@Golden State Warriors

Is Draymond the MAJOR KEY to the Warriors turnaround? 🔑 Is Steph Curry Top 5️⃣ ALL-TIME? | NBA Today

Is Draymond the MAJOR KEY to the Warriors turnaround? 🔑 Is Steph Curry Top 5️⃣ ALL-TIME? | NBA Today

The Warriors they’ve been through a lot this season and actually Steve Kerr will be away from the team tonight he’s in Serbia attending the funeral for assistant coach Dean Movic who died just less than a month ago but this team has really banded together they’ve come together over the last 10 games playing

Like one of the best teams in basketball they’ve only had three losses during the stretch but they were either by one point or in overtime and they’re the only team that has the only team that has a better plus minus are the Cavs who

By the way have been what 17 and one in the their last 18 games so Zach what do you see in this stretch that has been the key to the Warriors turnaround Draymond Green for all the noise for all the suspensions for all the hoopla is still one of the five or

10 best defensive players in the entire world and his return has tied this whole team together again they’re going all in starting him at Center and he’s able to do that because he’s a totally unique 6667 guy who’s capable of actually playing Center that’s allowed the green kaminga Wiggins Trio to function

Together kaminga is hit another level pmk’s hit another level they look like the Warriors again with Draymond at center with spacing with shooting with pace and with the twist of oh we could just give the ball to this giant young guy Jonathan kaminga and he could just

Run through people and dunk oh man we haven’t had that ever let’s try that sometimes too they look really good and really dangerous and I’ll tell you this right now the West playin tournament is going to be a doozy and the race for number six to get out of the playin

Tournament is shaping up to be a doozy too and those top four teams are looking down at the standing saying oh man Warriors are starting to look good Lakers are starting to look good this could get interesting for us it’s going to be interesting for the rest of the

League perk what’s your key to their turnaround have anyone ever heard of the word balance balance right you have the you like right seriously right you have the the balance between the young guys and the old guys and Steve Kerr has done a fantastic job when you look at that

Closing lineup and once again Klay Thompson has been on the bench he was on the bench the other night when the game was tight in the fourth quarter but you look at it right you have the upper class you have the oldheads you have Draymond Green and Steph Curry in the

Upper class and then you have that one middle class player and Andrew Wiggins right who’s in between old and young still have the athleticism and then you have p uh puh pinski and you have kaminga in the lower class for is the youth and so when you think about the

Combination and what they all bring to the table it’s a perfect marriage I’m not looking at the now when I look at the Golden State Warriors I’m looking at what I’ve been asking for all along since the season have started the future of the Golden State Warriors and it

Could be the near future meaning next year they could come in and be clicking on all cylinders but the the balance of the rotation the balance of the lineup especially ing game lineup the in game lineup that they have has been Spectacular from Steve Kerr so all

Season long when you would talk to people from The Warriors and say like how how you guys feeling like things aren’t going so well you lost another tough one they would say you know if we just got our team back together healthy if we just give this team time to play

They’re going to be fine like everyone said we we cannot believe how how poorly the season has gone off the rails because of the Draymond suspensions because of the injuries they’ve had and you may not think it’s that big a deal that Gary Payton II came back yesterday

And had played 14 minutes had 11 points in those 14 he guarded Beal Durant and Booker when he was out there he’s been out for a lot of the year with injuries and so I think when they get their players back when they find the rotations where people now have their

New roles and and Zach you mentioned it Draymond Green is critical to to what they do not not just defensively but allowing Wiggins and kaminga to play together when when Draymond was not out there with those two guys they it was a disaster when when wiin and kaminga

Would play together when draymond’s out there organizing them on offense and defense making sure everyone is in their spots that lineup gives them a whole different dimension that we’ve been waiting for ever since they drafted kaminga and and you see the and we saw that in the preseason that he can be

Their second leading score remember hey Steph needs some help that it’s right on their bench his name is Jonathan Kinga absolutely and Ramona you’re a very smart woman because you led me you I’m picking up what you just laid down because you toss the alleyoop and I’m

Going to knock it down right here because a major key and a major reason for the recent success of the Golden State Warriors is absolutely as Zach said Draymond Green since his return from suspension so you know how to break it down Steph Curry is by far the best

Warrior but Draymond Green is the most important as you can see right here without Draymond on the floor the Warriors had some fit issues when Andrew Wiggins and Jonathan kaminga were playing together from the start of the season they were outscored by this whopping number 106 points when those

Two Wings played together but when they actually got the whole team back it was very very impressive and very important so let me break it down when Draymond gets in the low post he’s able to see and thread the needle look at Wiggins make this cut no one’s asleep the pass

Is just better and he’s able to knock down the left-handed layup again in the low post right here there’s a mismatch Eric Gordon versus Jonathan kaminga right here 63 vers 6 74 Ines so that’s Mouse in the house that’s a mismatch another strong play but he’s so strong

Also in pick and roll scenarios what does he do he forces two-on-one he comes at you you can’t sag off of him because what will he do he’ll be able to throw the lob based off of his passing prow s once he came back it’s been another ball

Game you know so I’ve loved seeing Draymond back out there he’s got to keep his cool but he’s really he’s really been the quarterback of their offense just like Patrick Mahomes you see what I did there because clearly Draymond he loves the moments and he shows up in big

Games so it’s no surprise he was at the Super Bowl former Warrior Kevin Durant had some high praise for his former teammate after the game take a listen all time all time great the greatest ever at his position top five in the world I mean top five ever you

Know so you give him a look like that for the game he is licking his chops so perk what are your thoughts on KD saying Curry is top five did he lie hell no hell no I said this after he won his last championship when it comes down to step look I

Understand we could go back and forth of what a point guard uh the the new uh you know it’s a positionist game is he a point guard is he not he will be labored at as a point guard in the history books and when I think about Steph Curry just

How he changed the game of basketball when you talk about generational Talent he is dead he has changed the game forever not only with his three-point shot making and his ability to pull up from wherever the locker room but his his skills right just a alltime scorer a

Guy that has played below the rim not the most athletic guy in the world but still finds a way to chop down those trees night in Night Out year after year after year so at the end of the day I agree with with Kevin Durant he is in my

Top five list as greatest players ever and he is the greatest at that position the point guard position to ever touch the basketball top period top five is a very short list of an amazing players Ramona do you agree with perk and also Kae you know when perk does his word of

The day as you were speaking perk and as Kevin Durant was speaking a word popped into my head wistful didn’t K didn’t Kevin sound a little wistful for his days playing alongside Steph Curry like I always I go back down memory lane when I hear anything Kevin says about Steph or Steph

Says about Kevin or Draymond Steph Curry was on a plane from Tokyo trying to go meet with Kevin Durant before he made a decision to leave the Warriors to go sign with the Brooklyn Nets all those years ago and Kevin Durant decides to go to the Brooklyn Net while Steph Curry is

In the air so he could have just kept on flying could have kept flying on home but you know what he still went to Kevin Durant’s house and still met with him even after he made his decision to leave so my word of the day is whistful and by

The way whis Kevin talk about those days together whistful means having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful key word regretful longing so when we think about Golden State and the greatness of Steph Curry I always think you got to maximize his Prime and he actually talked about about this idea of

Dynasty especially considering we’re coming off of the Super Bowl where it feels like another dynasty was just birthed before all of our eyes and he said quote we both have a little baby face assassin oh yeah they do have baby face assassin they could be cousins

Right this is a story this is what Steph said that’s still kind of unfolding and it’s important that we see it all the way through until it’s proven that we can’t win now I think a lot of people this year have said those days have come

Where it seems to be that it’s proven that they can’t win but today I hope you left the show educated that they have turned things around in a good way what do you take and what do you make Zack of that Steph quote well look the journey is still

Ongoing and I do think it’s interesting that Kevin Durant is the one who said top five ever because Kevin Durant has been pretty vocal that he thinks he belongs in those conversations too and I don’t think he’s wrong look point guard of all time it’s magic and Stephen

That’s it top five I top five is to me LeBron Jordan Kareem undisputable top three I’ll always put Bill Russell at four because of his impact in the game if you’re saying top five you think that next slot is Steph man there’s a lot of competition for that at the end of the

Day these guys are all awesome but it was interesting that KD who recently talked about how he wants to be in that conversation is the one who put that label on Steph perk is the Dynasty in Golden State still alive oh no no no and that’s okay that’s okay that’s okay I

Want everybody to realize that that’s okay again they’re building for the future I don’t do I see the Golden State Warriors winning another championship in the next three years I don’t I’m sorry if I’m raining on anybody parade obviously we just won the Super Bowl hopefully Kansas City has some sunshine

But I’m just keeping still open perk I see Patrick Mahomes seeing winning more Super Bowl good in November did they you’re like the Jason Kelsey of our show there you go gotta love you and I know Richard wishes he was Travis right

Is Draymond the MAJOR KEY to the Warriors turnaround? 🔑 Is Steph Curry Top 5️⃣ ALL-TIME? | NBA Today

The NBA Today crew breaks down the keys to the Golden State Warriors’ turnaround.

0:00 The Warriors’ turnaround
4:40 Draymond Green’s return
6:35 Is Steph Curry top five all-time?
9:08 State of the Warriors’ dynasty


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  1. Perk should not be allowed to speak about the Warriors or basketball in general. Big man is wrong more times than a broken clock

  2. I dont even like Draymond but what she said is true.. Steph is prime Steph when Dray is out there with him.. Klay too

  3. wow, never would I think I'd say the day Perks put his hate aside and give the Warriors their flowers

  4. The Draymond naysayers are embarrassing themselves and it's funny. Anyone denying Draymond's significant contributions are low basketball IQ, basement mommas boys who never studied the game, never understood the game, unable to think objectively and hate Draymond.

  5. If y'all said they lost the finals because of one game what are we talking about? That's why y'all should be careful when y'all say foolish things.

  6. Pod knows the playbook and defensive rotations in <6 months better than some of the other young dudes 'cough' Wiseman did in 2+ years.

  7. Sad part about Ben Simmons is he has the same skill set as Draymond. Just doesn't have the motor or love basketball as much. That's why Draymond has to be a crazy man. He'll be Ben Simmons without it.

  8. Two things are true

    1. Steph is top 5 today and top 5 last 10 years. Top 5 possibly all time as we speak.

    2. Dray is the 2nd most important piece in this warriors franchise.

  9. If our Dubs make the playoffs and win the title this year, man this video is not going to age well for Perk. 😂😂😂

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