@Detroit Pistons

Troy Weaver asked Killian Hayes to work on his shot? | Detroit Pistons had better offers for Bojan?

Troy Weaver asked Killian Hayes to work on his shot? | Detroit Pistons had better offers for Bojan?

I did see that you guys did talk to Troy Weaver um I believe it was Friday morning yes um what were your takeaways from his press conference was there anything that like really stood out SE several things stood out to me like a sore thumb the first one was

Troy was Troy was very honest about some things that I wouldn’t have expected a GM to be honest about in the first one is that he alluded to they had better offers last year for bdon for boam bonovich and Alec Burks and he said his rationale behind

That was that you know when they go into the summer that people may have been saying that this team needed some veterans and and it’s true they would have needed some veterans but at the same time I mean Burks and BD Donovan just as as as good of a players as they

Are they were getting up there in age and you you know I believe that there could have been a possibility for the Pistons to still add veteran talent in free agency while while getting slightly younger than you know the the other side of 30 so I was shocked to

Hear him admit that they had better offers on the table the second thing that really shocked me was how honest he was about the kilan Hayes release he said it on top of it saying that it was a numbers game he said the reason Killian did not work here was something

That a lot of people have said on social media for a long time it was the shooting but I think the real thing that even though Troy said that he wished Killian well wherever he goes the fact that he said that he talked to Kian about his shooting at nauseum those were

His words he said he talked to Killian Hayes at nauseum about improving his shoo and in four years he didn’t shoot above 30% from threo and just this season it was his first season of shooting above 40% from the field that’s going to be that’s an indictment

On like you could say that’s an indictment on Troy but it’s really in a big indictment on keian for that to be communicated to him and there was no real improve no no signs of improvement so those were the two things that really that really that really

Stood out to me like I said the honesty and then how the honesty about those situations yeah I’ve always had a take about Kelly and like a lot of people associate me with being like the number one Killian Hayes hater like I I guess I’m the

President of the fan club um but I I never hated the guy I just critiqued him from afar like when I looked at a Killian it seems like he plays basketball but he doesn’t love the game in a sense where like you said Troy told him to work on his shooting at nauseum

Um if you know that’s a weakness of your game like you know coming out of the draft Jade Navy wasn’t known as a three-point shooter but lately he’s shooting like damn near close to 40% from three I mean he’s hitting some really tough you know three-point shots

And you know Jaden Ivy’s only in his second year and Killian’s going into his like fourth or fifth season I I can’t even keep count maybe four season but uh just from afar it’s always seemed like Killian is good enough to play basketball but he’s not like a gym rat

Like he’s not you know putting in extra reps after practice that’s just been my stance obviously I’m not credential like yourself but am I like far off with that take well I’m not gonna say I won’t say you’re far off with that take because that’s what Troy Weaver said Troy Weaver

Verbatim said that jayen I worked on his on on his shooting jayen Ivy went from 34% last year Beyond Arc to right now he’s 37% so forth for the season Marcus Sasser I mean he’s a rookie but they drafted him because he’s a guy that is shoots well from shoots

Well and provides spacing and he’s continuing to work on his shot he’s talked about he gave another example of Marcus Smart of a guy who didn’t come into the league as a really good shooter and he and he continued to work on his shooting as opposed along with not as

Opposed to work on his shooting along with his overall defensive game klian just didn’t work on it so if the general manager who was able to be in the close practice because again we we see the practice we we go talk to these guys after practice we still see them working

In the gym on some stuff we talk to them after practice when you see Jaden in there continuously working in shot and all those guys and then you have the GM saying these things there has to be some Merit to it the general this Troy said

These things were ba up on Friday so you’re so you’re you’re not far off if the GM said it it’s it’s his body language like um I remember going to a game last year and Jade iy was the first one out of the tunnel uh it was like pregame it was

Like maybe an hour before tip off and he’s the only one out there he’s working on like dribbling drill shooting drills uh defensive drills I’m like this kid is going to be great and like I don’t really see that same type of commitment from other guys so like

When I watched Killian I was really high on him coming out of the draft I know a lot of people will tell you that that have you know been subscribed to this podcast for over four years I was really high on him I like the potential but I

Just didn’t see that same type of commitment I guess is where I’m going with it yeah I I can I can I I didn’t at least from what I’ve seen after practice I’ve seen Killian work on some stuff but I will say I’ve seen Jad and Ivy out there

A lot more again I don’t want to get into the oh Cory said kiling didn’t work in the shot no just going off yeah just going off what I seen and going off of what um Troy was able to say because Troy is able to be ear in those close

Practices it I to me I think it was probably really hard for Troy to actually say that because that was his first draft pick absolutely I mean I was looking back he said I was scouting Killian since he was 16 years old so I mean I know the co year was really like

Weird for a lot of GMS um but to have your first draft pick not even be traded um and you had to basically wave him like last minute um I think kind of speaks volumes to what the what kilan was as a player in his time in Detroit I

I thought he had every opportunity to get better he didn’t really have too many guys in front of him I mean he had mentors like Delon Wright and Derek Rose and you know some some really good vets I mean um it it’s kind of sad to to see

Him leave but I think he’ll get an opportunity elsewhere I’m sure you know there there’ll be teams to look look to sign him over the next couple of days I mean um wish him well but just want to say I don’t hate the guy just critique

His game some people was like dude you you hate on him every week I don’t hate on him it’s just I wish you would you know take it more seriously I mean again it’s you just I’m not going to sit up here and say that he was a bad

Basketball player because we’ve seen flashes of key and Hayes having some very solid to maybe to even borderline impressive moments but it’s it’s been four years and you it’s almost as if it’s been a straight line it’s just been stagnant there hasn’t been a substantial growth

In one area and as good of a Defender as he can be he very much so hindered the potential of that offense and especially their spacing and I believe that it it had to have been hard for Troy because that was a guy that he he was what the

Second point guard taken that draft because I believe LEL was the first M if I’m not mistaken so he was the second point guard taking in their draft and you also took him over a guy that is now a two-time NBA Allstar in Tyrese halberton a guy that I spoke to

Personally who thought that he was coming to Detroit so it’s yeah having to pull the plug on a project that you on your on your first draft pick is GM having to pull a plug on him and you can’t even offer him a rookie extension yeah that’s gota that’s that’s got

That’s gotta hurt yeah I think I we’re talking about Facebook I told you um I was talking to James last month he had said that the Pistons offered him a rookie extension but they were really far off on like I guess a price point um

The fact that he turned on NBA money is kind of wild to me even if is a vets minimum it’s a vets minimum at the end of the day but I mean I wish him well um I know it was probably really hard for Troy to like openly admit like hey I

Told him to work on of shooting and he just didn’t so I mean he gave him every chance to be great and he just didn’t take it seriously but like I said again I do wish him [Applause] Well [Applause] Yeah

This week on Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by Kory Woods they talked about general manager Troy Weaver’s comments about the trade deadline. Troy admitted he had better trade offers for Bojan Bogdanovic and Alec Burks last season. Troy also mentioned asking Killian to work on his jump shot and he never did.

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  1. Killian never seemed comfortable shooting the ball. I don’t know what shooting coach he was working with but his mechanics were bad. Not saying everyone has the perfect shooting form. It was a question when he drafted & eventually cost him here in Detroit 🤷🏾‍♂️

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