@Los Angeles Lakers

Los Angeles Lakers FINAL SIGNING To Complete Roster After Spencer Dinwiddie | Who To Waive & Sign?

Los Angeles Lakers FINAL SIGNING To Complete Roster After Spencer Dinwiddie | Who To Waive & Sign?

Although the Lakers were able to walk away from the NBA trade deadline with the signing of the unanimous top buyout free agent Spencer dwiti fans don’t need to look very far to see that there’s still glaring weaknesses on this roster specifically at the backup center position the reigning Champs to Denver

Nuggets just gave the Lakers a fresh reminder that there’s still no resistance in the front court against Nicole yic outside of Anthony Davis Christian Wood and Jackson Hayes give up over 60 lbs to a two-time MVP and it’d be safe to say that once the postseason rolls around with the game slowing down

To more of a halfcourt pace and coaches becoming more tactical and exploiting weaknesses in a best of seven series a potential Denver Nuggets versus Los Angeles Lakers series will end exactly as it did last year fortunately despite the Lakers currently having a full roster the Lakers could still opt to

Wave one of the non- two-way players at the end of their bench in order to bring on board a worthy sizable big who would bring the physicality the Lakers so desperately need at their standard position from the tight on thumbnail many of you guys already know that in

This video we’ll be exploring what remains of the remaining free agency pool a couple of intriguing candidates and which current Laker is currently most Expendable to be waved in order to open up warmer roster spot to bring on board a win now veteran but first let me

Know down in the comment section below is there any final roster move you would like to see the Lakers make in the bio Market if so who do you want to see the Lakers sign next and who from the current team which you be willing to

Wave in order to open up a roster spot first up we have a true throwback in the form of a traditional 7′ one 280lb Center that being Robin Lopez although many Laker fans May roll their eyes at the idea of bringing on board a 35-year-old Center who has barely seen

The court over the last two seasons the reality is that Robin Lopez is the only true Center on the open market with decides to hold his own position down low against Superstar Nicole yic Lopez matches up pound-for-pound against yic and he has a size and length to prevent

Jic from looking over the defense and exploting the Lakers on back door finds this is not to say that Robin Lopez is a yage stopper by any means at this stage of his career Lopez is a 10 minute per game contributor at most but that might be exactly what the Lakers need during

The 5 to 10 minutes of rest Anthony Davis is averaging in the postseason finding a player to wave in order to sign Robin Lopez is definitely not the flashing move fans would have liked to see at the backup center position especially after weeks of the Andre Drummond rumors but it’s a lowrisk

End of the bench move that could serve as an insurance policy should they come face to face with the Denver Nuggets again next up we have Marcus Morris twin brother of Lakers Champion Marie Morris this is where we stray away from game planning for a potential Denver Nuggets matchup and simply explore the

Possibility of Marcus Morris as probably the best bout candidate left on the market if Jared Vanderbilt’s really out for the season then finding a way to open up a roster spot for Marcus Morris wouldn’t be a terrible idea he’s proven capable of providing 3D level production to go off some toughness physical ality

Against Elite wings and he’s playoff tested lastly this candidate is on this list solely for more offensive Firepower from Beyond Arc which over the years has often been the make or break deciding factor in the Lakers pulling out with a victory that player being 33-year-old Seth Curry Curry has long been seen as

One of the most efficient high volume three-point Shooters in the league and for a Lakers team that w a couple years struggling to find Reliable three-point shooting Seth Curry could make for an interesting offensive spark coming off the bench who can also hopefully maximize on all the open looks this

Extremely deep Lakers roster would generate for him not too long ago Curry was seen as the ideal complimentary role player to the Lakers Superstars so should he be made available it wouldn’t hurt to have him sitting at the end of the bench for break loss offensive

Emergencies so let me know down in the comment section below are there any other bio candidates that you would like to see the Lakers sign if so which current non- two-way Laker would you like to see the front office wave but that’s it for the video take it easy

Guys we were moving to basketball sharing the ball um we were getting stopped so we were able to get out and transition get some easy ones uh know DLo had it going uh think he made three straight or four straight uh threes um no really made plays uh so

Anytime we able to get stops and play in trans transition and play fast and share the basketball the way we’ve been sharing the basketball um offense starts to click and we able to score 51 in a quarter you mentioned last night that you guys have a lot to get right before

You talk about the end game what do a night like tonight do for you guys in that process um well first we got you know DLo back who missed last night um still getting guys back hopefully we get some back after um you know this three-day stretch hopefully Max is okay

Um but um it shows the type of team that we can be uh when we lock down defensively this team is obviously a great ball Club they’ve been playing very well um you know they me are about like 30 in New Orleans so um they

They’ve been hot uh but you know when we play our style of defense and we’re able to um buckle down and play how we play offensively um then we can start you know correcting the little details that we have but you know we can’t tell if something work or doesn’t work you know

If we’re not doing what we’re supposed to do so um you know a game like tonight kind of you know puts us back to you know our goal and and back in the win column uh what we’ve been doing the past couple games ad it’s uh pretty rare to

Have five starters with with 20 plus points in a game um what what type of Rhythm have you seen from this unit over the last few games and obviously was unit you guys played with last year in the playoffs and and had some success

Yeah like I said um all of us are just sharing the basketball uh no matter who scores um long the ball goes into basket uh we’ve been having a lot of high assist games so you know we’ve been moving to basketball and sharing it and

Uh if you’re open shoot if not you know move on to the next play so um next player so we’ve been doing a good job of uh playing together playing for each other um and then a result of that you know you have guys shooting the ball with confidence and playing with

Confidence which leads to you know five starters with 20 plus you said after the game the other night that the trade line can be kind of wacky on guys just because of rumors and just the human nature stuff um ruy and and DOW tonight both played

Incredibly free um do you think that’s a is that just coincidence or do you think that you know them like kind of having those questions settled can be good for them well we got on ruy last night um about his performance uh he responded tonight with a big game uh DLo has been

DLo even with all the trade rumors he’s been playing out of his mind uh past couple weeks so um I don’t know if it kind of helped but uh it’s not in the back of your mind you know even if they probably aren’t thinking about it still you know could

Be in the back of your mind and um not this over you know like you said they able to play free and you know put up performances like they did today we saw Spencer talking to Rob outside the locker room just what do you think he

Could add to the group as a you know as a free agent yeah I mean he’s a big guard um you know shot maker um playmaker obviously we seen what he did with Brooklyn what he did with Dallas um you know making big players for them um

Yeah I mean he’s he’s a well established player vet in this league Anthony you’ve always defended well without fouowing tonight one of the rare times we in foul Trouble Is there is there any lobbying or discussion about you know hey there’s three fouls up it let me get back in at

A certain time how how do you what’s your philosophy on playing with fils and that well just all depends on the floor of the game um you know we kind of had control of this of the game uh throughout most of the game uh so there

Really no need for me to come back in um you know pick up another one so uh you know the coaches have a lot of confidence and trust in me um you know if I say leave me in they’ll Lead Me In but um you know obviously you know

Jackson been playing well uh you know we trust him um and like I said our our entire team was playing well so you know when I picked up my third uh you know it was a no- branding just come out especially in the first half you know so

Uh you know it’s it’s a conversation that is the head with you know me and and Coach ham and then um you know what you figure it out from there

Thanks for checking out my video!

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  1. If Dinwiddie is already on board, Robin Lopez and a decent wing would be great to round off the LAL roster. Cam Reddish and Vanderbilt, as defensive but low scoring wings, are how likely to even return on time?

  2. Starting lineup should be lebron ad, dlo, rui/reaves, and dinwidie.

    With Dlo red hot from 3, he will get attention… put dinwiddie and rui/reaves in corners for open 3's , and the paint will be wide open for lebron and ad.

  3. i dont see they are waiving all of the players in the lakers has player option next yr lakers will sign it depends if vando is out of season. if vando is out i can see then signing marcus morris, danuel house or otto porter if jazz waive him

  4. Pathetic…I hope he does what they all do…go there and suck! 31 other teams out there. I bet if another name came up they'd dump him like a bad date…Losers….

  5. Even though he's no longer in his prime as a player I feel he can still bring defensive maybe offense versatility to the lineup of bench when LeBron gets rest in second half of games. And he also could be in the lineup with D_lo when we need a punch of scoring

  6. It doesn't matter how many people they bring to the Lakers they're still going to blame those players because LeBron and AD ain't doing good playing basketball.

  7. It’s always funny how the NBA releases players just in time for the Lakers to sign them for the playoff run.

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