio platforms wherever you like to listen to podcasts you can find lockdown wolves you can also watch on the lockdown Sports Minnesota app on both Roku and Amazon Fire TV more great local sports coverage 247 for free download the

Lockedown sports Minnesota app today again that’s both Roku and Amazon Fire TV you could also follow the show on X at lockon wolves and also at B Beacon with two B’s two e’s cken all right um today on the show gonna have Brandon Scott from lock on Wizards on here momentarily I’m just

Going to play our conversation uh we spent 15 minute 15 or so minutes talking about the Wizards and then also um the point of the conversation obviously Monte Morris spent all of last year in Washington before going to or was traded to Detroit this offseason and he only

Played an eight games because of a preseason quad injury so I thought it made sense to talk to Brandon uh one of he’s one of the two one of the co-hosts over at lockon Wizards so we talked a little bit about uh mon Morris and um what he brought to the table in

Washington what we can expect him to do in Minnesota after that conversation I’ll give a couple of additional thoughts you know you know just doing a bit more um watching of what Mont has done over his the last couple years and then also just digging into some numbers

So I’ll hit that at the end of the conversation with Brandon and then we’ll get into wolves Clippers previewing the matchup here that we’ll see Monday night all that’s up coming here on the show and without further Ado let’s go go ahead and get into my conversation with

Brandon Scott of lockd on Wizards all right as promised been joined by Brandon Scott of lock on Wizards we’re going to talk a little bit of Monte Morris here get the uh get the Wizards perspective of course Morris coming over for the Pistons but only played eight games with

Detroit this year spent um you know I guess all of last year as a a primary starter for the wizard so we’ll get to that in a second but uh in the wake of the trade deadline the Wolves just recently played the Wizards right before the deadline uh a couple weeks before I

Guess uh so I just wanted to get some your quick thoughts Brandon on on like what do you think about the rebuild what do you think about the The Gafford trade that you know at first glance that seemed to make sense you know from from my perspective at least but what are

Your thoughts about what the Wizards did at the deadline and where they sit right now um it definitely a process um we’re kind of in a gray area where uh we haven’t really officially started our rebuild yet deadline was big for us because we were trying to move off a lot

Of these veteran contracts and you know we’re able to get a first- round pick for gav but um the in in the case of Kyle kma we have time now I don’t believe his value is going to get much higher and I think that he could be

Dealt at the draft at the draft or in the off season but he does have a team freeling deal and he eventually gonna be moved but with tyus Jones and dlon Wright t d Wright his he didn’t get much in return as far as you know other teams

What they were willing to give up so I get not dealan him and he could be a buyout candidate matter of fact he definitely is but in the case of tus Jones a lot of people definitely thought he should have been moved and there are reports coming out organization that

They do want to resign him which a rebuilding team him being a floor General it wouldn’t be a bad thing but I was left wanting more now going back to the deal I believe it was a good deal now Daniel Gafford very popular guy um I actually interviewed a guy really nice

Guy um did they necessarily need to move him per se no but there was a mandate from owner Ted leonis that said that they needed another first round pick in this year’s draft and they went ahead and they did that so that was their best

Chance to do that but me and my co Ed uh we both believe that the Wizards were asking way too high as far as the pric and tag for Kyle kosma uh he was this close to becoming a mad but two first round picks is just I think there’s a

Lot to ask so they could have done more but they have time but I think my biggest problem or two things one the timeline and two playing time for our young cast you know Jenny’s already starting but BL Kabal he needs minutes uh what is Cory kissper play in

Organization so there’s still a lot of questions but I believe in this front office so I think we’re going to be all right we’re just going have to wait a little longer yeah and and of course tus Jones being from Minnesota and played for the timber

Wolves you know the Wolves uh uh flip saers traded for tus Jones on draft night you know several years ago and uh there was a lot of people in the Twin Cities that wanted the Wolves to get tus Jones and we talked about it on lockdown wolves we talked about it on the

Minnesota basketball party we show we do with lockdown Minnesota and there was like this clamoring for tus and the two problems were one the Wolves didn’t have any first round picks to give yeah and two like you know financially it would have been really tough for the Wolves I

Think he’s like 12 million or something something like that that would have had to trade Kyle Anderson and include somebody else there probably would have had to be a third team at least in terms of supplying a pick and and apparently the wolves are interested but um and

There were reports the Wolves offered I think three to four second round picks and I mean have second round picks to give but so I was a little surprised they didn’t trade him at all and Delan W it’s another name the Wolves were reportedly interested in and my guess is

That that he may have been a fallback if they could have gotten Monte Morris is is kind of my guess yeah it’s just it’s it’s questionable because a lot of people in the fan base they wanted a lot of moves because again we want to rebuild um going way you know going back

To Tommy sheeper being a GM and a lot of mistakes were made and we’re still dealing with those mistakes now you know if you look at Bradley Bill we held on onto him way too long we didn’t get the return that I thought we could have

Gotten for him and in my opinion the year that we traded Russell Westbrook to Lakers we should have mov Bradley Bill and Golden State had a package where they were offering us the seventh pick the 14th pick uh Wiggins and wisman I thought we should have took that but

They took the Loyalty route they s to a super Max and you know history tells itself you know he’s now in Phoenix but uh we’re we’re still dealing with the Fallout from Tommy Shepard so yeah it’s a process uh you know this new front office uh will Dawkin coming over from

Oklahoma City he has you know the the blueprint in Oklahoma city is you know he’s trying to draw that in Washington so it takes time but another fact I looked at is that you know now um 2026 2007 they’re talking about moving the Wizards and the Washington Capitals over

To Virginia so that kind of adds another dynamic do they you know now they kind of need to get rolling as far as rebuild because they got to put a winning team on the court especially moving making a move to Virginia where obviously you know people

Aren’t gonna pay good money to watch a losing team so yeah yeah there’s a lot of layers there for sure terol fans are used to are used to layers there’s always layers with the wolves and like with the Wolves it’s also you know new ownership transferring over to A-Rod and

Mark Lori that happens I believe at the end of this calendar years when they’re supposed to make the final payment to become majority owners so there’s all you know they’re butting up against that second a in the luxury tax like are the Wolves going to end up being willing to

Pay it if this is a legit finals Contender so um and actually that could come into play depending on how they do in the playoffs because there’s some unlikely incentives that come for Mike Conley and so they’re they actually added salary by doing this Monte Morris

Deal so I do want to talk about Morris as I mentioned he spent uh the full season last year in Washington played 62 games started 61 of them was traded in the offseason to Detroit I believe for a second round pick or two something like

That oh yes um SEC it was one second round pick uh yes sir one second round pick yeah yeah um and I mean like he was he was traded to Washington from Denver and uh Tim Connelly of course running the Wolves there were Rumors in the offseason he would consider going to

Washington also there’s a lot of weird wolves Wizards threads here I guess um but Connelly had initially drafted him signed him to the extension and then he was traded to the uh Morris was traded to the Wizards uh you got to see him for a full year last year or I guess

Two-thirds of a year when he was healthy um what are your like the overall just impressions of Monte Morris as a player what did he bring to the Wizards um what he brought to the Wizards I guess when you’re looking at the question of how Monte Morris would fit any team it

Really depends on the system because in Washington we’re used to having a point guard who has some speed you know we had John Wall for 10 years uh we had Russell Westbrook for one year so we’re used to having a point guard who can attack the paint collapse defenses and really

Utilize Shooters and with Monte Morris um well let me backtrack a little bit the year before we had Spencer with Woody which you know he didn’t push the pace you know he kind of bogged down the offense and so we when Monte came over from you know uh

Denver first of all we had to sacrifice because the two biggest issues we had last year was three-point shooting in defense we gave that up with kcp going to Denver so but you know looking at Monte um he does his job and the biggest thing about Monte is his consistency um

He’s not a guy who’s really gonna push the pace a lot he’s not a guy who really has a repertoire of post moves you know to attack the basket you know more finesse but he does his job he shows up he does his job he’s going to orchestrate the offense he’s going to

Get other people involved I mean if you look at at his stat line I mean he shot 38% from three so he’s definitely has the the ability to stretch the floor and shoot at high percentage from three-point range uh he had a career high 5.3 assists so um yeah I mean when

You compare him to tus and really here’s the thing about him and tus that if you look at assist to turnover ratio those two were actually top five in the NBA the last couple years so um the the name of the game for both of them is

Consistency you know just doing your job being that floor General you do Ling Shooters you know so Monte like I said my expectation was he was going to push his Pace a little bit which didn’t totally get there but I don’t think there ZTE I think is more on the system

That he was in but he’s going to do his job so if you need a guy who’s gonna be there hard knows I mean he got injured a few times I think he broke a tooth you know he ate a piece of the floor so he’s

A guy who’s gonna die for loose balls you know he’s he’s got a dog in him you know he’s going to work hard it’s just you I guess it really goes off with your system and what you’re expectations are if you’re looking for a guy who’s going

To attack the basket he’s not gonna be that guy he’s going to be kind of Midway when it comes to Pace but the biggest thing is he’s gonna show up and do his job today’s episode of lock out wolves is brought To Us by our title sponsors

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League find the lockdown sports today Channel now on Amazon Fire TV yeah and really I mean that’s the wolves that describes exactly what the wolves are looking for is the Wolves play at a slow pace they’re one of the slowest teams in the league um you look

At the Denver teams that Monte moris played for they were usually in the back half league in terms of pace so it does fit and you know there’s similarities actually you mentioned the the low turnover or leading the league and assisted turnover ratio the timber have

I mean the the other like the the league leaders over the last five years I think all of them but one are like tus Jones Mike connley Monte Morris um Jordan mlfa doesn’t play enough minutes to do it but he had a stretch a couple years ago

Where he had like 55 assists to one turnover over the course of like six weeks or something so that’s what the wolves are looking for because you’re just looking for somebody to take care of the ball especially late in games with an Edwards is is running a lot of

That offense anyway but when the offense bogs down you need somebody to actually run run set plays and Mike Conley is great at doing that Jordan mcgloin’s been fine but Monte Morris is somebody who’s been there done that on a bigger stage done it with more consistency he’s

Been a better shooter for his Carew than mcclaflin um one of the things that interests me the most about Morris is just digging a little bit into some of the numbers where he gets his shots it seems like he’s got a little bit of an in between game he um is is comfortable

Kind of playing in the middle of the floor like pulling up from the elbows around the free throw line just trying to um in like you said instead of getting all the way to the basket or instead of only shooting threes off the bounce he’s either catching and shooting

Or he’s getting somewhere in the middle kind of probing and finding an uh you know a shot in the middle of the floor is that something that you felt like he added to the Wizards I guess I don’t know as a team you know where the what

The Wizards shot profile was last year but um it seems like that’s something he could bring to the table something of an in between game oh absolutely yeah that I think that’s the best description to him is the in between game I mean he’s a guy who’s definitely a mid-range guy um

He’s that’s his big part of his game so he’s more of a combo guard I’ll say that so you know you can kind of mix the match where you put him you know he can play point guard he can play shooting guard in the second unit you know he

He’s got a lot of different variables into to his game you know like I said he’s not a guy like John Wall or Russell Westbrook or a John Moran gonna attack the basket you know he’s more methodical he’s a guy you know reset the offense you know he’s G definitely be more of

Floor General so yeah absolutely more of a mid-range guy like I say he can pop those three-point shots but you know is he a Steph G out here n he’s not guy he’s going to sit back there and hit him from a big volume but he’s a guy that

You can depend on to hit that shot yeah um one of the uh the things that we’re hearing a lot about him is that he’s a really good locker room guy good teammate obviously Tim Connelly um drafted him extended him and I I he wouldn’t have been the one that traded

Him either and now is acquiring him so he obviously is a big fan in terms of interaction with teammates what you heard around around the guys around the locker room like is was was he seen as a good locker room presence kind of a you

Know not like he was a super you know widely old vet he was like in year five or six with Washington but um in terms of off the floor the way he interacted with teammates is that all all positive as well as far as as far as you’re

Concerned oh absolutely um he’s from Grand rapids near Flint Michigan so him and kma had a close relationship because kma is from flinton Michigan um so they had that connection uh I never heard much if anything negative about his locker room presence um within the organization um because believe me the

Last three years the Wizards have had her hands this and um no he’s he’s a good locker room guy he’s a guy who um for younger players he’s definitely going to teach people he’s going to be lead by example um he’s a great guy to

Talk to you know he’s a good guy who comes and he’s ready to work hard so you know if you’re looking for a guy who wants to work hard who’s gonna be that dog who’s die for loose balls who’s gonna be more of a culture guy he is

Definitely a guy you want on your roster absolutely okay awesome um he and he started like the whole year and he like you said he he’s more of a combo guard can do a little bit of everything but can play off the ball because of his catch and shoot ability um what were

Your impressions of him defensively you know most of the numbers defensively for him are kind of a mixed bag like depending on where you look it seems like he’s solid but obviously he’s not the biggest guard either um how would you describe what you saw from him on

Defense um he he’s not much of a Defender but he’s a guy who’s gonna put effort on the defensive end if that makes sense like he’s not a stopper and you know that’s had that’s been an issue we’ve had in Washington since the departure of Westbrook we haven’t had a

Guy at point guard who can defend um this year tus as you know you know tus on the defensive end you know he’s not a stopper but he’s a guy who’s GNA get active in passing Lane he’s gonna put the effort so that’s all you can ask for

He’s a guy who’s gonna put the effort out there but he struggled against bigger point guards you know going against guards like s g man you just you know you couldn’t hold his own so you know that’s why he’s a guy who can come in and he can definitely start but he’s

Best served on the second unit and change the pace point guard in my opinion because he does have those defensive deficiencies okay um that’s pretty much all I got I mean unless there’s anything else that you wanna you want to share about Monte Morris’s time in Washington

Or or thoughts in general um I mean anything anything else to leave the uh leave the listeners with um yeah you’re getting good guy you’re getting guy who again is gonna be a locker room presence um he’s going to work hard you know again he’s not great at any one thing

But he’s a good overall player who’s definitely going to make you guys a better team so definitely hey I mean you’re getting a good one so that’s exactly what wolves fans are looking for is just somebody who’s going to kind of be a steady hand you know give Mike

Conley a break right that’s the other thing the wolves have a bunch of back-to-backs coming up Conley’s only sat like four games this year so just having somebody that can come in and be that veteran presence and be solid that’s exactly what what wolves fans needed to hear all right appreciate you

Coming on Brandon uh and look forward to I think wolves Wizards have one more game right I think they still got to come to Minnesota some point oh absolutely so we’ll see how we do man yeah all right appreciate you coming on Brandon yes sir appreciate you

Man all right so uh good conversation with Brandon and you know a couple things to add I alluded to this a little bit kind of towards the end of our conversation but the what Monte Morris does so well and I you know I have a better recollection of him doing this in

Denver a couple years ago well for multiple years in Denver two years two years ago and PRI um is he he probes the middle of the defense so well um he he has I I eluded to his in between game a bit towards the end of the conversation and that’s

Something that the Wolves need a little bit more of and it sounds weird because I’m always harping on Anthony Edwards shot selection and you know like uh basically ant shoots too many midrange jumpers right but it’s different with Anthony Edwards than it is with somebody like Monte Morris Cuz ant isn’t very

Often probing to then find a pass you know find a passing Lane to a wide open jump shooter or somebody cutting to the basket ant is looking to score when he gets downhill and a lot of times that’s a pull-up jumper sometimes he puts himself in a tougher spot he tries to

Hit a turn you know backs somebody down hits tries to hit a turnaround or he goes all the way to the rim he doesn’t get into the middle of the defense and then look to distribute right that’s Kyle Anderson’s emmo that’s what opposing teams know that KY Anderson is

Going to do so they can play him to do that but Monte Morris is a good enough three-point shooter and a good enough mid-range jump shooter and a willing mid-range jump shooter and a willing passer because he is truly a point guard I know Brandon said he’s got some combo

Guard Tendencies but he is I mean he is a point guard with the ability to score and it’s the threat and this was something I was excited about with Mike connley last year when the Wolves acquired him was because Conley does have that floater game and he had

Developed this chemistry through to go be in Utah where you can’t tell if Conley shooting a floater or if he’s going to throw a LV and he can do it with both hands and well we I don’t think we’ve seen all that many conle flers it feels like recently there’s

Still the threat of that and he can use it if he wants to when Conley gets when he turns the corner is he going to throw a lob to Rudy is he gonna shoot a floater is he gonna kick it back out but Monte Morris is at this stage of his

Career versus this stage of Conley’s career there are similarities but Monte Morris is is more likely to pull up and just shoot an elbow jumper or or pull up fake the elbow jumper and kick it to a wide open shooter in the corner and then you’ve got guys like Anthony Edwards who

Catches shoot is like over 46% this year which is Bonkers mik Conley is like 43% catch and shoot and has been for the last several years of his career and you know everybody the Wolves actually have a we talked about this the other day on the show there’s a bunch of

Guys in the wolves that are legit awesome catch and shoot Shooters and Monte Morris probing the middle of the defense and adding that element that they don’t currently have Kyle Anderson does it but teams don’t respect his ability to shoot the ball or his ability

To finish at The Rim so they could play off of him Monte Morris they know he could shoot the three they know could pull up and shoot a legit jumper not a weird Kyle Anderson push shot or a or a you know a scoop shot near the rim but

Like a jumper from 14 to 18 feet so they’re gonna have to play all of those things with Monte Morris and because he’s such a good passer and has such a high basketball IQ um that adds just this other Dynamic element to the team n Alexander Walker’s been good catch and

Shoot threes too right and he’s so good at finding soft spots in the defense without the ball like relocating is something that the wolves have a bunch of guys like this doesn’t show up in the in the on the stat sheet they’ve got guys like Alexander Walker and I would

Have put Troy Brown Jr in this category too um they’ve got well and obviously Jade mcdel has gotten better at it guys that know to relocate on the perimeter to create better angles and passing lanes for the ball handles that are penetrating whether it’s ant or Mike connley or Jordan mcclaflin or sometimes

It is Alexander Walker or now Monte Morris to relocate and create those passing Lanes where they’re find an open jumper because the guy with the ball in his hands is looking for that that open passing Lane and Monte Morris is adept at all of the above there are

Similarities to Mike Conley there are similarities to Jordan mlin um and that’s a good thing right he does all of those things well and has experienced student on a big stage with a winning team with stars around him um going back to his time in Denver and it’s it’s really a seamless

Fit for the Tiber wolves um and also just adding another capable rotation player that could play playoff minutes to a team that really only has an eight-man rotation and uh with mlin in and out and you know shake Belton and try Brown Jr weren’t hadn’t been in the

Rotation now you’re just adding a ninth guy like I was going back and looking at when the Wolves beat the Clippers a few weeks ago they only played eight guys in that game and now you add a ninth guy to that that could play a reasonable amount

Of minutes in the playoffs and that’s going to make a big difference all right let’s close the show today by looking at uh the matchup specifically against the Clippers we should see Monte Morris play in this game we’ll talk about what to expect what but the last time these

Teams squared off we’ll do all that here next today’s episode of lock that wolves is brought To Us by our friends at Nissan are you the kind of driver that likes to push things a little further ever wonder what Adventure could be around the next Corner our friends at

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Clippers last nearly a month ago and that was the first match up between these two teams it was weird they didn’t play them at all in October November December and now it’s been a month since we’ve seen them we get them three more times here over the final two months of

The season the last matchup Minnesota’s one of just a couple of teams well iess I guess more accurately six teams since the beginning of December to beat the Clippers that’s right La since December 1st has gone 27 and six they were eight and 10 back on December 1st they’ve gone 27- six since

Then and now they’re lumped together in that um in that top four in the west currently as of me recording this the Timberwolves are alone at top the west and they’re actually they’re going to be because Sacramento and OKC still have to play on Sunday um so no matter what

Happens there the timber rolles will be in sole possession of first place but the Clippers and Nuggets are just a half game back the Thunder are one game back so there’s four teams within a game and the Clippers will come into this game just a half game behind Minnesota of

Course the Wolves won the first match up between the two since then since January what day was it January 14th so nearly a month the Clippers have only lost twice they’ve gone 10 and two since the last time the teams have matched up and again I’ll say it one more time because it’s

So crazy they’re 27-6 since December 1st so roughly what is that that’s two and a half months so that’s like uh 10 weeks crazy um they did barely beat the Pistons on Saturday the Wolves of course haven’t played since Thursday so For Better or For Worse they’ve had three

Days off there could be a little bit of rust I I would think at this point the season the rest is more helpful um we can talk about rust after the allar break which is only you know not less than a week away um but on Saturday

Against the new look Pistons team with uh you know after making all the trades they did last week Detroit only lost by six to the Clippers uh uh Pistons were up by nine at halftime in that game and the Clippers had to pull ahead in the in the uh in the

Fourth quarter big Paul George game kawh LED them been scoring a bunch lately uh he also had a good game but Paul George had 33 and for the uh for the Pistons by the way Troy Brown Jr had eight points hit a couple of Threes Off the Bench I

Think he made his first two shots and Shake Milton played 12 minutes off the bench for the Pistons as well and they were um competitive right like Kate had a good game jayen Ivy had a good game the Clippers are still I mean like we’ve seen this we’ve seen this for the Wolves

A bunch right you know you play down to the competition a little bit the Clippers are the number three off have the number three offensive rating in the league they’re just outside the top 10 in defensive rating and the last time these two teams faced off um that was

The game where Rudy goar airball those free throws in the first half consecutive free throws Russ is laughing on the bench Etc and then at the end of the game Rudy goar hits all four of his clutch free throws and Westbrook biffs a wide open layup right at the end that

Would have made it a two-point loss for the Clippers said him a four-point loss and he had one other really terrible play I think he missed another really easy shot so that I mean that was that’s the lasting memory from that game Minnesota did a really good job on Paul

George he had just 16 points and 19 shots it was four of 13 outside the arc um the rest of the Clippers shot the ball pretty well from Deep Norman Powell was the one that killed them hit some Corner threes in this game he had 24

Points on 12 shots with six of nine shooting threes but the Stars I mean kawhai was fine um but overall this was and this was one of those other games one of those in that stretch of just crazy turnover games for Minnesota where ant cat and Jade McDaniels combined for

13 of the woles 17 turnovers in this game and they still held on to win they had a pretty big lead but then in the fourth quarter La outscored the Wolves by nine it got tied at the end Rudy had to hit those clutch free throws when they were intentionally following him

And uh ultimately the Wolves pulled away ant was huge he had 339 and six was efficient got to the line 12 times Rudy had 15 and 18 and four blocks really controlled the paint against the ERS and La hung in this game because of the Wolves turnovers and because of their

Three-point shooting and especially from Norman pow so um I should also say overall for the season the Clippers are pretty middle of the pack in terms of both attempts or in terms of attempts they’re actually number one in three-point percentage though and the wolves are number three in percentage so

We’ll very likely see a bit of a shootout in this game between the Wolves and the Clippers James Harden’s 42% on the year Paul Georg is at 40% uh there other high volume guys I mean like kawhai is shooting 45% from three which is kind of crazy Norman Po’s almost 45%

From three so we’re probably going to see a lot of three-point attempts this is uh one really efficient offensive team in the Clippers against the League’s best defense of the Wolves one I would say middle of the- pack defense with the Clippers versus a pretty middle

Of the pack offense for the wolves um now it’s also on the road the last time the Wolves played the Clippers it was in Minnesota the one other thing to keep an eye out for is the Clippers get to the line a bunch and they get offensive rebounds they’re a well-rounded offense

The wolves are prone to stretches where they on the defensive glass they’ve been better of late overall but that’s still a concern and then also they’re prone to stretches of fouling a bunch and again overall for the season you know we talked about this probably a week ago is

Minnesota still top 10 in defensive rebound rate they’re top 10 in in avoiding fouls as the defense but this is more Peaks and valleys right it’s not consistent like they’ve consistently you know had a great uh three-point line defense they’ve done a good job at forcing opponents into tough shots

Contesting shots um they’ve consistently been good in C C areas protecting the paint Etc but they’re not always they it’s Peaks and valleys when it comes to defensive rebounding and when it comes to uh not putting opponents on the line so those are the things that would

Concern me the most in this game for Minnesota and of course allowing some of those Corner threes to guys like Norman pow would be a bit of a concern as well all right that’s all we have for you today on the show of course after the Clippers game Monday this is the front

End of a back-to-back for Minnesota they are in Portland on Tuesday night so consecutive 9:30 p.m Central tips I should say Monday’s game is on NBA TV as well um uh I’m sorry 9:30 Monday 9 o’clock on Tuesday against Portland on the back half of a back-to-back so

Tuesday show will be the postgame pod for Monday we’ll talk briefly about Portland and then we’ll also see Portland again on Thursday of this week too so big week ahead big West Coast trip before coming uh back home prior to the all-star break it’d be imperative

For the Wolves to win at least a couple games on the road here beating the Clippers would be real nice to secure at least the split in the season series against La um heading into that those two consecutive games in Portland and then the All-Star break after that by

The way we’ll talk of course more about the allstar break later in the week uh with a couple of wolves ant in the skills and Cat in the three-point competition both playing uh in in Allstar Saturday night so we’ll talk more about that later in the week all

Right that’s all we got for you today on the show a big thank you for making lock that wolves your first list in every single day of course the show is free and available everywhere including YouTube as well as all of your favorite audio platforms you can also watch on

The lockon sports Minnesota app on both Roku and Amazon Fire TV and you can follow on X at lockone T wolves and also at B Beacon with 2B to EAS cken a reminder that lockdown has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube now you

Can also find it on the afor mentioned Amazon Fire TV lock on sports today is here for you 247 covering the top sports stories of the day with the local Experts of lockdown plus our national shows covering every League find the lockdown sports today Channel now on

Amazon Fire TV of course the lockdown wolves podcast is part of the lockdown podcast Network remember the lockdown network is your local experts on all the stories once again I’m Ben Beacon this is the lock. Wolves podcast and we’ll catch you next time

What will Monte Morris bring to the Minnesota Timberwolves? Ben Beecken (@bbeecken) is joined by Brandon Scott (@brandon_7scott) of Locked On Wizards to discuss Morris’s impact during his season in D.C. and which aspects of his game will stand out the most with the Wolves. Ben talks about Morris’s in-between game and his ability to control the middle of the floor and how important that will be in Minnesota. Lastly, a preview of the Wolves-Clippers matchup.

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