@Dallas Mavericks

Start Daniel Gafford Or Dereck Lively? Sign Marcus Morris In 2024 NBA Free Agency? Mavericks Rumors

Start Daniel Gafford Or Dereck Lively? Sign Marcus Morris In 2024 NBA Free Agency? Mavericks Rumors

Dallas we have a good problem on our hands welcome into Mavericks today Harrison grab Jeffrey cooperstein and got to tell you CP one game after the trade uh pretty fun stuff out of Danny Gafford and uh our good pal PJ Washington but the way we want to kick

Off today’s show is talking about the center dilemma who starts who comes off the bench we’re going to get into all of that but coup tell people what they need to do to share this video we need you guys to share this video our boss has

Told us we need to reach more audience so just click the share button select the Twitter or X icon I’m pretty sure it’s X now click post to Twitter and tag me _ cp27 I will shout you out on the next show be sure to tag me as well and

We’ll get it moving we’re we’re hot on the channel right now so we’re trying to uh get some more viewers here little birdie told me as well that coup will follow you back if he tags you in the sources so hey there’s a little incentive if you want to get your

Follower game up all right Coupe let’s talk about this um look I think first of all we just have to talk about gafford’s debut here oh man I mean in 17 minutes the guy goes for 19 and N has a block he’s 7even for 11 from the field which

Is over 60% he I I don’t want to overreact but considering the opponent the Oklahoma City Thunder who has been at the top of the West for a while I mean it looked like he and Luca donic had play together for five years I mean him and Washington’s first buckets as

Mavs are on Alo Gafford admitted as such that he felt like he got drafted by the Mavs and that he’s been here for a long time it’s going to be fun watching those two guys run the pick and roll man Gafford is an elite lob threat and he’s

Going to be able to get a lot of open shots around the rim it’s looking very promising and it kind of begged the question when Derrik Lively comes back which I believe will be after the All-Star break how does Jason kid manage the rotation it it’ll be interesting to

See what happens I I have an I have an inkling that Lively or that Lively may start games but gaffer might be your closer yeah and look the good news about this Coupe is it takes pressure off wiely especially come playoff time because I mean I don’t know if anyone

You slash the people watching saw Lucas sit down with uh JJ reick on reck’s podcast there was a portion of that where reck is describing a play where him and Lively were on the pick and roll and Lively instead of like straight rolling to the basket his job is just to

Seal the setting the G screen yeah and uh and uh reic told Luca like hey man you got to get Lively doing that more and Luca said he’s 19 and that stood out with me because it’s like as awesome as Lively has been he’s still learning absolutely Daniel gafford’s not a

Superstar but he’s been in the league five or six years now so like if there are moments where like you want to go with the veteran and this is why getting another Center Coupe especially someone with experience which is so important at the deadline because it’s a different

Ball game come playoff time Derrik Lively’s been awesome I’m not saying the guy’s not gonna be able to play in the playoffs I think he is but you don’t feel like if well he’s overwhelmed by this moment you don’t have another option not only do you have another

Option he’s as good and maybe right now currently at his stage in his career might actually you could argue be better in certain areas so absolutely fantastic move by the Mavs to get this guy in here the way I see it is you have two centers of equal standing who can play both

Roles whether one starts one closes one starts and closes Etc I think they’re on equal footing and that’s a great problem to have if you’re Jason kid in the Dallas Mavericks because when Lively has been out over the course of the Season you’ve seen a significant drop off with

Dwight Palin there with ran Holmes I’ll say this Maxi CLE is also playing the best ball of the season right now for him as well so you add him into the fold and the Mavericks all of a sudden have bigs that can play for 48 minutes and

You don’t really see a significant drop off and what I just kind of wanted to just talk about why I think Daniel Gafford probably should close games whereas I’m not taking anything away from Lively in his great rookie season but I think Gafford has a slight rebounding advantage and he definitely

Has a free throw Advantage where he’s shooting over 70% Lively is hovering around 55 I believe so he’s also a better rim protector right now I think Lively is going to improve in that area it’s just he’s still a rookie so sometimes he kind of gets caught in

Certain spots which is that was kind of a thing coming into the NBA for him is like he gets into foul trouble because I think he gets stuck in between on some of those pick and roll type of plays sometimes uh but gafford’s a little more

Polished as a as a rim protector um and to your point fros in crunch time like teams can play hacka Lively late these games if they want to you can’t really do that with gaffer I mean he’s a 70% guy so um you’ve got that going as well

And again this is not the anti- DK KO and I I mean I am so impressed with what this guy has been able to do as a rookie it’s actually unbelievable it’s just you had to get someone else in here you just happen to get a guy that’s actually

Pretty damn good in Daniel Gafford so you look at what a potential closing lineup could be it I think this is like the template but if Tim Hardway is on a heater he’s an option if D is having a better night he’s an option drik Jones if he’s playing well like you’ve got

Eight or nine guys coup that can close with Luca and Kyrie who are always going to be in there in crunch time but that through five spot is very much just who who’s going that night right which is a great luxury to have if you’re the b and

I think this is also kind of a slight warning to Jason kid because we know how much he loves to Tinker I think he has to figure it out here pretty quick who is who his closing lineup is and for that matter who his starting five is and

Roll with it because you have 30 games left in the season you don’t really have time to Tinker especially given the Mavericks position in the western confence I do think it’s a combination of okay this five on most nights is our close out but you also have to be able

To feel out the game which I think at times has been a weakness for Jason kid like we saw it last year with and look the Christian Wood thing the more time it’s played out it’s proven that the guy was a mess like I get it but like I

Still go back to that opening night last year of like Christian Wood’s cooking and you just take him out of the game you have to have a feel for the game for sure based on how guys are playing like you have to be able to adapt what kind

Of your you know template of a lineup is but yeah there’s no doubt he’s got to figure out uh who the closing guys are and let me know who should close at that cter position more often than not type G for Gafford or L for lively it’s one

Game in but you could see the veteran experience being a bit of a tiebreaker here in favor of Daniel gaffard and one quick point I would to make two to your Maxa point if he keeps playing well you’ve gone from one Center and not really a p power forward you feel good

About to maybe two at both exactly with Gafford and Lively at the five and and Washington at the four and Jones as well who can play the four so you’re all of a sudden really deep up front which is not something we would say important because

We know CA gets banged up you know Lively’s Miss some time like fives in general just get nicked up so to have some guys who can uh come in and come out and that’s one thing about Gafford 2 we haven’t talked about ton he’s very durable for a center he does not miss

Very many games he doesn’t miss very many games and he started most of the games this season for the Wizards it’s not all of them I believe so he he can play both roles and it’s a good problem for Jason kid to have no doubt about it hit that subscribe button join the

Family here at Dallas Mavericks today the Mavs are hot and so is the channel so let’s keep it moving here uh help us out and uh I think it’s going to be a fun final 30 games or so uh starting with these two before the uh Allstar

Break subscribe and join us for more content Coupe this is a team that’s playing well and you really got to focus up and win these two if you do you’re nine games above 500 going to the allstar break Luca can get some much needed rest uh you can’t afford to mess around with

Washington and San Antonio the next G next couple of games you go into the break with the six game win streak all of a sudden like you’re feeling pretty good about your chances of being a top six seed in the west uh with the roster kind of being reconstructed here yeah

They I they got to win these two games I think they’re as close to must wins as they both get you want to go into the break on a high note and especially given where the Mavericks are in the standings they can jump all the way up to like fifth pretty much through

Eight’s right there yeah is all really jumbled up right now and I think fifth is about the highest they’re going to end up being in the west this year because I think they’re like 5 and a half games out of fourth cuz one through four is all jumbled up and then you have

Five through nine that’s all pretty close as well so if the maps can get to the top of this little second tier of the Western Conference I think that would be really good uh and it starts by winning these two games at home that you frankly should win because you’re the

Better team the good news for Dallas as you’re saying oh man you can’t get to the top four well two of those four are Oklahoma City and Minnesota who are completely unproven in the playoffs absolutely like they’re unkn I me we just saw this team beat the Thunder by

30 I know it’s one game in a regular season in the NBA but you can’t tell me I if Dallas meets OKC at a best of seven you don’t at minimum feel like they have a decent chance oh I’m feeling good if they play OKC Minnesota’s a different

Story because of the Twin Towers but now with the Mavericks improved big man uh depth who knows I mean they I think they have a chance what if what if Jason kid in certain situations play played Gafford and Lively next to each other I think that’s in the realm of possibility

I’ll say this man I think if the Mavericks do end up making the playoffs and they get a top six seed I don’t think anyone will want to see them in the first round they’re the team right now outside the top six that like no one wants to play because they have Luca

They have a proven closer and Kyrie and they just added quality de so I think it’s exciting times in bavs land baby let’s ride baby you know what else is exciting well that Super Bowl last night I hope you got going with prize picks and made some money what a game that was

Priz CNS use code CNS just because the Super Bowl is over doesn’t mean prize picks is slowing down you can play on a daily basis with the NBA college hoops in NHL Major League Baseball will be back in a couple of months get started today at priz

Clns use the code clns to get a deposit match up to $100 more or less is what you take on the prize picks projections and tonight we got a little deal they’re giving you a deal with Kyrie 212 points take the more on that Luca’s been hot

We’re going more and but Maxi kba shooting the ball well as of late we’ll take the more there as well get started with prize picks right now prize clns use the code clns for that deposit match I know CP and I are going to be playing on a daily basis with

Prize picks link is in the comments and in the description let’s talk about a buyout Target coup Marcus Morris of course Mark Heath is on the team right now uh we haven’t really had a chance to break this down Spencer dwit he has landed in Los Angeles which I gotta

Question that move by him um I know it’s his hometown I know he’s from LA but like do you want to win and it’s also like dude like you could just sign there in the offseason and like you’re a free agent you played the best ball of your

Career in Dallas you would you would have thought that the Mavs would have won that but I guess not puzzling move uh to say the least but you know we mentioned Marcus Morris on our buyout candidates video as a potential fit with his brother here now we did just talk

About the front Court dep I’m not sure how many minutes there would be for Marcus Morris and of course there is history in the bubble between he tried he tried to kill Luca more or less I mean he stepped on his ankle and sprained it he had him in a headlock

Here which by the way wasn’t called for attack I believe I would think that Luca would sign off on this with Marquee here like if the Mavs came to him like Hey man Marcus wants to come here thoughts like I I think luk would sign off with

His brother being here at the same time even though his splits are actually pretty decent this year where where is he in the rotation like if CLE is playing like like this I think you’re not benching him for Marcus morrris I think he’s your third power forward which there’s still value in that

Because we know CA gets banged up so I’m not saying I’m not interested I just don’t think he’s like he plugs into the rotation right away which is why he might sign elsewhere and Patrick Beverly certainly hinted at that as well yeah Pat Bev said the uh Minnesota

Timberwolves are the front runner to sign him uh you know what I don’t know where he plays on this team either the Mavericks do have an open roster spot so he can just fill that fif that 14th 15th man role which his brother is already kind of occupying right now uh he can

Shoot a decent from three so he could serve a role on this team but he’s not a plug-and play right into the rotation like Gafford and Washington are I I really don’t see a role for him here but if the Mavericks just wanted to add to

Their depth maybe he’s a guy they look at I could still see them looking at some additional guard options as well I’m not sure exactly where they’re going to go with that another option I think they could do with that final russer spot is they could convert AJ loss from

A two-way into a permanent roster member and then add another two-way I could see that if if they convert somebody it would be him he’s gotten some decent run here this year so that could be a possibility he also has uh 15 more games of Eligibility he’s played in 35 games

So he has you can play in 50 games it’s a two-way so the other option they might just kind of chill for a bit and then if that 15 DND down and there’s not a bout guy they like then they make that move to convert him and you know go sign

Someone from the Legends or something to be on a is available the on a two-way I’m sure he’d people are talking sure he’d sign up for that should the MAV sign Marcus Morris Type S for S P for pass I’m not opposed to it I mean I do

Think he’s better than Mar Keef U oh clearly yes there there’s no doubt about that so you could bring him in here it gives you some kba insurance if kba goes down again because I do think Morris can play it’s just when you’re healthy he probably wouldn’t play so like from his

Standpoint why he may want to go somewhere where he’d get some runs so we’ll have to wait and see all right Coupe exciting times around the Dallas Mavericks Wizards tonight got to handle business how about quick Revenge game for uh Daniel Gafford ran Holmes did ran Holmes even make the flight to

Washington he may have just stayed here I don’t know if he played in their one game I don’t believe he will be getting a tri tribute video If Jaylen Brunson didn’t so we’ll see yeah that uh that seems unlikely all right I appreciate everybody for tuning in more coverage to

Come we’ll see you next time

Daniel Gafford and P.J. Washington’s debuts sparked some dazzling Mavericks highlights in their win over the Thunder! On today’s Mavericks rumors show we discuss whether or not Daniel Gafford should start over Dereck Lively after the Mavs upgraded at the 2024 NBA trade deadline. The Daniel Gafford trade gives Mavs head coach Jason Kidd the option to have a center on the court at all times with Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving, which has not been the case since the Mavs won the 2011 NBA Title. Mavericks rumors surrounding 2024 NBA free agency are circling around the NBA buyout market, where the Mavs tried to sign Spencer Dinwiddie but he opted to join the Los Angeles Lakers. Could the Mavs turn to old rival Marcus Morris for the final spot on the Mavericks roster?

Head over to and use code clns for a first deposit match up to $100! Daily Fantasy Sports Made Easy!

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2023-24 NBA Western Conference Standings:
5. Phoenix Suns (31-22)
6. New Orleans Pelicans (31-22)
7. Sacramento Kings (30-22)
8. Dallas Mavericks (30-23)
9. Los Angeles Lakers (28-26)

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– Who should close? Type ‘L’ for Lively or ‘G’ for Gafford
– Should the Mavs sign Marcus Morris? Type ‘S’ for Sign, Type ‘P’ for pass

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Check out more Mavericks today on YouTube:
– Mavericks Rumors: Top NBA Buyout Candidates Mavs Can Sign Ft. Spencer Dinwiddie & Marcus Morris –
– Dallas Mavericks NBA Trade Deadline Grades: PJ Washington & Daniel Gafford Trades –
– BREAKING NEWS: Dallas Mavericks Trade For PJ Washington, Trade Away Grant Williams & Seth Curry –

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  1. This is the best problem. Lively is a rookie who can learn from Gafford. I hope what we saw of Gafford is who he will be all season. He didn’t relinquish one ball to anyone Saturday. He’s Tyson Chandler 2.0. Lively is good but he’s not quite there yet. It’s the best thing in the world to have those 2, Maxi, Washington, and even Dwight when he’s needed.

  2. I think they should go after Gallanari for the final spot on this team. He can stretch the floor and still shooting above 38% 3pts. He would fit in well with what the team is trying to do right now. A solid veteran who can still score and play decent defense.

  3. only these 2 would even ask lol wow guys come on, put yourself to something good figure out how to get the Cuban to trade super Dwight, Maxie misalot and Tim hard to trade away.

  4. Can you guys believe we actually got some Offensive Rebounds and Gafford has Good Strong 💪🏾 Hands.

  5. They all better play tonight and get these WINS. Don’t take no team for granted that’s a sure Win without your true starters….They can’t afford to lose any easy games going forward

  6. It's situational on who starts, but I'd keep Lively as a starter because Gafford statistically is not a good defensive rebounder because he does kinda chases for blocks.

    I think it's better to have Gafford as backup because he is the same height as Powell, but Gafford is better and mainly brings much more energy, so to allow him conserve as much energy as he can will only help him a lot more.

    Basically im thinking start Lively because he's bring a more balanced rebounding and Gafford off the bench will outhustle guys for offensive rebounds because he is very good at grabbing offensive rebounds

  7. I would say start Lively to give him exp. with Gafford having equal minutes off the bench and closing

  8. It's a team thing. They'll figure it out. Even gaff and PJ I could see both wanting the spotlight for their debut. Gaff won but PJ was still amazing. Still, It should come to a point where all of them realize they are only as good as the worst guy on the floor AND that its not a competition on who gets in the ring first but how they get their first one as a team

  9. O how we forget so fast. Lively has played well and earned his spot. Gafford is a great addition, u can have him come off the bench. But now we can actually go big with both on the court at the same time. Gafford will also make lively better too.

  10. Lively got way more potential, he only 19 if he gained some weight he unstoppable. Let him start and Gafford come off the bench.

  11. Give both of them 24 minutes and l switch the starting line up every game and consider matchups. One game Gafford starts and the other Lively. That’s how you keep them equally in shape and motivated. Both deserve to be starters and at the same time both deserve to feel the pressure to play at their best or else only one of them is going to stay starter.

  12. Morris would be on the bench next to his brother talking about vacation plans in July. It would be a nice story but he doesn’t play in front of even Kleber right now……but he can still play. Why not if Luka signs off. The guy doesn’t mind getting dirty and he and his brother have history with Joker. That will be spicy when they play. And nasty. Anything that gets joker off his game.

  13. Split would be 24 minutes per center. Lively starts for now but if Gafford continues to kill then slide him into the starting lineup. Gafford closes bc his FT% is much better. Foul trouble will dictate minutes on several nights. If a guy is hot then let him eat. Don't over-complicate. We have a two headed beast at C now!!

  14. Love Lively but still a 19 yr old rookie, start Gafford, more physical, more NBA tested, especially if your trying to win right now, this is a great problem to have, also gives Lively something to strive/fight for coming off the bench, he’ll be even more dangerous.

  15. Lively can develop n grow better off the bench he’s still very good but gafford has more experience n it shows but either way im fine either way it

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