@Utah Jazz

Cyberbullying works. Well done everyone!

Cyberbullying works. Well done everyone!

by Andrewski18


  1. I’m wondering how they ever came to be, like how did enough inside Jazz people see them and greenlight them lol

  2. metaworldpeace10

    Thank god, we got the worst one out. Now we need to work towards removing the black jerseys. Keep it up homies!!!

  3. Are we sure it was just cyberbullying? Are we sure the players, ours and everybody else wasn’t saying something? The other owners? The front office of every other team? Like, literally everybody?

  4. I liked these better than the white, but still a victory

  5. clean_socks

    In 15 years, there will be a whole generation of Jazz fans that thinks these were the greatest jerseys ever, a la JC

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