@Utah Jazz

Is Taylor Hendricks Worth Developing?

Is Taylor Hendricks Worth Developing?

As many people have come to understand with the Utah Jazz they have had rookies that they’ve wanted to play but really just haven’t had the minutes to give to them after the trade deadline with Danny a electing for them to go ahead and be sellers trading away fonio oay abagi and

Even Kelly oen now you’re going to see more opportunities for one player in particular Taylor Hendricks he is a player that has a lot of high positive upside both defensively where they think he will make his biggest coin and then on offense the potential that he has is

Also Second To None thanks for tuning in this video it’s your boy Ray Hoops make sure to smash that like button subscribe and turn on post notifications if you like the Utah Jazz and want to hear more about the breaking news having to do with them with that being said let’s go

Ahead and get into this one overall Taylor Hendricks has played in 14 regular season games for the Utah Jazz official roster because he has been a part of the SLC Stars g-league team that is affiliated with the Utah Jazz organization now for the NBA roster wise

He’s played in 14.2 minutes in those 14 games averaging 4.8 points 2.6 rebounds half an assist roughly half a steel half a block and8 turnovers now he ends up shooting 38.1% from the field on 4 and a half attempts and 35.1% from three on 2.6 attempts with 75% shooting from the

Free throw line at just6 a game those stats aren’t very telling of his genuine skill set and the things that he is genuinely capable of simply because he’s more so been playing spot minutes for the majority of his campaign and on such a small sample size it’s not very

Reasonable to go ahead and give him a stout grade because we just quite frankly haven’t seen what he has the ability to overall do with that being said though regardless of that we have seen a lot of highlight plays from him whether it be most recently against the

Phoenix Suns when he actually matched up on Kevin Durant with the majority of his minutes being against him and actually one point he actually blocked him at The Rim now of course that was a game that ended up being a loss but it was good to

See him get back out there after a significant amount of time playing with the g-league affiliate and finally having some minutes that we could spare for him since Kelly oen has been pulled from the lineup immediately John Collins is still there so it kind of clogs

Things up just a little bit but at the same time it’s just going to be good to be able to have him in the rotation now though fan favorites are gone I think a new one has really stepped onto the scene and Taylor Hendricks has a lot of

High upside at roughly 6’9 and 215 lbs and only the age of 20 he has a a lot of room for growth and a lot of room for potential now he was the Jazz highest draft pick this year at nine most people would assume that konay George was

Despite him being drafted late in the lottery simply off the strength of the fact that konay George plays the most regular season games regardless of this konay George really just had an opportunity there in minutes available for him and between him and Bryce sensal he was the better of the two simply

Because he also played in the summer league and balled out in the summer league while Bryce sensal and Taylor Hendrick didn’t have that opport opportunity due to minor injuries fast forward to the preseason Keon George continues to ball out and then in the regular season while inefficient and

Kind of blackluster on defense he has shown really quick Sparks of who he could potentially be for Taylor Hendricks in the g- league he’s averaging 14.7 points 6.2 rebounds 1.3 assists now he achieves this while shooting roughly 45% from the field and 35% from Deep admittedly those aren’t

Extremely high numbers for a player of his caliber and somebody that’s expected to be as good as he potentially could be but at the same time those are also by no means poor numbers understanding this Bryce sensal has really taken the cake alongside Johnny yuzen as he has been on

A two-way contract Bryce sens ball has been scoring a lot but his defense has been a bit lackluster and for Taylor Hendricks he’s really shown a lot of positive defensive upside not just in isolation situations where he’s in one-on-one no help but also being the help Defender and knowing when to help

And when not to overh help and over stay his welcome in certain situations that allow for other people to end up getting a drive and kick opportunity that turns into a wide open three and subsequently three more points for the opposing team on his Miss defensive assignment being

Defensively disciplined as a rookie is very difficult because the college game isn’t exactly the exact same as the NBA level much less the g-league level so him being able to do that in the G league is also impressive and important because it bodess well for things to

Translate to the Utah Jazz system in the longevity range of his career Taylor Hendricks has the ability to really get things done defensively yes he can block shots yes he can get his hands in the passing Lane yes he can get deflections yes he can get steals but more than that

He has that Chris dunesque communication and understanding of scheme and where he needs to be on the court to be his most effective self you rarely find him out of position and while it does happen because again he is a rookie it happens at a subsequently much lower rate than

You would expect for most at his age a forward that plays with pride on the defensive side of the ball is few and far in between and considering the fact that he also has the ability to shoot the three ball relatively efficiently you can only hope that this bodess well

For his future endeavors with the Utah Jazz and his potential to be running a lineup alongside Walker Kessler and Larry marinin as time goes on admittedly having a front court that involves Taylor Hendrick marinin and Kesler really gives you a wide variety of length and just overall size to stifle

Out the paint and also close out on Shooters in situations where you see driveing kicks or certain pick and roll actions that would leave smaller players and a little bit of a pinch now of course we are not necessarily light years away but a significant chunk of

Time away from actually seeing that come to fruition but at the same time you have to genuinely appreciate the possible vision of what that would actually look like for those guys as we discussed Taylor Hendricks doesn’t have the best numbers for himself individually but overall all from a team

Concept and a scheme standpoint he is going to be a piece that can sit on the floor and keep on the floor because of his good defense that he plays even if he isn’t hitting his shots he has a knack for getting the job done in doing

The Dirty Work similar to Simone fonio who just recently got traded to the Pistons now fonio didn’t always have a great shooting night often times you would see him go one of six or two of seven and shoot beneath what you would normally expect him to immediately he

Didn’t shoot that many jumpers to begin with but the ones that he took he knew when he was cold and he was more likely to pass the ball instead of jack up a three knowing that he was going to miss and be a detriment to his teammates the

Ability to make that extra pass know if a shot is your shot and also sneakily be able to clean up the glass get a block here and there and get some steals is impressive and that’s what fono was good for he was a really good glue guy Taylor

Hendricks has the ability to be that same glue guy but with a little needle in the arm he’s going to be really able to do much more than fono did granted we hope that he maintains his three-point shooting stroke and even improves it because if he can improve it he puts us

In a situation where we can go small ball and run a lineup that doesn’t have Kessler on the floor but still has strong Rim protection earlier on in the season and even now before the trade deadline we were having that issue because John Collins isn’t great at

Protecting the rim and Lowry while he is tall and does have a good sense of verticality just doesn’t have that same shot blocking sense that Walker Kesler does Taylor Hendrick has similar feelings to Walker Kessler but isn’t as prone to jumping off of pump fakes he’s a lot more defensively disciplined that

Said he is a rookie and so he does make many mistakes at times but by and large I love what we can see from him at the moment and what he potentially could be going forward the rest of this season is really going to be a massive test we’ve

Effectively forgone the possibility of being a genuine playoff team this year and middling in success in favor of playing the rookies and giving them more burn and just trying to push the boundaries that the pieces that we have left on the roster can potentially reach for Heights as far as their careers are

Concerned and then also eventually reaching a point where we have the depth necessary to make a genuine Contender team and a run at the chip I personally believe that this is looking like a three-year window and if we see three years from now that things aren’t going according to plan then something might

Need to genuinely be changed but for now Danny an has a very good resume as far as building playoff teams and while he doesn’t have the most championship success he has been known to build positive contenders so he is deserving of some may in that regard nevertheless

I believe that Taylor Hendricks has the ability to really take strides I don’t know really what his ceiling could potentially be I need to see more of him on the Utah Jazz floor because again playing against NBA teams with genuine Superstars is different from playing

With the SLC stars in the G League the matchup between him and Kevin Durant told me a lot and while Kevin Durant was doing him a little bit greasy at times Taylor also stood his ground and refused to fold under the pressure that is the kind of thing that you want from a

Rookie you want him to take pride on defense and if he has the ability to have so much great upside you want to see him exercise his boundaries and at the very least try to impose his will on that side of the floor I think that Taylor Hendricks has similar defensive

Upside to Walker Kessler though he is a little bit rangier and quicker on his feet which bodess well for perimeter defense on his part I also think that sneakily on offense if he can get down his handle a little bit better and reach a point where he’s borderline John

Collins with his handle or a little bit better he could turn into a piece that we quite possibly haven’t had on the Utah Jazz roster maybe ever I’m not going to say that he has a ceiling of a kawhai Leonard but I’m also not going to say that that’s impossible for him at

This stage again he is a rookie and we haven’t seen enough of him to genuinely tell exactly what character from the past or the present he has a game like with that being said you guys let me know what you think in the comments below as always it’s your boy wraith

Hoops make sure to smash that like button subscribe and turn on post notifications for more Utah Jazz drama and action and as always good morning good evening good night no matter where you on the globe watching thanks for tuning in I’ll cat you guys in the next one peace

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  1. So it’s a numbers game??? I don’t think so. It’s a talent thing. He doesn’t have enough to even get on the team. If we’re being honest, he’s a bust or he’d be playing. If he was so good he wouldn’t be in the G League. Soon enough we’ll see that he’s a bust.

  2. Every player is worth developed in philosophy level. Does everyone should have minutes in nba? ofc not. He is worth of try, never know can he be good or not. Im not so high abt any rookie, most are not that good as people think when they are drafted.

  3. Were does Hendricks fit in the roster? Is he ideally a replacement for Collins? Or is his best position actually the stretch 4 currently occupied by Markkanen (who has an expiring contract in one more year). This summer should be interesting, do they actually try to extend Markkanen for likely really big money or try to trade him for a big haul since we are looking at 3 years down the road.

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